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06x05 - Home Invasion

Posted: 10/18/22 19:10
by bunniefuu
(crickets chirping)

(loud clatter)


(loud clatter)

(line ringing)

You're on a landline,
so I've got your address.

Help is on the way.
Can you tell me your name?

My name is Sharlo Darzi.

Oh, my God, I think they're downstairs.

Okay, Sharlo, help is on the way.

I just need some information.
Do you live alone?

(whispering): With my husband,
but he's out of town all week.

I have to get out of here.

JOSH: You should stay where you are.

Officers are headed
your way now, Sharlo.

Is there someplace you can hide
until they arrive?

Are you still there?

- (whispering): I'm not waiting.
- Sharlo...

No. I have to get out.

Sharlo, it's better if you stay put.

No. What if they find me?

I don't have a way of defending myself.

I'm going to the neighbor's house.

Okay, can you give me your gate code?

I'll relay it to the officers.

Oh, no, I don't have the gate clicker.

It's in my car.

I have to go through the kitchen.

Sharlo, I need you to stay inside
the house until the police arrive.

And can you give me the gate
code so they can make entry?

SHARLO: The gate code is - - - - - .

And I'm not waiting for them.

JOSH: Police are seconds away.

I am not staying in here.

(thud, door creaks)

Oh, God.

Sharlo, what's happening?


Are they in the house?


- (Sharlo cries out)
- (line goes dead)

(gasps) Sh-Sharlo?

Ma'am, ma'am, are... Can you hear me?

(siren wailing)

ATHENA: Dispatch, this is -L- ,

approaching the residence now.

(indistinct police radio chatter)

(sirens approaching)

We responded to
a home invasion in progress.

Found the homeowner unconscious.

And the invaders?

ATHENA: House is clear.

No signs of forced entry?

ATHENA: Uh, just some
spilled food in the kitchen.

Dispatch says that
she called from upstairs.

Spotted the intruder
in the kitchen and ran.

She took one hell of a tumble.

- She's breathing but unresponsive.
- Pulse is elevated.

I mean, something must have
really scared her, right?

You-you sure there's no one else here?

I'm positive, Detective Buckley.

(Sharlo groaning)

We have to get out. We have to...

- (loud crack)
- (Sharlo yells, others groan)

That was her pelvis.

Ma'am, I need you to stay still.

A pelvic injury can lead to
internal hemorrhaging.

I'll give you something
for the pain, okay?

Start a line.
Four milligrams of morphine.

I got the splint sheet.


Ma'am, you told
that you saw someone in the kitchen.

Who did you see?

(pained cry)

It wasn't a man. It was...

a monster.

Ma'am, we didn't find anyone
in the house.

It was in the kitchen.



This is Buckley.

I've apprehended the suspect.



Careful, Buckley.

You could break a hip.

(exhales sharply)

I told my husband
to get rid of the dog door.

We don't even have a dog anymore.

BOBBY: Don't worry, ma'am,
no more home invasions.

I've got my top man on the case.


(raccoon chittering)

And stay out.

MADDIE: When was the last time we had

an entire meal at this table

I don't think it's ever happened.

So what should we do now?

I think I'm gonna have
another cup of coffee.

Oh, uh, Magda,
you don't have to do this.

You're here for Jee, not us.

I can do both. (chuckles)

So, uh, where are you two off to today?

The park.
A little fresh air, some sunlight.

It kills potentially harmful bacteria.

I have your phone numbers. I've turned

on location sharing. I have power.

I packed all of Jee-yun's
favorite snacks and toys.

It'll be fine. Hmm?

- Say bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

Oh, bye-bye, baby. Love you.

Bye, Mommy.

Bye, Jee, I love you.

You both have a great day at work. Hmm?

You, too.

- This is weird.
- This is totally weird.

We just let a woman
we've known for less than a week

walk off with our daughter.

We did extensive background checks.

We called of her references.
Should we have done ?

We should have done .
She can turn off location sharing.

I sewed a GPS tracker
into her stuffed animal.

(both laugh)

So we're gonna be fine?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Ha!
- All right,

let's clean up and go to work.

- Okay.
- (phones chime)

Oh, it's from Magda.

"Leave the dishes.
I'll take care of them."

(phones chime)

"I have a system."

How did she know?

NOAH: So how's the new nanny?

It's good, I think.

I'm still getting used to
a stranger being in my home,

and she prefers the term
"household manager."

Who does?

- Maddie and Chimney's new nanny.
- Uh...

Household manager.

You hired someone
to manage your household?

Well, now that Chimney and I
are living together,

we're saving on rent, so we have enough
to hire some help.

- Fire her. Fire her now.
- Why are we already

firing this person?

- Do you know her?
- Don't need to.

It's a stranger in your home.

All in your business.
Recipe for disaster.

It's gonna be fine, I think.

I'm sensing there's a story here.

The story is called Downton Abbey.

The help is always watching,

and talking smack. You never seen it?

- No. Now I kind of want to.
- Mm-hmm.

(door shuts)

ATHENA: Are we
hanging out or moving back?

- Is the second one an option?
- (chuckles)

I just need a quiet place to study.

What about your apartment?

It's been invaded.

One of my roommates has this new
frat-boy boy toy.

I can't escape him. He's always there.

Doesn't he have classes of his own?

I'm starting to doubt that.




- Are you okay?
- (door opens, shuts)

Your apartment is not the only place

- that's being invaded.
- Oh.

- Hey, May.
- Hey.

Oh, my God, you got a dog? When?

Well, he's sort of a rescue.

You always said we couldn't get a dog.

- What?
- Mom's allergies.

- (sneezes)
- You said this was a cold.

- Oh, you seemed so attached...
- Oh.

I thought maybe it wouldn't be that bed.

He does seem really sweet, Mom.

BOBBY: Oh, he's a great dog.

I don't suppose they
allow pets at your place?

- (sneezes)
- Oh.

- (dog yawns)
- BOBBY: Okay.

I guess Hoover's gonna need a new home.


- _
- _


What's your address?

Alexander Street.

Is there more than one suspect
in the house?

Definitely more than one.

Do they know you're in the house?

I don't think so. I came home
to grab a few things.

I came upstairs,
and I heard them talking.

Police are on their way.
Are you in a safe location right now?

No. I'm afraid to go back
downstairs. They may see me.

Is there another room
upstairs where you can hide?

Maybe the guest room.

INTRUDER: Somebody's
home! Somebody's home!

CALLER: Oh, God!

INTRUDER: He's running.
Don't let him get away.

- (g*nsh*t)
- INTRUDER: I got him!

- Hello, sir are you there?
- (g*nshots)


(siren approaching)

REPORTER (on TV): We have breaking news.

We are reporting live overhead
in Beverly Hills

where a brazen home invasion
occurred today...

(indistinct, distorted chatter)

He's running!


SUE: He's alive.

The paramedics dropped him off
at the ER,

and he's on his way into surgery now.

When I heard those g*nshots...

The thing that makes us good at our jobs

is the ability to listen closely

and then picture what's happening
on the other end of the line.

Sometimes those pictures are
the stuff of nightmares.

By any chance, did they catch
the guys that shot him?

No. Suspects were long gone

by the time the police
and paramedics arrived.

A home invasion
in the middle of the day.

Yeah, robberies have definitely
been on the rise.

And suspects are just getting
a little more brazen.

Let's hope they find them
before they strike again.

(sirens approaching)

- Rick.
- Thanks.

What happened?

Hey. I heard you responded
to a home invasion call here last night.

I wanted you to walk me through it.

ATHENA: Sharlo Darzi called
in thinking she had an intruder.

Turned out just to be a raccoon.

So, who's our new victim?

Samir Darzi. The husband.

I thought he was out of town.

Flew back this morning when
he found out about his wife.

He came home to pick
some things out for her,

discovered a robbery
in progress, called .

They shot him while he was on the phone

with the dispatcher. Three sh*ts.

One in the shoulder, two in the back.

The raccoon definitely didn't do this.

Two home invasion calls
from the same address

less than hours apart.

- What are the odds?
- Not ones I like.

Plan for today.
I'll take Denny to school,

but I have some meetings this afternoon,

so Clive will pick him up after school
and take him to practice.

I like when you poach the eggs.

Don't get pretentious.

Tony is gonna stop by midday
to bring you some lunch,

and I'll pick up Denny
and dinner after work.

We should be home around : .

Oh. What do I do all day?


So you could ace your practical exam
with Doctor... What's-Her-Face.

- Oh. Simmons.
- Exactly.

See? We've got it all covered.

All you have to do is study.

- (knock at door)
- Ooh, and get the door.

Denny, help me clear
the table, please, now.


- Cap.
- Hey, Hen.

I'm sorry to just show up.

But I need a favor.

Let me guess.

Probably more than a favor.

Hoover, the infamous rescue dog?

To whom my wife is apparently
highly allergic.

- Bobby...
- I know it's a lot to ask,

but I figure you got plenty of space,

you got a nice, big backyard...

And a wife who has sworn off pets
since Paisley died.

Hoover is exceptional.

Uh, d-don't look at me like that.

- You, either.
- Oh, my God, is that a dog?

- Yes, it is.
- (Hoover barks)

You are gonna owe me big-time.


- Take it.
- (toy squeaks)

Yeah, he loves that thing.

("Gotta Get Up" by Tyrone Wells playing)

Gotta get up, gotta keep on moving

Gotta get up

Nothing keeping me down

Gotta get up, gotta keep on moving

Gotta get up

And go another round...

(doorknob rattling forcefully)

(rattling continues)

- Vincent.
- My key doesn't work.

I changed all the locks yesterday.

Of course you did.

Wait, where did you get a key?

Oh, Mom thought you could use
some help around the house.

Does no one remember
that you're not handy?

You break one toilet...

And three dishwashers.

Plus that one time you almost
caused an electrical fire.

I'm the one who always
had to fix your fixes.

Well, I'm here to fix
your utility bills.

It just so happens that,
well, I know a guy

who insulates houses.

He lent me his spray foam truck.

- You borrowed a truck of foam?
- Good stuff.

R-seven per inch.

And how many inches?

In California, it is recommended
that your attic should have

an R Value between and .

- So I'm thinking five inches.
- (scoffs)

You almost sound like
you know what you're doing.

This stuff will save you thousands
in heating and cooling costs.

And it'll block out
all the traffic noise outside.

Like soundproofing.
Come on, it's your first place.

I just want to help.

♪ ♪


Work, work

Work, work, work

Work, work, work, work

Work, work

Work, work, work, work

I go to work like a doctor

When I rock the mic

You got to like the way I operate

I make miracles happen
just from rappin'

I'm so lyrically potent,
and I'm flowin' and explodin'

On the scene, mean

I got the potential
to make you go then chill

I got the credentials
that are so essential

To make the rhymes and chill

Then you know I will fulfill

Make a couple of mil
as I build a guild

For all the rappers, the skill
and k*ll the weak, punch it

I go to work!



(alarm beeping rapidly)






BOBBY: Well, we're not gonna
get up to the attic that way.

Do you know if he has his phone on?
Have you tried calling him?

I've been calling him
since before I called you.

- He's not answering.
- (line ringing)

I'm not hearing any ringing.

Uh, he said he would
soundproof the house.

Yeah, well, it looks like he
insulated it pretty good, too.

I'm not getting any kind
of heat signature.

How do we get him out
if we can't find him?

Old-fashioned pick and poke.
Everybody gear up and spread out.

Uh, hang on. What are you poking?

- Vincent?
- Vincent!


- Vincent!
- Vincent, LAFD.

- Vincent!
- Vincent, are you okay?

- Vincent?
- Vincent!

- Vincent?
- Vincent.

- Vincent!
- Vincent, if you can hear us,

tap or knock on anything you can find.

- Vincent.
- Vincent!

- Vincent!
- Vincent, can you hear me?

Over here!

Guys, I want you to start
poking inspection holes.

I want to find the edges
of that plywood floor up there.

Cap, should I grab some supports?

No, it wouldn't be enough.
We need something stronger.

Well, you know what? This
is a DIY family, so let's DIY it.


(chain saw buzzing)

(muffled, indistinct chatter)

Let's go. Let's pry him out.
Let's go. Let's do it. Come on.


Two, three! (grunts)

All right.

BOBBY: Gurney coming
in. Gurney coming in.

Ma'am, I need you to stay outside.

It's not safe in here.

- On three. One, two, three.
- Yeah.

Pull him up on three. One, two, three!

Checking airway.

Lungs are clear,
but breathing is shallow.

All right, let's get him
out of here! Let's move!

Sats at , starting him
on high-flow O .

Pulse is thready.

Beginning sternum rub.

- Vincent, can you hear us?
- No response.

Breathing is shallow.

Vincent, I'm gonna give you
some rescue breaths here.

Start breathing with this.
Come on, buddy.

Why isn't he waking up?

- Come on, Vincent!
- Come on, buddy.

Vincent, come back to us, buddy.

All right, he's picking up.

There it is. There it is.

- That's it, that's it!
- There you go.

- Vincent, thank God.
- (coughing)

- What happened?
- You almost died.

I can't believe that you were up there.

I just wanted to prove
I could do it. Help you.

Like a big brother.

You know what would be helpful?
To not almost die on me.

Never do that again.

Okay. Is the house okay?

We'll talk about it later.

(siren wailing)

Hey there.

You ready for your big day tomorrow?

I think so. You want to quiz me?

- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.

What happened to the only thing
I should be focused on is studying?

Well, you've been studying nonstop,

and now it's time to let it go

and trust that you've done your best.

And reward yourself
for all your hard work.

What kind of reward
did you have in mind?

(both laugh)

- I can't.
- What?

Not with him watching.


Are you serious?

It's making me uncomfortable.


Okay. Okay. I'll just let him out.

Come here, boy. Yeah, that's a good boy.


Okay, there you go. Enjoy yourself.



...where were we?

(Hoover whining)

Oh, now he sounds sad.

Maybe he'll go down the hall
to Denny's room.

(scratching at door)

- (sighs)
- (Hoover whining)

Fine. Fine.

Fine, fine.

Fine. It's just fine.

Okay, you can come in, just...

Hey, Hoover, no, that's...

You are such a mood k*ller.

(knock on door)

Hey, you apprehend
our armed robbers yet?

No. But I think our home invasion is not

an isolated case.

I found ten other burglaries
in the last month with a similar M.O.

Pricey neighborhoods hit at
all different times of the day,

but in each case,
the residents were never home.

Until Samir Darzi
came home and got shot.

- Mm.
- That house have security cameras?

Oh, yeah.

Two guys, average height, average build,

wearing ski masks
and generic track suits.

They walk up with rolling duffel bags,

they go inside, and they roll back out

with all the jewelry and luxury items
they can fit in the bags.

In and out in less than .

And they didn't set off any alarms
or break a single door or window.

Yeah, I mean, they must have
cased the place in advance,

but what I can't figure out is
how they pick their targets.

The victims don't have anything
in common, except for being rich.

ATHENA: And the fact that they
were guaranteed never to be home.

- Wait. How?
- Here.

"A homeowner interview was conducted

"at El Dorado Union Hospital
as Mr. Drake was recovering

from heart surgery following
a coronary incident."

Okay, so this victim had a heart attack.

His house was broken into that night.

This one.

It says that the homeowner
was injured in a kitchen fire.

She was still also in the hospital
when her house was hit.

And there's another one.

"Victim is still recovering
from a fractured shoulder

after an unrelated slip
and fall in the shower."

Maybe not that unrelated.

Okay, so you have an accident
or a medical emergency,

you're in the hospital.

It's a great time for someone
to come and rob you blind.

It still doesn't explain
how they were able to

get in and out the way they did.

I mean, they wouldn't have had
time to case the place.

Unless someone had already
done it for them.

Think about it. You're at home.

You start having chest pains,

or you set your kitchen on fire.
What do you do?

You call for help.

And "help" is gonna ask
a lot of questions.

Paramedics can reset the alarm,
ma'am. What is the alarm code?

Sir, the fire department is on the way.
You said you live alone?

Are there any dogs at your residence?

That's what all the victims
had in common.

They all dialed .

(elevator bell chimes)

So every robbery victim called ?

Seems like the thieves used the
hospital visits as an open invitation.

We need to look at everyone
who was aware of the emergencies

at these addresses,
see if there's any overlap.

And you think a first responder
might be involved in this?

Afraid so.

All right, let me check the list.

Um, Linda took this call. Linda Bates.

The responded.

This one dispatcher was Josh Russo.

He sent the to that scene.

Josh also took the raccoon call,
but that time, he sent the .

This one in Brentwood,
dispatcher was Rashida Marvel.

Firehouse was the .

Marlene took this other call,
Jamal dispatched that one.

Henry, Moira. This is me.

I don't see anything in common here.

Yeah, other than residents
from affluent zip codes.

It was worth a shot.

Yep. Well, thank you, Maddie.

Oh, wait.

- What? You found something?
- Yeah.

Every time someone pulls up
a call record,

the system makes a note of it...
Who did it and when.

All of these calls were
accessed multiple times

by the same person.

Great. So who's our common denominator?



Whoa, Magda, what is going on here?

Cleaning. I want everything
to be pristine.

- It's getting there.
- Oh, don't worry, I have a system.

I'll put everything back
in its place before... (gasps)

You're wearing shoes.

Yeah, I sometimes do that,
for the walking.

Did you know that shoes are , times

- dirtier than toilets?
- I do now.

Uh, I'll take 'em off.

- Just let me put this somewhere...
- Mm...

All... right.

(Magda chuckles)

(Magda sighs)

So, uh, where's Maddie and Jee-Yun?

Oh, Maddie put Jee-Yun
to bed an hour ago.

Then she went in the bathroom.
She's been in there a while.

Probably plotting her escape.


I should go make sure she's okay.

All right.

- MADDIE: Who is it?
- It's me.

- Please let me in.
- Come in.

Quick, close the door.

What is going on out there?

And what are you doing in the bathtub?

I needed a place to hide.

Jee's asleep, and Magda launched
a full-on cleaning offensive.

Yeah, I had to cross enemy lines
just to get in here.

I mean, I told her not to,
but she insisted.


Thank you.

Look at us. We're literally
tiptoeing around our own house.

- How was your day otherwise?
- Oh, great.

I am a suspect in a string
of burglaries.

The police think someone
at the call center

is using our log-in information
to pick out potential victims.

Okay, but not you.

But whoever it is used my I.D.
to access the files.

Athena said it won't
take long to clear me

because I wasn't even at the call center

when half the log-ins happened.


You think someone stole your password?

I guess so.

But I don't know how.

It's weird. It's not like you're logging

in from a coffee shop or something.

No, but someone took my password anyway.

(indistinct chatter)

(elevator bell chimes)

- Hi.
- Hey. Anything you want to tell me?

(indistinct conversation)

Hey. I thought you were off today.

- Maddie, are you all right?
- I don't know.

They called me in. Sue wants to see me.


I think I'm getting fired.

Fired? What?

Yeah, you know about the burglaries.

Right? All the victims called ,

and they think that I'm the connection.

But they didn't call you, did they?

No, but my log-in was used
to access those recordings,

and nobody else had that information.

Maddie, they can't fire you.

You didn't do anything wrong.

Doesn't matter.
My name is on all the call records.

- But if that's all they have...
- It's enough.

Even if they can't prove
that I helped the thieves,

because I didn't, I can't prove that

I wasn't negligent with my password.

They can't arrest me,
but I can lose my job anyway.

No. That's not fair.

Honestly, I don't know
what I'm gonna do.

I mean, I love this place.

Helping people, saving lives.

You know what I mean?
That feeling you get when you know

that you're doing the right thing?


It's all gonna go away
because of some stupid lost password.

You didn't lose your password, Maddie.

I took it.

That day I asked you
about the active logs,

you showed me how to access them.

Put in your I.D. number, and...

NOAH: I watched you log in.

I almost forgot about that.

I used the calls to find out
when a house would be empty,

and I passed along the information.

I promise you, Maddie,
no one was supposed to get hurt.

The houses were supposed to be empty.
I-I was always careful.

You weren't careful. You were lucky.

A man got shot. He could've died.

I know.

And I'm really sorry.

I just didn't know what else to do.

Why would you do this?

My stepdad... he got into
some money trouble.

He didn't want my mom and I to know,

so he borrowed from the wrong people.

When he couldn't repay them,
they hurt him.

He said they were gonna
hurt my mom, too.

They knew I worked here.
So you were trying to repay his debt.

I didn't know what else to do.

I was too scared to tell anyone.

(sighs) I wish you would've told me.

We could've helped you.

Can you help me now?

Please, Maddie.

I'm sorry.

It's too late.


- You tricked me.
- MADDIE: You lied to us.

To me.

What do I do?

Tell them everything.
If they can find these guys...

I know where they are.

What do you mean?

I told them about your investigation.

I thought that would make them stop.

They wanted one more job.

You gave them another house to hit?

(sighs) Where?

♪ ♪

(rapid beeping)

(beeping stops)

(teakettle whistling)

(dishes clinking)

(drink pouring)

Don't move.

You, either!


- Drop the g*ns!
- Hands up!


Cuff 'em!

- (handcuffs clicking)
- All right.

♪ ♪

- (alarm blaring)
- (Hen grunts)

(alarm stops)

(sighs, grunts)

♪ ♪

(groans): No.

Well, I am glad that your professor

is giving you a second chance, but...

couldn't that second chance
happen later in the day?

Like, maybe after the sun was up?

(Hen chuckles softly)

I'm sorry.

You can go back to sleep.

(yawning): Nope, nope.

Supporting my wife.

I am gonna go and put some coffee on

while you hop in the shower.

- Thank you.
- Mm.

Oh, my God!

HEN: Oh, my God.

KAREN: Yeah, that's what I said.

Did somebody break in?

And chew the baseboards?


KAREN: We weren't burgled.

- We were Hoovered.
- (Hoover whimpers)



- (siren wails in distance)
- (horns honking)

- (quiet chatter)
- (medical monitors beeping)

Good morning, Dr. Simmons.

- Are you ready for today?
- Yes, ma'am.

Then impress me and my team.
Let's make the rounds.

♪ ♪

KAREN: Are you sure about this?

I know you told Hen it was okay, but it

just feels like a little short notice.

Ah, Hoover's great.

I think Chris is going to
really like having a dog.

- Here you go.
- All right.

- Here you go. There you go.
- Thank you.

- Come on, Hoover.
- Enjoy.

CHRISTOPHER: Dad, Dad, come quick!

What's up, bud?

I thought Hen was exaggerating.

I don't think he likes being alone.

Maybe he has separation anxiety.

Think he needs a specialist.

Diagnosis and treatment plan?

Patient presents with
occasional tinnitus,

vertigo, abnormal range of hearing loss.

I recommend surgery.

The middle fossa surgical approach

is riskier to the facial nerve,

but it's her only chance
at retaining her hearing on that side.

We should do another MRI to verify.

With contrast.

Okay. Next stop.

- Eddie.
- Hey. I've been trying to call you.

- Sorry. I was in the bathroom.
- For three hours?

I'll tell you later.

- What's with the dog?
- It, uh, didn't work out,

so I was wondering...

Oh. So cute.

So full of zoonotic disease.

(Hoover whimpers)

Sorry, Eddie. I got to go.

That was weirder than usual.

HEN: No known trauma to the brain.

BP's stable.

We should order a CT scan

to assess the lesions in the brain stem,

particularly cranial nerves
three and five.


You said you'd lost your sense of taste?

And cranial nerve seven.

It controls the sense of taste.

BUCK: I said I would feed you! Hang on!

- (barking)
- Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Listen, listen, I know you're hungry,

but you-you can't just bark like that.

I-I have neighbors.

Let me know if you have any pain.

- (barking)
- (knocking at door)

Uh, Mr. Lozzano, hi.
Um, sor-sorry about the noise.

You know the rules, Buckley.

No dogs in the building!

(barking continues)

Only cats.

- You want me to come with you?
- Yeah.

You figured out where to find the mass.

You might as well be there
to watch me remove it.

Oh. I thought I was just
accompanying you on rounds.

Wasn't expecting to scrub in.

Oh, don't get too excited, Wilson.

You're only a spectator.

(hushed): Yes!

ATHENA: Oh, no.


It didn't work with anyone?

Well, I called everyone
I could think of.

I don't know what we're gonna do now.

Hmm. You had a day.

(grumbles, whimpers)

♪ ♪


That was pretty amazing.

Yes, it was.

This concludes
your practical exam, Ms. Wilson.

How'd I do?

BOBBY: There you go.

And how would our guest of honor
like her burger cooked?

Doesn't even matter,
just as long you're the one

flipping 'em, Cap. (laughs)

Seriously, you and Athena
didn't have to do all this.

Hey, we want to celebrate you.

Passing this exam is a big deal.
Don't downplay it.

(chuckles) Because Lord knows I won't.

I will be bragging about this
for a while.

(laughs) My rock star paramedic wife

is about to be a doctor, y'all.


She's my hype woman.

And proud of it.

But not as proud as I am of you.

HEN: Mm.

I'm still pretty shocked
that I survived it, honestly.

It was looking pretty bleak
for a minute.

Survived it? You k*lled it.

And for the record, we had no doubt.

- Paging Dr. Wilson.
- Oh.


I'll toast to that.

To Hen, and her beginning
this new journey on a high note.

but we're still gonna miss you.

To Hen.

- GROUP: To Hen!
- BOBBY: To Henrietta Wilson.


Hey, you guys think this is
gonna be the last time we...

you know, we're all together like this?

- (laughter)
- No.

We live like minutes
from each of you.

This will not be the last time
that we're together.

I certainly hope not, although
you are gonna be pretty busy.

So we won't hold it against you
when you ghost us.

(Bobby laughs)

CHIMNEY: You're not gonna survive

if you take this on
all by yourself, Hen.

(light laughter)

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I'm really gonna miss you guys.

We're gonna miss you, too.

♪ ♪

Um, hey, speaking of-of missing people,
uh, I-I don't see Hoover.

Yeah. Where is he?

Hoover has found his forever home.

- In somebody else's home.
- (laughter)

Athena found Hoover the perfect spot.

It's a quiet neighborhood,
house with a big yard.

Older couple, no kids.

Yeah, husband travels a lot,
the wife hates being alone,

so I asked her
if she wanted a new watchdog.

- Mm, mm-hmm.
- Yes!

- (laughter)
- Right?

- Cheers to that.
- Cheers to that!

SAMIR: They want me to
fly to Denver on Monday.


Honey, are you listening to me?


Who's a good boy?





How was the party?

Bittersweet. Everybody missed you.

Yeah, I'm sorry. I just...

Didn't feel like celebrating. I get it.

So you sent Magda home early?

I sent Magda home permanently.

Look, this is our house.

We deserve to be able to relax,
be ourselves

and not feel bad about it.

You think we should find someone else?

I think I'm gonna need a minute
before I'm ready

to start trusting new people again.

All right, I guess it's back
to the family and friends plan

for child care, but okay.

- Daddy, picnic.
- Hey! Baby Jee!

Is that what the blanket's for?

Yeah. She was sad that she didn't get

to have her park picnic because it's

a breeding ground for infection.

Ah, so we're gonna eat
on the floor tonight?

Should be clean enough.


- What is so funny?
- You re-homed the nanny.

- Well, somebody had to.
- (laughing)

I've been calling contractors
all over town,

and nobody has the time
to take a job this small.

Uh, hang on, Mom.

Uh, hi.

We thought maybe you could use
a hand with some repairs.

Yeah, we heard somebody
really destroyed your house.

Uh, Mom, I got to go.

All right.

(alarm blaring)

(mechanical whirring)

We're on the third floor
of the lab sciences building.

DISPATCHER: Is the building on fire?

CALLER: I'm not sure.

DISPATCHER: Is anyone injured?

CALLER: I think... (panting)

I think some people are dead.

- (electrical buzzing)
- (alarm continues)


Tell them to hurry.