03x24 - I Remember Melville/No More Cookies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x24 - I Remember Melville/No More Cookies

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Birds twittering]

[ Sniffing]

What is it,
a marble?

Maybe it's
a eyeball.

I know,
it's a candy.

No, lil.

That's not a candy,
that's melville.


What's a melville?

Melville's my new pet.

Still looks
yummy to me.

You can't have pets
'cause your dad's allergic.

And they mess
up your house.

And you're
scared of aminals.

Melville's not like other pets.

He doesn't have fur, he
sleeps in a neat little box

And he doesn't have
any sharp, scary teeth.

Yep, melville's the perfect pet.

Wow! So what
does he do?

You know,
he does pet stuff.

Like spike.


But melville's not
really like a dog.

Yeah, he's really
more like a bug.

Sure, maybe to you
melville's like a bug.

But you know what I see
when I look at him?


I see a friend.

Melville always listens,
never makes fun of me

And shares my deepest,
darkest, most scariest secrets.

Melville's the bestest
thing that ever
happened to me.

Go ahead, roll over.

[ Clicking]




Fetch, boy!

[ Stick clattering]

And one time, I accidentally ate
one of those colored soaps

From the bathroom.

You know, they do
look like candy.


I never told that
to anyone before.

It's so easy
to talk to you, melville.

[ Screaming and laughing]

[ Grunting]

Hi, guys.

What's in
the suitcase, chuckie?

Oh, this is just
some of melville's stuff.

Could you watch him for me

While I go get him
some more food?

He really likes this one leaf
and it's hard to find.

Okay, we'll
watch him.

You sure he'll be all right?

He'll be
fine, chuckie.

All right.

Oh, just one thing.

Make sure he
takes his nap.

He's cranky
when he doesn't.

Okay, chuckie.

And don't let him

Spoil his appetite
with grass.

I'm bringing him
a good dinner.

Okay, chuckie.

If he asks
about me

Tell him I'm
on the other side
of the yard

And I'll be back--



I think we can
take care of melville.

Bye, melville.

Be good.

Let's eat him.


No! We promised
to take care of him.

Why don't we teach
melville some new tricks

And surprise chuckie?

Melville, you awake?

Maybe he's tired.

Or maybe his
batteries ran out.

Or maybe
he's dead.

This'll surprise chuckie.

Dead? What do
you mean?

Dead is when you're
asleep for a long time.

Like forever.


Are you sure
melville's dead?


He's dead all right.

Want to make some
more mud pies?

We got to do
something about this.

I think it's
a little late, tommy.

No, I mean for chuckie.

He's going to be really upset.

What can we do?

I know.

We'll find him
another bug.

Hey, if we find two bugs,
can I eat the other one?

Are you sure chuckie's
going to like this one?

It's not really a bug,
it's a snail.

Come on, phil,
a bug's a bug.

♪ da, da, da, da...

Hi, guys, I'm back.

Hey, chuckie.

[ Laughing nervously]

Sorry it took so long.

You wouldn't believe how
many kinds of leaves there are.

I thought melville
could try a bunch.

Good idea.

Anything exciting happen

While I was gone?

Nothing much.

Phil found a piece
of gum under a rock.


And lil ate
another mud pie.

Oh, yeah,
your bug died.

What?! Melville! Melville!

One minute

I want him back!

We got you a new bug.

I don't want a new bug!

Besides, that's not even a bug.

It's a snail.

told you.

I want melville!

Go get melville!

But melville's dead.

No, he's not,
he can't be.

Sure he can. Look at him.

Speak to me, melville.

Chuckie, listen.

Your bug died.

We got you a new bug.

It's going to be okay.

He didn't die.

He's alive, I tell you!

Alive! Alive! Alive!


He's dead, and he
isn't coming back.

Stop it. Just
quit saying that.


Come on, melville,
we don't have to take this.

We'll go get

Some more
of those leaves you like.

Chuckie didn't take that
as well as I'd hoped.

Come on, melville.

You can do it.

Uh, chuckie?

Melville and I

Are training
for the circus, tommy.

Can we sit down?


That's it, melville.

Come on, melville

Let's try to make it
all the way across this time.

Look, chuckie, this worm
here is alive.

See how it moves?

But melville
doesn't move at all.

He just lies there.

Tommy, me and melville
are just fine here.

We are not dead.


Come on, melville.

Let's show 'em some new tricks.

First, the ring jump.


For his
next trick

The amazing melville will
dive off the super high board

Into a tiny pool of water.


And now, for his grand tamale

Melville's going to...

He, he's going to... He's...


[ Sobbing]

Oh, tommy, melville's dead.

He's really dead.

Why did he have to die?

He was the bestest bug
I ever had.

He was the only bug
you ever had.

I thought if I could
just pretend he was alive

He'd wake up and be okay.

Guys, I miss melville.

I'll never be happy again.

Chuckie was pretty sad
yesterday, wasn't he?

When chuckie comes over

We got to be nice
so he'll be happy again.

Good idea, tommy.

And don't say anything

That'll remind
chuckie of melville.

Okay.got it.

Hi, guys.

Uh, hi, chuckie.

How's it going?


We were just playing
in the sand.

You want to help?


Great hole
you're digging, chuckie.

Yeah, I'll say.

It's about the best
hole I ever sawed.

Gee, guys,
it's just a hole.

No, really,
it's a great hole.

You feel like

Doing something else?


What do you want to do?

I don't know.

We could go play

On the jungle gym.

What's that,

Why are you waving
your arms like that?

Oh, it's 'cause
the jungle gym is where
chuckie found mel--

What, phil? Phil, what?

I was saying maybe
there's better things

Than the jungle gym.

Let's play circus.

Circus is a fun game.

Oh, that's right,
I forgot, mel--

I mean, we already
played circus today.

What are we going to play then?

mm, mm...

I know.

We'll go inside and
play "bugs in the rug."

[ Gasping]

"Bugs in the rug"
is a great game.

We'll all be little tiny bugs

And go under the rug
and crawl around

And have all
kinds of bug fun--

What? What's wrong?

Well, uh, we didn't
want to remind you about...

You know.

Guys, don't worry,
that was yesterday.

I'm going on

With my life.

I forgetted all about
ol' what's-his-name.


That's great, chuckie.

In that case, let's
go sneak some chocolate pudding

Out of the kitchen.


One for you

One for you

One for me, and chuckie

One for you.

[ Slurping and gulping]

[ Crying]

What's wrong,

Don't you like
chocolate pudding?

Melville and me

Always used to have
chocolate pudding together

Right before he died!


Nice going, tommy.

We'll find something
else for you to eat

Then you can
forget about melville.


I don't want
to forget melville.

Melville was my friend.

If I don't 'member him,
who else is gonna?

Besides, I like
chocolate pudding.

I don't get
it, chuckie.

You wantto think
about melville?

Yeah, I do.

But doesn't it
make you sad?

Sure, it makes me sad.

But, but, it's just that...

I know melville's
gone and everything

But I never...

I never got
to say good-bye.

We're here to say
good-bye to our friend

Melville the bug.

[ Whispering]

Uh, that's melville
the bug finster.

Does anyone want
to say a few words?

[ Clears throat]
melville was a good bug.

He was a good friend
to chuckie.

I remember chuckie
would throw a stick

Even when melville
would never bring it back.

They used to eat
leaves together

Even though I don't think
chuckie really liked leaves.

And I remember how they
used to eat chocolate pudding

Even though
I don't think melville

Really liked
chocolate pudding.

[ Chuckie laughing]


Have a
little respect!

I'm sorry, it's just
you guys reminded me

Of the fun stuff
me and melville
did together.

We did?

Yup. From now on,
when I remember melville

I'm going to be happy.

Thanks, guys.

[ Both crying]

You're welcome,

That's so

[ Dramatic, suspenseful
music playing]

[ Creaking]



[ Crunching loudly]

[ Eating greedily]:
mm, mm...

I never seen anyone
eat like that before.

Not even reptar.

It's kind
of scary.

[ Eating noisily]

[ Grunting]

[ Burping]


Let's see what
those dumb babies

Are up to.

Hiya, babies.

You want to play

With cynthia's workout center?


It's easy.
This is cynthia's...

[ Groaning]

Are you okay, angelica?

Yeah, I don't
know what happened.

Now, let me show you this...

[ Moaning]

Angelica, what's wrong?

It's the weirdest thing.

I keep getting
these bad tummy-aches.



I wonder if maybe
I ate too many...

[ Groans]

[ Moans]

I think I need to lie down.

[ Burping]

[ Moaning]

Now say "ahh."

[ Burping]



Will she be
all right, doctor?

It seems
your daughter

Has a rather severe case
of acute dyspeptic gastritis.

Oh, no,
what's that?

A tummy-ache,
mr. Pickles.

A simple, ordinary tummy-ache.

Could have
been anything.

Under-cooked meat,
spoiled milk

Too many cookies.


She'll be fine
in a day or so.

[ Moaning]


Tommy, is that you?


Come closer, cousin tommy.

Babies, I need
to ask you a favor.

Sure, angelica, anything.

I'm sick, babies, real sick.

And it's 'cause
I ate too many cookies.

From this moment on

I never want
to eat another cookie again.

[ All gasping]

But angelica, cookies
are your favorite food.

That's why I need help.

If I try to eat cookies

You babies got to stop me.

But angelica...

Promise me.

Okay, angelica, we promise.

No matter what?

No matter what.

Even if I beg and cry

Or thr*aten to beat
your baby brains in?

Okay, angelica, we promise.

No matter what you do, we
won't let you have any cookies.


You can go now.

I need my rest.

[ Doorbell buzzes]


We better hurry, didi

Or we'll be late
for the auction.

Be a good
little girl.

Of course.

[ Snoring]

Hi, babies, how's it...

[ Sniffing]
where are they?

Where are what?

The cookies.

I know they're around here.

But angelica...

The kitchen!



Don't you remember?

Yesterday you made us promise

Not to let
you eat cookies.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.

So no more
cookies, right?

Sure, tommy, no more cookies.

Angelica, if you're
going to keep

to get these

I'm going to have
to hide them.

Wait, I'll make you a deal.

Just let me have ten or
and I won't eat any more.

Sorry, angelica,
I can't break my promise.

Just one little
cookie, please.

Maybe you should
let her have one.

Don't be
so mean.

What's one
little cookie
going to hurt?

No. I promised angelica
that no matter what she did

No matter how much
she begged or she cried

I wouldn't let her
have any cookies.

I'm going
to keep my promise.

I love it when he
gives these big speeches.


I'm going to hide these cookies.


Cookie, cookie,
cookie, cookie, cookie

Cookie, cookie,
cookie, cookie

Cookie, cookie,
cookie, cookie, cookie.

Excuse me a sec.

I'm going to go
check on the babies.

Hey, chuckie, where did
angelica say she was going?

To check on
the babies.

Oh, okay.

we arethe babies!

Cookie, cookie, cookie

Cookie, cookie,
cookie, cookie...


Cookies! My beloved cookies.

I have found you.


I just wanted
to hold them a little.

This is for your own good.

I'm going to go hide these

In an even better place
where you won't find them.

[ Angelica moans]

okay, they're all hid.

Thanks a bunch.

It's nice of you to do this
to keep your promise.

Sure, angelica.

Since you babies
are being so nice

I'll play a game with you.

Gosh, that's really nice.

It's the least I can do.

How about


let's play hide-and-peek.

Great. And since you babies

Have been so nice

I'll be "it" first.

Wow, angelica,
you're the greatest.

Okay, I'll close my eyes
and you babies go hide.


Two, three...

Eight... Ten!

Ready or not, here I come!


No tommy, no chuckie, no phil

No lil.

I wonder where they could be.

Hey, tommy, she didn't
hardly even look for us.

Don't worry, chuckie.

We just got really
good hiding places.

[ Sniffing]

Now go find the cookies, spike.

Good boy, spike

Find the cookies.

[ Howling]

[ Panting]

Good work, spike.

Bring cousin angelica
the cookies.


Same to you, fur-face!

[ Sighing]

Tommy, you're behind

The teddy bear.

Chuckie, you're
under the blanket.

Phil and lil,
you're under the crib.

Game's over.

How'd you
find us, angelica?

I knew you was
there the whole time.

I was off

for the cookies.

But you're not opposed
to have any cookies.

I know, but I just
can't live without them.

Cookies mean
so much to me.

I remember the first time
I ever saw a cookie.

It's a girl,
jonathan, her name's, uh...

[ Whispering]:



I'll be back
in the office tomorrow.

Look forward to it.

Oh, charlotte

She's beautiful.

[ Cooing]

No, you're too little
to have a cookie.

[ Screaming]

it broke my heart.

But later, I got to experience

Their magical taste.

From that moment on,
I loved cookies.

Nothing could keep me away.

Come to daddy.

Come to daddy.

[ Cooing]

Oh, that's okay.

Try again, sweetie.

[ Groaning]

Any luck?

No, she's still
too little

To walk on her own.

Look, drew,
she's walking.

[ Gasping]

[ Cooing and babbling]

That's it, cupcake.

Come to daddy,
come to...

[ Squealing]


Come on, sweetie, say "mommy."

Say "daddy,"


[ Garbled]:




Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie

Cookie, cookie,
cookie, cookie...

as I got older,
I learned all the varieties:

Chocolate chip...



[ Crunching]

Each one delicious,
special in its own way.

So you see, tommy

I gotto have
the cookies.

They're part of who I am.

Please tell me
where they are, please.

Uh...i can't live

Without them.

You shouldn't tell her.

She'll eat 'em all

If she finds out they're
under your grandpa's bed.

What did you say?

Um, uh, nothing, i...

I didn't say nothing.

That's what I thought.

No, angelica


[ Panting]


[ Cackling]

[ Panting]

Come back, angelica!

Keep away, babies!

[ Grunting]


I guess you're
not going to eat
those cookies now.

Just watch me.

But, angelica,
they're all wet and soapy.

I don't care.

[ Grunting and eating greedily]

Oh, oh...

[ Gurgling]


[ Moaning]


Closer... Oh...

Never, ever, ever
let me have cookies again!

[ Burps]
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