03x10 - Give & Take/The Gold Rush

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x10 - Give & Take/The Gold Rush

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, I'm boppo.

There it is,

Another patented

Pickles prototype.

Stu, it's beautiful.

Play nicely, tommy.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, boppo, I'm tommy.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, boppo, I'm tommy.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Boy, he is sure
is blithe.

Yeah, that's a really neat toy,


Hi, I'm boppo.

Why don't you
try it, chuckie?

He, he doesn't mind?

go right ahead.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Wow, this is kind of fun!

I knew you'd like it.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, I'm boppo.
Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, I'm boppo.
Hi, I'm boppo.

Hey, chuckie

Let's put boppo away now

And play something
we all can share.


I'm getting

Tired of watching.

Come on, tommy

Let's go play
somewhere else.

Chuckie, are you coming with us?

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hi, I'm boppo.



Oh, you guys go ahead.

See you later, chuckie.

He'll catch up
in a little while.

Hi, I'm boppo.

[ Mimicking car engines]

We win, yay!

It's too hard
by myself.

I need chuckie.

Forget it

He's off bopping
that boppo of yours.

Yeah, he's been bopping it
all afternoon.

Um, tommy?


Something's wrong with him.


A kid his age

Should be playing with friends

Not alone bopping his boppo.

That's right,
chuckie's got a problem.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Oh, boppo

You're so funny.


Oh, hi, guys.

Watch this new trick
I taught boppo.

Hi, I'm boppo.

[ Laughs wildly]

Isn't that great?

Chuckie, he always says that.

Yeah, but now

He really means it.

That's very nice

Chuckie, but...

Give boppo the boot.


You didn't play with us all day.

But, but...

Can you play

With boppo some other time?

You mean...

Take him home?!

Uh, uh...

And play with him


Oh, thanks, tommy.

You're the bestest
friend ever.

Gee, chuckie, i...


Time to go.

What's the matter,

I miss boppo.

[ Cries]

Hi, I'm boppo.

[ Chuckie laughs]

Hi, I'm boppo.

[ Chuckie laughs]

Hi, I'm boppo.

Oh, I just can't believe
he's really gone.

Why did you give him away?

Oh, I don't know, phil.

Once chuckie took him

I couldn't say no.

Why not, tommy?

I guess I just wanted
to make chuckie happy.

Wow, that was

Nice of you,


But dumb.

Hi, I'm boppo.

[ Laughing]

Hi, I'm boppo.

Hiya, chuckie.

Angelica, uh
what are you doing here?

Didn't your daddy tell you?

I'm playing at your house today.

So, what you got there?


Nothing, huh?

Pretty big nothing.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Mmm, not bad.

Where'd you get him?

Tommy gave him to me.

That was nice of him.

He never gives meany toys.

Hi, I'm boppo.

[ Groans]

I kind of like

This thing.

Let's play
with something else,

I think boppo needs a rest.

Aw, who cares?

It's just another
stupid clown doll, anyway.

Not! Uh...

It's not just
a stupid clown doll


Did, did you say, "clown doll"?

Yeah, milk-breath, clown doll.

Which word
didn't you understand?

[ Gulps]

[ Gasps]

A clown?

He's a clown?

Why didn't I see it before?

Maybe 'cause you got mush
for brains.

What am I going to do?

I'm a-scared of clowns!

Guys, I've made up my mind.

Today, when we go over
to chuckie's house

I'm going to ask for boppo back.

Ask for him back?

You can't do that.

Why not?

Well, 'cause...

You'd be a taker-backer.

What's wrong with that?

What's wrong?

Oh, tommy!

Who gave you
that shirt?

My mommy and daddy.

How about
that nice crib?

Mommy and daddy.

And that bottle of milk
for breakfast?

Mommy and daddy.

So, what if
mommy and daddy

Decide to be

And make you
give everything back?

But we're not talking about
my mommy and daddy.


What if everyonetook back

Everythingin the world?

How would chuckie feel
if you taked back

His favorite toy
you gived him yesterday?

You're right.

I don't want to be
a taker-backer.

[ Sighs]

Well, here goes

Another boring afternoon
at the finster house.

To think
I'm wasting my best years here.

Hi, I'm boppo.

Angelica, please.

Now what?

I've decided...

I'm going to give boppo
back to tommy.

Give him back?

Boppo's his,
why shouldn't I give him back?

Oh, no reason.

Except you'll be
a giver-backer.


What's that?

Just the worstest thing.


Remember that tie you made

For your dad out of paste?

Yeah, I spent all week on that.

What if he didn't want it
and gave it back?

I'd feel bad.

That's right.

How would tommy feel

If you didn't want the toy
he gave to you?


He'd be hurt

He'd be crushed

He'd be... Say

a pretty good idea.

Go ahead,
give tommy his toy back.

No! I could never do that.

I don't want to be
a giver-backer.

Ah, you're no fun.

But I can't keep boppo here.

Every time I look at him,
I get all scared.

I've solved
your problem, pipsqueak.

You have?

Just pull
this thingie here.

Why, will something happen?

You'll see.


[ Voice slowing down]:
I'm boppo.

He's gone, he's gone, he's gone!

He's gone.

That's right

Flat as cat on the highway.

What did I do?

Tommy's going to be so sad.

Glad to help whenever

You want to ruin
any more friends' toys.

See you!

[ Gasps]

Hi, chuckie.

Hi, guys, uh, want to play
with mr. Banana head?


You know, uh

I thought we could play
with um...


That toy I had a long time ago

That I gave to you?


that's the one!

Where is he?

I thought
you didn't like

Playing with him.

well... I wasn't

Going to
tell you this...


But I just gave boppo
to you because...

Because he got
really tired of him.

I got to tell him the truth.

Chuckie, I want boppo back.


Time for
a diaper change!

Yeah, me, too.

You want boppo back?

I know, I know.

I shouldn't
have asked.

But I miss him!

And I never really wanted
to give him away.

Oh, tommy, I'm so happy!

You are?

Yeah, 'cause boppo's scary

And I wanted to give him back

But I couldn't because I thought
it would make you sad.

that's great!

So I'm not
a taker-backer?

Not if I'm not
a giver-backer.

Thanks, chuckie

You're the bestest friend
a baby could have.

No, I'm not.

Sure, you are.

No, tommy

You see,
when boppo got too scary

Well, i, um,
I pulled the plug.

[ Gasps]

I'm sorry, tommy

I really, really am!

Boppo... He's gone.

I'll understand
if you never speak to me again.

It's not your fault, chuckie.

It's not?


I gave boppo to you

And you didn't know.

But I sure wish

There was some way
to bring boppo back.

If only...

If only...
Hey, my prototype.

[ Inhales]

[ Puffing]

There you go,


It's a miracle!

Hi, I'm boppo.

you haven't changed a bit!

[ Squeals happily]

Hi, I'm boppo.

Come on, tommy

Let's go play with phil and lil.

Hi, I'm boppo.


[ Sighs]

Angelica, you might
as well get it over with.

Whatever do you mean, chuckie?

You want to dump sand
all over my head.

Just do it now

Then we can get on
with our lives.

Chuckie, I'm hurt.

You really think
I would do that to you?

Angelica, please,
let's just get it over with!

Okay, if that's what you want.

Just do it.

[ Gasps]

[ Coughs]

Anybody else
care for some sand?

Hey, you guys!

Look what I found!

It's a nickel!


Where's it from?

It must've been

In the sand angelica dumped.

You babies are so stupid.

Why would I put a nickel...

Yeah, I put it there

So I guess I'll just
take it back now.

Hey, that's chuckie's nickel--
he found it!

He wouldn't
have found it at all

Without me.

So it's mine.

That's not fair!

Let's just say
it's all of our nickels.

Did you
hear that, lil?

We gots part
of the nickel.


Which part?

I bet there's more money
in this here sandbox

Just waiting for any kid
smart enough to find it.

Yeah, if chuckie
can find one nickel...

Maybe there are

I don't know,
you guys.

What do we need nickels for?

We got everything we want.

That's where you're wrong.

There's one thing we don't got.

What's that?


More nickels.

More everything!

I don't like this.

Don't worry

Whatever we find
we're going to share, right?

Yeah, yeah, we'll share.

Just give me the nickel.

I'll keep it safe.


It's all of our nickel.

Let's put it where
we can all see it.

You babies! Then anybody
could waltz up and take it.

I got a idea.

There, now we all know
where it is

But nobody else
will be able to see it.

All right, you babies

We've wasted
enough time talking.

Now let's dig!

[ All panting]

Hey, don't throw sand
where I'm digging, philip!

Well, don't dig where
I'm throwing sand, lillian!


If I hadn't found
that dumb nickel

We could all be having fun now.

Keep digging, chuckie.

When we find the nickels

Then we'll have fun.

[ Groans]

Hmm, I wonder
what they're talking about.

Them, too.

We can't trust
these babies, cynthia.

Watch 'em all.

Maybe we should check
to make sure

That nickel's
still there.

I don't know.

Angelica might get mad.

We won't touch it

We'll just look.

[ Both gasp]

What you looking at?



What's under that bucket?


A dead bug.


No, it's
a sand monster!

A sand monster, huh?

I never saw
a sand monster before.

Hey, look!

Isn't that reptar?

There's something
going on here.

Step aside, babies.

Hey, kid

I wouldn't look
if I was you.

Why not?

[ Whispers]

Oh, gross!

What'd you tell him, angelica?

There's baby poop under there.

Baby poop?!baby poop?!


There's no poop
under there, angelica.

Just our nickel.

Say, you didn't

Tell him about our nickel,
did you?


He might be onto us.

We'll find another hiding place.

How will we
find it again?

That's easy.

Shouldn't we tell
tommy and chuckie?

Just say
it's our little secret.

But I thought
we were going to share.

Phil, lil...

Let's pretend
that nickel's a pie.

What flavor?

It doesn't matter.

What do you mean?

There's a big difference

Between chocolate
and apple pie.

Okay, it's a apple pie.

I hate apple pie.

Okay, chocolate.

Will you two put a lid on it?!

[ Both gulp]

Now, the more people eating pie

The smaller their piece, right?

But if it's just
the three of us

We all get
a biggerpiece.

See what I mean?

Of course.


[ Laughing]

What did she mean?

I don't know

But it sure made me hungry.

It's getting hot.

When will we be done
digging, tommy?

Just keep thinking
about those nickels, chuckie.

They'll buy a lot of juice.

Share the nickels--


I'll share the nickels
all right.

I'll share them
with you, cynthia.

Should we have told
tommy and chuckie

About the nickel, phil?

Nah, then we won't get any pie.

But tommy and chuckie
is our friends.

How can we
be sure of that?

How long have we
known them?

A year?

What are you
talking about?

All I know is

When you got a nickel

You start to look at things
a little differently.


Find any nickels?

No, just some
old junk.

I don't think
there areany nickels.

I think angelica made it up.

Well, there's one nickel.

Chuckie, our nickel!

This is terrible.

it's just a nickel.

We was going to buy things
with that.

We got to find angelica.

She'll know what to do.

[ Sighs]

[ Grunting]


Something awful

The nickel is gone.

What nickel?

You remember.

We put it
under the bucket.

Oh, that nickel.

Guess somebody
must have took it.

Took it?

Who would do that?

The only people who know
about that nickel

Are you, you

Me, phil and lil


You didn't take
the nickel, tommy?

You didn't take it,
did you, chuckie?

Me? Um, no.

And I certainly
didn't take it.

So that leaves only one person
who could have taked it.

phil and lil.

We better go ask them.

No, we can't
show our hand.

Not when there's
nickels involved.

So what do we do?

If you find nickels,
don't tell anybody

Especially not
phil and lil.

Just bring all nickels
straight to me.

Right, come on,

Let's go find nickels.

Wait, don't you see
what's going on?

Yeah, phil and lil
are trying to take it all.

I wish I'd never found
that nickel.

Hah! Soon all the nickels
will be mine, cynthia.

All mine.

Share them with you?

Ha! Dream on.

What were they
talking about?

I don't know.

Something smells funny.

Don't look at me.

No, I think
they got nickels

And aren't telling us.

Hmm, I'm starting to get
a whiff of something myself.

Come on.

[ Grunting]

Dig, chuckie, dig.

Don't you see, tommy?

There's no more nickels.

There was just one,
and now it's gone.

And you know
something, tommy?

I'm gladit's gone.

We don't need
any stinking nickels.

What are you saying, chuckie?

The same thing I've been
saying all along.

This nickels stuff
is no good.

I know what
you're up to.

You want me to stop looking

'Cause you want them all


All right

What's going on?

What do you mean by that?

Seen any
nickels lately?

Only the one you guys stole.


But angelica said
that you guys...


I knew it!

Those babies are all in it

Trying to trick me.

Nobody makes a monkey
out of angelica c. Pickles.

All right, babies

I want all those nickels, now!

We don't have
any nickels, angelica.

I get it--
you're all against me.


You think

Because I'm bigger
I don't deserve nickels.

Phil and lil told us
what you did

And we want our nickel back.

All right, I'll show you
where it's hid.

But promise not to try
any more funny stuff.

Just take us
to the nickel, angelica.

It's right here,
hidden under the "x."

What "x"?

[ Gasps]

It was right here.

Right here, I tell you.

[ All gasp]

[ Laughing]

What is it,

Yeah, what's so funny?

Don't you see, you guys?

The wind just played
a joke on us.

A joke?


We just spent all this time

Searching and scraping
and digging

And not thinking
about nothing

Except how to get more nickels

And then old mr. Wind
comes along

And blows it all away.

So we don't even have
the nickel we started with.

That's funny?

That's right, you little babies.

Laugh your little diapers off.

I'm going to keep digging.

I'm going to find
that nickel and even more.

And I get to keep them all.

Do you hear me?

I'm going to be rich.

Oh, I'm glad
you guys

Are back to normal

You were right,

It was silly to care so much
about a dumb old nickel.

What do you want to do now?

Let's play
in the sand.

That's not such
a good idea.

It's mine, do you hear me?

All mine!

Hmm, maybe
we better

Go play
on the slide.

I'm rich, I'm rich!

[ Laughing]
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