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04x25 - Cheetah Adopted

Posted: 10/18/22 17:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here
wandering around the world,

investigating the mysteries
of interspecies relationships.

Hey, it's us,
the Kratt Brothers. I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.

And today, we are going to
check out how, sometimes,

two totally different species
become good friends.

You know how animals usually
interact with each other.

For example, there's the
predator-prey relationship.

And then there's
the competitor relationship,

when animals compete for
the same food and habitat.

But every so often,

two individual animals
of completely different species

develop a bond and become
really good friends.

This is your ordinary
Australian shepherd,

a great dog named Odie.

Now, you'd think he'd have some
other dogs as playmates, right?

You would.

But in this case, his best buddy
is this cheetah named Adaeze.

They are best friends.

You guys want to play?
You want to run around?

Here you go! Woo!

Oh, wow, soccer with
a cheetah and a dog!

Now, it wasn't possible
for Adaeze

to stay with her mom
at this wildlife sanctuary.

She was kind of an orphan.

So, she needed a buddy
to grow up with.

They grew up together

from the time Adaeze
was just a ten-week-old cub.

Adaeze really liked Odie.
They got along from the start.

They really seem to like
the same games.

They like to run around
and play and catch things.

They always have
a great time together.

Imagine if we could be a part
of an unusual animal friendship.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

The Savanna!
The Savanna!

Okay, it's time to replenish
the Tortuga.

We are out of everything.

Even pizza?

Even pizza!


Setting coordinates to
the nearest big village.

Uhh, before we go,

would you guys mind
dropping us off on the Savanna?

Yeah, it's time for us to get
back to creature adventuring!

Okay, but if we do, you can't
call us asking for help.

Or to get any new
Creature Power Suits.

Besides, I need to get
more polycarbonate

for programming anyway.

If we don't get resupplied,
we'll be grounded for good.

Okay, okay, we get it.

We promise we won't call.

Well then, Jimmy,
we have a quick stop to make.

So, remember you promised,
no calls for help.

We won't bother you, promise.

When have I heard that before?


Be back soon.


I love the African Savanna.

Oh, so many animals,
so much going on!

You never know what
is going to happen here.

Whoa, a warthog!


We've got to do something
with pig power!

Oh, yeah, a warthog power suit?
Let's call Aviva and--

Oh, but we can't.

Why not?


We promised Aviva
we wouldn't ask

for any new
Creature Power programming.

Oh, yeah,
we shouldn't have done that...

because a warthog power suit--

ooh, that'd be so cool.

Warthog piglets are pretty cute.




Why is he with the warthogs?

What is going on here?

It's like Spotswat's
been adopted by warthogs.

This happens sometimes
when animals of one species

adopt an animal
of another species.

If that's the case, why was she
adopted? What happened to Mom?

Yeah, where's Blur?

A warthog power suit
will have to wait.

Yeah, Spotswat is not a warthog.
He's a cheetah.

Our new creature mission
is to reunite Spotswat

with his real cheetah mom, Blur.

Well, first things first,
let's get Spotswat.

Hello, momma warthog. I think
there's been a mistake here.

Uhh, one of your piglets
isn't really a piglet.


Ah! Ooh!


This isn't going to be
as easy as I thought.

Tell me about it, Bro!

We forgot how fierce
warthog moms can be

in defending their babies.

She uses her razor sharp tusks

as a w*apon for defense.


Uh-oh. What can a warthog do
about lions?

A mother warthog weighs in
at around pounds.

A male lion weighs in at


This is not a fair fight. But it
looks like Mom has a plan.


The warthog's face is a shield,

blocking the entrance.

And I can vouch,
that face is wide and bony.

And look at those tusks.

And even the lion
is trying to figure out

how he can get around that.

She is protecting her piglets,
and Spotswat too.


That's one cool defense.

And it's safe
for the piglets again.

Ooh, getting Spotswat away
from his new mother,

that's going to be a lot tougher
than we thought.


The lion's back!

No, that's just
my stomach growling.

Oh, okay, well, let's have lunch
then and come up with a plan.

All right, let's review.

Our cheetah cub has been adopted
by a mother warthog.

The mother warthog
is very protective.

And has a very hard head
with tusks,

and is tough enough
to hold off a lion.


Hey, Martin, would you stop
eating so loud?

Me? I thought you were the one
that was eating so loud.



Hey! What do you think
you're doing?




Warthogs are fast!

Oh, yeah, they can run
up to miles per hour!

To the termite mound!



That was close.

Those are some
really hungry warthogs.

I'm still one really hungry
Kratt Brother!

Whoa, they're making a mess
out of our lunch.

These warthogs will eat anything
and everything.

Yeah, total omnivores:

vegetables, roots,
tubers, insects.

Yeah, they're messy, but cute.

Hey, but isn't Spotswat hungry?

Cheetahs are specialists.

They're very, very picky eaters.

A cheetah won't even eat meat
that's a few hours old.

It has to be fresh.

And a cheetah's favorite prey
is a gazelle.

Chris, I think we have
another mission for you.

And you can use
a specialty of yours.


No, something else
you're very good at.


Activating gazelle powers

and luring cheetahs
to chase you!

But Spotswat
is just a cheetah cub.

How do we know he's even ready
to chase gazelles?

Well, there's only one way
to find out.

Get on out there.

And do your gazelle


Here, Spotswat.


Hello, cheetah!

Come on, Spotswat,
I'm a Gazelle.

Whoa, bet you can't catch me.


Keep going, Chris! It's working!

Come on, buddy.

But don't run too fast, Chris.
He's just a cub.

Uhh, he's not acting like a cub!

I'll zig-zag, zig-zag,
zig-zig-zag, zag and zig!


Hey, buddy. You got me.

And now we've got you.

Awesome work, bro!
We've got our cheetah cub back.

How you doing, Spotswat?
Now we've got to find your mom.

No sign of her.

You'd think she'd be
out looking for Spotswat.

Hmm, maybe we should
call the Tortuga.

They could help us
search for Blur.

Oh, but then we'd never
hear the end of it,

lots of "I told you so"s.

Hey, I've got an idea.
Let's do what cheetahs do.

Let's climb to the tallest spot

so we can look out
over the Savanna.

Great idea, Bro! Come on!

Hmm, no sign of cheetahs.

I've got to get higher.

Going up!

Hey, Spotswat, help me look.

I think your cheetah eyes
are better than mine.

Scanning the Savanna
is one of your creature powers.

Let me know if you see Blur.

See anything?

Not yet.




Termites in my pants!



Oh, sorry, guys.

It's okay.
We didn't see anything.

We have to find
a higher vantage point.

You know, the higher we are,

the more of the Savanna
we're going to see.

This is exactly how cheetahs
scan for prey.

Ah, if we could just
call the Tortuga,

then we could really
see everywhere.


Not going to do that.

Hey, I know what the highest
spot on the Savanna is.

Our old friend Necktie
can help us out.

I can see a lot of Savanna
from up here,

but no sign of a cheetah.

Hmm, still not high enough.

Activate giraffe powers!


I can see even farther.

I-- hey-- whoa-- Oh!


Maybe we need to reconsider,

uhh, calling the Tortuga
for help?


Hang on a second, buddy.
We're thinking.

Martin, I think he's trying to
tell us something.

Wait! Spotswat has the answer.

We haven't tried cheetah powers.

Yeah, if we activate
cheetah powers,

we can really zoom around
the Savanna looking for Blur.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Insert cheetah Power Discs.
Insert cheetah Power Discs.

Touch cheetah.
Touch cheetah.

Activate cheetah power!
Activate cheetah power!

We can find Blur real quick
using cheetah speed!

Okay, Spotswat,
wait for us right here.


What's up, Necktie?

Oh, yeah!

Zigzagging through
a herd of zebras!

No cheetah in there.

Woo-hoo, nothing there,
nope, not there either.







Cheetah speed can be dizzying.

Whoa! Whoa! Tell me about it.


And speaking of cheetahs,
we'd better check on Spotswat.

You know you can't
leave cheetah cubs alone

on the Savanna for too long.

Let's go.

Hey, sorry, Spotswat,
no luck yet.

I mean, we saw a lot
of wildlife,

but no sign of your cheetah mom.

Martin, don't you think it's
time for us to call the Tortuga?

We could really use their help.

I know we could.

But they're going to say
we broke our promise.

Are you really ready for
all those "I told you so"s?

Maybe not yet.


Chris, lion!

Let's use our cheetah powers
and get out of here.

I've got Spotswat!



Ooh, cheetahs are fast.

But they can't run fast
for too long.

Yeah, they can only sprint
at top speed for seconds.

Now is it time
to call the Tortuga?





Oh, well, that's one way
to get away from a lion.

Yeah, like a warthog
down a hole.

We've fallen into
some kind of chasm.



Not so bad, really.


(Chirping in distance)


That cheetah chirp,
it's coming from down here.


She must have fallen into
the chasm. Well, we found her!

We did it!

Creature mission accomplished!

You rock, Bro!

No, you rock.

Hey, wait a second.
We're stuck down here.


Whoa! Walls are steep.
I can't even climb them.

Yeah, as Blur found out,

Cheetah powers won't help us
down here. And where can we run?


Okay, okay, maybe we should
call the Tortuga now.

I mean, we've got Spotswat.

And we found Blur ourselves,

Yeah, and if we
call the Tortuga,

they could get us
out of this easy.

Hmm, yeah, we could do that.

But I think we've got to get out
of this ourselves. Don't you?

We do!

So, let's see if we can figure
a way out ourselves.

Do you see a gecko?

Then I could activate
gecko powers

and climb out of here easy.

No geckos, but look at this.
There's a hole here.

Hmm. And an aardvark!

Hey, I think that's
Slurpy's mom.

It is!

And Slurpy!
And Slurpy!

Aardvarks are the most powerful
diggers on the African Savanna.

Don't you mean under?

Yeah, under,

the most powerful digger
under the African Savanna.

And I have right here

an Aardvark power disc.


I just can't reach!


Too hard!

These walls are
termite mound construction.

Yeah, the biggest part
of a termite mound

is actually underground.

And only aardvark powers
can dig through.


Hi, guys.
We've got all our supplies.

And we're heading back.
You having a good time?

Uhh, yeah, oh,
we're having a great time.

Oh, yeah, the Savanna's
the place to be.

Well, that doesn't look like
the Savanna to me.

You're sure you're not
in trouble?


In trouble?

No way!
No way!

Uhh, okay, we'll see you soon.

Uh-oh, the g*ng is
on their way back.

If we're going to
get out of this ourselves,

we'd better get out now.

Otherwise, they're going to
have to rescue us.


Huh? Termites!

Bro, termites in your pockets?

They must be from
when I was bitten earlier.

And that's a good thing.
Aardvark's eat a lot, right?

Oh, yeah.

Hey, check this out!

I've got some nice, tasty
termites for you.


So, Slurpy's Mom, you hungry?


Activate aardvark powers!

Can you dig it?

Oh, yeah!

Hey, thanks for
your aardvark help.


You aardvarks are shy
and solitary creatures.

But can you dig or what?

Come on, everybody, follow me!


Almost through!


And here we are
on the Savanna again.

Look how happy
Blur and Spotswat are.

Now this is the way
it's supposed to be,

mother cheetah and cheetah cub
together on the Savanna,

living free and in the wild,

and just in time too. Look.

Hey, bros.

I can't believe
you didn't call us.

Oh, yeah, we just had
a good relaxing time

hanging out with the cheetahs.

And no requests for new
Creature Power Suit programming?

Now that you mention it--

Okay, yeah, yeah, warthogs have
a real wide, bony face.

I mean, it is solid. Trust me.
This face is like a shield.

Got it.

With tusks,
don't forget the tusks.

The tusks are really important.

Got that too, razor sharp tusks.

Yeah, and with that face,

the warthog can
fight off predators.

It's awesome how
they battle each other.

Those warthogs are tough.

Yeah, that's pig power.


Programming complete.

Hey, Chris, you activate first.


Activate warthog powers!

Now that's pig power!

Martin, now it's your turn.

Uhh, not quite yet... because...

I think I'll

activate cheetah powers!

Chris, Spotswat hunted
you first.

But now, it's my turn to hunt
you with cheetah powers.

You're on!



Ha, I'm right behind you again!
Woo-hoo, yeah!

Tusk attack!

Missed me!





Uhh, we're all buddies here,




Warthogs don't climb.

Well, it's good to know my
warthog buddies have my back!


Okay, ready? Here you go.

Oh, nice one, quick paws!

Now that is some cheetah speed.

All right, Chris, coming at you!

All right, catch it, buddy.

Now Adaeze met a lot of dogs
when she was a little cub.

But for some reason,
she really liked Odie.

I mean, he's a really friendly
dog, right?

Go get it!

And Adaeze is
a fun-loving cheetah cub.

And they love to play together.

Oh, Adaeze wants to tackle you.

Odie's an Australian shepherd.

And Australian shepherds
are high energy dogs

that love to run and run fast.

And may be that's why
these two hit it off so well.

Maybe that's what they had
in common, the love of running.

How are you doing, buddies?

So, we know that
a dog and a cheetah

can develop a really strong bond
and become great friends.

But what other species
in the creature world

can have unusual relationships?

A hippo--

And a tortoise.

Hard to believe that a hippo,

one of the biggest, fiercest
creatures in Africa,

would be friends with
a Tortoise. But it's true.

In , a Tsunami in Kenya left
behind an orphaned baby hippo,

a lot like this one.

And he became best friends with
a -year-old Aldabra tortoise.

Or what about a monkey--

And a bird?

In China in ,

a young macaque like this
befriended a white pigeon.

An elephant--

And a dog.

In , at a sanctuary,

an elephant like this guy
met a stray dog.

And they were best friends
for years.

A rhino--

And a sheep.

In South Africa, an orphaned
rhino a lot like this guy

became friends with a lamb.

Then there was a gorilla
and a kitten that were buddies.

In , a gorilla like this

adopted a little kitten
as a pet.

She took care of the kitten
and played with it gently.

All right, guys, so does
this mean playtime's over?

All right then,
have a good rest, all right?

Yeah, keep on
creature adventuring.

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals--