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04x20 - Eel-lectric!

Posted: 10/18/22 16:59
by bunniefuu
Out there on the continent
of South America,

in the watery basins of
the Amazon Rainforest,

is where a very shocking
creature lives.


It's us, the Kratt Brothers!

I'm Martin!

And I'm Chris!

And we're here at the
California Academy of Sciences

to check out
a very cool creature.

Come on!

This amazing fish
is called an electric eel.

Look how huge they are!

Electric eel's
have a creature power

that very few animals
in nature have.

The power to deliver
a walloping electric shock.

That's why you'd never want
to touch an electric eel.

But we can feed them
very carefully,

actually hand feed them,
these fish.

All right, come and get it,
electric eels!

And one thing to remember when
you're feeding an electric eel,

don't put your hands
in the water.

Oh, here comes one.


Whoa, they really
suck it up!

Did you hear that?

You can hear him
sucking the fish up!


They're hungry!

They make the greatest sound,

kind of like Chris
slurping spaghetti.


Who would've known feeding
electric eels could be such fun?

Electric eels are really kind of
peaceful, gentle creatures.

They only use
that shocking power

when they need to immobilize
their prey to eat.

Or when they need to protect
themselves from predators.

But how do they do it?

How does a creature
make and give off

a high voltage electric shock?

Imagine if we could tap
into the electric power

of that awesome fish.

Imagine if we had
electric eel powers.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Whoa-ho, keep up with
that eagle, Jimmy!


Wow, a harpy eagle in flight!

The largest eagle in the
whole Western Hemisphere.

Even the world, depending
on what you're measuring.

Well, one thing is for sure,
that sloth and monkey hunter

has the largest talons
of any living eagle.

Yeah, and it's not only
monkeys and sloths,

lots of creatures have
nightmares about those talons.

Tell me about it.

Oh, wait, come back!

He's gone, bro.

Vanished into
the Amazon rainforest,

the largest expanse of
rainforest in the world.

Ooh, I'd hate to get
lost down there.


I mean, you'd be with
harpy eagles, army ants...

Wild pigs,
bushmaster vipers...

Jaguars, crocodilians!

Lost with j-j-jaguars?

And c-c-crocodilians?

That would be...




No big deal.

Koki, Jimmy fainted again!

He'll wake up
if he smells cookies.

Here ya go.

(Alarm blaring)


We're going down!

We gotta go back up!

(Alarm blaring)

Jimmy, wake up!

Wake up!

She's in a downward dive!



That just spins it around!



How do you work
these controls?

Koki, quick, the cookie!



Ahh, she's falling fast!

Hang on!



Well, not exactly as graceful
a landing as a harpy eagle.


Uh-oh, this is not good.

Can you fix it, Koki?

Well, not in minutes!

The electrical system is fried.

Totally shorted out.


Yep, power doors don't work.


N-no power?!

The electrical system
sends power to every part

of the ship, Jimmy.

Without it,
there's no light,

no power doors,
no computers, nothing.

I think I'm gonna
have to rebuild

all the
electrical circuits.


Electrical circuits?


Well, energy travels in a
circuit from a power source.



See, this is a simple
electrical circuit.

It just needs a power source,
like a battery.

And when I put the battery
in the circuit,

it turns on the light bulb.

But how?

Tiny energy charged things
called electrons

flow from one end of the battery
through the wires.

They pass through the light
bulb, casting off energy

to light it up, then
continue back to the battery.


An electrical circuit.

A loop.

Yup, but if the loop is broken,
the circuit is dead;

there's no power.

Or if the power source
is damaged, same thing.

No power.

Oh, no.

How long do you think
it'll take to fix?

I need to check
every circuit and

all the power sources
for damage.

Could take a while.


No, no, no, no,
not great!

Sure it is.

That'll give us plenty
of time to explore

the Amazon rainforest!

Harpy eagles, jaguars,
crocodilians, here we come!

That's why it's not great!

The Tortuga is open, exposed.

Any animal with big teeth
and sharp claws

can just wander in here.

We don't even have the power

to put the Tortuga in
lockdown mode or anything!

Don't worry about it, Jimmy.

It'll be fine.

Besides, we won't be that long.

Yeah, Koki's a pro at this.

We'll just step out of here
so we're not in the way.

See ya!


Oh, Jimmy.


Ah yes, there's nothing like
a little Tortuga breakdown.

Yup, a great excuse for
a creature adventure!

And hey, out here...

you never know what
creatures you'll uncover.

Like that!

A m-m-mud monster!

It's not just one.

It's a whole swarm
of creatures!

Uh-oh, are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Yeah, we'd better
charge outta here

or we'll get a jolt
from these...

Electric eels!



Brr, eel-lectric!

Guys, easy!

You didn't have to zap us!

Bro, can you believe it?


I am so charged up.

In more ways than one.

We actually found
some electric eels!

That is awesome!

Ah, whoa!

These eels pack
a powerful shock.

And I don't even think they
gave us all they've got!

Was it you?

Hmm, well, I think
I'll call you Voltage.

Get it, volts?

Like how much energy
a battery holds.

Martin, he's an electric eel,
not a battery.

Hmm, how does your
eel-ectricity work anyway?

Creature Mystery.

Set it to sense
electrical charges.

Ah, those three
special body parts

are all making
electrical charges.

Chris, check it out!

He's doing something.

Straightening out
real long in the water.

And look, that
body part is activated.

It's sending out
an electrical charge.

Just a low voltage one,
not a high voltage shocking one.

Voltage, what're you up to?

Something is in
the electrical field.

Something's coming close.

Over there!




The other two body parts...

they're activating now.

They must be...

Martin, look out!


Whoa, that's shocking!

It's eel-lectric!


We just saw the electric eel's
shock power in action!

The shock was too much
for the piranha.

It paralyzed him.

He couldn't move.

And that's how the eel
catches his prey.


Now I know why electric eels
don't have teeth.

They don't need them!

They catch prey
with shocking power.

So they use a little
electrical charge

to sense things around them,
like incoming prey.

Exactly, and that comes
from this body part.

And they use a strong electrical
pulse to give a powerful shock.

And that comes from
these two body parts.


A creature who was using
battery-powered electricity

way before humans
even figured it out.


Batteries, power,

That's it!

Hey, Voltage, do you think
you could help us out

with our
broken down Tortuga?

Oh, yeah, it won't
take very long,

and we'll have you
back home in a flash!

We promise!

Okay, let's go.


But wait, do we really even want
to fix the Tortuga right now?

What do you say we keep checking
out these eels and fix it later?

Martin, Jimmy's
freaking out back there!

(Distant crying)

Ahh, he's fine!

Listen, I'll take
Voltage back there.

You stay here and find out
more about these eels.

I owe you one, bro.


I'll get you back home
soon, Voltage.

Uh, jaguars, caiman
crocodiles, coming closer!


Almost done, Koki?

Well, I've fixed all the
electrical circuits and wiring.


Let's start 'er up then.

But the battery is blown.

And there's no way we can
start up the ships power systems

without a battery,
a start-up power source.

Aww, not great.



I've got the answer to
all our problems right here!

Meet Voltage,
the electric eel.

Hi, Voltage!


You're not exactly cute,
but I'll pet you anyway.

I wouldn't do that
if I were you.


He's called an electric eel
for a reason.

He packs volts of
electrical shocking power.

That's five times as much
as most wall sockets.



Shocking, I know,
but check it out.

He's like a living battery.

His head area is
the positive charge,

and his tail area is
the negative charge.



Even when he's just
swimming around

using his low voltage energy,
he can light up a light bulb.

For real!


Koki's gotta see this!

So you're telling me
he can give off

even more potential energy
than a car battery?

times more
than a car battery!

A creature that has the voltage
of lots of car batteries!

Oh, I could kiss you!


But I won't.

That's enough to start up
the Tortuga, right?

That's a lot of voltage,
but the Tortuga is a huge ship

and needs massive
battery power to start up.

Voltage just can't release
enough power fast enough

to replace this huge battery.

It won't work.



I've got it!


Voltage may not have enough
power to start up the Tortuga,

but he surely has enough power
to run my Mobile Invention Kit!


He should have
enough for that.


So if we get this going, I can
design electric eel Power Suits.

Together Chris and Martin
just might be able to

generate enough power
to start the Tortuga.

Good thinking, Aviva!

Let's do it!

Okay, the terminals
are in place.

Start it up, Aviva!

We need Voltage to unleash
his full eel-ectricity power,

his high voltage hunting power.


The Fishmobile!

Hopefully he'll think
it's a real fish and zap it.



Oh, please work...

And... here goes!

Aviva, now!

It worked!

It's on!


I'm back in invention action!

Sorry, Voltage,
it's not a real fish.

But you did it!

We owe you one, buddy.

Okay, as long as I stay
out of their zapping range,

I should be fine.

A creature adventurer's gotta do

what a creature
adventurer's gotta do.


Whoa, stay away from their
electrical sensing fields.

That's it, easy does it.

(Nervous laughing)

We're all friends here.

Hey, buddy, what do you
have behind your back?

Hmm, do eels have backs?

Whoa, eggs!

It's a nest!

That eel has a nest of eggs.

Oh, and of course,
the father electric eels

defend and protect the eggs
and baby eels fiercely.






Okay, okay, I get it!


If the eels here have nests
that they're protecting...



This was his territory and...

Oh, no!

That's what I was afraid of.

Voltage's nest,
it's unguarded, exposed!

Chris, mayday, mayday!

Get Voltage back here quick.

He has a nest to protect!

A nest?

Yeah, it's exposed,
and it's our fault.

Oh, no!


I'm sorry, I didn't know!

Don't worry, I'll get you
back in a flash.

Wait, but I'm not done!

I still need his power
to finish the suits.

I can't wait.

The eel eggs need their daddy!

I gotta take him now.

Then you'll have to take me too.

Keep it steady, Chris.


To the baby electric eel rescue!


But what about me?

I'm unprotected too!

Ah, from the caimans!


The first hatchling!

Aw, hey, little guy!

Listen, your dad, he just went
to help us with something,

and I'll watch you
till he's gets back, okay?


Maybe not soon enough.

How am I gonna defend the nest?

I have no defensive power,
not against that mouth!

Hey, caiman buddy.

Nothing to see here.



Chris, over here!

Caiman alert!

The nest is under attack!

Oh, no!

Go, Voltage, go!


Eel-ectric Power!


The baby eels are safe!


Nice defense, Voltage!

And that's the third use of
eel-ectric power: defense.

Oh, and I really want
electric eel power.

Aw, sorry, bro.

Aviva didn't have time
to finish the discs.

Who says I didn't have time
to finish the discs?

Two electric eel Power Discs
ready for action.


(Flare whizzing)


Uh-oh, an SOS flare!

It's coming from the Tortuga.

Jimmy and Koki
must be in trouble.

We gotta get back.

We'll take the
water route, eel-style.

Uh-oh, to activate we've
gotta touch an electric eel.

That's crazy!

Shocking, really.


Gotta do what we gotta do.

Activate electric eel powers!


I feel so energized!

All right!

So full of electric power!

Okay, guys, so use
some of that energy

to get back to
the Tortuga, fast!

We'll meet you there.

To the Tortuga Rescue!

Easy, chomper.

You better back off!


Uh, do we have
any more flares?

We used the last one.

And I hope they saw it.

We could use
a little help back here.


And back there.

We're here guys.

Okay, easy, buddy.

Back off!

Don't make me use
my electric eel power.



I told you not to do that.

Eel-ectric Power!

No hard feelings buddy,
but you know,

I really didn't want
to be your lunch today.

Guys, guys, is everything--


Okay, buddy, if you're
done with your nap,

could we have our
Tortuga back, please?


Oh yeah, this guy must already
know about electric eels.

Most predators just
need to get shocked once

before they quickly realize

that that it's never worth
messing with an electric eel.

Well, I guess there's just

too much positive energy
in here for them!

Yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes!


Thanks, team!

Those guys were pretty shifty.


Did you have to say shifty?


Uh-oh, we're slipping
into the river!

We don't have much time!

Okay, g*ng,
it's now or never!

We've gotta put our
eel-ectricity powers together

and see if we can
start up the Tortuga.

It's our last chance!

Let's do it, brother.


All right, the front
of the eel is positive,

so that goes to
the positive terminal.

Battery two?

At your service!

And negative end of the eel
to the negative terminal.

Okay, Jimmy, get ready
to start the engines.


Let's power it up!

electrical charge!


Jimmy, now!

Oh, no!

Keep going guys!

We'll give it
all we've got!

Try again, Jimmy!



Yay, it worked!

The engines are back on!

Yeah, we did it!


We're gonna
say goodbye to Voltage.

Okay, meet you there.

I can't believe it!

They're here!

The babies are here!

All your babies hatched.

And check it out, they're
fritzing a little bit!

Ha, practicing using their
electric eel shock power!

But their charge is still weak,

so Voltage will have to keep
protecting them for months.

Well, Chris, I'd say that's
mission accomplished.

And the coolest thing, Voltage
here basically has body parts

that are like natural batteries.

Thanks to him, we got
the Tortuga going again.

You ready for pickup, guys?

Not quite.

There's one more thing
we need to do.


Teach these little eels a cool
dance move: the electric slide!

Oh, brothers...


So, electric eels
have an incredible

electric shocking power.


That's times more potential
energy than a car battery.

And it all comes from special
organs inside the eel's body

that act like natural batteries.

Do you wanna see the electric
eel's creature powers in action?

Come on!

Right now the electric organs
inside these eels are at work,

sending out electrical impulses
to sense their surroundings.

It's the way the eels
see in murky water.

And although we don't
wanna touch this guy,

because we don't want him
to get startled and shock us,

we can set up some
equipment to show you

how powerful the
electric eel's charge is.

We're gonna see if
we can get this eel

to use his
eel-ectricity power

to light up the light bulb
on this circuit.

And remember,
don't try this at home.

That's right!

Working with electricity
can be very dangerous,

and you should only do it if
you're a trained professional.

And one thing to
remember about electricity

is that it always travels
in a circuit, a circle.

It starts from one end of the
power source, the positive end,

and goes to the other end of the
power source, the negative end.

So in this case, it will
start with the electric eel,

going down this wire,
through this light bulb,

and back to
the electric eel.

The electric eel
is the battery!

Are you ready to try it?

All right, let's
give this a shot.

Okay, I've got this rod
positioned by his tail.

And I've got this one
by his head.

They're checking it out,
they're sending out

their navigational impulses
to see what these are.

Oh look,
it's lighting up!


It works!

That is the power
of the electric eel.

And that's just his
navigation impulse.

His shock impulse
is much stronger.

Hey, thanks for showing us your
awesome electric eel powers!

Want a few more snacks
for the road?

Keep on creature

We'll see you
on the creature trail!

Here you go, girl.
