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03x06 - Back in Creature Time: Part 1: Day of the Dodo

Posted: 10/18/22 16:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here in North America,

on the east coast
of the United States,

amongst the hustle
and bustle of New York City.

Hey, it's us,
the Kratt brothers.

I'm Chris.
I'm Martin.

You might be thinking this
is a pretty strange place

to be looking
for creatures, right?

It is, but there
are some creatures

you can only find here...

at a museum!

Like the American Museum
of Natural History!

Come on!


Here are skeletons
of some animals

that once
roamed the earth,

like this giant ground sloth.

But no giant ground
sloths survive today.

They're extinct.
That's the scientific word

for an animal that
once roamed the earth,

but doesn't anymore
because they all died out.

Animals become extinct
for a few different reasons.

This giant lemur,
Megaladapis, went extinct

because when people
arrived on Madagascar,

it was hunted and its
habitat was destroyed.

There are some animals alive
today that are endangered

of becoming extinct

because their numbers
are falling so low,

like the hugely impressive

African black rhino,

or the beautiful
and sleek Ethiopian wolf.

Or the intelligent great
red ape, the orangutan.

They're what are called
"endangered species."

If their numbers keep falling,

and eventually hit zero,
they would become extinct.

Gone from the planet,

like these animals of the past.

And we would be left to wonder
what it would have been like

to see them in real life.

Imagine if we
could go back in time--

And see some of those
amazing extinct creatures.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ (Wild Kratts)
Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ (Wild Kratts)
Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

"Back in Creature Time:
Day of the Dodo."

See, Martin? Climbing
even the tallest trees

in the Philippine
rainforest is easy and quick

in a tarsier Power Suit.

Yeah, these legs can leap!

There they are.

Yeah, just a quick
in and out of this nest

and hey, bada-boom, bada-bing,

it'll be creature
mission accomplished.

Okay, egg
temperature is normal.

Great. Hurry, Chris.


Oh, yeah.

I can hear
the chick's heartbeat.

Uh, fantastic. Done yet?


Oh, yeah,
they're developing nicely.

Everyone's healthy.

Great. Okay, done?


All good.


Not all good! Look!

A Philippine
monkey-eating eagle,

with knife-like talons!


Philippine eagles look
really scary when they're mad.

Yeah, well, they are the
largest eagles in the world!


And they do specialize
in catching big monkeys

and other large prey!


Uh, does it help that
we're much smaller primates

than he usually catches?


I don't think so!

(Both yelling)

(Both yelling)

Go, go, Aviva, go!




He's gaining on us!

Hey, listen, buddy,

we weren't trying
to steal your eggs.

We were just trying to help.

Yeah, you Philippine eagles

are one of the most endangered
creatures in the world,

and we just want to
make sure you survive.

It'd be nice if we did too!

Hold on, guys!

(Engine rumbling)



(All groaning)

I don't think
he understood.

But at least we know that all
the eggs are officially safe.


Get off!

Ooh, uh...


Well, Koki, the male eagle's

doing a good job of taking
care of the eggs on his own.

So, that's good news,

and with any luck,

his mate will be
back out helping him soon,

as soon as her wing
heals up that is.

And don't worry,
we'll stick with you

until you're healthy
and your chicks hatch.

That's right. With only
about left in the wild,

every single one of these
eagles is super important.

Because if the number
gets down to zero,

that means no more Philippine
Eagles in the world...


(All gasping)

Don't say it!

What? "Extinct?"

Oh, you said it.


No way.
That just can't happen.

We won't let it.

So many creatures
have gone extinct already.

Ones that we'll
never, ever get to see.

Ever, ever get to add
to our Creature Life List

because they're gone!



Uh-oh, they're in their
extinct species trance,

dreaming about adventures
that could have been.


Well, now's the time.

While we're keeping
an eye on these eagles,

I've got something that's sure
to snap these guys out of it.


A trampoline!

Look! You guys love
trampolines. Hmm...

But this isn't
just any trampoline.

This is a time trampoline.

Say what?

Yup. With this trampoline,

you can actually jump back
in time, up to years.



Did you say
"jump back in time?

Up to years?"

Let's go!


Ah-ah-ah, not so fast.

I've never tested it before.

So, we have to make sure
we do everything right,

or you could get
lost in the past.

And we've got to figure out what
creature we're going to find.


I know, Megaladapis!

Or an auk penguin!

Oh, wait, Tasmanian tiger!

Yes! Golden toads!

Oh, it's impossible
to decide!

There's only
one way to do this, bro.


We'll let the Extinct
Creature Spinner decide.

(Lightning crashing,
horns honking)

(Bell ringing)

Yes, I know
what you're thinking.

"Zach Varmitech is a genius!

The greatest inventor ever!"

t-devil security bot,


And there'd be
many more varmint robots

if it weren't for
those Wild Ratts,

rescuing their precious "living
free and in the wild" animals.

Give me a break!

What are those pesky
Wild Ratts up to now?

Nice spinning wheel.

Thanks. I'll spin.

They're playing
a little animal game

with a spinner and a trampoline.

That's frivolous and boring.

Wake me up if they do
anything interesting.

(Alarm ringing)



I didn't me wake me literally.

While they play
their silly games,

I'll just finish my latest
and most genius invention yet!

Now you see me,
now you don't!


Okay, okay...

I'm feeling lucky.

What's it going to be?
Oh, come on, come on.



(Bell ringing)

Dodo bird!
Dodo bird!

The classic
extinct creature!

♪ Oh, we're going
to see a dodo bird ♪

♪ Yee-haw, yippee! ♪

♪ Gonna see a dodo bird ♪

♪ Yes, siree! ♪

Okay, guys, let's
get the trampoline set.

To the balcony!

♪ Gonna see a dodo bird ♪

♪ Yee-haw, yippee! ♪

Okay, when did
dodo birds go extinct?

Hundreds of years ago,
around , right, guys?

Uh-huh, yeah.

So, I'll set the time machine
to around the early 's,

and the location right there,

in the Indian Ocean,
the island of Mauritius.

Set location.



Let's go!

Here, you'll
need this to get back.

The main trampoline will
bounce you back in time,

and this remote trampoline

will bounce you home
to the present day.

Don't break it or let it
run low on transistor energy,

or you'll get
trapped in the past.

No problem. Oops.



Easy, gorilla hands,
it's fragile.

Speaking of that,

someone else has to go.

Koki'll do it.

You and I are the only ones
who know how this works,

so one of us should be on each
side of the time connection

to make sure
nothing goes wrong.

Well, I wasn't really planning

on travelling to
the past today, but okay.

Nothing's happening.

Go higher.

You have to get up
to the right jump height

to open the time connection.



Keep going! The further
back in time you're going,

the higher you need go get.

Yeah! Whoo!


Jump into the time warp!

Got it! Dodo birds,
here we come!


We did it!

They're headed
to the past!

Let's hope they
get there okay.

Ooh, right.



We're here! Throw it!

Out there?

Yes, quick!

We need to enter the warp now!



Mauritius Island!

Over years ago!



Maybe a trampoline wasn't
the best choice for time travel.

Take a bad bounce and you never
know where you're going to land.

Now we just have to find a dodo.


Uh, that was easy.

A dodo bird!



Tortuga HQ to time jumpers,

we can't see
through the time warp,

but we can hear you.
Did you say "dodo bird?"

You found one?

We found a dodo bird.

I can't believe it!

It worked! I invented
a time travel machine!

It's one small bounce
for creatures...

One huge leap
for creature-kind.


(Aviva laughing)

All right!


Oh, Zach, you've outdone
yourself this time.

(Alarm ringing, screaming)

Ah! Stop doing that to me!


Is something happening?


(Words rewinding)

I can't believe it!

It worked! I invented
a time travel machine!

A time machine?!
No! That was my idea.

I'm the genius!

I'm supposed to make
the time machine first.

No fair! No fair! No fair!

Oh, yes,

you're right.

I'll get a closer look
at her latest invention

with my latest invention.

And no, it's not just a cape.

This my Zach-bot,
is the ultimate in spy gear.

To the Tortuga HQ!

(Bell ringing)


A ' tall
member of the pigeon family.

You know, seeing you is
a dream come true.

I can't believe
how friendly he is.

Every other bird
would fly away by now.

Except he can't fly.
He doesn't need to.

There are no
predators on this island,

including no humans.

So, dodos evolved
to be flightless ground birds

without much
to be afraid of.

But they're too big,
plump and heavy to fly anyway.

Maybe that's
'cause he eats rocks.

Hey, how about this rock, buddy?

Oh, huh.
I'll call you Rocko,

Rocko the dodo.

But that's just
the first course.

He really eats those:


That's more like it.

Yeah, the rocks
he ate help him digest.

They sit in the dodo's stomach
and help grind up the fruit.


Land ho!

Drop anchor!

(Martin gasping)

Well, so much for no humans.

an undiscovered island.

Maybe there's some
undiscovered animals I can cook.

Woo-hoo! After all,
it is lunch time

and discovering new lands
makes me mighty hungry.


Wait a second. That guy
looks really familiar.

Yeah, like he
could be Gourmand's

or something.

We're back in time way
farther than that, aren't we?

Correction: like Gourmand's



Quick, hide!

(Chuckling and humming)

(Inhaling deeply)

I smell something
unusual to eat. You!

How do you taste?


Well, let's find out then.

Ha! This is too easy!


You silly birds
don't even run away!


Oh, no, it's happening!

What's happening?

This was the beginning
of the end for the dodo.

When people first
came to the island,

dodo's were an easy
meal for hungry sailors,

and people brought
other animals too, like pigs,

dogs, and even macaque monkeys,

and they ate
dodo eggs and chicks,

destroyed dodo habitats,

and not long after that,
there weren't any dodos left.

Rocko, wait!

Stick with us, Rocko.


You'll make a nice appetizer.


Oh, no!

♪ And paddling back
to the ship I am! ♪

Well, we gotta help them!

We can't! We can't
mess with the past.

Who knows what effect
it could have in the future?

But we can't just stand by

and watch the amazing dodo bird
become great-great-great--

Fifteen "greats."

-- Granddaddy Gourmand's lunch!

And eventually
go extinct forever.

Oh, if only we had a
Creature Power from the past.

A dragonfly! Of course!

They've been around
for about million years.

It just might work.

Activate Dragonfly Power!

To the dodo bird rescue!

Wait! Wait!

We can't stay here forever.
The trampoline's energy field

will start to
break down, remember?

They'd better
get back here fast.

♪ Yo, ho, ho
and I sail the seven seas ♪

♪ Tasting all kinds
of beasties ♪


Now, you birds
fatten up in here,

especially you.

I'll set a course for home and
be right back to cook you up.



He can't talk to
little Brainio like that.

"Brainio," great name, bro.

Oh, yeah, thanks.

People think dodos were stupid
because they were friendly,

but they're actually
really smart birds.

Okay, let's airlift
them out of here.


Did you have to
eat so many rocks?

Hmm... if we could just...

get them into that boat!

Oh, no! Berry on the loose!

That's it!

Okay, everybody,

just follow the berry.


Yes, it's work--
oh, no!

The boat is rocking.

Wait, come back.

That's right.

No, not that way.

The other way!

Yeah, yeah, that way.
Yes, that way!

Go, dodos, go!

Follow that berry!

It worked!

We have a
boatload of dodos.

Boy, is great-great-great-great-
great-great-- oh, forget it--

Granddaddy Gourmand guy
going to be surprised

when he figures out
the dodos are gone.


But what's going to stop him
from just sailing back here

and catching them again?

You're right.
This might not be enough

to save the dodos
from extinction.

Hey, where you going?

You go ahead, I'll catch up.

Oh, no problem.

I'll just tow a boatload
of dodos by myself.

Okay, so the island with the
big tasty birds is right here.

I gotta remember that
so I can come back and get more,

maybe even stay awhile.

Now northwest towards home!
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho!

You'll never find the
island again if I can help it.


I'll send you...
there instead.

Those birds
will be delicious!


I don't think so.

Bon voyage!

(Granddad Gourmand humming)
♪ Yo, ho, ho ♪


Hey, Martin!

Need another
set of wings?


A two dragonfly powered
motorboat, that's much better.





Oh, you're home.

Guys, you made it
just in time!

The time connection
is destabilizing!

We gotta get back fast!

Okay, let's go!

Martin, you can't
take him with us.

Why not? If we bring one
back to the future,

we can save the species.

The dodos won't be
extinct anymore!

But we shouldn't mess with
anything in the past.

It might affect the future in
some way that we can't predict.

Or it might actually
save the dodos!

We've got to do something.

What if little Brainio here
is the dodo-bird chick

that's needed in this time

for the species to have
a chance to survive?

He saw how mean and dangerous
bad guys can be.

Maybe, hopefully, he'll know how
to stay away and hide from them.

Guys, we gotta go!



Remember, Brainio.

Run away from those guys.

They're like predators.

They want to eat you!

Run from them, buddy. Run!

Take care of her, Rocko.

Everybody look out
for each other, okay?

It's now or never.


Goodbye, dodos!

And so long, Great-Granddaddy
Gourmand guy!

Ooh. Hey!

This isn't
the tasty-bird island.




Jimmy, here they come!


They made it!


Ugh, gotta watch
that exit bounce.

Whoa! Oof!

Ugh. Sounds like they're back.

Well, and it'll be
a better test of this--

my invisibility cloak.

Yoohoo, over here!


See, it works!

I'm going inside.


Aviva, that is one
incredible invention!

Yeah, and dodo birds
are awesome.

Guess what?

We might have even saved
the dodo birds from extinction.

Wait, are they still extinct or
did they survive?

Dodo bird.
Checking current status.

Come on, come on, come on.
Please, come on.

Please, please, please.

Dodo birds, dodo birds,
dodo birds alive, survive.


Zero dodo birds!

They're still extinct.

If only we had time
to do more back there,

like train them all how to run
and hide better-- something!

Aviva, can we go back?

It's too risky.

Going back to the same time
and place right away

could cause
a time-trampoline meltdown.

We could get trapped back there.

Trapped? Hmm.

If I could somehow trap them
back in time,

I can lock them in the past

and they'll be extinct forever!


But listen, guys.

We could maybe go
someplace else.

We can?
In the past?

Yeah. The time transistor can
hold up for one more trip.

We're in!

Oh, goody! Me too!

And this time,
I'm going with you guys.

Got it.

So where are we going?

Who will we meet?

Let's find out.

So the dodo bird is one really
cool animal

that's now extinct.

And the only information
we have left about them

is from old th-century

and from bones and other remains
that we have left.

Scientists agree that the dodo
was a smart member

of the pigeon family,
and flightless.

This skeleton is assembled from
bones found on Mauritius Island

and it's clues like this that
have helped scientists

piece together this life-sized
dodo replica.

It's made from feathers
of other birds

but it gives a sense of
what a dodo looked like.

Unfortunately, we'll never know
much more about the habits

and behaviors of
the amazing dodo bird

because of the forces
that drove it to extinction

like overhunting...

Habitat loss...

Competition with alien species.

And right now there are
other creatures

that are facing
very similar challenges

like the black rhino.

Black rhinos are one of
the most endangered animals

in the world right now

due to overhunting.


We met this two-year-old
black rhino in Africa

at the Sheldrick Elephant

For her, there's nothing
like a good scratch.

Oh, yeah, she loves it.

Rhinos aren't hunted for food
like the dodo was.

Instead, they're mostly hunted
for their horn

which is unfortunately
sometimes used

for carvings
and other purposes.

Another endangered creature

that faces similar challenges
to the ones the dodo once faced

is the golden bamboo lemur.

And golden bamboo lemurs'
very existence

is threatened by
habitat destruction.

As more and more of their
forests are cleared for cities,

villages and farms,

the golden bamboo lemurs have
fewer and fewer places to live.

This exhibit at the American
Museum of Natural History

shows just a taste

of the millions of animals
on the planet.

But every year,

hundreds, maybe even thousands,
of animal species go extinct.

If they lose the battle
with extinction,

remains like this might be
all we have left.

Hey, are you thinking
what I'm thinking?


They're still around.

We've got to do an adventure
with pandas!

All right!

Keep on creature adventuring.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

Pandas, here we come.

To find out more
about cool animals...