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03x22 - Tenrec Treasure Hunt

Posted: 10/18/22 16:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

Africa's where we are,
on Madagascar.

An island of unique
and unusual creatures!

Hey, it's us!
The Kratt brothers!

I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.

For most of its long history,

there were no rodents
in Madagascar.

No mice, moles, or shrews.

No opossums,
hedgehogs, or otters.

None of the small mammals
common to most continents.

And so, on this island, a very
special group of animals evolved

to live different lifestyles
in different habitats.


In the trees!

In the water!

They're called tenrecs.

There are different kinds,

and they're all
very difficult to find.

So we're on a tenrec
treasure hunt. Come on!

A ring-tailed mongoose!

Also known as Galidia.

This is a major predator
of all kinds of tenrecs.

He's out searching
for tenrecs too!

Streaked tenrecs
and shrew tenrecs

are their favorite prey.

Galidia are great on the land,
climbing trees,

and even in the water,

so they can get tenrecs
wherever they are.

Most tenrecs are nocturnal,

but these guys come out
during the day,

so they'll often find the
tenrecs asleep in their burrows.

And I love that bright
orange, striped tail.

Look at how beautiful
that color is.

Cool tenrec predator,
but still no tenrec.

Imagine if we had
creature powers

to take us in to
the little known world...

...of the tenrecs.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready,
it's the hour ♪

♪ Gonna save some animals today
with Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Chris! Chris!

Chris? Chris!



I can't find Chris anywhere.


And you checked
the gear garage?

Yup, he's not
down here either.


Who's been picking through
my used parts bin?

Can't anybody get
some sleep around here?

I mean, besides Jimmy?


We can't find Chris.
He's gone.

He likes to get up early.

He's probably out
hiking or something.



Calling all
Creature Adventurers!

Uh, it's for you guys.

One of my messaging orbs.

What does it say?

You have been chosen for
an epic creature challenge,

should you dare to accept it.

Oh yeah, I dare!

It is a treasure hunt

of some of the coolest creatures
in all of Madagascar

and it's called...

The Great Tenrec
Treasure Hunt!

Ten wrecks?
Like shipwrecks?

Why ten shipwrecks?

Ha ha. No, tenrecs!
The creature!

They're a cool family
of small mammals

that come in different
shapes, sizes, and types.

Almost all of them are found
only in Madagascar,

but lots of them
are really hard to find.

Yeah, and I've been
secretly finding some

the whole time we've
been here in Madagascar

so I could set up
this treasure hunt

that will lead you
to their exact locations.

If you successfully
get to the end,

you will have found
all five tenrecs.

And you, brother of mine,
won't want to miss the last one.

Oh, I wonder
which one that is...

Out of all species, it's
probably one of the rarest.

And maybe it's one of
the ones that swims, oh!

It could be one of the ones
that climbs, or digs...

So if you are willing
to take the challenge,

go up that way and
zip to your first clue.

Come on!

Jimmy get up!

We've got Jimmy.

Let's go!


Tenrecs here we come!

All right!



Whew, ha ha ha.







A creature power

will help you find
the first tenrec of the day,

so go to the lemur
whose finger can point the way.

Good luck.


What kind of lemur's
going to do that?

Wait, wait, wait...

"the lemur whose finger can
point the way".

Finger... That's it!

He must be talking about the
lemur with the special,

super-long, super-skinny,
tap-tap-tappy finger!

The aye-aye!

Excuse me, anybody home?

Hey, um...

can you help us
find a tenrec?

Oh, hey there Goblin.


An aye-aye power disc.

I bet my brother left that
with you, didn't he?

Activate aye-aye power!

Look! Another clue!

Getting closer.

Now head east,

and let your finger
lead you to the little beast!

East, got it!

Okay, so how would his finger
lead us to a tenrec?

This is how.

With her echolocation powers.

If an aye-aye can find insects
hiding in hollow trees

by tapping his finger like this

and listening for the echo of
something hiding inside...

then I can use
the same creature powers...

to search for a tenrec
hiding inside...

this log!



a hedgehog tenrec!

That's tenrec number one!


Yay! Woo-hoo!

He's searching
through the leaf litter,

looking for worms, insects,
beetles, fruits, and--

Ooh, he found a cockroach.


Yuck, I'm not crazy about what
he eats, but he sure is cute.

Super cute. Here cutie-cute!


What's with the prickly fur?


That's why he rolls up
into a ball.

He just becomes
a ball of spines.

And nobody likes to eat a
mouthful of spines,

right, Spikeball?

Well, we're doing great.

One tenrec down,
four more to go!

Yup, this treasure hunt
will be no problemo.

Where's the next clue, Chris?



Ah, there!

Are you guys sure
this is the right spot?

What was that clue again?

Go to coordinates
east by south,

then sit in the bucket's mouth.

Well, our coordinates
are right, but what mouth?

That bucket's mouth!

Hey, that's my bucket
from my used parts bin.


Okay, all set.

Let 'er rip!

Are you sure about that thing?

I mean, it's made of
bamboo st*lks and vines.

Oh yeah, my brother builds
with whatever he's got--

whatever gets the job done.

Hmmm... Yup, looks like
a Chris original all right.

All right, fling me
to the next tenrec!

Well, here goes nothing.



There goes the Flying Martino!

Wait, where's he gonna land?


Hey, how are you?

Human torpedo coming through.




Woo-hoo! Bull's-eye!

Come on, guys.





Okay, what's next?

"X" marks the spot.

Go down there,
you're getting hot.

But keep an eye out
all the way through,

better spot him
before he spots you.

Here's the "X"!

Looks like a Worm-mobile


Burrowing down, worm-style.

Okay, a tunnel system.

Everybody keep
your eyes peeled.

These underground adventures
can get pretty crazy.

Okay, we get it, so you don't
have to stop when you talk.

Stop? I didn't stop.
I'm giving full power...



I think he found us first!

Yeah, and he's
trying to eat us!

No problem.

I'll activate the slime.

Uh, nice try Aviva, but worm
slime doesn't bother a tenrec.

(All yelling)

Then let's make it taste bad.

Hey, my socks!

Sorry, but can you please
let go of my Worm-mobile?



Whew! I thought we were
gonna be eaten by a mole.

Well, he's not
actually a mole.

He's a mole-like
rice tenrec!

Way to go!

You found tenrec number two!

But he doesn't have spines.

Not all tenrecs do.

Tenrecs come in all shapes,
sizes, and types.

He's an underground tenrec,
so he's different.

He has huge front paws and
powerful front legs for digging.

And his eyes are tiny because
in the dark underground,

it's really more
about smell and hearing.

That's what helps him
find worms in the dark.

Amazing, it's like there's
a tenrec for every place.

Each one with the features
it needs for that habitat!

All right, the second cool
tenrec is found.

Now go straight up
from here and out of the ground.

Woo-hoo! Hurry everybody!

We've got another
tenrec to meet.

Back to normal size.

Thank you.


Looks like we're
going airborne.

Oh, yeah,
it's a flying machine.

I'll go first.

Martin, wait. We don't even
know how it works yet.

Let's see what
this is all about.

Five turns of the propeller

will take one of you
to the th floor.

Get off quick--
it won't fly anymore.

Right, five turns.
Got it, Martin?

Ten, eleven, twelve, uh...



One, two, three, four, five...

Hey Bing-Boing!
Hop aboard, buddy.

Eight, nine...

This is my stop!

Look out!

Hey, check it out.

I found another clue.

Nice landing.

Now that you're high
in the trees,

finding the next tenrec
should be a breeze.

Now, where's that tenrec?

Here, tenrec!


I don't see any tenrecs up here!

Oh, there you are.

You're a tenrec with a
prehensile tail!

A lesser long-tailed tenrec.

Ha ha, yeah!

You got it, bro!

But you gotta
keep up with him!

These guys are great
in the trees.

I am so ready.

Activate sifaka lemur power!

Hey, wait for me you
little leap-ster!

I'll head him off
at the pass.

Whoa buddy, slow down!

He's cute.

Look at those big hind feet.


And that's his key to
being good in the trees:

big feet for getting a good
footing on the branches.

That, and the prehensile tail.

A grabby tail is pretty useful
if you spend time in the trees.

Just ask other animals
that have them,

like monkeys and chameleons.

So if you're a tenrec
that lives in the trees,

you've got what you need.

Wow, a tenrec with spines...

One that lives underground...

Another one in the trees...

What's next?

Chris? Chris?

The next clue!

Solve the riddle
to find tenrec number four.

What can run but never walks,

has a bed but never sleeps,

and has a mouth but never eats?

Figure it out and go to it.

Hmm... runs but never walks...

A mouth but never eats...

What kind of animal is that?

And a bed but never sleeps...

River bed!

Rivers don't sleep!

And the beginning of the river
is the mouth of the river,

but it doesn't eat.

And the river water runs,
but doesn't walk.

That's it! The river!
That's the answer!

To the river! That way!


Jimmy, it wasn't that far.

You made it!

All right, so where are you,
tenrec number four?

Try in that hollow log.

Okay, okay,
I know how this works.

I'll get this little guy.

Now where is...

Ow! That's not just spiny,
that's sharp like needles!


Oh yeah!

Streaked tenrecs!

You found them, Jimmy!

A whole family of them.

These tenrecs like to hang out
in family groups.

They sleep together and go off
hunting for food together.

They look like porcupines.

Yup. Spines are
a good defense,

so even though they're not
closely related,

tenrecs evolved
to have them too!

And just like porcupines,
they don't sh**t them.

But they are loosely connected,

so any predator that
goes after them gets a faceful.

Or a handful! Ow...

So there are mothers
and babies too?

Yup, and I'll call you Pokey.

There you go, Pokey.

But what are they doing?

They're going off to search
the leaf litter

for beetles, worms,
slugs, leeches,

and whatever other
tasty things they can find.

Well, you know what
I'm having trouble finding?

Our next clue, that's what.

Yeah, where is it Chris?

You'll have to find it,

Get down low and search
the leaf litter.

I'm sure one of you will
find it hidden away in there.

Oh, I'm going to
find it first!

Yeah, right.

No way.


Let's go!


I'll search with you, Pokey!

Oh, found something... a worm!

I think you just missed out
on being Pokey's dinner.

We found a cockroach over here,
but no orb clue.

No clue here either,
but there's a slug.


We're just finding...


You're not a clue.

Oh no!

Ring tailed mongoose! Run!

He'll eat us!

You wouldn't eat us,
would you?



Aahh! Aahh!

No, no, no, mama!

Not a time to pick a fight!

Not with him!

Uh! Aah!


Whoa! A rarely seen
wildlife moment:

this ring-tailed mongoose
is not backing down.

He's looking for a way
around those spines.

But the tenrec's
not backing down either

and she points her
spine defense right at him.

Whoa, even charging
and trying to ram the mongoose

with the sharp spines
around her head.

Oh, she got him!

These tenrecs are quicker
than they look!

He's giving up.

Nice defense, Mama-T.

Hey, guys,
it's safe to come out!

The mongoose is gone!

Guys? Hello?

Where did everybody go?

Hey, what are those quills?

they're rubbing together,

but I can't really hear
any sound.

Hmm... setting to ultrasound...

sounds that humans
can't even hear.

(Scratching sounds)

Wow. I can't believe it!

Those quills make a sound!

I think she's...
calling her family!

Hey, Chris!

Boy, it's a good thing
I followed this guy.

I would have been
completely lost.

Well, you couldn't hear it,

but the mother tenrec called her
baby back here, with her quills.


Wow! That's cool.

She can make a sound humans
can't hear, but tenrecs can!

Hey, guys!

All the other tenrecs
are coming to her quill call!

Look what I stumbled upon!

Well, kind of
stumbled over really.

but where's Martin?

He and Pokey
aren't back yet.



Pokey, where are you?


Hang on little buddy,
I'm coming!


Grab something!


That's it Pokey.

Come on, come on, come on!

I'll catch you!

Got you!

Ow! Sharp spines...

Ow, ow, ow!

That's what you get
for catching a tenrec.


But the real problem is I have
no idea where we are,

or how to get back,

and my Creaturepod...

is spined!


Well, so much
for the treasure hunt.

We had only one more to go!

Okay, okay, don't worry.

I'll just have to think
of some way to get you home.

That's it, Mama Tenrec.
Keep calling!

Yeah. Our only hope is if she
and Pokey hear each other.

I can't believe my treasure hunt
caused this mess.

It's not your fault, Chris.

Anything can happen
in an adventure,

but that doesn't mean
you stop adventuring.


Wait... look.

I think she hears something.

Just show us the way, Mama-T.

Follow that tenrec!

Wah-- Pokey!

Hey! Pokey, wait!

Pokey, where you going?


Oh no, Pokey!

Ha ha ha, your mom!

Martin! There you are!

Hey, you found us!

Well, really they
found each other,

with those awesome quills.

We may not have finished
the treasure hunt,

but am I glad to see you guys.

Actually... play that clue
you found Jimmy.

You got it.

Ride the river downstream

to a hole in the riverbank
by the setting sun.

That's somebody's home, and your
tenrec treasure hunt is done.

Hmm... a hole?

You mean that hole?

Yep! That's the one!

So Martin and Pokey
found the hole in the riverbank

without even knowing it!

Well, I am pretty good at
treasure hunts, you know.

Ha ha, but whose home is it?


A web-footed tenrec!

Maybe the least known
of all the tenrecs!

And my favorite!

Martin, check out
the water-proof skin

and those webbed feet!

Ha ha, yeah! Awesome!

That's perfect for
swimming and river-living!

It's called adaptive radiation!

They're all tenrecs,

but each one has evolved
with features they need

to make it in
different habitats.

I had no idea there were so many
different kinds of tenrecs.

Yep, in Madagascar,

there's a tenrec treasure
wherever you look.

Whether it's above ground...

or underground...

And in the water!

And they all look different
because of where they live!

Well, you guys did it!

You found all
five cool tenrecs.

Treasure hunt complete!

That was awesome!

I'll take these guys back now,

while you guys have
a swim with a rare tenrec.

Somebody's got to do it!


Tenrecs rule!

So tenrecs are an amazing
little-known group of mammals.

They're small, secretive,
and hard to find.

So we're still
searching high and low.

On this tenrec treasure hunt!

A red-fronted brown lemur,
but no tenrecs.

A Madagascar boa constrictor!

These guys hunt tenrecs too.

Let's find a tenrec
before he does.

Warty chameleon!

Hard to spot with
that awesome camouflage,

but tenrecs are harder.


Martin, over here!


A tenrec!

This is a hedgehog tenrec
right here!

And boy, is it rolled up right
now in a ball of spines.

Look at that,
I can't believe it!

But yes, inside
this rolled up ball

is an animal-- a tenrec!

He basically folds
himself in half,

protecting his face,

and his soft under-part
of his belly...

Now, let's see if
we can get a closer look

if we put him right here...

There's his
little nose right there,

and there are his two ears,

but his little face
is tucked in so nicely,

protected by these spines.

They're sharp!

So any predator
that messes with him now,

just gets a
mouthful of spines.

Their enemies are large snakes

like the Madagascar boa,
and the fossa.

And those spines,

they're not a foolproof defense
against those big predators.

His quills are different
than the streaked tenrec's,

who have a set of spines with a
special ability: communication.

When rubbed together,
they make ultrasonic sounds

that they use to
call each other,

helping them to stay together
in the forest.

The large-eared tenrec
has her own specializations

for life underground.

Termites are quiet,

but with those big ears,
this tenrec can track them down.

All right buddy, let's get you
back into your home.

There. He didn't
move much, but,

well, we did find a tenrec!

So long, tenrec.

Keep on creature adventuring.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.