04x22 - Ignition Point

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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04x22 - Ignition Point

Post by bunniefuu »

That was awesome! All
right, all right, my turn.

You guys are full

- of magic air.



Princess? You... Okay?

Yeah. It's just...
The air smells bad

from your magic tricks,
and now I feel sad.

I left all my scented
candles at the castle.

They'd really cut through
the magic stank.

Just go back to the fire
kingdom and get them...

Problem solved.
Then I'll have to

see my dad. I'm still
mad at him for

imprisoning me in that lantern.
So unfair!

Uh... We can go get

them? Really?

That would be really nice. But
don't let my pops see you.

I don't want his majesty
thinking I need anything from


It ain't me!



Flambo! For a second
I thought the

- princess was farting.
- Flambo, we need you to

cast "flame shield" on us.
All right!

These candles must be they.

They smell like an
old lady's bathroom.

Hey! Don't disrespect my lady!

I say it as a compliment!

Like it reminds
me of my grandma.

I love my grandma. No
one come-s-s-s here.

Not s-since flame princes-s-s

fled the cas-s-tle. Now
gues-s-s what we're gonna

- k*ll flame king with.
- A conspirator

with a hiss voice! How about...

Even wors-s-e! We'll
us-s-e ic-c-e!

And a conspirator
with an untied shoe!

Ice? Why ice? 'Cause
it's more painful, you

s-s-impleton! Cold
as ic-c-e ball-s-s!

A perfect death for
the flame king!

Did you hear

- that?

Jake, come on! We got
to stop those guys from

- k*lling flame princess' dad!
- Right, right.

Dirt bags! Where'd they go?

Hey, is that new?
Yeah, I think it is.

Yes, it is new. Hmm,
what do you guys think

of this painting? I like it.

Hey, is this one of those
paintings where the eyes follow

- you?

Hmm. Hmm. Come on,
let's get out of

here. I don't want
to miss snack time.

Snacks! Snacks!

- Snacks!
- Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!

Now what?

And most unnatural m*rder-s-s.

Hear that? It sounds
like a voice with a

- hiss.
- The kind we are looking

for! The s-serpent that did

s-sting... - Stop!

Thy father's life, now
wears hi-s-s crown-s-s!

- Dude, the voice!
- We must follow the


To die, to s-sleep, to

s-sleep, perchance to dream...
- Which way is the hiss

voice coming from? Aye,
there's the rub, for in

- that s-sleep of death...
- This way!

- What dream-s-s may come.
- Which way?

I s-seem to be s-saying a lot
about our s-super-s-secret

- plan...
- To the left!


- You! You! You!
- Double you! Double you!

I don't think it's them.

Double you! Double you!


- Jake!
- I'm okay!

I think I hear that hissing
voice down this way!


- Why didn't you catch me?
- Oops!

Tell me next time. I can't
think in the future.

- Vent ahead.
- Jake, I want to see.

- No hissing.

No untied shoe. Vent.

This needs something more!

- Yes! Yes!
- That's the Stuff!

Whoa! It's him!

- Hmm?
- My bluebies!

You buffoon! Where's
your partner with the

untied shoe? What partner?

What are you blueberries
talking about?

Give it up, man! I
heard your hiss voice!

- I don't have a voice!
- There's a snake on your

- shoulder!
- What?




Succotash! Now to
chop you two big

blueberries into small,
bite-sized blueberries!


Five minutes to
curtain, everyone!

- Five minutes!
- I'm sorry! I'm sorry!


Oh! Pfft! Actors!

What's going on
with the costumes?

This is a theater troupe! We're
getting ready to perform

for the king! Everyone
in the kingdom shall be

in attendance! Of course,
you know all this,

being fellow actors from
the exact same troupe.

I have an idea. We'll go
onstage, act like two

conspirators. You will
have one shoe untied, I

will talk with a hiss voice.
We'll talk about how we want to

k*ll the king. As we do
this, we'll study the

faces of the audience and
look for guilty reactions.

- That's brilliant!
- Thanks!

It's an original idea by me.

- Ahem! Hey, conspirator!
- Hey, co-conspirator!

Let's talk about how we're
gonna k*ll the king!

Shh! S-somebody
might hear our evil

plot! Man, I am so lost.

Psst! The audience!
Uh, uh, uh, uh...

Uh, uh...

You think that's one of them?

Maybe. Let's keep going.

- So, what are you packing?
- Water, man... enough of

it to put out the king's fire!
Uh, uh... Hmm.

I think he's starting

to crack. Water?

You know what's
even more painful?

If we pour ice in his ear!
That's how we'll k*ll

the flame king! Pbht!

k*ll the flame king? This
is treason disguised as a

play! Guards, seize them!

What?! No!

Please! We were trying
to warn you about

assassins! Hmm.

- Search them!


Sire, it's your daughter's
scented candles!


- Off with their heads!
- Whoa, what?!

No, please!

S-stay s-still. "S-still"?

Untied shoelace?

It's them! S-so long, s-suckers!

Naked babies, naked
babies, naked babies!

Naked babies, naked
babies, naked babies!

Naked babies, naked babies,

naked babies!

We found 'em! The
executioners are the real

king-K*llers! S-silence!

Wait, wait, wait... That voice.

Guards, take off their hoods!

My identity!


Furnius and torcho!
Hello... Uncle!

Arrest the executioners!

Hmm... I thought I had you two

extinguished. You
cannot quench the

flame-s-s-s of revenge! You
snuffed out our father to

become king! Oh, yeah... Ha ha.

Take them to the
punishment room!

I'll des-s-Troy all of you...
Release me!

- With ic-c-c-e!
- Wait, so you... you

extinguished their dad? Mm-hmm.

And... Everyone is evil here?

Mm-hmm... all evil.

Then... Is flame princess...

Or maybe chaotic neutral?
She's evil.

Okay... So your daughter's evil...

established that. But do
you think if a good guy

really liked her... Could
he change her to good?

Hmm, well, there'd be penalties
to her experience if

she acted out of alignment, but...

Someone could change her.
Change her to good?


Evil, evil, evil, evil.

Evil, evil, evil... Evil! Aah!

♪ Come along with me ♪
♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ we can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ and do so as we please ♪
♪ come along with me ♪

♪ to a cliff under a tree ♪
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