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06x05 - The Next Episode

Posted: 10/18/22 07:49
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

All righty.




Boom. Whoa.

Sam, could you
just reset for us?

Uh, just reset?

Make it look like
you never touched your plate.

Oh, right. Okay. O-Okay.


Still learning the lingo.

Like, uh, like this?

You are a natural.

Okay. Excellent.

Eat at will.

Will do.

Wait. Okay, wait.

Are you sure you don't
want to start filming

until after I see
my first patient?

If we're gonna sell
this pilot to the network,

it's gonna have to be
the medicine you want

with the personal they want.

That they want. Right.

All right,

as long as the medicine
is the focal point.

Oh, Lakers
season opener tonight.

You a sports fan?

Pretend we're not here.

Oh, sorry.

Uh, keep going?


Hi. Welcome to s--
wait. I'm sorry.

Uh, should I have
some folders or something so--

files, make me look a little bit
more professional or--

No offense, but, uh,
no one's gonna care.

You're handsome

and you have a stethoscope
hanging around your neck.

Okay. Okay.

Whenever you're ready.



Hi, welcome to...
Seaside health and wellness,

the practice that I started
15 years ago.

We emphasize
collaborative medicine here.

I have the pleasure of working
with some of the most caring

and talented doctors
in their field.

Here's one right here.

Hey, Sam.

Funny running into you here...
In the hallway.

This is, uh, uh, uh,
Dr. Sheldon Wallace.

He's one of two
of our therapists.

Why don't you tell us

a little bit about yourself,
Dr. Wallace?

Um, I...


Here we have, uh,
Jake Reilly's office.

I.v.f. Specialist.

He's also dating
your ex, right?

He is board certified

in obstetrics
and general surgery,

which is very rare.

Is that your friend
Dr. Wilder's office,

uh, your friend
who recently passed away?

Yes, that was, uh...
Pete's office.

He's, uh...

We miss him.

Here we have two
state-of-the-art exam rooms.

We have a family practice feel

without compromising
on cutting-edge technology.

She's gorgeous.

Can't be easy having to work
side by side with your ex.

Moving on, over here
we have the conference room,

which is,
uh, where we take care

of all
official practice business,

like naps.

I'm just kidding.
We don't nap in there.

Our pediatrician--
Dr. Cooper Freedman.

Hi. Hi.

Um, hi. Uh, i--let me
apologize up front.

I don't watch much
reality television.

I, uh, I don't see
the value in it,

but no offense,
of course.

Not offended.

No, I just, you know,
I prefer my entertainment

to be
a little more poignant.

I'm sure he forgot
to tack on

the, uh, no offense--

I saw that really
powerful documentary

about the meningitis epidemic
in Africa

and about the struggle
to properly immunize children.

- Did you see that?
- I did not--

'cause that is, like,
a passion of mine. I felt--

I shot that documentary.


Well, part of it.
My company produced it.

I'm really glad
you liked it.

It's real--
it's really good work...


And poignant...

I think.

I'm gonna...
Do some work.


Good luck.

That's Dr. Freedman.

Oh, and here we have
Dr. Charlotte king.

She is a urologist,
a sexologist,

and, uh, my boss--
everybody's boss--

over at St. ambrose.

Now let me be clear.

Now is not a good time
for you to be in my hospital,

but Sam asked, so you have
access to whatever you need.

But get in somebody's way,

and I will use that camera
for a shot put.

Nice to meet you.

Ha ha.

Okay, that's all you need
to know about Charlotte king.

She's also pregnant...

With triplets,

which should be interesting.

One cream. One sugar.

I'm sure america's sitting
on the edges of their seat

right now.


She didn't sign the waiver.

Your ass so stacks up

with the entire
Kardashian family.

Oh, let me guess.

Reality TV
is beneath you, too.

I'm just the only one
willing to say so

by not signing the waiver.

I mean,
do you watch this stuff?

"My super sweet bitchteen"?

"Pimp my kayak"?

Look, I did not
seek this out, all right?

One of my patients
is a network exec.

She started calling,
wouldn't stop, so I said,

"why not?
I can be a role model."

Just promise to give me
the heads-up

before the sex tape
gets leaked.

Hey, sweetie man.


Oh, Sam.

It's good to see you.

Oh, my. Look at you.

Excellent. Mm. Mm. Mm.

You're looking good, baby.
I'm trying.

What's happening?

A woman likes
a little attention,

but do they have to be
all up in my face?

Mama, I told you they were
gonna be filming.

How's my makeup?

How's your make--
your m--you look beauti--

doesn't my mother
look beautiful?

Yes, she does.

Where's, uh,
Raymond and Jillian?

They're in the lobby.


I so appreciate this, Sam.

Stop, stop. He's your boss
and an old friend.

Anything I can do to help.


Ms. Bennett.


Hi. I, uh...

I had--i had no idea
you were gonna be here.

Well, I-I figured Sam
would let you know.

Yeah, he, uh...

He--we aren't--
he didn't.

We don't, uh...

I speak with my son
quite a bit.

Right. Of course,
of course, so...

Well, it's so good
to see you, and, um...

I look forward to seeing
more of you while you're here.

I'm sure I'm gonna
see you more before you go.

I mean, I'm not...
D-Demanding it.

So I'm gonna... go.

What happened to that camera
that was following you around?

Oh, I told 'em
to wait outside.

Well, Jillian was hoping
that she could tell her friends

that when she came out
to Hollywood

and she got on a TV show.

No, that's what you
were hoping for.

Well, we could
make that happen.

Look at him, Jillian--

sharp suit, it fits him well.

I remember when you used to
visit the print shop.

You'd get so worked up
chasing Corinne around

that you had to wheeze
into an inhaler.


How is she?

She's good.
She's good.

Corinne is, uh,
you know, she's--

she's good.

We're proud of you.

Mm. Well...

All right, you just relax.

I'm gonna start
this E.K.G.

Uh, mom said you were
at the emergency room

a few weeks ago.

Yeah, I was working
a few hours on the press.

I took a step back,

next thing I remember,
I was in the hospital.

He didn't tell 'em
that he can hardly get

to the top of the stairs
without taking a break,

and it's been getting worse.

Any chest pains?

I'm 73 years old.
I got pain everywhere.


All right.
What do we got here?


Wh-what is it?

Uh, well, Raymond's E.K.G.

Is showing some
nonspecific abnormalities.

I'd like to get you
over to St. ambrose,

have them run
a couple of more tests.

All right? We're gonna
get to the bottom of this.

So they should be finishing up
with Raymond's tests

in about an hour.

I ordered a, uh, a chest C.T.
and an echocardiogram.

Which camera
should I be focusing on?

Just look at me.


You seem really tight
with your mom.

Uh, yes. Uh...
She's always been there.

So was my mom, and I still
haven't amassed

the requisite hours of therapy
to move past it.

Uh, well, I just--
I admire her for, uh,

for all that she's done.


Well, she raised me.

Half a million people
just reached for their remotes.

Give me something
to work with, Sam.

You're a doctor
raised by a single mom.

Oh, see, that right there.

I hate that term,
"single mom."

It implies that she, uh,
that she was something less

or that I missed out
on something,

and I...

I mean, my mother spent
way more time with me

than some kids that had a father
and a stay-at-home mom.

Uh, you know, she never missed
a parent-teacher meeting.

She told me she loved me
every day.

She popped me
in the back of my head

whenever I needed to be popped
in the back of my head.

My, uh, my high school

were class nicest
and most likely to succeed.

I won the Morris Grant
my second year at Georgetown,

after my mother somehow managed
to pay for the first.

I am one of

the best cardiothoracic surgeons
in the country,

and I'm a black man.


Now you know.

Now I know what?

Why I hate the term
"single mom."

A girl went missing
from the E.R. a few days ago.

There has been
a 24-hour presence here

ever since.

Uh, Dr. Freedman
and--and, uh, Dr. Turner

have been spearheading
the efforts.

Are you getting all this?

This is amazing.

Most of these people have taken
sick days to be here today.

We launch search parties
twice a day.

What is everyone's
connection to the little girl?

Uh, Sarah's my patient.

I've been counseling the parents
since her disappearance.

She went missing
from my E.R.

Uh, you should really talk
to the parents.

Um, we're trying to utilize,

um, all the press
as much as possible.

Um, they are, uh, doing a-a show
about my colleague, Dr. Bennett.

How are you
holding it together?

We're trying
not to think about that.

We want to be strong
for Sarah,

wherever she is.

Don't give up, baby.

We're gonna find you.

So I've looked over
the results.

I-I should let you all
have some time.

Oh, no. You don't
have to leave, Dee.

No, they might as well
both hear

since they're gonna stop me
from enjoying myself at home

and at work.


Well, you have
pulmonary hypertension.

You're throwing blood clots
into the arteries of your lungs,

which is raising
your blood pressure

to a very dangerous level.

That's why he fainted?

Well, that's why
he's been having the chest pains

and why climbing stairs
feels like mount Everest.

What can you do?

Well, we'll put you on
some anticoagulants,

which will prevent
new clots from forming.

Then I'll insert
a vascular umbrella

which will catch
the existing clots,

and hopefully prevent them
from, uh, breaking away.

This, hopefully,
will solve the problem.

What if it doesn't?

Well, if we don't lower
your blood pressure,

your heart will overwork itself
until it fails.

This is critical.

Um... is there, uh, uh,

oh, where's the uh,
uh, restroom?

Oh, right this way.

It's, uh, to the right.

It's over here.

He needs me
to be strong.

You will be, okay?

The bathroom's right here.
I'm gonna head back.

Jillian, you have
a great marriage.

This is just
another challenge.

Are we gonna talk about
the elephant in the room?

Not if I don't see one.

Your mother and Raymond--

I'm not talking
about them.

Sam, i--


Now if you want to talk
about educating kids

on heart health

or cutting-edge techniques
to repair congenital defects,

I'm your man.

But my mother's personal life
is none of your business.

I was glad
I got to visit

with Corinne today.

She looks good.

She smiled.

I didn't think I would ever
see that again.


You did good for her.

You did everything
that you could.

Is that why
she won't see me?

I don't want to talk
about this, if that's okay.

Isn't that enough?

Give me this.
You have high blood pressure.

How many times do I
have to tell you--cut back?

We don't have to talk
about Corinne.

But you have no call
to be nasty to me.

What you're doing
is not right, with Raymond.

I saw you two.

I thought I taught you

not to speak on things
you don't know about.

He is married. He's your b-boss.
Jillian is your friend, and--

Sam, enough.

It's not right,
and you know it.

I have worked side by side
with that man for a long time.

Things happen,

things you wish never did,

but that's
for me to deal with,

next time you think about
keeping something to yourself

so you don't disrespect
your mother,

you should follow through
with it.

Thank you for dinner,

but I am not hungry.

Of course Sam has the perfect
relationship with his mother,

because Sam
is the perfect man.

I mean, he's like
a living, breathing

"men's health" magazine,

like "how to have
the perfect waist,"

"how to make women swoon
over your bald head."

Hey, what is--what is he
getting paid for this?

Nothing yet.
It's just a pilot.

Pilot, right.

But if it, uh, gets picked up,

he gets like $20,000
or $30,000?


An episode.

An episode?

For just doing what he already
normally does, he get...

That is insane.

I mean, I...

I googled it last night--

the cost of raising
a child in L.A.--

half a million dollars.

And I already have one.

I'm having three more,
all at once.

You ever thought of, uh,
doing a show

about a pediatrician? at the end
of the bar.

Is she still drinking?

Come on.

What was she wearing?

It's not a hospital,
it's a zoo.

If I don't have
a detective in my ear,

I got a camera in my face.

Oh, who invited rules magee?

I did.

Just be nice, Cooper.

James has been doing
a lot for Sarah.

Hey there.

When I left the hospital,
the detectives were still there.

- Did they have anything?
- Nothing.

They're still interviewing
employees and patients

who may have had access.
And that's a tall order

given the volume
in the E.R. that night.

I mean,
how are Ron and Dana?

Oh, a mess.
It's a roller coaster.

They were at each other's
throats before.

Even solid couples find it
hard to stay together

in the face of something
like this.

I just...
Wish I could do more.

Short of finding Sarah...


I like it. I do.

Okay, you look ridiculous.

They want me
to look ridiculous

so I give up
and sign the waiver.

What they don't know is that

I have a freakishly strong
left arm.

And now you sound ridiculous.

I haven't eaten enough hot dogs
to justify being at a barbecue.

Ugh. Sam's mom hates me.

She doesn't hate you.

Oh, yes, she does.
She always has.

It doesn't help
that at graduation dinner,

bizzy got drunk and asked her

if "amistad" was an accurate
portrayal of sl*very.

What--what did she say?

"I'll ask my sl*ve friends."

I'm feeling pretty good

you stuck something in my chest
a few days ago.

I told you
it was a simple procedure.

You're not gonna
cross Mark those steaks?

No. It doesn't make the steaks
taste any better.

Mm. Well, something to be said
for a good-looking steak.

It's complicated.

It's not complicated
to keep the vows

that you made to your wife.

It's not some fling.

I love Dee.

I don't care.

You think that makes me
feel any better

that you're having an affair
with my mother?

Okay... now I don't want
to embarrass her

and I don't want
to embarrass your wife.

That's the only reason
I'm not asking you

to get the hell outta
my house,

but you should get outta
of my face right now...

Just get outta my face.
Get outta my face.

Paparazzi after you again?

I'm sure you couldn't wait
to mug for the cameras.

I strike you
as that kind of guy?

You're an E.R. doc.

You probably drive
a tiny foreign sports car

or a Jeep with no doors
and a surfboard out the back,

and tops on your bucket list
is to complete an ironman.

I only buy American, there
aren't many waves in Tennessee,

and I finished
my first ironman last year.

You are wrong... a lot.

Hey, man.
You get enough to eat?

Yeah, stuffed.

All right.

Hey, Sam, why are you, uh,
why are you doing this?

Oh, this wasn't my idea.
It's the producer.

She said
she just needed an event

to get everybody together
in the same place.

No, why are you doing this,

the--the whole
reality show thing?

It doesn't really
seem like you.


Patients come to me
with misinformation every day.

This just gives me
an opportunity

to debunk unhealthy myths
that cost people their lives.

You know that sounds rehearsed,

Help! Someone help him!


Let's go. Let's get this.
Raymond, can you hear me?

Don't go anywhere.
Don't you go anywhere.

Sam, how are you feeling
right now?

Get away! Get away
or get out!

Sam, talk to me.

Charging to 360.

All right.

Oh, damn it.

All right,
he's still in fib.

We need to get him stabilized
and get him in the O.R.

And get rid of these clots.

I can't believe
we're getting this.


Come on. Come on. Come on.


All right. He's back.

Will he be okay?

I don't know. Let's go.
Come on. Get him outta here.

Sam, please, just save--
just save him. Save him.

All right.

- You got it?
- Yeah, yeah.

We cut together
some footage from the surgery.

Can you just take us through
what went wrong?


Okay, I had already...

Already removed
the major obstruction.

Uh, I saw an opportunity

to get some of the other
accumulated blood clots.

What did you say there?

That I needed a differential
v.Q. Scan, uh, post-surgery.

I was concerned about
Raymond's lung function,

uh, going forward.

At this point,
we were ready to close.

Okay, here is when he started
to bleed into his chest.

The anticoagulants
had made it difficult

for his blood to clot.

Uh, I don't know.

I guess maybe I kept him
open too long.

I thought I could do more.

What did the doctor
say there?

That if we didn't stop
the bleeding,

Raymond would die.

And what were you thinking?

Uh, that if I didn't stop
the bleeding,

Raymond would die.

Medicine is a science,
but it's also personal.

As doctors, we want to believe

that no matter
who's on that table,

we provide the same care,
but it's just not true.

I'm not saying that,
as doctors,

we don't provide
quality care to everyone,

but maybe with--
with some patients,

we--we do a little more,
we--we fight a little harder.

And in those cases,

when we don't get
the--the results we want,

it hurts.

But when we do, it's, uh...

It's tough
to beat that feeling.

You need a new lung,

You can get him
on the list, right?

I-Isn't there a list?

Yes, but people usually
end up dying

waiting for a match, and that's
over the course of years.

Raymond doesn't have
that kind of time.

We'll find it.
We'll find a lung.

No, he'll be fine.

We should start considering

living related donor

We take a lobe
from a relative,

and then replace
the damaged lung with that.

We should get as many people
tested as we can.

Who do you ask
for a lung?

I know you and Jillian
don't have any children.

How about siblings,
nieces, nephews?

No, no, no.

I guess that's it.

I just go home
and wait to die.

You are not giving up.

Oh, what choice do I have?

We need to pray.


You want me to get down
on my knees

and pray for a miracle?

You tell me
why I should do that

when you both know
there's another option.


You need to get tested.

If you're a match,

you can save
your father's life.

Sam is level-headed.

Sam has a...

An above-average
sense of humor.

Interesting fact, Sam--

Forget the camera,

lose the cards,
and just talk.

What do you think
when you think of Sam Bennett?


Uh, honesty.

Can you elaborate?

Well, the...

The truth means a lot to Sam,

maybe... more than
anything else.

And, um, that's
an admirable quality

for a doctor,
for anyone, really.

And, uh...

Sam has a rigid set
of beliefs,

and his honesty--
the honesty he inspires--

allows him to
stick to those beliefs,

and I...

I admire that about him.

You know, his passion to help

and his passion for the truth.


You knew?

That Sam is your son

or that you've been having
an affair for 40 years?

How was I gonna say anything

when she gave you
something I couldn't?

Jillian, I'm so sorry.
I never meant for it to--

meant for--for it to happen,
to hurt me, what?

Sam. No, sweetie.

Sweetie, let... come back.


Sw--just, sweet--
come here, Sam.

I don't owe you
any courtesies right now.


You lied to me.

What's the right way
to tell your children

that their father's married
to another woman?




Okay, t-t-tell me what--

tell me what you said.

tell me what you said
about my father.


tell me what you said!

I-I said that--
that he walked out on us

and that I didn't know
where he was,

and if he wanted to be here,
he would be here.

He would be here.
You lied.

no! You lied!

I lied. As a parent,
you make decisions.

Why did you even
bring him here?

Because Jillian wanted
the best,

and--and I couldn't tell her
why that was a bad idea.

You're sleeping
with her husband,

now you're worried
about her feelings?

You should've been giving me
the same consideration.

I have made mistakes.

This isn't
a perfect situation,

but, Sam, there's
no bad people here, just...

Just people that made
bad choices.

And he's supported us
when we needed support.

What--what--what did you say?
What is that supposed to mean?

There were times...

You had your heart set
on Georgetown--

no. No.

I never asked anything
from anyone--

not you,
especially not him.

I'm sorry.

Will you stop saying
you're sorry?!

That's not good enough...

And you know it.

Oh. Get out of my face.

Sam and I didn't care much for
one another in the beginning.

I thought he was arrogant,

and he thought I was a bitch.

Turns out only one
of those things is true.

I learned along the way
that if you didn't like Sam,

it probably meant there was
something wrong with you.

For 40 years,

he, uh, he was
my mother's boss,

and... you know,
I liked him, sure.

But now...

But now he's
suppose to have some...

Special significance?

♪ ♪

She shoulda told--
she shoulda told me, right?


She should've told you.

Should've told me.

And you have a right...
To be hurt,

to be upset,
and to be really pissed off.

But, Sam, you are who you are
no matter who your father is.

And the choices that they made,
they don't define you.

And maybe
when the shock wears off,

you and Raymond can be--

no, he's dying.

♪ I'm drowning slowly ♪

There's nothing you can do?


He needs a transplant,

and, uh, and if
I'm a match, then...

I can give him
part of my lung...

To save him.

Sam, I'm so sorry.

♪ ...nowhere ♪

♪ she's a brick ♪

♪ and I'm drowning slowly ♪


Have you eaten?

No, don't do that.

Don't. You don't
have to take care of me.

You can be angry.

Say something.

You can keep looking at me
like that,

but you need
to say something.


In the beginning,
I asked myself that a lot.

Why... was I sleeping
with a married man?

Why did I fall in love
with him?

Why won't he leave her?

Do I want him to?

After you were born,
I told him

that if he wanted
to be in your life,

it was gonna be
as your father.

We had to be a family.

But it was a different time
back then.

Divorce was a big deal.

Even if you were cheating
on your wife,

you stayed.

It was the noble thing
to do.

He did the noble thing.

So I moved on.

I started seeing
other people.

But I never
stopped thinking about him...

The way he would look at me
from across the shop...

That feeling.

And then there was Corinne.

I had this family.

It wasn't perfect
by anybody else's standards,

but it was beautiful,

so beautiful.

I don't know when I...

Decided he was gonna be
the only man in my life,

but I must have.

After a while, you stop
asking yourself why

because there is no answer
that makes sense.

It's just...

It is. It's...

It's just the life
you have.

It's not fair.

You made all the sacrifices.

No, he gave me you
and Corinne,

and he never got to love
you guys the way that I did.

That was his choice.

It doesn't mean
it was easy.

You shoulda told me.

Remember when we used
to go over to Raymond's

for those barbecues
on Memorial Day?

One time he introduced you

to this friend of his
who was a doctor.

You asked him so many questions
that at one point,

he locked himself
in the bathroom.

A few days later,

I gave you that yellow and blue
toy stethoscope.

And Corinne had the most
well-monitored heart

in the world.

I didn't give you that, Sam.

Every time you played with it,
I wanted to tell you...

Where it was from.

I'm sorry.

I know it's not enough.

But I am so sorry.

I'll go make us
something to eat.

We were pretty sure
you were awol.

Well, I made a commitment to--
to sh**t this thing, so--

I'm sorry about, uh,
your camera, by the way.

Don't sweat it.

We budget for a busted one
on every sh**t.

Did you just get a physical?

Uh, no.

Give blood?

It's my job to play dumb.

Oh, right.

Uh, yes, I, uh, I, uh,
got tested

to see if I could be
a donor for Raymond.

How did you come
to that decision?

I don't know. I just--

I came to work
and I got tested.

What are you gonna do
if you're a match?

I don't know.

I don't know.

What made you
change your mind?

This isn't about me.

Sam was there for me
when I really just...

Needed somebody
to let me breathe.

Jared Watson, Rachel zucker,
ed diamanti.

Who are those people?

Sam saved them,
all of them.

Not to mention the nine months

that he was able to give
Pete Wilder.

I mean, I'm sure that Sam
signed up for all of this

because he thought, deep down,
that he was doing good.

And I'm sure that
you all are salivating

because his life went from Oprah
to springer overnight, but...

Sam's a great doctor.

And he has spent
his entire career

building a reputation.

He does not deserve
to lose that

when all he did
was get blindsided

by a truckload of suck.

He deserves better.

I wanted you to know that.

I would be here
without you.

You have nothing to do
with the man that I've become.

If you've laid awake
at night

proud of how I've turned out,

you shouldn't have.

I am who I am
because of my mother.

She raised a doctor,
a father,

a grandfather,

a brother who would do
anything for his sister.

My mother raised a man...

A real man.


I would be here
without you.

I got tested.

I'm a match.

And I could donate
part of my lobe to you

and I will
if that's what you want,

because no matter how little
I know you,

that's the kind of man
my mother raised.

You were so excited
when you got the lead

in that fourth grade play.

Dee didn't want me to come,
but I snuck in anyway,

and I stood in the back

and I just smiled.

It was hard not to...

Cheer or wave.

Hard not to let anybody know

why I was just
standing there... smiling.

I saw Dee
on the front row with Corinne,

and I wondered
what it would be like

if my place in life was sitting
next to them watching you.

But that's...
Not the life I chose.

I'm not asking you
for sympathy.

And I won't let you take
a piece of yourself to save me.

But you can't take away
how proud I am of you...

Or how proud I am

of who you turned out
to be...

Even if it's in spite of me.

I'm ready to go.

I should go home.




I wanted to thank you
for everything you've done

for Raymond.

And I wanted to apologize.

You don't have to
apologize to me.

Oh, I put you on the spot.
I asked you to get tested.

I shouldn't have done that.

No, you were just trying
to save your husband.

I am not
the only victim here.


I made the choice
to stay.

I made the choice
to not hate Dee.

I made the choice
not to lose my husband.

That might make me a fool,

I'm not a victim.

I'm gonna be
taking Raymond home.

Hey, listen,

I-I know this is Sam's thing,
but, uh, I-I was wondering

if you had any contacts
with any national news programs.

It's, uh, it--it's--
it's Sarah.

We--we got a-a ton
of local coverage,

but it's starting to wane,
and that--that sucks.

The community is losing steam,

and I thought making this
a national story

would give us the--the boost
we need.

I'll make a few calls.

You're really invested
in this case.

Well, how could I not be?

I mean, Ron and Dana, their--
their little girl is missing.

I'm with them every day.
I see what it's doing to them.

We saw you
in your husband's office.


I eat breakfast there.

Not all the time.
Just when I need...

Pete had this... favorite set
of sheets that I hated,

and now I can't sleep
without them.

I wear his sweater at home.

I mean,
I'd wear it all the time

except I'm afraid
that people would think

I was the freak who wears
her dead husband's clothes.

I know that Pete
is not coming back.

I know that every day...

I am getting closer to knowing
who I am without him.

But Ron and Dana, they're--

I mean,
they're--they're stuck.

They're stuck in this place
where they don't know.

And they can't move forward
until they do.

Do you think Sarah
is alive?

I hope so.

Thank you
for taking the time.

♪ Who's gonna love you? ♪

♪ Who's gonna watch
your back? ♪

♪ Who's gonna take you ♪

♪ who's gonna take
you like that? ♪

♪ 'Cause you're blue as blood ♪

♪ you come undone ♪

♪ what's left here ♪

♪ what's left here ♪

♪ is a fragile love ♪

♪ ooh ♪


♪ I could hold you ♪

The stethoscope...

Thank you.

♪ And I could reach for you ♪

♪ but you're far offtrack ♪

My--my job as her father
is to protect her.

And when we get Sarah back,

I'm never gonna let her
out of my sight.

We're gonna be
a family again.


♪ What's left here
is a fragile love ♪

How did you sleep last night?

Uh, I didn't.

Why not?

Are you for real?

Why is it that
whenever you can't sleep

you always manage
to come across these channels

that you never knew existed?

I was watching this show
last night about this guy

that gets dropped in the middle
of the Sahara,

and all they leave him with
is, uh,

like, some rope, some flint,
and some kidney beans

or whatever.

And, uh...

And he has to survive.

And I'm watching this show,
and--and I'm thinking,


Just how cool
that must be...

To have to do that,

to--to just lose yourself.

You know
I've never left the country?

Never surprised anyone.

I haven't found my one yet.

I mean, I'm not sure
I've really tried.

And I mean, like,
really, really tried...

You know?

My identity has always been
my kid,

my grandkid,

my mother, Corinne,

and my friends.

You know, it's been enough
up until now.


What's next?

I mean, I thought
it would be this thing,

you know, this show, net--
network pilot thing.

I thought that was...

What I was looking for,

I don't know.

I don't really know...

What I'm looking for.