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06x04 - You Don't Know What You've Got Til It's Gone

Posted: 10/18/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

Dr. King?

Dr. Peterson.
Thank you for coming.


You can call me James.


Is it warm in here?
Are you warm?

I'm perfectly comfortable.

Are you feeling all right?


Yeah, I'm just dealing
with a... a situation.

I thought I heard a touch
of the south in you. Am I right?

I grew up in Tennessee.

We're practically kin.

Um, all right, look, so, uh,
could we cut to the chase?

I want you for this job,

and I suspect you think
you don't want this job

because you're a u.S.C. Hotshot
at a level one trauma center,

and St. ambrose is,
relatively speaking, a...

A sleepy little E.R.
in Santa Monica

but you are young.
At a level one trauma center,

you'll be in line
behind other u.S.C. Hotshots

with decades more experience
than you.

St. ambrose--you'd run
the department.


Not today, not immediately,
but eventually.

And "eventually" will come
much sooner here than...

Oh, damn it.

Where's my trash can?

You put it in the hall.


He fell asleep already?
It's barely even dinnertime.

Yeah, well, it could be...

Something else time.

Oh, yeah?


Did you hear that?


It is not raining.

Kiss me.

There's gonna be
car crashes and...

Mud slides,

and everybody's water
is gonna break at the same time.

If it were raining,
which it isn't.


Oh, our entire night,

our "Henry went to bed early"

is gonna be spent...

Sweetheart, this is Los Angeles.

It doesn't even rain
this time of year.

I'm not gonna even say it.


♪ I don't want to go now ♪

- It's the E.R.
- what do you know?

♪ And the lights are on ♪

Ah. I'll call the nanny.

♪ Nobody cares if I'm here ♪

Madison square garden,
lights, packed house.

You gonna score 8 points
in 9 seconds for the win

or choke away the lead?

♪ I hate when people say ♪


Can I get a little help
around here?!

Are you okay?

N-No, not me! My husband.
He can't move his legs.

I'm gonna need a gurney
and a collar.

♪ I got nothing to say ♪

Hi. I'm Dr. Peterson.

Your wife said
you can't move your legs.

Did you get
into an accident?

No, it's all in his head, but he
still can't move his legs.

I can't, but, uh,
I'm sure it's nothing.

Well, it sounds like something,
so why don't I check you out?

Sure, don't mind me!

I'll just push the kid out
at the gas station!

I'm fine!

See if you can squeeze

a few more gurneys
into the curtain area.

I need two beds.

Honey, it's not a hotel.

Next to each other.

O.b. Setup in one,
and I need to clear his c-spine.

Who are you?

Dr. Peterson,
our new E.R. doc.

Uh, curtains three and four
just opened up.

♪ I don't want to let go ♪

You have no idea how happy I am
to see you, James.

Excuse me.

Um, I was supposed to meet
my doctor.

Maybe you should sit. Whoa!

Whoa. Whoa.

Get me a monitor
and set up a wide bore saline.

♪ Why you wanna go now? ♪

You said it was
a sleepy little E.R.

It never rains
in California.


Ahh. Sorry.

Welcome to St. ambrose.

♪ Except me ♪


I'm totally gonna win!

Dream on, pal.


Oh, I told you!

Hold on.

Hurry up. Come on.

You know what, pal? I have
a patient at the hospital.

You're gonna have to get hildie
to play with you. Sorry.

Dad, I-I don't need
a babysitter.

We've been over this.

You've been over this.

I'm telling you,
I can stay alone.

You are absolutely right...
In about five years.


Wait. Are you sure
it's safe in here?

No. A security guard comes
around every fives minutes

and delicenses any doctor
he catches having sex.

I'm sorry. I just--
I've never done this before.

I find that hard to believe.

Mmm. I like the bed.


Beach is nice.

Mm. No?

This is all we've got.

My break is over
in 15 minutes...

So why don't you stop talking
and shut me up?

That works.
Mm-hmm. Shut up.

How many steps?

Five. Four is too easy.

I was upstairs,
unpacking her bags.

It's--it's--it's her weekend
with me.

I had no idea

she was practicing high jumps
off the basement stairs.

I'm gonna be
in the Olympics.

Oh, yeah? What event?


Sorry, Sarah.

I need to know where it hurt
so I can order the right x-rays.

Oh, Cooper.

Ron. Sorry for the delay.

How are you?

Oh, man.
Olympic tryouts again?

Uh, Cooper Freedman,

James Peterson.

Looks like your patient has

a colles' fracture
of her left wrist.

I'm also ordering
a skeletal series.

Um, is that really necessary?

What is that?

Uh, it just means
more x-rays, but...

Should we talk about it

Look, I-I get that
you're new.

I'm not new. I finished
my residency five years ago.

I meant new here
at St. ambrose.

We don't need a skeletal series.
I know this family.

I've been taking care of Sarah
since she was born.

So you're probably
not objective.

She's had three injuries
in two months.

Sounds a lot like abuse
to me.

No, it's not.

I've been taking care of kids
for 20 years.

If there was something wrong
here, I would know it.

Look, she's a kid,
and she fell down.

I mean, didn't you ever
play outside?

I used to come home
with scrapes and bruises.

Nobody ever accused
my parents of neglect.

You were lucky to grow up
in such idyllic times.

Look, the protocols are
rigid and clear for a reason.

Any suspicion, you file
a report with d.C.F.S.

They come in, evaluate,
and decide.

That way,
no mistakes are made.

And as soon as you file
that report,

you subject this family
to unwarranted scrutiny.

It's my job.

Hey. Okay. Okay, look.
I'm sorry, I...

I'm attached to this family.
I probably overreacted.

Let me make a call.

I-I've been down this road.
I can expedite it.

We need the bed,
and I appreciate it.

It's time to get him
back into his own bed.

Thank you, Clara.
I'm sorry I was late.

When you let him sleep
in your bed,

it makes it impossible for me
to put him to sleep in his own.

He needs structure,

perhaps even more now
that his father--

what he needs in the wake
of his father's death

is psychologically debatable.

Thank you, Clara.

Your opinion is noted,
and I will consider it.

Good night.

Oh, come on.



I'm sorry
I took a tone with you.

I really do appreciate
your input.

I know you've been here
a lot more since Pete,

and I-I do appreciate--
you've been paged back to work,
haven't you?

You're only
at 4 centimeters, Pam,

so it's gonna be
a while yet.


Maybe this time we'll get
the girl you always wanted.

Not a chance.
Your sperm is totally sexist.

My. Reiter,
your X-ray is clear.

Yeah, I'm better now.
My legs have stopped tingling.

See? Everything works.

Until it doesn't, right?
Am I missing something here?

Addison Montgomery.

James Peterson.

Welcome, Dr. Peterson.

What you're missing is
that Todd here tends to develop

sympathetic symptoms with
each of his wife's pregnancies.

This is our fourth.
The first one, he got rashes.

Itched like crazy.
Second kid, abdominal cramps.

Worse than my labor pains. You
should've heard the man scream.

And the third one
was fainting spells.

I had to pick him up
off the l&D floor.

Scalp lac, 14 stitches.

You're gonna have to stay down
here just a little while longer.

It's crazy tonight. But I'll get
you upstairs as soon as I can.

All the previous symptoms--
they just got better?

Soon as the babies came.
I call it fun with crazy.

I'd still like to get
a neuro consult.

He's fine. He's a pain
in my ass, but he's fine.

It'd make me feel better
to have the consult.

And it gives me an excuse
to keep checking on you, too.

Mm. Careful, Todd.

I might leave here with a baby
and a new husband.

What are you doing here?

I told dad I could
stay home alone.

He's yours?

What happened to hildy?

She's fine. Got rear-ended.

No one in L.A. can drive
in the rain.

Kid's got a point.

Are you Dr. Peterson?

Yeah, but "James" is fine.

Dr. Shepherd. Neurosurgery.

You wanted a consult
on this... Todd reiter?

Transient weakness.
His symptoms have resolved.

Have him make an appointment
to see me later this week.

On exam, he had a symmetrical
increase in his reflexes.


And nondiagnostic, that could be
any one of a thousand things.

Which is why I will see him
for follow-up in my office.

I really think he needs--
send him home.

I need a C.T.
of the cervical spine.

But she just said--

and I said, get the C.T.


It's game time, baby.

Uh, that's him.

Oh. Dr. Peterson?

Sheldon Wallace.
You paged me about, uh...

Nick Calhoun, curtain 2.

Yeah, did he, uh...

He has a history of depression,
and, uh, I wasn't sure if, uh...

Attempted su1c1de?

No, he's just having an adverse
reaction to some new meds.

Nausea, vomiting.

He got dehydrated
and nearly passed out.

I'll leave you two.

Where you headed, the prom?

How you feeling?

Better now.

I-I don't have to stop
the treatment, do I?

Please, I'll--I'll try to be
better about staying hydrated.

Adverse reactions are common
when starting new dr*gs.

It may simply be about
altering the dosage.

Good, okay,

'cause I feel like
they're working.

And your sexual urges,

Your thoughts of children
and your goddaughter?


I feel like
they're happening less,

and I feel like I'm getting
more control over them.

Maybe if I can just
keep taking the dr*gs, you know?


Well, maybe I could
end up normal.

It's all about progress,

and you're making progress.

Thank you, Dr. Wallace.


Crap. Why does this hurt more
than the other three?

Or did I just forget again?

Well, it's hard to say,
but every labor is different.

At least for Todd.
Funny, Pam. Very funny.

You almost broke my hand
on that last one.

Oh, I don't feel sorry for you.

Hi. I'm Stephanie.
I'm your nurse.

Welcome to the party.

Any halfway decent party
has snacks.

Darling, who of the two of us

actually needs medical attention
right now?

You, sweetie.
You do all the hard work.

If it weren't for you--
yeah, enough sucking up.
We need to focus.

Don't tell them the baby's sex.
They like to be surprised.

Ohh. How many years
have you been together?

Feels like... a century?

15 years of wedded bliss.

How long has it been now
for you and Dr. Bennett?

Oh! No. No, uh...

Sam and I aren't together

I'm seeing someone else.

And so is he.

Is she as pretty as you?


Thank you.

Oh! I...

I can't--i can't believe
I brought this up.

I-I-I'm... in labor.

You can't listen to anything
that I say, just ask Todd.

Way to stick your foot in it,

It's fine, really.
It's fine.

Oh, here comes another one.

Hand, Todd.


I'm sorry it took so long
to get a bed.

Not again.


Megan, i'm--I'm sorry.

You lost the baby.

Oh, but we made it
to 12 weeks.

I know.

I told people.

There are gifts.

Megan, the miscarriage
was incomplete.

I'm going to have to
perform a d&C

once an O.R. opens up.
All right?

Daddy's out of town.

When can we try again?

Let's take things
one step at a time. Okay?

Excuse me.

I'm looking for Sarah Nelson.
She's a 7-year-old.

Curtain 1.

Are you the--
the new E.R. attending?

You're from d.C.F.S., right?

No. Uh, Dr. Turner.

Vi, Sarah's this way.


We agreed that d.C.F.S.
Would be called.

No, we agreed that I would
make a call,

and Dr. Turner's more than
qualified to evaluate Sarah.

That's not the protocol.
Really hung up
on the protocol, huh

what's going on?

Your pediatrician seems to have
trouble with the rules,

and, well, the truth.
Whoa. Easy there, junior.

Look, d.C.F.S. Could take hours.
Let me help you out with Sarah.

James, we're slammed. Violet's
a terrific psychiatrist.

Why does my kid need a shrink?
She broke her arm.

The latest in a long line
of questionable injuries.

You think I hurt my daughter?
Ron, don't worry about him
right now, okay?

There are protocols
for a reason.

- Sarah?
- Honey, are you okay?

You okay?

Mommy, I'm getting a cast
on my arm.

Why is everybody so mad?

It's okay, baby. It's okay.

Can I take her home
after the cast?

Sarah's with me this weekend.

If you can't keep her safe,

then she is not gonna
be with you anymore.

I am suing you
for sole custody!
No! I wanna be with daddy, too!

Let's--let's discuss this
somewhere else.
You're not taking my daughter
away from me.

I will do whatever it takes
to protect my baby.

Mommy, daddy, stop fighting!

Everybody out of here now.

Sorry it got
so crazy before.

It's okay.

Hey, I like your raincoat.

Purple's my favorite color.

Daddy bought that for me.

You love your daddy a lot,
don't you?

And my mommy.

And they love you, too.

But sometimes they get mad
and yell?

They yell a lot.

At you?


Mommy did once.

How come?

I colored on the wall
in my room.

What about your daddy?

When I'm not careful
and I hurt myself,

he says it makes him worry,

and he doesn't want
to worry.

So most of the time
when they yell,

it's at each other?


Has it always
been like that?

Just since daddy was bad.

Mommy won't forgive him.

How do you feel
when they fight?

I wanna run away.

Damn, Sheldon.
You look like James Bond.

Yeah? Which one?

I was always partial
to Sean Connery.

Lytes within normal limits.
Liver enzymes look good.

Time to send him home.
Yeah, actually,

I would like to observe him for
a while. I adjusted his meds.

I wanna make sure that he
doesn't have another reaction.

We need the bed.

Well, he's in
a very fragile state.

You know, he just needs
a few more hours.

A few more hours won't make
any difference for him.

What does that mean?

I saw the chart.
I know what you prescribed.

Your patient can't be helped.
He's a sexual deviant.

No, he's a man afflicted
with certain... urges.

What's the difference?

So you think I should just
ignore his suffering, huh?

Send him on his way?
I think you should lock him up
and throw away the key.


I guess you missed that day
in medical school

when they discussed

how a physician is supposed
to heal his patients.

The ones we can,

but we also have an obligation
to society at large.

You know the rate
of recidivism.

Recidivism implies
a first offense,

which my patient
has not committed.

He tell you that?

He hasn't done anything.

Even if that's true,
we both know he will,

and I don't want him
infecting my E.R.

Discharge him. The bed should
go to someone who matters.

Is Sarah okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

But in order to complete
my evaluation,

I would like to speak
to both of you separately.

Is that really necessary?
You don't want
d.C.F.S. Involved.

Oh, my god.
This is all your fault, Ron.
Of course it is,

'cause you've never done
anything wrong in our marriage.

You're the one who couldn't
keep it in your pants.

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
I'm sorry, baby.
Everything's fine.

- Mommy's not mad at you.
- Come on.

I guess you're starting with me.

What's going on in here?

I read
this really creepy story

where live people
got buried in the walls,

so I'm listening to see
if anyone's in there.

Um... it's pretty busy
around here,

so I doubt anybody could
get buried in a wall

without being noticed.

Maybe we should just go back
to the desk?

What happens if
you and Charlotte break up?


That mom and dad...

Uh, they broke up,

and she said she was gonna
take the little girl with her.

Um, what if you and Charlotte
are like that?

I-I love you
'cause you're my dad,

but I-I love Charlotte,

And what about the babies?
What's gonna happen to them?

Okay, l-listen to me.

Charlotte and I have already
been through so much,

the kind of stuff that a lot of
couples don't make it through,

but we did.

We made it through,

and we came out even stronger
and even more in love.

And you know what
that means?

It means we are badass.

We are
a badass family unit--

you and me and the triplets
and Charlotte,

and nothing's gonna
change that.


Um, we can go back
to the desk.

Actually, I know
a better place.

♪ Blocked ♪

♪ the road is hot ♪

♪ the sky is... ♪

Hey. I'm gonna need a--

b.o.a. Kit, delivery tray,
and a few uterotonics.

Just in case.

♪ The weather rolls ♪


Sorry. You're just terrific,
you know?

You're one of the best
labor and delivery nurses

I've ever worked with,
and I do not say that lightly.

Thank you.

Yeah. You know, I-I hope
it wasn't awkward

when Pam was talking
about Sam.

No. No. No, everybody has
a past, right?

Right. Yes.

You know, we are totally
in the past, Sam and me.

Totally. You know,
that's where it's gonna stay.

I mean, we've been friends
for 20 years.

You know, it'd be nice
to get that back.


I-I didn't--i didn't know you'd
known each other that long.

Oh, yeah. We went
to med school together.

Anyway, you're terrific,

and I'm glad things
aren't gonna be awkward

between us since we're gonna
see each other all the time.

Yeah, I'd like to be
on your rotation.

You get
some interesting cases.

Oh, no, no.

No, I meant 'cause you're
dating my next door neighbor.

I'm sorry?

Yeah, he didn't...


What--what exactly
did Sam tell you about me?

Absolutely nothing.

♪ Stage rise ♪

I messed up,

and in the most cliche
and pedestrian way possible.

I screwed my assistant.

And you told Dana about it?

That was my second mistake.

So she threw me out.

Did you try counseling?

Dana prefers
to focus her energy

on staying angry at me.

Well, infidelity can be a very
difficult thing to work through.

I was hoping that we could
shield Sarah from all--

you're not shielding her. You're
fighting right in front of her.

I'm fighting for her.

Dana keeps changing the days
I get Sarah.

She forgets to tell me
about school events.

It's like she's actively trying
to keep Sarah away from me.

And Sarah...

She's the best thing

that I will ever do
with my life.

I may have screwed up
my marriage,


I would never hurt my child.

You have to believe me,
Dr. Turner.


Thank you.


Hey. How's it going?

Hey. Yeah, about... that,
it's possible that I, uh,

unintentionally, mind you--

but, um...

I may have...

Stephanie's mad at you.

There was a conversation--

just two women talking
about work and guys.

I swear, Sam,
I didn't tell her anything

that I didn't think
she already knew. I...


Hey, Sam.



What's wrong with him?

Oh. My big mouth.

How's Megan doing?

She miscarried again.

Needs a d&C.

This her third time?



"Huh" what?
What does "huh" mean?

Oh, is that so, Pinocchio?

Yeah, I just think maybe--
I mean, her fourth time--

maybe it's... time to stop?

You mean
time for me to stop?

You know fertility
is a numbers game.

Yeah, I also know
how demoralizing it is

when you're getting injections
and mood swings.

It's hard to know
when to stop,

which is why you need
the guidance of your doctor.

Look, I don't condescend
to my patients.

They're all adults.

I give them all
the necessary facts they need

to make an informed decision.

Yeah, but when your mind's
all over the place

and all you see at the end
of the yellow brick road

is a baby, I mean, you...

You can't make
an informed decision.

Well, look, if I don't do
what Megan wants,

she'll just go
to another doctor.

So let her. At least then you're
not part of the problem.

Exactly what problem
is that?

You're giving Megan
false hope.

You know, and maybe
that's because

you're a guy who doesn't
like to say "no,"

Or what?

Maybe you like winning
too much.

There is a tipping point,

and your judgment--

You thought my judgment was fine
when I was your doctor.

Knowing how much you wanted
to have a child,

what would you have done
if I told you back then,

"hey, it's time for you
to stop trying"?

Yes, but you didn't tell me
to stop.

I made that decision,
and that's my point.

I'm a doctor, so I know how far
is too far. Do you?


♪ feeling the flood ♪

I'm gonna go see
if an O.R.'s opened up.

Dana. Dana.

I was hoping we could all
sit down, all of us,

after I have a chance
to speak with you.

Dana doesn't have time to talk.
She's too busy working.

Don't you dare. It was
your mistake, not mine.

That's right.
Always the victim.

You know, I'm not a victim, Ron.
I'm a fool.

I actually believed you when
you vowed to love and Cherish.

Do you even remember?
Stop. Let's--let's not do this.

I owned up to my affair.

You don't wanna forgive me.
I can't do anything about that.
Oh, my god.

But I refuse to be reduced

to the role of spectator
in my daughter's life.
Oh, my god.

Well, you should've thought of
that before you did what you--

stop. This...

This right here--this is
what's wrong with Sarah.

Excuse me?
You are destroying your child.

She's a great kid, and she has
a chance at a great future,

but what you're doing right now
is turning her into someone

who's gonna spend about a decade
on a therapist couch,

trying to figure out

why she can't form
healthy adult relationships.

When you fight in front of her,
when--when you fight over her,

when you make her feel like

it isn't safe for her to love
both of her parents equally,

that is
as damaging psychologically

as throwing punches.

If you wanna get a divorce,
fine, get a divorce,

but stop fighting
in front of her.

Stop like
her sanity depends on it.

I need to give my kid
her ice cream.



Where is Sarah?

What do you mean?

Uh... x-rays are back,
and the cast has been placed.

I was just waiting
to discharge her.

Her raincoat's
not here.

I-I was just gone for, like...

The nurses were all around.
Where is she?


Well, Dana, let's...

Sarah? Sarah?

Sarah? Have you--
have you seen my daughter?

Sarah? Oh, my god.

Oh, my god. Sarah?

What's going on?

Their daughter's missing.

This is Dr. King. I need
security down here immediately.

Oh, my god. Sarah?
Have you seen my daughter?
This is a code pink now.

- Oh, my god!
- Ma'am?



- Sarah, where are you?!
- Dana. Dana.

Sarah! Oh, my god! Sarah!

No! Oh, my god!
Ma'am, I need you to--

Sarah! No! Let go!

You sure you didn't see a little
girl in a purple raincoat?

We've registered 30 patients
in the last 2 hours.

I can't possibly remember
one little girl.

I doubled the staff out there.
How could you miss her?

Same way you did, I guess.

I don't know that a nurse
was there.

They should have seen her.

The hospital's locked down.

Security will search every inch
of every floor.

Nobody will be able
to leave the building

without being checked.
Aren't there...

Don't you have security cameras?
Maybe they saw her when she--

the video's already
being reviewed.

This can't be happening.
This cannot be happening!

Dana. Dana, they will find her.
They will find her.

Where are the o.R.S?

Uh, turn right
and take the elevator to 5.

Wait. What's going on?

Take a look at this.

What are you doing
in my O.R.?

Todd reiter.
Transient weakness.

Yeah, I told you
to send him home.

Yeah, you did.
Look at the film.

Dr. Malone, you close.

I hate you, Todd!

I love you.
You're doing so great.

We're never having sex again.

Late decels on the monitor
with every contraction.

W-What does that mean?
It means something's wrong,

Okay, Pam, listen to me.

The baby's not getting
enough oxygen.

We need to do a c-section
right now.

Can you call, uh--
I did. O.R.S are full.

Last one's being held
for an emergent E.R. case.

Wait. What are you doing?

Setting up
for spinal anesthesia.

We have to
do the delivery here.

Here?! In the E.R.?
Are you kidding me?!

Everything's gonna be fine.

Don't worry, honey.

- We need to take Todd up to surgery.
- What?!

His symptom's
more than anxiety.

You have an infection
next to your spinal cord.

- We need to operate now.
- No!

I love you, pammie!
No, wait!

I love you!
Is he gonna be okay?


Hey. What's going on?

Little girl. Cooper's patient.
She's missing.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I just...

I wanted to
check up on you. Hmm.

How you feeling?

I'm good.

Can I go home?

Yeah. Yeah, I have your, uh,
discharge papers for you.

Here you go.

So they can't find
that little girl?

I heard all the noise.


No, she's still missing.


I'm sorry.

All right? I was worried.

But it doesn't mean
the medication isn't working.

You know, and it--and it doesn't
mean that I-I don't--

it's okay. I get it.

I would've thought
it was me, too.

I'll see you next week.


Todd's gonna make it, right?

Hang in there, Pam.

I feel dizzy.

B.p.'s only 70 palp.

That spinal bolus must've
bottomed out her pressure.

Give her--
ephedrine, 5 milligrams.

Slow I.V. Push. Going in.

I'll run in a fluid bolus.

We can get this baby
out now.

Need an extra set of hands?
Yeah. There's blood everywhere.

Must've been
a uterine artery laceration.

Okay, suction.

Oh vicryl.

I'm gonna hand-tie
the vessel.

Pressure's still down.

Come on, baby. Breathe.

Okay, got it.
Bleeding has stopped.

Pam's pressure's coming up.

What's happening?

Come on, breathe. Breathe.

What's wrong? Is my baby okay?

That's a girl! Good girl!

A girl?

We have a girl?

I got it.

It's okay. Come on.



You okay?

Yeah. You guys have
a lot more channels here

than we do at home.

Come here.

- Mm.
- What--what's wrong?

Can't a father
give a son a hug?

I can't breathe.

Something happened,
didn't it?

My... patient,
that little girl--

she, um... is missing
from the E.R.

You want me to help
look for her?

We can look together.

Oh, Stephanie.
I've been looking for you.

I'm busy.
Whoa. Wait. Hold up.
Steph, wait.

Let me explain myself.

Give it your best shot.

All right. Uh...

Ugh. Save it, Sam.
I'm working.

Hey. D--um, thank you
for your help with Pam.

Did an O.R. open up
for Megan?

I'm headed over there now.

Jake, how many more times

are you gonna let her
go through this?

I mean, you saw her.
She's devastated.

And every time,
it's just gonna get worse.

You don't know Megan,
all right? I do.

Megan and Danny have been trying
to get pregnant for years.

Met with every fertility doctor
across the country,

who all said
it was a long shot.

I told them
I like a long shot,

so they moved here
because of me.

Yeah, but some women
just can't get pregnant.

Not if you give up on them.

I don't give up on my patients,
but this is insane

because you are
playing the odds way too far

in favor of doing
more damage than good,

and your patient is the one
who will suffer.

Look, Addison, you may
be very good at what you do,

but I am excellent
at what I do--

one of the best
in the country.

I didn't ask you
for your opinion,

and I don't want it.

How they doing?

How would you be?

I just gave Dana a sedative,
but Ron didn't want one.

He wants to stay clear.

I'm putting a g.P.S. On Mason
for reals.

I know. I just called the nanny
three times, checking on Lucas.

This new guy's a douche.

He's just doing his job.

Well, Pete did it better.

You okay?

Well, I'm the one
who told Charlotte

to hire his replacement.

I can't very well
get mad at her for doing it.

But now, I mean, I...

Seeing him here,
right in front of me...

He should be Pete.

Hey. Any news about
the missing girl?

No. Security's still
searching the building.

Hey, I heard you made
a pretty slick diagnosis.

What are you talking about?

The epidural abscess

with progressed
neurological symptoms?

James told me,
in a couple hours,

the patient would've never
walk again.

Sounds like
a one-in-a-million catch.

Dr. King,
may I talk to you?

It stopped raining.
That's good.

What difference does it make?

Maybe Sarah got scared
by the thunder.

You know, she could--
she could be hiding. Right?

She could, yeah.

That's--t-that's Sarah's.

I'm sorry, ma'am,
it's--it's evidence.

It needs to be processed.

Where did you find it?

It was on a bench out front.

I don't understand.

You found it outside?
W-What about Sarah?

I'm sorry. She's not here.

Security's turned the case over
to the police.

As of now,
Sarah is a missing person.




Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god. Where is she?

Hell of a night.

You did good.

I think I pissed off
a few people.

The, uh...

Doctor you replaced--

he pissed off people, too.

I never held it
against him.

Can't stop thinking
about that kid...

And the parents.


You're what, 12, 13 weeks?

How'd the hell
did you know that?

I'm a really good doctor.

Plus you yakked
on my shoes.

I'm not the jealous type.

I know women who say that

usually end up torching
their boyfriend's cars,

but, really, I'm not.
I just don't like be played.

I'm not playing you.

That's--that's not what
I'm doing, Stephanie.


You dated her.

I did.

You live next door to her.

I do.

And, uh, apparently
you're trying to get back

to being the besties you were
for years.

How did you think that would
make me feel when I found out?

Honestly, I didn't think it
would matter because it's over.

How recently?
Four months.

Well, why did it end?


I proposed
to her, and she turned me down.

Oh, damn.
But wait. Wait, wait, wait.

I'm telling you now
that it's done.

Damn it, Sam.

I thought you were the one.

Seriously, I...

After our first date,
I was all,

oh, my god. I know I think
women who feel butterflies

and see candy hearts and paper
flowers on their first date

are idiots or crazies
or girls who don't date enough,

but this guy...

This guy is amazing.

And I am all about
the butterflies

and the candy hearts
and the paper flowers.

This is my guy.

Thank you, Jesus.

He finally showed up.
The man of my dreams is here.

But you--
you're on the rebound.

And you have a lot of baggage,
and you're just a mess.

Aren't you?

And because you are a heart
surgeon who looks like you,

and because you are a truly kind
man with a wonderful spirit,

I'm gonna bet every woman
who meets you

thinks they feel the butterflies
and the candy hearts...

And the paper flowers.



Damn! Damn it, Sam!

I'm sorry, Stephanie.


I didn't mean--

nobody--nobody ever does.

I really do like you.

Because I'm fantastic.

You are fantastic.

Bye, Sam.



♪ I have a picture ♪

Am I okay?

Yes. Everything went fine.

♪ My wall ♪

Did they find
that little girl?

♪ You and of me ♪


Ohh. Those poor parents.

I mean, god.

♪ Our life now ♪


♪ Tattered and torn ♪

There are other ways to...

Give you a child
to share your life with.

♪ And we fight and delight ♪

I think maybe it's time that
we talked about other options.

♪ Whoa, hold me now ♪

♪ whoa, warm my heart ♪

♪ stay with me ♪

♪ let loving start,
let loving start ♪

Who's that?
Is--is he...



She's mine? We had a girl?
Way to go, pammie.

Wait. Where--where is she?
Is she okay?

She's fine.
She's just sleeping it off.


Can I hold her?

No, you can't.
You just had surgery.

But would you settle
for a kiss?

♪ So far away ♪


♪ But you know that
there's no place ♪

♪ that I'd rather be than... ♪

Are you headed home yet?

That's how you apologize?

I have nothing
to apologize for.

Look, we disagreed,

and it won't
be the last time.

So, look, you can either
stay mad or we can head home

and pick up where we left off.
Your call.

We're still fighting.

I'm not opposed
to angry sex.

♪ Me ♪

♪ let loving start,
let loving start ♪

♪ oh, hold me now ♪

That was a good catch.

♪ Warm my heart ♪

Dr. Shepherd.

Right. Thank you.

Look, I appreciate
you giving me the credit,

but in the future,
please don't.

But I stand by
the call that I made

given the information I had.

You followed your instincts,
which I respect, but...

You take your credit.
I'll take mine, okay?

I need a drink.

I need three drinks.

I know the feeling.

Dr. Shepherd?

Uh... I was hoping I could
buy you three drinks.

You know, to make up for

the--the wholly inappropriate
kindness I showed you earlier.

Won't happen again.

I don't drink.

Come on. Never?


♪ Just one of those games ♪

Have you ever seen
an anencephalic baby?


♪ So I sing you a new song ♪

I gave birth to one
not that long ago.

♪ Cry anymore ♪

I held him for a few minutes,
and then I donated his organs.

They took him out of my arms,
then they took him apart.

And if I left myself drink,
I would never stop.

♪ Oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪

Oh, you. You're asking me out
because you look at me,

and you think
we're about the same age

and we could have fun.

And I might've made
the same mistake if I were you.

But we're not the same age.

♪ With me ♪

I'm about a hundred years older
than I look.

♪ Let loving start ♪

♪ oh, hold me now ♪

Enjoy your drinks.

♪ Let the loving the start ♪
♪ oh, warm my heart ♪

♪ warm my whole entire heart ♪

♪ stay with me ♪

♪ stay with me ♪

♪ let loving start,
let loving start ♪

♪ oh, hold me now ♪

♪ let the loving start ♪

♪ oh, warm my heart ♪

♪ warm my whole entire heart ♪

♪ stay with me ♪

Do you need a ride home?

♪ Let loving start ♪

We can't go home.

♪ Oh, hold me now ♪

Dana, the police have taken

and the hospital
has been thoroughly searched.

It's time to go.


W-What if Sarah walks through
that door and we're not here?

♪ Let loving start ♪

Sarah's not gonna
walk through that door.
