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06x02 - Mourning Sickness

Posted: 10/18/22 07:46
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

"I, Pete Wilder,

"being of sound mind and body,

"attest that these are
my wishes upon my death.

"In the event
I predecease my wife,

I leave all my tangible
personal property to her."

"I do not view my death as
an end but rather a beginning,

a transition to
a new state of being."

"I do not want
a lavish funeral.

"I do not want my family
to undergo that expense

"or distress.

"I hereby direct
that my body be cremated

and my ashes scattered
in the ocean."

"And after my cremation,

"I do not want mourning.

"I want a party,

"a balinese send-off.

"I want singing and laughter
and stories

"to celebrate my life.

"I will be at peace.

I hope these wishes will also
bring peace to my loved ones."

Is he kidding?

I am so glad
you guys are here.

And thank you for hosting.

Oh, of course.

I would've done it at my place,
but, uh,

the realtor has a bunch of
people lined up to see the house

since I dropped the price, so...

Yeah, should you... I mean,
are you sure you don't wanna

just, you know... take a minute

before you make, uh,
any big changes?

I mean, just take a second
to take a deep breath.

No, no, no. Lucas and I need
to move forward.

And I'm gonna look at some
houses tomorrow, so...

It's a good turnout.



I think Pete would've
liked it.

I mean, who knows, right?

This is what
the will said he wanted.

Yeah, he went to
a funeral once in Bali, I guess,

and the whole village
came out to celebrate.

You know, like, dressed up
like it was a party,

told stories and sang and...

Wait, wait.
Are we gonna have to sing?

- The--he did request singing, yes.
- Mm-hmm.

That's why we have
the karaoke machine.

Perhaps you could
get it started?

Ohh. Right.
I'm gonna need a few drinks.

Would you like one?

No. No, no, but I have
something for you.

Uh... yeah.


Pete got this in India
a few years ago.

He was, uh, there working
with a spiritual leader

who--who hugs people.
That's her thing.

She's hugged, like,
30 million followers.

She must be exhausted.

And this..

Is for you.

Wear it in good health.

I'll be--I'll be right back.

Oh. He woke up?

Yeah, he was just hanging out
in his crib, gummin' a rattle.

Aw. Does he need
his diaper changed?

Uh, already took care of it.

Ohh. Good.
Does that feel good?

I thought you said
Violet would be sad.

She is sad.

There's many different ways
to honor someone's memory.

Yeah, but... this is weird.


I mean, not as weird
as watching the cremation.

And the kids couldn't
be more bored.

Why don't I take them
to your place for a while?

I don't do too well

in situations where people
are feeling one way

and pretending to feel another.

I tend to say
inappropriate things.

And sh**t up.


If anybody has any dr*gs...

Okay, yeah.
Told you.

Inappropriate things.
Yeah, go--go take 'em.

All right, I'm just gonna get
Henry's bottle.

Karaoke? For real?

So then I joined
this running group,

figuring that would be a great
way to meet people, but...


Um, I look around and...

And I see all these people--

at work, in my neighborhood.

I mean, they just...

I--they just seem like
average Joes,

you know?

They don't seem to have

or anything like that.

But, um, they're happy.

And I think,

how do they do it,
you know?

What's the secret?

Well, there's no secret,

And some people are
more naturally disposed to have

a positive outlook.

But happiness can
also be derived

from intentional activities,
you know,

volunteering and maintaining
close relationships.

Well, that's easier said
than done.

Okay, that seems like a good
place to start our next session.

Oh, sorry.

I'm, uh, I'm not gonna
be here next week.

Okay. No problem.
We can reschedule.

Actually, we can't.

I came to say good-bye.

I'm gonna k*ll myself.

You know what might
make people feel better?

Is if they knew there was
a trio of cooplets on the way.

If you wanna keep those hands,
get 'em off my uterus.


It's good to see
you've got an appetite.

What I've got is a tapeworm.

Three of 'em, actually.

Come on, Charlotte.

Isn't it at least
a little bit fun

to be able to eat
whatever you want?

No. It's not fun.

It's disgusting.

I'm having a litter

like some kind of animal.


These bloodsucking ticks

growing inside of me
have taken over my body,

so I'm just a host now.

This is only the beginning.

These are the salad days before
I start waddling around

with a veritable
"wide load" sign across my gut.

Which, by the way,

is gonna be crisscrossed
with so many stretch marks

it'll look like a topo map
of yellowstone.

I mean,
a miracle pregnancy, my ass.

My big, fat,
ever-expanding ass.

The car kept stalling out.

Janie and I, we were saving
every cent we had for the baby,

so I put off
getting a tune-up.

By the time
we got to the hospital,

the baby was already
coming out.

I was so rattled, I crashed into
the ambulance bay.

Yeah, but Dr. Wilder--

he acted like he saw
that kind of thing every day.

He smiled at Janie,

told her she'd have
a great story to tell our kid,

and delivered our little Maya
right there.

Your husband...

He made a big difference
in my family's life.

He was there for us
when we needed him.

And not just...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I called him, you know,
the night before he died.

He sounded relaxed.

I would've been...

Scared as hell of that trial,


Pete kept on cracking jokes.

If I had known it was gonna be
the last conversation

I ever was gonna have
with him...

I don't know.
I would've said something else.

He knew he had your support.
I'm sure that meant a lot.

He deserved better
than dying in a ditch.

I know you know this, but...

You know, anything you need,

I mean, you need me to stay
at the house,

you need us to take Lucas,
we can do it.

I-I never knew that... Pete
wanted this kind of celebration

until I read his will.

I mean,
besides one conversation

where he said he wanted
to be cremated,

we never talked about death,

and we should've
talked about it.

It's a conversation
most people put off.


But I'm a single parent now,
so I have to be prepared.

It would be great
if you could take Lucas.

Sure. No problem.
We can take him tonight.

No, I mean, if anything
happens to me,

I want you to be
his guardian.



Wow. You--
I know--

I know it's a lot
to ask for, but--but--

but they--they--
they get along great.

And--and don't you think
Mason would be happy

to have a little brother?
I certainly hope so.

They could share a room

or you could live at my house,
wherever that would be.

Oh. Violet, you know what?

I don't wanna think about
you being dead. Not today.

But you have to think about it.
I need you to think about it.


And talk to Charlotte.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sheldon.
Wait, you're not coming?

No, I am coming.

I-I just can't leave yet.

we need a shrink here.

I mean,
Violet's keeping it together,

but who knows how long
that will last?

Yeah, well, I'll get there
as soon as I can.


How long have you been
considering k*lling yourself?

Feels like forever.

I'm sorry I didn't
bring it up before.

I didn't think
you'd understand, but...

It really is for the best,
Dr. Wallace.

What's your plan?

Pills seem easiest.

That way, I'll go to sleep

It'll be over.

I've got two kinds
of sedatives.

Okay, Nick.

I think we should go
to the hospital.

I cannot let you go home.

I'm not going
to the hospital.

Ah, god, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to yell. I...

What made you decide
that tonight's the night?

I mean...

Did something happen?

I think you want my help,

I think that's why
you told me your plan.

But I can't give it unless
you're gonna be honest with me.

Triple grande latte
with one sugar.

That's Gail's order.

I see her getting coffee
most mornings.


Last week, she forgot
her wallet, so I paid,

and we got to talking.

She was...

She was nice,
so I asked her out.

W-What did she say?


Can you believe that?

Um, well, we went out
to dinner

and then back to her place,

and, um, next thing I knew,

our clothes were off.


I've been so lonely.

But looking at Gail,

I felt nothing.


I started thinking
about Stella,

her creamy shoulders

peeking out
from a t*nk top,

her smooth little Colt legs.

And then it was okay.

It's not unusual

for men to think about
other women during sex.

Stella's not a woman.

No. She...

She's my goddaughter.

She's 8.

Do you know how many times
I've peed since we've been here?


Five times.

God, I'd sell my soul for
a good old fashioned u.T.I.

I can bitch slap into submission
with some simple antibiotics.

So, uh, Violet asked me
this thing.

This, um, funny thing.

Crazy, clearly,

given what we're, uh...

You know, she's grieving,

so you wanna give her
what she wants.

What'd she ask?

Um... if anything happens
to her,

she asked if we would
take Lucas.

We have Mason...

Who is amazing.

About we're about to have
three more.

Yay, us!

And you wanna add
a fifth child

so what, we can field
our own volleyball team?

Okay, aren't you
a teensy bit flattered

that she recognizes what
an incredible mother you are?

Well, then let's not
stop there.

Hell, why not throw Henry
into the mix, too?

Make it an even half-dozen,

'cause when I said
I never wanted children,

what I really meant was,

"I want all the children."

I never talked about this
before... with anyone.

Nick, have you ever had
any sexual contact with Stella?

Any physical contact that could
be perceived as sexual

with any child?


So you've never acted on
your desire for young girls?


But I think about it.

A lot.

I have to drive past
this elementary school

on the way to work,

and I try to get down the street
as quickly as possible,

but... sometimes
the crossing guard stops me.

So... I sit there,

and I watch the kids walk past.

Have you ever really looked
at an 8-year-old girl?

I mean...

My god.

They're so beautiful.

So innocent.

And their bodies are like
absolute perfection.

You think I'm disgusting,
don't you?

No. I'm not here
to judge you, Nick.

I'm just trying
to understand.

It's simple.
I'm a monster.

And no matter how hard I try,
I can't change the way I feel.

How--how do you control
these urges?

I go home and...

I, uh...

I release the tension.

You masturbate?


That way,
no one gets hurt.

That's a good solution,

My concern is that

continual fantasizing about
sexual acts with young girls

can make that seem normal.

And once that taboo
is removed,

self-restraint can become
very difficult.

I know,

which is why the only solution
is for me to die.

I should be dead.

I was dead.

I was standing in my kitchen,
chopping garlic,

talking to my husband,
and then I started convulsing.

He calls 9-1-1,

and by the time
the paramedics got there,

my heart had stopped.

They shocked me three times
and took me to the E.R., and...

Dr. Wilder.
He brought me back.

He did 20 minutes
of c.P.R.,

shocked me
three more times.

He didn't give up on me.
He just...


Your husband never gave up.

Excuse me, ladies,
but I need to steal Violet.

Her son's looking for her.
Oh. Sure.

Where's Lucas?

I don't know, but I thought
you needed a break.


Jake said I should give this
thing a test drive, so...


I was planning on telling you
that Jake moved in.

Oh, that's fine.
That's fine.

This is actually
really good Espresso.

I-I didn't mean
to blindside you or--

it's okay. It's okay.

Did Jake tell you where
he got these beans?



Look, um...

There are no books on this.
I looked.


On how to stay friends
with your ex-wife's best friend

who rejected
your marriage proposal

after adopting a child...

And then moving in
with your coworker.

There are no books on it,

I figured we could just stick to
small talk about the Espresso.


Are we?


Ever gonna be friends again?

The key to a good Espresso
is the quality of the grinder.


That is an interesting fact.


Our father died
two years ago.

It pretty much took the starch
out of mother,

so we figured she was
just grieving.

Um, she didn't tell us
about the pain.

By the time we noticed it,

With pancreatic cancer,
there's not much you can do.

And she wanted to
die at home,

and she made us promise.

But that last day,

her breathing got so labored,
and she looked so scared,

that I wanted to take her
to the hospital.

Yeah, we both did.

But Dr. Wilder,

he said we should honor
her wishes.

And when he came into the room,

he had such a calming effect
on her.

So she got to die
in her own bed,

looking out at her garden,
surrounded by her children...

And dogs.

And it was so peaceful.

I will be grateful
for the rest of my life

that she didn't die alone.

Are you gonna hurl?

What are you doing
out here?

Lucas wanted to watch
"the muppets" movie,

for, like, the billionth time.

What about you?



It's getting hot in there.

Pete was nice.
It really sucks that he died.


It does.

He'll be okay, though.

My mom says when you die,

it's like going to
a big reunion.

You get to hang out
with everyone you really love.

Oh, I bet my mom will introduce
Pete to my grandma.

Gram's really cool.

It's--it's lonely, though,
being left behind.

I-I felt lonely
when my mom died.

Are you lonely?


You want some?

I was raised catholic.

Did I tell you that?


Yeah, I was taught that
god never makes mistakes.


It's pretty clear
that's not true, huh?

He obviously had an off day
with me.

Why couldn't I have been
a drug addict

or an alcoholic?

I mean, god.

My life would've been
so much different

if the thing I couldn't
get enough of was booze.

I mean, I-I could join
a 12-step program.

People would actually
wanna hear my story.

They'd try to help me and say
how brave I was to come clean.

But they don't have
support groups

for people like me.

I can't tell anyone what I am.

But you told me,

and that's a good
first step.

And the fact that you haven't
acted on your impulses,

we can build on that.

Don't play me, Dr. Wallace.

I'm not stupid.

As a teenager,

I used to just hope
that I would outgrow this.



That's never gonna happen.

Right? 'Cause there's
no magic pills that I can take

that make me stop fantasizing
about little girls.

There's no surgery

to remove this deviant part
of my brain, right?


No, there isn't.

Then what do we have
to talk about?

Did Pete even like karaoke?

I don't know. I never...

Heard the man
so much as whistle.

You did not miss much.

I loved Pete.

We weren't in love,
we weren't soul mates,

but, you know, we fit together
for a while.

You know, that time that we had
where we...

Took care of Lucas.

Even for that short time
before Violet came back,

That's when I knew

that I could raise a child
on my own.

Pete did that for me.


I wish I could've
told him that.

You know, Violet asked me to be
Lucas' guardian

in case anything happens

Did you tell her about
the triplets?

In case you hadn't noticed,

Charlotte's a little scary
right now.

Yeah, I got that.

I mean, I'd love to say yes
for Violet,

and for Pete.

I don't know
how to convince Charlotte.

Honestly, I don't know if
I should convince Charlotte.

I mean,
with these babies coming,

my family has to be
my priority, right?


Any advice on that?

Have another drink.

I was in the kitchen last week.
Pete was reading the paper.

Travel section,
about Hawaii.

Said he was thinking about
taking Violet and Lucas there

once the trial was over,

like he was certain
it was gonna go his way.


Said he always wanted
to learn how to surf.


I told him, "hey, I, uh,
I have an extra board.

I can--i can teach you."

That's the last time
we spoke.

Yeah, he was one of
the good ones.

After all the time he spent
making death easier for people,

I wish somebody
could've done it for him.

Yeah. You know, I couldn't do
what he did.

I need to be around people
creating life,

helping them start a family.

You know, no matter how hard
the journey is,

I've never once had a mother
tell me that it wasn't worth it

once she held her child.

Has Addison been talking
to you?

About what?

Do me a favor.

Don't tell me
any stories about Pete

or try to make me
feel better.

Hey. I just wanted a cookie.

That jacket looks good
on you.


I figured I'd get the motorcycle
to go with it next.


Uh, or perhaps a lighter.

Holy crap. I didn't know
that was in there.


I'm Aaron Colvin. I worked
with Pete in El Salvador.

Oh. Thank you for coming.

I'm sure that would've
meant a lot to Pete.

I'm not so sure about that.

Pete and I,
we had a falling out

15 years ago.

It ended in a fistfight.

For the life of me, I-I can't
remember what it was about.

I always figured our paths
would cross again

and we'd sit down
and have a beer

and laugh about it.

But now it's too late.

And I can't believe
I wasted all this time,

nursing some ridiculous,
ancient grudge that--

could you please excuse me?

There's a lot that we don't know
about pedophilia,

about human sexuality
in general.

But what I can tell is that by
the time we're 8 or 9 years old,

we've been dealt a card,

and that determines
what turns us on.

And in the perfect world,

satisfying those urges,
it doesn't hurt anybody.

I obviously don't live
in that world.

I'm a freak.
You can't fix me.

I can't cure your
sexual attraction to children.

That's true.

But a lot of people have
inappropriate fantasies,

and the problem only arises
when they try to act on them.

We can work
on your impulse control.

It's not easy.
It's a lifelong struggle.

But we can protect
the people around you.


You're saying I can change?

What I'm saying is,
there are things we can try.

Avoiding mood swings is key.

And you're going to have to be
diligent about keeping busy,

about maintaining structure
in your life.

I can't believe it.

You actually wanna help me?

I'm your doctor.
Nick? Nick?

Nick, are you okay?

Nick, what did you do?
What did you take?


This is Dr. Sheldon Wallace.

I need an ambulance
at 4000 ocean park.

It's a possible overdose.

I'm sorry.
I didn't wanna die alone.


Are you all right?

Violet, you've been up here
a while.

I'm starting to get worried.

Okay, I'm coming in.


Are you...

Are you... getting high?

Oh, my god.
You've got to be kidding me!

This is a really big tub.

You guys cannot do this. I have
a--i have a kid downstairs.

Oh, come on. We all have kids,
and they're all next door.

Get in the tub, Coop.
Come on!

You know you wanna do it.
Come on! Get in the tub.

You don't have to. I didn't.

You just give her a minute,
she'll forget she asked.

What, you're not high?
What are you doing up here?

I didn't think
that she should be alone.

My husband is dead.

Yesterday, I pushed a button
and watched him burn,

so I get whatever I want

Come on, Cooper.

I really need someone
in the tub with me.


Would you like to go lay down
for a little while?

Let's live here, in the tub.

dr*gs are bad.


dr*gs are bad.

They make my tongue feel
like cheese.

Cheese? I wish we had
some cheese here.




Still here.

Where does cheese come?
How do we get cheese?

Is there a cheese man?


I think we need a cow.

Oh, let's buy a cow.
Buy a cow!
I could totally buy a cow!

Or... I could order
a pizza.

I have a phone. We can.

Charlotte's not gonna
let you get away with this

much longer, Cooper.

Charlotte's not
the boss of me, man.


Charlotte is the mother
of my triplets,

but not the boss of me.
Triplets? What triplets?


Oh! Ohh!



Oh, my god. Okay.


Please don't be mad.
I'm sorry.

I know that is
the kind of thing

you're supposed to tell
your best friend,

but Charlotte would not
let me tell you.

I so wanted to tell you!

And Addison only knows
because she is her doctor.

And it felt really weird
to talk about babies

once I found out
Pete was dead.

Oh, yeah.

And also,
I'm like...

I'm so happy.

And Charlotte is...
So not happy.

Oh. Hey, I-I think you have
the wrong house.

Hi. Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, he doesn't.

Here you go.
Keep the change.

Thank you.

Whoa, Addison,

you've already got more than
enough food for everybody.

Uh, no, this isn't for
the people downstairs.

Who's it for?

Oh. Are you serious?

Cheese men. Cheese men.

Hee hee hee hee!

Okay, we are going
to need more pizzas.

People are downstairs,
trying to pay tribute to Pete,

and you guys are up here
getting high?

Lighten up, man.
Light up, Sam.

Oh, no, he's not gonna
do it. He's never done that.

- Is that true?
- Really?

from a chicken thing?

No, I'm not chicken.

Bok bok bok.

Did you just cluck at me?

Bok bok bok.
See--see, that's why
don't do it.

It's got you guys acting
like idiots,

grown adults making
animal sounds.

Not to mention it's illegal.
Not when medically prescribed
in the state of California.

I'm a doctor.

Violet, I prescribe you

Cooper, I prescribe you

Jake, shall I
prescribe you marijuana?

- I'm good, thanks.
- Besides,

nobody's gonna tell me what
I can do in my own damn house.

In my own damn house.

Oh. There either.
Doctor's order, Sam.

I'm sorry. I just care about
what I put into my body.

I care about
my short-term memory.

Marijuana abuse has also been
tied to cancer, brain damage,

It's also been tied

to relieving symptoms
of all those things, Sam.

You're defending them
right now?

If you're such a fan,
how come you're not smoking?

Because the one time
I smoked pot,

I felt like my lungs
were melting.

And I got so paranoid

I hid in the closet
for three hours

and I might've peed my pants.


Not for me.

You know,
it's Pete's ganja, Sam.

It's like a sign.

I mean, Pete is the reason
we're all here.

And we're all here,
and Pete is gone?

That's wrong. It--it's just
all kinds of wrong.

I don't know.
It doesn't make any sense.

And it just feels bad.
And who wants to feel bad?

Who wants to feel
when feeling feels this bad?

What he said.


Do you want me to go downstairs

and tell those people
to go home?

I can do that.

Can we just stay here
a little bit longer?

A little bit, all of us?

Then I'll go back to being
a widow.

Whatever you want.

He never ate the crust
off his pizza.

But he loved
chocolate chip mint ice cream.

And he couldn't parallel park
to save his life.

He had really awesome hair.


I'm alive.


The E.R. doc said
the acetaminophen level

in your blood put you at risk
for liver failure.

Another few hours, your liver
might've completely shut down.

I swallowed the whole bottle
before I came to see you.

Are you gonna
do that again, Nick?

I don't know.

I studied buddhism
for a while.

Not to convert.

I just wanted to understand

a religion whose goal
was to end suffering.

You know
the interesting thing?

Suffering is a great teacher,

because you never know
what you might become

after you work through it,

which is why every life
is worth saving.

Even mine?


Do you really think
you can help me?

That's up to you.

But if we do work together, you
cannot keep any secrets from me.

I don't have
any more to keep.

Well, then I'll be back
in the morning.


I have something
to say.

Okay, I'm gonna say it,
and you're gonna listen.

How can you do this
to Violet?

I mean, what kind of person

would leave a little boy

out in the street?

For crying out loud, Cooper.

Of course we'll take Lucas
if something happens to Violet.

We will?

My life as I know it
is over.

We've already got four kids.
What's one more?

I'm gonna need some help
parenting that brood.

I'd prefer it
if you weren't stoned.

Oh, cake.

And Dr. Wilder was there for me
all through my cancer.

Nothing worked on the nausea
I had from the chemo

until he tried acupuncture.

Excuse me.

It's Derek.

He gave me my life back.

I'm so grateful.

Stop crying.
My husband wanted a celebration.

I'm sorry. I just...

They, uh...

They took Mark Sloan
off life support.

He's dead.

No, no, no. No. No.
No, we don't cry today.

We don't cry today.
This is not what Pete wanted.

Was I not clear?

He wanted a party.
He wanted--he wanted singing.

♪ There is somebody
I'm longing to see ♪

♪ I hope that he turns out
to be ♪

♪ someone who'll watch over me ♪

♪ I am a little lamb
who's lost in the wood ♪

♪ I know I could
always be good ♪

♪ to one who'll watch over me ♪

♪ although he may not be ♪

♪ the man some girls think of
as handsome ♪

♪ to my heart,
he carries the key ♪

What are you all staring at?!

This is what he wanted.
All right?

This is all he wanted
those last months,

just to have a good time.

Why talk about your problems

when you can pretend
they don't exist?

Just enjoy yourself! Be happy!

Which is ironic

because he was the angriest guy
I have ever known.

This--this man that you keep
talking about,

"Mr. There when you need him,"
"Mr. Never give up,"

that was not Pete.

He did give up.

He died before he could tell me
what went wrong in our marriage.

How dare he leave me
to raise Lucas on my own?!

How dare he demand
that I throw him a party

when all people wanna do
is scream and cry?!

That selfish son of a bitch.

What the hell happened
here tonight?

Where were you?

I had a patient emergency.

I'm sorry.

What can I do for you?

Bring my husband back.

If it were in my power,
you know I would.

Tell me everything's gonna
be all right.



Just tell me.


Everything's gonna
be all right.

And even though

your uncle Pete won't be around
when you grow up,

he'll still
be watching out for you.

Now you have
your very own guardian angel...

Keeping you safe.

You do.

I like the thought
of Pete looking out for him.

Thank you for, uh,
taking care of him today.

Of course.
You had your hands full.


I lied to you.

About what?

When I turned you down
to be my surrogate,

I told you it was because
you were newly sober

and you needed to figure out
who you are,

and that was part of it,

I also didn't think you were
good enough.

Well, I can understand that.

I was wrong.

You are...

Such a good thing
in my son's life.

He loves you so much.

And you love him.

If anything, uh...

If anything ever happened to me,

Would you take Henry?


I need to tell you something

about Mark.

♪ I am here ♪

♪ right here ♪

Mind if I grab Coop
for a minute?

Not at all.

♪ Where god puts ♪

♪ none asunder ♪

♪ and you ♪

♪ black dress, black shoes ♪

♪ you do ♪

How are you holding up,

♪ Go on ♪

I saved the life
of a man tonight

I'm not sure should live.

♪ You can... ♪

And Pete--you know,
he was a husband, a father,

a good man, just wanted to
make the world a better place.

That right there--

that's why
I don't believe in god.

♪ Coming kids ♪

♪ are raging ♪

You okay?


Why do you ask?

You lost a spouse, too.


To tell you the truth,

i'm--I'm feeling
a little guilty.


Violet's got a hard road
ahead of her, and...

That's not my life

I'm in love.

I'm happy.

Then don't waste your time
feeling guilty.

Just be grateful.

♪ Is gonna come ♪

♪ it makes hosing ♪

♪ much more fun ♪

So I'm gonna head home
and call Derek.



♪ It makes hosing ♪


The Espresso beans
are Ethiopian,

specially roasted.

♪ La, la ♪

♪ la, la, la ♪

♪ la, la ♪

Yeah, we are.


Pete's dead.

Mark is dead.

They died.

They're dead.

There's no time to...

♪ Life is long ♪

So yeah,
we are gonna be friends...


Someday, just...

Just not yet.


♪ An end will come ♪


♪ It makes our living ♪

♪ fun ♪

♪ fun ♪

♪ death to everyone ♪

♪ is gonna come ♪

♪ it makes hosing ♪

This is what they gave me
after the cremation.

I thought about getting
a nice urn for his ashes.

♪ Is gonna come ♪

There should be more to the end
of a man's life, huh?

♪ Much more fun ♪

♪ death to me ♪

♪ and death to you ♪

♪ tell me what else ♪

♪ can we do, die, do ♪

♪ death to all ♪

♪ and death to each ♪

♪ our own god bottle's ♪

We didn't have enough time.

I know. I know.

♪ Death to everyone ♪

♪ is gonna come ♪

♪ and it makes hosing ♪

♪ Much more fun ♪