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06x01 - Aftershock

Posted: 10/18/22 07:46
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

Previously on
"private practice"...

I have it all.
I have a beautiful baby.

His name is Henry.

And a handsome, brilliant,
perfect boyfriend.

Will you marry me?

I want to donate
my baby's organs

so he can save other babies.

What do you think
about starting a family?

I'm shocked
by how much I love him.

How about I call you mama?

My husband is
now in jail.

Yeah, well,
he did k*ll someone.

I am not sorry.

Hey, Pete,
I'm freaking out here.

I cooperated.

What if I have to go back
to prison?

♪ When I was young
I learned a game ♪

♪ That love and happiness
were the same ♪

♪ now I'm older
and I don't play ♪

♪ I found out the hardest way ♪

♪ I got wasted, she got mad ♪

♪ called me names
and she called her dad ♪

It's gonna be a great day.

Where's daddy?

He went for a run.

Then he's gonna see his lawyer
and meet mommy at the court.

And the judge is gonna
show mercy. Yes, she is.

'Cause daddy's a good man who
did what he did out of empathy

and compassion.

Someday we'll explain it all
to you.

It's okay. It's okay, baby.

Just a little earthquake.
No big deal. It's already gone.

It's all right.

See? We're doing just fine,

♪ Anything ♪

I won't tell
anyone else.

Keep your mouth shut.

You're here.

It would seem so.

Pete's preliminary hearing.

what are you doing here?

Look, Pete's case could--could
last for--for weeks or months.

I can't just sit around
and obsess

over every potential outcome.

It's not healthy.
It's not productive.

Neither is denial.

Pete and I agreed
that the best way

to get through this
was try to live a normal life,

for our sanity and for Lucas.

What does the lawyer say?

Roberta is optimistic.

Troy's father's
had a few months

to grieve the loss of his son.

She thinks
when he takes the stand,

maybe he won't blame Pete
anymore for pulling the plug.

What do you think?

I think I have a patient
to focus on.

Hey. Good luck today.

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.

What? Come on, Sam. Everyone
knows. Please just admit it.

Admit what?

She's not coming.

The appointment was
for 10:00.

It's 10:01.

My daughter hates me.

You don't know that. You haven't
seen Debra in 23 years.

So what, she got over it?
Trust me.

She's not coming.
I wouldn't have said
I was coming if I wasn't.

I actually keep my word.

I-I didn't know
you were married.

I'm not.

Debra, thank you for coming.
Uh, would you like to sit down?

Ed, you ready?

Yeah. Uh...

Deb, I know you think, uh...

There's lots to say.

But I'm sober now six months,

so please try to understand

that this is not easy, okay?

But I need for us--
I need--

you need?

I needed to go to
my third grade dance recital

instead of sitting in a bar,
eating pretzels.

I needed to not walk around
on eggshells all the time

because mom and I never knew

which version of you
we were gonna get.

That must have been very hard
for you.
Yeah, you know,
that wasn't the hard part.

Getting a job at 17 to support
us because he just left--

that was hard.

You told me to go.

I was a 17-year-old kid.

Your kid. You're the father.

Ed, do you have any regrets
about those days?

Oh, of course.

But I thought
it would be better for her--
to have no parents?

Your mother was there.

No. After you left,
she just sat there

and stared out a window,

And I never, never stopped
loving her or you.

You destroyed our lives.

You ruined my childhood,
and that is not love.

And now suddenly
because you want to change,

because you're sorry, which by
the way, you haven't even said,

two words you've
never said--"I'm sorry"--

does not mean
I'm gonna forgive you.

I don't forgive you

and I will never--oh.

What is it? What's wrong?
Oh, my--
I think my water broke.

Well, c-can I help?

No, you can just get
the hell out of my life.

Get out. Just go.

It's okay. It's okay.

Everything looks good,

but you're only 5 centimeters

So what happens now?

Well, Jim, our e.M.T.,

is going to transport you
to the hospital in style.

And I paged your regular o.B.
They'll meet you over there.


Yeah. Okay, Jim,
it's just you and me.

Though you'll probably
leave me, too,

just like all the other men
in my life.

Debra, I really think

your father wants to be there
for you.

I'm in enough pain already.

I don't need him
bringing me more, but thanks.

You okay?

I just want to stay here.

It's safe in here.

If I go back to my office,
I will spend hours learning

about the rules
of conjugal visits in prison.


My husband could go to prison.

How crazy is that?

You want me to take
the afternoon off? We could--

we could what?

I don't know. Get drunk.

It's not a terrible idea, except
I have to go to court later.

Distract me
with something else.

I could tap-dance for you.

Say the word.
I will slap two tacks

on the bottom of these shoes
right now.

- Three years.
- Mrs. Sobel's dance academy.

Yeah, I do a mean shuffle.

No? Oh. Oh. I know.

Medical instruments.
Puppet show.

I'm hungry.

Hey. How is your love life?
Distract me with that.

My husband
might go to prison.


I don't know.

I mean, I'm just--he's...

I don't know.
What--what don't you know?

I don't know.

Hey, ed.

What are
you still doing here?

Um, I don't know
where to go.

What about the hospital?

She doesn't want me around.

Your biggest regret is that

the last time she told you
to leave, you listened.

No matter how old she gets
or even when Debra's a mother,

you will still be her father.

I don't know. You know,
I mean, what's the point?

How many times did you try
to get sober?

Really try?

Uh, just now.

Eh, one foot in the grave.
It's crazy.

It's inspiring.

I think most people your age
would just drink till the end.

I don't want to meet my maker
with booze on my breath

and destroyed lives
on my resume.

It sounds like you know
what you have to do then.

I'm sorry
to interrupt.

Oh. No, it's okay.

I have to go.

Thank you.

I mean,

I'm like Michael Phelps.


Where is your husband,

Pete's not here? He--he was
gonna meet you at your office.

He never showed.

I called the house. I've been
calling his cell repeatedly.

Please rise.

The honorable judge Hansen

Are we missing someone?

Your honor, I'd like to request
a short recess. My client--

is absent. Why?

We don't know yet,

but I'm sure there's
a perfectly logical explanation.

Your honor,
I-I know he's coming.

I'm sorry, but the defendant
failed to appear,

so bail is forfeited.

I'm ordering a warrant
for the arrest of Pete Wilder.

Well, something must've
happened. Maybe he got a flat.

Well, he could've called.
There's no reception
in the canyon.

How do--how do you not show up
for court?

You don't go missing
on the first day of your trial.

He's--he's--he's missing.
Well, should you call
the police?

You think I should call
the police?

Is it police-calling time?

She cannot call the police.

I just mean
that in their eyes,

he's just some fugitive
who jumped bail.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god. I'm an idiot.
I'm an idiot.

He jumped bail and ran.
He ran. He ran.
No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No.

that is not what I meant.

Charlotte, help me out here,
Well, he coulda run.

I'm being honest with her.

He ran. He ran.

He ran.

damn it! Ugh! A couple weeks
ago, we were out for a walk,

and Lucas saw a plane,
and he pointed up to it,

and Pete said, "let's go.

"We can all fly to central
america, the three of us.

We can stay together
and help people."

I thought it was a fantasy.

It probably was!
No, it isn't,
because right about now,

Pete is enjoying the in-flight
movie on his way to El Salvador.

He--he gave up. He gave up.

I can't believe
he would do that.

This morning
he sent me a text.

"Whatever happens,
know that I love you."

Well, Pete did grow up
with a mother in jail.

He knows firsthand
how hard it is

to be a kid
on the other side of the bars.

So you think he's protecting
Lucas. Are you kidding me?

Pete was looking out for Pete.

My husband is weak

and selfish and a coward,

and I will never forgive him
for this.

Where the hell are you?





How do you manage
to look so incredible

first thing in the morning?


Hey, little man.

Come here.

Oh, boy.

How'd you sleep?

Like a rock.

He didn't wake up once.

How about you?

I know you usually, uh,
sleep better at your place.

Well, my place
doesn't come with you.

That wasn't you, was it?

What, you think
I made the earth move?

Oh, I know.

No, it was just a tremor.

So your phone--it was buzzing
like crazy last night.

Oh. Oh. Yeah, Megan Stuart.

Yeah, it vibrated,
like, ten times.

Megan Stewart.

You know how my patients get
in the first trimester.

Mm. She does have a husband,

Well, he's away on business,
so until he gets back,

I guess I'm her husband.

That's Megan. Mm. Huh?

Hey, Megan.
What's going on?

My husband
might go to prison.


I don't know.

I mean, I'm just--

I don't know.

What--what don't you know?

I don't know.

I don't--okay. He...

I definitely made
the right choice.

He makes me very happy.

I am really, really happy.


Have you seen him?


No, I mean,
have you laid eyes on him?

He's a-attractive.
Is that what you mean?

He's not "attractive."

He is Zeus.

He's Thor.
He's Beckham.

You're--you're mixing up your
mythologies and soccer players.

Okay, he's flypaper
and women are the flies.

Sam is not flypaper?

Yeah, but Sam doesn't spend
his days

putting the pretty flies' legs
up in stirrups.


Thank you.

Good. Good.
Oh, I'm very glad.

I'm glad that my humiliating
insecurity is giving you joy.

I mean, Sam's patients are
worried about their hearts,

Derek's are
generally brain-damaged,

but Jake's are in love
with him

because he can give them
a gift

that not even their own husbands
can give them.

The man makes babies,

and he's kind and gentle
and compassionate,

and he looks like that.

What's funny?

Apparently, my inner workings.

Well, are you done?

I need Addison.

Debra diamanti, 39 weeks.

Contractions are regular
and four minutes apart.

Okay, Debra. I'm Dr. Reilly.
Let's, uh, let's have a look.

Uh, wait. Where's my o.B.?
He was supposed to meet me here.

Dr. Myer got held up at cedars,
delivering another baby,

so you're in luck.
You have me today.
Don't worry.

I'm the best labor and delivery
nurse at St. ambrose.

Dr. Reilly's just someone they
yell at when the pain gets bad.

Okay, I'm gonna take a look.
All right?


Okay, you're
at about 5 centimeters.

Looks like you have
a little bit of time.

Oh. Oh! Oh!
This totally sucks.

Ooh, and it hurts. Ooh!

Ooh. My best friend, who was
supposed to be here, is in cabo.

Bitch. I told her not to go.

Due dates aren't written
in stone.

But did she listen? No.

Ohh. You know she's drinking
a Mai Tai, right?

Or screwing some lifeguard.

Or catching an s.T.D.

Is there anyone else
we can call? Any family?



Are you okay?

Can you just get on
with it?

All right. Try to relax.
This shouldn't take long.

The last time
you poked around down there

was after I was r*ped.

It's weird, uncomfortable.

Can you talk about something?

How's Henry?

Uh, well, Jake said that
he took his first few steps.

Of course,
I don't believe him.

I mean, he is an overachiever
like his mother, but--


Do you want me to stop the--

talking. Stop talking
and get this over with.

If I'm still at 5 centimeters,
I might have to k*ll you.

You're at 7.

Where the hell is Stephanie?

I paged her.
I'm sure she's coming.


As for the pain,
this should help.

No--no--no needles.
No, I hate needles.

Well, most people do,

but, Debra, this will last
for, like, two seconds.

The pain of labor could last
for another couple hours.

No, it's not about the pain.
It--they conjure an image.

It's a memory.

My dad is a drunk
and a bastard,

and my whole childhood
was spent in the E.R.,

waiting while he would
get treated for dehydration

with I.V.S and needles,

and I just can't think
about that right now.

I can't,

'cause I'm about
to be a mother,

And he was
the worst father in the world,

and what if I'm like him?

All right. Listen to me.
Listen to me.

Listen to me, okay?
Are you listening?

You'll be a great mother.

And you will make mistakes.
Every parent does.

But you can do this,
because this right here,

this is the most beautiful thing
in the whole world,

and yes, there is a little bit
of pain, but it's temporary.

All right?
And when it's all over,

I'm gonna hand you your baby,
and you will experience

a joy the likes of which
you've never felt.

And that's why I do this--
for that moment, your moment.

So I need you to trust me,

to put your faith in me
just a little while longer.

I will take care of you.




Go ahead
and roll over on your side.



Good. Close your eyes. Count
to 50 as loud as you want.

Yell even.

Okay. One. Oh. Two.

Three. Four...
There was an emergency.

Five, six...
Something's happened
to her father.

All right.
Don't tell her. Not yet.

Seven, eight...

Pete should've stayed.
You stay and fight.

That's what you do.

Yeah, well, what if you can't?
What if you're losing yourself?

I mean, isn't it better
to just run for the hills?

Are we still talking
about Pete?

I'm not me.

Need a little help
following here.

I got up at 5:00.

I do that
when you stay over.

I am not stunning
in the morning.

I'm kind of a hot mess,

but when you see me,
I'm all made up,

you know, because I'm trying
to be all I can be,

but I'm failing miserably

because--i just used
an army slogan to make my point.

Forget it. I-I-I don't know
what I'm saying.

No. No. Keep--keep talking.

One of us
will figure it out.

I check my phone a lot.

I'm--i'm--i'm--i'm, like,
willing it to buzz,

because it might be you,

and then when it is you, I get
this feeling in my stomach.

It's, like, um,
it could be butterflies,

but it hurts, like, pain.

I mean, actual physical pain,

like--like an ulcer or a tumor,
but it's not.

It's you.

Did you just refer to me
as cancer?

I can't focus,
I-I forget to eat,

I'm insecure, I'm jealous.

I mean, I more closely resemble
my 14-year-old self

than the woman I have come
to recognize as me,

which is what I meant

when I said I'm not me,

Which is also what I meant
when I,

yes, maybe accidentally
referred to you as...


Oh, my god. This conversation
was a bad idea. I gotta go.


Uh, okay.

I got one. Uh, what did
the zero say to the eight?

Nice belt.

That joke wasn't funny.

Mason thought it was funny.

No, dad, I really didn't.

Why are
you really laughing?


Triangle of life!

Mase, it's over already.

Triangle of life?
What is that?

They did a unit on earthquake
preparedness last week,

and we now have
enough bottled water

to get us through
the apocalypse.

Clean water is very important.

So is getting to school on time.
Come on.


I have, uh, something to say,

but do not get excited.

I will not get excited.

Wait. You're not saying
"don't freak out"?

Does that mean
it's a good thing?

You're pregnant?

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god! Oh, my god.
Wait. Are you pregnant?

I said, do not get excited.
Oh. Oh. Oh. Okay. Okay.

But you're pregnant?

I have an I.U.D.

I know. I know.
Which means you have, like,

a 1% chance
of getting pregnant,

which means that if you are,
maybe it was meant to be?

The I.U.D. Has to be removed,

and when it is, it's likely
that I'll miscarry.

You might not.

And we might have a little--
a little baby girl,

a little towheaded Charlie.

Were you ever
a natural blonde?

I'm gonna go see Addison later.

In the meantime,
not a word to anyone.


Not for long.


Sorry I couldn't make it
this morning.

Hope she saved me some cake.

Since when do you eat cake?

Ugh. I'm gonna k*ll Cooper.

They're for you.

Wait. Wait.

Why would you
be getting flowers today?

Did I miss something or...

How far along are you?

A couple months,
give or take.

This is the downside
of your kind of I.U.D.

Is irregular periods.

and an unplanned pregnancy.

this should take care of it.

Well, not necessarily.

I am very good at my job.

Well, no need to be
an overachiever today.

Well, if I can't help myself

from being the best,

you do have options.

No, I don't.

You know, there's
a common misconception

that being pro-choice
means you relish the opportunity

to run into an alley
with a hanger.

I believe
in a woman's right to choose,

but I don't have that choice.

All right, well, go ahead

and put your feet up
in the stirrups.

You can lean back
and use this to--
yeah. I know the drill.

I thought
you didn't want kids.

I don't.

I got Mason,

and I love him,

but I don't want kids.

The only thing is I'm not 16
or single

or without means.

I can't justify.

You need to not be great
at your job today

because I don't have options.

Are you okay?

Can you just get on with it?

It's gonna be okay.

I appreciate you trying to
make me feel better, Cooper.

And no one wants good news
more than me.

Charlotte's pregnant.
Oh, my god!

That's amazing.

Wow. She'd k*ll you
for telling me.

You know, she has an I.U.D.,
so she doesn't think

the pregnancy's
gonna be viable, but, um...

So why are you happy?

My guys are champions.


My swimmers--they beat
the big, bad I.U.D., man.


I mean,

I'm like Michael Phelps.


Where is your husband,

♪ she may contain
the urge to run away ♪

♪ but hold her down with soggy
clothes and breezeblocks ♪

♪ cetirizine... ♪

Hey. Where's, uh, Amber?

I thought she was coming over
for a play date.

She was,
but Natasha got jealous,

and it got really annoying.
So I can play alone.


♪ Break down now, weep,
build up breakfast now ♪

♪ let's eat, my love,
my love, love, love... ♪

Does that ever bug you?

You know, I was an only child.
Sometimes I would feel...

I don't know, lonely.

I wished I had a sibling
to play with.

You ever feel that way?


So you think you

might like to have
a little brother or sister?

We could adopt one.

or we could just have one.

That's gross.

That would mean you
and Charlotte are doing it.

♪ Ah, ah, ah-ah ♪

♪ do you know where
the wild things go? ♪

♪ They go along
to take your honey ♪

♪ break down, now sleep,
build up breakfast now ♪

♪ let's eat, my love, my love,
love, love... ♪

Thank you, sweet Jesus.

♪ Hold her down with soggy
clothes and breezeblocks ♪

♪ she's morphine, queen
of my vaccine, my love... ♪

Stop smiling.

What ails you?
Trouble in paradise?

Today I removed a hard piece
of plastic from inside you.

That could be
what's causing the bleeding.

I'm miscarrying.
Don't ruin my joy.

You realize how creepy that
sounds, right? Even for you.

I'm relieved.
Now do the damn ultrasound.


♪ Ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

♪ ah, ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

♪ ah ♪



A year.


You people saved my life,

and I'm grateful every day,

'cause the man I loved
wasn't so lucky,

and I don't know why I get
to be here and he doesn't,

but, um, all I know is,

one day at a time, you carried
me through my grief,

and you carried me through
my pregnancy and my...

I stayed sober this year,

for 365 days,

and that is no small miracle.

And I can't take credit for it.

These steps, these rooms,
you people...

You carried me through.

That was an earthquake, right?
I'm not delirious with joy.

That was maybe both.

I'm so proud of you.

You want some cake?

Uh, yes, but I have
a physical with Sam,

and if my sugar is up,
I have to listen to him

and his perfect form
lecture me about it,

so, I um, I just--
I gotta run.




Hey, ed.

Hey, you.

Oh, don't look at me
like a doctor.

I can't drink.
I can't smoke.

The only joy I get is

when somebody has a birthday
around here, and I can eat cake.

Ed, I don't judge.

Hey. When is your appointment
with Dr. Turner?

What appointment?

I'm scared.

I don't think I can do this.

It's too late, Amelia.


For Ryan, for my baby,

it's too late.

We're still here, ed.

I want it noted for the record
that I resisted cake today.

Well, I didn't say "never."
I just said "in moderation."

Yeah, I'm too old to moderate.
It's all or nothing.

I spent the weekend in Chicago
eating skinless chicken breast.

I-I was miserable,

except for the company.
It was...

Breathe in.

Ah, the ex.

Does she have a name?

Because I think
if you're seeing your ex,

she's not really your ex.


Laura. Well, you must be
pretty happy with Laura

'cause your blood pressure's
never been this low.

Yeah, well, I wish
I could see her more.

I mean, I see her.

We meet in a new
and exciting city every month.

We have three marvelous days
at the four seasons

and go back to our lives,

and it works. There's no fear
of failure this way.

There's nothing to fight about.
We don't get sick of each other.

It's, you know, it's...
It's perfect.

Except you wish
you could see her more.

Well, if I did,
it might not work.

If you don't try for real,
you can't know.

We did try for real.

We were married
and subsequently divorced.

And the idea of two strikes
gives me pause.

Look, Sam, I'm sorry. I-I don't
want to bug you about Addison.

But a--

are you okay?

They're for you.

Wait. Wait. Why would you be
getting flowers today?

Did I miss something or...

Who are they from?

Oh, my ex Laura.
I should have her move here.

You know, maybe it could work
this time.
What happened last time?

Well, I wanted children,
and she didn't and...

You don't want 'em anymore?

Well, when you're young,

there are certain things
you think are deal breakers

because you don't know
how elusive love is,

but later, what you want--
well, it changes.

Not always.

Stopping to smell the roses?

Did you hear?

I don't buy it.

Pete didn't run.

Pete doesn't run
from the tough stuff.

I mean,
he risked his medical license,

his freedom, and his family
to help Troy find peace.

And--and Troy wasn't
the only one he did it for.

When my friend Michelle
didn't want to end her days

twitching and incoherent
from huntington's,

I didn't have that strength.

I ran. I escaped. I-I...
I couldn't get high fast enough.

Well, Amelia, w--

well, part of your recovery is
about taking responsibility

for your failures.

This last year, you've shown
tremendous strength.

Tremendous. And I won't let you
undervalue your accomplishments

and the pride you should feel.

No, not ever,

but especially not today.

I mean,
why would you go there?

You need to live
a very, very long time.

I never would've made it here.

And it is gonna take
the rest of my life

for me
to make it up to you, so...

You need to live a long time.


I'm glad I found you.

Oh, did we have plans?
No, I have your blood results.

Don't tell me my cholesterol
is back up again.

I've been doing everything
you told me to.

It's not that. It's not that.
Just come with me to my office.


Are they cinnamon?

Your favorite.




Ha ha.

We have an earthquake,

and the first thing
you grab is the juice.

I was trying to save
the pancakes from the juice.



I wasn't sure how I was gonna be
first night at your place.

I usually toss and turn
and stare at the ceiling.

You looked so peaceful.

You have
a really good mattress.

And it was
a really good night.

Look, Sam, I'm sorry. I don't
want to bug you about Addison.

But a-are you okay?

I'm fine. Yeah.

All right.

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Well, it sucks when you're
not the one they choose.

Well, sometimes you're...

A little too late.

I don't know. Maybe we weren't
meant to be together.

Either you're a very good liar,

or psychologically,
you're very healthy.

Well, it looks like we both
got our checkups today.

All right. Hop down.

Let's go.

Perhaps a doctor
with smaller hands...

Hey. Good luck today.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- What?
- Oh, come on, Sam.

Could you just admit it?
We all know. Everyone knows.

- You all know what?
- If he doesn't want to talk about it--

we talk about
everything here.

Maybe we shouldn't.
I gotta go. I'm on call.

Sam, everyone knows about
you and Stephanie.

I don't know.
Who--who's Stephanie?

A labor and delivery nurse.

She's great.
Stole her from u.C.L.A.

Come on.
Just nod your head.

Have you seen a car
in his driveway?

What am I, neighborhood watch?
This is none of our business.

C--i just--i need
a little vicarious thrill, okay?

Especially now.


Would you
deny me that?

You know what?
You're being a baby.

I am the only adult
at this table right now.

I'm an adult.
I'm perpetually in the dark,

but I'm very much an adult.

Can I...

Sure. Sure. What's up?

I'm sorry...

About earlier with Cooper.

If you're trying
to keep your life private

out of respect for me, you know,
you don't need to do that.

Oh, no, Addison.

Um, I proposed, you said no,

and you were right.
I mean, what did you call it?

My hail Mary pass?

No, my--my timing was off.

Or our timing.


But I'm fine.

You sure?

Because all--all I want is
for you to be happy.

I am happy.


I mean, I don't want Pete
to have to serve time.

I really don't, but, you know,
he did end a man's life.

But still, you can see
why he did it.

Yes. But he risked too much.
All right?

The man's got a wife,
he's got a little kid, and--

it's easier to take chances
when you're single.

So it sucks you met me, huh?

Oh, about that. Uh...

I think that
we have been outed.

Good. When a guy doesn't
tell his friends,

you don't know
where you stand.

Oh, I'm sorry. I did--

I like you.

I like you a lot.

All right, the only reason...

Doctors at the practice--

we're always talking about

and I guess--

I don't know, I guess I just--
I don't wanna share you.

Well, if we are outed,
I can do this now.

All right.

Excuse me, sir?


Yes, sir.
What's--what's your name?


Okay, ed, are you
feeling all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm here
to see my daughter Debra.

She's having a baby.
Okay, you don't--
you don't look well.

Uh, ed, do you mind
if I check you out?

No, I don't have time.
I need to find my kid.

See, I gotta tell her
what a nice--uhh!

Whoa. Whoa.

Whoa. Okay.

Okay. Easy.

I'm gonna need a--

crash cart!

Got it!
We need some help over here!

All right. Hold on.

I have to see my daughter.

Well, you just had
a cardiac event.

Is that
what they call it now?

It sounds like
a bar mitzvah.

That's not funny. I've got to
unclog your coronary artery,

then monitor
your heart function,

then you have to rest,
then maybe you can see her.

I'm not gonna die.

I mean, eventually, sure,

but let me ask you something,

This cardiac event of mine--

if I was taking a shower
or watching TV,

playing poker at the commerce,

I'd be dead now, right?


I never believed
in a higher power before today.

But today, I was visited
by his emissaries.

I didn't want to go
to my meeting this morning,

but they were using jackhammers
outside of my house,

and I couldn't sleep.

Then this sweet kid at a.A.
Gave this nice little speech.

Gave me a kick in my behind.

And this shrink
made me realize,

I couldn't move on
until I made things right,

and I came to see my daughter.

Then I ran into you...

A heart guy
on a maternity ward,

because you were flirting
with a pretty nurse.

I had a cardiac event
in front of you,

and that's why I lived.

Do you believe
in a higher power?

I believe in god.

He all but came down
and told us,

it's not my time.

Not yet.

I have something left to do

and I need to do it.

Hey. So...

We're okay, you and me.

You said we were okay
two months ago.

Yeah, I was lying.
I lied... two months ago.

But now--
now we're really okay.



All right.


I'm a friend of your dad's.

♪ I know you see me,
I'm just like you ♪

♪ I know you see me ♪

♪ I'm just like you ♪

♪ I'm just trying
to make my way ♪

♪ I got a feeling
that you can relate ♪

♪ a lot of talk,
but you sh**t straight ♪


♪ Can't you see me waving,
oh, flaggin a ride? ♪

Oh, Deb.

I'm sorry.

♪ Waving, oh, flaggin a ride? ♪

I am so sorry.

♪ Maybe you've been caught out
once before ♪

Dad, this is Max.

♪ Maybe you're an angel
disguised ♪

♪ maybe you got room to spare ♪


What the hell?!

You knocked me up.

♪ Maybe you're the one
that don't just stay ♪

My guys prevailed.

♪ Can't you see me... ♪

We're having a baby--
you and me?

We're having a baby?

No, Cooper,
we're not having a baby.

We're having three babies.


Customarily, the uh,
woman moves in with the man,

but Henry's already
got his nursery set up,

and the beach is a draw,

so I guess
it'll be your place.

You're moving in with me?

Yeah. It's time.

You're in love with me.

I didn't--i didn't--
I didn't say that.

Sure, you did.

Look, everything
you were saying before--

you're feeling it
because this is right.

You and me together is right,

and I'm not gonna let you run
away because you're scared.

I told you before,
I stay and fight.

And I fought for a year
to be with you,

and that was hard
because I like Sam a lot.


I knew the moment I met you
in that grocery.

And then when you randomly
appeared on my exam table,

I knew again.

And if I had to wait, that was
just what I was going to do,

and so I joined the practice
and waited...

And waited

and waited.

But I'm not gonna wait anymore,

This is our time.

We're supposed to be together,

you and me.

And I'm in love with you, too,

though I actually said it.

♪ Know what for... ♪


You're in love with me?

Yes, I am.

And by the way, I check
my phone, too... a lot.


♪ oh, oh ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh ♪

You've been warned I'm crazy.
You should run for the hills.



Any word from Pete?


Kind of. I got a call
from Pete's phone.

A very nice man--
uh, he's a police officer--

he said that
the owner of the phone

had "met with an accident."

What kind of accident?
What happened? Is he okay?

Uh, he went for a run
this morning--runyon canyon.

I guess he collapsed
and fell off the path.

So nobody found him for...

he didn't leave the country,

didn't run out on his son
or on me.

He had a...

He had a heart attack, lying
in the dirt, by himself,

off a path in runyon canyon.

Somebody's dog found him.

So they asked me
to come down to--

you know, just to make sure

that it was really him
and that it wasn't

somebody who had stolen
his wallet or something.

So I went and I looked,

and I mean, the thing is,
it just looked like some guy.

It didn't look like Pete.

I almost said to the coroner,
"dude, this is not my husband."

It didn't look
anything like him.

I mean, Pete's

filled with...

You know, I mean,
even when he's pissing me off,

you know, he's--he's--he's warm,
you know,

I mean, he's--he's in--he's in--
he's in motion. He's alive.

I mean, that body just
looked so still,

so cold, so... empty.


Are you saying--
is Pete...

Oh, sorry. Yeah.

Oh, my god.


I-I know. I know
I have to go home soon,

but I just--i can't,

'cause if I go home
I have to tell Lucas.

And, you know...

How do you tell a 3 year old
his father's never coming home?