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04x12 - Junkin' Janna/A Spell with No Name

Posted: 10/18/22 07:36
by bunniefuu
It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from around here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from around here I'm from another Whoo-hoo Yeah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh Puh-puh-puh Oh, it's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from around here I'm from another dimension J-Janna Um Hold on one second.

Let me get this.

Uh okay.

I just wanted to say that I Oh.

I I wanted to say tha.

thank you for bringing me along on your, uh you know, I just I don't know what to do with myself when Star is Hold on.

You know, when she's at one of her meetings.

It's what it's like being in a serious relationship.


It's on.

Yeah, baby.

[device vibrates]

Oh, I got a call.

Hello? [Janna]

You know, if you really want to have a life when you're away from Star you might want to get off your phone.

- [phone beeps off]

- Oh.

Yes, yes.

Of course, right.

I am here, present and accounted for.

Now, Tom, hop in the boot.

Ta-da! So, what exactly are we doing? Boot sledding.

Wait, wait, wait, what? [screams]


[screaming continuous]

[gasps and pants]


Hey, you know what? That was that was actually kind of fun.

Yeah, it was.

Come on, let's push this thing to the top.

Wait, wait, one quick selfie for Star first.

Yeah, okay.

[camera shutters click]

[Star giggles]

Oh, Tom.

This is so typical of the Magical High Commission.

They tell me it's urgent, and then leave us waiting for 45 minutes.

And there isn't even a place to sit down.


Total power move.

- Sean! - Yes, ma'am! Would you like me to play you another song? - [horn blares off-key]

- Oh, good heavens, no.

Please inform the Magic High Commission that I shall return on a day that they aren't so busy.

Now come along, Star.

You should at least stay to taste my donuts.

Oh, Sean, how very thoughtful.

But I have a very serious gluten aller They're gluten-free.

I also must avoid all dairy No cows were used in the making of these donuts.

- Salt.

- Sodium-free.

- Molasses.

- Nope.

- Guar gum? - Negatory.

Oh, yummy! Sounds great, Sean.

Just try one so we can get out of here.

I can hardly wait.

One for you, and one for me, darling.


They're made with love.


[hacks and burps]

How much do you love it? Oh, Sean [groaning]


Full of flavors.

Mm-hmm, yeah, that was good, Sean.

Oh, I'm so glad.

Have another.

Oh, dear.

Wow, boot sledding.

So much more fun than I thought it would be.

That's what I've been saying.

If you want to have your own life when Star's not around, you got to [bird caws]

Okay, here we go.

Tom, see that crow? Blast it.

Wait, why, why? Because every time I find an awesome sled like this, he comes and takes it.

Uh, no, I'm not just going to blast some innocent bird.

Come on.

Demon blast.

Pew-pew! Stop it! No way that's happening.

Ugh! Then why'd I even bring you? Hold on.

Is this why you brought me here today? To blast a harmless bird? We all have a purpose, Tom.


- [caws]

- Ow! Hey! See? That's the kind of behavior I'm talking about.

Blast him.

For the hundredth time, I'm not going to blast a bird! [caws]

- Oh, no, no.

- Go, go, go, go, go! Wait! What are you? [Tom screams]

[both screaming]


[sighs and pants]



Why didn't you blast him when you had the chance? Okay, look, I was having fun until you asked me to blast a harmless animal.

And now, honestly, I'm I'm starting to have regrets that I even came.

[camera shutters click]

What are you doing? Taking a "sad face" selfie.

I want to share this disappointment with Star.

Hey! That's my compact.



You come back here with my boot.

Since you liked all of those so much, you're just going to love my donut burger.

It's a family recipe going back to my great-great-grandmother Millie.

She took a donut and a burger and made them one.

[door opens]

Looked like a turnip with a feather stuck in it.

How lovely of you to join us.

I apologize for keeping you waiting, but we had urgent matters to attend to.


Urgent matters.

At the Corn Shake Shack? [slurping]

Hmm? Look, Eclipsa, we hate being here as much as you do.

Uh-uh! I hate being here way more than she does.

Oh, I highly doubt that.

[camera shutters click]

Silence! We have extremely troubling news to report.


Oh, Tom, you are such a cutie patootie.

This is not a laughing matter.

Okay, in my defense, I wasn't actually listening.

You know, young lady, I have half a mind Half a mind? [laughs]

No, I think you have - more like an eighth.

- [giggles]


Eighth of a mind.

All right, hand over the phone.

Why don't you come and get it, Trapezoidius.

Oh, no, you didn't! [grunts]



Oh, no, you didn't.

Oh, you're going down.

If you think I'm letting go, you're sorely mistaken.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Stupid bird! [screams]

Tom, what are you doing? Uh, saving you.

No, you're keeping me from my boot.

Look, I need my boot, and you need your compact.

Let's go get our stuff.


It's so bad I will now yield the floor to Hekapoo, who has a matter of great importance to discuss.

Thank you, Omnitraxus.

We have discovered that someone in Mewni has been using extremely powerful magic spells that haven't been used for centuries.

Is that so? Any idea who's been doing it? No, but we've been tracking it in order to find out where it's concentrated.

You know, if the source is going to turn out to be Monster Castle, you really could save us a lot of time.

So you mean to tell me that you dragged us all the way here, and bored us half to death, just to ask me that? - Well, yeah.

That's right.

- Well, duh.

I mean, pretty much.

Well, yeah.

Between me, Glossaryck, Eclipsa and Meteora, there are some pretty serious magic users in the Monster Temple.

It's not Glossaryck, and no living queen has ever used magic like this.

Well, hasn't this been fun.

I can hardly imagine a better way to spend an afternoon.

Thank you for your hospitality, and I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any unusual magicking.

Let's go, Star.


So this is where he's been taking all my stuff.

Come on, let's get it.

Hold on, let's let's think about this.

This bird is not normal.

He's super strong.


He's just a dumb bird.

This is what they do: take all the shiny stuff and dump it in their nest.

Come on.

You want your compact, don't you? [gasps]

Here it is! Hmm.

I've missed you, baby.

All right, let's get out of here.

I'm all for that.


What's going on? [Tom gasps]

What do we do? Tom, you got to blast the bird.

- [caws]

- I'm not gonna blast the bird.


[both scream]

Ow! [shrieks]

It's It's fine.

You know what? You can have the boot.


We got to get out of here! Run! [shrieks]

You got to blast him, Tom.

Yeah, yeah, okay, fine.

Ha-ha! Yes! Uh, you probably shouldn't have done that.

What are you talking about? You've been telling me to blast him all day.

Come on, we got to get out of here.

[bird shrieks]


Knock, knock.

Yo, what up? Well, look who it is.

A guy who had a fun day.

Oh, yeah.

We got up to some serious weirdness.

I almost died.

Aw, I didn't know you were actually going to go out and do stuff.

That makes you so much more attractive to me.

Oh, yeah, I know how to make my own fun.

Yikes, man.

You really shouldn't do that.

- Hey, are those donuts? - Wait, Tom, no, no, no! [Tom]

Oh, yeah.


Gluten-free? [shrieks]

Oh, Sebastian, my poor little baby.

Did they hurt your eye? Well, don't worry.

It was all worth it.