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05x17 - The Letting Go

Posted: 10/17/22 14:03
by bunniefuu
I had this friend
in college... Mia.

And the first time I met her,

I remember she was telling me
about this guy...

Robert something.

And she described him
as "more old-man good-looking

than college good-looking."

And she said
how it would be a waste

to date somebody like that
while still in college.

But he was crazy about her
and he kept asking her out,

and she kept saying no...
again and again.

And then...

Junior year, during finals,
I was in the library,

and I saw them together
in the stacks making out.

I mean, like,
seriously making out.

And I kept thinking,
how did that happen?

Sorry, dad.
Just one more minute.

It's your birthday, ange.
Take five more minutes.

So there's...

Something I wanted to tell you.

Let me guess.

You're dropping bio and all
of your pre-med classes?

I was planning on sneaking
that in after dinner.


Just kidding.
I like being pre med.

Kind of.


The thing is...
I did it.

I had sex for the first time.

- What?
- I...

No, wait. Don't... don't...
don't say that again.

I mean, I might be in love

so we had sex,
and it was...

Oh, no. No, I...
I don't...

I don't really want to know
what it was like.

I don't want to know
anything about it.

You're still 8 and you're putting on
your mother's makeup for the first time.

I'm not 8,
and he's really nice.

And his name is...

I mean, you realize,
you tell me his name,

- I'm gonna have to hunt him down...
- Dad.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


I mean, this is a...

This is a little weird for me.


You're my baby girl.

I know, but...

I kind of

I don't know,
I wanted to tell you

because I'm so happy.

And I figured that is
something you'd want to hear.

Well, I do, but I...

I do, and I'm...
I'm glad you told me.

It's nice,

feeling like this.

Yeah, it... it is.

Oh, my God.

Do you have someone?

Let's go eat.
Come on.


How long have I been sleeping?

Since last night.

How do you feel?


Okay, I guess.

I'll be right outside
if either of you needs me,


- Oh, God. Sam...
- Oh.

Your head.

Don't worry about it.
I'm fine. I'm fine.

No, no, no,
I-I broke your door.

Well, I was worried about you,

and the door,
it wasn't your fault.

- No, even if I don't mean to do...
- Shh.

- The stuff I do, I still... it still happens.
- Stop it. S... Corinne.

- Stop. Stop. Stop it.
- I still do it.


We are in this together.


Now as long
as you keep trying...

No, I will. I promise.
But just...

I know. I know.

I promise.


Don't give up on me.

You know,
because without you...

Hey, I'm not going anywhere.

Okay. Okay.

Okay, look, I think she needs
a proper facility.

All right.
Well, I'm a doctor.

All right?
I can handle all that.

It's not a one-man job.

She's gonna require strict
supervision around the clock,

daily therapy,
constant monitoring till we find

a drug cocktail
to keep her stabilized.

Sheldon, I can do all of that.

Sam, it can be a huge challenge

to get someone
in Corinne's condition

just to take her meds.

You can't give up
your entire life to do this,

even if you tried...

She's my sister!

Then be her brother,

not her warden.

You gotta trust me on this.

Dr. Wilder, we need you.

Is that Scott?
What the hell happened?

It was a domestic.

Husband went crazy on his wife.

We thought he was gone.

Trauma panel. C-spine,
chest and pelvis.

He came back with some friends.
They jumped us.

Scott got the worst of it.

- Okay, on my count.
- Honestly, I'm fine.

One, two, three.

Oh! Son of a bitch! Ohh!

Okay, his shoulder
is dislocated.

5 of morphine, I.V. push.

He took a few blows to the ribs

and got kicked in the head.

Call neuro.
We need a brain C.T.


He's been asking for her.
Should I...

Should someone call
Dr. Turner?

I'll do it.


What are you doing here
so late?

Catching up on patient files.


I checked on Corinne.

You're hovering.
It's weirding me out.

So any...

Any decision?

I think I want mint tea
instead of chamomile.

Yeah, I meant,
you know, the baby.

What baby?

I know this is hard,

but you're well into
your second trimester.

Time is running out if you
decide you want to...

I mean, you know, if...
if you need to...


You could keep the baby.

I'm two seconds sober.

I'm not exactly mother
of the year material.

What about adoption?

Because crack babies
are in such high demand.

I'm sorry none of the choices
are without pain.

It's time.

You know, you...
You need to choose.

Oh, my.

Spinning, spinning, spinning.

Oh, right hand yellow.

- Oh.
- Oh, okay.

Oh, great. Good thing
I do yoga.

No, my body
does not move that way.

Mom, you should come play.

Oh, but your mom
is the best spinner.

That's right.
I am the best.

Come on, coop.
Right hand yellow.

Hey! That was just sad.

Could we play Wii
or something now?

Can we play Wii or something...

Okay. I will reign supreme.

Spin it.


What happened?

He got himself between a battered
wife and a drunk husband.

Husband came out
on top, though, so...

Don't say that.
This isn't funny.

That's my shoulder.

- It's dislocated.
- Can you do something?

I'm gonna try to reduce it
before the morphine wears off.

You might want to wait outside.


It's not gonna be very pretty.

I've seen worse things

than a shoulder being slid
back into its socket.

Let... let me help.



I'm gonna do
the Kocher maneuver.

Do you remember how to do it?

Of course.


Come right in here.

Put your hands on his shoulder.


When I say,

you push down hard.

- Ah.
- Ready?

- Ah. Ah.
- Okay, now.

- Aah! Aah!
- It's not working.

- Push harder.
- Pete, I can't. It's not working.

You're not
pressing hard enough.

- I need some help here.
- Violet, we are almost there.

We can't stop now.
Hey, Violet.

Hey, hey, look at me.
Look at me, you can do this.

You gotta trust me. Now press
down as hard as you can.


Aah! Ah!

Oh, oh, ooh!


Ah. Ah.

- You okay?
- I'm fine.

- Yeah, that just, you know, wasn't...
- Thank you.

Um... you know,
how I remembered it.

All right. Let me get a nurse
to immobilize that.

Thank you.

You know, you're gonna run out of
questions to ask me about school.

And since we already covered Ethan,
whose last name will remain unknown

for security reasons...

Sooner or later, we're gonna
get around to you.

What do you want to know?

Are you happy?

Um, I'm headed there.

I-I like the practice.
The people are great.

Good, smart docs.


Well, I'm...
I'm the new guy, right?

I mean, I've been there
for a while.

I'm starting to fit in,

but I don't know, I'm kind of
the old new guy now.

So who's the woman?

I didn't, uh, I didn't
say anything about a woman.

You didn't have to.



It's, uh...

It's complicated.

But you like complicated.

You hung around
with my mother...

Who was a drug addict

and had
an 8-year-old daughter.

Come on.

Her name is Addison.

And she's beautiful
and brilliant

and frustrating.

You know when someone is,
um, is confused, they...

they... they start
sending out mixed signals?

She's doing that?

I think I am.

You know, mom would
want you to be happy.

She would.

What are you doing?

I want you to take me home.

Corinne, we're not there yet.

Will you take me home?

All right, look...

I want you to get better.

That won't happen
in this place.

You took me out of jail,

and it's like I'm a prisoner
all over again.

You know, I'm afraid if I don't
smile, they'll sedate me.

I'm not a person here,

not human.

I don't want
to do this anymore.

Just... please just
get me outta here.



No, it's just a little early.

You usually don't pop by.
Is everything okay?

What are you doing with that?

Oh, garbage disposal broke.

And you're fixing it, huh?

I would've thought
that you had someone to...

Come on. I perform lifesaving
surgeries on babies in the womb.

I can certainly
fix my own sink.

And the handyman was backed up
for three days, so...

- Ah.
- Okay. What's going on?

I went to the hospital
this morning to visit Corinne,

and Sam had checked her out.

I told him it was a mistake.

You don't think that Corinne
can get better at home?

I don't know how much better
she can get at all.

And even with the best meds,

Corinne will struggle
with chronic mental illness,

and it's gonna be difficult
just to...

Just to keep her stable.

Sam doesn't want
to hear all that.

Well, it's his sister,

and we do have
an obligation to family.

To that extent
that we can help,

but sometimes
the help that families offer

can prevent the patient
from getting proper oversight

that he really needs, and...

Corinne went through
a glass door.

What if it's fire next time?

- You want me to talk to him?
- And what would you say?

Well, you made
a logical appeal.

I would make
an emotional appeal.

I think that makes sense.


Do you know anything
about sinks?


That's gonna leave a scar?

Well, I'm gonna do
the best I can,

but, uh... yeah.

At least you'll have some bragging
rights with the other paramedics.

- Just not with Violet.
- How so?

I get the feeling
she's not impressed.

Ah, she's just scared.

It's kinda like a... a mother

scolding her kid for running out
in the street without looking.

She's not really angry.

She's just terrified something
much worse coulda happened.

I'm gonna try not to read
into that whole child analogy.

Hey, look,

believe it or not,
I'm happy for you and Violet.

I do find that hard to believe.

We've reached a place
in our friendship,

in our coparenting.

She's got you now,
and I'm dating someone, so...


What happened?

He passed out.
B.P. is 90 over 50.

His abdomen's rigid.
He's bleeding into his belly.

Cross and match times four.
Get in touch with the O.R.

I'm gonna go with you.

No, you stay here.

I'll come get you and soon
as I know what's going on.


Oh, hey.

What are you doing?

Uh, oh, Corinne's
taking a bath, so...

I just wanted to make sure
she's okay.


I was just...

Making sure that you're okay.

Oh, I'm fine.

Yeah? And Corinne?

She's fine. She's fine.

You know, it's...
it's an adjustment.

But we're...
we're figuring it out.


I'm still here, Sam.

I can't even imagine how...

Painful this must be for you.


You could hire someone to help,

find somewhere for her to stay

where she can get
the care she needs.

Come on, Addison.

You know I'm not gonna do
anything like that.

I know.

That's why I'm worried.

I appreciate it.
I really do.

I'm gonna be fine.


This is Ryan's baby.

I can't abort Ryan's baby.

And... I can't give away
Ryan's baby.

So you're having Ryan's baby?


I'm having Ryan's baby.

How about that?



How are you?


You really want to make
a baby with me?

You're not ready.

I mean, I-I think
she's still in shock. She...

- Who?
- Oh, Violet.

Scott was badly beaten
on a run last night.

Is he okay?

He's in surgery.
Violet's at the hospital.

And it was Pete
that was working on him.

Oh, that's awkward.

I should go see her.



Hey, Sam.
Uh, how's Corinne doing?

She's all right.

- Sam.
- Yeah.

If you need anything...

Thank you. We're okay.

Mason, you are not supposed
to use your cell phone

from school.

- Are Sam and Corinne okay?
- I tried.

I'm sure you did.

Well, is it time
for another intervention?

- Wait. Slow down. I can't understand you.
- Too soon?

Okay, just stay put.
We will be right there.

I love you.

It's Erica.
There's something wrong.

Oh, it's...
oh, it hurts.

What the hell is this?

- Mase.
- Dad.

It's okay.
We're here. We're here.

What's going on?

She's complaining of crampy
abdominal pain with distension.

Well, that can't be
secondary to neurosurgery,

not in her abdomen.

Erica, any headaches, weakness?

No, no. My stomach.

I ordered
an abdominal C.T.

Oh, I think I'm gonna...

Is that blood?

- Cooper, take him away.
- Ohh!

I don't want to go.

We'll bring you back after
the doctors help your mom, okay?

- Now come on, Mason. Come on.
- I love you, mommy.

I love you.

How come you're not eating?

I'm not hungry.

Come on, Corinne.

I can't make myself hungry.


If we're gonna do this,

there have to be rules, right?

You gotta get
eight hours of sleep,

you gotta eat properly,

take your meds.

Yeah, okay, okay.

Thank you.

There you go.

Open your mouth.

Come on.
Open up. I can't see.

All right.

If I wanted to be humiliated, I
could've stayed in the hospital.

Oh, come on, Corinne.
I don't want to do that.

You know that's not
what I'm doing, okay?

Now eat your food.

Look, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

All right?
I'm just trying to...

It's not that.

Well, then what is it?

I don't want to be here.

Okay, well, you said you wanted
to come back home, so...

No, I don't mean here
in your home.

I mean here on earth, alive.

And don't worry.

I don't have the courage
to k*ll myself.

It could be worse
on the other side.

I'd probably just...
Screw it up

and become a quadriplegic
or so...

the worst place for me,
the scariest place for me,

is in my mind,
and that's all I'd have left.

So I'm not gonna do it, but...

I don't want to be here.


I know it may seem like it,

but you're not gonna
feel this way forever.


Yeah, I'm sure you're right.

All right.

I just saw Pete.

Scott had a delayed rupture of
his spleen due to the trauma,

and they had to remove it.

Is he gonna be okay?

He's doing fine.

Uh, they're just
finishing up now.

They'll move him to recovery.

Well, that's good.

Have you talked to Cooper?

No. Why?

Erica's in the E.R.

What happened?

She collapsed.
Mason called Cooper.

It's... it's bad.

Okay. Well, where is he?
I'll go see him.

Yeah, Cooper's with Mason
right now.

I'd... I'd give it
a little while.


Are you gonna be okay?

Well, my boyfriend or whatever

who... who I care about
was rushed into the E.R.

And was treated by my husband,
who I also care about.

And he's trying to decide
if our marriage is worth saving.

And now my best friend's son's
mother is back in the hospital.

So... not okay.

Not so much.

Not so much.

You said my mom was okay.

I thought she was,
and she still might be.

- She threw up blood.
- And that's not good,

but Amelia and Pete
and Charlotte,

they're gonna figure it out.

Are you lying to me?


Mason, no, I promise.

Hey, look at me.

I don't know what's going on
with your mom.

But if she's sick again, you
have to tell me this time.

- I promise.
- Swear.

I swear. I will tell you
whatever I know.


Just wanted to check
and see if you were okay.

He's still sleeping.

I'm fine.

How's Erica?

She's stable.
Amelia's running some scans.

Where's Cooper?
Is he still with Mason?

Yeah. It's rough.

I just...
I keep thinking,

if it was one of us...

I know. I called the nanny.

I had her put Lucas
on the phone twice already.

I know.

I called earlier, but he'd
already gone down for a nap.

Yeah, well, don't worry.

Um, I told him
that I was with you.

Thank you.




How you feelin'?


Ah. Sore.

Thank you.

Oh, come on.
No problem.

So, uh...

I will catch up
with you guys later.

It's a beautiful day out.

Want to get some fresh air,
go for a walk?

Wait. Hold up.

No, I'll go alone.

No, I'll come with you.

Sam, I'll walk straight out
to the beach.

You'll be able to see me.

If I put rocks in my pockets
and start to run into the ocean,

you'll notice.



Were you... were you gonna
go with your sister?

Uh, no.

What are you doing?

She said she'd rather be dead.

So I don't know if she
really feels like that

or if it's some kind of
cry for help

but I just feel like
I need to...

su1c1de-proof the house?


You can't do this.

You cannot watch her
every second.

It's too much.

We've been through this.

No, no, you've put me off.
Listen to me.

I get wanting to do anything
you can for your family.

I get it.

You know, you're doing this
because you feel a sense of...
of responsibility and guilt.

But I am telling you,
no matter how hard you try,

you won't bring Corinne up.
She'll bring you down.

And that makes me scared
for you.


I made a promise to my sister

that I'd never give up on her.


I won't.

Can you just take these,

This is it, huh?

The glio has metastasized.

Another tumor.

Not just one. It's in your liver,
your G.I. tract,

and it's encroaching
on your spinal column.

How long?

That depends
on a number of factors...

How long?

Given the bleeding,
maybe a week.

What do I have
to look forward to?

Paralysis in your legs.

Your bowels will stop working.

Constant pain.

He can't see this.

Erica, Mason will want to be
around you as much as possible.

My son will not watch me

become pathetic and useless.

He will not watch

because that...

I love him too much to see
that look on his face.

I can't do that to him.

Do you understand?

Do you understand?

What are you doing here?

Well, that... that's
a lovely greeting.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, I just, uh...

Is that a g*n?

Did you find out Ethan's last name
and come here to defend my virtue?

Look, about that, I'm...

I'm sorry if I was acting weird

when you were telling me
that thing you were telling me.

You're still acting weird.

I know. Look, I...

I'm just... I'm...

It's gonna take me a minute
to get used to the idea

that you're a-a woman.

Ew. Don't call me that.

Well, what do you want me
to call you?


Come walk me to my next class.

Anyway, I'm feeling...

I don't know,

a little out of my depth
with all of this.

I'm trying to figure out
the difference

between things that will help

and things
that will make you cringe.

Oh, God.
What's in the bag?



Just, you know...

Yeah, I know.


So you think maybe
one of these days

I can meet this Ethan?

I'd like that.

And maybe one of these days,
I can meet Addison.

We could double date.

Uh, yeah. I don't...
I don't think so.

Why? What's happening
with her?

Nothing's happening with her.

Don't you want to be with her?

I'd rather have your mom back.

So do I,

but in a world of things
that actually could happen...

Look, the point is,
being in love or whatever,

just feels completely amazing.

And I just feel,
you should try it again.

I can say that.
You just gave me condoms.

Okay, it's time to take it.

I'll take it later.

No, you can't do that.

No, I haven't eaten.

All right. Well, I'll
get you something to eat.

You know, I don't want to, Sam.

And these pills
are not gonna help me.

Uh, Corinne,
we're not doing this.


The pills upset my stomach.

That's because
you're not eating enough.


Happy now?

You're gonna
have to eat some more.


Well, then
your stomach's gonna hurt.

But you have to take
your pill, Corinne.

I'm not taking the pill.

Look, look, this is not
a negotiation.

Why are you doing this?

Because we made a deal.

You said
that you would try and...

and you think I'm not trying?

I think that you're
making this a lot harder

than it needs...
- Yeah, well, harder... harder for you?

I have to live like this.

You watch me,

and you order me around,

and you...
and you judge... silently...

but you judge.

I'm trying to take care of you.

Now please take that pill.


C... take this...


- Take this damn pill.
- No. No!

- Take this pill.
- No.

- Take this pill!
- No!

Take this pill!

- Open your mouth. Open your mouth!
- Mm.

- Mm.
- Open your mouth.

Take your pills!

Take your pills!

Take your pills!

I did some...

I don't know.

It's like I became...

I can't make her better.

I don't know how much

I can help her at all.

It's too much to expect
of yourself.

I mean, I can't walk away.

If I give up,

it'll hurt her so badly.

And, um...

I could lose her again.

Maybe, but you love Corinne.

And if you really want
to help her,

that's a chance
you have to take.

So she's gonna die?

Yeah. Soon.

Can I go see her?

Of course. Yeah.

But here's the thing...

your mom
is really, really sick.

And she's gonna get
a lot sicker

in the next week
before she dies.

Like throwing up blood?


That and other stuff.

Like what?

Your mama will start
to lose feeling

in parts of her body.

So it'll get hard for her
to walk and to hold things,

go to the bathroom,

and finally, to breathe.

That's a lot, I know,

but your mama's tough.

The only thing in the world
she really cares about is you,

which is why she doesn't want
you to watch her get worse.

She doesn't want you to
see her when it's really bad.

She wants you to remember her

strong and healthy and happy.

So tomorrow
we're gonna take you

to say good-bye to her.

I can't see her after tomorrow?

Well, your mom...

She wants to protect you.

She must be so scared.


Wow. That looks...

Disgusting. I know.

But it is the only thing
I want to eat,

and I can't do this
in the kitchen

because then everyone
will know.

Yeah, well, forgive me
for starting the obvious,

but you live with Addison.

And she's gonna know
you're pregnant soon enough.

I will get to it, Sheldon.

Your baby can't wait
for you to get to it.

You need to start
prenatal care now.

You need to start
taking vitamins,

you need an ultrasound.

Please stop talking.


What happened to me?

I'm a professional psychiatrist,

I have insight, reason,
compassion in spades.

No one wants to listen
to me anymore.

Perhaps I should just
remove my shingle.

I could settle down in some
remote village somewhere.

I-I have an iPad.
I could be a God.

People would listen to me.

Sheldon, I'm listening,
but you're not getting it.

We were doing dr*gs
when this baby was conceived.

We were doing so many dr*gs
that it k*lled Ryan.

What... what if my baby
has two heads

and a scaly tail because of me?

Most likely, your baby
is completely healthy.

And it'll just need you
to take care of it.

The point is,
the minute I tell Addison...

I mean, the minute
I go to a doctor...

everything that I have
done to myself and this baby...

I... I mean, I can't avoid
it anymore. It's real.

It's already real, Amelia,

whether you want it to be
or not.


Fine. Okay.

I said I'd be here for you.

So should we get you
some baggy clothes

or leave the country?

I have a cousin in a convent
in France.

I mean, I'm sure they could
take you in there?

Well, maybe not you.

Thank you, Sheldon.




So, uh, I didn't have time
to stop anywhere this morning,

and the gift shop
in the, uh, hospital's

sort of lacking.

But, um... bawk.


I thought this could
cheer you up.

I thought the bear kinda
looks like you,

don't you think?

Ah. No, maybe, uh,
on the...

On the nightstand there.

Uh, why don't you...

Why don't you sit?
Why don't you sit down?

I am so glad that you're here.

It's, uh...

It means more to me
than you can imagine.

But I know that it's...

It's probably more

out of a, um...

A sense of responsibility.

That... that's...
that's not true.

Wh-what we've had
has been...

It's great.

And you are great, Violet.

But you and me, that's...

That's not what you want.

Not really.

Are you...

you and Pete are a family.

And I don't want to get
in the middle of that.

I don't... I don't know
that I could

even if I wanted to.

You're a family.

And you should be a family.



I'm glad you called.

So, uh...

When you suggested
an in-patient...

there are people that will
care for her around the clock.

She'll be kept safe,
med compliant,

she'll get therapy

and whatever support she needs.

It'll be better for her, Sam.

I don't know
if I'll be able to...

Abandon her like that.

This is the best thing for her.

She's never
gonna see it that way.

I'll be right outside.

Come here, you.


You are my boy.

The best thing I ever did
was make you,

was have you.

And right now,
you must be so confused

and mad.

I'm not mad.

Good. Good.
That's good.

I just wish...

I wish you didn't have to go.

Me, too.

I am so proud of you.

It's okay.

I'm gonna listen
to Cooper and Charlotte.

I'm gonna do my homework
and brush my teeth.

I'm gonna behave in class.

I'm gonna read books
instead of watch too much TV.

And I'll eat green beans.

I promise.

I love you, mom.

I love you, too, Mason.


Mase, let's,
uh, let your mom rest now.

If you see Nana, say hi, okay?

I will, baby.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you. I love you.

I love you.

I didn't cry.
I didn't cry.

I was strong

so she'd remember me smiling
and being a good boy.

I didn't cry, Charlotte.

Uh, Angela.

How could you tell?

Because my colleagues don't
usually play peekaboo.

What are you doing here?

Um, I figured I should
see this place in person.

Oh, you just came by
to see my office?


Is that her?


This is Angela...

My... my daughter.

Hello, Angela.

It's so nice to meet you.

I've heard a lot about you.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry.

Uh, I don't know who...

I was.


It's just hard.

This is, uh, a lot harder
than I thought it would be.

And... and I know that it's
impossible for you,

but, uh, somehow I...

I made it about me, and...

No, I was awful
and... and I didn't listen.

Just... just let me finish.
Let me finish.

I don't ever,
ever want to hurt you.

I didn't mean to scare you.

I'm terrified.

And I don't...

I don't know how to do this.

Not the right way.

You're doing your best,

and I'm... I'm the one
who's been screwing up.

I talked to Dr. Wallace,

and I think we may have...
have come up with...

with a plan...

a better plan...
for moving forward.

Ar-are you
giving up on me?



I will always be here
for you...

always be here for you...

and I-I will come
and visit you.

V... no, visit where?


- No, no. No, Sam.
- All right. Just listen to me.

- No. Don't. Don't.
- Listen, lis-listen. There is a place...

- Don't. Don't. Don't.
- Don't. And they have...

No, no, please.

- I...
- Please, please.

I-I'll be better.

You know, I know... I know
I wasn't... I wasn't good,

but I-I can do it, Sam.

I can do it. You... you can't...
don't put me away.

No, I'm not
putting you away. No.

You're all I have left.
You can't.

You need help, and they can...

- You can't. You're...
- Take care of you.

No. No. No. I'll-I'll sleep
and... and I'll eat,

and I'll take my pills,

and... and... and I'll... I'll go

for a walk every day.
- Corinne...

And... and... and...
no, no, no, no.

And I won't talk about
the bad things.

I won't talk about the stars,
and... and I won't do that.

I won't do it. No, you can't.
You... please.

- Shh.
- No, please! You can't!
You can't put me away!

- I'm not.
- You can't put me away!
You can't! You can't...

- I'm not putting you away. Stop.
- You can't give up on me, Sam!

Stop saying that. I'm not.

You can't give up on me, Sam!

You can't! You can't!

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I need to talk to you.


Are you okay?

What's wrong?


I'm, uh...

I'm pregnant.

Oh, God. I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

I know how hard you've tried.

And I know
that it is not fair...

No, no, stop, stop.
Just... stop.

Okay, Amelia,

I am so happy for you.

You don't hate me?

Hate you?

You're gonna make me an aunt.

Oh. Amelia,
you're having a baby.


Thank you.

Okay, we're all set here.

All right, Ms. Bennett,
it's time to go.

Corinne, I'll be by to see you.

And I'll come visit you
when-whenever you want.

You know that.

Sam, I'm... I'm your sister.

I can do this.

I can. I can be
the old Corinne again.

I-I can.

Would you just take me home?
And I'll show you.


You know that I love you,

that I'm doing this
because I love you.

You need to be safe.

I never shoulda called you.

- Hey.
- Oh.

That was unbearable.

I can't even imagine.

I'm not looking forward
to the rest of my life.

Is there someone
you want me to call...

an aunt or...

A cousin or a friend?

Happy to make arrangements
for anyone who...

I don't have anyone.

Now that's just not true.

So I'm looking at the college
newsletter the other day,

and there they are...

Mia and Robert something...
in the announcements.

They're married for 20 years.

So what did that say to you?

I don't know. I mean...

You'd think that the lesson
would be not to give up.


How did this guy know
when the yes was coming?

How does anyone know
when to keep going

and when to just let go?