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05x16 - Andromeda

Posted: 10/17/22 14:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

He just watches her.

And I see him sometimes.

He just watches her.

He worries about her
all night long.

(Man) She's his sister.

I know she's his--

(laughs) I'm not jealous
of her. I'm--

you're what?

I don't know. I see...

Great love...

In my work.

You know, I... just see

extraordinary love,

extraordinary sacrifice,

people going through
so much,

and go through it together.

They sacrifice for each other.

They--they choose
each other.

You're saying Sam
didn't choose you?

He didn't sacrifice
for you?

No, I'm saying...

I thought Sam was...

My greatest love...
You know?

And th-there are moments
when I...

But mostly, I just
worry about him now.

And I love him.

And sometimes,
I get mad at him, which...

I don't know,
I guess that--

I guess that makes him
my family?

(Man exhales)


(Perfume genius)
♪ you're gone ♪

(Both panting)

♪ Drive on, drive on ♪

♪ my special one ♪

That was good.

(Exhales deeply)

I gotta go.

♪ You're gone ♪

♪ your sister ♪

You in a rush?

No. I just--i gotta do
a few things before work.

And, um...

I'll talk to you soon.



♪ Come home ♪

♪ drive on, drive on ♪

♪ my special one ♪

♪ don't you stop ♪

♪ till you know you're gone ♪


(Mason) But we already knew
Darth Vader was his father.

It wasn't a surprise.

But it would have been
had you watched them

in the correct order.
I did.

We started with "episode I."

"Episode i" is not
the first one.

"Episode iv"
is the first one.

I blame you for this,
by the way.

Why is it my fault?

Well, look, i'm--I'm getting
the DVDs from my house.

I'm bringing them
over tonight.

We're gonna straighten
this whole thing out.

(Gasps) Ow!

(Cup thuds, liquid splashes)
Damn it.

Are you okay?

Yeah, uh...

Oh, I'll get it.
I'll get it. I'll get it.

What happened?
Nothing, honey.

I just, um, spilled.

Sit, sit, sit.

Your mom's gonna have
some weakness

on her left side
for a while.

It'll go away soon.

Honey, why don't you go get
your stuff for school?


What do we say when...

The self-pity sets in?

Come on. Say it.

(Sighs) I'm alive.

You're alive.

(Exhales deeply)

You're gonna

put that ham
on top of the waffle

and then the egg
on top of that?

Yep, and then hot sauce
on top of that.

You heard of
eggs Benedict, right?

this is eggs Bennett.


What time's your appointment
with Dr. Wallace?

I want to go
to the planetarium.

Have you been there...


To the observatory?

Remember how we used to crawl
out of your bedroom window

and lie on the roof
and stare at the stars?

Yep, and you used to
make up names

for all the constellations--

the big flopper...

And Orion's cookie.


I thought about that a lot

while I was out there.

On warm nights,
I would lie on the beach

and name the constellations

out loud, like I was
doing it for you,

which probably made me seem

even crazier than I am.

Than you were.

Than you were.

All right, how about this?

You go see Dr. Wallace,
and, uh,

I'll make a few calls,

wrap a few things up
at the office,

then we can go to
the planetarium together?

In the middle
of your work day?

They owe me some time off.

Hit it.

(Indistinct conversations)

Hey. I ordered
some breakfast tacos.

They'll be here in a minute.
You want one?

Uh, I think I'll pass.

You don't look well.

Well, that's very kind
of you.

(Laughs) Oh, no. I wasn't
trying to insult you. I...

(Elevator bell dings)
I'm just a little run down.

But thanks.


Hey, Dr. Wallace.

(Sam whispers)

Oh, Corinne. Hey.
You ready?


So... how much time
are you gonna take off?

Uh, thank you.

As long as Corinne needs
to get back up on her feet.

How's she doing?

She's doing good.

It's, uh... it's like
a little bit more of her

comes back to me every day.

That's great, Sam,

Thank you.

(Indistinct conversations

Oh, hey.

Uh, we...

We didn't get a chance

to finish talking
the other day.

About what?





Oh, i--yeah. I was--
I was finished.

You weren't finished?
I'm--I'm all ears.

I... uh, oh, i--

I guess--no, I...

Was finished.

(People speaking indistinctly)

It's still hard to believe
we're having twins.

I know. Oh.

I got some Teddy bear bumpers
for the boy crib.

And I'm trying to go
gender neutral with Sarah's,

but you're not making it easy.
Don't do that.

Don't call her that.

Sorry. She hates it
when I use her name.

Because it's not her name.

Yeah, but both have grandmothers
named Sarah,

so it does seem like
a natural choice--
it's bad luck to name a baby
before its born.

Oh, whatever.


(Clicks keyboard keys)

Is something wrong?

Oh, just...

Oh, no.

I am sorry.

But your boy has a severe
diaphragmatic hernia.

What--what--what is--
is that bad?

It's a congenital birth defect

that keeps the baby's lungs
from forming properly.

Can you fix it
once he's born?

If he is born

with this, at best,

his quality of life will be
greatly diminished.


I-I've seen on those
medical shows, they--

they do surgery while the baby's
still in the womb.

Yes, they can, and I do.

I've had success treating
diaphragmatic hernias...

With in utero surgery,
but you are carrying twins.

Well, why is that--
what does that mean?


If I do surgery on your boy
in utero,

it creates a very serious risk
for the girl.

Oh, god.

So you're saying that we--
we just--

we do nothing
and we lose our boy?

Or we do surgery

and possibly lose them both.

Oh, hey, they opened
a new reptile house at the zoo.

You think Lucas might want
to go down there

and check out
the komodo dragons?

I think Lucas would like to
live with the komodo dragons.

(Laughs) Well, maybe I'll
cut out early today

and take him over.

I could go with you.
I mean, if...

Yeah, sure.

We'll leave about 4:00.

(Addison sighs)

I hate this day.

Look, if doing surgery on him

puts his healthy sister
at serious risk--

oh, how do you make
that call?

Let one of your kids die

or risk the healthy one
to save the sick one?

Mm. Just the kind of happy talk
I look forward to

with my midmorning tea.

I don't make that call.
They have to make the call--

this funny, happy couple

who spent a long time

and a lot of blood, sweat,
and tears to make these babies.

Ugh. I hate this day.

Are you really
gonna give them a choice?

Fetal surgery
with a twin pregnancy,

it's too dangerous.

Look, Addison,

putting a balloon
into a fetus' trachea

in this situation
with a twin pregnancy,

it's a huge risk.

The amniotic membranes
could separate.

There could be bleeds,
premature labor.

But she could save
both babies, right?

I could.

It's possible.

It's risky,
but I could.

I mean, Addie's a rock star
with a scope.

If she says she can do it,
I would not bet against her.

I'm not betting
against her. I'm just--

hey, hey, will you
talk to them for me?

Will you help them decide?


Addison, you're--
you're making this messy.

I'm not making it messy.
I'm giving them options.

Violet here is gonna deal
with the mess.

Now you can hate
this day, too.

Thanks for that.

(People speaking indistinctly)

(Charlotte) Cooper.

Everything's good.

You have a sofa.
You could take a nap on it.

Everybody'd understand--

no, no, no, I'm totally awake.
I'm charting.

How's Erica this morning?

Fine. You know,
I mean... frustrated.

Recovery's not going
as fast as she would like.

It's taking its toll
on Mason.

It's taking its toll
on you, too.

I am fine.

I can do this.

I don't doubt
that you could do it.

It's just...
I'm worried about you.

Have you been keeping track
of your moods

in a journal
like we talked about?

Yeah, of course.

Sam told me I should write down
more than just my moods.

He said it might
help me process

what I'm feeling
or thinking,

to help me understand
before I react.

Is it helping?

Yeah, I think so.

I mean, I-I know
it's gonna take time,

but I'm feeling focused.

My mind is...

It's like a fog
has lifted.

That's wonderful.

You should feel proud
of your progress.

I think it's important that we
talk about your expectations.

Sam thinks I should get
a part-time job,

maybe volunteer
at the homeless shelter.

You know,
to keep myself busy

so I don't get too preoccupied
with my thoughts.

Is that
what you want to do?

Well, Sam's taking time off
to be with me,

to make sure I have
everything I need.

But, um...

He can't always
be with me and...

And what,


What happens

if I can't keep the job?

Um, what--what happens
if I start to slide back?

I don't want
to let him down.


(Knocks on doorjamb)


So how's she doing?

She seems to be responding well
to the medications,

you know,
the daily routines.

Good. I wanted to take her
to the planetarium today.

She's so excited.

she's scared,

but I don't know,
for the first time,

I feel like I can see the light
at the end of the tunnel.

That light could be
an oncoming train.

Wait, I thought--i thought
you said she was doing better.

People with bipolar disorder,
they go in cycles.

Right? There are good days,
and there are setbacks.

Setbacks, yeah, I know.
Believe me. I get that.

But I'm here for her now.

So, you know, what--
whatever's ahead,

I think I can handle it.

Thank you.


(Indistinct conversations)

You look nice today.

Really? You think?

Oh, I wouldn't have said it
if I didn't mean it.

No, i--no, I know,
but I mean, sometimes,

men just--
Violet, take the compliment.

Okay. You're right.

(Indistinct conversations

Can I ask you something?


What is your position
on casual sex?

Are you--are you
propositioning me?

N-No. (Chuckles)

No, I just--i wanted
the, uh, you know,

the male perspective.

Well, let's see.
When I was in my 20s,

I was all for it.

You know,
for most of my 30s,

I was
in a committed relationship,

and when I wasn't,

casual sex was something
I could take or leave.

Now that I'm in my 40s,

it is nice to have
something more substantial.


I would've pegged you for...

Being more adventurous.

Based on?

Well, you know, you're smart,
you're handsome.

I'm sure you're never
lacking with the ladies.

I'm an old-fashioned guy.
What can I tell you?


You got the wrong idea
about me, Violet.



Can anybody in this office
keep a secret?

It's really
not what we do best.

(Footsteps approach)

(Knock on door)

I brought you a burrito.

Sheldon, I-I told you,
I didn't want anything.

And, you know...

(Sighs) When you knock, it is
polite to wait for a reply.

Oh, well, sorry.

(People speaking indistinctly)

I'm gonna get some coffee.


And next, I'm going to...

Add a little half and half
and some sugar.

Why the running commentary?

Well, I want to make sure you
get all the details straight

for when you tell Violet.

Look, you know... (Sighs)

Palm Springs
was--was intense,

and i--and I needed someone
to process it with, and--

you told her about
palm Springs? Wow. Uh...

She only mentioned Fiji.


Okay, you know what? You are
the one who started this.

You know, you were all,
"oh, do you think there's

something emotional
between us."

I wasn't even thinking
about it.


Okay, I was
thinking about it,

about you,
but at least I came clean.

Not like you. You haven't even
said why you wanted to know.

Why--why did you want
to know?

Tell Violet,
if she wants to hear about

what you say in your sleep
when you're drunk,

I'll be in my office
all afternoon.


We appreciate Dr. Montgomery
having you talk to us,

but Dani and I
have come to a decision.

We don't want
to do the surgery.

That must have been
a very hard thing to come to.

Well, we're having a baby,

a beautiful,
healthy baby girl.


It's a blessing.

It's okay to be upset,

What you and Laurel are doing
is very hard.

Losing a child at any age
is devastating, but...

It's just, I don't think
that we have to lose

either one of them.

But we agreed, the surgery,
it's just too risky.

Did you agree, Dani?

N-No. No.

You were just so adamant when
we spoke to Dr. Montgomery...

I didn't know what to think.

What do you want?

I think if we have a chance
to have both of our babies,

that that's
what we should do.

No, all the doctors
we've seen,

all the money we've spent,

the night I almost died
in the E.R.--

it was all to have a baby.

Now we can have one.

But Dr. Montgomery said
we can have both of them.

No. No. She said maybe.

She said it comes with
very serious risk.

God, Dani, it's my body.
It's my decision.

Did you really
just say that?

Dani, i--

did you really just pull
the "it's my body" card?

I didn't--i...

Those are my eggs in there.
Those are my babies.

Dani, Laurel--

I-I don't want to have to
say good-bye to one of them.

You think I want to lose
one of our kids?

Oh, now they're
our kids again.

You think I want this?

You think
this isn't k*lling me?

Look, I told you
not to name them.

Oh, my god.

Are you kidding me?

I can't lose them both, Dani.
I can't.

You are so scared
of everything.

She's scared to name a baby.
You're scared to have surgery.

You're scared
to come to a hospital.

I get it, Laurel.

And it is your body,
but if you

let one of our babies die

without doing everything
you can to save him,

I won't accept that,

I won't get it,

and I will never
forgive it.


You are dangerous.

You saw Jake?

Okay. I just--i needed
a guy's opinion

on the whole casual sex thing,

and he was acting like
he was above it all,

which I thought
was disingenuous,

given the fact that without
even knowing your name,

he invited you to Fiji,
so I just said the word "Fiji."

I'm so sorry.

Now he's torturing me.

Because of me?

Because... (Sighs)

I don't know. I think
he enjoys it. I don't know.

You know what? It's all
so frustrating anyway.

Um... tell me about Laurel.

Well, Laurel doesn't want
the surgery, and Dani does.

They're in a... they're in
a tough spot.


(Door closes)

Have you seen
my "star wars " DVDs?

I'm supposed to bring 'em
over to Mason tonight.

Well, I can find 'em
and drop 'em off

if you want
to crawl into bed.

No. I'm fine.

No, you're not.

You're not fine,
and neither am I.

Now I'll drive you over there
and pick you up later

or tomorrow,
whichever you say,

but after that, you're gonna
take a couple nights off.

Sounds nice,
but, no, I can't.

Honey, I'm not asking you.

I hired a night nurse
for Erica.

She starts tomorrow.

Charlotte, no.
It's done.

You're gonna get some rest,

and Erica and Mason
will be fine.

What exactly
is a night nurse gonna do

when Mason wakes up screaming
at 4:00 A.M.

And Erica
gets up to go to him,

but she falls down
in the hallway?

What exactly is a night nurse
gonna do?

I am trying to help.

You can help by understanding
that what I'm trying to--

I have been more
than understanding, Cooper.

All I'm saying is,
I didn't ask for help

and I don't need help.

And I'm gonna go and be
with my son and his mother

for as long as it takes.

If you have a problem
with that...


(Door closes)


(Pete) Okay.

I think monkey man
has officially been replaced

as the new favorite
stuffed animal.

Yeah, well, that might not
be a bad thing.

Last time monkey man
was in the washing machine,

he, uh, kinda got
almost decapitated.

All right, buddy.

I'm gonna order a pizza,

and then I'm gonna give you
a bath while we're waiting,

and then it's
off to bed for you, okay?

(Kisses) Okay.
You be a good boy for mom.

And I will see you tomorrow,

You could stay...

Um, if you want.

(Man) ♪ will surely get
passed to me ♪

Why not?


(Object rattles)

♪ Maybe they'd ♪

(Corinne laughs)

♪ Throw in ♪

♪ someone else ♪

(Corinne speaking indistinctly)

♪ Maybe ♪

♪ they'd throw in ♪

speaking indistinctly)

♪ Someone else ♪

(Speaks indistinctly)


Yes. I'm sorry.
Did I wake you?

No, i--it's fine.
Are you okay?

The constellations,
the stars...

I was trying to--
did you know--

no, I'm sure you don't know,

because it's not something
most people know, but cepheus,

it's the constellation
right above us,

it's named after
the king of Ethiopia.

Right ascension 22 hours,
declination 70 degrees.

It has six stars.

It's not
the brightest constellation.

But there's not
a lot around it,

so it's easy to see.

No, i-i...

I didn't know that.

(Chuckles) It's not as popular
as sagittarius

or gemini or aquarius,
but that's why I like it.

It's different. Not--
not the same as everyone else.

Do-- (laughs)

Do you see that one?

That's lynx,
another rare one.

Corinne, why don't...

Why don't we go, uh, inside

and talk about it
where we can keep warm?

No, no, no, no,
no, no, no.

I have to finish
my star chart,

make sure I don't forget them
when the sun comes up.


Hey, Addison.

It's 2:00 in the morning.
What's going on out here?

Look how many stars
there are.

Yeah. Yep, I see 'em.

It's just like
when we were kids.

And they're not just stars.
There are rogue planets, too.

They roam the galaxy
without a star to orbit,

unbound, true wanderers.

You know that's where
the word "planet" comes from?

It's taken from
the Greek planetai,

which means "to wander."

There--there is so much
out there

that we don't even
know about.

(Speaking indistinctly)
Did she wake you?

No, I heard a noise.

I was just... I wanted
to make sure she's okay.

Yeah, uh, Corinne, let's go
back inside, all right?

No, no, no, no. I'm not--
I'm not done yet.

No, come on.
L-Let's go in.

You can
tell me about this inside.

It's--it's late.

But--but--but did I
tell you about cepheus?

'Cause, you know, that's one
of the important ones,

and they don't really
ever talk about it.

I know.



Hey. Morning.

Where's Corinne?

Oh, she's still in bed.

I, uh, was up most of the night
trying to calm her down.

She was just excited after
our planetarium trip yesterday.

Sam, I saw her.

She was talking
a mile a minute

and scribbling
in that notebook.

Yeah. So?

So I don't need
to be a therapist

to see that
that's erratic behavior.

She had a bad night,

She had a bad night.

Talk to you later.

All right.



I'm sorry.

That wasn't cool.

I'm sorry.

I just, uh...


Thank you.

(People speaking indistinctly)

I realize,
I might be sticking my nose

where it doesn't belong,

but--no, actually...
(Chuckles) No.

I've earned it. Amelia,
are you taking dr*gs again?

yesterday you hid
something from me.

you look like hell,
and you're acting--

frankly, you're acting
like you're high.

I will take you back to rehab

right now--
I'm pregnant.

(Voice breaking)
It was a pregnancy test

with a little plus sign.

That's what I was hiding.

And I think I'm probably
pretty far along,

20 weeks.

And I'm sure you're thinking,

how is that even possible?

How could you get that pregnant
without even realizing it?

But my body was all screwed up
after I got off the dr*gs,

and I guess I just--i didn't
think that it was anything.

And n--


That is...

Just, uh...




Well, whose...

You don't have to tell me.

It's Ryan's.


(Continues crying)




(Exhales and sniffles)

Um, this is...

I miss him.

I don't even know if I want
a baby, Sheldon.

And I don't know if I'm having
what amounts to a crack baby

because I was so...

And Ryan died.

(Sobbing) And this makes me
miss him so much.

And I'm crying
and I don't cry.

And I can't
freakin' control it.

And I don't... (Sniffles)

And what do I do?

I don't know what to do.

I think maybe you should talk
to Addison about this.

Talk to Addison?

who moved mountains

and sacrificed everything
to get pregnant

and failed...

That's who I should talk to
about this happy accident?

Or Charlotte maybe,
or Violet,

or your a.A. Sponsor,

but I just...

Maybe just not to me.

I'm sorry.

(Door opens)


(Door closes)

(Exhales deeply)

Dr. Montgomery.


Come in. Please sit.



Dani left.


She left me.

I don't know where she is.
She's not answering her phone.

I said, "it's my body."

I shouldn't have said it.

We both wanted
to carry the baby.

I won a coin toss.

I shouldn't have said it.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry
that you two are...

Tell me about the surgery.

Well, um...

Despite the risks,
I believe

that I can successfully
perform the surgery.

I told you that.
That hasn't changed.

But, Laurel,
you can't have the surgery

because Dani left you.
That can't be the reason.

Well, why not?

People do things
for all sorts of reasons.

I can't live without her.

(Knock on door)


Hi. (Chuckles)

I have a half-hour
before my shift.


You know, it--it's actually
not a good time.

The--the nanny just brought
Lucas to the park.

And I'm rushing
to get ready for work, so--

I'll be fast.




Sorry. I-i--

no, no. No, no.
Any other time,

I would be all for it.

just not today.


So i-I'm gonna go then.


(Clicks lock)

(Elevator bell dings)

(Violet speaking indistinctly)

Addison, I was hoping
I'd find you here.

Hi, Corinne.
Yeah, no, I was thinking
about last night,

waking you up--
I felt bad.

So I brought you lunch.

No, you didn't--you didn't
have to do that.

No, I know. It's fresh.

I went to the market
this morning

and--and chopped
the vegetables,

and I didn't forget about you
either, Dr. Turner. Here you go.

Oh, I'm fine.
No, you can eat it later.

I'm gonna go get Sheldon.

Hey, Corinne.

Are you hungry?

'Cause I got--
I got sandwiches, too.
(Elevator bell dings)


Thank you. Oh.

Uh, Corinne.
What are you doing here?

I-I made lunch
for your friends.

I came down after my shower,
you were gone. I was worried.

Sam, it's okay.

No, actually,
it's not okay.

Sam, you're embarrassing me.

No, you're doing a good job
of that all by yourself.

is everything all right?

Why does everyone
keep asking me that?

I brought in some--some salad
and some sandwiches.

You--you want one?

Let's just go home.

Maybe we should talk first.
No, nothing is wrong.

I came here to apologize
to Addison

for waking her up.

Everything was fine.

You don't need to be here.

You didn't need to come!
Everything was just fine!


Let's go home.

now. Let's go.

It's fine.

Excuse me.
Everything is fine.


(Inhales and exhales)

(People speak indistinctly)

Oh, Dr. Montgomery.


Thank you so much for calling.
Can I see her?

I'm sorry.
She's already in the O.R.


She needs to know I'm here.

I'm sorry. I-I can't
let you in there.

Please. Look, I was an ass.

I was awful.
I just got so mad. I...

Oh, it's just what I do.

When I get scared, I get mad,
but when she gets scared,

she just--
she just gets scared.

She can't be in there
by herself.

She needs to know that...

She needs to know
that I love her.

She does know that you love her.
That's why she's in there.

No, but she needs to know
that I'm here.



You said you'd only be
a couple of minutes.

You were more than a couple
of minutes.
I know. I know.

I just--
I don't like any of this.
I don't like--

okay, Laurel, Laurel,
look at me.

Look at me.

I want you to look over there
at the window.

Look at the window.
Who do you see?


She's here.

You called her.

I did.

Let's go ahead
and get started.

(Trent dabbs) ♪ couldn't say it
in a letter, honey ♪

♪ if I tried ♪

So how is Mason
handling it?

When Erica fell
in the kitchen the other night,

it wasn't a big deal--
she cut her elbow.

But, um,
I was helping her up,

and I looked over at Mason.

He had been watching, and he
had this look on his face.

I mean, he looked terrified.

I mean, he--like this
whole thing wasn't over.

And you explained it to him,

that it's gonna take her
a while to recuperate?

I don't want him to become
one of those people

that's afraid
of whatever happens next,

and I want him to go back
to being funny and smart-assy

and get to be a kid.

Why don't you just give him
a little time?

Yeah? Um, but...

But what?



(Laughs) What?

You said she was great
when you were in Seattle.

No, no, she was.

I mean, she's been great
through this whole thing.

But now she's just tired of me
going over there all the time.

And she got me a night nurse.

That's very thoughtful.

It felt manipulative.

for what it is ♪

Okay, you know what?

You're tired,
you're freaked out,

and you can't take it out
on your son or his sick mom.

I'm not taking it out
on Charlotte--

yes, you are. I know you,
and you are. Okay?

You know, listen,
Mason's important.

Of course he's important.

But you're--
you're talking to a woman

who doesn't even know
if she's married anymore.

And that--
that feels like crap.

I mean, the empty sex
is just--it's--

it's--it's empty.

You know, I love my son,
but I miss my family.

I really miss
being part of a family.

So... Charlotte's
important, too.

Don't take it out on her.

♪ Don't blame love ♪

(Monitor beeping erratically)

What's going on?

There's an amniotic band
on the girl

that didn't appear
on the original scans.

I need your hands.

I'm ready.

♪ Don't blame love ♪

♪ for what it is ♪

Whoa. Corinne.

Is everything okay?

You're never gonna
believe it, Sam.

I've got it. I've got it.
I've got it.

What do you got?

Yesterday at the planetarium,
I didn't think it was possible

so I didn't want
to say anything,

but then last night
when I was looking at the stars,

I did some calculations,

some research on--
on brown dwarves, supernovas.

I have it, Sam. It's big.

It's so freakin' big.

Okay, well, slow--slow down.
I-I-I can't understand.

You're not making sense.
Slow down.

A new galaxy.
Don't you get it?

No one's seen it before,
but I discovered it.

It will change the--the world
of astronomy.

Corinne, have you taken
your meds today?

Look, i-i-I've got
to get this down.

I-I have to write it down.

Right? Right? Right?
Right. I-I-I have to--

I have to get it
to the right people.

There's probably someone
at the observatory--

an--an astronomer,
an observer...


An--an expert who--
who I can share this with.

Can--can we go back there?

Sure. Sure. Sure we can.
But first, why don't--

where's my notebook?

Corinne, why don't--
I have to write this--

come here. Why don't you look
at me? I need you to focus?

No, no, I need to find it.

All right. I'm gonna call
Dr. Wallace.

Maybe he can help us out.

No, no, no, I don't need
his help or yours!

I need my notebook!

Corinne, I need you
to relax. Wait.

Just calm down.
Corinne, look at me.

Don't touch me!
Whoa. All right. All right.

I don't need you!
Don't you get that?

I am brilliant.

And you have never
believed in me--

not when were kids,
not when I was on the street,

and not now!

Don't say that. I've always
believed in you.

Corinne. Corinne.
Come on.

(Laughs) I could have been
a scientist, an astronomer,

and it is your fault...
All right. Easy.

That I have wasted
all these years...
E-Easy. Put this down.

All these years of my life.


I hate you!


Calm down.

You're always trying
to hold me back!

Easy. Easy.

Let me go. No, just--
easy. Easy.

Get off. Get off of me!
Get off of me!
(Pete) Sam, you gotta
hold her still.

Every time she moves,
the glass goes deeper.
I'm trying! I'm trying!

Push 5 milligrams
haloperidol I.V. Now.
No. (Screaming)

What happened?
Um, she was manic and...

I don't know.
Then she just snapped.

And I was trying to stop her,
and then she just...

She fell through the window.

Let me go! I need to go.
I need to tell somebody.

Corinne, Corinne,
this is Dr. Wallace.
(Sam speaking indistinctly)

Can you hear me?

There are 80--80 constellations.
80. 8-0.

Andromeda, antlia, apus,

aquarius, aries, caelum...

Corinne, I need you
to try to focus.

Canis minor,
canis major,

chamaeleon, chamele--cham--
okay, Corinne. Corinne.

Don't--don't--don't touch me.

Don't touch me. Sam.

Sam, Sam--
I'm right here.

Help me, please.
I'm right here.

Hey, Sam, you're bleeding.
You gotta get someone to take--

I'm fine. I'm fine.
Sam, you gotta get someone--

I'm not going anywhere!
(Speaks indistinctly)

Sam, she's sedated.
Sam, look at me.

Look at me. Look at me.
Sam, she's sedated.

Now if you want to help her,
get someone to sew up your head

so she doesn't wake up
and see you bleeding.
Okay, okay.

We'll take care of her.
Go ahead.

I'll be right back,

I'll be right back.

(Monitor beeping rhythmically)

(Dani) Hey.
(Laurel) What happened?

Did it work?
Are the babies okay?

They're both
gonna be just fine.

Oh. (Exhales deeply)

You are a stubborn bitch.

(Laughs and sniffles)
I know.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry
I left you.

(People speaking indistinctly)

(Addison) Hey.

The surgery was a success.

We were able to insert
the balloon

into your boy's trachea.

And his lungs will develop

We'll remove it a couple
of weeks before labor.

Thank you,
both of you.

During the surgery,
we discovered an amniotic band

around your daughter.
Oh, no.

It's okay. We fixed it, and both
babies are gonna be just fine.

But if Dr. Montgomery
hadn't gone in there

to fix the hernia...

We could've lost
both of them?

(Beeping continues)

I'm glad
you're a stubborn bitch.


(People speaking indistinctly)

Hey. What are you
doing here?

So... um...

So we can't go back to
the way things were, right?

I mean, that obviously
wasn't working

and, um,
we clearly have issues

of forgiveness and trust.

But I think we could
work through them

with therapy.

You analyzing me is one of
the problems in our marriage.

I am clear on that. That's why
it would be somebody else.

I don't think we should quit
without knowing,

and if we're gonna quit,
we shouldn't have doubts, and...

I have doubts.

Do you? (Chuckles)




I'm not saying that I want
to go therapy.

I-I don't expect you
to give me an answer today.

I just wanted you to know
that if--if, uh,

you know, tomorrow
or--or next week

or next month

you want to put our family
back together

and you're willing
to do therapy, then i'm...

I'm willing, too.

I thought you'd be
with Erica and Mason.

So did I.

You're here
because you feel guilty.

I am.

I do feel guilty.

Charlotte, you have been--
I mean, you're amazing.

You--you have been a rock
through this whole thing.

I mean, you--

you're stronger
than I am.

You are...

I mean, the only reason
I've been getting through this

is because I know that
whatever happens, I have you.

And I've been taking that
for granted

because I believe in you,
I believe in us,

so much that I have not
stopped to think about

what it's been doing
to our marriage.

And that is a mistake.

I want you to be sure.

I want you to know...

You are everything to me.

You are everything I want.
You are everything I need.

I spent all day
thinking about

what I could buy you
or play for you

or cook for you...

I don't want you
to cook for me.

I don't want to cook
for you.

(Buttons clatter)



(Knock on door,
door opens)


I, uh... (Exhales)

I owe you an apology.

When you were talking
about Ryan being

the father of your baby,

it brought back
a lot of feelings, and, uh...


Look, it's my problem, something
I have to work through

and not hold against you.

So i'm...

I'm sorry.


I still don't know
what I'm gonna do.


If you decide
to have this baby,

I'll be here for you,

wh-whatever you need.

I mean, I don't know
if I could build a crib

that wouldn't fall apart
as soon as you put a kid in it,

but... a friendly ear
or, uh, some babysitting

so you can make
an a.A. Meeting or...

You know,
whatever I can do to help.

You won't
have to do it alone.

And if you decide
not to have it,

you won't have to
do that alone, either.


Oh. (Sniffles)

The waterworks
will not stop.


Are you hungry?


I can't go out in public.

I look like some kind
of girl.

Well, we'll order in.



(Clicks button)

(Clears throat)

Thank you for coming
when I called.

Yeah, well,

it's a habit
I can't seem to break.

You were incredible
in there...

So focused, calm.

In a situation that
would've had most people...

You were incredible.

(Elevator bell dings,
doors open)

Thank you.

(Clicks button)


You know why I asked
how you felt about me?

Because I could fall
in love with you, Addison.

I could buy a house
with you,

I could make a baby
with you--

in a test tube

or however--

but I could be with you.

But when I go in, I...

I go all in.

And I can't do that while you're
pining after another man.

(Lowered voice) You're not ready
for what I have to offer.

I could get ready.

(Dings, doors open)

That would be nice.


(Woman speaks indistinctly
over P.A.)

♪ if you want to change ♪

(Sam) How's she doing?

She's sedated

and resting.

You know, this isn't
the end, Sam.

It's just--

it's a setback.

♪ Your mind
about what you want ♪

Well, you warned me.

It's more than a setback.

I know how devoted
you are to her,

I know
how much you love her,

but this is more than you
can handle on your own,

and, uh, she needs care,

you know, in-patient c--


She's been out of my life
for 20 years

and I just got her back.

I'm not gonna abandon her.

I can give her
the care she needs.

And at what cost?

I wish I could tell you
that this is the last time

that this will happen,
but I can't.

And next time,
she could really hurt you

or herself.


I'll be around
if you need me.

♪ ...change ♪

♪ your life ♪

♪ you're gonna have to change ♪

♪ your mind ♪

♪ about what you want ♪



Where am I?

Uh, you're at the hospital.

You had a little accident,

but everything's okay now.

You're hurt.

I'm okay.

It's... just a scratch.



Do you see them?

The stars,

they... they're everywhere.


(Exhales deeply)


Yeah, I do.

They're so beautiful.

♪ Your life ♪

Well, why don't you, uh,

why don't you tell me
about 'em?

♪ Some time ♪

The one to the left,

that's Andromeda.

It means "chained lady."

♪ And forth ♪

She was a Princess

in the Greek myth
of perseus

who was chained
to a rock

and fought to be free.

♪ But if you make up ♪

♪ your mind ♪

♪ you can change ♪

I want love like I see
in my work.

I want to be the center
of someone's world

and I want them to be
the center of my world.

I want them to sacrifice
for me and with me.

I want...

Oh, god.

I sound like some sort of...
Hippy freak.

Is it too early for scotch?

♪ Your life ♪