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05x14 - Too Much

Posted: 10/17/22 13:59
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

Organic chemistry, physics 2,
multivariable calculus,

conversational French,

introduction to the modern
European novel, uh, tennis...

You took all those classes
in one semester?

Yes. Heh.

My textbooks that fall
cost as much as a small car.

But I wanted to graduate
in three and a half years,

and I was interested
in all of them.

It sounds overwhelming.

It was.


it's your brother.

What do they have her on?

She was deranged
when she came in.

Shrink's got her
loaded up.


It was actually...
It's actually a physical book?

Yeah, yeah, with every
student's face in it.

Like a phone book?
No computer?

That's right,
young man.

Yeah, it was great.

You could look up
the cute guy

in your comparative
literature class

and call him
when you were drunk.

What cute guy?
How cute?

Not as cute as you.

I'm not cute. I'm tough.
You're cute.

I'm a tough guy.

Sorry I called.
No, no, I'm glad you called.


I'm sorry I don't have
any words of wisdom. I--


Gosh, you look so sad.
You look like a little boy.

It's 20 years,

Just picked up
and left.

No goodbye. No--

she was just gone.
I know.

I mean, I don't know. I
know what you told me.

No call, no letter.

I thought she was dead.

Yeah, but it's good news,

That she's not.
That she's back now.


Can I get you


Hi, Corinne.

I'm Sam's neighbor.

And we work together also.
I'm Addison.

Here's your water,

Here are your meds.
Want to take these for me?

I'm not so sure.

Not so sure...?
That this is good news.

He won't stop

I know babies cry,
but it's been like 14 hours.

He won't eat.
He can't sleep.

Hyperactive reflexes,
increased muscle tone.

He's tachypneic.
Pulse ox is borderline.

- Can't you give him something?
- We will.

After we diagnose
what the problem is.

Eli's pretty small for ten days.

Was he premature?

How many weeks?

Um, like two?
Are you asking me?

No, sorry.
It's just the screaming.

I haven't slept.
Two weeks.

He came two weeks early.

He looks malnourished
and dehydrated.

Is he eating?
Are you breast feeding?

No. Um, uh--
he likes the bottle.

Pumping or formula?

And why is that?


Uh, most mothers try
to breast feed for a while.

Was he having trouble

Why does it matter?
Just help him.

You look good for someone
who gave birth ten days ago.

This isn't your baby,
is it?

Okay, you need to explain
what's going on right now,

or we're going to security.



Uh, his mom...

My mom.
She's a druggie.

So Eli is your brother?

She gave birth to him,

brought him home
and then left to score.

He was two days old.

But it's been over a week,
and she hasn't come back.

Did you try to find her?
No, but--

do you know if she's okay?
I never know if she's okay.

The first time she left me,
I was 8.

I woke up one morning,
went downstairs

and there was no one.

The house was empty.

I didn't know what to do
and I was scared,

but I didn't wanna be alone,
so I toasted a frozen waffle

and I got dressed
and I went to school.

She came back
a few days later.

She said
she got stuck at work.

But she worked in some office,
and it didn't make any sense.

But then she acted normal,
so I did too. I just...

I didn't want it
to happen again.

- But it did?
- Of course.

Sometimes she would tell me
that she was leaving,

other times
she'd just be gone.

when it got really bad,

one of my teachers
figured it out.

And that was the first time
I was put in foster care.

After that...

It was just
a lot of back and forth.

Eli doesn't deserve that.

He should have someone
who can take care of him.


And that can be me.


How are you feeling?

Ten minutes into
my first session of chemo.

Probably better
than anyone else in here.

You got the right attitude.

Do you want to bring Mason in?

I don't want him to see me.

Or anyone else in here.

It'd just be
too much for him.


If that's what you want.
It's what I want.

He's my little boy.

I've been the only constant
in his life.

So if this is scary for me,
then for him...

It's what I want.


Come on.

I don't know, e?
I already said there's no e's.

Can I please see my mom now?
In a few minutes. She's resting.

I really just wanna see my mom.
I know.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, man.

Hey, Mason.


How's your, uh...?

Give me a minute, okay?

I'll give you a hint.
There's a k in there.

Mason doesn't know
about his mother?

No, Erica won't...

Doesn't want me
to say anything, you know.

I've gone along,
because he's just a kid,

he's not ready to deal
with his mother's death.

I'm not ready
to deal with it.

Yeah. Losing a parent.
I know how hard that is.

At least he has
you and Charlotte.

Yeah. Yeah.

Mason. I'll see you later.

All right. Any ideas?

Why's my mom
resting so much?

She's still really tired
from the accident.

The last time I saw her,
she didn't look tired.

She looked fine.

Yeah, but--
I know she wants to see me.

And I really wanna
see her.


We just have to give her
a little more time.

Hey, can I ask you a favor?
You can ask.

I want you to take me off
the surgical rotation

for a couple of days.

I'm researching gliosarcomas
and I have a few leads,

but I need more time.

Erica agreed
to do the chemo.

Beyond that, I don't think
she's holding out any hope.

Which is realistic.
But I'm not ready to give up.

What does that mean?
It means I need to keep reading

and talking
to more docs and...

I don't know where you find
miracles these days,

but I would like to try.


You were right.

Baby Eli has neonatal
abstinence syndrome.

We should start
a methadone taper.

there's more.

He's also got a congenital
cystic adenomatoid malformation.

It needs to be removed, or
his lungs will be compromised.

You can't do surgery.
He's too weak.

Waiting carries its own risks.

Any little virus or cold,
he could become oxygen-deprived.

Who makes this call?

Well, is there a father
in the picture?

No, just the baby's sister,

How old is she?

And she also went through hell
with the mother,

but she's trying to do right
by her brother.

You think she's qualified
to make that kind of decision?

She doesn't have to.

This is Eli's mother,

Did I leave to score dr*gs
right after Eli was born?

Yes, I did.
But I changed my mind.

Oh. So where were you?
Getting clean.

You went to rehab?
No. I did it myself.

She locked herself
in a motel room for eight days

and detoxed cold Turkey.

That would've been great before
she got her fetus addicted.

- Okay, Cooper.
- You're right.

But I got clean.

You've been clean for,
what, eight days?

You've been an addict for--
don't tell me about addiction.

I am trying for Eli.
I am doing everything I can.

Because I am gonna be
a good mother to him.

- You walked out on him.
- No, I didn't.

I left him with Denise.
And I called over and over.

Only Denise never answered,
and she never called me back.

So Denise is lying?

She has issues.

With me, all right?
And I know why.

Lots of times, I wasn't
any kind of mother to her.

But this is not
the same thing. It isn't.

I went to get clean.

It was miserable.

Day after day, shaking
and sweating and wanting to die,

but I did it for Eli
because he is my second chance,

and I am not gonna
screw this up.

How did you find her?

I called
her cell phone.

Okay, so what? She left
her newborn to get high.

But she didn't get high.

She got clean,
and that means something.

You know how hard it is
to detox cold Turkey.

Yeah. And it was admirable
she was able to do it.

Does that mean she's able
to take care of Eli?

Denise is.
She's a kid.

Really? Does Denise
have an apartment, a job,

somebody to help?
There are plenty of single,

competent teenaged mothers
in the world.

With a sick baby?
Okay, guys. You know what?

We're not gonna solve this.
We gotta call dcfs.

Melissa's better
than the system.

Denise is better
than Melissa.

I am calling
social services.


How do you feel
about New Zealand?

Anything farther than
the bathroom seems intimidating.

There's a doctor there

who's doing experimental
treatments on gliosarcomas.

They're called
intracranial microcapsules,

which basically just means
they're these--


Thank you, but no.

I can't get on a plane
and fly halfway around the world

for whatever that is.

It might be nothing.
But it might be something.

And the point is,
we won't know

until we get on the ground
and really start--

Amelia, I agreed to do chemo.
I'm fighting.

I don't wanna do anything
to sacrifice time with Mason.

Especially getting on a plane
to fly somewhere

for someone to do surgery
on my brain.

A surgery
that I might not wake up from.

I'm sorry, I can't.

Three times.

Three times?
Ugh, I hate you.

Yes, well,
I would hate me too. Ha, ha.

Look at you.

You're all
"Violet got her groove back."

Who would've thought

my groove was in this
20-something paramedic

with these abs carved out
of marble and this back...

Oh my god, his back.
It's just like you ordered him.

Like you called a catalog and
asked for those specifications.

I want that catalog.
I've never done this before.

It's just sex. It's just
pure, mind-numbing sex.

Maybe guys are right. Maybe
"no strings attached" works.

Eh, every time
I sleep with someone,

we wind up
in a pit of despair.

Together. Stuck.

I'm serious.

All this makes me miss Sam.
You miss Sam or you miss sex?

Both. You know,
the irony has been

that the harder I tried
to have a baby,

the less I actually had sex.

It's been months.

Which is probably
why I threw myself at Jake.

Heh, heh. In palm Springs.

I drank a bunch of martinis,
and I wind up in his bed.

He turned me down.

You know, which I respect.
And hate.

Ugh. I miss Sam.


Lazy. It's lazy.
It's more than lazy.

You know, it's infuriating.

She's stoned, Sam.

She's not medicated,
not even diagnosed.

I understand the pressure
the prison shrinks are under.

But your sister
is just stoned on a cocktail

of anti-psychotics
and sedatives

that would leave a circus animal
glassy-eyed and affect-less.

Okay, look, there might be
a silver lining here, okay?

We don't know what Corinne
is like under all those meds.

And once we get her off them,
you might actually

be able to find your sister
in there somewhere.

You wanna take her off her meds?

The prison guard said
she was deranged.

is not a diagnosis.

I just wanna get her
off the meds long enough

to see what's going on with her.
Okay? Can we do that?



So Sheldon
took her off her meds?

Yeah. Temporarily.

Well, did she...?

Is she any different?

Uh, not much. Not yet.

Apparently they had her
pretty zonked out.

I'm gonna have to wait
for it all to wear off,

but Sheldon canceled
all his patients.

Said he would
spend the day with her.

Try to make a real diagnosis.
And then what?

I don't know.

Uh... I just...

I don't know.

Did you call your family?
Your mom?

No. I've been taking this thing,
like, a minute at a time.

I mean, I can't look ahead.
I just...

I don't know.

It's not your job anymore,
you know?

To take care of him.
To worry about him.

He's my friend.

He'll be your friend
again someday,

but right now
he's mostly just your ex.

I mean, you still want
a baby, right?

I know you needed a break,
but has anything changed?

No. I still want a baby.

Then right now,
Sam is your ex.

You try to pretend
he's your friend and, uh...

And what?
And you hurt worse.

I know he's having
a tough time right now,

but he has
other friends and...

And I would hate to see
you hurt worse.

I gotta go
to the hospital.

I'm-- I'm putting
my foot down.

We're staying on the bed
next time.


I'm gonna die
from rug burn, that's why.

Why do we have
to lie down at all?

You're trouble.

Oh. You kids
got a hall pass?

I'm the only one
you have to worry about.

Should I...?

Um, if I brought him
in earlier, would he be okay?

Oh. Denise,
it is not your fault.

I just want to protect him.

I know you do.

Why are you here?
She wants to be with her baby.

Honey, mommy's here, Eli,

and I am never
leaving again, ever.

You're a liar.

You're gonna do to him
what you did to me.

He is gonna end up like I did,

Bouncing around,
scared and alone.

I am clean now, okay?
You can't do this here.

Oh, right.
Until Eli cries

or you have a bad day at work
or some guy dumps you,

that's all
it's gonna take.

Look, I will not let you
hurt him.

You are damaged
and you are bad--

I have a problem, okay?
You need to go outside.

For the first time,
I have a reason to fix it.

Oh, so I wasn't worth it?

Oh, my god. What is it?

Get Dr. Montgomery.
What is happening?

Sats are dropping.
What does that mean?

He's having trouble breathing.

- Intubate.
- Don't. Don't.

He's not getting air.
We have to.

Intubating will increase
air-trapping into the lungs.

We need to get him
to the or now.

Dr. Freedman said he's not
strong enough for surgery.

Let them do their job.
You don't know.

The surgery might k*ll him,
but not doing surgery will.

Move out of the way. Now!

"I don't wanna die."

"But you must die!"

All right, time for all monsters
to get off the table.

Dinner is ready.

I'm not hungry.

I just wanna see my mom.

I made you Mac and cheese.
That's your favorite, right?

Charlotte, I really just
wanna see my mom.

I know you do.

But visiting hours are over
for tonight.

But you're in charge there,
you can take me.

Your mom's still resting.
She's not this tired.

Everyone keeps saying that,
but she's never this tired.

Tell me what you think
of the Mac and cheese.

This isn't right.
It's not how my mom makes it.

Well, there's macaroni
and there's cheese.

I don't want this.
I want to see my mom.

I know you're upset
and you've been through a lot,

and you're worried
about your mom.

But that does not mean
that you can act like...




Thank you. How's Eli?

Addison's still working on him.

Isolated the main bronchus,
but hasn't done the lobectomy.

But that kid's a fighter.
I think he'll do okay.

Hey, man, I know we disagree
about Melissa and Denise,

but let's not let it
become a thing, okay?

It's not a thing.

You sure?
I was just... look.

My mind's on Eli,
I'm walking down the hall,

and I see Violet making out
with her boyfriend.


It's annoying.
Yeah, well...

Yeah, well, heh, what?

I mean, you guys
are separated, right?

Doesn't mean I wanna
see her fooling around

with someone I have to work with
in my workplace.

Heh. You might not want to, but
isn't that the next step?

I mean, you move on,
she moves on.

Okay. Let's just say
you and Charlotte split up,

she starts dating
some hot male nurse.

Would you be cool with that

just because you had
a few nights of fun?

I don't know how I would feel.
Ha-ha-ha. Yes, you do.

Ah, speak of the devil.

I turned my back
for one second, Coop.

One second,
and he was gone.

- What?
- Mason.

What? Where are you?
He ran out the front door,

and now I'm out
looking for him.

How long has he been gone,
how far did he get?

I'm trying to figure that out.
Okay, I'm calling the police.

Give me five minutes.
If I can't find him, I'll call.

Are you feeling better?


A little.

Corinne, have you ever been
formally diagnosed?



Paranoid delusions.

Every jail,
every nuthouse,

a different shrink
had a different idea.

I'm thirsty.

You're just coming down
off the haloperidol.

Here, have some water.

Yeah, Sam, come in.
Okay. Hey, Corinne.

Corinne has given me permission
to include you

and disclose
what she's sharing.

Isn't that right, Corinne?
Mm-hm. Sure.

- Bathroom?
- Sure, sure.

It's out the door, down the hall
on the right. Okay? Easy.

Yeah. Thank you.

I was wondering
what you remember.

You grew up with Corinne.

For purposes of diagnosis.

What I remember.

Uh, okay.
I remember her being,

you know,
the life of the party.

Until she was
the death of it.

Can you explain that?
Uh, she was wild.

She was wild.
She was funny, she was loud.

Always dancing on tables.

Until she would fall off
the tables. She, um...

She almost
burned the house down.

No, she was...

She said she was making popcorn.
The oil caught fire.

I remember her saying
she thought it looked cool,

so instead of trying
to put the fire out,

she started fanning the flames
to make it bigger.

Luckily, I knew where
the fire extinguisher was.

Was she drunk or high?
I never could tell.

You know, she was just...

She was just wild.

And then...

And then what?

And then she would turn.

All of a sudden, she would think
the world was against her.

I put out her fire,
like, literally.

I stopped her from burning down
the house and...

And she cried

for like three days straight.

She, uh...
She threatened su1c1de.

She accused me
of hating her and...

Of wanting her dead.

She was not easy
to live with.

She's my sister
and I love her,

but when you say
that she's in there somewhere...

I don't know how I feel
about that.

Look, it's been
a long day.

Do you mind
if I just take her home,

and we can continue

All right. Thanks.

I appreciate this.

Coop, I found him.

You know, when I was
a little older than you are,

my cousins
used to go

hang out at the river
with their friends.

And I was
just desperate to go.

But every time I asked
my daddy, he said no.

I wasn't old enough.

So one weekend
I snuck out.

Hitched a ride and went to see
what all the fuss was about.

And you know what?
My daddy was right.

It was just
a whole lot of...

Well, big kid stuff.

That I wasn't ready for.

So, what I'm trying
to tell you is,

sometimes, when
you really wanna do something--

is my mom dead?

Because no one's
letting me see her.

When my Nana
went into the hospital,

she never came out.

Oh, honey.


Oh, hey.

What's up?
Nothing. I, uh...

Well, I saved a baby today.

Oh. Well, that's good,
you know.

I was at home, I couldn't sleep
and I saw your light on.

I wanted to, you know,
make sure you were okay.

Where's Corinne?
She's asleep.


I'm sorry.
How did Charlotte lose Mason?

Mason was very upset,

and he just slipped out the door
when she wasn't looking.

I need to see him.
Okay, Charlotte's bringing him.


I thought you were dead.

I'm not. Of course I'm not.

Are you gonna be okay?

Yes, baby.
Mommy's gonna be just fine.

Unh. Hey.


You don't have to leave,
you know.

Nothing's changed, Sam.
I mean...

Nothing's changed.
So... unh.

I do have to go.

Look, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to--

no, no, don't be sorry.

I'm not sorry.
I just have to go.

I'm gonna check on you too.
I'm worried about you.

I wish I could say
you didn't have to be,

but honestly,
I'm worried about me too.

You don't like me
very much.

Uh, well,
I don't really know you.

Only thing I know about you
is the first thing you did

after your baby was born
was leave to get high, so...

I was jonesing,
he was screaming. I...

I had to get away and dr*gs
are how I've always done that.

And now
it's gonna be different?

How do I answer that?

I wanna say yes.

That I would die before I hurt
Eli the way I hurt Denise.

But you're gonna tell me
I'm an addict and addicts slip.

What do I say to that?
It's true.

But this time,

I'm gonna do everything I can
for that boy.

Do you have any idea how lucky
you are to have that choice?

Eli could have died
from the dr*gs you were doing

when you were pregnant.

His condition could have
k*lled him after he was born.

Dcfs could have taken him
when you were gone.

You could have had
a bad reaction detoxing.

Frankly, it is a miracle
you're both even here right now.

And most parents...

Believe me,
they don't get miracles.

I know I screwed up.

But I am making a choice.

And this time
I am choosing Eli.

Good. I hope so.

Being a parent,
a good parent,

that is an all day,
every day job.

Every single day.

I am not kidding myself.
I know it's going to be a fight.

Every day,
like you said. And i'm...

I'm gonna fight.
And what about Denise?

Maybe-- I don't know.

Maybe it's too late for us.
I don't know.

I hope that it's not,
but I learned on Denise.

And this time I'm gonna
do it right with Eli.

I know
that I left once.

And I'm sure
there is a better way

to do what I had to do, but...

At least this time, even though
I did the wrong thing,

it was for the right reasons.

It really was.

I believe in second chances,
but I don't trust this woman.

She's been sober
for eight days.

That's not enough time,
not by a long shot, right?

Maybe Melissa doesn't have
to raise Eli all by herself.

You know,
maybe she can ask for help.

Denise cares, right?

She does, but, I mean,

you should see
these two people together.

Well, you should see
me and Pete together.

But kids are
an exception.

If there's one thing that Pete
and I agree on, it's Lucas.

That's it? Just Lucas?

If you're asking me
if it's over, I don't know.

Back when we were together,
you know, Pete was an ass.

And now
that we're apart, he's...

He's actually more of an ass.
You know, he--


No, he refuses
to let me be happy

with anybody else.
Okay, but seeing you with Scott.

That has gotta be
weird for him.

What are you doing?
What do you mean?

You're defending him.

No, I get
where he's coming from.

From a place
where he wants me miserable.

No, he's hurt.
He's the one who wanted

to see other people.
I hated the idea. I cried.

I thought about it logically
and I thought, "Pete's right.

"He wants to be happy.
I wanna be happy.

And neither of us
should interfere with that."

Aren't you interfering
by being in a relationship

with somebody he works with?
The thing with Scott,

it's not a relationship.
It's sex.

It's exactly the same thing
that he's doing.

The only difference is that
it's someone he sort of knows.

And sometimes sees.

But, Coop, it's...
It's not going anywhere.

Well, maybe you should
tell Pete that.

How long are you gonna
keep Mason in the dark?

Well, you saw how he reacted
when he thought I...

I can't tell him.

With all due respect,

last night, Mason dumped dinner
on the floor,

ran out the door
and scared the hell out of me.

Because he is worried
about you.

Now, he's smart
and he needs some answers,

and this is
only gonna get worse.

If you don't tell him--

he's never gonna
forgive you.

And he'll hate
me and Cooper,

the only people
he'll have left.

Erica, I know
why you're lying to him.

But you're lying to him.

It's too much.

I can't tell him.

Not yet.

I just can't.

I told you Eli was a fighter.
So is his mother.

What is it
with you and Melissa?

From the very get-go,

you've just been on her side.
Violet abandoned Lucas.

Is that really
what's bothering you?

It was a big deal.

Nothing to do with
who Violet's sleeping with.

Look, when she walked out,
it was just me and Lucas.

And he couldn't talk yet,
but his eyes said it all.

"Where's mommy?
You're not my mommy."

When Violet came back,
I was so angry at her,

but she did come back.

And I gave her
another chance.

And whatever I think about her,
she's an incredible mother.

Lucas would be
much worse off without her.

Dr. Freedman.

I had to call.

I've spoken
with Melissa and Denise.

I'm aware of the situation.
There is no situation.

Unless Melissa
starts using again.

There's no way to know.

But Melissa did make a choice
to get clean for her child.

Dr. Freedman, we've been
through this a lot of times.

We like to keep a child
with its mother if possible.

But if your instincts say
it's to Eli's detriment,

then we can explore
other options.

Mm-hm. Yeah.

I need to talk to you.

Just a minute.

No, I need to talk to you now.

Shainie, can I call back?

Yeah. Thanks.
What's so important?

I have a lead

on a way to treat
Erica's gliosarcoma.

I have a lead.

If it involves
getting on a plane,

Erica already said
she didn't wanna do that.

This one involves
getting on a plane to Seattle.

I think my brother Derek
can help us.

People can do awful things,
but they can also change.

You don't know my mother.
No, I don't.

But I do know
that being a parent is hard.

And it is easy to make mistakes.

Even when you're trying
to do the right thing.

Is that why
you're giving her Eli?

Because you think
it's been hard for her?

I think it's been hard
for your mom.

I think
it's been hard for you.

And it's sad.

But hopefully it can be
a reminder to both of you,

that with Eli,
it has to be different.

He's gonna need a lot of care
while he's recovering.

Your mom's gonna need help
being a mom.


I know it must not
seem fair to you,

but you are a family.

And you have to look out
for one another.


Lucas wanted to know
if his truck could fly,

and it can't,
so I got him a new one.

I thought he could leave it
at your house. No stairs.

You know,
it's just sex.

With Scott. It's just sex.
It's a distraction.

I'm sorry.
I'm just not evolved enough

to wanna hear
about your sex life.

No. I wasn't gonna
give you details,

I just wanted you to know
it wasn't serious.

Okay. I just...
I still don't like it.

You walked away,
so you shouldn't care.

I know I shouldn't care,
but I do.

You do?


Well, maybe that means--

you don't have to interpret
my feelings, Violet. I just...

I care.

Is he really
gonna be okay?

I resected the damaged part
of Eli's lung.

In time, healthy tissue
will grow in its place.

Thank you.

You can do this,

I know.
It's all about Eli now.

Maybe not all.

I thought that you--



I'm so--
I know, mom. I know.

I am sorry.

Then do better
with Eli, okay?

Do better.

Hey. How's it going
with your sister?

Pretty much the same.

It'll take a while
for the meds to wear off.

- You took her off everything?
- No.

No, I kept her
on a mild sedative,

because we didn't know
what to expect when...

We just don't know
anything yet.

Keep me updated, okay?
Thanks, Sheldon.

You keep her at your house?

No, no.
She's in my office.

Staring at the walls.
That's hard.

Yeah, it's...



Should've seen that coming.
Didn't. Should've.

When you're, uh...

When you're ready to meet
more surrogates, let me know.

I know it's complicated
and it's scary,

and we can't promise you
that this will work.

The one thing I can promise
is this gives you a little hope.

Isn't that what we said
about chemo?

What we said about chemo
was it would buy you some time.

You told us you didn't want
whatever time you had left

ruined by what chemo does
to your body.

But this surgery,

it has the potential to be
more than just a treatment.

We're not talking
about buying time,

we're talking
about curing you.

I know you don't wanna
tell Mason

that at some point
this tumor will k*ll you.

If you're open to this,
you may not have to.


You hungry?

It reminds me.

Remember that house
we used to go to in the summers?

It was in north Carolina.

Right on the beach.

Uh, yeah,
I remember.

Your house reminds me of that.

I pushed myself
to the limit that semester.

Maybe even past the limit.

I was stressed,
didn't sleep,

got an incomplete in tennis,
had to take it over.

And in retrospect?

I loved every minute of it.