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05x13 - The Time Has Come

Posted: 10/17/22 13:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

I hate surprises.
I always have.

And surprise parties?
Oh, they're the worst.

They are designed to make
you feel completely unsettled.

Your friends won't talk to you
about birthday plans,

so you think they've forgotten
or just don't care.

And then when you try
to set something up,

suddenly everybody's busy.

And you catch your friends
whispering to each other,

and then they suddenly stop
when you come by. And for what?

So these same friends can gather
in a dark room somewhere

with the sole intention

of scaring
the now totally depressed

and completely paranoid birthday
girl by screaming "surprise"?

I mean, who needs that?

But isn't there a payoff?

You're surrounded by people

who have gathered in your honor
to express their love.

Uh, no. No, that is not how love
is supposed to feel.

Morning, beauty.

You don't have to do that.

Kiss you?
No. Bring me coffee.

You absolutely
have to kiss me.

I also brought you
the real estate section.

I figured you might wanna
start thinking about moving.

There was a guy k*lled
right there.

Not to mention
the woman who att*cked you.

How do you know about that?

I read your book.

I do know how to read.

It's looking, um, good.

Maybe make it better?


I thought you'd be
at work already.

You're early.

Hey. Did you have fun
with dad last night?


So do you still want me

to wait for the nanny
or are you gonna stick around?

Oh, right.
Uh, no, you can go. Thanks.

Love you.
I'll see you later.

Have a good day, Dr. Wilder.

The nightmares started

right when he got back
from Afghanistan.

And then
he just stopped sleeping

because I guess
who wants to sleep

when you're always
waking up screaming.

It's common for soldiers
to have problems

turning off the siege mentality
they've been living 24/7.

I was so excited

for his service to be done,

that I could stop worrying about
whether he'd come home alive.

But I did.

So now we can move on.

But we're not,
and you're so distant.

I've tried talking

and I've tried giving him space.

I've even tried
new lingerie.

But sex,
he's just not interested.


I touch you
and you just freeze.

Look, I know what it means
to be a military wife.

My father was a soldier,
got wounded in Vietnam.

And I know that the guys
need help when they come home.

So I read
about couples therapy.

I thought, "what the hell?
It couldn't hurt."

But it doesn't help
if we're not honest.

Sometimes it's useful
to me to see

the husband and wife separately,
as well as together.

It can make it easier
to talk that way.

He won't talk
about anything.

What do you want me to say?
What happened there...

I don't wanna bring it here.

But it is here.

Right between us.

I will do anything to get
us back on track. Please,

just tell me what I can do.

Couldn't call it a better name
than scientific assembly

for the college of obstetrics
and gynecology?

It's hard to believe the acronym
sacog isn't sweeping the nation.

You can put your stuff
in my car.

Uh, you know what,
let's take my car.


Because, you know,
a man drives.


What, I mean, you don't trust
a woman behind the wheel?

No, I'm sure
you're a fantastic driver,

but, you know, it's...

What, I might get the vapors

between here
and palm Springs?

It's not
a sexist thing, okay?

I'm just old-fashioned.

I was taught
that a man pulls out a chair,

a man opens doors,
and a man drives a woman.

Fine. I don't wanna go
to this thing anyway,

so if it makes you feel better,
you can drive,

but I pick the music.

I got it.

There he is.

Hey. Welcome back, corporal.

Hey, thanks for telling us
about Dr. Wallace.

No problem. No problem.
When are we gonna catch up?

Grab a beer,
watch some hoops?

Yeah, I'm pretty busy right now,
you know.


All he does
is mope around the house.

You should just come by.
All right, I'll do that.

Good to see you.

You too.
All right.

Take care.


So you think
you can help them?

I don't know yet. Your friend
isn't much of a talker.

He's always been
a private type of guy.

We worked together at church

on this program
he started for at-risk kids,

but I don't know
if he's a therapy type.

There's no type, Sam.

And Kelly's right,
he does need help.

Well, he did just
get back from the w*r,

so maybe he just needs some
time. Thanks.

Okay, I can do
two night shifts a week

and a third
every other week.

That way, I'm clear
for my time with Lucas.

So you and Violet
are still...?

Yeah, we needed
this separation.

Is that all it is
or you talking divorce?

Mva on the 405.

Victim is
a 34-year-old female,

in and out of consciousness,

wasn't able to follow commands
to move her extremities.

Charlotte, is that...?

I need a c-spine,
chest and pelvis,

- trauma panel and ct.
- Got it.

Where's Mason? Was he with her?
He's her son.

One, two, three.


Are you okay?
He's got facial lacerations

from broken glass
and an abrasion on his chest

from the seat belt,
but he's good.

Where's my mom?
I need my mom.

Rick, it's Sam.

I know you're in there.

I see your truck
in the driveway.


Rick. Whoa.

A little early
to be tying one on.



Damn it.

Yeah. Hello.
This is Dr. Sam Bennett.

I need an ambulance immediately
at 5110 Patrick Henry.

We got a probable overdose,
a 25-year-old male.

Why am I still alive?

Well, I found you in time.

We had to give you charcoal

to absorb all the pills
that you took.

- You shouldn't have done that.
- You can't go.

You're on psych hold till I can
be sure you won't hurt yourself.

Go to hell.

All right, take it easy.
You can stop me?

All I wanna do is talk.

No, don't touch me!
Hey. All right.

Get off me!
A little help here.


five milligrams, im now.

Get his arms.

Easy. Okay.

All right.

C-spine is clear.
No fracture or dislocation.

What's her neuro status?

I'm doing a repeat exam now.

What happened? Where am I?

You were in a car accident.

Where's Mason?


I'm here.

What happened?

She can see you
in a little while, okay?

She has a gliosarcoma.

Could be causing
the disorientation.

Where am I? What happened?

You lost consciousness, Erica.
It's normal to feel confused.

Give her five of lorazepam
before you take her to ct.

Hey. Are you okay?
Does it hurt anywhere?

No. She made me wear a seat belt
and sit in the back.

Okay. What happened?
Do you remember what happened?

We were driving to school

and we were talking
about my book report

and she just fell asleep,
and let go of the wheel.

Mason, we're gonna take your mom

for some tests.
You stay here with your dad.

Is my mom gonna be okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Kelly's on her way.

I don't wanna see her.

That's fine.
You don't have to.

But you and I,

we're gonna need to talk about
what just happened,

what you tried to do.

I know this is a hard time.

And leaving the familiar
structure of the military

can be disorienting. Especially
when you've been at w*r.

It wasn't what I expected.

Of course.

No matter what you imagine,

base impulse
just to survive is threatened.

I just wanted it
all to stop.

I kept thinking about
being sent home in a body bag,

how that would
at least be a release.

Wanting to die,
that's not unusual

given the stress
you've been under,

but it becomes
a very serious problem

when you actually try
to take your own life.

Talk about
what you were thinking

when you made the decision
to take those pills.

I signed up
for the fighting.

That's what
I was trained for.

I was prepared for that.

What weren't you
prepared for?

You know, your reaction
when I put my hands on you--

I fought back.

I wasn't trying to hurt you.

You know that, right?

I don't like
being caught off-guard.

When were you
caught off-guard?

Who caught you off-guard?

Was it someone you trusted?

I know
there's hazing in the military.

Were you a victim?
Or a perpetrator?

I would never hurt someone
like that.

Did someone hurt you?

Who was it?

It was my sergeant.

What did he do?

What did he do to you?

Your sergeant,
did he as*ault you?

He r*ped me, okay?

My sergeant r*ped me.

I think we can do without these,

You can't tell anyone.

I won't.

Because this...

My life is over.

No, it's not. I know
you may feel that way, but it...

Look, I don't think you agreed
to couple's counseling

just for Kelly's benefit.

Most soldiers who are serious
about k*lling themselves,

they use their weapons.

So that makes me think
that you don't wanna die.

You wanna talk,

and I wanna listen.

You said it was your sergeant,

Sergeant hamill.

He backhanded me
across the jaw.

He knocked my feet out and
then he kicked me to the ground.

He braced one arm
against my neck.

I swear, I thought
he was gonna snap my spine.

I couldn't speak,

I couldn't move.

It didn't seem real.

Until he...

He tore open my uniform
and he jammed himself...

I wish I'd died right then.

You were incredibly brave.

What the hell
are you talking about?

I was weak.
I let him r*pe me.


He was a psychopath.

And you let yourself live.

Hey, about this morning.

I didn't mean
to make you feel uncomfortable.

Well, it isn't about me.
Lucas almost saw you.

But he didn't.
This time.

Maybe you shouldn't have
your friend over

when you know Lucas
is gonna be there.

First of all, I didn't know that
Scott was gonna be dropping by.

And second of all, seriously?
I know this bothers you--

just keep him away
from Lucas.

Hey, Pete.

Hey. I just heard about

Mason and Erica.
How are they doing?

Erica has a concussion,
but no serious injuries.

Mason is pretty freaked out

after watching his mother
fall asleep at the wheel.

I'm so sorry. That's awful.
I know.

I'm just trying
to hang on here and...

Are you having
more Pete drama?

Oh, man. It's just silly.
It's nothing, really.

I could use a little silly.
What happened?

Um... this morning,

Pete walked in on me
kissing a guy.

Who's the guy?

you know, it's a paramedic.
It's a guy named Scott.

From St. ambrose?
The young guy?

He's old enough.

That's not what I meant.

He's very handsome.

Does he need a booster seat
in the ambulance

to, like, see over
the steering wheel?

He just-- sorry.

Pete had Lucas with him when
he walked in on us this morning.


I understand Pete
not wanting Lucas

seeing you doing some guy--
I'm not doing him.

I'm-- we're not doing it.

We're just
like fooling around.

It's kind of like
in high school.

When it was
all lips and hands

and swoony, unconsummated--

okay, okay.
Did Lucas see you?

Then it's Pete's ego talking.

You guys are separated, right?
You get to date other people?

I don't know what
the hard-and-fast rules are.

I mean, what do you think?

Think it's crazy for me
to be seeing somebody

while Pete and I are--

whatever we are?
If it makes you happy,

I think it's great.

And I think
you should enjoy it.

It's important for Lucas
as an only child

to have someone
to share his toys with.

Oh, my god!

I think I can see your arteries
closing up from here.

Totally worth it.

How can you eat like that?

Just something I do when
I go through a breakup. I eat.

Anything that's not nailed down
goes in my mouth.

I don't know why.

The worse the breakup,
the more I eat.

When my ex-husband left me,
I actively decided to get fat.

That was my only plan.
Pack it on.

Massive fatness like, you know,
rolls on your back,

really big thighs.

I don't know. Like a layer
of protection between me

and the rest of the world.

Ahh. I love that plan.

Well, did it work?
I mean, did you get fat?


I have the metabolism
of a marathon runner.

But this bacon cheeseburger?

This is a Sam-left-me
bacon cheeseburger

and I plan
on enjoying every bite.

Oh, I hear you.
Breakups are hard.


When has a breakup
been hard for you?

When you're usually the one
doing the dumping, am I wrong?

Who would dump you?
Look at you.

You're the definition
of a catch.

Okay, look, I've never
officially been dumped,

but I've never had a woman
try to get fat for me, either.

So I can't be
that much of a catch.


Maybe not.

Two bedrooms. No, three.

And at least two bathrooms.
Yeah, i--

look, I want my house,
just not my house.

Okay. Thank you.

Why's it so hard to understand
that I wouldn't wanna live there

after a man was stabbed to death
in my dining room?

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah.
I just need some advice.

I've been treating
a male soldier

whose sergeant r*ped him.

He's too ashamed to tell
anybody about it

and he was afraid
if he did speak up,

nobody would believe him.

Well, that's a valid fear.

You don't often think
about men getting r*ped.

Certainly not soldiers.

I did some digging
and the number of male veterans

who answered "yes" when asked

if they'd been sexually
assaulted or harassed,

it ran into the thousands
just last year.

And it's going up.
That's horrifying.

It's hard to know
how to approach this.

Well, you've treated
r*pe victims before.

Not men.

Well, r*pe is r*pe, Sheldon.
Is it?

You know how hard it is

to get a woman to come forward
after an attack.

Imagine how humiliating it is
for a man.

Let alone
one trained to be a warrior.

Okay. Well, male or female,
the work is the same.

It doesn't feel the same.

I'm not sure
you're doing him any favors

by being overly sensitive
to his gender.

No, gender is central
to the shame

that my patient is feeling.

I mean, he was so overwhelmed
by the attack

that his nervous system
went into a freeze response,

his body shut down.

Now, if a woman responds
this way, most people think

she did what she had to
to make the as*ault end.

But if a man
doesn't fight back?

He's gonna question whether
or not he's really a man.

And unfortunately, so will
a lot of people around him.

Amelia can't excise the tumor?
No, not this one.

It's too invasive.

Does Mason have any idea?
He knows what he saw.

Wait, you didn't explain
the circumstances?

Well, I'm trying to protect him
as long as I can

and Erica
doesn't want him to know.

I know he's just a child,

but I mean, he needs time
to prepare himself for the loss.

But does knowing
that someone is dying

necessarily help you prepare?
I mean, he is a kid.

It might just
make him worry longer.

Cooper, can I have a minute?

They know.
What did Erica's ct scan show?

Uh, the tumor's still growing.

Is that
what caused the accident?

The tumor
precipitated a seizure.

Which is why Mason said
his mom fell asleep.

When she refused the treatment,
Erica knew.

We knew that the symptoms
could increase rapidly.

It's only gonna get worse.

Can you be more specific?

Well, most likely, Erica
only has a few months to live.

But during that time,

as the pressure increases
on her brain,

it's possible
that she could become paralyzed.

She could lose her sight,
she could lose her speech.

I'm sorry, Cooper.


Is Mason okay?

He's fine.

Just scared.

And me?
You're bruised

and you have a concussion,
but no serious injuries.

You were both
incredibly lucky.

A car cut us off,
I swerved to get out of the way,

but I just-- I lost control.

Well, that's a lie.

You had a seizure

and you blacked out.

Why are you angry at me?

Because Mason was
in the back seat

and you could have
k*lled him.

Think I did this on purpose?

Well, you've refused chemo
and now your symptoms are--

look, you will not drive
Mason anymore.

Don't tell me
what to do with my son.


I'm the one
who's taking care of him

every day of his life.

You've only been around
five minutes.

And whose fault is that?

- Coop.
- Excuse me.

This is
a terrible situation,

but I cannot let you
make it worse.

So I'm telling you
right now,

if you get behind the wheel
and Mason's in the car,

I will have
your license revoked.

You wanna k*ll yourself,
that's fine,

but I will not let you
hurt Mason.

I don't understand.

He'll get through this.
Okay? You both will.

Maybe I pushed him too hard.

Maybe we're not
therapy people.

And the sex stuff--
I mean, I can live without that.

I just can't
live without Rick.

No, this--
this wasn't your fault.

Then why did he do it?

Come on.

Hi. Ha-ha.
We're here for the conference.

Dr. Addison Montgomery.


Is a king bed acceptable?

And your name
to put on the room?

No, no. We're not together.

No, no, we're not together.

But you should have a room
for a Dr. Jake Reilly.

There's a meet and greet
in the ballroom

for all
the conference attendees.


Okay, then, I will see you
in the ballroom.

I'll see you
in the ballroom.

So you're here alone.

Yes, I am.

You agreed to see others,

so you don't get
to pick her partner.

I don't want to.

I just want her to be
a little more discreet

when Lucas is around.
I get that.

And have better taste.
You slept with another woman.

There's a difference between
being with someone for one night

who you'll never see again

and dating someone
that I work with,

- inviting them into my home.
- Well, Violet's home.

Oh, come on, man.
Whose side are you on?

Sorry. I just know
because I've been there.

It's not easy. But this is
what you wanted, right?

Mm. Another one, please.

Don't judge me.
I wasn't. I'm just--

there's a whole ballroom
full of doctors

across the way there
drinking free drinks.

And you're here alone,

I do not feel like socializing.
Thank you.




Are you getting drunk?

Okay. So, what if I am?

We're out of town, no?

At a medical conference.
Nobody knows me here.

You are at a medical conference.
Everyone knows you here.

You're famous here.

You're the--

you're the Meryl Streep
of maternal fetal medicine,

is what you are.

Jake. Go.

Go to that ballroom, okay?

I'm gonna sit here
and I'm gonna drink

because I can't get fat.

All right? And then I'm gonna
crawl up to my bed and I

am gonna miss my boyfriend.

And then tomorrow
I'll be a grown-up

and I will give
my presentation

on the advances
of high-risk perinatology.

Mm-mm. Hey!

Go, okay?

Go. Mingle. Come back
when someone's dumped you.

I'm fine.

Right? I'll have another one.
Thank you.


Where's Kelly?

I sent her home.

Did you...?

She doesn't need
to know what happened.

That's your call, but--

but nothing.

How can I tell her?
What good will that do me?

I can help you tell her,
if you want.

Can't you just
help me manage this,

so it doesn't affect me
so much?

Some way I could just forget
what happened?

No, it doesn't work
that way, Rick.

You tried burying it

and that's what
landed you here.

So, what am I
supposed to do?

We can continue
to work together

and you can hide the true nature
of our sessions from Kelly.

Or we can tell her
the truth,

deal with whatever reaction
she has,

and try to rebuild the emotional
intimacy in your marriage.

Neither of those options
sound great.

The process is hard.
But it is worth it.

And I'll help you
whatever way you want.

It's up to you.


Room service.

Wanna have sex

with the Meryl Streep
of maternal fetal medicine?

It's okay.

No, I actually think
that it is not.

You rejected me.
I didn't reject you.

I asked you
to have sex with me

and you said no.

I cannot have sex with you.

Oh! You've just rejected
me again.

Look, I'm sorry.
But I can't.

Am I hideous?

Did I become hideous?
You are gorgeous.

Wait, was it the eating?
Was it all the eating?

Did it freak you out?

Your eating is oddly very sexy.

Is it because you saw

my vag*na in a medical way?

Hey, wait.
Don't answer that.

Oh, my god. What am I doing?

I'm losing credibility
all over the place.

All right. Okay.
This is just--

look, I take it back. Okay?

I don't even wanna have sex
with you, all right?

You're just--

this didn't happen.
I'm going.

Addison. Addison. Just listen
to me, okay? Listen to me.

I can't have sex with you
and I'm really sorry about that.

Why not?
Because you're drunk

and because you don't
wanna have sex with me.

You wanna have sex
with someone.

Because you're not over Sam.

And you're trying
to numb the pain.

You are beautiful
and you are desirable

and very, very hot.
But I can't have sex with you

because you're not ready
to have sex

with anyone who isn't Sam.


But it's also just
a little bit

because you saw my vag*na
in a medical way?

A little bit.


She never should've been
in a car herself,

let alone with Mason,
given what's going on.

I know I'm sounding harsh,
but what she did?

I have every right
to be furious.

I get the accident
was upsetting.

No, no, I need you to tell me
that I'm not wrong

because I'm prone
to feeling guilty.

It's actually in my DNA.
But here, in this situation--

she could have k*lled
my son.

Yes, but thank god,
they're both okay.

It was sheer luck. She had
a seizure behind the wheel.

I said, "you're done driving.

That's it!"

I'm not gonna tell you
not to feel angry.

It's an appropriate response

to what's going on.

But you have to realize
that the anger--

it's not just about
the car accident.

Even if Erica never got behind
the wheel of a car again,

I don't think
that'd make you feel better.

As long as Mason is safe,
I'm fine.

I don't think so.
What you're angry about

is much bigger
than Mason's safety.

Yeah, I'm angry
that Erica is irresponsible.

No, you're angry
that Erica is dying.

And that's gonna be a much
harder thing to work through.

My commanding officer, uh,

he assaulted me.

He hit you?

He r*ped me.

What are you talking about?

Were there people there

Were they holding you down?

No, it wasn't like that.
It was just me and him.

But how is that even possible?
You're a soldier.

He was too.
There wasn't a g*ng or...?

It wasn't some type of hazing
or something?

Are you trying to tell me
that you're gay?

No, he att*cked me!

Because I've heard

about men who like other men

and they just don't know

how to tell their wives.
That's not what happened.

Then why didn't you
stop him?

She needs time to process.

Time won't matter.

She said exactly
what I've been thinking myself.

Oh, my god.

It's okay.

Oh, my god.
It's okay.

Oh, crap.
I'm late for my presentation.

I had them move you to 4 P.M.
you've got three more hours.


Did I ask you for sex
and then cry?

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Okay. I, uh--

I'm so sorry.

I had a lot to drink last night
and it was a bad idea

and my sad just sort of came out
all over you.

I am so, so, so sorry.

It's okay.
No, it's really not.

I feel like I'm always
a mess around you

and it's not good, you know?

We're colleagues.
I'm not this person.

Seriously, I'm not.

We're not gonna talk
about this anymore.

I called room service,
got you a bacon cheeseburger.

It got here five minutes ago.
It's still hot.

Okay, but i--

we're not gonna
talk about this.

Go. Sit. Eat.

I'm supposed to
just do everything you say?

I'm driving.


We're not just colleagues.

Hey, Dr. Wilder.

Save it.

Don't, um--

don't be like that.

You were kissing my wife.
Former wife.

You guys are separated
and I'm not trying to be a jerk.

You know, just shut up.

And know that
if you hurt her

or if you fool around with her
in front of my son--

then, what?

Yeah. That's what I thought.

Hey there.


So does he stay mad
a long time?

Your husband?

Not as long as I usually do.

But he is fierce about Mason.

Hey. Somebody would
like to see you.

Oh, baby.

Thank you for bringing him.

I'm so sorry I scared you.

When can we go home?


Mommy's feeling much better.

We just have to watch your mom
a day or two longer.

And you can stay
with me and Charlotte, okay?

And you can play
as many video games as you want.

I wish you could play too.

Mom. Mom.

Cooper, get him out of here.

Mason, come on. It's okay.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

First he sees his mother
fall asleep

while she's driving him and
then he tries to give her a hug

and she has a seizure.

Coop, I get
that you're mad--

oh, please, spare me
the lecture, okay?

Violet gave it to me.

I know what stage of grief
I'm in and it doesn't help.

I'm not trying to lecture you.

Because my son is being hurt

and there's nothing
I can do about it.

I'm not sure that's true.

Look, you can be angry

and sad and frustrated
and a hundred other things.

I don't blame you.

Because there's no easy way
to deal with this.

There is a hard way
to deal with it.

Erica can try to fight.

She may not be successful,

but she could do it
with our help.

I tried.
You demanded.

But you have to remember,

Erica is angry and sad
and frustrated too.

And maybe what she needs right
now isn't someone telling her

that she has to fight
this fight.

Maybe what she needs is

someone helping
her understand

why she should fight it.

He just--

he let it happen.

He didn't let it happen.

Your husband is a survivor
of a sexual as*ault.

The first time that I saw Rick,
he was on leave,

visiting some high school
buddies and--

I went to this dive bar
with a couple girlfriends

and it had a great jukebox.

And Rick was feeding
every quarter he had into it.

And when
he introduced himself,

he said, "I can't dance,
but for you, I would try."

And when I took his hand,
I thought:

"This man would never
let anything bad happen.

This man would
keep me safe."

That man is gone.

I know that all this
must be a shock to you.

And please forgive me
for even bringing this up,

but if you had been r*ped
and Rick were to blame you...

When I look at him now,

I don't feel the same.

And I know
how bad that sounds.

I just don't know
what to do.

Didn't you tell me your father
was wounded in Vietnam?

Yeah. He lost his right leg
below the knee.

Well, Rick was wounded
in Afghanistan.

His injury may not be
as visible as your father's,

but it's just as real.

Don't blame him for something
that wasn't his fault.

I was impressed.

I mean, if I had been
that hung-over,

I don't think I could have given
such a focused presentation.

No, I was driven
by shame and humiliation.

Also, the fact
that you promised

we'd stop for another burger
on the way home.

Oh, is that right?

I don't remember that part,
but okay.

Thank you.

For being so amazing last night.
I really...

I appreciate it.
No problem.

And you're wrong, you know.

I've been dumped before.

When I was
on that plane to Fiji

and you weren't in
that seat next to me.

You didn't even wind up going.
Still felt like getting dumped.

It felt like you dumped me.

No, I'm just saying,
if someday I get drunk

and show up
on your doorstep,

fat from bacon cheeseburgers
and demanding sex, look out.



I don't want you
seeing Scott anymore.

That's not really your call.
It is when it affects Lucas.

That's not
what's really bothering you.

Ha. I just love it

when you tell me
what I'm really thinking.

You know what? You left me.

Do you even understand that?
You left me, Pete.

I asked you-- I practically
begged you to stop me

from walking out that door,
but you didn't.

You didn't do a damn thing.
You let me go!

And now you have the audacity,
you have the gall to tell me

that I can't see
someone else?

Fine. Do whatever you want.
I don't care anymore.

You didn't care then.
Why should now be different?

Got to hell, Violet.

I wanna go home.

Let's see how it goes today.

I don't think
Kelly will be there.

She hasn't returned
any of my calls.

I know that's disappointing.

But even if that's the case,
telling her the way you did?

You should be very proud.

Your life still has value,


You feeling any better?


This whole thing
has been terrifying.

There's no way out.

I can't make it better
and I can't make it easier

and I'm just...Stuck

in the worst possible place.

It is a...

Terrible situation
for a lot of different reasons.

And look, even though

it doesn't take anywhere
near the amount of courage

for me to ask you this
as it does for you to say yes--


Please, Erica. Please fight.

Look, the odds are long
and it's gonna be miserable

and I can't promise you

that you're gonna get
enough extra time

to make the hell
that's chemo or radiation

or whatever they do
to you worth it,

but I can tell you this:

What you're doing now
is not working.

I don't wanna let you go.

I don't think
you're ready to go.

And most importantly...

...maybe we'll get lucky.

Maybe it'll just show Mason
how much you care. Maybe--

I don't know.
I just don't know, Erica.

But please, just fight.



Are you okay?
You sounded kind of--

Wait a minute.
Is Lucas--? Is--?

He's with his dad.

So Pete's-- he's not here?

This is Dr. Sam Bennett.

There must be some mistake.

Because I have a--

okay. Where?

I'll be right there.

I've always been
the kind of person

who reads the last chapter
of the book first.

I like to know
what's coming.

It used to drive Sam crazy.

He'd say to me,
"getting to the end

is supposed to be
a surprise."

It's nice of you to come down.

Most of the people in here?

Nobody shows up
to take them home.

Yeah. Uh...

What was
she arrested for again?

She boosted the cash from
a convenience store register.

Just wait here.
I'll get her.

I hate surprises.

This is who you came to pick up,

I like to know.

Uh, yeah.

That's my sister.

I like to know
what's coming.