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05x03 - Deal with It

Posted: 10/17/22 13:48
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

He does this kind of
amazing thing with his tongue.

I mean, i'm, you know,
a woman in my 40s.

I've had my share of sex.

I've had some...

Pretty spectacular...

You know.

I've had sex, okay?

But Sam is this, like...

I don't know. Maybe it's because
I'm in love with him.

No, I don't think it's because
I'm in love with him.

You know,
I was in love with Derek.

I was in love with Mark,

I think,
even for a little while.

No, I think...

It's because
Sam's better than me.

He's a better person.

A genuinely good person.

You don't think
you're a good person?

Or maybe it's just that thing
he does with his tongue.

I woke up with a hangover
this morning.


And I'm just...

I'm over it.

This has to be it.

I don't know why
I was able to put together

almost a decade sober,

and now I can't seem to make it
past about 30 days.

This program gave me a life,

and now I have
a lot to lose, and, uh...

So I'm not drinking today.


I can't believe
it is day one again.

I'm humiliated.

I'm humiliated
that it's day one again.


But, you know, it's one day
at a time, and, uh...

And I'm not gonna
take a drink today.


Sorry that I didn't get a chance

to review your case with
Dr. Reilly before the consult.

He has been so amazing.

He's really made me believe
having a child is possible,

despite what
the other doctors said.

Nina's been chasing that miracle
since her mother died last year.

let's take a look.


Oh. It says here you were born
without a uterus?

Yeah. I have Mayer-rokitansky-
kuster-hauser syndrome.

It's a mouthful, right?

Ha, ha. But her ovaries
are functional.

That's the important part.
Right, but you understand--

I mean, Dr. Reilly
explained to you

that you can't
get pregnant?

You have to have a uterus
to carry a child.

I know. That's why gammy
is giving me hers.


He's been waking up
a lot at night,

and, uh, he's a little fussier
than usual.

Any fever or runny nose?

But he was pulling his ear.

What if he perfed his eardrum?
He could go deaf.

Eardrums are fine,
and he is fine.

And you are...

I-- ha, ha.

Well, I, um...

I may be going a teensy bit
crazy from all the mommy-ness.

But it's a good crazy.

I have never had
the chance really, you know,

to be at home all the time
alone with my 2-year-old son.

So it's a good crazy.

And, you know,
then there's Pete.

My husband
had a heart attack.

I mean,
listen to that sentence, Coop.

My husband
had a heart attack.

My handsome, studly,
virile husband.

You know
what I think I need?

I think I need
a little perspective.

You know, from people
who are doing what I'm doing.


Do you know any cool mommies
with groups? Mommy groups?

Okay, first of all,
stop saying "mommy."

Second, are you sure
that that's what you want?

Yes, yes. I think it would be
interesting and fun, and--

come on, Cooper. Tell me
where the cool mommies are.

I haven't been able to sleep
since my heart attack.

Meditation, self-hypnosis.

You call the therapists
I recommended?

Why would I waste my time
talking to a total stranger?

I know you.
I trust you.

I'm flattered.
You're free.

look, do you know

that a third of all
quadruple bypass patients

are dead within ten years?

Well, those kind of numbers
would keep most people awake.

Look, it's normal
to feel scared.

I'm not scared.
I'm pissed.

I did everything right.

I never smoked,
I exercise,

I cut way back on red meat
and dairy, decaf.

And now I eat broccoli.
I hate broccoli.

How's Violet
handling all this?

Oh, she's terrified.
You can see it in her eyes.

She thinks
I'm gonna drop dead.

Your heart attack
was traumatic for her too.

She'll relax
when she's convinced

that the family's
no longer in crisis.

When will that be?
When you find another therapist.

Hey, can I get some of that?

Really? I've apologized,
like, a thousand times.

I am truly, deeply,
incredibly sorry, Charlotte.

What's going on now?

I did a thing.
A stupid thing.

Yes, a stupid thing that ended
up saving a young girl's life.

And that's the very last time
I'll defend myself,

but come on, Charlotte,
you can't stay mad at me.

You broke into my computer

and stole confidential

Don't bet on it.

Late night?

Chief of staff
and curfew police.

You're a busy woman.
Good morning.

Or not.

Don't mind her. We're all
really happy that you're here.

You promised a patient
a uterine transplant?

What the hell
were you thinking?

Nice welcome wagon
you got there.

It can't be done.
I did work at the Mayo clinic

on the procedural viability
of uterine organ transplant.

It can be done.
On animals.

It has been done on a human,

just not with
any long-term success.

Somebody has to be the first.

Thank you, Sam.

There is always a first.
Nina's a perfect candidate.

She's young, healthy.

She is grieving.
Her mother just died.

She's not thinking clearly.

Look, I'm in no position
to judge her motives.

Where would she get the uterus?
Oh, from her gammy. Yeah.

Her 66-year-old grandmother.
Who's probably not using it.

It puts both women through
an unnecessary, risky surgery.

Even if she survives,
Nina would be

on anti-rejection meds
for months

before you can do
an embryo transfer.

And even then, her body
can reject the uterus,

endangering her
and the fetus.

What about the obvious solution?
You skip the surgery and adopt.

- Or you use a surrogate.
- That's not what she wants.

She wants to give birth
like her mother did her.

It's not my place to judge that.
It's my place

to make it happen if I can,
and I can.

If this works, we can advance
the science of fertility.

The patient's aware of risks,
she has a donor lined up.

I'll take the shot.
I think it's worth a shot.

You wanna stand in her way,

or do you wanna help her
make a baby

and help make history
in the process?

You increased your dosage
without talking to me?

Well, I wasn't
thinking about you

so much as I was
thinking about Eva.

She's one of my kindergartners.

She's 5 years old.

Things aren't so great at home
so I spend extra time with her

and I was having
a real impact until...

It's hard to explain Parkinson's
to a 5-year-old.

My hand started tremoring,
and she was fine with that,

but then the--

but then,
the jerking started,

and then, I froze
in front of her.

And that was so scary for her.
It was just awful.

So, yes,
I increased my dosage.

But it seems to really
be working because,

you know,
the symptoms decreased.

Okay, but high doses
of your meds

have been known to cause
pretty serious side effects.

They affect the limbic system,
which is the area of the brain

that deals with
impulse control.

Have you had any impulsive
or compulsive behaviors?

Gambling, risk taking,
anything out of the ordinary?


My husband is having
a checkup with Sam.

He's probably almost done,

- Your cortisol levels are way up.
- You're stressed.

My 40-year-old wife
has Parkinson's disease.

That's a little stressful.
Yeah, I know.

You're doing a great job
of taking care of her.

Now you gotta take
better care of yourself.

You exercising?

Yeah, I definitely
keep thinking about it.


Sam, what is it?

I'm sorry, will.

I got some bad news.

Laura, symptoms I can help.
But I need to know.

Are you having side effects?
Compulsive behavior?

Sam says I have gonorrhea.

I haven't had sex
with anyone but you.

Can you say the same?

Yes, Dr. Shepherd,
I've been having side effects.

It started with a single dad
of one of the kids in my class.

He came in for a parent-teacher
conference and he's--

um, he's very handsome.

And I noticed he was looking
at my chest while I was talking.

The next thing I know,
my hand is on his pants,

and then in his pants,
and then we're doing it

in the supply closet
in my classroom

on top of the chalk
and the magic markers.

Yeah, so--

I mean, it just--
it was that one time,

and I swore
it will never happen again.

Okay. Good.

That's good.
Because we can contact him

and we can have him
treated for--

then with the janitor
in his supply closet.

And then with the man who came
to fix my dripping faucet.

Your dripping faucet?

The plumber.
Got that.

And I just-- do you think
that's where the gonorrhea--?

It's hard to say.

This is crazy.
This is not me.

I am married to
a wonderful, wonderful man,

and I can't lose him. God,
I never wanted to hurt him.

I can't live with the tremors,
I can't stop grabbing--

got it. Got it.

Okay, let's start with
an std panel and an HIV test,

and then we'll
take it from there.


She didn't literally say
"the plumber."

He fixed her leaky faucet.

Think it's funny your patient
destroyed a long-term marriage

- with recurrent infidelity?
- It's actually sad.

And I'm hoping
her husband understands

that the dr*gs changed
her brain chemistry,

which changed
her behavior.

I mean, he can't
hold it against her.

"Hold it against her."

Oh, stop it,
both of you.

So we're saying
infidelity gets excused

when dr*gs are involved?
In this case, yes.

Isn't that like saying

you can't blame a drunk driver
after she totals another car?

A drunk driver
chooses to get wasted.

Laura did not choose

Will can't blame her
for side effects.

That doesn't change she was
fooling around with other men.

And you're asking him
to suck it up.

Heh. "Suck it up."

Will is devoted to Laura.

And I think
I can save the marriage.

Deep brain stimulation.

Why do you always wanna do dbs?
Because it works.

I stimulate the brain, the
Parkinson's symptoms decrease,

and the pornography
is relegated

to Laura and will's
television set.

Dbs is my magic wand.

I just kind of
handed you that one.

You wanna grab some lunch?

Hmm, I can't.

Then do you want
to mess around?

Mm. Yes,

but I have an appointment.

That you can't cancel?
That I shouldn't cancel.

I'm-- mm.

I'm interviewing
a couple of ivf specialists.


Ha, ha.

Sam, I didn't mean to--
that's fine.

Any other time--

any other time, I would.
I get it.

I didn't have a condom
on me anyway, so...

Sam, this is weird.
No, it's fine.

You do what you have to do.
And it's-- it's fine. Really.


Actually, i'm...

You know,
I'm excited about it.

And I know I don't talk to you
about it much,

but I could if you want.
No, you don't have to.

Are you sure?
Yes, I'm happy for you.

I am happy for you.
But this is your thing.

And i--
oh, sorry.

- Am I, uh, interrupting?
- No.

Well, that's a whole lot
of uterine transplant research

for someone who thinks
it's a crazy procedure.

I am intellectually curious,
but my opinion hasn't changed.

That's a shame
in this case.

The guys on the transplant team,

they're fine for the job,
but I'd prefer you.

Listen, Nina's checking
into the hospital tomorrow.

Go talk to her.

If you're not interested,
I'll leave you alone.


You hungry?


Violet, this is Annette.
She's Daisy's mom.

And this is Lynn.
Little Truman is hers.

And that handsome boy
is my Leo.

What are you drinking,
red or white?

Don't mind Lynn.
She just stopped breast-feeding,

and so she's making up
for lost time.

Truman turned 3
and lost interest.

But we're still
sharing a bed,

so the bonding
isn't interrupted.

Oh, you don't find that--?

I mean, a family bed,
it's great for bonding,

but it can be a little tricky
to, uh--

for what, a sex life?

Honestly, that's not really
on my list of priorities.

So tell us about you.

Oh, I'm a-- I'm a psychiatrist
and a writer.

Oh, yeah, we all read your book.
Loved it.

Oh, thank you.

Yes. It was actually kind of
painful to get it all out.

And, uh, plus,
I was practicing full-time, so--

did you write it to help
with the preschool apps?


No, i-- preschool?
Lucas is only 2.

I'm sure that's fine too.

Did Leo make up
with his cousin?

The bite barely broke skin.

Leo bit his cousin?
It's just a phase.

Actually, not when he's--
how old is he, 5?

Most kids outgrow that
by the time they're 3,

so when they're Leo's age,

that can be a way
of getting attention

or dealing with stress.

Has he experienced
any trauma lately?

We should get some snacks
for the kids.

I can help.
Oh, no, that's fine.

Uh, why don't you
just wait here?

Wow. Comes with a stocked bar.
We made the right hire.

I think your office
is bigger than mine.

Not that I'd wanna
put in a bar.

- Thanks for taking me on.
- And thank you.

Wow. His office
is bigger than yours.

And he's got a bar.
Sometimes a woman needs a drink

when you tell her
she's infertile.

I know that's a little
unorthodox, but, uh...

We're actually-- we're pretty
relaxed around here.

When Pete's not dealing with
his heart attack by yelling.

And Violet's not frustrated
she's still suspended.

And Charlotte's
actually speaking to me.

What'd you do?

Why assume it's my fault?
It usually is.

Jake doesn't know that.
Did you apologize yet?

Repeatedly. Of course.
Did you mean it?

- Time for flowers.
- Or dinner.

You guys know I'm married
to Charlotte? Charlotte king?

You know, apologies
make sense to men.

Find the problem,
fix it, right?

That's kind of how we're built.
But, uh, for women,

the words don't
really mean anything

unless they understand you get
where their heads are at.

I mean, relationships are
philosophy to them, not science.

You just gotta get
where Charlotte's coming from.

It's how I make my living.

I'm in the business
of knowing women.

- Hmm, yeah.
- Yeah.

Kind of makes you sound
like a pimp, though.

Yeah, it does.
Yeah, a little bit.


Sorry that took so long.

I had to stop at the toy store
to get some puzzles for Lucas

and then I got stuck
on a phone call.

I'm trying to get into
a private mommy-and-me class

that has a waiting list.

Where's Lucas?
I put him to bed.

According to Sam,
I'm a fully-functional adult.

Fully functional? He said--

I'm cleared
for physical activity.

All physical activity?

Thank you, god.

Who are you, and what have you
done with my husband?

I understand where
you're coming from. I get it.

I get you.

You know, it's a, uh--

it's a science,
not a philosophy.

I mean, it's a philosophy,
not a science, our relationship.

And I just...

I hear you, and I understand.

And I am sorry for everything.

What exactly is it
that you understand?

I have no idea.

Which is why you're
still sleeping on the couch.


Are you really ready to just
give up on 20 years of marriage

without exploring
every other option?

Laura loves you.
That hasn't changed.

The medication made her--
she had sex with strangers.

Do you think the medication
made her lie to me too?

Do you think
it made her betray

every single thing
I thought we were about?

I don't know.

I don't know how it affected
her brain chemistry.

I don't know what was medication
and what was choice.

But I think...

What I'm trying to say
is that illness changes people,

on the inside
and on the out.

That's why the marriage vows say
"in sickness and in health."

Now, I'm not saying
it's gonna be easy.

What I'm saying is that you
should hear Dr. Shepherd out.

Hi. Can I come in?

Hi. Yeah, I was just about
to go buy some flowers.

I'm not gonna be
any great shakes after surgery,

so I wanna make sure that Nina
has something nice to look at.

See you later.

Anytime I got sick as a kid,

my mom cleaned my room
and brought me flowers.

I didn't realize that gammy
had done the same for her.

It's a pretty amazing thing
she's gonna do for you.

You think I'm crazy.
No. No, I don't.

But this is...

It's dangerous.
It is an experimental procedure.

You're risking hemorrhaging,
organ rejection,

and this is before
you get to implantation.

I know the risks.

Dr. Reilly laid them all
out for me twice.

When I was younger,
my mom worried all the time.

"Call me when you get there."
"Who are you going with?"

"What time will you be home?"

I just thought
that she was insane.

And every time,
she said to me:

"When you're a mother,
you'll understand."

I wanna be so close to someone
that I know them

from the moment they start
growing inside of me.

I want a baby.

My baby.

To love
and protect and teach.

So when I read about
Dr. Reilly's research--

it's not a guarantee
that it will work.

There are no guarantees
in life.

But if something
is worth having,

you've gotta give it a try,

Because if this works,
someday when my kid

is driving me
insane with worry,

I'll finally understand.


Let's take the shot.

I'll implant where the signals
are generating your tremors.

I'm gonna be awake for this.
Won't that hurt?

Well, the brain
has no pain fibers

so all you'll feel is a pinch
and a little vibration.

The electrode
will connect to a wire

I will feed under the skin of
your head, neck and shoulder.

I'll place a neurostimulator
under your collarbone,

which will send impulses
to block the tremor signals.

Poking around in my brain,
you could damage another part.

What if--? What if I go blind?

Oh, there's no chance
of blindness.

It's a very targeted procedure.

I know this is a lot
to take in,

but Dr. Shepherd
is a very gifted neurosurgeon.

This could be good, Laura.
It could get us back on track.

Yeah, but it's all
really terrifying.

More terrifying than life
without me?

Look, I don't mean to--

I'm scared too,
but you need this.

We need this. I need to be able
to trust you again.


Have the surgery.

I could've been
screwing anyone.

I mean, I'm with my wife,
and for all I felt,

I could've been
screwing a prost*tute.

It was like I was
watching the whole thing.

And I felt nothing,
no connection.

Sometimes sex is just sex.

Yeah, well, for Violet and me,

sex is pretty much
always about connecting.

I mean,
last night was intense,

but, I don't know,
it was different.

Any other time you felt
that kind of disconnect?

Maybe in foster care

when I was getting
the crap kicked out of me.

Did that happen a lot?

Yeah. When I was 13,
I was put in this foster home.

They'd already taken in
three other boys,

and after the foster parents
went to sleep,

the boys would take me to
the garage and just beat on me

until they got bored
or I was unconscious.

Well, how did that situation
resolve itself?

I fought back.
Broke the biggest kid's nose.

Then they left me alone.
And that disconnection,

do you think it was
some kind of a coping mechanism?

To deal with my anger?
Sheldon, I wasn't angry

that Violet wanted
to have sex with me.

Are you sure?

All right, come on, lukey.

You don't wanna try
the creamed spinach?

It's organic
and filled with antioxidants.

Come on. Don't you wanna
learn to read before Truman?

You don't like it.

Could I have some of mine?
Yeah, yeah.

All right.
Okay. Okay. Okay.

I'm just trying to do
what's best for you.

And for daddy.

He seems good, doesn't he?

Yeah, which is weird because
he was so angry and distant,

but then strangely hot.

Although, detached and...

Yeah, this is a completely
inappropriate conversation

to be having with my son,
which I'm having

because the other mommies
wouldn't talk to me.

You don't wanna eat,
so you know what?

There is no reason we can't both
learn to speak a new language.

All right?

That means "boy."
That's you.

Say "El Niño."


Mama. That's me.

Yeah. Yeah, that's me.

And "loco."

That means crazy.

That's how la madre feels.

Jake left you a bottle.

Yeah, he's cool. I like him.

You want me
to take it for you?

Whoa. That is a $100 bottle
of Pinot, Sheldon. Hands off.

I-I'll keep it for guests.

Even sober people
have dinner parties.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
am I interrupting?

Not at all, not at all.
I was just leaving.

Laura, are you okay?
No. I don't--

yes and no.
I don't... um...

I'm not gonna
have the surgery.


I get it.

It's really scary.

The idea of someone
cutting into your brain.

Oh, no. It's not that.
I mean, ugh-- but...

It's-- I don't wanna
give up my meds.


I don't understand.
I like my meds.

I love my meds.

I'm sorry.
I don't mean to be dense here,

but we're not
talking about opiates.

I mean, your meds
aren't addictive.

It's not addictive that,
for the first time in my life,

I don't care what
other people think about me?

For the first time in my life,
I'm completely uninhibited.

in the grocery store,

I walked up to a man,
and five minutes later, five,

we were doing it in the back
where they store the produce.

That is addictive.

I mean, would you look at me?
I'm a kindergarten teacher.

I haven't bothered to wax
anything in ten years

because who cares?

And suddenly...

Suddenly, I feel sexy.

I feel alive.

Oh, god. I feel just
connected to my body

in ways that I forgot existed.

Everything's changed.

I can't give it up.

I don't wanna go back.

Your husband--
no, I will use condoms.

I mean, no matter what,
from now on,

I will keep will safe.
I will. I will.

But you have to tell him that
the surgery's not an option.

Tell him that it won't
work for me. Please.


Laura, you know you sound
a little crazy, right?

There is a certain high
from the lack of inhibitions.

I get that. I really do.

How much are you willing
to give up to hold on to that?

Dr. Shepherd,
I have Parkinson's.

I'm dying.

I'm not quite 40,

so I don't actually have
all that much else left to lose.

Lunch and...


Hey-- wow.

That's a radical change.

You look fantastic.

Oh, yeah. Whatever.
Hi, baby.

I was bored. I am bored.

Do you wanna
have lunch with us?


All right.

Okay. Lucas, auntie Addison
is very, very hungry,

so I'm gonna go eat lunch
with your mommy

while you go and play

with the pink whales
in the sand.

Wanna go play?

- Hey, buddy.
- All right.

Good guy.

Yeah, go water them.

Are you...?

Are you hiding?

I thought it was a woman
from my mommy group.

You're in a mommy group?

I went once.
Hated them all.

That's a lie.
They didn't like me.

They're not even
returning my e-mails.

So I chopped off my hair.

I see.

You're very polite.

Well, I don't know
what to say.

I mean, you and I,
we work together,

but it's not like
we've ever been friends.

You used to sleep
with my husband,

take care of my son.

I thought of anybody,
you would be able--

all right, I think
you're being ridiculous.

Oh, wow.
No. I mean,

of course you don't like
any of the mommies

in the mommy group.

You have nothing in common
with these women

other than the fact
that you all have children.

I mean, it would be
like me being friends

with every infertile woman
in town

just because
we can't have kids.


Yes, yes.

God. I feel better.

You know, I mean, here I am,
trying to have a baby,

you know, without Sam.

And that's weird, of course.
We were talking about me still.

We weren't done.
Right. Sorry.

I'm just...

I'm just really lonely.
I am not a mommy-group mommy,

and I'm not allowed to work,

and my husband
had a heart attack.

That's a scary sentence.

Thank you.

Do you wanna be friends?

I mean,
is that what this lunch is?

Do you?

I like your haircut.


I think it's great you wanna
have a kid on your own.

I'm lonely too, you know?

Without Nai,
I'm really lonely.

So we'll be friends.

We'll be friends.

- Hey.
- Hey, Sam.

How is your relationship going?
Mine is great.

You should really think
about getting married. Mm.

Hey, did you schedule
Laura's surgery yet?

She canceled it.

She is not interested
in changing her behavior.

She wants to sleep around.

She even asked me
to tell her husband

that surgery is not an option.

Well, you can't lie
to the man.

I am well aware of that,

which is why I'm saying
nothing at all.

So Laura gets a free pass to
cheat on her husband?

How she lives her life,
that's her own business.

She's in a relationship.
No, that's not right.

Once you betray
your partner's trust,

it's hard to get it back.

Wow. You're a bitch
to me and to Cooper.

Who knew you had such range?

Now, that is a beautiful uterus.

- Nicely done.
- Thank you.

What do you think about
joanie Matthews?

Uh, she's a bit of
an ivf mad scientist.

Brilliant. Why?

- Just looking around.
- Dave atkins?

Oh, he's real old-school.
Warm, great bedside manner.

I think you should
meet with them both.

Send me a list of who you're
looking at. I'll vet them.

Thank you.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen,

I am going to release
the Kelly.

There we go.

Damn it. Okay. The internal
iliac has retracted.

I need to stop the bleeding.

Gonna have to clamp
the vascular supply proximally.

There's too much blood.
I need you to clear the field.

Damn it. Retracted too far.
I need to embolize the vessel.

Cross her for six units
and hang the ffp.

If you embolize, it's gonna cut
supply to the transplant.

If I don't, I'll lose Nina.

Come on, Nina.
Hang in there.

Hang in there now.

You fought one hell
of a fight in there, cowboy.

Lost, though.

Look, you tried,

which is more than
most doctors would've done.

It's more than
I would've done.

You saved her life.
That's a win.

Not for me, it isn't.

- There.
- Yeah, silly pooh.

Hey. Um, hey, before you go,
I was thinking

I wanna give the nanny
a few more hours.

I wanna start another book.
I think it'd be good for me.

Lucas is gonna need therapy

when he's old enough
to read the first one.

Come on, Pete.
You're in the office every day.

You get to use your training,
your intellect.

Every part of you
is engaged.

And, uh, I want that too.
I need it.

I can't believe it.
Already bored with motherhood.

You don't think that raising
our child is important work.

Of course it is. But I don't
see why I have to do it

to the exclusion
of everything else.

It's important Lucas sees
a woman who's well-rounded--

a 2-year-old
doesn't want well-rounded.

A 2-year-old
wants his mother.

So long, pal. Bye.

It's not like I've been
at home for the past two years.

Why is it such a shock I would
wanna work and raise my child?

What the hell
is going on with you?

I'm late for work.

I'm sorry, Nina.
I'm so sorry.

But we knew
this was a long shot, right?

We knew that,
but we tried anyway,

because that was
important to you.

You're young, you have
the support of your family,

and you will be a mother.

We can explore surrogacy now
or you can adopt.

But I wanted to be
like my mom.

I know. And if your mom
were here right now,

she would tell you that
it wasn't giving birth to you

that defined her.

It was the first time you
looked in her eyes and smiled.

It was the first time
you fell asleep on her shoulder

and she'd barely
let herself breathe

because she never wanted
that moment to end.

You will have your baby,

however she comes
into the world,

and you will love her
incredibly well,

because your mom
taught you how.

And that's all that matters.

That's all that matters.


Thanks for, uh--
thanks for meeting me here.

Oh, yeah.
Yeah, is there a reason

we couldn't meet
at the office?

Well, I was just hoping to,
uh, speak to you as a friend

rather than a doctor.


I don't understand why or how
you could do this to will.

Well, that's because
you and I aren't friends.

Fair enough. Uh...

Well, what about
20 years of marriage?

That's gotta mean something.

With these meds,
I don't have a really great

editing mechanism anymore.

So I'm just gonna say
some things. Uh...

My husband won't have sex

outside of
the missionary position.

And if he finishes
before I do,

he rolls over
and he goes to sleep.

Early on in our marriage,

when he caught me
trying to finish

after he was done,
he called me disgusting.

So he has some issues.

In this particular area,
he has issues.

And his issues
have become my issues.

That's what happens

in a marriage.
That's right.

And he has no interest
in dealing with those issues.

And for the first time,
I understand that,

because I have no interest in
dealing with mine.

I mean,
we make a great team.

On so many levels, we're--
we're a great team.

So don't judge me.

You're not
inside my marriage.

And you can't be inside
anybody else's marriage, either.

You have to know that.

they mean nothing.


Look at me.

She leaves us
every chance she gets

for these rooms
full of strangers,

who are desperate to tell her
what a difference she made.

Violet decided to go
on the book tour.

She wants to write.
Not the same thing.

Well, it feels the same.
Don't be such a baby.

Excuse me?

You want the benefit
of my expertise,

as a friend, without paying?

Well, with that
comes the truth.

What are you afraid of, Pete?

Sheldon, I worked
in Bosnia in a w*r zone.

I'm in the chaos of the er
every day.

I'm not a guy that gets scared.
I told you. I'm angry.

I know what you told me,
but a 14-year-old boy

who's dumped with foster
families isn't just angry.

And the disconnect you feel,
that's not about anger.

So, what are you afraid of?

Hey. Uh, I think
you were right.

One of my favorite sentences
in the world.

Right about what?
About Laura.

I talked to her, and, uh,
I guess it is her business.

You know, what she's doing
and what she tells will.

It's not easy, but sometimes
the truth is worse.


So I guess she'll have her high,
he won't know,

and hopefully...

It'll be better that way.

I'm drowning here, Charlotte.

And I obviously don't know
what to do to save myself,

and every time
I try to say anything,

it's like tying another
cinder block to my ankle.

So if you just tell me
what to do, I will do it,

whatever it is, happily.

Seriously, come on.
Tell-- tell me.

Come on. Tell me.

Tell me.
Stop it.

You made me
be the sheriff with you.

It sucks being the sheriff.
I'm good at it.

Everybody already thinks i'm
the wicked witch of St. ambrose.

Everyone who?
Everyone-- Amelia?

Look, I don't care.
It's fine. It's my job.

The job isn't
about making friends.

But you're my husband.

Don't make me be the sheriff
with you too.


I don't regret saving kerri.

I don't.

But I do regret
not having your back.

I will never put you
in that position again,

and I will not make you
be the sheriff.

We should be able to tell
each other anything, right?

That sounds like the prelude
to something bad.

No, no.
No, it's not bad.


if you have something
to tell me...

No, no, no. It's not me.
It's you. It's yesterday.

You wanted to talk to me
about the ivf stuff,

and I, uh, I cut you off.

And I'm sorry.

It's okay.
No, it's not okay.

We're together and, you know,
we shouldn't have secrets

or, you know,
things that we're thinking about

that we can't say.


Okay, good. So tell me--

tell me about the ivf,
the doctors.

Is there anybody
that you like? Um...



Thank you.

But really, I'm fine.


I'm afraid you think
I'm a bad mother

and that you don't
love me enough.

I'm afraid I'll die before
I'm done raising Lucas.

I renamed the practice.
Did I tell you?

Seaside health and wellness.

I thought about calling it
Montgomery wellness.

Bizzy would've told me
to do that.

It is all of my money
funding the place now.

But I didn't do it.

It is a cooperative practice,
and the name reflects that.

A few years ago, I...

You would've gone with

Yeah. I would have.


You know, no matter what,
whatever happens,

Sam has rubbed off on me.

His goodness, his kindness,

his honesty,

his generosity of spirit...

Has rubbed off.


See you at lunch.


You don't remember me,
do you?

No. I'm sorry,
have we met?

Nine years ago. I was
tending bar at the key club.

You came in,
stayed till last call.

We had sex in my SUV
in the parking lot.

Hi, Erica.

Yeah, hi. Awkward.

Uh, I'm married now.

I have a son.

He's 8.


His name is Mason.

And he's...

And this is...

This is really not what I...

Anyway, ahem...

He's-- well...

He's yours.