03x25 - Dad's Dungeon

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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03x25 - Dad's Dungeon

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ the fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

All right. What do you
want to see next?

A cheetah! A fart!

A cookie! An
external hard drive!

Oh, oh!

Change into Finn but
give him my body!

Beemo, your ideas are boring.

What? Your head on my
body isn't boring.

It's weird.

All right, I'll try to turn
into a cheetah farting.


I can't do the spots.

Sparkles in the house?

Let's squish 'em!


Did you squish the sparkles?

No. They were around this
holo-message player.

It's got a cartridge with it.

Oh, snap!

Well, plop that cartridge
in the slot, playa!

Yeah! Okay!

Hello, boys.


If you're hearing this
pre-recorded hologram message,

it's because I've passed on

and my spirit
sparkles guided you

to its secret hiding place.

Right now, I'm holding
both of you in my hands.

You're both still
little, squishy babies.

I made you boys something.

It's a dungeon...
A proper dungeon

full of evil monsters,
traps, and magic...

The whole kazoo!

- Kickin'!
- Whoa, kickin'!

Now, this next part of the
message is just for you, Jake,

so, Finn, cover your ears.

Jake, really this
dungeon is for Finn.

I wanna make something

that'll force Finn
to toughen up.


All right, tell Finn to
uncover his ears now.

Dude, take your hands
off your head.


All right, boys, now, to
give you some incentive,

at the end of the dungeon, I'm
putting the family sword.

It's made out of demon's blood.

- Whoa! What the...?
- Oh, dang!

Give me back my blood, Joshua!

Kee oth rama pancake!


- Whoa!
- Geez Louise!

The dungeon's 80
paces west of here

under a dumb-looking rock.

And, Finn, this dungeon's
gonna kick your tail.

I bet you won't even get
past the first trial,

you whiny baby.

What? What was that about?

Uh... I dunno.

Duhh. Duhh. Duhhh.


Whoa! Burgers and hot dogs!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

- Wait, Jake!
- But... burgers and hot dogs.

Didn't you say you were hungry
for burgers this morning?

Yeah. So?

And I said I was
hungry for hot dogs?

Mm-hmm. I remember.

I don't think those
burgers and hot dogs

are burgers and hot dogs at all.










Finn, cover up those
nubs on your head.

Man, again?

All right, Jake, I wanna remind
you what this dungeon's for.

In order for Finn
to stop whining,

he needs to be put
through a trial

that forces him to take
charge of a situation.

But, Dad, Finn's already
figured that out.

He's a good kid
with a kind heart.

Remember, Jake, this is a
pre-recorded holo-message.

I can't hear you if you're
talking to me right now.

I'm gonna go walk around!


Jake, I need your help.

You got to call
Finn a whiny baby.

- But...
- Butts are for pooping.

Do it for Poppy.

Finn?! - Over here!

Check it out, Jake.
I found two ways.

This way has some
kind of flower trap,

and that way... has that guy.

None shall pa-a-a-a-ss!

Ugh! Let's take the flower path.


Wait! Why don't you
want to take my path?

Because you're super gross, man.


Cheer up, man.

We're only telling you you're
gross because we're your bros.


Yeah. Bros are real
with each other.

And you're gross, brother.
Take a bath.

Thanks, brother.

No probs.

Hey, what did Dad say?


He said he's surprised
a whiny baby like you

made it this far.

What? Why's Dad
saying all that jive?


Jake, do it for Poppy!

Because you cry
like a baby, baby!

Dude, you're picking on me, too?


I don't even cry much.

I only cry when it's healthy,
like when people die.

Partake of the fruit.

Pfth! Blech! Ugh.

If I didn't cry
when people died,

I'd have a cold
butt for a heart.

The fru-u... u-it.

"Waaaah! I cry when people die!

Waaaah! I'm Finn!"

Partake of the fruit.

Maybe I will partake
of the fruit!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, fruit!

- Dude, don't eat that!
- Why not?

All the people that I
care about in this world

are being wads. - Ohh...

Don't you blow Poppy's cover!



Time to go, baby.

Finn, come on!

I'm gonna hang here
with these fruit babes.

They'll be my best buds now.


There's another cartridge!


All right, man, Dad told me
not to tell you this, but...

Don't tell him!

You're not real.

Dad asked me to call you "baby"

'cause he wants you to be tough.

But I'm tough! My whole
body is a callus!


On this next holo-message
we listen to,

when Dad tells you to
cover your ears...



Hey, hey! Finn! Jake!

You made it past
the fruit witches.

Hey, did they make you
cry, Finn, huh? Huh?

I bet they did.

All right. Now cover
your ears, Sue.

Jake, I'm almost done
with this dungeon.

I just have one last monster
to fit into this pit I dug.

I got him tied up in
this room I'm building.

It's really hard trying
to fit him in this pit.

He's pretty evil.

You're gonna have a crazy
time trying to defeat...



Dad's sword!

Hey, Jake, when Finn
finishes this dungeon,

play this tape for him.

Finn... - Ugh!

This pre-recorded



Dude! Use your karate biz!

Ugh. I... oof!

I can't, man! I suck!

I'm a whiny baby, and I'm fat

and all those things
Dad said about me!

Dude! Dad loves you!


Finn, if you're seeing this
pre-recorded holo-message,

it's because you've finished
the dungeon that I made.

I'm proud of you.

You're gonna do great
things in this world.

I love you, son.

♪ Yo, Finn... ♪

♪ I'm proud... ♪

♪ I love you... you...
You, son ♪

Yah! Hunh! Hyah!

♪ Yo, Finn... ♪

♪ I made... this message...
For you ♪

♪ For you... for you The dungeon...
for you... ♪

♪ This world... for you... ♪

♪ This message... it's...
For you... ♪

♪ Finn... You're gonna do great...
great... great... ♪

♪ You're gonna do great things...
things... ♪

♪ You're gonna do great...
great... great... ♪


I made you boys something.

It's... babies... Full of...

The family sword... It's
made out of... babies.

You know I don't think
you're a baby, right?

Yeah, I know.

That sword is sweet.

Yeah. I'm stoked to
slay some evil with it.

Joshua, return my blood to me,

or, by demon's law, I will
cut off your love handles!

Joshua! We go way back!

Come on! Just give
me back my blood!

Kee oth rama pancake!


Man, Dad was cool.


♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ and do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ to a cliff under a tree ♪
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