02x16 - Chuckie Loses His Glasses/Chuckie Gets Skunked

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x16 - Chuckie Loses His Glasses/Chuckie Gets Skunked

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

Hey, tommy.

You don't think
angelica is mad

About the crayons,
do you?

She probably
forgotted them.

Besides, you only
ate two of them.

[ Doorbell rings]

Hey, there,
bro, come on in.

How's my
favorite niece?

I'm fine.

Thank you for asking.

Glad to play
with your friends?

Of course,
uncle stu.

I love playing
with the babies.

What a great girl.

Isn't she?

We have something very
important to watch on tv

So be a good girl
and play nicely.

Of course, daddy.

It's raining cats
and dogs out there.

You hear that?

It's raining
cats and dogs.

I don't see
any cats or dogs.

Just water.

It's just a 'spression,
you dummies.

I get stuck with you babies

And now I have to stay inside
because of this stupid rain.

Maybe we should find
a nice game to play.

Like what?

You want to eat my crayons?

How about hide
and go peek?

That game's
too scary.

You have to be
by yourself.

Yeah, it's a stupid...

Wait a minute.

Scary, huh?

Yes, I think hide and go seek
is exactly the right game.

And I'll figure out

Who's going to be
the first "it."

Now, up against the wall!

Eenie, meenie, minie, mo,
catch a tiger by the toe

If he hollers let him go

Eenie, meenie,
minie, mo.

And my mother says to pick
the very best one, and you...

Are not...

Not notit.

What do you know?

You're it.

I don't want to be it.

This name
was your idea.

Okay, I'm counting.

Wait a minute.

You could
still see us.

Take off
your eyes.

My eyes? I can't take them off.

Then you can't
play with us.

It's just your extra eyes.

Okay, okay.

But only while
I'm counting

Because I don't like doing it.

One, two, three, four...

Um, seven, six...

Eight, two, three, six, eight

Seven, three, five, ten.

[ Cackling]

[ Whimpering]

[ Gasps]

[ Gasps]

Okay, I didn't see that.


Where are you, tommy?

Phil, lil, angelica,
come out here.

I need help.

Hey, phil, it sounds
like chuckie's in trouble.

Maybe we should help him.

No, lil, chuckie's
trying to trick us.

Phil, lil, is that you?


Help me!

I can't see.

Well, I can see a little.

I want my eyes.

Help, it's a monster.

Get away from me.

Hey, it's you, spike.

Boy, am I glad to see you.

I mean, I wish I could see you.

Spike, find tommy.

Uh, spike, are you sure
this is the right way?


Hey, guys.

shh, he'll hear us.

Chuckie's been gone a long time.

We should
find him.

This is
hide and go peek.

He's supposed
to find us.

Or else
we're the peekers.

But guys,
he might be in trouble.

Hey, where's angelica?

still hiding.

Do we have to find her?

Nah, let her
find herself.

Come on.


Slow down, spike.

[ Cackling]

"Slow down, spike."

Too bad you don't have these.

Whoa, whoa.

[ Cackling]



It's horrible, just horrible.

Chuckie's eyes!

This is all that's left

Of our very bestest friend
in the world

Charles crandall finster.



Did you see him?

No, told you,
he's dead, gone for good.

Does that mean we won't
see chuckie again?

Oh, no!

What'll happen
to his toys?

I could have them.

It was my idea.

Was not.

Was too.

Was not.

Hey, guys.

He can't disappear;
we got to keep looking.

[ Groaning]


You babies
can have these.

[ Groaning]

Spike, it's raining.

Hey, we're outside, aren't we?

Spike, we're not
supposed to be outside.

Spike, I don't think you're
trying very hard to find tommy.

If you won't help me,
I'll have to go find him myself.

Tommy, phil, lil!

There you are.

You guys won't believe
what happened.

Remember when I took off
my eyes to count to ten?

Well, I couldn't see and then
things got scary, of course.

Tommy, all we
have are his eyes.

How are we going
to find him?

I didn't think
hide and go peek
was this hard.

We got chuckie's eyes, right?


Maybe with chuckie's eyes

We could see the rest of him.

Whoa, this must be
what chuckie sees.

No wonder he's so scared.

So then I bumped right into
a soft thing with four legs

And guess who it was?

Spike, yeah.

Isn't that great?

Tommy, lil, phil?

Don't you think that's great?

Tommy, I think you
need a new diaper.

You're not tommy!

Oh, it's no use.

I'll never find anyone
without my eyes.

do you see him yet?

I think so.

Over there.

I don't see him.

Of course not.

You don't have
the right eyes.

Hey, chuckie,
come down, it's us.

that's a bag
of vegetables.

It is?

I got to find my eyes.

[ Glass breaking]

Oh, oh, no, my eyes.

Now I'm never
going to see again.

[ Wailing]

What's that?

Sounds like
someone crying.

Sounds like
chuckie crying.

Come on.






We thought you were lost.

Here, put these on.

I can see!

Me too.

I thought they were broke.

I stepped on them.

How do you see
with those?

I thought you were
a bag of vegetables.

I thought you were a bush.

Those eyes made
me feel dizzy

Like when you
spin in circles.

like this?

[ Giggling]

They make you feel
like throwing up.

I know what you mean.

I wonder why they didn't
make angelica sick?

[ Groaning]

Honey, you look sick.

Oh, no, all over my new sweater.

Come on, let's
clean this up.

Hey, chuckie...

If angelica had your eyes

Then what were those eyes
you stepped on and broke?


Now, where in tarnation
did I put my specs?

Oh, didi, you seen my glasses?


It's coming.

Careful, stu.

I know
what I'm doing.


What was that?

I don't know.

Some kind of kitty?

Doesn't look like
any kitty I ever saw.

How'd the skunk hunt go?

Not so good.

These two panicked
is what happened.

Pure and simple fear.

It wasn't
a pretty sight.

You turned
and ran with us.

Sure, I did.

I'm not crazy.

Fear is a basic
survival strategy.

I don't know why

You're so intent on
catching that skunk.

It's a menace, that's why.

Why, I remember back in

My brother sparky
and I had just left...

What's a menace?

I don't know.

What's a skunk?

I think we just saw one.

He looked nice,
like a stuffed
animal that moves.

Let's go play
with him.

skunks are no
laughing matter.

They can get into
your rutabagas

And cause no end of trouble.

We don't
have rutabagas.

Not anymore.


Come on, let's
find that skunk.

It that the
skunk, tommy?

Nah, that's my ball.

Your ball?

What's it doing out
in the nighttime?


I don't think that's
the skunk either.

Now, if you were a skunk,
where would you hide?

Remember? He went
under there.

Let's go in there
and find it.

I'm not going into
that bush, tommy.

If this was
a daytime bush

I might go in there.

But a nighttime
bush, uh-uh.

You can say whatever
you want, tommy.

It's okay, chuckie,
I'll go in.

Tommy, you
never get scared.

But you don't
have to go.

Don't go...

I know, but I'm going.

Really, tommy,
you don't have to, really.

Tommy, are you okay?

What do I do?
I can't go in there.

So I'll stay out here.

But it's scary out here, too.

And what if he never comes out?


[ Screaming]

Tommy, chuckie, what
are you doing out...

[ Sniffs]



And then I heard
this sound

Like I never
heard in my life.

The skunk?

Nah, it was

So I got out of
that bush fast

But it was too late.

You mean...

got skunked.

[ Doorbell rings]

[ Doorbell rings]

I tried

The smell just
won't come off.

Don't worry, we'll
figure something out.

Chuckie, it's okay.

Everything's going
to be just fine.

We all love you
very much

And we'll make you
get all better.

Uh, I think
he'd be happier

Over here.

Come with me, chaz.

Let's go figure out
what to do.

Hey, chuckie...

What is it, tommy?

It's the skunk.

It's okay, you don't
have to come any closer.

I want to get
skunked, too.

No, you don't.

This is the terriblest thing
that's ever happened.

Nobody wants to be around me.

Even I don't want
to be around me.

How long are you skunked?

That's the worstest part.

I don't know if I'm ever
going to get unskunked.

Uh, it's

Our house will
never smell right.

Never did smell
that great.

How about tomato juice?

Tried it, and
chuckie still stinks.

I heard tomato paste is better.

Gunked up
the drain.

No effect
on chuckie.

How about soap and water?

Tried it six times.

Chuckie's skin was coming off
but the skunk smell stayed.

There's one surefire
remedy for skunk stunk.

Come on, stu, chaz,
we got to get us some shovels.


Well, it's all over.

I guess they're just
going to bury me.

They're probably just
making a hole to live in.


Yeah, sorry.

We'll bring
you food.

It's the mud bath
for you, little fellow.

You sure about this?

It's a shaker remedy

And I never met a shaker
who smelled like a skunk.


How long
does it take?

Three days
ought to be fine.

Maybe a week.

A week?

All right, how about minutes?

Look at him,
good as new.

Well, pop

like you...

Oh, no!

He's still skunked.

I want a word
with those shakers.

Now what?

We put sparky on top
of the hay wagon

And rode him around
until he got ventilated.

We could tie chuckie
to the hood of the car...

If you're so smart,
what do youpropose?


I got an idea.

Ooh, this one's potent.

I don't
know, stu.

Doesn't smell
like a skunk.

oh, stu.

That was mom and dad.

They're bringing over
a pot of borscht for dinner.

Borscht, huh?

I love that cold beet soup.

Stu, what have you done?

This is my eau de joieperfume.

$ An ounce!

Well, it worked.

no, it didn't.

Now he smells
like a skunk

Getting ready
for a date.

Won't anything work?

Well, I guess
this is it.

Maybe there's an island
I can go where everybody stinks.

[ Doorbell rings]

Hello, everybody.

I brought the borscht.

It tastes like glue

But I've been eating
it for years.

what's that smell?

I told you not
to make any remarks

About didi's

What about
my housekeeping?

Chuckie met
a skunk

And we can't get
rid of the smell.

Children are supposed to stink.

In the old country, we grew up
sleeping with the goats.

We stank.

Don't listen to him.

He actually came from
a very well-to-do family.

There's an old russian
remedy for skunk.

Come with me.

Those grown-ups
can't do it.

If we want the old chuckie back,
we got to do something.

Do we want the old chuckie back?

Of course we do.

I got a plan.

Come here, chuckie.

What's in
that pot?

It's your grandma's porch.

My daddy says

It could clean grease
off the driveway

So if we give you
a bath in the porch...

You wouldn't have
any more grease spots.

No, he wouldn't
smell like a skunk.

A bath in
the porch!

What's the matter,
chuckie, you scared?

Scared? Sure I'm scared,
I'm always scared.

I'm always going
to be scared.

But there's one thing
I'm not going to always be

And that's skunked,
so stand back.

I'm getting in
that soup.


Go ahead, chuckie.

It's cold.

My goodness!

My borscht!

My son!

Chuckie, what
were you doing?

[ Sniffs]

Hey, hey,
the smell...

It's gone.

Chuckie doesn't
smell like a skunk!

That's amazing.

Looks like

We won't be
having borscht.

I'll go get pizzas--
want to come?


Boris, get me some towels and
we'll get these kids cleaned up.

Hmm, say, tastes
even better than usual.

Chuckie, you're
not skunked anymore.

I guess I don't have to go
to a island after all.

Oh, glad that's over.


[ Screaming]
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