02x11 - Superhero Chuckie/The Dog Broomer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x11 - Superhero Chuckie/The Dog Broomer

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

You can run,
but you cannot hide.

Not even here, beyond
the reaches of deep space

Because there's one thing
you didn't count on, dr. Skull

And that's captain blasto!

get ready,
adventurers around the globe.

He's faster
than a bolt of lightning

More powerful than
an exploding sun--

That blue cape,
those super powers

The only man
who can save the world

Captain blasto!

Greetings, star voyagers.

It is i, captain blasto

Hero-dom's greatest avenger,

My th year of saving the world
right here

On channel .

Before we launch into another
super captain blasto adventure

May I humbly ask

For a young volunteer
from our audience?

Me, me!pick, me!

A youngvolunteer.


Come up on stage

Pretty young
star voyager.

And what might your name be,
little girl?

It might be angelica.

Well, angelica, would you like
to see captain blasto fly?

I sure would!

Then it's

Blasto powers activate.

Uh, this jovian gravity
is more than I bargained for.

Blasto powers...


[ Yelling]

[ Applause]

Well, cadet angelica

Wasn't that amazing?

It sure was,
mr. Blasto, sir

But wouldn't it be
even more amazing

Without the rope?

Ixnay on the oprey, kid.

Now, star voyagers

It's time to recite

The blasto code.

While stars above

Are burning bright

No villain
shall escape my might.

Whether morning, noon

Or dead of night...

it's captain blasto

Wrong or right.

That's a great door prize
you got there, chuckie.

Captain blasto
sure is something.

I still get goose bumps
when he battles dr. Skull.

After all these years.

Sure, the guy's put on
a little weight...

But who hasn't?

He's still got that superhero
glint in his eye.

That's where
it counts.

Angelica, is captain blasto
a real stuporhero?

There's no such thing
as a real stuporhero.

You mean they're made up?

Have you ever seen one
walking down the street?

No, but that's because
they have secret idenemies

Just like
captain blasto.

Captain blasto's only
secret identity

Is he's a smelly old man.

This is it, drew.

It's going to revolutionize
relaxation as we know it.


the next wave in sitting down.

[ Didi screaming]

[ Clanking]

Stu, stop this crazy thing!

[ Panting]

I don't know
what happened.

I accidently switched
into high gear.

[ Laughing]

You're funny, aunt didi.

Hello, angelica.

How did you like
captain blasto?

Was he thrilling?

Yes, if you like old fat guys

Who wear their underwear
on the outside.

How sweet.

What do you say you and I
have a nice cup of hot cocoa?

Was he great?

Was he amazing?

Did he fly?

He was great and amazing
and he flied.

He's the most greatest,
amazingest stuporhero ever.


Only, what, chuckie?

Only angelica says
he isn't real.

She says captain blasto's
just made up.

That's not true.

He's on tv.

Yeah, they can't
put stuff on tv
that isn't real.

I guess you're right.

Without stuporheroes,
who would save the world?


Big deal.
you give that back.

The world isn't meant
for babies.

But it's mine.

Not anymore.

Angelica, i...


It's not fair!

Tell it to captain blasto,

[ Laughing]

Don't feel
too sad, chuckie.

Yeah, she steals
my toys too.

[ Sobbing]

Stupid angelica.

I wish captain blasto
was here.

He would have taught her
a lesson.

Boy, I wish...

I wish I was a stuporhero.


Maybe you are
a stuporhero.


Only you don't know it.

Maybe chuckie is your
secret idenemy.

Tommy, if I was
a stuporhero

Wouldn't I have
a cape and stuff?

A cape?

A magic cape.

Every real stuporhero
wears a magic cape.

That's how he can fly
and everything.

A cape, huh?

How do
you feel now?

Like I got a sock
on my face.

Well, now you got your cape
and everything.

Let's see what neat stuporhero
stuff you can do.

All stuporheroes
can look through walls.

Come on, chuckie, what do
you see through that wall?


Just the wall.

Come on, chuckie

You got to at least try.

[ Groaning]

Oh, it's no use.

Try harder.

Try your
very most hardest.

We'll go look
to see if you're right.

[ Groaning]

what do you see?

I don't know.

An elephant?


Um, a submarine?


I don't know then.

Uh, it's probably

Just your mom
sitting at the table

Drinking coffee.


That's amazing.

You did it, chuckie.

You saw through the wall.

You are a stuporhero.

I am?

Well, I don't think...

Let's go see
what else you can do.

Okay, chuckie,
lift up the chair.

I can't.

Come on, chuckie.

Yeah, if captain blasto
can lift airplanes and buildings

And move planets

You could probably
lift a chair.

But I'm not captain blasto.

Look, you guys

I'm not big, I'm not strong,
and I can't pick up this chair.



You did it!

You lifted up
the chair.

I did?

Wow, I did.

You are a stuporhero.

Yeah, maybe I am
a stuporhero.

Maybe I have
magical powers and...

What am I saying?

I'm just poor old chuckie.


Now he's melting it
with his x-rayed vision.

I am?

I am!

There's only one thing left
you got to do

To prove you're
a stuporhero.

What's that, tommy?

You got to fly.


Oh, no.

Look, just because
you put a cape on me

Doesn't mean
I can fly.

I'm not a stuporhero.

I can't save the world,
and I can't...

You flew, you flew!

I did, I did!

Maybe I am a stuporhero.

A stupid hero's more like it.

[ Gasps]

Ha, angelica, you were wrong.

There is such things
as stuporheroes

And I'm one of them.

I just didn't know it
'cause of my secret idenemy.

That's a good one,

You, a stuporhero?

You look more like
you fell into a laundry basket.

[ Laughing]

I'm here
to save the world, angelica.

Now, give it back to me
before I do something...

Something really stupor.

You want your dumb old world?

Well, come and get it.


He lost his cape.

That's it, he's doomed.

While stars above
are burning bright

No villain shall escape
my might

Whether morning, noon,
or bread of night

It's captain chuckie
wrong or right.

[ Yelling]

[ Crying]

I did it.

I really did it.

I beat angelica.

I saved the world.

Once I put on my magic cape,
I'm franstormed into...

Stuporhero chuckie!

But, chuckie,
you didn't have the cape.

I didn't?

It fell off right at the start.

You mean I wasn't a stuporhero
at all?

But you creamed
angelica good.

You saved
the world.

And you did it
without your blue cape.

It was nothing
but chuckie power.

You know, it feels
pretty neat to save the world.

Well, I guess I don't need
this anymore.

I can be strong and brave
even without my cape.

Then again, you never know.

[ Insects buzzing]

[ Barking]

It isn't fair.

Spike gets to have
all the fun.

What do you mean?

I thought we were
having fun too.

It's different
out there, chuckie.

Out there's where
the real fun is.

The real fun?

Places where
only spike can go.

Secret fun places.


So, what's this picture
called again?

The mermanator.

It's a new
sci-fi musical.

The bald guy
gave it thumbs up.

I'll bet
the fat guy hated it.

Shh! It's starting.

[ Scratching on door]

[ Barking]

[ Barking and scratching]

All right, I'll get it.

You want to hit
the pause button?


Sometimes I think
that mangy mutt gets treated

Better than I do.

[ Whines]

Come in, your majesty.

[ Sniffing]

[ Sniffing]

What is

That rancid stench?

It's not the kids.

I just changed them.

I took the garbage out.

Whatever it is,
it smells very...

[ Sniffs]



Reminds me of a grizzly
I once shared a cave with

In the yukon.

Huge, hairy son of a g*n.

Hadn't bathed for months.

Yup, I'd definitely say
this odor isn't human.

It smells like... Like...


[ Barks]

Now, let's see.


Dieticians, dirigibles,

Aha! Dog grooming.

"Oodles of poodles"

"Jose schnauzer's hair salon..."

Oh, now, here we go.


Dog brooming?

What's that?

I don't know, tommy,
but it sounds scary.

You, my furry friend

Are in for
quite a surprise.

[ Thunder]

...and then he picks up
his giant broom

And swings it down

And he sweeps up the doggies
into his giant dustpan

And you never see him
ever again.

Gee, tommy, that's horrible.

How did you figure this out?

What else could
a dog broomer be?

Now he's coming
to sweep up spike?

Yeah, and we got to stop him.

[ Chain saw buzzing]

It's him!

It's the dog broomer!

What should we do?


[ Screaming]

Hiya. It's me, bernie.

I came to take care
of that tree trunk.

Great. Can't miss it out there.

be careful
in this weather.

Thanks for caring,
mr. Pickles.


I thought that scary man
was the dog broomer.

Me too.me too.

[ Doorbell buzzing]

It's the broomer!

[ All screaming]

Busy day, huh, champ?

Let's see who it is.

[ Thunder]

[ Gasps]

How do you do, mr. Pickles?

My name is murphy.

I'm selling protection.

What do you mean?

Have you ever considered

That something unfortunate
might happen

To one of your inventions?

To one of my inventions?

What are you getting at?

Is this a threat?

A threat?

My goodness, no, mr. Pickles.

I sell insurance.

Insurance? Oh, well,
this isa pleasant surprise.

Won't you come in?

Of course you realize

I want the most comprehensive
policy you've got.


I can't take much more
of this, you guys.

[ Doorbell buzzing]

[ Gasps]

[ Both gasp]

: on the dot.

That must be the you-know-who

To do the you-know-what.

[ Thunder]

[ Gasps]

[ With scandinavian accent:]

Hello, mrs. Pickles.

I am ilsa umlaut

The dog groomer.

Thank you so much
for coming, miss umlaut.

The weather is just awful.

Oh, mrs. Pickles,
in helsinki

This we would call
beach weather.

[ Ilsa gasps]

And this must be the doggie.

[ Sniffing]

Ooh, stinky!

Why do you not come

Say hello
to your friend ilsa, eh, doggie?

You were right,

She is really scary.

I don't know.

She seems... Kind of nice to me.

Now, mrs. Pickles

We have a wide variety

Of styles for you
to choose from--




Which would you like

For your
little doggie?


That's the one.

It's adorable.

[ Yelping]

I don't know

What's gotten into that dog.

Not to worry, mrs. Pickles.

This is the fun part.

We got to save spike

Before the mean old
broomer gets him.

She's not so mean, tommy.

Yeah, she looks
kind of nice.



You think she's nice?

Come on, chuckie

I guess it's
just you and me.

Wait a second, tommy.

Maybe phil and lil are right.

Maybe the broomer doesn't want
to hurt spike at all.

Yeah. Maybe spike's
just being a baby.

Okay, then.

If you won't help me

I guess I'll just have
to save spike all by myself.

[ Sniffing]

I know you're in here,
my little darling.

now, if ilsa were dog,
where would ilsa hide?

I wonder if

The little doggie could be...


Ilsa's going to make you all
clean and nice, yeah?

Well, well,
here to help me

Are you

Little man?


There you are, tommy.

Come on, let's go downstairs
and get out of ilsa's way.

[ Humming]

[ Whining]

Now, you see,
mrs. Pickles

A good groomer
always is prepared.

For instance, we have

The doggie hairdryer
with heat lamps...

[ All gasp]

The puppy steamer...

[ All gasp]

And last, but not least

The spinning doggie lathe

For easy clipping.

[ All gasp]

My goodness, I had no idea

So much, uh,
work was involved.

"Work" is a naughty word,
mrs. Pickles.

Ilsa like to think of it
as fun, fun, fun!

Deed, you
got to hear

What this insurance guy
is saying.

I thought we decided
no more insurance

After we got taken
last year.

Now, no, deed,
this is different.

I guess you
were right, tommy.

She isgoing to do
something bad to spike.

We got to help him, but how?

I don't know.

I wish it was some other dog
getting broomed

And not spike.

That's it!

We'll get another dog
to put in spike's place.

Another dog?

Where are we going to get it?

Wait. I got idea.

[ Humming]

be patient, spikey.

The fun is about to begin.

When I get...

[ Gasps]

Comenzee back!

Come back, or you'll wish
you'd never been bjorn!

She's going to get him.

I can't look.

If the tornado occurs
during an earthquake

We're still covered?

Certainly. Subject
to the exclusions

Under subhead c, paragraph .

Well, that's understood.


Now, ilsa have got you.

[ Whispers]


[ Screaming]

So if a swarm
of african k*ller bees

Descends on the house,
I'd still be covered?

African? Absolutely.

[ Screaming]


There-- the back door!

[ Screams]

Okay, doggie, enough's enough.

There is no escape now.

Spike, I think she's got us.

I'm telling you, this is
the total insurance umbrella.

I don't know.

[ Ilsa screaming]

[ All gasp]

Oh, no!

Oh. Hello, mrs. Pickles,
mr. Pickles.

miss umlaut!

What have you done
to my house?

I haven't done anything.

It was that miserable dog
of yours

And those
misbegotten monsters!

I can't take it

I quit.

In fact, I'm quitting altogether
at once.

I hate dogs.

You think ilsa grew up
wanting to be dog groomer?

I went to the best beauty school
in stockholm, mrs. Pickles.

I wanted to be a hairdresser,
mrs. Pickles--

A real hairdresser--

But look at me now: I do dogs!

I am the failure.

[ Crying]

Oh, you poor thing.

I had no idea.

Is there anything
I can do?

Ilsa's life is over

Mrs. Pickles.

I might as well return
to old country

And peel potatoes.

Would a nice tip help?

It's a start.

[ Gasps]

At least we're covered,
huh, mr. Murphy?

Where you going?

Come back!

Well, tommy, I guess
you were right.

Yeah, that broomer
wasn't very nice, was she?

I don't think she'll be brooming
around here anymore.

Hear that, spike?

You been broomed
for the last time.

[ Giggling]
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