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11x20 - What's Been Lost

Posted: 10/17/22 08:47
by bunniefuu
Yumiko: If things go bad here,

I want a strong exit plan for you guys.

If you win...

[Growling] get to live.

Eugene: I confess to causing
the unintentional death

of Mr. Milton in the
melee that followed.

Anything else?


I acted alone.

Judith: My mom once told
me that the only thing

more dangerous than
the dead is the living.

Daryl: Come on! I ain't got all day!

But without the living,
we might as well be dead.

[Shouting indistinctly]

[Sobbing] No...

Judith: We all need
people we can count on.

And that's not just about words...

but action...

...having the strength
to put someone else's life

ahead of your own.

If we're willing to do that,

then maybe we can get back
some piece of what we've lost.

[Radio playing]

I thought I recognized your footsteps.

You know me a little too well.

Didn't we already say good-bye?

Did we? Well, I guess

this is just a friendly
visit on your way out.

Thought you could use some extra
medical supplies to take back.

Yeah, thank you.

I was just getting some more food

to take to meet up with the others.

I left you some sesame
bagels in the back

if you think you might like those.

[Clattering, thud]



[Door opens]


- [Grunts]
- [Groans]


[Theme song plays]

[Distant grunt]

[Both grunting]





[Walker growling]


They took the kids.

They took everyone.

Come on.

These people are enemies of the State.

But I can assure you, the
situation is well in hand.

I've already suspended all migrant entry

into the city until further notice.

I'm glad our contributions
to the Commonwealth's future

have not been in vain.

And, um, if I may, on a personal note,

I'm truly sorry about Sebastian.

Kayla is distraught.

To lose a child is unthinkable.

Worse than death, yes.

But Sebastian will always be with me.

Yumiko: Get your hands off me!

Where are they?

- [Grunts, groans]
- [Gasps]


It's fine. It's fine.

There's no threat.

Right now, I'm the
biggest threat you have.

I suggest you say
good-bye to your guests

and tell me what the hell's going on.

I'm not leaving until you do.

We were just wrapping up.

Thank you all for coming by
and sharing your thoughts.

I've been expecting you.

Where are they?

Your friends have been
removed from the Commonwealth.


What, like the hundreds of
others you've had disappeared?

Call it what you want.

But their rebellion and defiance
of our laws left me no choice.

Please. As if you have
any respect for the law.

I do.

That's why I hired you.

I want nothing more than
to see justice prevail,

to see order restored from chaos.

And how does abducting
my people accomplish that?

I want to assure my citizens
that the trial of the man

who k*lled Sebastian
will remain impartial.

That justice will be served,

no matter which side someone falls on.

Who better to bring
that impartial justice

than Eugene Porter's friend?

[Exhales sharply]

You want me to prosecute Eugene?

On behalf of the Commonwealth, yes.

S-Sign my friend's death warrant

in some kangaroo court publicity stunt?

Yeah, that's never gonna happen.

Well, then neither will a
reunion with your friends.

Is that what you want?

And let's not forget your brother.

You should consider how your
actions might affect him,

as well.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I need to prepare for a press conference

announcing your intent
to prosecute Mr. Porter.

Don't be late.

[Footsteps departing]

[Door opens]

[Door slams]

I don't know. They jumped me.

They even took Dog.

You think they were Troopers?

I think they were working for Pamela.

We got to find Mercer.

Well, you don't think
he would turn us in?

Shit. There is one other person.


He knows all the dark
shit that goes on here.

You know where to find him?

Yeah, but this isn't gonna be easy.

When is it ever?

Woman over PA: Mr. Barker,
please return to the city.

Be sure to keep the area clean

and change the dressing once a day.

Miko... You okay?

- What is it?
- My friends have been taken.

Removed from the Commonwealth.

- What?
- Magna, Connie, Kelly.

- Ezekiel?
- All of them!

On Pamela's orders.

And now she's demanding
that I prosecute Eugene

if I want to see them again.


I imagine she threatened me, too.

I am not gonna let
anything happen to you.

You think that's what I'm worried about?

She expects you to fold.

She stacked the deck that way.

And if you don't, what happens to you?

I don't know.

I don't know! But...

there has to be another way. Okay?

Just... Just tell me what to do.

I'm trying. I'm trying.

Listen to me.

I know it's not what you want to hear,

but maybe the best way
to protect your friends

and yourself is to give
Pamela what she wants.

That mean sacrificing Eugene.

What choice do you have?

Sunlight is supposed to be
the best disinfectant, right?

But Pamela is still standing.

What does that tell you?

There isn't some kind of "justice"

waiting round the corner.

And you can just accept that?

It's not acceptance.

It's survival.

That's what you want for your friends.

And it's they would want for you.

[Woman speaking indistinctly over PA]









Woman: Okay. I'll keep you posted.

I'll be right back.






[Indistinct conversation from hallway]







[Woman speaking indistinctly over PA]

[Door opens, closes]

Aah! [Grunts]


[Zip tie zips]

Got it.

[Keys jingle]

[Walker growling]

Hornsby: Always a path. Always a path.

Always a path.

Always a path.

[Muttering indistinctly]

[Walker growling, door closes]

There's always a path.

Always a path.

Always a way out.

Always a path.


Always a path. Always a path.


Always a path. Always a path.

Always a path.

Always a path. Always a way.

Always a path. Always a way out.

[Grunts, coughs]

Where'd they take 'em? Where?!



[Muffled screams]

Carol: No!

Lance, Lance...

Lance, look at me.

Look at me.

[Breathing raggedly]

We can't leave you here alive.

Either you tell us
where our friends are,

or you're dead.


I'll show you.

You don't trust me.

I get it.

But I know a way out of the city.

- Move.
- Wait.

What is that?

It's a radio-frequency monitor.

It'll set an alarm off
if I leave this place.

You're gonna have to cut off my foot.

You gonna carry me?

You better be ready to run fast.



I need to do something first.

[Alarm blaring]

Right here!

[g*nf*re, shouting]

Hornsby: Keep going!

- Come on!
- Come on!

- Go! Get him out of here!
- Not without you!

- I'll figure it out! Go!
- Cover me!

Excuse me.

The optics for tonight's
press conference

are critical to regaining
the public's trust.

The takeaway needs to be
that we're moving forward

in a transparent, open way.

Also, Max...

Sorry, Kathleen.

That's all right, ma'am.

The Commonwealth Army should be there

but only in the background.

I want to present a peaceful
return to law and order.

It can't feel like a police state.

That will only stir up
any lingering resentment.

[Telephone ringing]



[Bird cawing]


How much farther?

Just a couple miles up.


Just never realized until
now how much it looks like

a prison from out here.

You were right to leave him behind.

He was slowing you down.

Just like everyone does.

What's that supposed to mean?

You're not like most people.

You're always thinking steps ahead.

It's what makes you special.

I mean, who else could've
done what you just did?

Anyway, I hope Dixon's okay.

Hey, whoa.

I know what you're trying to do.

I'm just making conversation.

Where are we going?

I told you I'd take you there.

I'm done with your mind games.

I'm not lying to you!

Saying you give a shit
about what happens to Daryl.

I was just locked in a cell
and forced to feed my colleague

piece by piece to Pamela's rotter son.

I might not be moving
at full speed here!

Fine. Do it.

And then good luck finding your friends.

[Engine rumbling]

Check the tree line! Go on!

I know how we can lose them.

- How?
- Come on.

Come on.


can't believe they're gone.

Connie put her trust in
me, and I let her down.

It was the only lead we had.

I don't think I have a choice

but to do what Pamela's asking me.

If that means you have to prosecute me

to the fullest extent of the law,

then rest assured, it's a fate
I've already freely accepted.

Eugene, I don't want to do this.

It's okay, it's okay.

I made my choices and my bed.

Now I must lie in it.

But even if that should come to pass,

the central dilemma of our
kidnapped compadres remains.

What if the worst happens
while this trial plays out?

What if the Governor reneges
on her promise to set them free?

We must do something.



Pamela has all the leverage here.

I'll admit, it does appear that way.

But I have to believe there's
still something we can do.

Because if not, if our
friends are truly gone, then...

Then that is a beast of a
burden I simply cannot live with,

even for the truncated
time I likely have left.

This isn't your fault, Eugene.


And you being made by Connie's
would be-abductor isn't yours.

One thing we can do is
return the unwavering faith

our absconded friends
have always shown for us

and trust that, no matter bleak
things look in this moment,

that this is not the end.

Now, that may not mean much...

[Chuckling] coming from a
soon-to-be convicted felon...

...but maybe it's something.

[Troopers conversing indistinctly]

You expect me to follow you in there?

I do if you don't want to get caught.

This was an infrastructure
repair project

dating back from the early
days of the Commonwealth.

After a series of cave-ins,
it was considered too unstable.

I meant what I said back there,

about hoping Dixon's all right.

It's hard to find someone like that,

that you'd do anything for.

I felt that way about Pamela once.

Thought I could make her
feel the same about me.

By helping her build the
Commonwealth, run it...

letting her take all the credit.

Even by bringing in your communities,

which, I admit, was...


But it was never enough.

[Sighs] I know there
was nothing I could do

that would ever change how she saw me.

Just her chauffeur's son.

More importantly, there's
something I wanted to ask you.

What comes after?

After what?

The unrest in the Commonwealth.

Let's say Pamela doesn't survive it.

That's going to open up a power vacuum.

And when that happens,
well, just look at history.

The people who suffer the most

in revolutions are the civilians.

What is your point?

You and your people will hold
, lives in your hands.

Until I find my people,
there is no "after."

You'll find them. I know you.

And then you'll have a choice to make.

Will you let the Commonwealth burn?

That's not my problem.


Yeah, you want to leave
all this behind you.

I... I get it.

Me, too.

But what about the kids?

Are you really gonna deny them

their only chance for the kind
of life we took for granted?

Doesn't the next
generation deserve better

than the one before?

Otherwise, what's the point?

[Sniffs] Oh, God.

- Ohh.
- Shh.


Is that skin?

[Walker growling]


Aah! Aah! Aah!

[Walkers growling]

Sorry. The lights went out.

I thought you were right behind me.

[Walkers growling distantly]



Drop your weapons!

Radio back to Command
that we found them.

But they put up a fight
so we had to put 'em down.

Yes, sir.



[Crowd murmuring]

I'm glad to see you decided to attend.

I didn't really have a choice.

So how was your stroll
through the square today?

It was lovely.

You should know your friend,
Connie, was picked up earlier.

Not to worry.

She's been placed with the others.

I do admire the loyalty
you have for your people.

I hope someday you'll understand

why I needed to do this for mine.

I already understand.

This is for you.

It's not for them.

Your words tonight will
carry across the Commonwealth

and help restore the people's
faith and keep the peace.


They're not my words.

Just bullshit theater.

All the same.

Just make sure you know your lines.

Good evening.

We're here tonight to
announce the Commonwealth

will be moving forward

with the prosecution of Eugene Porter.

Mr. Porter has been arrested
and charged in connection

with the tragic events that
took place on Founders Day,

including the m*rder of
Governor Milton's son,

Sebastian Milton.

Do you have an updates
on the escapees, Colonel?

I assure you, we have
our best people on this.

Teams are sweeping every quadrant.

At this time, we'd like to introduce

one of the Commonwealth's
most accomplished attorneys,

Ms. Yumiko Okumura.


Woman over radio: Alpha
Squad was just found dead

in quadrant three.

Dixon, Peletier, Hornsby all got away.

Good evening.

[Clears throat]

I'd like to start by saying
what a privilege it is

to be part of this...

great, shining city that
we call the Commonwealth.

Not long ago, I was part of a group

whose community had been lost

to the ravages of the outside world.

Left with nothing,

Governor Milton not only welcomed us,

but gave us the incredible
gift of a second chance.

A chance to live lives we
thought were gone forever.

For me, that meant being a lawyer again

and the opportunity to uphold
a sacred ideal of the old world.


[Clears throat]

Eugene Porter was also
a part of my community.

He was...

He was someone I grew to
know well over the years

and even come to trust.

That is why the events
of the past hours

have shaken me to my core.

They've also renewed my belief that,

regardless of the personal cost...

we must always seek justice

if we are to preserve
who we are as a people.

[Papers rustle]

Um, sorry.

[Clears throat]

Uh, before continuing,

there's actually somebody
I would like to thank,

someone who means the world to me

and also to you, the
people of the Commonwealth.

Your thoracic surgeon, and my brother,

Tomiichi Okumura.

Can you stand up please, Tomi?

Stand up.


Tomi is an invaluable
and irreplaceable member

of this community.

And he's always wanted
what's best for me...

and the people of the Commonwealth.

I just wanted to take this
moment to thank him for that.


I'd also like to take this opportunity

to thank my people for
always having faith in me.

And now I'd like to
show my faith in them,

and also honor the pursuit of justice,

by announcing my intent
to defend Eugene Porter,

who has been wrongly
and unjustly accused

by Pamela Milton and the Commonwealth.

We look forward to our day in court.

Thank you very much.

No, no.


There's your speech.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

We will not be taking
any more questions.

[Crickets chirping]

There's two of 'em, taking
shifts walking the perimeter.

Shouldn't be a problem to take them out.

Not for you, anyway.

Then what?

We head for your friends.

The tracks fork a few times on the way,

but I know the route the
supply train takes to get there.

Commonwealth has a working train?

It was part of a plan,

a vision,

to expand the Commonwealth's reach.

Connecting communities like
yours all the way to the sea.

Connecting or conquering?

We should move before dawn.

We will.

But you won't.


B-But you can't get there without me.

- Yeah, we can.
- How's that?

You just said it.

There's a train.

We wait for it to come, and
then we see where it goes.

But you still need me.

We talked about this.

Not burning the Commonwealth down.

Creating a-a better future
for the children, for everyone.

I know you heard me.

Yeah, only because you wouldn't shut up.

I helped build the Commonwealth.

Don't you see? Together,
we can make it better.

A place where everyone
can truly have a shot.

I can see the campaign for it...

"Here, you aren't
defined by who you were

but what you can become."

It... It'll signal a new
day has come, a new age

where everyone, all
of us, can start again.

Not everyone.

Not you.

So, you're just gonna k*ll me then?


A-After everything I've done for you?

You can run.


Run whe...

Run where?

It's up to you.

But that's all you're
gonna get... a chance.

It's more than you deserve.

All right, look, I've
made mistakes, I know.

But that's not who I am anymore.

Th-That guy is gone.

He died back in that cell.

I won't make it out here.


You're a smart guy, Lance.

You might survive.


Please, just... [Exhales deeply]

Just hear me out.

We've heard enough.

[Arrow sings]

[Engine starts]


[Vehicle departs]

[Wind whistling]


The Warden: Today is the
first day of a new beginning.

Take comfort in knowing

that good people will
benefit from your labor here.

Daryl: You took my kids from me.

You wanna die quick, or
you wanna die screaming?

Negan: We have got to work together...

- Mom!
- ...for everyone.

We are gonna take back
our home and make it right.

- Are you with me?
- I'm with you.

Thought I recognized your footsteps.

You know me a little too well.

Didn't we already say goodbye?

Thought you could use some

extra medical supplies to take back.

Yeah, thank you.

I was just getting some more food

to take to meet up with the others.

I left you some sesame
bagels in the back,

if you think you might like those.



This is an episode
where, in a literal sense,

some of our people have
been taken, disappeared,

but we're also dealing
with people who feel like

they're reckoning with
their soul and, like,

what have they lost along the way?

Aisha Tyler directed this
episode, and she's awesome.

She's one of the rare
directors that has directed

kind of across all the
existing "Walking Dead" shows,

and she has so much energy
and passion as a director.

Everybody just across the board

really, really enjoyed
her time on our set.

And I think she did a fantastic job.



Daryl's usually the
one that's the badass,

but they got the jump on him
while he had children with him.


He's so good at taking care of himself,

but I think, of course, he
would've tried to help the kids

before himself, and he wound
up in a terrible situation.



We really wanted to show
that he was in true danger.



They manage to get out of it,

but we always want to
make sure that things are

kind of grounded for Daryl.

Like, he's not a superhero.

He's just a guy who has
been through a lot of fights,

and is scrappy and tough,

but that doesn't mean
that he can't get into

a really scary situation.


They took the kids.

They took everyone.

Come on.

Where are they?


It's fine. There's no threat.

Right now, I'm the
biggest threat you have.

Yumiko is beyond furious.

Because she used to be a lawyer,

they've just kind of
plucked her out of her group

and said, "And now you
work for the government,

and you get to live a
completely different life."

Your friends have been
removed from the Commonwealth.


What, like the hundreds of other
people you've had disappeared.

Their rebellion and defiance of our laws

- left me no choice.
- [Scoffs] Please.

As if you have any respect for law.

I do.

That's why I hired you.

She wouldn't have necessarily thought

that Pamela was capable of
doing something like this.

I want to assure my citizens

that the trial of the
man who k*lled Sebastian

will remain impartial.

You want me to prosecute Eugene?

On behalf of the Commonwealth, yes.

Yeah, that's never gonna happen.

Well, then neither will a
reunion with your friends.

Is that what you want?

And let's not forget your brother.

The whole situation gives her pause,

and it's complicated,
so she knows she's got to

be careful about what she does next.

[Incoherent whispers]

Kang: I think Carol and
Daryl, their main worry

is like, is he so far gone

that he's not gonna be
in a place where he can

help us figure this thing out?

Either you tell us
where our friends are,

or you're dead.

He's all they kind of have right now.

They know that he knows everything about

how this place ticks.

I'll show you.


Right there!

There's no way they're gonna
get out of there easily.

We really wanted to have a moment where

Carol's got to choose, like,
do I go on with Hornsby alone?

Do we try to stick it out together?

Daryl: Go! Get him out of here!

- Not without you!
- Figure it out! Go!

I think it just speaks to their bond

that they trust each other so much

that even though they would prefer to do

everything together in
this case, they know that

they've got to kind of
divide and conquer right now.

You're not like most people.

You're always thinking steps ahead.

It's what makes you special.

I mean, who else could
have done what you just did?

Carol completely beleves that Hornsby's

just playing games and is
trying to get in with her.

She thinks he talks too much

and she thinks he's full of shit.

I know what you're trying to do.

I think the truth is more complicated.

I think he believes
the things he's saying.

I really do.

I'm done with your mind games.

He is not just pure,
mustache-twirling evil.

I do think he thinks
that there should be

some thought towards the future.

It's just that the methods
he's willing to use to get there

are not the same methods that

maybe our heroes would choose to use.


The lights went out. I thought
you were right behind me.

We should move before dawn.

We will.

But you won't.


But you can't get there without me.

Yeah, we can.

[Chuckles] How's that?

You just said there's a train.

So you're just gonna k*ll me, then?

You can run.

I won't make it out here.


Carol and Daryl give him
this chance to walk away,

because in some ways,

they feel a little sorry for him,

and I do think that they
see that there are times

where he has tried
to do the right thing.

- [Arrow whistles]
- Ahh...

However, as he walks away,
they're both thinking,

"This idiot's gonna turn
around and try to do something."

And it's almost like they're
waiting for that to happen.

That's really how we
kind of tone the scene.

Carol completely is ready
for him to turn around

and try something.