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03x13 - Monster Bash

Posted: 10/17/22 01:30
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [song ends]



[zippers zip]

All right, Marco, what do you think? - Is it too much? - It's not too much.

- Is it not enough? - I think it's perfect.

But does it read as Mewmans and Monsters together? - Yeah, basically.

- Don't worry, Star.

Oh, Rich, it is really cool of you to pay for this party.

I cannot believe you found this place.

No [sipping]

problem Star.

Yeah, thanks.

And I'm glad your leg is better.

Legs heal, Marco, but grudges last forever.

- Yeah, well, I'm sorry.

- Kidding, kidding! [laughs]

Water under the bridge.

Besides, I love throwing parties.

What's the point of money if you aren't lording it over everyone? Hi.

Time to get this thing started now.

Okay, I'm sorry that I'm late, but guess why.

It's 'cause I brought you a gift.

- Hey.

- Oh, Pony, you're the best.

Oh, did you hear that? The best.


Ooh, but, girl, this looks more like a stand-off than a party.

- There's tension.

- [Star]


Maybe I pushed too hard and they aren't ready for this.

- That's it! - Oh, no.

No! Ooh, okay, now it's getting started.

If no one else is gonna say anything, I will.

- How dare you?! - Uh, me? Pre-distressed ripped-knee jeans.

I should've thought to wear mine.

What's it like being the coolest dude here? Oh, you're you're happy at me? - Yes, I'm happy at you.

- Oh, well, thanks.

Where'd you get those horns? I really like 'em.



These old things? Yeah, boating accident.

I should've died.

Yeah, you should've.

[both laughing]

Yeah, it was pretty painful.

- Oh, thank corn.

- See? You had nothing to worry about.

Monsters and Mewmans partying together.

Who'd have thunk? [beeping]

Here he comes.

Aah! G-Geez! Careful, Roy.

Milady, your cheek marks are glowing.

- Put in the mix tape.

- As you wish.


Introductions! - Hey, so, like, wanna dance? - Mm, sure.

[techno dance music]

Beats, on point.


Not cold enough.

- On it.

- Marco! I have magic.





Oh, cold.


Oh, my dear sweet angel lady, I thought I lost you.


- Tom, when did you get here?! - Um, I helped you set up.

Remember, Rich Pigeon made me carry in that statue of him.

How did I not notice that till now? I don't know.

I looked great moving it all by myself.

It's your loss really.

- May I have this dance? - Aww, you're being very sweet, but I have to focus on this party right now.

It's a new age, Tom.

Monsters and Mewmans living in harmony, and I want everyone to remember this night forever.

Well, do you remember this? - What are you doing? - Uh, being romantic and kissing you? [nervous laugh]

You might have to help me remember then.


[inhales, blows]


Star! [kissing sounds]

I miss this.

I miss you.

I haven't seen you at all recently.

- Come on, just one little dance.

- Oh, Tom, I miss you, too.

but I really gotta go.

We'll dance later! - Mwah! [blows kiss]

- I'll see you then.

Ice! Oh, Star fixed it.

Dude, I don't get it.

She'll be queen soon anyway.

Why not enjoy being young just for a little longer? She's been working on this for months, man.

This is important to her.

She's trying to fix centuries of bigotry, and social biases that plague Mewni Sorry, sorry.

Just gonna stop you there, Marco.

- I'm not into politics.

- Dude, you're a prince.

Everything you do is political.


Look, guys, I got him to do it.

I got him to do the sword hand dance.

Everyone, sword hand dance! [upbeat music]

No, it's it's not a dance.

This indicates I'm poised for combat.

- Hey, Marco, wanna dance? - Okay.


Would you like to [splat]

Eww, no.

Does that actually work on girls? Come on.

Well, yeah, it works on everybody.

Girls' bites, boys' bites.

It even works on grandmas' bites.

- Wait, what? - My slime.

It's just like aloe vera.

- You actually wanna cure my spider bite? - Yeah Well, only if you want to.

Dude, I am so sick of this spider bite! Give me some of that.

Whoa! That's amazing.

- You're amazing.

- Oh, it's nothing.


[wall rumbles]


Oh, my gosh.

Slime, are you okay? I'm okay.

You'd be surprised how many times that's happened.

There's some pretty spooky statues down here.



That one looks like it's seen better days.

That one looks like my old math teacher.

Yeah, and that one looks like it's breathing? [both scream]

This party is on point.

Good job, girl! Aww, thanks, Pony.

You know, I think I really did do a good job.

To Star Butterfly, for putting on this magnificent party.

And inviting everybody to come.

Aww, you guys.



Speech, speech! Okay, I'm blushing.

I'm literally blushing, guys.


Well, we kids are the future, and starting tonight, we are going to create a new Mewni.

A Mewni where everyone is welcome anywhere.

I'm so excited, I could scream.

[Spider Bite screaming]

Help! - Oh, my gosh.

What happened? - It was a monster.

What's going on over here? Obviously, she was att*cked by that slimy monster.

What? Slime wouldn't attack anybody.

- Is he still down in that chamber? - I I - We saw you take him down there.

- Yeah, like, what did you do to him? Okay.

Has anyone seen Slime Monster? No, but Eric's missing, too.

He was over by that door earlier.


So was Tanya.

Weren't you dancing with Tanya earlier? There were a lot of girls.

I don't know all their names.

What did you do with Tanya? Nothing! Monsters do whatever they want! What is that supposed to mean? It means Mewmans aren't the ones attacking people, and dragging them through creepy hidden doorways.

You know monsters.

It's, like, their instinct.

[Squirrel Monster]

Oh, here it comes.

Just 'cause he's a monster.

- Hey, girl.

- Pony, thank goodness.

I don't know what you did, but this party just got way more interesting.

- You're jumping to conclusions! - Just common knowledge.

Stop! [silence]

Please, everybody, just let me take care of this.

Go back and enjoy the party.

There's fresh punch, it's very cold.

The Goblin Dog food truck is out front, and we even have some jokes! Pony, keep everybody entertained while I investigate.

Ooh, I'm the jokes! [Marco reading menu]

Roy, who who gets strawberry? Can Can I have one? - Marco, I need you.

- Whoa! - Your hat looks fine.

- I was doing something! Tom, I need your help.

Monster kids have started disappearing, and nobody knows where Slime Monster is.

Star, relax.

It's a party.

They're probably just off cuddling somewhere which is what you and I should be doing? - Don't you think? Ugh! I do not have time for this, Tom! Don't you understand? If something bad happens to those monsters, everything I've worked for will be ruined.

So you can either help me or you can get out of my way.

- Come on, Marco.

- Princesses.

Pat, pat.

[angry groan]

Hey, Slime.

Slimy dude! You in here? What do you think this place was anyway? I don't know.

But these stairs are not easy in this dress.

Whoa, check it out.

It's like a little campsite.

These earmarks are fresh.

[both gasp]

Slime? If that was you, now would be a nice time to tell us.


Matches, matches, matches! [Star]

Okay, here.

I've got the candle.

- Here, here.

- I can't see where.

Oh wait, I'll just use my wand.

What the Mina Loveberry? Mud Sister? Huh! What the heck are you doing here? I am throwing a very important Mewman and Monster friendship party.

Wait, wait, monsters? I've been throwing monsters into this closet - all night.

- Get us outta here! What? Oh, no, no, no, no.

What are you doing? You need to let them go right now.

I need to keep this place safe from evil monster treachery.

They're not evil, they're my friends.

Come on.

This place is abandoned.

Nothing sinister is going on.

Young warrior, everything about these monsters and whoz-its is sinister.

- You don't understand.

I am trying to - Interrupting! You don't understand the complexities of this situation.

I am duty-bound to protect this temple.

- Doctor's orders.

- This one's all you, Mud Sister.

Maybe it's time to get a second opinion.

- You doubt the words of a professional? - No, but, just ow! Okay, stop it! Okay, Mina, look, let's just calm down and not escalate things.

I'm not the one escalating things, escalator! I've been waiting hundreds of years aaah! [music]

Princess Marco.

Heinous?! Oh, no! I am done running from you.

This ends now [both grunt]


Now to set the mood.

Play the music.

- Again, milady? - Play it!! Yes, ma'am.


Heard it 15 times.

[thrash rock playing]

Start the machine.


- Milady, the lever is stuck.

- What? Hmm? When I push it, it doesn't go down.

You imbecile! Utterly incompetent! But no matter.

This is between me and Princess Marco now.




It can't be - So are we still fighting or ? - Leave the room, Marco.

What have you got there, milady? - Dolls.

- Oh, I I can see that.

These were my dolls.

I love my dolls.

That's that's very nice.

I can't believe it.

It's all coming back to me.

That was my bookshelf, and my toy chest.

This place, this was my nursery.


And this this was my baby bed.

- But how is this possible? - Oh, it's possible, all right.

I knew you'd be back here one day Meteora.

I beg your pardon! This is Miss Heinous, the honorable headmistress of St.

Olga's School for Wayward Princesses.



That is my name.

At least, it was my name a long, long time ago.

- Uh Milady, your arm.

- No, no, no, no, no! Shall I fetch your makeup? Well, ain't this a pretty picture? First, Eclipsa wakes up, and now, look who comes a-cryin'.


Whoa, wait.

Eclipsa? What does she have to do with this? - Yeah, can someone fill us in? - Don't you ding-dongs know anything? - She's her mama! - Eclipsa is Heinous' mother?! But how? Eclipsa's hundreds of years old.

Besides, that would mean Heinous is a - a princess.

- It means she's a Butterfly.

It means she's a monster.

Now, uh, see here [shrieks]

Whoa, whoa, Mina.

Just wait just one second.

- I got a lot of questions here.

- Doctor's orders! Double rainbow fist! - Quick, go get the monster kids.

- Right.


Stardust daisy devastation! Whoa! Get out! Oh, you let them go?! You traitor! Miss Heinous.

We must leave quickly.

Star? Star, are you down here? [Star screams]

- Tom! - Star! Look, I know I did something wrong, and I'm still not sure what, but I want to apologize.

Oh, that's great, great.

Kind of got a thing here.

Spider with a top hat blast! w*r! [dramatic music]


[magical chanting]



Ah! Where is she? Where is Meteora now? [screeching]


Okay, all right, here's another one, okay? - Knock, knock.

- [all]

Who's there? Where is Meteora? Where's the monster? Raspberry ribbon rainbow! You're ruining everything I'm trying to accomplish.

Well, you just helped the most dangerous monster in the history of Mewni escape.

- Huh! - Oh! What's happening?! - Everybody freeze! - Oh, no.

The donut patrol? Huh.

I gotta make tracks.

So you guys came here to party? [siren blaring]

You are in a world of trouble, young lady.

Look, it was just a party, okay? - We weren't doing anything wrong.

- Oh, really? Then what was that huge surge of magic - we detected in the dungeon earlier? - Oh, yeah.


Do you have any idea what this place is? Uh, a fun place to throw parties? It's not just a fun place to throw parties.

It's, well, I'm not even authorized to tell you what it is.

That's how bad it is! [blows raspberry]

You don't know what it is, do you? What? No, I totally know what it is.

It's [gibbering]

Oh, yeah.


I don't have time for this.

You stay here.

I got a crime scene to deal with.


I made this for you.

I mean, no, that's a lie.

They're just handing 'em out over there.

- I was, um here.

- Aw, thanks, Tom.

So, sorry for being a total nag back there.

I get it now.

You were dealing with some serious stuff.

It's okay.

Doesn't even matter now anyway.

The party was a disaster.

What? No! It was a great party.

I mean, sure, some monsters got trapped in a closet, and Mina probably traumatized some people, and we got busted by the cops, - and I am not helping at all right now.

- This is all my fault.

I really thought I could just change everything overnight.

- Ugh, I was so wrong.

- Hey, don't be so hard on yourself.

There's no way you could've known all this weirdness would happen.

Yeah, that's the problem, Tom.

I don't know anything.

I don't know how to fix what's wrong with Mewni, I don't even know who my own family is anymore.

All that stuff with Heinous and Eclipsa.

I just What? Hey, hey, hey! What do you think you're doing? Let those monsters go.

We found these hooligans loitering outside the temple.

- I need to take them in for processing.

- Oh, really? Then why don't you process those hooligans? - More hot chocolate, Your Highness? - Yes.

Well, uh - Let 'em go! - Yes, Your Highness.

I am so sorry this happened to you guys.

It's okay, Star.

Trust me, this happens to us all the time.

I-I can make it up to you.

Stay for the after-party.

Snacks on me.

Uh, thanks, but I've had enough parties for a while.

Yeah, I almost died for real.

Catch you later, okay? [sirens wailing]

There's too much heat out there.

- We should get going, Miss Heinous.

- That's not my name.

I'm sorry? My name is Meteora.


# She's a princess winning battles # Through the break of dawn Don't worry when it's night 'cause She will keep the lights on Oh, there goes a shining star - # Evil won't deter her # - # No, sir! # - # 'Cause magic flows through her # - # Star Butterfly! # She is a shining star