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03x12 - Night Life/Deep Dive

Posted: 10/17/22 01:30
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [song ends]


[adult voice]

Hold on to my hands.

They'll keep you safe.

Hey, Mr.

Muscles, just keep driving.

Just lookin' out for your safety.

- Then look out for that cliff! - Huh? [both screaming]

Ha ha! Oh, man, I was not payin' attention.

Nice save, Nachos.

- Marco! - Sorry.

So, uh, what are we lookin' for again? Oh, uh, that thing.

Follow me.

[both screaming]

Why did you punch him in the eye? - Where else was I supposed to punch him? - Just don't punch it.

Whoa! - Just drive, muscles.

- Yes, ma'am.

Another portal closed.

Man, I missed this.

Punchin' monsters, crazy adventures.

- Eat weird things.

- Hey! Who you callin' weird? - I'm quirky.


- I just wish more portals would open in your dimension, Hekapoo.



I look so awesome there.

Yeah, it's a real shame.

[watch beeping]

Oh, I gotta go.

Already? We just sat down.

- I'll sit with ya.

- No, thanks, weirdo.

Nachos! Oh, buddy, it's getting harder and harder to leave ya.

- Hey, muscles, you comin' back tomorrow? - Yeah, if you need me.

- I could use a hand.

- Cool.

Can't wait.

- Marco? - Hey oh.

Oh what happened to your face? I tried to take Glossaryck for a walk today.

It did not go well.

I really could've used some help from my squire, - who was mysteriously not around.

- Yeah, sorry.

I was, uh fishing.

You went fishing in the middle of the night? - Yep.

- Well, did you catch anything? I caught a mackerel.

A big old mackerel.

You caught a mackerel? Where is it? I ate it.


Well, I gotta help my dad clear out the castle sewers tomorrow.

Fuuuuun! So could you just keep an eye on Glossaryck? - Yeah.

I can do that.

- Oh, great.

Things have been pretty busy around here.

- Well, your squire is here to help.

- Thanks, squire.


- Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew! - This is a meow-trage, I say.

- Can you hurry up? - I'm trying.


Shiver me timbers, we're all gonna die Hekapoo, hey.

I'm here.


Nice of you to show up.

Star needed me to watch Glossaryck, but it's cool, I handled it.

Great story.

Now can you give me a hand with this? Oh, right.


Huh? [screaming]

Captain, what were those strange creatures? Angels, me boy.

They be but angels.

- Fur-tastic.


- You two make a purr-fect team.


Well, I hate it here.

So tavern? [watch beeping]

Oh, no.

I gotta go.

Star needs me.

She says it's urgent.

But the same time tomorrow? - Ah, you bet.


- Please stop doing that.

Not until you're bald.

Hey, Star, what's the emer gency? - You had one job.

- Sorry, I was fishing again.

Wait a minute.

Greasy pants.

Dimensional scissors.


Scorched bald spot! You haven't been fishing at all.

You've been hanging out with Hekapoo again.

- Uh, uh, just for, like, a second.

- Marco, I need you here.

Glossaryck needs constant surveillance.

[blows raspberry]

I know it's not as glamourous as dragon cycling.

I've been really overwhelmed lately, and I need your help.


You're right.

No more moonlighting.


- You can watch these for me.

- Thanks, Marco.

I'm at your service, milady.


Don't ever call me that.

Now get some sleep, you.

Tomorrow, we're gonna be waist deep in sewer sludge.

Can't wait.

Let's ride.


Okay, this is just for tonight.

[blows raspberry]

Don't look at me like that.

Hey, sorry.

I'm late again.

Where are we riding today? Well, this next job's pretty big, so I hired Talon Raventalon for some extra muscle.

Who's Talon Raventalon? I'm Talon Raventalon! [electric guitar riff plays]

One glass of worms.

Extra wiggly.

- Hekapoo, we don't need this bro.

- Actually, we kinda do.

You've been so busy, I wasn't sure you were gonna show, and I can't do this job alone.

I guess that's fair but him? [loud chewing]

So what's the job, anyway? Dragon cyclers don't ask questions.

Dragon cyclers ride! Follow us, okay? [yells]

[rock music]

So what are we doing today? - Something fun.

- Ooh, like what? Like closing up these portals for good.

Wait, so what? There's a pattern to where these portals have been opening.

And the next one should open right over there.

Whatever comes out of it, we're takin' it down! Oh, yeah! With this! [electric guitar riff plays]

Doesn't this seem like overkill? Talon likes overkill.

[electric guitar riff plays]

H-Poo, can we chat? So it's just that closing these portals with you has been the highlight of my time on Mewni.

Do we really have to stop? Marco, this has been fun, but I've got a job to do.

Yeah, just don't do it.

My job is to stop whatever comes out of that portal.


Incoming! - There it is! - Oh, yeah! Stop! Marco, what are you doing? I'm not sure, but you need to stop.

Oh, I'm just gettin' started.

Ba-kaw! Marco, it's my job.


Star? - Oh, I love harpoons.

- No! You idiot! Ha ha! Star! [relieved sigh]

That was some great riding, Hekapoo.

You knew? You knew that Star was the one opening these portals, - and you didn't tell me?! - Okay, okay, hear me out.

I'm reporting this to the high commission.

Okay, yeah, I lied to you about Star, but not about anything else.

Working with you has been incredible, and I don't want it to end.

Please don't report this to the high commission.

Star needs to figure out her new powers on her own.

Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?! I'm her squire; I can make sure she's safe.

- Haven't I earned your trust by now? - [yells]

No! [sighs]

[adult voice]

Pretty please, H-Poo.

Oh, you know I can't resist your adult voice.


I won't report this, for your sake, but us working together is over.

- Hekapoo - Here.

You're gonna need this.

Star's lucky to have a squire like you.

Yah! Y-You wanna hang out? [electric guitar riff plays]

Uh hello? [screams]

Creepy blast! [Marco yells]

[Marco groaning]

Marco? What are you doing? And what are you doing with your scissors?! Okay, okay, I can explain.

First you're lying, and now you're stealing.

- What are you doing? - I've been closing your portals.

Uh, you've been opening them in different dimensions, and I've been closing them with Hekapoo.

Wha-wha-what? - Does Hekapoo know about - Yeah.

Yeah, she knows.

She's not happy about it.

- Oh, no.

Oh, no, oh, no! - Star, I like adventures, but I like keeping you safe more, so if I can stop doing this - can you stop doing that? - Whoa, what is it? I think it's what you've been looking for.

Okay, I thought it was a dream, but then, it was like, "Oh, no, you ate all these goblin dogs," but it was not a dream.

And then I brought the goblin dogs truck into my bedroom, and then, I crushed my bed with it, and I had to turn my bed back into a bed, and then I told my mom about it, [blows]


and then my mom was, like, "Oh, that shouldn't be happening.

" And I was like Jenna.

Stop blowing in Marco's hair.

What? That was you? Sorry.

Got a little bored.

No offense.

Yeah, Star, can you just get to the point, please? [sighs]

Okay, I'm sleep-portaling.

In my sleep, every night, I hear this sound.

It's like [high-pitched screeching]

No, no, that's not it.

[high-pitched whining]

Okay, Star, we get it.

Can we just get to the point, please? I've been following this sound to the same location every night, but I never make it there, because I wake up, and that's where you come in, Janna.

You've gotta hypnotize me so I can stay asleep.

What? Hypnotize you? Star, shouldn't you leave that to a trained professional? - You doubt my skills? - Yeah, actually, I do.




What the heck? What happened? You guys, stop messing around and get over here.

Hey, check it out.

I linked my compact phone to my mirror, so you'll be able to see whatever I see.

Marco, you've got the scissors.

If anything goes wrong out there, you come get me.

- You're my lifeline.

- What if you get lost, or go so far out that we can't find you? Marco, we've dealt with much worse stuff than this.

Yeah, I guess.

Okay, Star, take a nice, deep breath.


- Now, focus on my watch.

- Hey, that's my watch.

Dude, this is about Star.

Get over yourself.


Keep your eyes on the watch.

You're feeling light as a feather.

[light snoring]

And now we wait.

So what exactly does it look like when she portals? Ah.

Like that.

We have lift-off.


I'm here for you.

Your lifeline.

- Uh, what's all that? - Spiritual chromatograph, magic wave scope, energy oscillotron, and a jigsaw puzzle for when things get slow.

But most importantly, [clatter]

the map.

Uh uh where is she?! Here she is, she's here.

No, no, maybe she's here.

Or here.

No! Forget this! I'm goin' in.

Dude, relax.

She's got a long way to go.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

So Janna been a while since we hung out one-on-one.


- We never really - Chickenbutt.



[high-pitched whining noise]

What the [music]

- Hey, Sleeping Beauty.

- Huh what? - Janna? What did you - Shut up and look.


Where is that on the map? I don't know.

She's off the map.



No, no, no, no, no.

Don't Don't go in there.

No! That's it.

I'm goin' in.

What happened? Where is she? I can't get to her with the scissors if I don't know where she is.

You're here.

I'm here.


Stop it, stop it, stop it.

[soft whinnying]

You're here! Okay, okay, I'm here.

- But where is here? - You don't know? You're in the realm of magic.

Wow! It's like Toffee was never even here.

It's been reborn-ded.

That's not a word.

[high-pitched whining]

- That sound - The song of the firstborn.

She's been calling to you.

[high-pitched whine continues]

[high-pitched whining]

Okay, stop, please.

And thank you.

So who are you? Do you not recognize your own creation? [loud gasp]

I made you?! I did good.

So you're the one that called me here? I can only call one who wishes to be called.

I don't understand.

Why would I wish to be called? I don't know.

Perhaps the answer rests here, in the realm of magic.

Oh, I can't stay.

- I have to go home.

- Do you? [whinnying]

I guess I could stay.

- Plug your nose.

- Oh, okay.

[holds breath]


Your call cannot be completed as dialed.

[frustrated groan]

Check the number and try again.

- Come on! Call Star.

- Calling Star.

Aaaaahhh! - What am I gonna do? - Oh, what about Glossaryck? - Maybe he can - [screams]

Globgorg! - You're a disgrace to magic.

- Magic Oh, that's a bad idea.

And that's coming from me.

- Oh, you're gonna die! - Ooh! Huh.

Nothing happened.

It's like our souls are bonded [screaming]


And here.

Now it has your mole.


"The All-Seeing Eye.

Spying leads to crying?" - Just hold it up so I can read it.

- Okay.



"I summon the All-Seeing Eye to tear a hole into the sky.

Reveal to me that which is hidden.

Unveil to me what is forbidden!" [Star]




- Sal Sally! - What are you doing? I can't remember my name.

- What's a name? - [Marco]

Star! That's it.

That's my name.


- Thanks, strange boy.

- Star, you have to come home! I am home.

We've gotta get her out of there.

Just give me your hand.


Marco? Marco! [panting]


Where are you going? - Don't go.

- I'm sorry.

I have to.

Janna? Janna? Marco? Where are you? Janna! Marco! [Marco]

Over here.


Oh gosh! Are you okay? - Better now without that table on me.

- My wand.

- What did you do? - Well, I was kind of out of options.

Oh, Marco, that was incredibly stupid of you.

- That's a little mean.

- Thank you.

- Ew, gross.

Get a portal.

- Janna! - No rush.


- Gotcha.

This is the coolest thing that's ever happened to you.


Oh, check this out.

Huh, huh? Huh? Huh? I can do it # At will # - So are you still hearing that sound? - I I guess I'm not.

And does that mean you're going to quit sleep-portaling? - I guess it does.

- I don't know.

I'm not convinced that this is [both]


[both snap]


She's a princess winning battles Through the break of dawn Don't worry when it's night 'cause She will keep the lights on Oh, there goes a shining star - # Evil won't deter her # - # No, sir! # - # 'Cause magic flows through her # - # Star Butterfly! # She is a shining star