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03x11 - Death Peck/Ponymonium

Posted: 10/17/22 01:29
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [Song ends]

Mewmins and monsters have just [music]

misunderstood each other for too long.

Mewni should be a place of peace - and unity for everyone.

- Right, yes.

Like they don't, like, get peace or whatever.

But for that to happen, we need to stop following the old ways.

We need to be the change we want to see.

That's why I'm hoping they'll sign this super awesome petition of friendship between monsters and Mewmins.

Your signature is the last one we need.

So what do you say? Will you sign? [flapping]

Um [giggles]


[cooing continues]

Is this the same Rich Pigeon that, like, - k*lled it at the Silver Bell Ball? - Uh, I think so? Does he even understand a word we're saying? I don't know.

We've never actually really talked.

But just to make it easier for you Pen.



Come on, Star, he's just a dumb bird.

You can't expect him to envision a utopian future.



Ignore him.

How about one blink for yes, and two for no? Look, just, like, grab his little foot or whatever, and sign the petition for him so we can get outta here.

- This place is giving me the creeps.

- Yeah, Marco's right Whoa, did I just say that out loud? You just hold the petition, and I'll grab his foot.

Yeah, I don't know, Marco.

Doesn't really sound like the right way to go.


I've seen all the bird videos online.

- I've got this.

- Okay, okay.

Just be gentle.

Easy, now.

There we go.


Birds feel weird.



Marco! What did you do? That was not gentle! Fix it, fix it, fix it now! Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.

[dramatic music]

[echoing cooing]

[angry squawking]

Run!! [music]

- Marco, I told you to be gentle! - I was gentle! Crystal narwhal [gasps]

My wand! - A little help, please.

- I got you, Marco.

[relieved sighs]

I told you, birds don't see what doesn't move.

Quick, in here.


- Okay, I think we lost them.

- Oh, great, now we're stuck in a room with paintings?! [gasps]

I hate paintings.

Wait, these are all paintings of Rich Pigeon.

Ah, bold, confident brush work, with a subtle nod to neoclassicism.


[pounding on door]



Barricade the door.

Pony Head, where you going? I am sorry, but I cannot deal with this anymore right now, okay? I need to do me.

Ah! Much better.

Pony Head, wait, what are you doing? Get back here and help us.

Guys, come quick.

I think I found something.


Oh, thank Mewni.

Look at me! I can dance now.

- [laughs]

Look at this! - Rich Pigeon's legs.

Pony Head, I don't see how some extra legs and jewels are gonna get us outta here.

Well, first of all, you are so wrong on so many levels, the second level being that this is not what I found that I'm talking about.

[bell rings]

[loud footsteps]

Look at them calves.


- Whoa.

- Those are some big legs.

[birds screeching]

Everyone, pick a leg.

- Hurry up! - Sorry.

We can't all just float wherever we want.

Definitely not with that attitude.

[all screaming]

- [Marco]

Look at all these levers.

- Push them all! How does this thing work?! - Stop yelling.

- No, it feels good right now.

No, I mean it.

Stop yelling for one second.

- Do you hear that? - I don't hear anything.


They stopped.


- Phew! - Oh, thank karate.

Now let's get [all scream]

Are they still following us though? [loud screeching]


They're blocking the exit.

Don't, stop.

Marco, you'll hurt the pigeons.

Oh! Oh, hey, girl, can I just ask you something so quickly? What the heck-y was that?! Okay?! - We were almost out of this trash castle.

- If we hurt the pigeons, we're never gonna get Rich to sign the petition.

You really think that's still a possibility, Star? [cooing]

[nervous laughter]

Hey, birds.


About all this we are so sorry.

This is very normal for me; it happens.

I know how to deal with it.

- Pony Head! Wha - I know what I am.

Okay, we're so sorry things got so out of hand or claw or whatever you Okay, listen, how about we all just please start over.

We didn't mean any harm to Prince Rich Pigeon.

We just wanted to - Pony Head!! - I thought that we might need - him for leverage.

- Cool.

Can't wait to die.

[loud squawking]

[angry squawking]

How is this a fair trial? We don't even know what they're saying.

Um, excuse me.

King Pigeon, sir.

I just want to apologize again for what happened here today.

We did not mean to break your son's leg.

- Yeah, like, in a thousand pieces.

- Oh.

I was gentle! Okay, let's just We didn't come here today to hurt anyone.

We just came here to ask your son for help.

[angry cooing]

[gong rings]

[loud footsteps]

[all screaming]

Oh, my goodness! This is not happening.


No, no, no, no! [yelling]


That kinda hurt.

Ow, ow, ow.

Okay, okay.


That's annoying.

Ow! Oh, I heard about this before.

- It's death by a thousand pecks.

- Ow.

Well ow this is gonna ow take forever.


[door opens]

Set them free! [voice echoing]

[angry squawking]

He can talk?! [gasps]

I knew it! And it's such a strong, handsome man voice, too.

Oh, my goodness.


Yes, Father, I disobeyed pigeon law, and learned the Mewni tongue.

But I did it for our kingdom's future.


Why must we proud pigeons continue to pretend to be mindless animals? Princess Butterfly champions a noble cause peace and friendship between the powerful and the downtrodden.

We must not let our prejudices against the Mewmins prevent us from joining her fight for justice.

We are a small but mighty empire.

I love this kingdom, and it is my duty as its prince to protect it, but it is also my duty to bring it forth into the future.

Star Butterfly, you have inspired me.

Seeing you work so hard, it makes me want to be a greater prince for the pigeons.

Nay, nay, nay, nay! For all of Mewni.

[triumphant squawking]


We did it.

We got all the signatures! Yeah, thank you so much! And, uh, sorry about busting up your castle.


No, no, the damage you did today was far less damage than we did [chuckles]

- when we conquered it for ourselves.

- Conquered? From who? Oh, you didn't notice the skeleton rotting in the hall? Uh Oh.

[nervous laughter]


Enough business.

Now we must feast to celebrate our new beginning.

Finally! I am starving! Huhh! I could really go for some pizza or, like, a bunch of soda chips, or [squish]

So you know what? You keep living your best life, all right, and I'm just gonna head out and not stay here anymore.

Bye-bye! [coos]



Hmm Is this the doorbell or [loud buzzer and whinnying]

Oh, what did I do? [feedback]

[Pony Head]

What are you doing? Uh, I'm sorry.

I just rang the doorbell.

That's not a doorbell.

I'll come down and get you.

Oh, my gosh, Star! [music]

Pony Head! Good to see you, girl.

- Check out what I brought.

- Oh, my goodness! That is the finest casserole I have ever seen, girl.

Maybe this night might not be a total disaster after all.

Right? Wait, what? I've been trying to spare you from my sisters, I really have, but at this point, I need back-up.

What? They've always been so nice to me.

You do not know them like I do, Star.

They're like peanut butter and jealous.

They have been trying to take me down for years, all because I'm next in line for the throne.

Not to mention that I'm so beautiful and talented and humble.

Oh, Pony Head.

- I'm sure they're not that bad.

- Star, look at me.

They are long-faced, two-faced monsters! All right, listen up, people.

Okay, my friend Star is here for our meal, and we are going to act like normal, like a normal family that spends time together.

Like normal.

Hey, Azniss.


Okay, that is not normal.

This is what I'm talking about, people.

Oh, no, it's fine.

You guys don't have to do anything special for me.

Just act like I'm not even here.

Pony Head, I forgot everyone's names.

Oh, hey, Star forgot y'all's names! [gasping]

- Roll call! [stammering]

- Baby Pranciss.

- Hornanne.

- Jen-Jen.

- Pamanda.

- Khrystalle.

- Angel.

- Azniss.

No! Get back to the table right now! You don't introduce yourselves with a musical number.

You say your name.

Just say your name.

Where are the twins? Shonda and Shinda? - [both]

Yes? - Get your creepy selves over here.

You guys are so weird.

- Ugh! Are we ready to eat? - Food? Yes, Daddy, it's time to eat.

Get down here.

[goofy laughter]

Fooooood!! [rumbling]

Well, dig in.

[Star chuckles nervously]

Hey, Pony Head, is it okay if I skip the trough, and eat this cupcake that's on a plate here? That's Teta's plate.

She ran off.

We always make a plate for her, in the hopes that she'll come back one day.

I hope she's not prettier than me, though.

Or she probably ran off because - she can't stand your sorry butts, okay? - She ran off because you're always throwing her shade, Pony Head.

She's always throwing me shade by doing her homework and then being, like, "I'm gonna donate to charity.

" You know what I mean? Like, that's very rude.

Right? [music playing]

Shonda and Shinda.

[music continues]

What are you doing? [both]

We wanted to play some of our original music for Star.

Nobody wants to hear your creepy singing except for dead people.

Are we at a haunted house? See what I mean? I don't know, I think it's kinda sweet.

- I miss Teta! - How do you even know who Teta is? You were a zygote when she disappeared.

- Not cool.

- Really mean.

[angry chattering]

Now, now, girls, settle down.


I'm sorry you all can't handle how on point I am right now.

Can't trust anyone in this house.

Not even my best friend.

[chuckles nervously]

I'm just gonna go check on her.

Knock, knock.

Can I come in? [loud belch]

So I'm really sorry you felt ganged-up on down there, but you gotta admit, you were being a little intense, right? [beat boxing]

Hey, Pony Head.

Guess what's in the casserole that I made.

Just take a wild guess.

All right, I'll just tell you.

It is gingerbread and ice cream.

Why don't you go eat it with my sisters - since you think they're so great? - Uhh, fine! [door slams]

- This casserole is delicious, Star.

- Yeah, I know.

- Was Pony Head mean to you, too? - I don't get it.

It's seems like she just flipped out of nowhere.


Don't beat yourself up about it.

She's like that all the time.

You haven't picked up on that yet? I guess she can sometimes be a little bit Of a party pooper? We know.

She's pooped on our parties more times than I can even count.

And then, she makes fun of me 'cause I don't know all of my numbers yet.


- You poor thing.

- Guess who's developed a complex? - Uh - All of us.

We all did.

- She messed us up real good.

- It's true.

Because of Pony Head's attitude, I became terribly insecure, and now, I have to compensate by putting all of my self-worth into my jaw-dropping beauty.

It's real hard, you guys, [sobbs]

and I do it every day.

Every day.

I've never known Pony Head to be so horrible.


But at least we have each other.

Yeah, we don't need no stinkin' Pony Head to have a good time.

We can show you how a real pony head parties.


- Now you look fierce.

- Thanks, Pranciss.

Yo, Star, check this out.

Oh, cool.

Fun trick.

Huh? What do you think? I wasn't done.


I'm not sure what just happened there.

You should be honored.

She only does that for her sisters.

You're totally like one of the family now.

- I am? - [all]


Oh, yay! I've always wanted sisters.

You know what's the most awesomest thing about having sisters? Arguing over the remote? That's a good guess, but it's actually the secrets.

- Do you like secrets? - Usually.

- Do you like projects? - Yes? Cool, 'cause we've got this super secret project we've been working on, and we'd love to get your thoughts on it.

Sweet! - Check it out.

- Wait.

Teta on ice? I thought Teta ran off.

Oh, baby, we're hatching a plot to depose Pony Head as heir to the throne.

- [giggles]


- Yeah.



You saw how she is.

She's unfit to lead.

Yeah, look, we've got it all figured out.

Pony Law states that if a pony princess puts one of her sisters on ice, she can never be queen.

So we're putting Teta on ice, - and framing Pony Head for it.

- On ice? Well, that sounds fun.

No, no, no, no, no, honey.

We mean [all]

On ice.

Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no.

Hey, you guys, ice is supposed to be cool, and what you're talking about is bad ice.

Not really.

We're just gonna pretend Teta's on ice.

Ain't that right, Teta? Yep.

They got a new life set up for me and everything.

I have a mustache! What you think, Star? I got a lot of questions.

I know Pony Head has got some issues, but don't you think maybe framing her is a bit much? [exasperated sigh]

Everyone knows Pony would be the worst queen ever.

She just won't admit it to herself.

This way, the right pony gets to inherit the throne.

- [yells]

Me!! - Wait a minute.

Who said you were gonna be queen? Yeah, I thought I was gonna be queen.


Pamanda, really? - No, you're right.

- I should be queen.

No, I should be queen.

I'm perfect.

No, I should be queen.

I think I'd do a good job.

That makes no sense! You're supposed to be dead.


We talked about this Where are you off to in such a hurry? - Oh, oh, me, me? - You weren't planning on - telling Pony Head, now, were you? - [gasps]

No! Of course not.



'Cause, uh, we can't allow you to snitch, sugar booger.

You're one of us now sister.

And if you betray your sisters, you're gonna get disappeared, too, just like Teta.

[Pony Head whinnies]

- Bam, you are busted! - Pony, what is going on? Star, you beautiful angel, I'm so sorry you've been put through this trauma, girl.

I knew these no class-having wannabe queens were up to somethin', I just didn't know what.

And now I have it all on video.

This way, the right pony gets to inherit the throne.

Okay, thanks for having me.

Because I definitely feel like I've been had.

- Oh, unbelievable.

- Yeah, so anyway, thank you, Star, for coming over.

I know you probably feel used, but I couldn't have done it without you.

Thank you so much.

What, are you kidding? Pony Head, this is one of the most stressful experiences of my already very intense life.

I'm sorry.

My sisters are totally insane.

- [chuckles]

Oh, totally insane.

- Whoa, hold on.

You cannot just be sitting up here talking about - my sisters like that.

- You just said it yourself.

Star, I love my sisters.

We do this every meal.

I guess I just don't get the whole sister thing.

You have one of the best sisters a girl could ever need, 'cause you got me, B-fly.

- Oh, girl.

- Star, you weren't trying to leave without saying good-bye, were you? [whispers]

Take me with you.


- [all]

Bye-bye, Star! - Bye-bye! [music]

# She's a princess winning battles # Through the break of dawn Don't worry when it's night 'cause She will keep the lights on Oh, there goes a shining star - # Evil won't deter her # - # No, sir! # - # 'Cause magic flows through her # - # Star Butterfly! # She is a shining star