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03x05 - Scent of a Hoodie/Rest in Pudding

Posted: 10/17/22 01:24
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [Song ends]


Whoa! Oh, hey, guys.

- We're gonna miss you, dude.

- Come on, Marco, - can't you stay a little longer? - Love to, but Earth's calling.

All right then, see ya on the flip, Marco.

Whoa!! [grunts]

Uh, well, I guess this is good-bye.

And what a pleasure it's been.

This place won't be the same without you, my lad.

But before you go, there's something I want to give you for all you've done for our kingdom.

Squire! Ahem.

- Ta-da! - Ooh! Whoa! Cool.


You're like a real live knight now.

Look at you, my boy.

In fact, if you ever want to be a knight one day, - give me a call.

- Wow, thanks, River.

Take care of yourself back on Earth.



- I guess this is it.

- Well, bye.

Wait, Marco.

- I need a longer good-bye than that.

- Me, too.

Well, bye.


- Bye.

- Oh, you're going to the portal.

That's this way.


- Uh - Oh [nervous chuckling]

- Well, bye.

- Bye.


- Okay, Marco.

- Right.

Oh, and can you let me know if you see my hoodie anywhere? I told you I haven't seen it, but if I find it, - I will send it to you.

- Okay, cool.




I'm going to my room.

But sweetie pie, your room's this way.

Uh, yeah, it's wherever I want it to be, Dad.

Sparkle glitter b*mb expand.



[sniffs deeply]


Gross, Marco.

Smells like that time we went on that dimensional school field trip! [sniffs]


Gonna vomit.

And that smells like the one time we got Chinese food after the double feature karate movie! [coughs, gags]

And that smells like the time we tried to save the bounce lounge.

- Hey, girl! - [gasps]

Pony Head! I heard what went down in your kingdom, and so I rushed right over as soon as my hair was done.

You know I need to do that.


Are you hiding something from me? [scoffs]


This is me.

Totes normal.

You better not be keeping secrets from me.

Okay, fine.

It's Marco's hoodie, okay? - Are you happy now? - [neighs]

Oooh!! Darn it, that thing smells like feet! I know, but it smells like Marco.

I know I should return it, but I really miss him, and it's the only thing What the hey, what are you doing? - I'm washing this stinky thing.

- No! - Hey, girl, you need to get a grip.

- No.

- Where are you going? - To get that hoodie.


[with French accent]

Yes? Ah, Princess Butterfly.

- Hi, Lavabo.

- I must apologize for your blue dress.

It will not be ready till Tuesday.

I don't care.

I'm looking for a red hoodie.

A hoodie? Date and time you dropped it off.

Wha Just now, but it was a total accident.

It's perfectly clean.

I just need it back before it gets washed.

A clean hoodie? Oh.

Not to worry.

You need the pick-up window.

Welcome to the pick-up window.

- How may I be of assistance? - Red hoodie? - Size? - Medium maybe.

Chain mail or metal plate? Cotton.

It's a hoodie.

- Thread count? - I don't know.

I don't count! Oh! Wait, wait! There it is, right behind you.

- Double stitch or single? - It's right behind you! That should be enough information.

I'll file this and get back to you within 48 hours.

What?! [clank]

[frustrated groan]

This is all your fault.

You're gonna thank me later, - once you come to your senses.

- I am to my senses.

Good news.

I have located your hoodie.

Unfortunately, it's filthy, and must be washed immediately.

What? No, no, no, no.


I-I-I told you, it doesn't need to be washed.

Don't bother yourself.

[forced chuckle]

I'm sorry, princess, but I must bother myself.

It is my duty.

I will never forget [music]

the moment, as a young boy, and I saw my papi meticulously making sure the royals' linen stayed pure, noble, - clean and fresh! - Uh And I swore at that very day that I would never let a garment go unwashed, and I have kept that promise for over 40 years.

Therefore, I will make it my utmost priority that this extremely soiled hoodie be washed! Okay, well, that is unfortunate, but now, let me tell you about this club I went to.

Glitter whale battering ram! Girl, what are you doing? Trying to get my hoodie back before Lavabo washes it.

[breaks neck]

Are you for real right now? Piled river panda expl*si*n! Through muddled scent and stained shirt piles, the dirt of yesterday shall not be the enemy of tomorrow.

By the order of the Wash, this is my promise to my true kingdom.

- Seriously? - You know, I'm surprised to say it, - but personally, I really do admire this.

- Seriously? Star, just let this old dad do his job.

Yes, I must follow my duty.

Order and rules are always to be followed, without fail.

Okay, calm down though.

Everyone must always follow the rules all the time, always, forever.

What?! Okay, did you just tell my friend what to do forever? We are getting back your weird red stink hoodie.

- We're getting it.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- Two seconds ago, you were like - I'm aware of my actions, and I'm so sorry for not always having your back, and I hope we can move on and grow as the beautiful princesses we are.

I must uphold my oath.

No, no, no.

He can't wash the hoodie! Get back here, Lavabo.

- Oh! - Can't see anything! I know.

Let's split up.

MARCO: Good-bye forever, Star.

No, no, no, no.

No! Don't go! - I won't let you go.


- Ay! Lavabo! No.

Give me that hoodie! Your Highness, I can't stress enough how badly I am not going to do that.

Huppa! Kitten Pegasus battle barrel! Stop! You're not washing that hoodie! Just give up.

As long as this body of mine is capable of moving, I shall always move towards my duty.

Shimmer soap tentacle wave! You're not moving towards anything anymore.

This is your last chance.

My entire life I have dedicated to my knight's oath.

This is something that cannot be bent or broken.

My brothers and sisters taught me that.

I cherish the moments we had together, and hold onto them every day.

It has made me who I am, - and soon, I shall see them again.

- Wait, what? You thought I was gonna k*ll you over a hoodie? Is that not what is going on here? No.

I was gonna maybe turn you into a duck, or, like, boop you on the nose real hard.

But your eyes, they had the blood lust.

Wha That's just 'cause Pony Head was right.

I really am messed up about Marco.

I mean, I spent all day chasing down a knight who was just doing his weird job.

All because I thought that if I didn't have Marco's hoodie, I wouldn't have any piece of him left, which just isn't true.

I'll always have Marco.

We'll always be friends.

[water splashes]

Whoa, what are you doing? [sighs]

Do not worry.

I put it on a gentle cycle.

[sniffs deeply]

Miladies, the garment is clean, and up to the standards of the Knights of the Wash.


Oh, wow.

Now that is delightful.

Star, you should - Aw, don't be pouty.

- Eh.

Come over here.

Milady, please.


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! It still stinks like Marco! What?! No, it does not.

I just sniffed it.

Tell her it doesn't.

The hoodie is, in fact, clean.

What you are experiencing is the memory of a scent.

You don't need to hold on to stinky hoodies any more, you know why? 'Cause, like, what we have learned is that Earth Turd's scent is like in your heart or whatever.


Thanks, Pony Head.


You got it, girl.

[sighs loudly]

[doorbell rings]

Hello? [meows]

Oh! [gasps]

All right! My hoodie! [sniffs]

Hey, kinda smells like Star.


[mournful music]

[River laughs]

And then, Lekmet said [guttural bleating]


- Hors d'oeuvres, Your Highness? - Uh, why not? It's not exactly princess food, but it was Lekmet's favorite meal.

That's how humble that guy was.

To Lekmet! Our selfless comrade, who always gave to others before ever taking for himself.


[all bleating]

I told him that would get him k*lled one day.

Give the can to your father, love.

He's got teeth like a tiger fish.

Glossaryck! Glossaryck, wait.

Glossaryck! Oh, uh hey, Star's upside down in the punch bowl.

Oh, not again.


Star! Glossaryck! Mom, did you see him? He was in the bowl, in that bowl.

You all saw him, right? Star, I know this is an emotional day, but this is Lekmet's funeral, not Glossaryck's.

Mom, I saw Glossaryck.

Star, we all see Glossaryck here, and here.

And in that punch bowl.

All bug-eyed and big-mouthed.

Classic Glossaryck.


- I bet he came for the memorial.

- Look, I I get it, Star.

Funerals are unsettling.

Strange food, Lekmet's friends.


It's all different, and maybe a little scary.

But don't turn this into a ghost story.

What? Who said anything about a ghost? - I saw Glossaryck, Mom.

- You didn't see Glossaryck, and you didn't see his ghost.

Okay, stop saying ghost.

It's weird.

Glossaryck is gone now.

You just have to let him go.


You know, when I was a little girl, and there was something I couldn't let go, my mother taught me to say, "Balloobalee balloobalo, I let you go, I let you go!" And I always felt better afterwards.

- Give it a try, dear.

- What? [screams]


Glossaryck! Balloobalee, balloobalo, I let you go, I let you go! I let you go!! Why didn't that work? [ringing]

- [chewing loudly]

Ya? - Janna! [Star speaking indistinctly]

You're seeing dead people? That's the coolest thing I've heard all Summer.

No, Janna, weren't you listening? Not people.


I am being haunted by Glossaryck's ghost.

I did my mom's balloobalee balloobalo, but it didn't work! - Baba what? - Janna, I need your weird, dark-sided expertise, or I'm telling you, there are gonna be two ghosts up in here! - Okay, well you're definitely being haunted.

- No! Yeah.


If you're the only one who sees him, it might mean he has some unfinished business with you.

Okay, can you stop eating for one second? Also, what unfinished business? [Janna chewing]

Janna! Sorry, it was getting cold.

Maybe there's an anchor near you.

You know, something he left in this world, keeping his ghost bound to it.

Are any of his belongings around? No.

Glossaryck didn't own anything.

The only thing that sort of belonged to him was [gasps]

JANA: Yo, Star, are you dead? It's the book.

I kept the remains of the spell book they found in the monster temple.

Why would you keep that? Jana, you're gonna get on my case for keeping weird stuff? Touché.

It says here you gotta let that stuff go, and by letting go, I mean bury it.

- Like bury bury? - Yeah, and deep.

Real deep.



Okay, okay, calm down.

I'm doing it.

And buried buried.

Good-bye, Glossaryck.

Whew! No Glossaryck.

Oh, no Glossaryck.

[thudding noise]

Ah! [whimpers]

What?! Oh, Janna, you did not say this would happen.

Oh, gross.



What? Glossaryck! Why does he have to have so many fingers? Leave me alone! Janna, Janna, Janna, Janna.

- Yo, Star.

- Janna! [Star babbling indistinctly]

- You buried it in a pet cemetery? - Well, he's small.

Did you want him to haunt you more? Okay.

It was better than flushing him down the toilet.

That's not how it works, Star.

Yeah, I can see that now, Janna.

He's still here.

And now he's, like, here here.

Wait, you're seeing him in the physical world? Oh, that's not good.

You need to go bury the pieces in a sacred place.

Somewhere that would have significance to him.

Then you'll stop seeing him.

And it looks like you gotta do it right now, or else, he'll haunt you for eternity.


I think I have the perfect place.

Okay, thanks so much, Janna.

Bye-ee! - Ugh, loud.

- MARCO: Who was that? No one.

Shut up.

Why do we even hang out with Janna? [music]

Why, Glossaryck, why are you still here? I gave you what you wanted.

What else do you want from me? [frustrated groan]

You are always so frustrating, and confusing, and Glossaryck! Okay, look, I know I was a jerk to you sometimes, okay, but you're being an even bigger jerk now.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Is that what you want? I thought you were gone, but no.

No, no, no.

Now you're just spooky, bug-eyed reflections.

And a cloud? Who is a cloud? Under weird things in my room.

I just don't get it.

I thought you didn't even want to be around me.

You know, Glossaryck, I have so much to do to fix this kingdom, and it would be a lot more helpful if you were really here instead of just haunting me, like some kind of weird reflection creep! [sighs]

You know, Glossaryck, [music]

you never made it easy learning from you.

Maybe that was the point.

You did always trust me to figure things out on my own.

And you were still always there for me, and no one else was really "always" there for me.

Teacher friend weird book guy.

Whatever you were, you were super important to me.

Thank you, Glossaryck.

Thank you for everything.

I hope you find your big bowl of pudding.

Balloobalee, balloobalo.

I let you go, I let you go.

[loud rumbling]

Huh? Oh, no.



Do you hear something? Mom, Dad! Star, I'm not going to tell you again.

Stop kicking doors.

Mom, oh, my goodness.

You won't believe it.


I was in the sanctuary, and I was saying good-bye, and I really said good-bye, and then, - all this magic shot out of the well - Slow down, slow down.

What in the world are you talking about? I did what you said.

I did it, I let him go.

I did your balloobalee, but he came back.

Glob gor! She's a princess winning battles Through the break of dawn Don't worry when it's night 'cause She will keep the lights on Oh, there goes a shining star - # Evil won't deter her # - # No, sir! # - # 'Cause magic flows through her # - # Star Butterfly! # She is a shining star