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03x04 - Toffee

Posted: 10/17/22 01:23
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [song ends]

CHOIR: # Born to the wilds, a gift from above # A story of triumph, a story of love An army of rodents with he at the helm He toppled the old king, brought peace to the realm Handsome and fearless and brilliant and tall Beloved by Mewmans, he tends to us all Our dearest King Ludo, he tends to us all Ah, yes, this is wonderful.

Let's hear it for Ms.

Bucket and the Mewnese Youth Choir! Yeah? [Tepid applause, cheers]

[rats squeaking]

[enthusiastic applause]


That was good.


Huh? Oh, you're right.

You're right, they were a touch off key.

Levitato! Aaah! Singin' with the angels.

Play me out, boys! [disonant music]

- Throne room, sir? - Full steam, Manfred! Yes'm.


Remind me to levitato Manfred.

[Band audible in distance]

[humming along]

That is is catchy.

Huh? Aaah! Manfred! Manfred, my most trusted ally! I need you! Aaah! [Crash]

[dramatic music]

Where's my dad? - Ah, Butterfly? - Where's my dad?! Are you out of your mind? [Grunts]


[both grunt]

Hmm? Right now? But it's not a good time.

You're talking to your hand, dude.

Hold on! I have to take this.

Ah, look, this is not a good time to have this conversation.

Okay, so, my hand said I can't destroy you, so I have to put you in the dungeon.

For the last time, where is my dad? Didn't you hear the song? Ohh.

I defeated him.


I levitato'd him! And now I'm king.

You what-a-ta-tay-to'd him? Levitato.


Tato! Levitato! You're Princess of Mewni and you don't even know levitato? You don't know, do you? You're being controlled, Ludo.

You're right.

You're right, I am being controlled.

Controlled by my lust for power! No, Ludo, you're being controlled by Toffee.

What? No, Toffee's dead! I did this.


See that? Me! Me! And now I'm doing this, too.

Take her to the dungeon! It's your waaaaand! Ohh! You think you're so tough! Get back here, you jerks! [Grunting]

[banging on door]

[hinges creak]

- Marco? - Star! Hai-yah! Ow ow ow ow ow ow! Okay, that was dumb.

Probably shoulda used the keys.

I can't believe you're here.

I was thinkin' we'd maybe never see each other Star? Your horns - are poking me.

- Take 'em off.

[Rustling sound]

Your stomach just made a weird noise.

Yeah, that was supposed to be a surprise.

I brought you this box of Captain Blanche's Sugar Seeds.

Sorry there's none left.

Me and your dad ate 'em all when were locked up in the dungeon.

Aw, man, you guys got to eat cereal together in the dungeon? - Jealous.

- Star, your dad, he Yeah, I know.

Ludo tev-a-tay-tato'd ta-potato'd him.

If Ludo mastered it, it can't be dangerous.

I think it's kinda bad, Star.

Marco, honestly, he's been through worse.

Way worse.

I think we have bigger problems right now.

Well, you're in luck, Star! [Whistles bird call]


Come on, guys, we practiced this.

[Bird call]

Mourning dove? FOOLDUKE: That's not what doves sound like on Mewni.

Argh! Just get down here.

Star, allow me to introduce la resistance! MARCO: The easiest way to depose a ruler is to destroy his credibility.

So this virtual pet will represent Ludo.

And this $650 is us.

And this feather is Bird and Spider.

Normally, they're always with him or nearby, except Bird and Spider break to feed every five hours.

When he's alone, we take this air duct to the throne room.

And that's when Foolduke hits him with - Rubber chicken! - Nope.


How about whoopee cushion? No, we talked about this before.

Ruberiot? I have a ripping parody song I've been working on.

He is great at ruining people's lives with songs.

Marco, it seems like you guys are just kinda playing pranks.

Yeah, we're still workin' on that payoff part.

Okay, look, what you're doing here is, like, totally super-admirable, and Marco, you've never looked cuter in that beret, but Ludo is not the problem here.

Toffee is controlling him.

And I don't think a song - is gonna fix things - Listen Star, I was thinking ab Guards! [Rats squealing]

You'll never silence the resistance! You! You're coming with me! Levitato.

Whoa-aah! What the heck? [Gasping]

[panting, coughing]

STAR: Oh, of course.

All right, Ludo.

What are you gonna do now? "Levitato" me again? Oh, I'm so scared.

That was the worst.

Actually, you said something earlier about my, um About my [clears throat]

- about my W-O-N-D.

- Oh, so now you want my help? Of course I want help! I've been talking to my own hand! It keeps me up all night! I can't sleep, I can't think, I can't focus on my new job as Mewni's beloved monarch! Wha? [warbling]

Oh, hello.

Yes, of course.

I No What? Of course I'm beloved! - Didn't you hear the song? - Ludo! Why do you think I came here without a wand? Because you were surrendering? It's corrupted! By Toffee! - He's in the wands, Ludo! - In the wa In the wands?! Get him out! I don't want to be corrupted! I don't want to be corrupted! How did he even get in there? How did he even get in there? I don't know how he got in there.

The last time I saw him, he Oooooh.

- [Ludo groans]

Yuck! - Ludo, please.

I think I know how to get Toffee out.

And then I can go back to being a beloved monarch? Uh yeah [Chuckles]


ALL (CHANTING): We are the resistance! We remain insistent! We're the resistance! You can't silence the resistance! And gimme back my beret.

[Chanting continues]


Wait, why are you Actually, - the resistance can be quieter.

- Be brave, Marco.


You may fall, but the resistance lives on! What?! Why just me? [Blows landing]

Karate boy.


- Buffrog! - And - Marco! - Queen Moon? - Where's Star? - Ludo took her.

We have to find him before he does something awful.

What about arts and crafts friends? The resistance will live on without me.

ALL: What? [Music]


Star! Hey, Mommy.

Hi, Marco.

I, uh I'm sorry, you guys.


The The Whispering Spell.

No! Star! You get You get away! - You run away from there! - It's too late, Mom.

So does this mean that everything's back to normal? - It's not over yet.

- What do you mean it's not [Warbling]


No! - MARCO: Star! - Oh, no, no, no.

Buffrog, we have to go now! [Grunts]


Ludo! Where's Star? [Gasping]

Where am I? - Where is my daughter? - Mom! Mom, Mom! STAR'S VOICE: I'm in here! Star? Is that you? Yes, it's me! Oh, thank goodness! Oh! Mom, stop it.


Oh, Star! Where are you? Well, I'm totally fine, bu-but, ah, I don't exactly know where I am.

That's okay, sweetie.

The important thing is, you're safe.

Just stay right there.

And no matter wh we'll find you [voice breaking up]

Mom? Mom, can you repeat that? [Indistinct]

Star? Are you still there? Mommy? Oh, what is happening?! Mom! [Gasps]

Ohh, crazy eye, crazy eye, crazy eye! [Whimpering]

Hello, Princess.

Toffee?! Aha! I knew it! I knew it was you all along! Wha Wait.

Is all this goop you? Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.

You don't even recognize your own magic - when you're swimming in it.

- This stuff is the magic? TOFFEE: It was.

Until I got here.

Oh, boy, that's not good.

Mom! We've got a problem! TOFFEE: Only I can speak to her now.

- TOFFEE'S VOICE: Hello, Moon.

- Toffee.

[Marco gasps]

Give us back Star.

Oh, of course.

But I'd like something from you first.

Something that belongs to me.

- Take it.

- No, Mom, stop! I can take him! Just hold on! Please! [Panting]

[cries out]


TOFFEE: Poor little Butterfly.

You've lost your wings.

Now, Your Majesty do we have a deal? [Dramatic music]


No No! [Music stops]

[Dramatic music]



- Where's my daughter? - Where's Star? She's gone.


[crackling sound]

[Moon panting]

[Moon roars]


[Straining, grunting]

I call the darkness onto me from deepest depths of earth and sea.

From ancient evils unawoken break the one who can't be broken; From blackest night I pledge my soul and crush my heart to burning coal.

To summon forth the deadly power to see my hated foe devoured! [Crying]

Are you finished? [Groans]

Please just tell me.

Did I have any part to play in this? No.



Oh! Hmm.

Come on.

Come on.

What are you doing? [Star panting]

[deep breath]


[muffled scream]

BUFFROG: Karate boy.


Wake up.

I think the Queen, uh, needs help.

MOON: Come on, come on.

Why won't you fit? - Come on.

- Queen? But maybe if I-I put the wand back together, it'll It'll it'll bring her back.

- But this piece won't fit.

- MARCO: Here.

Try this one.

GLOSSARYCK: Hey, Star! Does this need, uh, salt? - Hey, hey.



Hey - Oh, knock it off! - More salt? More salt? - Ugh! Bleeech! - More salt.

- Oh! What is wrong with him?! What's going on here? Where am I? I have no idea.

No one's ever been here before.

Oh, no.

I'm dead.

I'm dead.

I died! [Sighs]

Well, if you're dead, then I'm dead.

And if you're calling me dead, I find it - Well, I find it a little insulting, frankly.

- Oh, no.

I am totally dead.

And I'm stuck here.

With you.

Uh-huh? Again.

A little insulting.

You betrayed me! I'm sorry it seemed that way.

Can we get beyond this? And just enjoy our time here together in wherever we are.

Ha! You think I'm gonna stay here with you, eat your dumb magic soup while Toffee is out there - doing who knows what! - Star Star-Marco and my mom probably think I'm dead.

- Star! - Maybe I am dead.

Star! Look at me.

This is where we are now.

And this soup is not magic anymore, it's just soup.

So stop being foolish and eat the soup.



I get what you're doing.


What am I doing? This is just another one of your games.

You're going out of your way to make me get to this on my own.

Oh, you didn't think I'd catch on, Glossaryck, because you think I'm a skimmer.

But am I dipper.

- Star, what are you doing? - I'm getting us out of here.

- Star! No! It's boiling! - Dip dooown - Ow!!! - Uh-oh.





Star [Distorted voice]

Hi, Mom! Hi, sweetie.

Don't you look lovely.

Where's Toffee? [Roaring]


ALL: Star! - Oh, my baby.

- Hi.

ALL: Hi.

[Squishy sound]

Huh? [Chuckling]

You think you've won? Ha! You don't make the plans I do! Me! Only I know how this all turns out! It turns out you're dead.

That's what you get! Hey! Look! Look what I did! All by myself! Oh, no! I can't see a thing.

Ha ha! - Do you think he's really gone? - Looks pretty gone to me.

- Can't get more gone than that! - Ohh! MARCO: Star, I've never seen you do a spell like that before.

- STAR: Yeah, I'm not sure what that was.

- Eclipsa.

Okay, Princess, I think we can both agree that I've got some stuff to work on.

- You want me to cut off the beard? - No! Throw me back in the void.

I need to find myself.

- I'm ready.

- Do you, uh, need a minute with them? What, them? I'm sorry.

I have intimacy issues.

- Try to move on.

- Okay.

- Well, here goes.

- Aaah! Good luck.

CHOIR: # An arm of eagles with he at the helm # Rescued the children and brought us all home Handsome and fearless, valiant and strong - Whoo! Whoo-hoo! - # Our dearest King River, we praise him in song # - [eagle calls]

Papa! - That was amazing! Ever since Ludo levitato'd me, I've been living among the eagles.

They made me their king, too! Where is Moon Pie? I don't know She was just here.

[Moon panting]




[silent cracking]

She's a princess, winning battles [Music]

Through the break of dawn Don't worry when it's night 'Cause she will keep the lights on Oh, there goes a shining star - # Evil won't deter her # - # No, sir! # - # 'Cause magic flows through her # - # Star Butterfly! # She is a shining star