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03x19 - Lemur Stink Fight

Posted: 10/17/22 00:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here off the coast
of Africa.

On Madagascar,
the land of the lemurs.

Down in the

dry forest of
the central southern highlands.

It's us, the Kratt brothers.
I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.

And those are

ring-tailed lemurs.

This is the first thing

the ring-tailed lemurs
do every morning: sun themselves

and warm up their bodies

and then reconnect
with the troop

by sitting around
and grooming each other.

They run those specialized lower
teeth, called a tooth comb,

through each other's fur.

And that keeps their coats
nice and healthy.

Oh, babies!

This troop

has babies!

Oh, and they are young ones.

Looks like they're only
two weeks old.

Check out how the babies
ride the mom's back.

They just cling on to Mom,

under her belly at first.

And then when they get older,
they start riding on top.


That works!

Once they've warmed up,

the troop starts moving off
to look for

breakfast in the forest.

Ring-tailed lemurs
have the largest groups

of any lemur species.

There could be up to

in a single group.

So, communication is vital
to ring-tailed lemurs.

In fact, they talk to each other
using both sound and smell.

And one way ring-tailed lemurs
talk with smell

is with an all out--

No-holds barred--


Stink fight!
Stink fight!

Imagine if we had ring-tailed
lemur powers!

And could actually be contenders

in a ring-tailed lemur
stink fight!

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Shh. They're still sleeping.

but we should wake them up.

Sun's up.
And they should be up too.

That's right.

When you're in
the spiny desert of Madagascar,

getting out there and finding
some ring-tailed lemurs

is much more fun
than sleeping in.

Yup, one of the most famous
lemurs in the world.

Well, let's stop talking about
them and start finding them.

All right, sleep time's over.
Let's wake 'em up.




What's that?


Hey, what are you guys
doing on the floor?

Uhh, never mind.


Lemurs! Let's go!

Wait! I'm coming too!


They sound like ring-tails!

There are lots of them!

What are they yelling about?

Let's find out!








We're too late!

Wow, ring-tailed lemurs!

They're one of my favorites!


Get off of me!

Sorry. What was going on there?

Okay, there are two groups:
one over there--

And one over there.

They were definitely fighting
about something.

What? What would two groups
of lemurs fight about?

That's what we've got
to find out.

Yes, we've got to go undercover.

This is a top secret
creature mission. Huddle!

We've got to get inside
those lemur troops.

You go with one.
I'll go with the other.


And I'll update the
Creature Power Discs with--

Shh! That guy's listening.

With ring-tailed

lemur power!



Ooh, smell that, Dabio.

My soap smells
like strawberries.

And my shampoo
smells like coconut.

Oh, yum.

Yes, it's nice.
But it's too ordinary for me.

Other people have soaps
that smell like that.

I need special

smelly soaps that

no one else has.

After all, I am Donita Donata.

And animal fashions are

my specialty.

My soap should be like
my fashions: different.

I need a soap that smells
like something special,

one that no one else
in the world has.

Dabio, wait. Wait.
What is that island?

That island with
all the plants and animals

that aren't anywhere else
in the world?

It starts with an "M".



No, that's a planet!
Don't make me mad!

Wait, Mad, Mada--

Madagascar, that's the island!

It's right by Africa.

If Madagascar has
special animals like lemurs,

then it must have
special smells too.

Let's go, Dabio.

Take me

to Madagascar!

Hmm. Okay, it looks like
they're ready.

Tortuga HQ to Martin. Come in!

Martin here.

I'm with one of the groups,
disc ready,

and looking for a way in.


I'll go in as a baby lemur!

Wow. Look at that little lemur
hold onto mom's fur.

She really has to
cling on tight.

Clingon, oh,
that's what I'll call her.

Okay, we'll call this troop
Troop Clingon.

Troop Clingon, here I come!

Activate Ring-Tailed
Lemur Power!

(Birds chirping)

Hey, Clingon, want to play?


I'm in!


Okay, Koki, what about Chris?


Got him.

And it looks like he's got--

Ah, a tamarind fruit!

Ring-tails have lots of
different foods on their menu:

leaves, flowers,
bark, sap, insects.

But this just might be
the lemurs' favorite.

I'll use this to get him
within activation range.

Here you go, buddy.

(Birds chirping)


Ring-Tailed Lemur Power!

Hey Chris, wait!
I need your troop name.

Troop Tamarind, of course.


And I'll go in bearing gifts.

Troop Tamarind it is!

Get in there, new lemur in town!

Hello, fellow Lemurs!

Tamarind fruits, anyone? Hmm?


Uhh, is there a problem here?

Oh, the lemur hierarchy, right.
I forgot.

And you must be
the alpha female,

the leader of the troop.

Ooh! I thought so.

With lemurs,
it's all about rank.

If you're a higher rank
than the next lemur,

you get dibs on food,
resting places and, well,

just about anything. Uh-oh.


I guess I'm the lowest ranking
lemur in the group.

I'm the new guy.

And with lemurs,

it's the alpha female who's the
most important one in the group.

Wherever she goes,
everyone else follows.

That means me too, if we're
going to solve this mystery.

You done with this? Thanks,
got to take what I can get.


Clingon, you're an incredible
lemur-back rider.

I like roller coasters.

And this is

the best one ever! Wa-hoo!


So, Clingon,

can you keep a secret?

We're trying to figure out

what all the racket
was about this morning.

Were your troop
and Troop Tamarind

fighting about something? Ah!


Hey, stop fooling around,


What? The troop disappeared!

Oh no!

Don't worry.
We'll find 'em, come on!

Hmm. Ah, the tails!

They help the troop
stay together.


Ring-tails hold
that tail high like a flag

so the rest of the troop
can follow.

We're coming, Mom!



It's me.
What are you finding out so far?

I mean, besides you being
the lowest lemur in the group,

that is.

Very funny. Don't worry.

I'll find a way
to move up in rank.

But I'm still looking for clues
to the mystery

of why they were fighting
with Troop Clingon.


Hmm. What are you up to?


Oh yeah, just what I thought.


He scent marked this tree.

Lemurs make a smelly oil
on their wrists

that they rub onto trees
and logs in the forest.

Leaving the smell is like
leaving a little message.

Well, what does the message say?

Read it, uhh, with your nose,
I guess.


Oh yeah. Uh-huh.

It says "This is our place.
Stay out."

Who's he talking to?

Other lemurs in other troops.

Troop Tamarind is
marking their territory.

And this is the boundary
of their home turf.

Hang on.

Koki, come in.

Koki here!

Are you getting this?

Oh yeah,
I've got your coordinates.

And I'm marking the troop's
home range right now.



"Dear, any other lemur
that smells this smell.

This is our turf.
Please stay out."

Signed, the newest member
of Troop Tamarind."

There! I like writing letters
with lemur stink!


Oh. Uhh, Jimmy,
thanks for doing some dusting!

Cleaning up?
I'm not cleaning up!

I'm scent marking my stuff!


Yeah! This is Jimmy's turf.
Please stay out.


Martin, come in, little lemur.

Hey, Koki.
We're busy scent marking too.

Everybody in the troop helps.

Well, why are they
so territorial anyway?

What are they trying to protect?

Uhh, you're looking at it.

You? Don't flatter yourself.

Not me, this!

A tamarind fruit?

Well, yeah,

all the food, really.

The troop wants to make sure
to protect an area big enough

to keep everyone fed,

plus sleeping areas
and living space too.

Oh, I get it.

Every troop has a territory

with enough food in it
to keep them fed.

But they don't want
other troops coming in

and eating their fruits,
sleeping in their trees

and everything else.


And by scent marking,

the lemurs can keep everything
peaceful and avoid fights.

Yeah, well,
I can tell you one thing.

I'm not stepping foot

near Jimmy's fridge.

So, his smelly language
is working for me.

Ah, righty-o.


that Smell Detector attachment
should do the trick, Dabio.

It can even find the tiniest,
most delicate of smells,

smells that even
human noses can't find.

Ooh, I'm getting
a little smelly, Donita.


No, not a flower,
something different.

Ooh, bug!

Ah! A stink bug! Eww! Yuck!

Keep searching, Dabio.

Yes, Donita!


What is that smell,


Uhh, I don't know.
It's just a tiny one.

Okay, amplify it
so that I can smell it.



Ooh, that's nice.



"Nice"? That's not nice, Donita.

Oh, yes, it is nice.

It's simple, yet definitive,
delicate, yet musky.

And best of all,

I've never smelled
that smell before.

I must have more, Dabio!
We must have more!

Oh, more here, Donita, and here,
here too!

Oh, yes, Dabio,
fill up the canister.

I'll need a lot to make
my most wonderfully smelly,

wonderfully one-of-a-kind soap!


All that territory marking
is hard work!

Ah, the ringtail lotus pose.

I love when the ringtails do
this, warming up in the sun.

And I've got the best spot.



What? There are plenty of spots.
Go find your own.

Uhh, Chris,
I don't think he's very happy.

What's he doing?

He's rubbing his tail
on his wrists and chest

where his scent glands are.

I think he's charging his tail
full of lemur stink.

I'm not sure
where this is going.

But it seems like
he wants me to do this too.

Are we sending another kind of
smelly message to someone,

buddy? Ooh!

Whoa! Lemur stink!

He's sending a message to me!


I don't smell anything.

Oh, that's because it's not
that stinky to a person.

Ooh! But it is to a lemur.

It's like a stink fight!

"A stink fight"?

Aviva, look at this!

It is a contest!

The best stink fighter wins.

Ooh, got him with
a left hook flick of stink.

I didn't see that one coming.

And the challenger answers
right back at him

with a fully charged tail flick!

Ooh, what a match up!


Listen, Stinkflicker-- Yikes!

I don't want to-- Whoa!

Aviva, where's my lemur
chest gland stink?

I don't have one on my suit!

I have the wrist one,
but not the chest one.

Oof! Ah.

It's not in there yet

because we didn't
know about lemur stink fights

when I made it.


You got to get me
some chest lemur stink.

My stink message isn't powerful
enough without it!


On it! Hang in there, Chris.

Ooh, and these guys
are really sending

those stink messages now,

telling each other "I've got
stink-ier lemur stink

so I should get to
sit where I want" or

"Do what I want before you do."

Oh, a left and a right and, ooh,
he's coming on strong!

What a stinky combination!

Oh, oh, it looks like we've got

a winner, folks!

His lemur message
got through in the clutch!


Okay, you want to
sit in this spot?

Why didn't you just say so?

Well, I guess you did
in lemur stink messaging.

I smell you loud and clear.

Nobody gets hurt
in a lemur stink fight,

just stink-ed out. Ooh!



Okay, so that Lemur chest stink
is like a toothpaste-y stuff.

I think I've replicated it,

Wait a sec.
That wasn't toothpaste?



There, that should be enough.

Updating lemur power disc
programming now!


We've got a problem. Look!

Donita Donata!

And Dabio, they're stealing all
the lemur scent marks!

Oh no! They can't do that!
Those mark the troop boundaries.


These territory lines are
basically drawn with smells.

It's how the lemurs communicate
where their home ranges are

so the two troops
don't have to fight about it!


I've got to stop Donita,
and fast!

It's full, Donita!

Delightful, Dabio!

The soap mixture is ready for
my secret scent. Bring it here.

Oh, in there?

Yes, that concentrate
should be just enough smell.

Pour it in!

Wait! Stop!

You can't do that, Donita.

The lemurs need
those smelly scents

to mark their home territories!

You mean this is lemur scent?

Even better.


I'll call my new soap
Lemur Lovely,

made from the rare scent

of the ring-tailed lemur
all the way from Madagascar.

Oh, it's divine.


Yes, excellent, Donita.

Here, darling, smell this.

No way, you don't understand.

You can't just take away
the lemurs scent marks.

They're important messages.


And, no, it doesn't smell good.

Dabio, get me more.

I need at least a year's supply
of Lemur Lovely just for myself.


You can't do that!


Chris, Donita messed up
the territorial boundaries.

She's collecting
the scent marks.

Oh no!

I better remark
my troop's boundaries right away

while you find Martin
so he can do

his troops.

Quick, before the lemurs notice!

Umm, Aviva, what's on your face?

Well, it's lemur scent.
It's a long story.

Okay, tell me later, come on!

Uhh, hi, Stinkflicker. Uh-oh.

I think he likes your
lemur scent and is mad because

he thinks I'm taking you away.

Oh no, not another
stink fight match.

He won't let us go!

You don't understand.

We're just going to fix a mess

that this animal
fashion lady caused--


Yeah, so your troop
and Troop Clingon

don't have to fight over--
the updated disc!


ring-tailed lemur . . Install.

With updated chest scent.

You can stink fight now.

Okay, buddy,

I'm calling a rematch.

Let's stink fight, lemur-style!

How do you like that stink? Ooh!

Oh, you're good.
But check this out!


Oh! Ah!


That's some good lemur stink
you added, Aviva.

He's letting us go!

That chest stink really works!

Hey, trust me, buddy.

We just have to
fix something over here.

Uh-oh, we're too late!

They're crossing the border
right now.


If Troop Clingon catches them
on their territory,

there's going to be
a lemur fight!


What? Troop Tamarind,
on our territory?


Chris, what are you guys doing?

Your troop's trespassing.

It's Donita!
She stole the scent marks!


Lemurs even fight with
their babies on their backs.

Hang on, Clingon!

Oh, it's a territorial dispute!

This is definitely the sound
that woke us up this morning.

They were fighting
about territory for sure!

But we've got to get
those scent marks back in place!

Whoa! Ah! Whoa!

Ooh! Look out, Clingon!


Quick, Martin!

We have to restore
the natural order!

I'm on it, bro.

Scent mark.


Reactivate, adult ringtail!

Come on, Clingon.

Scent marking to
the creature rescue!

Ring-tail Lemur style!


What is all this racket? Ah!

Get off me! Ah!

You smell like a lemur, Donita!

So, they're treating you
like a lemur.

Ah! Ah!

Well, then I don't want to
smell like a lemur anymore.

This lemur soup was a bad idea.

Get me out of here, Dabio!

Aviva, the lemurs!

They're going back
to their territories!

The territorial boundaries
are restored.

We did it.
We did it.


Well, mission accomplished.

We figured out
what the ring-tailed

lemur troops' fight was about:

That's right, to protect
their food, their home turf.

And communication with smells

is the key for lemurs
to talk with each other:

with scent marks--

And stink fights.

Okay, then come over here
and grab a seat

because we've got a great stink
fight match about to begin:

Green Stench versus
Blue Pe-Eww.

Take that!

Oh, that's bad, Bro,

but not as bad as this!

And may the stink-iest
lemur brother win.


So, ring-tailed lemurs,
like lots of animals,

use scent for certain types
of communication.

And if you follow a troop around
for awhile, you'll find out why.

Oh, there they go.

Check out what
the ring-tails found:

a lush, green ficus tree.

And it's filled

with fruit.

Now, these ring-tailed lemurs
are picky.

They're making their way
through the trees,

sniffing at the little bunches
of fruit.

But they're only picking

the ripest ones to eat.

They're going to
eat those today,

and save the rest for tomorrow
and the upcoming days

when they'll return to this
tree, making their daily rounds,

and then again,
pick only the ripest fruits.

It's trees like these

that the ring-tailed lemur troop
has to protect.

That's why they call
in the morning.

That's why they scent mark
around their range,

because they have to
protect their food resources

and trees like these.

The lemurs have
this whole area scent marked!

Yeah, what they do is they have
spurs on their wrists,

right next to some scent glands.

And they slash

at the little saplings,

injecting their scent
into the sapling.

Now we can't smell it.
But other lemur troops sure can.

Scent warns the other troops,

saying "This is our home.
Stay out!"

Yeah, they have to protect
an area that's big enough,

with enough food to feed
all the members of the troop,

including the little guys,

and a perfect chance
for the baby lemur

to get some climbing practice.

He's only two weeks old.

So, he's not going too far
from Mom yet.

He always wants to be a quick
jump onto her back, cling on,

because you never know
when the lemur troop

is going to be
off and moving again.

For ring-tailed lemurs,

smell helps determine rank.

That's where
stink fights come in.

Let the stink-iest

lemur win!


He was just sending
a stink message right there!

He charged up his tail
with the stink,

and then flicked it
at the other lemur.

But when it came down to it,

he didn't want to have
a full-on stink fight.

So, those are the ring-tailed
lemurs of Madagascar!

See you later, guys!

We'll see you on
the creature trail!

Keep on creature adventuring.