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03x18 - Chameleons on Target

Posted: 10/17/22 00:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

Hey, we're here in Africa,

on a large island
called Madagascar.

It's us, the Kratt brothers!

I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.

We're on a mission to find

one of the most power-packed
creatures in the world.

There's probably about twenty
of them watching us right now.


One gave himself away.

His eye moved.

And that is one of
the great creature powers

of the chameleon.

He can stay perfectly still
and see in all directions

just by moving his eyes.

A chameleon is one of the only
creatures in the world

that can move
each eye independently

at the same time.

And he can see
two totally different pictures,

like watching two movies
at the exact same moment.

So, that eye

is seeing us.
And that eye is looking at you.

And he's camouflaged too,

by the way.

He just melts into
the vegetation.

He's staying hidden
for two reasons.

One: so predators don't see him.

And two: while a chameleon's
avoiding hunters,

he is also hunting.

He stays still
so bugs don't see him.

His body is frozen.

But his eyes
are spotting for bugs

that come too close.

And if he sees one,
he might edge a little closer,

very slowly and smoothly.



That is some
tongue thwapping power.

We got to see that again!


if we had that tongue thwapping
chameleon power.

Imagine if we had
all of the chameleon's powers.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, there goes another lemur!

Madagascar is so full
of unique species.

Question is, who should we
hang out with next?

Throwing a ball usually gives us
some good ideas.

I'm not getting anything. You?


Hey, I've got an idea!

Try pitching it right in here!

All right, I'm going with
my legendary fastball.

Where do you want it?

Okay, put it over the plate,
right down the old pipe, boy.

Throw me the mustard.
Atta boy, come on, come on.



Uhh, Chris?

That was way off target!
You need better aim.

Maybe you should do
some target practice

with a chameleon or something.

That's it, a chameleon!

That's exactly the animal we
should creature adventure with.

Chameleons rule!

Hey, the baseball!
It's rolling away!

There it is!

Wouldn't want to lose
my favorite baseball.

But how in the world are we
going to find a chameleon?

The masters of camouflage?
Shadows of the forest?

Cloaked in multicolor?

Yeah, they are

one of the
hardest creatures to find.

They could be right next to you.

And you would
never even know it.

We've got to figure out a plan

to find these legendary lizards.

And in the meantime,

let's go tell the g*ng that
today's creature adventure

is searching for chameleons!

All right!


Hey, Aviva!

Today, we're going to
find a chameleon!

And you can program the most
awesome Creature Power Suit yet!

Están locos?

You almost made me wreck
the super delicate

ring chip I'm working on!

"Ring chip"?

What's a ring chip?

The ring chip
is a new computing part

for the Creature Power Suits.


Remember how the
Creature Power Suits

sometimes malfunction?

Yeah. How could we forget?

Remember you were flying
and got Bass Powers?

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Yeah, and remember when
your Oak Tree Powers

suddenly deactivated?

Whoa! Ah!

Well, I think I can fix all that

with what I call the ring chip!


That is so cool, Aviva.

But, I don't mind

when the Creature Power Suits

And it can be kind of fun.


Besides, while we're here
in Madagascar,

it's much more important for us
to discover the secrets

behind all the chameleon's
creature powers.

Eyes that look
in different directions.

Amazing camouflage:
can't see them until they move.

Tongue thwapping abilities:
boom, right on target!

Vice-like feet and
a prehensile tail for climbing.


I already told you!

I am working on my ring chip!

And you want me to just drop it
to program creature powers,

and not just one,

but a chameleon suit that has
at least five creature powers?


I am inventing my ring chip.

I am not programming
any Creature Powers today.

No creature powers?

That means no chameleon powers.

I can't believe it.

Not being able to make
a Creature Power Suit,

this has never happened before!

Yeah, I know. It's a disaster.

Hey, but wait a sec.

Chameleons are colorful.

They're cool.
They're charismatic.

Nobody can say no
to a chameleon for long.

If we just find a chameleon,

it'll be easy to convince Aviva
to forget about that ring chip

and program us
some creature powers!

It's worth a try! Let's go!

And we are in the right spot
to find a chameleon.

Almost half of the world's
chameleon species

live right here in Madagascar.


That means if there are

of chameleon in the world,
then live right here.


and they could be anywhere,
camouflaged and hidden,

from tiny little ground
chameleons like Brookesia,

who hide in the leaf litter,

to the giants like
Parson's chameleon. Look up!

They can be high in the canopy.

(Stomach rumbling)

This search might take a while.
Time for a snack.

Wild gooseberries:
safe to eat and yummy.


Hey, Martin, you've got company.

Whoa, a Malagasy hover fly.

Hey, I'll name you--

Lunch for a chameleon!

We've got to see that again!


I'll record for Aviva to see.




Way to go, Target!

And that's what
I'm going to name you,

because you're always on target.

And you know what else, Target?
You're awesome.

Yeah, awesome.
Chameleon powers rule.

If we show this to Aviva,
she is sure to come around.

And tongue thwapping is just one
of a chameleon's

amazing creature powers.


Chameleon feet are like clamps:

two toes on each side
that clamp on to the branch,

and a prehensile tail.

Oh, yeah, this tail can grab.

Target's a
really careful climber,

always making sure
he's holding on in three places

before he takes a step.
What a climber.

This little lizard
is loaded with Creature Powers!

Look at Target's eyes.

The chameleon is
the only lizard in the world

that can move
each eye independently

in a different direction.

That means his right eye
can look backwards

while his left eye
looks forward.

His right eye can look up
when his left eye looks down.

And his left eye
can stay looking down

when his right eye
looks to the side.

Almost no other animal
can do that!

So, a chameleon can look
in any direction

while keeping his body
perfectly still.

That helps him spot prey like
hoverflies and, also, predators

he has to avoid.

(Wind blowing)

Check it out. Target's doing
the chameleon shuffle.

Oh, yeah.

When a chameleon wants to move,

he often waits
for the breeze to blow.

Then he moves, herky-jerky,

so he mimics the leaves
blowing in the wind.

A cool kind of camouflage,

but, of course,
there's color camouflage too.

A chameleon changes color
to blend into his surroundings.

Now he matches my shirt!

Nice! I wonder if
a chameleon can turn blue.

Yes! Now my favorite lizard
is my favorite color!

I thought a Gila monster
was your favorite lizard.

It was, last week.

This week, my favorite lizard is
a blue chameleon.

Okay, what other colors
can he turn?

I think just about
any color there is.

Orange, red.

Yellow, purple.

Purple! Violet purple
is Aviva's favorite color.

If we can show
a chameleon turning violet,

that just might do the trick
to convince her

to stop invent-uring
with that ring chip--

So we can start adventuring
with chameleon powers!

Let's bring Target
back to the Tortuga.

And he can show Aviva
his chameleon coolness!

"His Chameleon Coolness!"
Ha, I like that.

Okay, I've just got to
walk like a tree.

Check it out!

Incoming Creature Power!

Will you stop doing that?

If anything happens
to this ring chip,

I'll have to start all over.

It took me over a year
to get this far!

Wow, Aviva.
Well, you must be exhausted.

Well, maybe you should
take a break

from all that ring-chip-ing
and check this out?


Check what out?
That you're walking weird?

I'm walking like a tree

because there's
a chameleon climbing on me.

Yeah, right.

A chameleon?


I don't see any chameleon.

He's camouflaged, right there!



This is a Parson's chameleon.

His first name is Target.

And he can turn
more than different colors.

And more than shades.

From canary yellow to violet.

"Violet"? Really?

Violet, really, really!



We did it.

Yeah, she's hooked.


He can swivel his eyes
in different directions?

Independent ocular mobility:




What's he looking at?



A Malagasy hover fly!

Where is it?

Right there! It landed right
next to your ring chip.


What's wrong?

Did he just swallow
my ring chip?

Phew, it's okay!

Well, of course it's okay.

Chameleons have great aim.

He was aiming at the hoverfly.

And as always,
Target was right on target!

Tongue thwapping ability,

isn't that an awesome
creature power?

Back off, bros!

Stay away from
my invention station

until I am done
with this ring chip!

Uhh, Aviva--

Don't even--

No, really--


I think you're just trying
to persuade me

to program chameleon powers.

And I don't want

to hear it.

Aviva, some kind of lemur
just stole

your ring chip!




It will take a year of work
to get back to where I was

with that ring chip!

You've got to get it back.

But we don't know

what kind of lemur
stole the ring chip.

It could be any one of
the species of lemurs

that live on Madagascar.

But since we're in
the cloud forest habitat,

it could be any one of these
five: the mouse lemur--

The golden bamboo lemur--

The sportive lemur--

The greater bamboo lemur--

And the simpona.

We're going to have to catch
a lot of lemurs

to find the one
with a ring chip on his finger!

And they climb. They run.
They leap. They bounce.

Lemurs aren't easy to catch.


Unless you have
chameleon powers!

Yeah, Bro!

We could use that tongue
thwapping power to catch lemurs

and find the one with
the ring chip on his finger!



This can't be happening.

We know how to get
your ring chip back.

Wait. Did you put
a lemur up to this?

No, we didn't, honest.

We don't know
who that lemur was.

But using chameleon powers
to find him

is the best plan available.

And the most fun.

All you have to do is
program chameleon powers

for our Power Suits.
And we'll do the rest!

All right, fine.
What do you got?



Oh, I get it.

The Chameleon tongue
is a matrix of muscles

that expands and contracts

against a special
collagen structure

that launches the tongue
like a spring.



Chameleon Power Discs complete!


Yeah! Wow, Aviva, thanks!

You're the invent-iest inventor!


chameleon powers!

This is awes-- ah!




What are you do--

Mmm. Huh?




I told you so!

A malfunction like this

is exactly why I was
inventing the ring chip!


The chameleon programming
has malfunctioned--

The tongue mechanism sh**t out
every time you open your mouth!




But you guys don't have control
of those tongues.

Every time you open
your mouths and talk,

your chameleon tongues
sh**t out!

We'll just keep our mouths
closed then.

Till we get the hang of it.

To the ring chip rescue!
To the ring chip rescue!

Okay, if that's chameleon speed,

I'm worried.

Let's split up
and cover more ground.

Good luck, bro! Whoa!



Watch it, Martin! Ah!

Not again. Ah!



How are they doing, Koki?

Put it this way, Aviva:

You might want to start
working on ring chip

. .


I'll just wait for a lemur
to come by me.

My camouflage hides me.

I blend into the forest,
ready for ambush.

My eyes move,
looking in every direction.

But the rest of me

stays still until

a golden bamboo lemur comes by.



Just checking to see
if you accidentally

took Aviva's ring chip.


Hmm. Nope, okay, you didn't.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Enjoy your lunch.

Got to keep looking.

A sifaka!

He's out of range.

Must get closer.

Okay, a chameleon tongue can be
two body lengths long.

So, I'm in range.

Ready, steady--

Tongue thwap!


This lemur tastes--



Hmm, but no ring chip
on his finger.

Hey, I'm talking
without tongue thwapping.

I got the hang of it!

Leaping lemurs!
I want those Creature Powers!

But that's another adventure.

Right now, I've got to
go find that ring chip.


You know, Bro, we've been
catching a lot of lemurs.

Yeah, lots, but no ring chip.

And another thing:

none of these lemurs
have fingers thin enough

for the ring chip,
except maybe mouse lemurs.

Yeah, you're right.

But the lemur hand we saw
in the Tortuga window

was way bigger
than a mouse lemur hand.

Hmm, that's true.

I didn't get a great look.

But what big lemur

has really thin fingers?


It must have been--


Where are they?

They've got their Creature Pods
turned off.

Should we go and find them?

Might as well.

How are they ever

going to find my ring chip?

Night-time is the right time
for aye-aye!

Star fruit.

This is the perfect spot.


Who's there?

What do you mean, "Who's there?"

Well, you said "Knock knock."

So, I asked "Who's there?"
like I'm supposed to.

But I didn't say "Knock knock."


Who's there?
See? You did it again!

That wasn't me!


That was an aye-aye.


It speared a grub
with his long, thin finger.


And he has the ring chip!

I've got him

in my sights.

Back off, Martin.
I've got a clear shot.



Tongue thwap!
Tongue thwap!

Got him!

No, I got him!

Let go, Bro!

He's mine.

No, he's mine.

I got him first.

I don't believe it.
You guys did it!

You found the lemur
with my ring chip

on its finger!

(Electric fizzling)


Oh no!

The fruit juice shorted it out!

My ring chip is ruined!

Kratt brothers!


Where are you two?

(Insects chirping)



Oh dear.

Hey, Aviva, we're--

we're really sorry
your ring chip is ruined.

Yeah, we really didn't put
the aye-aye up to taking it.

And we really tried
to get it back for you.

I know. It's not your fault.

It's just that
I had almost finished it.

And now I have to start over.

But you know, even though
I've had a major setback,

I'm glad we all learned about
chameleons and their powers!

Us too.
Us too.

Wild Kratts, where are you?


Down here!

Here we go again!





Where are you?

(Muffled screaming)

And malfunctioning
Creature Power Suits

are always good for a laugh!

And with the Kratt bros
busy for a while,

now seems like a good time to
get back to invent-uring

on my ring chip . .

(Muffled screaming)

Chameleons have
some amazing Creature Powers.

A-ha, a blue-legged chameleon.

You can't see why
he's called that right now

because his leg
is definitely not blue.

Right now,
this chameleon is colored

the camouflage color
of this tree branch.

His legs only turn blue
during the mating season.

The warty chameleon:

perfectly disguised
as tree bark.

Chameleons can change into

more than ten different colors
to help blend in and hide.

And another great
Creature Power:

a chameleon is
an awesome climber, with four

clamp-like feet
and a prehensile tail.

Okay, we've got another
chameleon here:

O'Shaughnessy's chameleon.

His prehensile tail doesn't want
to let go of my hand yet,

until he gets up to
that next limb.

Oh yeah.

Now, that's climbing power.

And by the way, it takes more
strength to climb slow.

Chameleons pack some of the most
incredible Creature Powers

on the planet.

Now check out his eyes.

Moving independently,
each eye can look any direction

at the same time.

Imagine being able to watch

a lemur in a tree

and a galidia
on the ground at the same time!

And that tongue:

I can never get enough
of that tongue thwapping power.

Look at that: thwap!


and thwap!

From the big chameleons

to the tiny chameleons--

Check out this little guy.

It's a juvenile
side-stripped chameleon.

He is super cute.
I like the little chameleons.

In fact, I love all chameleons.

Hey, me too.

Keep on creature adventuring!

We'll see you on
the creature trail.