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04x14 - Home Again

Posted: 10/17/22 00:15
by bunniefuu
I can come with you.

There's no need.

No, I should come with you.
I'll cancel all my patients.

No. There's no need.
I'm fine. I can handle it.

This is too stressful for you, addison.

Bizzy had an aneurysm.
She died in her sleep.

I'm a doctor. Patients die all
the time. I can handle it.

This isn't some patient.
This is your mother's funeral.

Those bags aren't going to load themselves.

♪ is it all a dream? ♪

I'll be back in a week.

♪ should I even try? ♪

♪ are you coming clean? ♪

♪ to tell the truth ♪

♪ I need you right now ♪

Have you been to see brett
it's a long drive out there,

And I don't have a lot
spare time these days.

It's hard to even take
the hour to come here.

I- I would think seeing brett
this week would be a priority.

Then you don't understand my priorities.

Hilary, I seem to be irritating you today.

Am I irritating you?

What's your position on the death penalty?

Well, I-I'd like to keep the focus on you--

I know. All you shrinks prefer
to keep the focus on me.

I know that's your preference.

But I'd still like you to tell me

Your position on the death penalty,

Because in 48 hours, the state plans

To hang an innocenman in the public square.

That's what they're gonna do.
Even if they've planned to do it

With a table and a needle in his vein,
it's no less barbaric.

And you seem to want me to
give over to that, to give up,

To spend hours crying in my husband's lap--

Hours that could be spent on the phone

To the governor's office
trying to save his life.

I honestly don't even understand that.

I just want you to get some closure.

You want me to give up.

That's not a thing I'm ever gonna do.

I haven't heard from my wife this week.

I understand she's fighting hard

To get another stay.

My son stopped by to see me. How was that?

Um, he was 9 months old when I went away,

And now he's got facial
hair and an attitude.

Hard to be any kind of decent father

From death row.

Are you afraid that's the
last time you'll see him?

I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid to die.

Is that what you told your son?

I told him... That he
should go take a drive.

You know, just...

He should go take a road
trip with his friends.

His mother and I...
Don't want him here this week


He believes his father is...

Being wrongfully ex*cuted.

How does a kidforgive the w?

How does he make anything of himself

When he believes that's
the way the world works?

That's an interesting choice
of words. "he believes."

You've maintained your
innocence for 17 years.

We've worked together for several months.

You've never said anything like...

I'm guilty.

I did it, dr. Wallace. I'm guilty as sin.

Captioned by closed
captioning services, inc.

Your wife doesn't know.

No. My wife, my son-- they believe me.

He doesn't know me except in prison,

So he believes his mother, and hilary...

She knew me for a long
time before I was in here.

We've been together since high school.

I was 27 when they put me away.

She's never heard me raise
my voice let alone a g*n.

I never raised a hand to anybody.

So, uh... what hpened?

I snapped.

That's about all I can say to that.

I met a guy in a bar

Who was rude, disrespectful.

Followed him home, saw where he lived,

And I went blind.
You know the phrase "seeing red"?

It's like something inside me broke.

We kept a g*n in the house for protection.

I went home, I got the g*n,
I went back to mr. Miller's,

And I shot him.

And never in a million years...

Would hilary ever believe

That I would do something like that.

I don't even believe it myself.

Do you want to tell her?

Do you want her to know? No,
I don't nt to tell her.

but I don't want her

To spend any more of her
life hating the world.

And I don't want that for my son.

It's better that they hate
me than hate the world.

Don't you think?

It was creepy.

She's grieving.

No, I-I get grieving. I- I get that.

This-- this I don't get. It was creepy.

Was she like, "you don't have to come,"

Or was she like, you know, "don't
come"? She didn't say anything really.

She didn't even look at me.
It was like addison

Was taken over by the ghost
of her cold and waspy mother.

it was creepy. Why aren't you
in connecticut with addison?

She told me I didn't have to come.
Oh. In all those years of marriage,

Did I really teach you nothing? So you're
saying now I should have gone anyway?

Yes, you moron. You shoulda gone.

But you didn't, so you should go now.

We should all go.

W- wait, all-- who all? Yeah, you know,
charlotte's not gonna want to go.

Go where? Connecticut to support addison.

Oh, we should absolutely go.

When big daddy died, you came.
It meant everything to me.

We should all get on a
plane as soon as possible.

Hey. How did things go with hilary?

As well as can be expected.
I'm gonna check tickets and hotel rooms.

I fly first class. yeah, me-- me, too.

Wh-- tickets? We're talking
about going to be with addison.

Oh. Oh, god. I can't go.

My, um, my patient's husband is, uh,

Well, if he doesn't get a stay,

He will be ex*cuted in the next 48 hours,

So I need to be here. I'm sorry, you guys.
You're just gonna have to survive

Without us. Oh, no. Pete, you should go.

Okay, what-- what just happened?

The mailbox is in a different zip code.

That's not normal. Nothing
about these people is normal.

It's amazing addison turned
out so relatively sane.

you say that now. Wait.

Hello. Thank you for coming.

Look, we, uh, we didn't mean
to ambush you or anything.

We just wanted to be here for you.

Of course. How lovely.
Won't you come in for a drink?

oh, yeah. Totally creepy.

A few of bizzy's friends stopped by

To pay their respects.

Which means gossip and drink our booze.

Hi. It's good to see you all.
Thank you for coming.

Of course.

Uh, is violet... uh, not here.

She had an emergency at work. Shame.

Sends her best. Well, if it isn't

The entire cast of
"the tan and the beautiful."

God, I miss california.

Hello, beautiful.

Hello, archer.

thanks for coming.

My mother died. Be nice.

Given that the last time I saw you,

You climbed out of my bed and disappeared--
bygones. Dead mother.

Mm-hmm. Come on. Give me something.

I'm here, aren't I? We should, uh,
probably get back to the hotel.

Oh, no. We have plenty of rooms here.
No, no, archer. That's not necessary.

No, I'm grieving. It's decided.
You're all staying.

I don't mean to be rude,
but we have to sit down

For a meeting with the
funeral director. Ahh.

Go ahead. We-- we can-- we can
take care of ourselves. You'll
have to pour your own drinks.

Thhouse has been closed since bizzy left.

pour our own drinks? Shame.



I know you didn't want me to come,

But I'm happy to see you.

Thank you.

He did it? I was his
therapist for four months.

I believed he was innocent.

How do you think it makes me feel about me?

So I-I have a patient

Who has spent the last 17 years of her life,

Full-time, fighting for
her husband's freedom.

You should hear her go on about this case.

She can tell you the exact
number of white pickup trucks

Registered in california in '94.

She can tell you the exact
number of 38-caliber handguns.

She can tell you the name
and cell phone number

Of every gubernatorial aide
who's worked in this state

For the past 20 years.
Look, I understand, believe me.

It isn't right. I mean,
if he wants to clear his conscience

At the eleventh hour,
then let him talk to you, not to her.

He doesn't get to unburden himself

At the expense of her sanity. And you don't
think she deserves to know the truth?

I think she deserves a little
peace. And you think she's gonna
get that, when her husband,

An innocent man,
dies at the hands of the state?

My client asked me to talk
to you and then to his wife

On his behalf. He's a dying man,

And I find myself inclined
to honor his request.

He is a dying m*rder*r who's been lying

To those who love him for nearly 20 years.
Well, be that as it may--

All right. Let me spend some time with her.

Let me spend some time on her turf, and, uh,

And I will get back to you with
my professional recommendation.

Let's keep the emphasis on "professional."
you know what? It's comments like that--

That's why you have trouble with women.

In lieu of flowers, mrs. Montgomery stated

That donations could be made in her name

To the city ballet or the
garden club. I'm bored.

Is there a reason I have to be here
for this? Yes, the reason being

That our mother is dead and
you are a part of this family.

I've spoken to a lot of her friends,

But I may have missed some.

I'm not sure where bizzy's address book is.

Not to worry. Mrs. Montgomery
met with me every year

To update the contact formation

Of the people she wanted to invite.
God forbid the wrong sort show up.

Well, to be clear, she wanted
a public memorial service

With a reception tfollow at the hou.

The interment is just for
family and close friends

The following morning.

Well, it sounds like bizzy
thought of everything.

One last thing. Mrs. Montgomery requested

That there be one eulogy.

I'd be happy to do it.

Actually, sir. She asked that addison do it.


Why aren't we staying at a hotel again?

They've asked us not to. We're being polite.

Hotels have room service.
I vote for the hotel.

Hotels also have heat and blankets

And eor at least the possibility of it.
Hotels have emotional warmth? Thank you.

are you people still here? Oh,
they're staying, captain.

Actually, sir-- our mother died.
You're staying.

Well, in that case,
someone can refill my drink.

If you all will excuse me,
it's been a long day.

I'm gonna go lay down.

I have a question first.

You're all doctors in this room, right?

Every single one of you.

So how does an army of
doctors let my wife die

Without even a good old-fashioned fight?

I mean, how many hundreds
of thousands of dollars

Did your parents waste on medical school

So you could let a relatively
young and healthy woman

Just on your watch?

It was a heart attack, captain.

It happened fast, and we
weren't there. I told you that.

I thought it was an aneurysm.


Uh, you said she died of an aneurysm.
Right. That's right.

Wejust now you said heart attack.

It's an aneurysm. I'm just tired.
she's grieving, sam.

You're gonna split hairs?

If you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go lay down. addie.

If you need someone to talk to--
thank you. I just need to rest.

I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

I'm too busy to be sure.
What-- what are you doing?

Trying to get an online
petition finalized, and I--

Do you have any contacts in the press?

Hilary, I know we've only been
working together a few months,

And, uh, and-- and we didn't
get a lot done earlier,

But I-- dr. Turner, with respect,
in the last 17 years,

I've filed nine separate appeals,

I've petitioned six courts,

I've written 368 letters to
the state justice department,

I've lost two houses,
had three nervous breakdowns,

And I haven't slept through the
night in almost two decades.

And it all comes down to this week.

So please, I'm busy.

What if it doesn't work?

What if you can't get
brett's execution stayed?

I told you, I'm not thinking about that.

Hilary-- I said no.

look, spare me
"the world isn't fair" speech.

Car accidents, sick kids--

I know bad things happen to good people.

But what's happening with brett,
it's not the same.

It's preventable,
and if I don't do everything I can

To try to stop it--
and you really think you can?

After all these years and
all this work, you...

I'm-- I'm worried about
what is gonna happen to you

If this doesn't go your way.

When everything you've
surrounded yourself with here

Is-- is moot, what then?

It'll never be moot.

I won't let go. I won't stop.

Whether brett's here or not,
I will clear his name.

For our son's sake, for my sake...

I won't stop.

Oh, I, uh, I thought you'd be sleeping.

Susan's in there.


In the urn.

I had her cremated at her request,

And they delivered the urn today.

It's pretty, don't you think?

Uh, okay.

Cremation is such a strange thing.

Addison-- I don't think
I'd want to be cremated,

Except for the poetry of it,

The biblical allusion.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

That's nice.

Look, baby, why don't you lie down?

All right? Let me hold you while you sleep.

I don't want to be cremated.

Maybe I'll donate my body to science.


Our cadaver in medical school?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah. What did we call him?

We called him mr. Mulligan.

mulligan. Mulligan.

I have no idea why. It was derek's idea.

Actually, he named it after
his favorite math teacher.

Mr. Mulligan.


What we did with him when we were done?

We gave him a memorial service.

We thanked him for his sacrifice

And his contribution to our education.

God. We were earnest.

We lit candles.

That was nice.

That's nice.

I think that's what I'll do.

Donate my bodyo science.

Where you going?

I don't think I can sleep
with susan in the room.

I don't care.

Archer, I-I know that the relationships

In-- in your family are--
are complicated, but--

Oh, we're like a bad russian novel.

Yeah, but still, bizzy was your mother.

You should care.

Sam's your ex-husband,

And addison is probably up there
right now, screwing him. Shh.

Do you care?

Sam and I were over a long time ago.

So were the captain and bizzy.

Doesn't stop him from
simmering with jealous rage.


Yes, it...

Yes, of cose it-- it bothers me.

I care.

But there are so many things
in life that bother me.

You know, abortion bothers me,

And-- and overpopulation bothers me,

And those things are at
such horrifying odds,

That I can't even--

I can't even wrap my
head around it, you know?

I can't wrap my head
aund anything, you know?

I mean-- you know I'm a grandmother?

I'm a grandmother, for god sake.

And that, that seriously bothers me.

But I can't control anything.

I just, uh... Can't control anything.

Certainly not anyone else's feelings.

You know...

Sam and addison are beyond my control.

And, yes, it does bother me.

But, uh... I choose not to be angry

And, uh... Not to be bitter.

And just, uh, you know, live in the moment.



Oh, no. This-- archer, that is--

That is not what I meant.

I don't care.

Sorry. I was just, uh...

Cooper needs a little
something to help him sleep.

So do I.

You shouldn't drink alone.

To bizzy.

Right. To bizzy.

How are you with words? Sorry?

I have to write a eulogy by tomorrow,

And I could use a little help.

Are you a good writer?

No, not really.

Plus, I didn't really know bizzy.

no one did.

Well, maybe don't write it.

Maybe just, uh,

Get up there and speak from the heart.

Sorry. She did this to me, you know?

This is her final insult, her final cruelty,

To pick me...

To stand up in fro of everyone and lie.

You really think you have to lie?

Believe me. Nobody wants tor the truth.

You mean that your mother k*lled herself?

I'm the hospital administrator.

I saw the death certificate.

For what it's worth, I'm really sorry.

I can't imagine how it must feel.

So if you want to talk,

I'm your gal.

Aneven if you don't, my lips are sealed.

Either way, tomorrow in that chapel,

You stand up,

Say whatever the hell you want.

Funerals aren't for the dead.

They're for the living.

They're to help us survive

When it feels like the
grief might just k*ll us.

Tomorrow's for you, addison.

You hear me?

Say whatever the hell you want.

you'd think after all this time,

I would know what to say, right?

Take your time. The words will come.

Okay, you're freaking me out.

Spit it out.

Whatever it is, as long as
you're not asking me to quit,

I can handle it. Did it.

You did what?

I m*rder*d paul miller.

It was me. I did it.

Laughter relieves tension.

peopleaugh at funerals
all the time, you know?

It-- it's-- it's okay.

I never-- I never--
I never wanted you to know.

I- I always wanted you...

To believe in me.

I don't know how I did that thing.

I still to this day don't know
how I did it. I am so sorry.

I am so sorry.

Hilary, I can't imagine
what this feels like.

But brett did want you to know the truth.

That's-- that's worth something.

no. No, no. Please, don't, don't, don't.

Don't go. Don't go.

Baby, baby, please-- step back
and put your hands on the table.

Please don't go. Step back now.

Baby, baby.

She needs time to process.

I don't have any time left.

U're not allowed to oversleep

And miss bizzy's funeral.



What? We're both adults.

Some clothes would be nice,
preferably something black.

Lary, are you there?

The door was unlocked,
so I-- what are you doing?

The governor usually has dinner around 5:30,

But his assistant thought maybe

If I tried his old office number--
hilary, you have to stop.

I have to find my address book.

I just had it here, and I don't know where--
look at me. Look at me. Look at me.

Do you remember seeing brett this morning?
Do you think I could forget that?

Do you think I could ever forget that? Well,
he's-- he's ready to go, hilary.

he's made his peace.

D- doesn't that mean anything,

Th-that he's accepted his fate, that a-

That at the very least,
it wasn't a wrongful execution?

Do you think there's any such thing

As a rightful execution, dr.
Turner? That is not--

Justin was a colicky baby.

It started when he was about a month ol

Justin wand it didn't stop (exhalfor a year.

We never slept. It felt
like we were going crazy.

And then brett got fired
when we were already broke.

And then his mother, who was our only help,

Dropped dead in the street.

So brett went to a bar,
and he had too many drinks.

He had too many drinks

And he had so much rage inside him,


But what about all the
good things that he did?

There were so many good things.

Doesn't that count for anything?

A lifetime of kindness, doesn't that count?

Doesn't that... Hilary--

Make up for one mistake?
Let's talk about your feelings.

You had a lot of feelings
come up this morning

When brett told you the truth. I
want to talk about them. I don't
have time to talk about my feelings

Because my husband is about to be m*rder*d!

there it is.

Listen, I...

I need to goomewhere.

Will you come with me?

Yes. Yes, of course.

Dear lord, take back the soul
of beatrice forbes montgomery.



And now bizzy's daughter, addison,

Will say a few words.



My mother told us that we
should never cry in public.

The forbses didn't do that.

If we needed to shed tears

It should be in the
privacy of one's own home.

Even better, in the privacy of our own room.

I'm going to do my best to honor that today.

In her 62 years,

Bizzy taught me and my
brother a lot of things.

For as long as I can remember,

She always told us never
to settle for second best.

It wasn't enough to be good at something.

We had to be standouts at whatever we did.

Bizzy didn't believe

That every camper should get a feather.

My mother threw herself into everything.

She did more volunteer
work than anyone I know.

She was also a leading
member of greenwich society.

She was president of the junior league

For almost 20 years.

She also ran

The chamber of commerce
book sale every year.

But even though her volunteer duties

Kept her extremely busy,

She always had tim for her family.

She was also very good at sports.

She held the state high school record

For the 50-yard backstroke.

That record was only
recently broken this year.

My mother was a woman who
believed in accomplishment

Above all else.

I think she remained true to that belief

Until the day she died.

may she rest in peace.

Addison making it hard?

Mm. Impossible.

I've been there.

You in the mood for advice
or just another drink?

Both. All right.

When charlotte's father died, she beat me up

Because I was close and I was safe.

But there's only so much you can take.

If you really want to help
addison start to heal,

You gotta push back.

Not hard, not to get even,

But just so that she knows

That you're strong enough to
help her get through this.

♪ only ♪

♪ in my head ♪

This is a lovely home.

Are the curtains homemade?

Hilary, what do you want?

♪ only in... ♪

He did it.

My husband k*lled your husband.

♪ will I ever find some peace ♪

He's guilty.

I already knew that.

All these years, you were the
only one who seemed not to.

I'm very sorry

For any extra pain I've caused
your family with my denials.

I'm very, very sorry.

Thank you.

♪ only ♪

♪ in my head ♪

You know, uh... I have
some work I have to do.

Ellen, I didn't just come here to apologize.

Although, surely I owed you that.

I came to ask you...

♪...You ♪

I want you to ask the governor
for a stay of execution.

♪ always an excuse ♪


♪ and I'd like to meet you ♪

I know what my husband did
was horrible. I know. I know.

It was horribly wrong.

If I could go back to that night
and stop what happened, I would.

I pray that you know that I would do that.

But I can't. And so here I am,
doing what I can do,

As a wife and as a mother,

As one human being to another, I'm...

Ellen, I'm not asking you to set him free.

But I'm just asking you
for a little more time.

♪...Get it right ♪

♪ and it got so hard ♪

♪ only in my head ♪

You see that, uh, picte on theireplace,

The little redhead in the soccer uniform?

That's my son dylan.

On the day he made his first goal.

He was so happy about it

That he pulled his shirt over his head

And ran around the field

With his arms out like an airplane.

It was an amazing moment.

♪ only you ♪

but my husband wasn't there to see it.

The one next to it--

That's hailey on her
first day of gymnastics.

My husband didn't see that either.

and he didn't see either of them ride a bike

Or sing a solo or write a poem.

And he won't see dylan when he graduates

And... He won't be there
to give our daughter away

On the day that she gets married

Because 17 years ago,

Your husband decided that all those moments

Weren't important enough for
my paul to be around for...

That he wasn't needed,

That I could handle it myself.

So I have.

Every party, every sleepover,
every skinned knee--

I've handled it all.

And I ll until the day I die.

You asked me for more time.

I don't have any to give.

Your husband took it all from me.

♪ only in... ♪

We should go.

♪ head inside ♪

♪ will I ever find some peace ♪

You can let yourselves out.

I'll take that.

You've surprised me.

I- I meanst of the time, you seem...



I was gonna say ridiculous,
but you've stepped up.

Well, addison's like my sister.

And she is in so much pain
underneath that frozen grin

That I can barely breathe looking at her.

Opping and cleaning is all
I can think to do to help.

Dr. Pete.

You know...


Was kind to me, and...

It was the first kindness
that anyone had shown me

In a long time.

She's like that.

We're both damaged. Kindred spirits, really.

You know, I'm trying as hard
as I can to be appropriate,

But you talking about my wife--

she wasn't always your wife.

I'm sure that came out wrong,
didn't it? I know you're grieving,

But you cannot talk about violet that way.

don't tell me what to do in my own house.


You stayed in a marriage you
knew wasn't real for 40 years,

And you're calling me a coward?

Oh. Ohh.

Did dr. Turner speak to hilary again?


She tried, but I...

I'm sorry. She doesn't want to see you.

Excuse me, dr. Wallace.
We need to prepare the prisoner.


No, I'm-- I'm not ready.

I'm sorry, but it's time. No, I'm not ready.
I'm not ready. I'm not ready.

I'm not ready. I'm not ready! I'll be
there on the other side of the glass.

You won't be alone.
I'll be there till the end.

Tell hilary I am sorry.

What kind of pills are you taking?

You already succeeded in
making me look like an idiot.

Do I really have to endure a lecture, too?

What kind of pills?

Pour those down the drain.

The doctor gave me these.

They're for grief.

there's no medication for grief.

You just have to feel it.

And if we delay it by taking pills,

We just get to feel it for longer. I thght
violet was the shrink in the outfit.

Fine. When your doctor prescribed those,

Did he happen to mention that
you shouldn't drink with them?

He might have. You're lucky.
It's only been a few days.

If it had been a few weeks,
you would've wrecked your liver

And probably most of your relationships.

So drink if you have to,
but no more pills, okay?

I don't have to listen to you.
No, you don't, but you have a shot here--

A shot at a relationship
with your kids, a shot

To right some wrongs before you
follow in bizzy's footsteps.

Oh, I see. I talked about your wife,

So now you get to talk about my wife.
I'm talking about your kids.

They're adults. Not today.

Not when their mother just died.

They're your kids.

And they need you not to be drunk and stoned

And... throwing punches

And being just all-around useless.

They need their father,

And this might be your last shot.

And I'm just trying to help you

Not blow your last shot.

I was happy when susan got sick.

I know how that sounds,

But... Where was bizzy
goa go when susan died?

I was all she knew for 40 years.

I assumed she'd come home.

You know, not to be romantic,

Just... To live out our lives together

Instead of alone.

I am so sorry for your loss.

I don't know what to do with susan.

It seems wrong that she
wasn't at the memorial.

I just keep moving her from room to room.

That was a nice eulogy.

Thank you.

Now I want to hear the real one.

I need a drink.

I want to hear the real one. Sam, I
really don't have the energy for this.

I want to hear the real one. No, sam--

Be real with me. Sam--

Give me the real one.
I need to hear your real voice.

Because this stepford wasp thing,
it's not-- sam, please back up.

No, I'm not backing up.
Sam, you're scaring me.

No. Well, you're scaring me.

I want to hear the real eulogy.
I want to hear the truth.

I want to hear from the woman
that I love... Back off, sam!

From the woman that I love-- my mother died.

I know. I know. I know.

I know. It's okay.

What time is it?


It's getting late.

You don't have to go.

You don't ever have to see him again.

But you do have to accept
that he is dying tonight.

And as awful as that... Is to accept,

It might give you a chance

To say good-bye on your own terms.

Give you a chance at least

To tell him you love him.

He knows I love him.

If there's one thing that man has to know,

It's that I love him.

The way you left this morning,
he might doubt it.

If I were him, I would doubt it.

Whatre you doing up here?

Oh, I'm honoring bizzy.

Not that she ever got sloppy drunk.

Say what you want about her,
the woman could hold her liquor.

Come on back to the house.
I'll make you some coffee.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


You and me, how'd we end
up such messes, huh?

Look at us.

You're screwing your best friend's ex,

And I'm-- well, I'm screwing
anything with a pulse.


Am in love with sam. Huh.

And you are up here all alone, grieving,

Because we're real people with real feel...

Despite bizzy's best example.

Well, here's to that.

She k*lled herself, archer.

It wasn't an aneurysm or a heart attack.

She took some...

Took a bottle of pills.

Well, isn't that just par for the course?

I've spent so much of
my life judging people.

You know that? I've been so judgmental.

It was actually one of the few traits

I did get from bizzy.

I mean, when I was younger,
I would've thought it was weak.

su1c1de-- it's so weak.

I mean, what was she thinking?

How could she do that to us--

To the captain, to her children?

But... When I found her...

All I thought was, well...

That's that.

People who do that, they're not... Thinking.

She wasn't thinking, laying there broken.

She was broken from grief.

She was out to sea and she drowned.

It doesn't make her selfish.

It doesn't even mean

That she didn't love us in her own way.

Maybe that's what I would've said.

If I could've told the truth,
that's what I would've said.

I need to see my husband--
brett loveman. I'm sorry, ma'am.

She only needs a few minutes.
Once a prisoner is in prep,

He isn't allowed any more outside contact.

I can let you in to witness
the execution, but that's it.

no, please. I don't--

I don't know if I can do that. Okay,
listen to me. I don't say this lightly.

You are one of the strongest people

I have ever had the honor of knowing.

So the question isn't can you do it.

It's do you want to.

♪ I dream that your arm ♪

♪ lifted me out of harm ♪

♪ joining me from far away ♪

♪ we will drink wine ♪

♪ we're just giddy on life ♪

♪ touch me and I'll float away ♪

♪ float away ♪

♪ is it all a dream? ♪

♪ should I even try? ♪

♪ are you coming clear? ♪

♪ to tell the truth ♪

♪ I need you ♪

♪ I need you ♪

♪ is it all a dream? ♪

♪ should I even try? ♪

♪ are you coming clean? ♪

♪ to tell the truth ♪

♪ I need you ♪

♪ right now ♪