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04x12 - Heaven Can Wait

Posted: 10/17/22 00:13
by bunniefuu
Oh, what about peonies?
Peonies could be good.

I have no idea.

It's your mother's wedding,
and you don't know

What kind of flowers she wants?

Bizzy made it abundantly clear

That this wedding is for susan.

Okay. Then what would susan want?

Again, I have no idea.

Ugh. You're being petulant.
Well, I am entitled, nai.

I am throwing a wedding for my mother

And her... lesbian mistress/lover.

my mother. Okay?

Who, by the way, never thanked me

For saving the life of her
lesbian mistress/lover.

I told you, if you want
something from that woman,

You have to ask her for it.
All right. How about this?

"bizzy, stop being a lesbian
and go back to your husband.

"stay in the closet-- your very large,

Well-decorated closet." h*m*.

I know, right?
But only when it comes to her.

I mean, if it were you,
if you wanted to marry

Your lesbian mistress/lover,
I would throw you a parade.

I would March on the
capital until it was legal.

But with her, I mean,
what-- what is wrong with me?

Why am I being like this? Well,
she's your mommy.

My mommy? Mommies are warm.
My nanny was warm, but she...

She's my bizzy.

Which is exactly why you
are being like this.

Look, you always thought
that she was cold and hard,

And she's about to do
something warm and wonderful.

She's about to pledge her love...

Which means you might
actually be wrong about her,

Which means she might
actually be your mommy.

All right, susan--
she likes understated elegance.

Okay. Then let's find an understated,
elegant flower.

you came.

You saw me. Now cross it off your list.

I'll see you in six months.

See? I can't deal with this.

Lisa, lisa, wait, wait, wait, wait.

He drinks cognac like it's water,
he only wears

That stupid track suit that
I bought him 20 years ago,

And he sounds like he's ready
for the tubercular ward.

But if he doesn't give a damn,
then why should I?

Well, why don't you bring someone in

To help out around here?

Oh, he's got someone. Simone.
She's hiding in the bedroom

Because she knows how much I detest her.

She doesn't help. She indulges him.

I miss my mom.

Yeah. She was, uh, an amazing lady.

I'm sorry. I have to go.

You know how you can tell
if a politician is lying?

His lips are moving.

You know what that sound is?

Too many cigars and too few walks.

Go drum up business
somewhere else, smart guy.

This place is filled with veiny old biddies

Who would love your attention.

Why don't you listen to me?

you knew esty.

Without her, what have I
got to look forward to?


Hey, enough with the zipping
and zapping. I'm hungry.

Oh, hi.


Oh, simone, this is, uh, sam bennett.

He was esty's doctor,
and now he's a pain in my ass.

I was gonna grab abe some lunch.

Can I get you anything? No. No, thank you.

Uh, go to langler's, all right?

It's the best pastrami in l.A.
Now that my deli is closed.

But that's like being the
world's tallest midget,

But still-- w-why don't I buy us all

something a little more healthy,

Uh, like, uh, turkey sandwiches?

I'm running low. Uh, uh,
get me a couple of bottles of--

Milk. Yeah.

Got it, handsome.

You know, she's not helping you.

Sure she is.

You know how long it would take me

To shuffle over to the
liquor store and back?

At least let simone bring
you up to my office.

Let me see what's going on with that cough.

Thanks for visiting.

I was r*ped...

In my office.

Physical pain was gone in a week.

The feelings...

I get scared sometimes.

And I get sad.

The days feel longer than they should.

And I'm having trouble sleeping.

You're depressed.

I said I get sad. Okay.

I can't, uh...

Cooper's wonderful.

He's the best.

But I can't, uh...

I try, but I can't have sex.


Every time we try,

I get this picture in my head.

I'm lying on the floor...

And that man's on top of me,

But I'm not watching from below.

I'm above him...

Like a spectator to my own r*pe.

Why do you think that is?

Why do you think that is?

There it is. psychobabble.

Ask a question. Get a question back.

Whole thing's ridiculous.

I told cooper this was a bad idea.

And can I be honest with you?

I don't want you in my head.
I don't need you in my head.

I agree. Talk therapy--

It won't help.


Prescribing a cocktail of dr*gs.

A combination of antidepressants,

Mood stabilizers,

Some tranquilizers,
just to take the edge off.

Now your mood, your sleep, your energy,

It'll get better.

Now I've written four refills,

So you're good for five months.

Good luck.

Lungs are clear.

vitals look good.

did you ask him?

I didn't want to impose.

Ask me what?

Our wedding--we would love for you to come.

Imposing. You're imposing.

Oh, not at all. It would be an honor.

I'll be back later,
and I'm looking forward to a dance.

I think he has a thing for you.

I'm with sam.

For now.

Dr. Rodriguez is from a prominent family

In south america-- very wealthy.

I'll keep that in mind, bizzy.

I'm simply saying that
it's as easy to fall--

I love sam.

You don't choose who you love.

Right, ladies?

You should see how he's living, nai.

The girl who's taking
care of him doesn't clean,

Lets him drink, eat, smoke all day.

Well, so tell his daughter.

She was there. I walked in on them fighting.

He doesn't listen to her either.

I thought they had a better
relationship than that.

You remember how we used
to think of him as a--

As a charming curmudgeon?

Well-- now he's just a curmudgeon?


Oh, well, maybe he's happy like that,

Or his version of happy.

No. He deserves to be taken care of.

Sam, it's wonderful that
you still care about abe.

But what abe wants to do
with the time he has left,

That's his business.

Hey, what's going on with violet?

I mean, is she too cool to call me or what?

She just has all these
meetings with her publisher.

Your friend larry's in
the wrong line of work.

what do you mean?

He's a pharmacist not a therapist.
Who's larry?

Dr. Larry cannon--

My best friend and a brilliant psychiatrist.

You have a best friend? What are you, 12?

Yeah. Mm.

You're seeing a shrink? Good for you.

Not good. All he tried to
do was push dr*gs on me.

Wait. What do you mean?
Did you try talking to him--

You think I hauled my ass
across town to sit in silence?

I tried. He wasn't interested.

There's enough dr*gs there
to paralyze an elephant.

Oh, this makes no sense.
Larry isn't a pill guy.

He pioneered narrative talk therapy.

He taught it to me. It's the
basis of my practice. Narrative--

That's using the story
of people's lives, right?

Larry wasn't interested in my stories.

He just wanted to write me a scrip.

Maybe he thought you needed to be stabilized

Before you started talking.

That sounded bad, right?

Yeah, it did.

Charlotte, I'm sorry.

Look, larry's been traveling a lot, and, uh,

I don't know what's going on,
but I'll talk to him.

I'll explain you weren't looking for pills.

But you can't give up
after only one session.

I can, and I will.

dr. Dyson, dial the page operator.

Dr. Dyson, dial the page operator.

Y-you know you really don't have to come

To their wedding.

I like weddings.

Susan goes in the "win" column.

That's always worth celebrating.

You know, I'm not sure I ever said--

I was just doing my job.

It was important to me,
and you were willing to try.

I'm not sure I could say no to you.

okay. I'm with sam.

You know I'm with sam. You have to stop.

I am not interested.

Well, if that were true,

You wouldn't care that
I flirt with you. Okay.

You are not hearing me, and I--

I need to go.

You do realize that I didn't
even plan my own wedding.

I get that you want to
give susan this wedding,

But it's...

Okay. You know what? I don't get it.

Based on your sham of a
marriage to the captain,

I mean, you clearly don't
take vows that seriously,

And we all know you're a cheater.

Thank you, by the way,
for passing that down.

I think we both know that
infidelity is not genetic.

And if we agree it's learned behavior,

You certainly didn't learn it from me, dear,

Because you had no idea what I was up to

Until long after you'd
made your own mistakes.

It really is time for you to grow up

And accept responsibility.

For the past 20 years,
I've had my proverbial cake--

Homes, husband, children, jewels,

Ladies auxiliary--

And that whole time,

The love of my life waited
patiently in the closet

Because that was my way.

I almost lost susan, but she's healthy now,

So this time we do it her way,
and she wants a wedding.

I'm a lesbian, dear.

Deal with it.

I just want to get a schedule.

Hey. I didn't expect to see you here.

I didn't expect to cough up a lung,

So there you are.

You want me to examine you? Uh, no.

I just came here for the
"expectant mother" magazine.

Uh, you don't have to come in. You sure?

An audience makes him nervous.

Okay. Uh, right this way.

Just tell him dr. Wallace called again.

W-a-l--look, just tell him to call sheldon

As soon as possible.

Yes, thank you. Do you have
any idea how long it took me

To convince her to go?
We had one shot at this.

Cooper-- no. Charlotte's
not like us, sheldon.

She doesn't share every feeling
and vocalize every thought.

She comes from a family of mutes.

Her dad never said he loved her.
Her mother denied

She had a drinking problem
until her liver imploded.

So for her to be willing
to speak to somebody

About the r*pe-- I know you're upset--

No, no, no, she needs this.
She doesn't sleep.

She's always looking over her shoulder.

Look, I'm sorry, but this...

This isn't the larry I know.

You said he was the best. He is the best.

Larry is the reason I became a therapist.

Okay, watching him connect to people,

Un-unraveling their problems,
you know, it was inspiring.

So what happened?

I don't know. I don't know.
But I'm gonna find out.

okay, so...

Hotel's booked. Flowers are done.

Music... Do you have the
final count for the caterer?

Oh. Well, bizzy has no friends here,

And I don't think susan has friends.

Uh, the captain is clearly not attending.

Oh, and my brother e-mailed this morning,

Saying that he didn't come
to bizzy's first wedding,

So he's not coming to her second.

So I guess... That just leaves us,

Except, um, for violet
who's in new york, so...

Uh, that's ten. No, no.

11. Dr. Rodriguez, he's attending.

Why--why did you invite him?

I didn't. Susan did.
Why? What's the difference?

I don't know. I just--

I saw you in the hospital flirting with him.


No, nai. He was flirting with me.

I was very uncomfortable. Nai.

All right. He--dr.
Rodriguez asked me out ages ago.

But I told him that I am in love with sam.

Well, clearly, you weren't very convincing.

Okay, nai, come on. Stop, all right?

I'm already insane enough with
bizzy breathing down my neck.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just, uh...

When you told me about you and sam,

I just didn't think that
you guys were gonna last.

I thought...

Look, um, I'm not bizzy,

And I am not criticizing or doubting,

But your relationship with sam is real now.


When it gets real,

That's usually when you screw it up.


Not this time.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Big medical words don't scare me.


The better-looking dr. Bennett.
Sam told me you were here.

I just thought I'd come in and say hi.

Or he dragged you away from
something more important

To play good cop

And tell me all the things
that I have to live for.

I'm old, but I'm not stupid.

Abe, now, our--our only
interest here is helping you.

Unless you can raise the dead...

Look, uh, we realize that
we can't replace esty,

But we can help you find
somebody better than simone.

Someone who can cook, clean.
You sound like lisa.

Well, maybe that should tell
you something. Esty and I...

Simone and I are...

We're doing just fine.

Insurance card. Oh, insurance card. Um--


Um... Here you go.


No problem... Mr. Nussbaum.

Um, I actually--he-- I work for him.

And he's, uh, he's older, an older guy.

He's a patient of dr. Bennett.

So I can--I can-- I got this. Thanks.

So this is why you never answer your phone.

The chinese have been playing
mah-jongg for a thousand years,

And I just discovered it a week ago.

How amazing is that,
huh? What's more amazing

Is that little drug
cocktail you wrote dr. King.

Oh. Lovely lady.

k*ller smile.

Charlotte's a colleague and a friend.
I sent her to you

Because she survived a
traumatic sexual as*ault,

And you sent her packing in
five minutes. Not empty-handed.

Since when do you

Replace talk therapy with drug protocols?


They come to us distraught,

Emotionally void.

And we listen. We take it all in,

Interpret the data, and then we respond

Using whatever experience we have.

I don't understand.

The cycle repeats itself--

Breakthrough, relapse--

Over and over and over ag--

Talk therapy is a sham.

That's crazy. We help people.

By sharing our insights?

We're not helping anything. No.

These guys do.

Sheldon, we are machines.

Everything we do is controlled

By chemical neurotransmitters in our brain.

Crank up the serotonin,
and we feel euphoric.

Dissipate it, and we feel depressed.

It's not that simple.
dr*gs have a place in therapy.

But it-- it's not in isolation.

Human interaction is critical. You...

You've spent your entire life
committed to talk therapy.


You've helped thousands of patients.

I was wrong. Everything that I taught you,

Everything that you've
built your practice on

Is a lie.

Is black wrong?

I mean, it's a wedding, not a funeral.

You know, but it is l.A.
What would you want yours to be like?

My what? Your second wedding.
What would you want it to be like?

I don't know.

Okay, I have to tell you something.

Not because it's important, but because...

I don't want you to hear
it from somebody else

And misunderstand.

Do I want to hear this?

Eric rodriguez flirted with me.

He's been flirting with me.

But I did not flirt back.

Well, what does that mean?

I don't know. I don't know. I just...

I just thought that you should know.

And now I do.

She had probably a dozen credit cards

With your dad's name on 'em.

why am I not surprised?

You think your dad has any idea?

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.
She's pretty and flirty.

You think that matters to him? Well,
he's still a man, naomi.

After my mom died,
he became a different person.

It's like, the more help he needs,

The farther away he pushes me.

And to settle for that simone... Well,
she's not taking good care of your dad,

And now with the credit cards,
you should get rid of her.

And then what? He can't be alone.
He needs help.

We'll help you find someone else.
do you want to talk to simone,

Or should I? Can you just tell her

To stop what she's doing and try harder?

Lisa-- please. I can't deal with him.

But someone has to.

Did you say anything to upset him?
You're not really blaming her?

No. No, it's just,
maybe he felt that talk therapy

Would be ineffective in this specific case.

Talk therapy is ineffective.

Are you and larry working for the
same drug company? What is the point

Of sitting on a couch and
blabbing back and forth

When emotions are controlled by chemicals?

When your car is out of gas,

You don't whisper in the
t*nk to get it moving.

Talk therapy has 70 years
of empirical studies

Backing its effectiveness.
But what you do in a year of therapy

Can be accomplished in a day
with a little yellow pill. talking
doesn't have side effects,

Risk of dependency, negative interactions.

You of all people should know that.
Well, maybe he was trying something new.

I mean, he wouldn't be the first doctor

To have a change of heart.
A change of heart I get.

But a complete 180 after 25 years?
What did he say when you confronted him?

He shut me down. And?

You let him get away with that?


W--where'd she go?

I discharged her an hour ago.

She said she and your mother

Were checking in to the four seasons.
Well, no one called me.

Where are you rushing off to?

I make you uncomfortable.


W-well, ye-- okay, yes, you do.

I'm in love with sam. So you keep saying.

He's your friend. Doesn't that
bother you? Does it bother you?

Yes. Shame.

I'm sorry.

No, don't be sorry.

I'm fine.

I thought the therapy might help.

Why did he have to be a kook?

Char, it's okay.

I'm fine.

It's fine with me.

What if...

What if I'm never ready?

Don't think about it. Don't worry about it.

When it's right, you'll know.

I can wait.

You can't wait.

I can.

And until you're ready...


Have this.


Hey. Hey.

What are you doing over here?
Just a change of pace.

Huh. Well... Dinner for one?

Yeah. Well, I figured you'd,
uh, you'd be late.

Since I haven't seen you all day,
and you didn't call,

It might be more accurate to say

You guessed that I would be late.

Or... You hoped I would be late?

listen, um...

you asked me last night about...

My second wedding. Yeah.
That, uh, I didn't mean anything by that.

That w--you were planning a wedding,
and I was just--

It was just--I was just asking
a question. I just wanted to--

Well, I thought about it.

Whoa. Okay. Answer.

Should we?

Should we get married?

Rried. Wait. Okay, wait.

No, don't answer now.

Is this coming off the eric thing

And the--and the-- and the flirting--

No. You are my best friend.
I love what we have together.

Just think about it.


You've turned your back on talk therapy.

It's everything you ever
stood for and believed in.

And now you're...

How can you just walk away?

It's simple. All these years,
I've been wrong, sheldon.

But I finally figured it out,
and I'm content.

I like the new me.

The pills...

Have helped me let go

Of some dark emotions that
were kicking around upstairs.

Larry, what the hell are you doing?

Do you even know what you're taking?

I'm a doctor, remember?

Mm. Finally, you're seeing the light.

You're not getting these back.
Give me those.

Hey, now don't get greedy, shelley.

There's something very wrong with you.

I am ten times the shrink that you are.

I am fully qualified to make a diagnosis.

Not on yourself.

You honestly think that you are equipped

To evaluate me?

I have an I.Q. Of 170.

I have 53 published papers.

I have written six books.

What have you ever done?!


Please let me help you. We can talk about--

No talking! No therapy!

you don't know what I know

So you can't see it, but I can.

See, I know!

Tell him!

Tell him to listen! He won't listen!

He just keeps talking!

Okay. You're friends with addison.

You're like a little sister to her.
You--you know her.

Are you accusing me of something

Or asking me something? Addison proposed.

Wow. I-I...

Yeah. Didn't see that coming.

Uh... Well, congratulations.

Do you think she's crazy? I guess I
should take back my congratulations.

I'm not even sure she meant it.
Like, maybe she didn't mean it.

But what if she did? Wait.
You didn't answer her?

Last week, she wanted to have a baby.

This week, she wants to get married.
No, wait. Stop. Back up.

Addison proposed, you didn't answer her,

And now you're here asking
me if I think she's crazy?

You guys look so happy. What--
what is the problem? I ju--no, we are happy.

I-I ju--I don't know if
there is a problem exactly,

But... I know that this ain't right.




How do I let her down easy?

hey, sheldon.

You don't look so good. Everything okay?

No, cooper. Everything is not okay.

look, I'm sorry. It's just...

I spent the whole night looking for larry.

Went to his office,
went to his house--he wasn't there.

Something happen? We were
having dinner in a restaurant,

And he--he just went...


The proper term is a psychotic break.

Is he dangerous?

Should you call the police?

I was hoping not to get them involved.

Sheldon, the man's treating patients.
Or supposed to be, anyway.

Do you have a choice?

I got a message you wanted to see me.

Is it about abe's cough?

Because I told him he has
to use that inhaler--

Stop talking.

I know about the credit cards.

Nothing. I mean-- tell me the truth,
or I'm going to call the police.

It's just the credit cards.

And I didn't even put much on any of 'em.

The job pays like crap,
and it's a lot of work.

And I just... It's not easy
taking care of that guy.

He yells, he has mood swings,

And I didn't even want to take it,

But I have loans. Get out.

Get out. Walk out of this office right now.

And don't ever go back and see abe again.

You know, just so you know, he loves me.

He won't press charges, and...

He'll want me back.

Hey, you have a minute?

Oh, uh, I-I was trying to get out

To see olivia before she goes to bed.

Well, I, uh, I have something
that I want to tell you.

Well, I mean, I don't want to tell you,

But I need to tell you or I should-- speak.

Okay. Uh...

I, uh...

I proposed to sam.

I asked sam to marry me... and, uh, well,

And now-- stop talking.

I have-- I have been supportive,

And I have been friendly, but I--

I am done being polite about this.

Addison, you suck at relationships.

You--you take other people's men,
and--and now that

You have some man that wants to
cheat with you, you're tempted.

That's why you asked sam
to marry you. Nai, I--

No, no, I--no.
I-I-- as your friend, addison,

I cannot hold this in anymore,
and as sam's ex-wife...

You--you have to go.

No. No, nai, we need to talk about this.

No. No. I am-- I'm done talking.

She was stealing from you, abe.

I've got underwear older than that kid.

You think she was fooling me?
I like to look at her ass.

So it cost me a little?
Why do you give a damn?

Because I was trying to protect you.

I don't need protection.

But you do need help.

I wish I didn't.

I wish to god I didn't.

For my whole life, I was the help.

Esty's parents were immigrants.

They never had any good work,
so I took two jobs--

One stocking shelves, one cutting meat--

To give them something extra.

Esty was working, too,

But then once lisa came,
I-I didn't want her to have to,

So I put off opening my
deli so she wouldn't worry.

Then when my lisa got older
and we had a foothold,

Esty wanted to go back to school.

So I spent less time at work
and more time as a chauffer--

Soccer practice, band concerts,
whatever she needed.

And I saved so that when
lisa wanted to go to brown,

The money was there.

Barely, but it was there.

Then when...

Esty got sick...

♪ and time, it moves so slow ♪

I am the help.

♪ with you ♪

♪ so ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ lie ♪

The bulgari.

Definitely the bulgari.

You've wanted it since you were 4.

I'll probably have to pry it
out of your cold, dead hands.

Can you please make sure
that susan's dressed?

We're doing photographs
before the guests arrive.



I'm in here.

Hey. Uh--


uh, bizzy is ready to do
the pictures, so she's--

And she wants to know
when I'll be dressed? Yes.

Give me ten minutes. Okay.
Uh, do you need anything?

No, I'm good. I'm good. Okay.

Addison. Yeah.

I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am,

We both are, for everything.

Thank you.

It's nice for at least one
of you to acknowledge.

Bizzy doesn't... Well, you know her.

Yeah, I thought I did.
But with you, she's...

I don't know. I just never
knew that she could, uh-- love?

She loved you the second that you were born,

But intimacy has to be worked on both sides.

Whoa. Oh. Oh. Oh.

Are you okay? Oh. Uh, yeah.
No, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Susan, what's going on?

I'm not better, addie.

I'm bloating and I'm weak again.

And it feels like...

I did before I was diagnosed.

I know the cancer's come back.

No. Dr. Rodriguez wouldn't
have discharged you

If that was the case.
He wanted me to stay and do tests,

But I didn't give him a choice.

Don't be mad. Please.

I need today. Bizzy and I both do.
No, that's not a good idea. All right?

If the cancer's back,
then we need to fight it.

We can post--we can delay your wedding.
We'll get you back-- addison, listen to me.

I signed a d.N.R.

No delays, no more doctors, no more exams,

No extraordinary measures.

And you can't tell bizzy.

Susan, I--


Your mother and I...

Just give us today.

You all right?

I need to ask you something.

A-and I need you to be honest with me.

Okay. sh**t.

Do I screw things up?

Oh, yeah.

Seriously? I mean,
you know what I'm asking, right?

Absolutely, and the answer is yes.

When things get difficult
or scary in a relationship,

You screw it up.

Y--well, you said to be honest.

I was just coming to tell
you how beautiful you look.

You knew about susan. She's sick,

And you discharged her anyway.

She wanted to be here with your mother.
Yeah? Well, she should be

Back at the hospital
where we could help her,

And hopefully give them more than this.
That's not what susan asked for.


It's time, dear.

Thank you, dear.


well, you did it.

Actually, you did it.

The wedding was lovely, addison.

you think we're ever gonna do this,

Actually get married?

I do.

Me, too.


Just don't ask me when.

I wasn't going to.

You're not gonna believe what...

I think bizzy just thanked me.

Wow. Well, congratulations.




I was scared.

I am... Scared.

Of what? Of us.

Of us not working, of me not
giving it a chance, everything.

I don't want to ruin it, not with you.

So instead, you asked me to marry you?



You know, you could take it back.

No. I don't want--


You can take it back.

Okay. I take it back.


let's drop!

♪ yeah ♪

♪ come on ♪

♪ shake, shake ♪

♪ I'll take you home ♪

What happened with larry is not your fault.

I know.

But I should've seen it coming.

We can't always see what's closest to us.

He needs help.

I know. Sheldon, he needs real help.

I can't do that.

If larry were a patient-- he's not.
He's my mentor and my friend.

All the more reason.

He could lose his job and his license.

It'll destroy him.

He's your mentor and your friend.

♪ will you move her like that? ♪

♪ come on, shake, shake,
shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

♪ shake, shake ♪

♪ shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

♪ shake, shake ♪

♪ shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

♪ shake, shake ♪

♪ shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

I, uh, was just thinking about abe.

Yeah, he's alienated lisa,

And he's trying as hard as
he can to do the same to me.

Did you ever think that maybe
he just doesn't like you?

well, I am the pain-in-the-ass doctor,

So yeah. Yeah.

It's lisa, though.

He loves her as much as he loved esty.

I think he's just scared of being a burden.

Well, sometimes fear makes...

You push away the people you love.

♪ now if she does it like this,
will you turn her like that? ♪

Sometimes it makes you try
to pull them even closer.

♪ now if she moves like this,
will you move her like that? ♪

♪ come on, shake, shake,
shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

Thank you.

♪ shake, shake, shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

Well... Are you leaving?

Time to be the pain-in-the-ass doctor.

♪ shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

Hey. About before--

Shh. Dance with me.

♪ shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

♪ shake, shake, shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

♪ shake, shake, shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

♪ shake, shake, shake, shake, a-shake it ♪

Mind if I come in?

If I say yes, you wouldn't listen.

May as well save my breath.

I'm not alone, abe.

Hi, daddy.

Has it been six months already? come on.
Don't be like that.

Like what? Don't push her away.
She's not your enemy.

You love her. She's family,

Which means she's supposed
to be here, no matter what,

Even if you say you don't need her

Or don't want her to know that you do. Ah,
don't listen to him. He's very dramatic.

I want you to come live with me.

You'd hate it. So would I.

I wouldn't.

And neither would barry
or the boys. We'd love it.



Did you tell her to sucker
me in to another rant?

No, sir.

But he did tell me what you said,
and you're right.

You've always been the help,
to mom and to me.

But now that can change.

I won't do that to you. I can't.

Well, you know what? I'm not asking.

She's not askin'.

Daddy, please. Let me help.


Hey. Too much champagne?

I was just going to freshen up.

You kissed off all my lipstick.


I wasn't complainin'.

I just wanted to get another
one in before you reapply.

I'll see you out there.

You okay?

I'm fine.

I'm really fine.

Should we get a room?

We don't need one.

♪ I may not always love you ♪

♪ but as long as there are stars above you ♪

♪ you'll never need to doubt it ♪

♪ I'll make you so sure about it ♪

♪ god only knows what I'd be without you ♪

Ah, sheldon, come on in. I'm cooking dinner.

I'm not hungry, larry. Hey, your loss.

I'm making carbonara sauce from scratch.

You've had a psychotic break.

Nonsense. I-I had an off day.

Hey, but now that you're here,
all that's gonna change.

now what are you drinking, scotch or wine?

♪...I'd be without you ♪

I'm sorry, larry.

You son of a bitch!

no, get off me!

Get off me! Ow! Don't--
don't fight them, larry.

Ow! How could you do this to me?

Ah! Get off of me!

Hey, you're hurting him! You need to
stay back, sir. Let us do our job.

I'm your friend!

I'm your friend!

♪ so what good would living do me? ♪

♪ god only knows what I'd be without you ♪

♪ god only knows what I'd be without you ♪

♪ god only knows ♪

♪ god only knows ♪

♪ what I'd be without you ♪

♪ god only knows ♪

♪ what I'd be without you ♪

I took it back.

My proposal.

You can do that?

I don't know. but I did.


I don't know. Maybe you're right.

I hope not, but... I'm gonna
make it work with sam.

I will.

♪ god only knows ♪

♪ what I'd be without you ♪

Are you gonna be okay?


god, what is wrong with me, nai?

so many things.

Okay, look at them.