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04x10 - Just Lose It

Posted: 10/17/22 00:12
by bunniefuu
I'm not charging him.
Sorry. I heard you.

But what do you mean,
you're not charging him?

Look, mister-- dr. Freedman.

Dr. Cooper Freedman.
This is dr. Charlotte King.

The man you should be
charging is Lee McHenry.

Do you know the case?

Okay, we'd like another lawyer--

Someone who knows what
they're doing, someone good.

Ms. King's first
statement to the police

Was that she was robbed--
not r*ped, robbed.

She lied to the police,
which taints her as a witness.

The r*pe kit
wasn't processed

Until two weeks after
the alleged r*pe,

Which taints the evidence.

Ms. King failed to identify lee
mchenry in the first lineup.

The second lineup came only
after a dr. Sheldon Wallace,

From your practice,
spoke to Lee McHenry,

So that's also tainted.

And, ms. King,
I mean no disrespect,

But you're a sex therapist with
a history of meeting strange men

From the internet for what
can at best be described

As fetishistic sexual encounters.

I know the case.

Mr. Freedman, I graduated first
in my class from Stanford.

I have a 90% conviction rate
here in the D.A.'s office,

100% on r*pe,
so I'm pretty damn good,

Which is why I can say
to you without hesitation

That there is no way this office
is going to charge Lee McHenry.

I'm sorry.

Have a nice day.

this is the ribbon cutting ceremony

Of the new hospital
in western India.

This was also the day that
Olivia sat up on her own

For the first time. Maya and
I skyped. That's incredible.

That's quite an accomplishment.

The hospital, I mean.
But Olivia's great, too.

Yeah. and here,
the foundation is delivering

A boatload of mosquito
nets to Tanzania. Wow.

Boatload. It's an actual boat
loaded with mosquito nets.

That's so cool.

Actually, that's where I
was when I found out about,

Uh, Betsey's aunt abandoning her.


This is Laos, and here,
we were able to deliver

Enough vaccine to
immunize 2,000 children.


Yeah, and that's where I was

When I found out about Charlotte.

Yeah, a lot...

Has happened since
you've been gone.

Uh, oh.

I have a patient.

It was great to see you, nai.

Yeah. All right.

What was that?

Nothing. You look amazing.

I mean, for someone... you do.

Who's trekked across
three continents...

oh, you know, I just--

I'm all "eat pray love," you know?

I'm--I'm, uh, very zen. Zen?

Does that mean you're now all right

With Addison sleeping with
your ex-husband? Amelia!

Filter. Sorry. I'm working on it.

Well, I for one am glad to
have you back, so... Thank you.

All right,
truth-- how is Charlotte?

r*pe-y and weird.


Charlotte... Is doing
the best she can.


Emily Wendal is back in the E.R.

Damn it.


What, who is Emily Wendal?

You should come, too.

Hey, um... The guys are
playing poker tonight.

You want to do a girls' night,
get all of us together,

Catch up? Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm in.

Yeah? Yeah.

I'm glad you're back.

I missed you.

Are you okay with her screwing sam?

Filter. Yeah.

Got it. Okay.

I don't know. I'm gonna try
to make some phone calls,

See if there's anything I can...

How do they not charge the bastard?

What will be will be.


You seem fine.

Are you... Are you okay with this,

With them letting that guy walk?

I'm right as rain.

Okay. Good.

I just want to make
sure that you feel

Like you're in control
of what happens.

This is your case.

You know, you have the
right to feel safe.

I'm in the driver's seat now.
Of course you are.

And I know recovery is a process,

So it's okay if you're not fine.

But we will get through it,

You know, it's a marathon,
not a sprint.


And we can go back there,

We can make the d.A. Charge him.

I don't know how,
but I will think of something.

It's always darkest
before the dawn.

It's always darkest
before the dawn.

Emily wendal presented with
hypertension and early labor.

Treated with labetalol.

Blood pressure stabilized.

Her history includes
preeclampsia and drug addiction.

Every ten months,
right on schedule.

I heard emily's back.
What, is she famous?

she's a frequent flyer.

Gets knocked up every year or so,

Then shows up in the e.R.
When she's close to term.
Hey, I don't have
any cash on me. Do--

I do, I do, I do.
Technically, it's my turn, right?

'cause you did the last two,

And charlotte did the one before
that. Wh-wh-why do we need cash?

We give her 50 bucks,
she gives up her baby. What?

It's-- well, no, no, I mean, first
I offer her rehab and therapy.

I give her the lecture on sobriety,
blah, blah, blah.

And then you lecture about safe
sex, offer to put in one of

Those implant-y birth control
things that go in her arm,

Blah, blah, blah, she will refuse,

Then you will
deliver the baby,

And then pete,
because she only likes pete,

Will give her $50, and she'll give
us the baby. Well, she likes me

Because I've helped her get clean,
what, like, three times? Yeah.

Not that it ever lasts more
than a week. Anyway, it
shouldn't take too long.

I'll get social
services on the phone,

Let 'em know we got one
coming. Okay, I'll get the
paperwork for her to sign.

So you want to examine her first,

Or you want me to do my
shrink dance first? What?

Cooper. Hey.

Naomi. Welcome back. Hey.

I am so sorry I couldn't come
when I heard about charlotte.

How you holding up?

We, uh, we're good. Yeah?

Okay. Dealing.


Oh, my god. Look, justin taylor.

Yeah? I haven't seen this kid in,
like, three years.

I thought he had moved
or something. He's...

He's one of the good ones.

He used to make me
these great mix cds--

Dr. Freedman.

It's me, justin.

I brought you this playlist.
Oh, yeah?

All sick indie bands,

Including death finger's new track.

Awesome. Thank you.
Hey, how'd you get here?

I took the bus.

And your parents,
do they know you're here?

I-I didn't want to bother them.
They're busy, you know, at work.

Okay, okay.

Justin, I'm concerned

Because you've gained
a lot of weight

Since the last time I saw you--
a significant amount of weight.

I know. I keep getting bigger,

And it's gotten
harder to get around,

Like, a lot harder just recently.

Okay. Can you get
on the scale for me?

It's okay. It's just you and me.

How much?

You've gained 282 pounds.

Oh, man.

It's okay. It's okay.

We just need to talk about it,
okay? Come on.

And how many weeks along are you?

Uh, eight months maybe.

How many weeks is that?
I'm not so good with math.

Or prenatal care.

Are you taking any prenatal
vitamins this time?

Getting exams at any of those
free clinics we told you about?

I've been busy. The ultrasound
puts the baby at 37 weeks.

Heartbeat's strong.

But your pressure is still
a little on the high side,

So I'd like to keep you
overnight for observation.

Because the baby is breech,

We'll have to do a c-section
tomorrow. Okay.

Looks like you get three hots
and a cot this time, emily.

So I will tell dr.
King to hold off d.C.F.S.

For picking up the baby
till tomorrow. No. I don't
want d.C.F.S. To come.

I didn't ask you to do that.

Look, those other times,
I was an addict.

I-I didn't have a place to live.
I had issues. you had issues?

You can't take away this baby.

I got clean a month or two
before I even got knocked up,

And--and I've been
trying to quit smoking.

I swear. Do any drug test you want.

Look, this baby, it's gonna be
healthy, and I want to keep it.

Emily, that is not a good idea.
I'll do whatever you want. Please.

I want to keep this baby.

Dr. Montgomery, please don't
let her take away my baby.

No one is gonna take
away your baby. Okay?

I'm gonna help you.

Hello, mr. And mrs. Taylor.

I'm dr. Bennett.

How is it possible
that he is this fat?

uh, well, we-- we are concerned.

Justin is diabetic,
and he has high blood pressure.

And that puts him at risk

For even more serious
medical complications.

He's lazy and he doesn't
want to lose weight.

I have no control over
what he does or doesn't do.

You're his parents.
That's your job.

What dr. Freedman means is that

Justin needs proper
nutrition and exercise

And medication compliance to
get his health back on track.

We sent him to fat camp,
we hired a nutritionist,

And we got him a trainer.

Could it be a thyroid condition
or a tumor on some gland?

We ran tests and ruled out

Any underlying causes
for the weight gain.

I don't want to get any bigger.

I don't feel good.

he sneaks food.

I find candy wrappers under
your bed all the time.

He's trying, bruce.
look, could we just stop

And try to be constructive?
Are you still gonna be saying that

When he's 600 pounds, dr. Freedman?

I mean, I-I'd put a
lock on the fridge

If I didn't think he'd
eat it off. Justin?

Are you okay?
I feel a little dizzy.



his pulse is sky high.

Yeah. I'll get oxygen.


Get me an I.V. Cart and
call an ambulance, please.


People can change, violet.
I know you believe that.

Why not emily? We have tried,
addison, again and again.

But it won't take because
she doesn't want it to.

Ten minutes after I get her clean,
she goes out to score.

I-I beg a shelter to
find a bed for her,

And she never shows up. The best
thing would be if she stopped

Having babies altogether.
We should tie her tubes.

You're doing her c-section
tomorrow. You could do it then.

I am not gonna sterilize a
woman without her knowledge.

I need her consent. Well,
it's the only way to keep her

From coming back pregnant
in a year. Okay, okay,
look, emily is a disaster.

No one wants to see her
coming back pregnant,

But addison is right.

She has to sign off on the
sterilization. Just because
emily's made bad decisions

Doesn't mean that we take away her
right to have children. Why are
we only discussing her rights?

What about david's rights?
Who's david?

Her firstborn.
Eight weeks premature.

He went blind from
being on a ventilator.

He's been in seven
homes in six years.

Turns out he's not only blind.
He's autistic.

Brad was second.

He's severely disabled due
to fetal alcohol syndrome.

He's in a home for
special needs kids.

Then there's April, who's--well,
she's still in foster care,

'cause who wants a crack baby?
And then...

There's daniel,

Who survived for 16
excruciating days in n.I.C.U.

Before he succumbed to
short bowel syndrome.

I signed his death certificate myself.
You think she wants this baby?

She doesn't want this baby.
She has an angle.

She always has an angle.
She's not gonna change,
addison. Tie her tubes.

Without her consent,
I can't.

I'm sorry. I won't do it.

Justin. How is he?

Um, his blood sugar spiked,

Which caused profound dehydration

And electrolyte abnormalities.

He's gonna wake up, right? Uh,
well, yeah. He's--

He's a little bit disoriented
and confused, but he should

Respond to treatment
within the next 12 hours.

We're gonna bring down his
blood sugar, but slowly.
but he'll be all right.

I mean, he's not gonna die.
well, that depends on
what you're willing to do.

He's a teenager with the
health of a 70 year old.

He could stroke out at any minute.

He's at risk for a heart attack.
you coddle him too much.

You always have. I love him.

I'm not like you--

The way you look at
him with such disgust.

I mean, how do you think
that makes him feel?

Of course he eats. He needs comfort.
What he needs is discipline.

You make him think it's okay
to inhale all the crap he
wants. Okay, why don't--

Why don't we go into the
lounge and discuss this?

I don't want to talk to you.

And I don't want
you around my baby.

I'm going back to work.
You're leaving?

Hey. Is everything
okay here?

Yeah. I was just
checking up on emily.

Your tox screens
came back negative,

And you don't have any s.T.D.S.

I told you this baby was healthy.

I've been thinking,
after the delivery,

You should tie my tubes.

Did you come up with
that idea on your own?

I've just been going over
the basics, the anatomy--

Did he also explain that
this is a permanent choice?

That's the point, right?
Emily, there are other
forms of birth control that

Would preserve the option of
having children in the future.

We went over all the options.

This is her decision.

Sorry. I have to get
back to the e.R.

If he pressured you in any way, I--

He didn't.

What he said makes sense.

And I want to give this baby
and me the best possible shot.

So do it, dr. Montgomery.

Tie my tubes.

You think pete bribed her?

That's what they do with emily.

They give her money to get her
to do what they want. Well,
that's one way of helping.

What, you think she
should keep the baby?

I mean, do you think
that she wants to change?

I would like to help emily improve
her life. So you think pete,
violet, and charlotte couldn't,

But--but you can? I'd like to try.

Is this for your sake or for hers?

What's that
supposed to mean?



I'm supposed to filter.

Oh, just say it. Okay.
This is the baby thing, right?

She told you she wants a baby,
and you didn't say anything,

And even though she told
you not to say anything,

She's mad that you didn't say
anything, and so now
sh-- ah. Filter.

I have got to get my own life.

My 15-year-old patient-- justin--

Gained 300 pounds in 3 years,

And mommy and daddy
were too busy to notice.

So you're blaming the parents?
You wouldn't?

Well, in all fairness,
justin is the one

Putting the food in his mouth.
Well, no, I get that he's eating,

But the parents let it
get too far. so did he.


Shrink mind meld. Creepy.

Give me back my fries. Come
on. Come on. Come on. Hey,
there she is. There she is. Hi.

Oh, hey. Hey. Oh, hey.

How's she doing?



Hey. How you doing?

Oh, first day of the
rest of my life.

Feel good?

What doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger.

You saw that, right?
It's not just me? You saw that?

The clichés--
she only speaks in clichés.

She's got a million of 'em.
And the smiley thing?

Well, she's certainly... Chipper.

But charlotte's not a
smiley person. Exactly.

Well, it's a--it's a
coping mechanism, coop.

Okay, but she's not coping.

What do I do?

Mm-hmm. Where's your
mind meld now, b*tches?

How much did you pay emily
to get her tubes tied?

She said yes to $250.
I would've gone higher.

Pete, completely unethical. There
are nonprofits in all 50 states

Offering drug-addicted
women financial incentives

To have their tubes tied.
Yeah, but we don't work
for those organizations.

We're doctors. And there
are three million cases
of child abuse a year.

Drug and alcohol abuse

Are a contributing
factor in most of them.

Usually you're more practical
than this. Emily isn't
just some statistic.

She's a woman, okay, who could
wake up ten years from now,

Still clean and sober,

And wish that she could
have another child.

Okay, look,
I fully recognize

That what we're doing is unethical,
possibly illegal.

I understand that.
But you know me. You know violet.

She's the one that
can't stop herself

From helping criminals,
pedophiles, you name it.

If the two of us are saying
that emily is a lost cause,

Doesn't that tell you something?

Yes. hi.

Hi, baby.

I didn't realize
this was a play date.

Oh, I gave maya the night off.

aren't you? You're so smart.

She is super smart.

Yes. Yes, you're so smart.

are you tired, too? A little--

Well, it's because you're
gonna run the world someday.

I know. It's true.

all right, it's my turn.
My turn, my turn, my turn.

that's your auntie vi. Yeah. oh,
I miss lucas being this little.

Is charlotte coming? no.
She declined, but gracefully.

Yes, she's speaking in
bumper sticker slogans,

Which either means
she's internalized

The help that we've been
offering her... Or we need start

Planning escape routes
in case she goes postal.

Okay, okay, my turn again.
Come on. All right.

yes, the sweetest girl.

Hi. Hi. Hi. There you are.
There you are.

Hi, sweetie.
Oh, she is so gorgeous.

Yes, you are. You are gorgeous,
little girl.

Okay, that's it.

where you going? No offense,

But I did not come here for
"the vag*na monologues."

what? What?

oh, not "the vag*na monologues."

Did you ever think
we'd be these women--

Passing around a baby
like it's good dr*gs?

Being the kind of women that
women like amelia run from?

I was always, always this woman.

I want a baby.

yes, I do. I do.

it's probably not gonna
happen for me, though.

no, it's not.

I have bad ovaries and one sad--


one sad, lonely egg,

And sam...


Go for it.

"eat pray love."

I don't think sam wants
any more children.

Have one without him.

I want to have one with him.

I do. Yes, I do.

Well, the man makes
really good babies.

My turn. come here, sweetie.

There you go. There you are.
There you go.

Yeah. Hello, sweetie. Hello.

I was good at it, too.

Hey, come on, guys.
I told you not to light 'em.

Come on. They're cuban.

Well, we certainly wouldn't
want to let castro down.

I could have an asthma attack.

I will be the first to stick
an epipen in your thigh.

Oh, god. Fine.
No cigars. I'm dealing.

Hello, men.

why are you here?

Uteruses next door be crazy.

Any objections?

♪ no lovelorn prince
would ever dare... ♪

Why are you looking at cooper?
W-why is she looking at cooper?

Cooper told me to
stay away from him,

Which is all I'm going to say,
because for once...

You are filtering. I am filtering.

Ah. You got money?

Hard cash.

♪ ambivalent in c ♪

Welcome to the game.

So what are we talking about--
chicks, boobs...

chicks and their boobs?

we were talking
about cigars.

Before that, we were
talking about babies. What?

addison wants a baby.
Which isn't surprising,
the way she took to lucas.

What do you want, sam? I want
to make addison happy, but, uh,

I've already done the daddy thing.

So does that
make me selfish?

Am I--am I self--
am I being selfish?

No. Life sucks... Sometimes.

You don't want another kid.
Addison wants a kid.

I want a kid. Charlotte's
too damaged to want a kid,

Or too damaged to have a kid,
or too damaged to have the sex

That makes a kid.
Oh, my god. You are men--

Hot, interesting men.

Please be dirty and
manly and sexist.

Give a girl a break. I beg of you.

♪ better ♪

♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ oh, oh ♪

♪ oh ♪



How was your night?

It's always darkest
before the dawn.

Yeah, I know.
You used that one already.


Try happy days are here again
or time heals all wounds.

Or how about every cloud
has a silver lining?

But not it's always
darkest before the dawn.

You can't use it's always
darkest before the dawn

Because you used that one already.

And damn it!
You used that one already!


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. Please.

I-I didn't-- I didn't mean it.

I'm so...


Sweetie, I'm sorry.

Are we gonna talk about this?

Talk about what?

The baby thing.

♪ or all that you need ♪

♪ with someone... ♪

There's nothing to talk about.


No. I gotta get to the hospital.

I have a c-section to do.


Not now. Okay?


If you're gonna take
babies away from me,

Just... Not now.

♪ ships on the shoreline ♪


♪ are sailing away ♪

♪ I wish ♪

♪ I had more time ♪

♪ with more words ♪

♪ to say ♪

♪ and who am I kidding? ♪

♪ I'm back in a bar ♪

♪ and the ships on ♪

♪ the shoreline ♪

♪ mix into the stars ♪

The d.A. Won't
prosecute lee mchenry.

Did you know that?

how do you feel about that?

Charlotte doesn't care.

She doesn't seem to
care about anything.

I wasn't asking about charlotte.

I want to know how you feel.

♪...The shoreline ♪


♪ are sailing away ♪

You know what?

I'm good.

I'm good.

♪...As rain ♪

Cooper, if you want to talk,

I'll keep it confidential.

Nope. I'm great.

Are you?


Always darkest before the dawn.


♪ sailing away ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ sailing away ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ oh, oh, oh ♪

She's beautiful, isn't she?

Yes, she is.

I didn't tie her tubes.

Addison-- shh.

addison, she signed
the consent form.

She didn't want it. You did.

You wanted this for her, and I...

We can't just pay someone
to tie their tubes,

Or at least I can't.

We'll get another doctor to do it.

You'd do that to me? Really?

To you? Uh, pardon the
shrink in me, but--

Violet, she wants to
turn her life around

Because of this child.
She told me that.

She can do it. She just
needs help and support,

Which is what the shrink in
you should be giving her.

You're just banging your
head against the wall.
Yeah? Well, it's my head.

Talk to her.

Do this for me.

♪ I wish I... ♪

Okay. I'll do it.

♪ more time ♪

♪ and more words to say ♪

♪ but I'll ♪

♪ be ♪

♪ right ♪

♪ as rain ♪


Where's my mom?

She had to leave
for a little while,

But your dad's in the waiting room.
Is he mad at me?

No. No, he just had
to make some calls.

I got this friend.
Something bad happened to her,

Something that shouldn't...
Happen to anyone.

And the thing I want
most in the world

Is to help her feel better.

But she won't talk to me.

She won't talk to anyone.

I can tell she's in pain.

And I really think that
if she just opened up,

Everything would change,

Because then she wouldn't be alone.

And the two of us together,
we could figure out what to do,

You know?

Well, I'm your friend, too, justin.

I want to help you, too.

If I keep eating,
I'll get bigger...

Which is what I wanted.

But now... It is out of control.

Why would you want that?

I just...

I just don't want to
get touched anymore.

Dr. Freedman.

...His blood sugar slowly

So that he comes out-- ugh!

Cooper! What are you doing?
Stop it!

Coop! Would somebody
please help me? Stop it!

Get off of him! Cooper,
get off of him! Let go of me!

Get your hands off me! Let him go.

You son of a bitch!
What the hell is wrong with you?!

Not your smartest move, coop.

That bastard has
been abusing justin.

You can't hit people,
no matter what.

Really? So after what
bruce has been doing,

You're okay with
just doing nothing?

Bruce is on the phone
with his lawyer right now.

He's gonna slap you
and the hospital

With a major lawsuit.

oh, crap.

I do not need this right now.


Okay, okay. I'll go make nice.

I'll clean it up.
It's gonna be fine.


I'll handle it.

Don't worry, sweetheart.
I'll--I'll fix it, okay?


Charlotte, are you okay?


But I'm trying to be...

for cooper.

He needs me to be okay.

But he hates me now,
or resents me, or...

I don't know.

Charlotte, I am so sorry
this happened to you.

Nothing like being r*ped

To make your day all
shiny and bright.

Charlotte, I'm gonna tell
you this ahead of time

Because I don't want
you to be surprised,

But, um, I'm gonna hug you.

Stand up. You don't need to do--

Charlotte king,
I am going to hug you.

Stand up.

I won't let him touch me.

It's okay.

He's gonna leave me.

No, no, no.

He is not going anywhere.

And if he does, you'll have me.

Well, according to the d.A.,
I like my sex kinky.

You gonna go all lesbian

And dress up... in latex for me?


It's okay.

You're okay.


Hey. Hey.

These pain meds are good.
Thanks, doc.

Would you like to see your baby?

Is dr. Wilder here? Is he coming?

Emily, um...

Dr. Montgomery didn't
tie your tubes.

What? She doesn't think that
she should tie your tubes

Just because dr.
Wilder paid you money.

I've got rights.
I signed a consent form.

You gotta do it.
I signed a consent form.

I need that money. Violet, what--

okay, what if I paid
you $250 for no reason?

Would you still want
your tubes tied?

Would I get another $250 if I did?


you still want the surgery? Do you?

No! What if I offered you
$250 to give me your baby?

She's a healthy baby.
She's a good one.

She's a good baby. Violet.
That's enough. Come on. Let's go.

She's worth way more than $250.

$500. I'll sell her for $500.

I think we're done here.

Hey, where's my money?
Where's my money?!

Look, I know you don't
understand this.

I know you think

I'm being callous and
unfeeling and awful.

But I have been dealing with emily

For six years.

I believe people can change.

You know I do.

But that woman...

Addison, she makes
me believe in hell.

She makes me need
to believe in hell

So that she can go there.

But I am...

Sorry... I mean.

Dr. Freedman--

No, no, I-I don't want you
anywhere near me or my son.

I'm having you arrested.
Fine, we can share a cell,

Because I am telling the police
what you've been doing to him.

You should leave, dr. Freedman.
Justin, justin, I promise you,
he will never touch you again.

No, it's--it's not...

I-I didn't mean it was my dad.


Don't worry about this,

It's okay, honey.
I'll take care of it.

It's okay, baby.
I'll take care of this, okay?

I'll fix everything. Pam?

He's just confused.

It's all these medications
that they have him on.

Pam, sit down.

Uh, you can't-- sit down.

Are you serious?

How could--how could
you do that to our son?

He loves me.

Bruce! Bruce!
Bruce! Come on.

Call security! Security!

Okay, okay, okay. Okay.

Justin, this is dr. Wallace.

He's a therapist, and, uh,

He's here to talk
to you about, uh...

Your feelings.

I don't want to talk about it.

Because talking about it
got your mom arrested?

It was my fault. That's not true.

What your mother did to you,

No one should ever
have to live with that.

But we can talk about that.

We can talk about anything you
want. You want me not to be fat.

Fat was your protection.

That was smart, and it was brave,

But, justin, you don't have
to be protected anymore.

All right? You're safe.

I don't know how to stop.

Dad, I'm sorry. I--

Don't. Please.

I-I didn't know, justin,
what your mother...

I didn't see it.

It's okay.

don't tell him that.

Don't bury it. Tell him the truth.


You're my father.
You're supposed to protect me.

Why didn't you protect me?

I love you.

And I failed.

And I hope that someday...

can you forgive me?

♪ stop me ♪

♪ if you've heard ♪

♪ this one ♪

This is your baby.

You can hold her if you want.

I can teach you how to feed her.

I can get you to a shelter,

Get help from
social services.


I have $1,000 cash.

You can take it and...

Sign these papers

Relinquishing parental
rights to your baby.

♪ fall endlessly ♪

Can I get more?

No. $1,000

Or I walk.

♪ nothing is how... ♪

Give me the money.

You don't even want to see her?
She's amazing.

Give me my money.

♪ here on the ground ♪

♪ the stars fall ♪

♪ fall endlessly ♪


♪ back here at home ♪

she's so little.

Yeah, I know.

She has no one.

That's not true.

The woman from
social service

Is bringing her new
parents to meet her.

♪ being here... ♪

This could be our baby.

But it's not.

But it could be.

but it's not.

you want to have this
conversation now?


♪ it's on our side ♪

♪ and your word ♪

We can't move according
to your biological clock.

It's too fast.

We just got started.

You gotta give me some time.

♪ and here on the ground ♪

♪ the stars fall ♪

I am believing you.

♪ endlessly ♪

♪ yeah ♪

Believe me.

♪ and back here at home ♪

♪ nothing is ♪

♪ how it's supposed to be ♪

♪ all except for you ♪

♪ being here ♪

♪ with me ♪

Sitting alone
in a dark room.

I used to do that.

Then again, I used to down
narcotics like candy, so...

Come here.

Can I say that I'm glad
we're friends again?

I may be easy, cooper,
but I am not a whore.

Go home. Go home to charlotte.

And we will pretend...
That this never happened.

♪ you spend your
whole life ♪

♪ just to remember ♪

♪ the sound ♪

♪ when the world ♪

♪ was brighter ♪

♪ before we learned
to dim it down ♪

Whatever it is,

I can help.

My girlfriend gets att*cked.

She wants to go home,
I take her home.

She wants to go to work,
I drive her.

I found out she wasn't just
att*cked, she was r*ped.

She tells me she doesn't
want to I.D. The guy,

I say, "okay, don't I.D. The guy."

I'm cheerful, I'm attentive,

I make breakfast for
her every morning.

My job right now is
good man in the storm.

I get that. I'm good with that.
I want that.

♪ our resignation ♪

But the charlotte I fell
in love with... Is gone.

She doesn't exist anymore.

The laughing, the sharing in
the good and bad of the day,

Holding each other--

That's all over.

It's like... It's like she's dead.

It's like charlotte is dead,

And I have the
good-man-in-the-storm job.

I am the fiancé
of the victim.

My job is to hold up the
corpse that was once charlotte

And smile.

Can you help me with that?

♪ flowers are lasting ♪

♪ and we're
reborn untested ♪

Is it the hospital?

Oh! It's bizzy.

Bizzy. It's three hours
earlier here.


♪ all revelations ♪

♪ come to us ♪

♪ in recovery ♪

♪ cry wolf ♪

♪ cry mercy ♪

♪ cry the name of the one ♪

♪ you were raised to believe ♪

♪ ah, ah ♪

♪ cry a heart ♪

♪ cry yourself to sleep ♪

♪ cry your storm ♪

♪ of tears ♪

Hello, addison.


What's going on?

I need your help.