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04x06 - All in the Family

Posted: 10/17/22 00:09
by bunniefuu
Ow! Damn it.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm okay.

What are you doing? I'm making
lucas a Halloween costume.

I'm trying to make lucas
a Halloween costume.


Uh, you know,
I think they sell costumes.

My mother made

These really great
Halloween costumes.

My fourth-grade sunflower
won first prize.

No, and then one year,
I was raggedy ann,

And she made these
authentic pantaloons

With a wig made out of red yard.

And well, she actually sewed
me into the pantaloons,

And then she told me that I
couldn't get out of them,

So, um... I peed my
pants trick-or-treating

And was humiliated because
she's a sadistic narcissist

With serious intimacy issues,

But she made really great costumes.

Did you-- did you dress up?

You ever go out trick-or-treating

With your brother?

Uh, adam and I used to
egg trick-or-treaters.

Oh. Was that fun?

I'm late for the e.R.

Hey, big man. Aw.

Bye. Uh-oh.

You smell good.

I know. I taste even better.



What are you doing?

It's called foreplay.

Stop looking at my
stomach like that.

Like what?

Like you're trying to
picture a baby in there.

Oh, I'm doing no such thing.

Oh, charlotte.

Oh, don't be that way.

he's been coming every
day for how long?

two years ago, weekend ski trip,

Georgie hit a tree,
never regained consciousness.

None of the neuro guys
gave him much hope.

But you're always
good with referrals,

And so I just thought maybe--
we could help him come to terms with this.

He hasn't let go at all.

Amelia will be honest with him.

Oh. Uh, bright lights
don't do much for georgie.

But she likes being talked to.

See? You can say
it's just a reflex.

All the other doctors did.

But I know it's more than that.

The trauma to your wife's head

Damaged her reticular
activating system,

Which controls her
level of consciousness.

Like waking up. I know.
Then you also know

That it is hard to determine
how extensive the damage is.

Which means I could be right.

She hears me and responds to me.

It's possible, but georgie
is only manifesting

Very primitive reactions-- I mean,
a twitch, a blink.

After all this time,
that doesn't bode well.

Look, I can run a
bunch of tests, but--

then run them.

I don't want you to get
your hopes up, mr. Schwartz.

Um, my hopes are already up.

They have to be.

Run the tests?

what have we got? m.V.A.,
car versus pole.

2 males, jacob deever,
43 years old,

Wearing seat belt,
minor facial lacerations

And a bruised arm.

22 year old, evan arnold,

Closed head trauma,
and possible fractured tibia.

Hey, look, uh, really, I'm fine.

I- I don't need to be here.

Mr. Deever, I'm dr. Wilder.
We're gonna help you out,

But I need you to relax
for just a minute

While I examine the other driver.
We were in the same car. He, uh...

Evan-- he hit his head
on the windshield.

Okay, let's get a c-spine,

Chest, a pelvic trauma panel,
and a head c.T.

Either of you have anything to drink?
What? No. No, no,

I- I just happened to take my
eyes off the road for a second.

What about dr*gs,
prescription or otherwise?

No, no. God, no. Y- you know what?

I have an appointment that I need to get to,
so-- okay, let me just get someone

To clean up that scrape on your head, and--
oh, no, no, no. It's good. It's good. I'm
actually fine.

I just need to go. Mr. Deever, you have
the right to refuse treatment, but you're

Going to have to talk to the police about
the accident. Why don't you wait for me

At the nurses' station, mr. Deever?

I'll get your statement,
then you can go.

He seems pretty antsy.

Should we hold him
for a tox screen?

That's not why he's nervous.
I know this guy that he's with.

Arrested him a couple
times the past few months.

He's a prost*tute.


You want to see something funky?

33-year-old woman,
georgie schwartz,

Persistent vegetative
state for over 24 months.

Ugh. Looks like the case study
for my neuroanatomy final.

I hated neuroanatomy.

Just skip down to the labs.

Her t.S.H. Is low,

But her thyroid levels look fine.

I don't get it.

Hmm. Iron-deficient anemia.


You're focusing on the wrong organ.

Your patient's pregnant.

All I did was put my
hand on her stomach,

Which is usually the prelude to
a little somethin' somethin'.

She's got me boxed in.

I know the feeling.

You and pete aren't having sex?

Uh, no. We have a
lot of sex. Sorry.

No, I just meant the boxed in part.

Okay, I'm gonna, um...

I am gonna tell you something,

But you can't ever--
never ever-- tell anyone.

Never ever.

Okay. Never ever.

Never ever.

Pete's mother...

She's in prison.


What, like prison "prison"?

What'd she do?

Is she like a bunny boiler,
or like bonnie and clyde?

I don't know.
He won't talk about her.

He's got a brother.
He won't talk about him.

Which is obviously wrong.
He should tell me this stuff.

I should know about it, right?

I mean, I'm his wife.

What'd you do?


Violet maryann turner.

Okay, I googled.

There are 33 adam wilders.


So you think we can start trying?

Oh, you're healed from your
bladder reconstruction,

And your kidney
function's back to normal.

I think you'd be crazy not to.

Laying in that hospital bed,
this always felt so far away.

Sometimes I thought
it would never happen.

But now I'm ready.

Oh, we're ready... For a baby.

If you want my advice,

Forgbout ovulation
days and thermometers

And just have fun.

I can't wait to tell my husband.


Uh, dr. King,
this is my husband jacob.

Nice to meet you.

So nice to meet you. You okay?




Thanks again.

Hey, charlotte.

Do you know that guy?

He's the husband of
one of my patients.

Is something wrong?

He-- he was in the e.R.
A couple of hours ago

With a male prost*tute.

Are you sure?

They were in a car accident,
same car.

Angela just spent a year in hell
having her bladder reconstructed

So she could have a
baby with that man.

But if he's out there rubbing
on some guy, she needs to know.

All right, before we
destroy both their lives,

Don't you think we should figure
out exactly what's going on?

A married man gets into a
car wreck on his lunch hour

With some hustler
in the other seat.

Yeah. Let's give him the
benefit of the doubt.

So I narrowed it down

To three adam wilders.

Oh, no. That is so him.

Do you think so? Yeah.

Is that pete in college? See?


Well, we're looking for
pete's brother-- cooper!

Did you remember "never ever"?
Never ever.


Never ever will I mention this.

Thank you. Is he missing?

He's-- he's-- he's--
he's estranged.

Maybe not for long.

Pete doesn't know that
you're doing this?

Well, there's--
there's no harm in looking.

Well, what would
pete's response be?

W- well, if I told him
it was for his own good--

Well, then I'd say why are
you the one doing this?

And once you find him,
wh-what's the plan?

I- is that-- the baby's heartbeat.

I'm sorry. Oh, my god.

Can I talk to you
for a minute? Yeah.

I don't know how this happened.

It's pretty clear how it happened.
We've never had a problem like this here.

We screen every staff member. We do
background checks. And I've helped take care

Of a lot of their patients.
It's not that kind of a place.

You still need to call the police. Please.
If you can just give me a chance

To figure this out. Someone here
had sex with a comatose woman.

That's a crime.

Well, georgie's not the only victim here.
What does that mean?

Look at her husband.
The man's destroyed.

Our primary interest here

Should be in doing what's
best for the couple.

They've already been
through one trauma,

So instead of putting
them through another,

Which bob would have
to handle on his own,

We need to protect them, addison.

Don't even think about it.

Do not shut that door.

Do not close those blinds.

Cooper, do not take your pants off.

we're in the middle of a fight.

Calling a truce.

Good luck with that.


You know what?

I do?

We should've called the police.

Oh. You're still
talking about the case?

I was right,
and you were wrong. Okay.

"okay," I was right?

"okay," you have your opinion,
I have mine.

That was at work.
We're at home now.

So let's not talk about it any
more until we're at work again.

What? What is that?

Does that actually work for you,
leave work at work?

Well, yeah. That's what me and naomi--
I am not naomi.

I know. I know that,
I know-- all right, I am mad, sam.

and my mad doesn't go away
just because I'm at home.

I take my work home with me.
Addison, come on.

I was right, and you were wrong.

You know what?
Go home to your own bed.

No sex for you.

Wait, wait, wait.
So you're punishing me

For having an opposing
professional opinion

By withholding sexual
favors, really?

No sex for you.

Good night, addison.

Look, uh,

You know, I- I really appreciate

You not calling angela.

You know, I...

If she knew about...

It was just a lapse of judgment.

I was at the gas station.
He asked for a ride.

And he seemed harmless, so--

Mr. Deever, don't talk
to me like I'm an idiot.

Well, what exactly do
you think happened?

Evan's a prost*tute.
I think you paid him for sex.

you think...

Look, I-I've been married to
my wife for almost 20 years.

I love her.

I would never cheat on her.

And with a man?

That's disgusting.
A-are you kidding me right now?

I'm not here to judge you.
I just want you to understand

That dr. King is ready
to talk to your wife.

you leave angela out of this.

She is none of your business.

And, dr. Wilder,

Nothing happened between me
and that man. You hear me?



It-- it-- it doesn't seem real.

You must feel...

Actually, I don't know
how you must feel,

But I want you to
know that I will do

Everything I can for your wife.

I'd like to do a full
examination as soon as possible,

And then I don't see any reason

Why we can't terminate the
pregnancy immediately.

W- wait. W-w-why?

Oh, I'm... Sorry.

I- I didn't even ask about
your religious beliefs.

I- I... I just assumed

That given how this
happened to georgie--

no, why are you talking about this

Like it's a-a terrible thing?

Mr. Schwartz, do you understand

That georgie is pregnant

Because someone went
into her room and...

Impregnated her?

Not someone, dr. Montgomery.


The woman is in a coma, sam.

She can't move or speak,
which means she cannot consent.

They're husband and wife.
Wh-- you think that being married

Means you don't have the right to say no?
No, I'm not saying that.

This man climbed on top
of a comatose woman--

All right, I-I am not
defending what bob did.

But the man is broken.

I mean, you look at him--
you see how he interacts with her.

He needs counseling,
a- a way to accept

That she's not coming back. Bob schwartz
is a sick, twisted pervert, right?

Please tell him. The husband could be
using sex as an outlet for his grief.

Or, if he truly believes
his wife can feel

And that she can respond,
then-- I've seen it before

With the families of
comatose patients.

They suffer a loss that
they cannot accept,

And they try to ignore it.
These situations are complicated--

It's not complicated.

We call the police,
and they arrest this guy.

Oh, come on, addison.
He is god knows how far

Into an emotional breakdown.

He-he's not out to harm her.
He's deluded.

He bathes her. He-- he feeds her.
He-- he violates her,

And now he's actually expecting
her to have this baby.

I mean, I have seen a lot of things

Since I became a doctor, but this is
unimaginable. Have the baby? What, is that
possible with her in a coma?

Probably not. It's happened.

Rarely, and georgie is already
at risk of throwing an embolism.

Pregnancy would
increase that tenfold.

Well, I'm not saying
I necessarily think

That georgie should have the baby-- well,
unfortunately, georgie doesn't have a say
in this.

And after I'm done, neither will bob.
What are you gonna do, take him to court,

Try and strip him of medical power
of attorney? If I have to, yes.

Addison-- you really disagree
with me on this, sam? Really?

Let me talk to him.
Maybe I can help him understand

Why he's doing what he's doing.
I'll chaperone.

We're all pushing in the
same direction, addison.

all right.

I'll give you a day, one day.

And we're not all pushing
in the same direction, sam.

I am right. You're wrong.

How'd your meeting go with jacob?

He claims he didn't know
evan was a prost*tute.

You believe him? Should I?

I tested jacob's blood for h.I.V.

Charlotte, you can't
test someone's blood

Without their permission.

He came in to my hospital.
I'm the chief of staff.

That doesn't give you the right to t--
he's positive.

And in case your curious,

I checked angela's blood, too.

She's negative.

We have to tell her.

They're actively trying to have a child.
It can't come from us.

They made a damn law that
allows us to do it, pete.

Allows, doesn't require.

why are you still trying
to protect this guy?

I'm not, but yanking
jacob out of the closet

Isn't gonna help either of them.

You and I both know how
devastating that would be.

Give me time with jacob.

Let me get him to see that he
has to be the one to tell her,

That he owes it to her,
to himself, to tell the truth.

How's the investigation?

Adam wilder. Lawyer in valencia.

Mm-hmm. He looks okay, doesn't he?

Seems normal.

Pete's been so elusive.

I was expecting
america's most wanted.


Read that.

Uh, "my name is violet turner,

And I am married to
your brother pete."

Yeah. No, you cannot
send this e-mail.

Pete wants this.

He just-- he just doesn't
know that he wants it.

Oh, come on. It'll be
one of those things--

I'll do it, and he'll get pissed,

And then he'll thank me for it later on.
This is pete! You remember pete?

The man still hates his dead wife.
Not a forgiver.

He's in pain, cooper.
No, you should've seen him.

He's-- he's in pain,
and I want to help him.

I have to help him.

Is this helping?

You press "send," that is contact.

You can't undo it.

So am I sleeping here
tonight or next door?


So what, we're ignoring
each other now?

I am trying not to say
things I can't take back.

addison, bob schwartz--

I am trying not to say
things I can't take back.

Bob schwartz...

Has nothing to do with you and me,

Here and now.

How can you act like
nothing's wrong,

Like today didn't even happen?
We disagreed about something.

A huge something.

Look, addison,
if working with you means

We can only be together
when we agree, then-- sex.

You want to have sex.
Is that all you think about?

Yeah, addison. That's all I
ever think about, all day long,

How I can't wait to get
home and have sex with you.

Okay. Then let's do it.
Come on. Let's have sex.

I'll lie here dead and still,

And you can have all the sex
you want with my body.

Go ahead. Knock yourself out.
Have a ball.

We'll be just like bob
and georgie schwartz.

Or is that something that
you and nai used to do, too?

I told you I was trying

Not to say things
I can't take back.

You shoulda tried harder.

You know what I love
about this place?

None of this toting
around thermoses.

Just good ol',
environmentally unsound,


plastic bottles.

Where are you off to all
cheerful this morning?

Sheldon and I are gonna go talk
to your buddy, bob schwartz.

Is sam going with you?

Shouldn't you know that?

We're fighting over that case.


He... He is wrong.
And he compared me to naomi.

Well... He didn't really,
but he kind of did.

And then I... Whatever.

We're arguing about the case,
and he's wrong.

You know he has a right to
his own medical opinion?

If I could come home
to a guy like that,

I would not be wasting my
time arguing about work.

Why can't you just
stay out of my life?


You didn't return my call.

Okay, you are not listening to me.

You're h.I.V. Positive.


what are you talking about?

We took blood from you
when you were in the e.R.

Well, that just can't be.

So... What?

god. What am I supposed to do now?

There's someone I'd
like you to talk to.

bob, what happened?

Uh, she started bleeding.

At first, just a little, and then-- we're
having trouble keeping her pressure up.

Okay, start a second line and get her to st.
Ambrose. I'm calling addison.

Are you sure she's the best one? If you
love your wife, mr. Schwartz, she's the one.

I was just curious.

It... Only happened one time.

That's it.

you couldn't already
be h.I.V. Positive

From whatever happened with
you and that guy in the car.

There's nothing wrong
with having sex with men.

but there is something wrong

With you living a lie like this.

I'm not lying.

So you know, withholding the fact

That you're h.I.V.
Positive from your sexual partners

Could land you in prison.
Oh, please.

Look, look, jacob, jacob...

Do you enjoy being
intimate with your wife?

You know, I enjoy
making my wife happy.

That's not really the same thing.

I- I just don't want
to hurt her, okay?

That's it. I want everything
that everyone else wants.

And I want to be happy...

Be normal.

You can.

You can be happy and
normal... And gay.

But as long as you're hiding this,

How can you really be happy?

And until you're honest
with angela, you--

No, no, no, no.

No, e-everything that we have--

Our marriage, maybe even a baby--

I just-- I can't take
that away from her.

But she's never really
gonna have that anyway.

And if you were
honest with her, th--


Oh, god. How can I tell her?

Shouldn't be much longer now.

Georgie hates hospitals.

she's not gonna like it here.

Bob, you talk about georgie
like she's present.

She is present... For me.

Physically, yes, but emotionally...

I'm sure it's very
difficult for you.

The hardest part...

Is her not being able to talk.

Whenever anything bad happens,
she always knows what to say.

You know, what the silver lining is


I always wonder what
she'd say about this.

She's be appreciative,

I'm sure, of everything
you're doing.

But you understand that,
even after the tests

That dr. Shepherd ran,

It's very unlikely that georgie

Will ever be anything like
the woman you married?

Are-- are you trying to get
me to walk away from her?

I'm trying to get you
to think realistically

About your future.

She's my best friend.

I've never ever...

She was my first,
and she's supposed to be my last,

Till death do us part.

I can't just...

She's my best friend.
I- I can't abandon her.

We're-- we're-- we're supposed
to die in each other's arms.

If she loved you half
as much as you say,

She wouldn't want this for you.

She'd want you to be loved by
someone who can love you back.

She'd want you happy.

I'm not saying give up on her, bob.

I'm just saying...
Don't give up on yourself.



Nice job with jacob today. Thanks.

Look what I bought.

it's a pumpkin.

And it's not plastic or cheap.

It's a handmade pumpkin costume.

So that lucas can have all
the happy childhood memories,

And you can keep your thumbs.

I found adam.

What? Your brother.

I know who adam is.

He lives in-- stop talking.

Why are you so obsessed with this?

It's my job to care.
You're shrinking me?

No, as... As your wife.

It's my job to care as your wife.

Look, I know this is difficult,
but-- but he's your family.

We're strangers, violet.
We were split up as teenagers.

We went to different houses.
I haven't talked to him since.

So maybe this is a
good time to reach out.

Okay, um...

For a second, uh,
I will be a shrink.

All right?

This emotional disconnect
from your past,

From who you were, it's damaging.

It's unhealthy.

And it can affect your
relationships down the line,

With-- with a child,

With a spouse.

I have to go back to work.

Your wife is okay, mr. Schwartz.

Her cervix dilated,
and the placenta detached,

But she's alive.

And the baby?

We lost him.

I'm sorry.

You think jacob's ever gonna
come back here and tell him?

I think he's a
little more concerned

About telling his wife.

Then allow me.

Mr. Arnold...

Do you practice safe sex
with all your tricks?


That's good, 'cause the man

You got into the accident with--
jacob deever--

Tested positive for h.I.V.

We'd be happy to test
you if you'd like,

But if you're telling the
truth about using condoms,

It's not likely to be a problem.

No, you don't understand.

I said I practice safe
sex with my tricks,

Not with the man I love.

Hey. How's georgie?

She's stable.
Bob's with her. Great.

Unfortunately, he's less stable.

How much less stable can he be? Well,
losing georgie,

For the most part, anyway,
and now the baby,

I mean, these are profound losses.

He's confused and hurting.

But I talked to him about coming in

To start working on his recovery,
so... Good luck.

Right. Come on, addie.

They give child molesters
their kids back

If they get enough counseling.

Really? You're starting
to sound like sam.

Sam is not all wrong.

I have to go check up on georgie.

'cause you and I, we never give up.

We stick it out.

W- we never let anything
get in the way of us.


I'm sorry to tell you...

We lost our baby.

There was nothing they could do.

But you know what? Don't worry.

'cause w-we'll keep trying.

We're gonna have a
family one day, georgie.

charlotte just hung up on me.

She literally hung up the phone
while I was mid-sentence.

I mean, I'm horny.

And she's mad... And horny.

What am I supposed to do?

Uh, well, when you're boxed in,
you need to get out of the box.

How do I do that?

Do something you've never
done before. Like what?

I don't know, coop.
I- I got stuff on my mind.

Can you just figure
it out for yourself?

You finished the e-mail
to pete's brother?

Yeah. I don't know what to do.
Do I send it? Do I erase it?

I think you need to figure
that out for yourself.

I just-- I just think, with adam,
we could have a family.

You know, a real family.
Pete could have a brother,

I could learn more
about who pete is--

And okay, that was about me,
and I know this isn't about me.

Well, it's a little
bit about me. Violet--

I mean, pete might get mad.
Okay, he will get really mad.

And what if he and adam don't
like each other as adults?

What if adam doesn't like kids,
and he's not nice to lucas?

What if he's mean to lucas?
I'm staying silent.

But a real family--
that's worth fighting for, right?

And I-- and I think pete's--
I think he wants to fix this.

It's the right thing to do.
I know it is.

It's the right thing to do.

Mnh-mnh. Mnh. What did you do?

Press "send." done. Ship sailed.

You're mad?

Do you know what this is gonna do

To my marriage, to pete? D- d--
have you lost your mind?

I didn't send it.


I was just trying to help
you make up your mind.

I know. I'm just...

I'm frustrated.

Why won't pete talk to me?

so is everything okay?

Please tell me it's
not my bladder again.


I didn't call you in to
talk about getting pregnant.

Angela, I do love you.

I've always loved you.

I love what we have together.

But what evan and I share is, uh...

It's-- it's different.

I don't expect you
to understand that--

Jacob, I know.

I've always known.

Not about evan,
but about who you really are.

you don't spend 20
years with someone

And not know.

Okay. You have to know,
I didn't mean to hurt you.

I know I should be enraged.
I know I should be screaming.

But all I can think about...

is how hard this must
have been for you...

All the pretending,
living two lives...

Not being yourself.

god. I'm so healthy.

I was gonna say...

Listen, I wasn't completely
pretending, okay?

My feelings for you are real.
I just didn't know.

When we first met,
I didn't know who I was.


Or maybe I did and I
just didn't want to know.

I just didn't want to know.

But now you know.

And that's good.

That's a good thing.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

We will always be friends.

It's okay. I'll be okay.

Take care of him.

I will. Thank you.

I'm going to, um...

I'm going to go.

There's something else you
need to tell her, jacob.

Evan and I...

We are both h.I.V. Positive.

you're negative, angela.

We'll test you again in six months.

Angela, please--


What are you doing at your house?

Well... I wasn't having
much luck at your house.

You wanna try again?

Do you?

I called the police on bob.

I turned him in for
molesting his wife.

All right. Uh, give me a sec.
I'll be right over.

What, you're not mad?
You think I'm right?


I'm furious. You were wrong.

That man needed counseling,

He needed...

I was right, and you were wrong.

But... That was at work.

We're at home now.

I'm gonna practice what I preach,

And, uh...

I'll yell at you tomorrow.

So tomorrow we'll fight?

But tonight?

Sex for me.

Sex for you.

Okay. I only got a half an hour,

'cause I'm supposed
to meet cooper drinks.

Then we better make it count.

Hold that pose. I'll be right over.

Sex for me.

I just need to see a doctor! I just
need to see-- you need to take it easy.

Are you-- are you a
real doctor? I need a--

I told you to pipe down.
Now sit down and wait your turn.

Someone will be with you in a minute.
Lively in here tonight, huh?

Halloween brings out the crazies.

Mm-hmm. What's that?

Oh, this?

Uh, this is a miniature
alabama lane cake.

It was made just for you.

Is that how we make up now,
with sweets?

No, no. This is a bribe.
This is how we make up.

I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.
I'm so, so, so sorry.

There's be no more baby talk,
no pressure.

I mean, I don't even
want to see a baby.

Ew. Babies. Mnh-mnh.

I just want to see you...


You're very cute when you're lying.

And maybe...

We can practice not making a baby.

I'd plan on that.


One, two, three. Whoo!

Isn't this fun?

actually, it is.

I can see the merits of
your family tradition.

Well, I thought Halloween
wasn't your thing.

But it's your thing,
so now it's our thing.

hey. Okay...

Go ahead. Lucas, go with hannah.
Go with hannah.

Yeah. There you go.

Okay, um...

I'm going crazy.
I'm not enjoying this.

I know I should be, but I'm not.

I, um... I almost sent an
e-mail today to your brother.

Violet-- you have to
give me something.

I mean, I need to
feel like I know you.

I need to feel like you
want me to know you.


I mean, obviously
your mom did something

To land herself in prison,
but your brother...

What is it about your family that makes you
so angry? I'm gonna tell this story once,

And I'm never gonna
tell it again, okay?

My mother...

she liked to have a good time.

She was a party all by herself.

And my brother adam
made excuses for her

Because he thought she was...

I was the one that cleaned
the vomit off the floor.

I was the one that woke
her up twice a night

To make sure she was
still breathing.

She was a drunk,
and she was... Beautiful.

So there were men...

Lots of men.

And I don't even know...

Who my father is.

Anyway, finally, there was henry.

I have no idea what he saw in her,

But he was...

The first man I ever met
who didn't ignore me.

I was 13, and he was the
first good man I ever knew,

Which, now I think...

He-- he took us to ball games,

Helped me with my homework,
told me I could be a doctor.

And things were steady.
Things were good.

But even though henry
was living with us,

Even though he wanted to marry her,

There were a lot of men again,
and-- and, uh,

One morning,
she came in the kitchen--

She'd been out all night--

And he was there, packing to leave,

'cause I guess he'd had it,
and she starts screaming.

I didn't know what was happening.

And-- and then they're in the kitchen,
she's screaming,

And then she's hitting him,
he's defending himself,

And then she gets a knife,

And then... And then
he was dead, and...

He was a good guy.

Then I called the cops on her.

And adam...

He lied for her.
He testified for her.

That's why she only
got manslaughter.

You think there's good
in everyone, violet.

That's not true.

There's no good there.

My family is garbage.

And I won't go back.


O- okay.

Hi. Hi, bud.


Are we done?

'cause I have a shift in the e.R.,

And, uh, I wanna go
start work early.

Yeah, we're done.

