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04x04 - A Better Place to Be

Posted: 10/17/22 00:07
by bunniefuu
Curtain three. Dr.
Wilder is on call.

Got it.

What's happening? Is the baby okay?

That's why I paged dr. Montgomery.

This is elana stone.
She's 33 years old, 22 weeks.

presented with diffuse pain

Localized more in the abdominal area.
I think I'm having a miscarriage.

Okay, elana,

I'm gonna do an ultrasound,
try to figure out what's going on.

She's had chronic pain
for the last five years,

Sensitivity to touch, migraines.
Seven doctors, no one could find anything.

Ow! Elana, I need you to hang
in a little longer, okay?

Okay. Okay.



Is our baby okay?

He looks just fine.

But the pain...

Lately even breathing's been hard.

Well, it's possible
that the pregnancy...

Ow! Is exacerbating the
underlying condition. I'm sorry.

please. You have to help me.

A cluster of unrelated symptoms

Including severe pain
with no obvious cause?

You think it's fromyalgia?

I've had patients with it before,
and it's maddening.

You can't give them a
definitive diagnosis,

Treatment's complicated.
Yeah, we can't give her anything too strong

Over the long term. It'll hurt the baby.
Alternative treatments can work.

That'd be great if we had time,
but she needs help right now.

Well, if we can't give her meds
and alternatives are too slow,

Then what do you suggest?

Yeah. Thank you.

betsey. Hi.

Hi. It's so good to see you.

I'm monica bratton, betsey's aunt.

Hi. I-I'm violet turner.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
We all are.

You know, dell was...
He-- he was family.

I spoke to a dr.
Freedman on the phone

When betsey first
came to live with me.

He said if we ever needed anything,
to be in touch.

Yes. Uh, he-- well,
he's with a patient ght now.

Would-- would you like-
I suppose I could just tell you.

Look, I don't have kids.
It's a choice I made a long time ago.

Uh, yes. I-I understand.
It can be a big adjustment,

But sometimes-- and when dell
died and I took betsey in,

I did it because it was
the right thing to do.

But I can't keep her.

Is it wrong that I want
to punch aunt monica?

On several levels, but so do I.

Look, despite what is clearly
a limited emotional capacity,

I think aunt monica did what she
thought was best for betsey.

Come on. She left her in our
office like paddington bear.

The only thing missing was a
note pinned to her jacket.

She brought her back to the
only family that she has left.

But we're not her family.
She needs naomi.

Well, nai was the only one who
really bonded with betsey.

Dell and betsey lived with her.
Well, she's away

On foundation business
for the next month, so...

Maybe we could take her
home for a couple nights?

She's not a puppy, cooper.

The department of children
and family services

Is set up for situations like this.

You know, I-I have a friend-
we're not placing betsey in the system.

Everybody in her life has abandoned her.
They died, violet.

I understand that, charlotte, but in her
mind, they-- the system is there to protect
kids exactly like betsey.

And more often than not,
it still screws them up.

Either way, betsey's gonna
have some serious problems.

Her mother was an addict.
Both her parents are dead.

Betsey needs--

Help. She needs help, which dell
would've given any one of us

Without a second thought...

If he were still alive.

What's going on?

It's worse. I can't...

You have to give me some dr*gs,
a shot, something.

Unfortunately, anything
strong enough to help you

Would wind up harming the baby.

So what, she just has to suffer?

If the pregnancy's
making this worse,

Can't you just take the baby out? No,
the baby's not viable yet.

But there are
alternative treatments

That could help for the
remainder of your term.

I would be with you
every step of the way,

And once you deliver,
the level of pain might subside.

That's another three
and a half months. No.

If you can't take away the pain,

I can't have this baby.

She can't abort our baby.

Elana's in agony.

If she doesn't feel she
can carry to term--

She didn't want a kid.

I pushed her,
and finally she agreed,

But I've never...
I've never felt my son kick.

Elana won't let me touch her
because of the pain, but...

That's my baby.

And I won't let you k*ll him.

I'm not crapping in a cup.

it's the only way

To find out what's wrong
with your stomach.

I'm not doing it.

Okay. How about the truth then?

Come on. Everybody knows
that a stomachache

Is the best way to
get out of school.

You can't prove it.
You can't disprove it.

Why are you faking?
But I'm not faking--

Ah, th-- it's the truth or the cup.

Your choice.

All right. There's
these kids at school.

And they don't really like
the stuff that I'm into,

So they do things toe. Like?

Like I had pictures in my locker,

And then they tore them down. I'm
assuming they weren't pictures of girls.


You know, they're--

Cartoons, yeah.
People with big eyes

And impossible-to-pronounce names.

Well, they're japaneseantasy
and action animations, but...

Yeah. Yeah.

Anyway, so I was trying
to get my pictures back,

And then the asshats
dragged me out to the quad

And duct taped me to a flagpole.
Oh, that's, uh, not good.

Yeah. It was my dad that
got me into all this stuff.

If he hadn't died,

He'd probably help
me kick their asses.


Look, can't you just
write me a note?

Then what, homeschooling,
witness protection?

I mean, you know,
teenagers can be jerks,

But you can't hide forever.

So find the other kids
that are into anime

And, you know, you're gonna be fine. Yeah,
I'm trying. But what am I supposed to do
right now?

Well, what would the hero
from one of your stories do?

Oh, please don't tell her.

She's just gonna make it worse.

Does he need a cuddle
or a kicin the backside?


Well, a bug's been doing around,
but I think he's on the mend.

Um, just to be on the safe side,

I'd keep him home for
the rest of the day,

Make sure it's out of his system.
Okay. Sound good to you?


She's in unbearable pain,

And it's gotten worse with the pregnancy.
But do you think it's bad enough that

She should terminate a pregnancy that's
almost viable? That is a decision for elana.

But there are treatments
she hasn't tried yet

That alter the release
of neurotransmitters

And increase her pain tolerance.

Pete, I am not eager to
terminate her pregnancy,

But I'm also not gonna
look her in the eye

And tell her she needs to be tougher.
Is she having trouble breathing?

Yeah, she mentioned that.

Yeah, it's in her chart.

Order an m.R.I.

yep, I'm brilliant. Get used to it.

And get me that brain scan.

Hey, I was looking for you.

Feel like getting a snack?

This is my daddy's office.

He used to have crayons

And paper.


I remember. You two had
a lot ofun in here.

You know, he loved you so much.

And I know that when
someone you love goes away,

It feels icky.

And it's confusing because yos

That you don't understand.

But I want you to know that...

All of us here care about you...

So much...

And that you can
tell anything to me.


Anything at all.

where am I gonna sleep tonight?

How about you come home with me?


Should we have offered--

Don't-- don't even say it.

Oh, come on, sam.


Betsey needs more
than we can give her.

And it's not our place.

Really, it's-- it's not
violet's place either.

Yeah, but it's only
for a few nights.

I mean, I took care
of lucas for months.

I know, but lucas was a baby,

And-- and all due respe,

I mean, you were warm
hands to hold him.


Wait. I didn't mean for
it to come out like that.

I- I'm just trying to say that...

For you, when you had to let go,

How'd it feel?

She's old enough to
understand and get attached.

And it would be brutal.

Why isn't lucas crying yet?

Because he understands
that I worked a long shift

At the e.R. Last night,

And there's another
kid in the house.

And he's thoughtful...

Just like his daddy.

good morning, boo-boo.

Rise and shine.

Good morning.


Pete, lucas is not in his crib!

My daddy and I used to
watch cartoons together.

I thought maybe lucas
would like them.

Try to relax, elana.
We're almostone.

The sedative is helping.

Too bad we can't keep her doped up.

Well, there's always herbal
tea and chinese gongs.

okay. That's a little harsh.

Come on, addison. We're surgeons.

You're not saying that you
really buy into his whole

rap, do you?

Pete helps a lot of people. Mm.

And just because you
disagree with him

Doesn't mean he's wrong.

Well, he's wrong this time.

Elana doesn't have fibromyalgia.
She's got a chiari malformation.

The herniation's putting
pressure on her brain.

You think that's what's
causing her pain? I do.

What can we do about it?

What I do st...



How was your first
night with betsey?

Good. In fact,
when I woke up this morning,

She was watching
cartoons with lucas.

that sounds fun.

It was sweet, actually.

Yeah, she, uh,
she took lucas from his crib

While I was sleeping.

That sounds...

Uh, unnerving.

No. I mean,
w-- it was for a minute,

But I know she'd never hurt lucas.

Yeah, well, we hope, you know,
but betsey is troubled.

She needs help. She needs
someone to care. That's all.

What I mean is,
you need to be cautious.

I think you're blowing this
out of proportion, sheldon.

She's a child.

Betsey does need help,
okay? Years of help.

And those aren't going
to be easy years.

Now come on. You know that, right?

Well, I think we owe
it to her and to dell

To do whatever we can for her.

But the best thing
you can do for her

Is to help her start a new life as
soon as possible. Meaning without me?

I think you'd help betsey
most by letting her go.

so you want to do brain surgery

On a woman who's almost
six months pregnant?

Yeah, if I release the
intracranial pressure,

It should reduce her pain.
If we don't help her now,

She's gonna terminate the pregnancy.
I can help her.

Not fast enough, pete.
You think surgery is the better option?

Apart from the fact that
it might not help elana,

It could also k*ll her.
It could k*ll her baby.

This is not a
complicated procedure,

And there is a huge upside.
For chiari malformations,

Inversion therapy
has the same upside.

It can relieve the pressure
on the cerebellar tonsils

And diminish her pain for weeks.
You're gonna keep her upside down

For the rest of her life?
I can get her through the pregnancy.

Then you can cut as much as you want. All
right, look, either way, elana and steven

Are gonna need some guidance here.

Fine. Makes his pitch, I make mine.

I'm horny. Want a quickie?

Well, emily post would be proud.


Mm. Hey, do you think
we should, um--

Less talk. More hands. Mm.

Do you think we
should do something?

I'm trying to do something.

I mean about betsey.

I mean, you know if it was our kid,

Dell would step up.

We don't have kids, cooper.

Okay, if we did...

It's just, she's here,

And every time I look at her,
I think that...

Yeah, you hate me right now,
don't you?

A thousand things about you

That make me want to
pull my hair out...

But you caring too much
is not one of them.

I'm not gettin' laid, am I?

When you're feelin' randy,

You know where to find me.

They called me to come get
my son because he brought

A knife to school! A knife,
dr. Freedman!

He says he's being bullied,
and that's your sage advice? I never said--

How could you not tell
me what was happening?

He's only 14. Mom, please.

No-- jackie, jackie,
let's sit down and we can talk--

And-- and do what?
What are you gonna tell him next?

I'm trying to help. Really?
You could've gotten him k*lled.

Let's go.

Ma'am, hi.

My name is dr. Wallace.
I'm a psychiatrist.

Can we talk for a minute? No.

What do you want from me?

I'd like to help you if I can.

There's nothing wrong with kenny.
I'm not suggesting there is,

But you did arm yourself.

And I think I can help you work
through some of your issues.

My son can talk to me.

I'm sure he can, but does he?

Elana's brain is too
large for her skull,

And like any body
part that gets shoved

Into an area that's too small,
it can cause pain.

But if I shave off a
small part of the bone

At the back of the skull,

Remove a patch of
the brain covering,

And sew in a new,
bigger one-- her pain goes away?

Maybe. Likely.

But there are risks.

What are they?

Elana could die, or your son could.

But there's another option.
I can position your body

To relieve the pressure
that's causing the pain.

Would work with you every day
for the rest of your pregnancy

To help you manage it.
Dr. Montgomery?

What do you think?

I think that both
options are viable.

Oh, please. Don't be diplomatic.

Just tell me what we should do.

I think you should
have the surgery.

I'll be there to monitor
the baby the entire time.

how soon can we do it?

Elana, no. I don't want
a life without you.

With all this pain, what kind
of life have you had with me?


I want the surgery.

That's an interesting
choice of t-shirt.

It's anime.

"takao's turn.
" genius kid finds a pen,

And anyone whose name
he writes with it dies.

You're a fan boy?
I'm an action guy.

What about you?

Well, fantasy, mostly.

I like the ones

Where the bad guys get
what's coming to them.

Well, that makes sense.
Is there something wrong with that?

Not in theory.
I was protecting myself.

A w*apon seems excessive
in response to humiliation.

Well, they did more.

You want to tell me about it?

They kicked me,

And they wouldn't stop

Till I took off my anime shirt.

Look, I don't want their
acceptance, dr. Wallace.

What do you want?

I guess I just want what dr.
Freedman said,

To stay in one school long enough

That I can find kids...

Like me.

How many times have
you changed schools?

Six times in two years.

That's why I didn't
want my mom to find out,

'cause she just keeps freaking out.

Do you know what it's like
to be the new kid in school

Over and over again?

posterior fossa decompression,

That's risky on a pregnant woman.

Yeah, she's in a lot of pain,
and if we can't help her,

She says she wants to abort.
Dad's desperate.

It's just-- it's a bad situation.

Y- you see how hard
all these people work

To become parents,

And the lengths that naomi goes
through to get them pregnant,

And everything that you do,
and you wonder-- I wonder--

You know, is it even worth it?

How can you think that?
You have maya.

Yeah, maya who is 16,

Has her own baby,

And is married to a guy named dink.

I mean, naomi and I,
we did everything that we could,

A- and maya had so many advantages,

But still...

I don't know. I-I look at maya,
and I look at betsey,

And... I think sometimes,
it's just futile.

Okay. I'm not gonna
repeat this speech

To the mothewho's about
to have brain surgery

To save her baby.

I'm sorry. I...

Look, I feel really...
Really bad about betsey.

I do. But I just want to make sure

That we're on the
same page about her.

What do you mean?

I mean that if violet
didn't take her,

That I still would've said no.

I already have a child, addison,

And a grandchild.

I don't.

Well, can you even--

I don't know, sam.

But you want to?
I don't know that either.

Well, then why are you
putting me on the spot?

Because... I want to believe

That if I did want to
have a child with you,

That you would.

Give her a minute.

You-- you want to try?

aah! Oh!

Can I stay with you forever?


Hey. So he-
he's a good kid, right?

He's a cool kid... Actually.

Well, in his way.

Were you a kenny growing up?

Smart but kind of different,

Couldn't reallfind your place?

Actually, I bedded the prom queen

Three years running,

And the last one's sister, too.


But I... I'm assuming you were.

Well, I was pretty into
magic for a while there.

That was, you know,
cool in its way.

Okay, I got pushed around,
took a lot of dead arms,

The occasional linebacker
stuffing me into a garbage can

Until the summer after tenth grade.

I grew 5 inches.

I traded in my trick cards
for a date with norma jacks,

And no one ever
screwed with me again.

Kenny's dad bought him his
first deck of pokémon cards

When he was 7.

Now anime is a world he can go to

Where his dad is still alive,

And the dimwitted bullies
don't get to win.

That sounds like a better
place for him to be.

They're hurting him, cooper,
and it's not the first time.

And kenny says jackie's
response is always

To pull him out of school. Well, she wants
to keep him out of the line of fire.

Yeah, but figuring
out how to adapt,

Learning how resilient you can be,
I mean, those skills

Are essential to developing
into a competent adult.

I told kenny to
stand up for himself

Until he could find his people,
there'd be safety in numbers.

But if jackie's never gonna give him that
chance... Well, then he'll never learn to

That's a point I'd
like to make to jackie,

But... Talk about worrying
someone's gonna kick your ass.

kenny will be home soon,

So say whatever you
have to say and go.

He mentioned you were
pulling him out of school.

The school where he was beaten?
Wouldn't you?

We know why you want
to shield him, but--

Nobut." it's my job.

No, this has happened before.

Right? The bullying?

Jackie, the worst in people,

It starts in high school,
but it doesn't stop there.

And part of growing up is
learning how to deal with that.

Now if-- if you don't
give him time to adapt--

I will not send him
back to be att*cked.

It takes everything I've got not
to go in there and k*ll them.

Tempting as that may be,
if you let me,

I can help kenny develop
the skills to handle this.


He's 14 years old,

And he comes home and cries
every day, like a baby.

It kills me, but...

It also drives me crazy.

After my husband died,
I- I let it go for a while.

But now... I love him,

And I would do anything for him.

God knows, I've tried.


Pep talks, and-
and karate lessons, and...

look, um...

Kenny'a wimp.

Right? He's, uh, he's just...

He's just weak.

You know what that's like,
knowing that you...

Raised a-a weak little baby?


It was the only ing
I could think to do.

Well, it seemed like it worked.
Oh, just to see her smile...

She'll need daily therapy,
at least at the beginning,

But I think we could see real
improvements in a few months.

Wait. You want her to stay with?

I think we should adopt her.

Violet, that's not a
good idea for any of us.

When you think about it,

We are exactly who
should be doing this,

'cause I'm a therapist,
and-- and even more than that,

I get betsey.

That sense of being damaged?
I know what that c turn into.

We're building a family.

And there's no reason that
betsey can't be a part of that.

We can do this.

Can we?


You don't think I can do this.

You don't think I
have it in me after...

I'm fine. I am fine now.

Violet, I'm not-- she's a child.

She needs someone. She needs us.

And I am fine.

If we could just get
kenny to realize

That the rest of his life
is not gonna be like this.

Yeah, well, we will. I will.
Oh, yeah? You think jackie will let you?

Well, I can be persistent. Hey.

Hey. Where are you off to?

Amelia's doing brain surgery
on my pregnant patient.

Don't ask.

Well, good luck.

oh, hey, uh...

Can I ask...

I need your help with violet.

Uh, it'll have to wait till
my next night with her.

I only get two a week-
she wants to adopt betsey.

Wow. And you don't?

We're just getting into a rhythm,
the two of us,

And with lucas...
I think it's too much.

Have you... Told her that?

If I try to explain this to her,
she's just gonna think

It's an excuse,
like I'm being selfish,

But I have to think about
all of us. Am I wrong?

Pete, I'm her best friend. You--

Am I wrong?

No, you're not wrong.

* baby, now don't look back *

there. Nice work
on the craniectomy.

Look at the lady doctor,
all up on the neuro.

your brother used to like
to talk shop at home.

Well, I hope sam is
more imaginative.

* when you're pulling it... *

Heart rate's good.

Everything okay with you two?


* baby, we're holding on *

I don't think he wants kids.

Do you?

I want the option.

Well, what's it worth to you?




You want to adopt betsey?

Look, I am trying to separate out

My feelings about betsey from
my professional judgment.

And I know,

I know the reason I'having
a hard time letting this go

Is because it's my do-over.

Last year, I was aunt monica.

Oh, you're not aunt monica.

You could handle this.

Which is why I should.
Don't you think?

Oh, go on. Say it.
Lord knows pete isn't.

I think you could do this,

But I don't thinkth.

He just got you back.
You just got married.

You gotta cut him some slack.

*...Our vanity *

Well, if we don't take betsey,
then where is she gonna go?

We will find her somewhere.

We need to find her someone.
We will.

I don't know, cooper. I don't know.

What if...

What if I'm supposed to help betsey

To make up for what I did to lucas?

* oh, yeah, we're holding on *

Your do-over is not with betsey.

It's with lucas.

* to the world *

No news yet.

When I met elana,
I fell hard... And fast.

She had this thing.

Been there.

But then, she changed.

And maybe it's the disease.
I don't know.

But... I woke up one day,

And the thing was... Gone.


Been there, too.


I sit in the car at night,

Hoping when I go inside,
she'll be asleep.

I know what that makes me, but...

Elana doesn't smile anymore.

When I try to hold her hand,
she pulls away.

It's the pain.


The person I fell
in love with left.


"sickness and health."

I meant it.

How long am I supposed to
wait for her to come back?


How long would you want
her to wait for you?

* all the trees stand
like skeletons *

Violet wants to adopt her.
Pete doesn't.

Pete's a smart man.

You realize I was adopted?

That's what this is about...

Some kind of
pay-it-forward obligation?


I don't want betsey.

* if I had more *

Then why'd you offer
to take her home?

Because part of me knows

What a difference we
could make in her life.

But the other part of me knew
you'd never let me do it.

Nice to know I'm that predictable.

I got lucky.

A great family found me.
It made all the difference.

Every kid should at
least get a chance.





For both those kids,
it will get better.

We don't know that.
Maybe betsey will get adopted

By a nice family,
and they'll all die.

Maybe kenny will go to a
new school, and this time

The bullies will have
a knife or a g*n.

Listen to me.

Two years ago, if someone had
told you we'd be engaged,

In love...

Things change, cooper,

When you're not lookin'.

* his feet, theyave
touched the ground *

* I could feel the boom *


Don't answer it. Just go faster.

It's the hospital.


Elana made it through.

And, uh... My baby

The baby's gonna be ne.

* it was a thrill *

Did it work? Well, time will tell.

* time *

Listen, I-I hope you know

That I didn't mean any disresct

When elana asked me
what she should do.

You gave her your honest opinion.

Amelia's good.

I never doubteit,
and I didn't take it personally.

Okay. It just felt-
it felt a little tense.

It's not that.

Is it betsey?

Yeah. It's brought up
some issues for sam, too.

Because he didn't want to take her?

I'm not even sure if I do. I probably don't,
but yes. Violet wants to keep her.

Well, that's not surprising, right?

But she can't. We can't.

* and I can hear *

* your ther crying in your room *

It's hard being a family.

* I wear this face for both of us *

call neuro down.

Where's kenny?

The doctors are working on him,
but they won't let me in there.

I'm so sorry. I thought the school

Would be able to stop them.
It wasn't the bullies, dr. Freedman.

Kenny tried to k*ll himself.


They're still working on him.


You're good with kids...

For an hour.

I'm with my kid every day,
and I do my best.

But a boy needs his father,
and you waltz in,

And you give him bad advice,
and now he is in there--

Kenny gave up, jackie.

He just... He gave up.

What the hell kind of therapist are you?
Why didn't you know?

He didn't want me to.
I knew kenny was struggling,

But he kept me in the
dark just like he did you.


Yeah, because if, um...

If he dies,

Oh, my god, if he dies,

I'm, um...

It's my fault.

I did this. I did-- I did it.

Dr. Freedman?

The hard part's over.

She's not in any pain right now.

She's just got a headache,

Which is normal
after brain surgery.

it's okay.

Come be with your wife.

You did good today.

I know.


The baby...

He's kicking.

What the hell did you do?

I stabbed myself in the stomach.

What were you thinking?

su1c1de is never the answer.
It is never, ever the answer.

Yeah, I know that... Now.

Life is long,

And your horizons are
gonna get bigger.

But to try to get out of
it early, it's a huge--

When I was your age,
I was a runt, I had, like,

Two friends, and it felt like
it was never gonna get better.

But you know what? It did.

Somehow, when you're not looking,

Things change.

Now I'm, you know, I'm a doctor,

I'm engaged to this
ridiculously beautiful woman,

And I can beat the
crap out of, um...

Well, you know, some people.

Anyway, the point is,
it gets better.

If you hang around, it gets go.

But you don't get to see
that if you're not here.

Dad would be so pissed at me.

Yes, he would.

Look, I...

I just...

I don't want to switch
schools, all right?

Please just give me a chance.

Um, only if those
boys are expelled,

And every teacher there knows
exactly-- mom, mom, no.

I'll talk to dr.
Wallace. I want to.

And I'll be careful.

But you have to let
me do this, okay?

You have to.


Cooper already talked to me.

I just asked his opinion.
I didn't ask him to--

No, you didn't, but you kinda did.

He made the point, pete.

I wanted to talk to you.

I did.

But things have been
so good between us,

I just didn't want to risk--

Cooper's not my husband.

And this tiptoeing around me,
it's n gonna work.

You know, I mean, we're in this,
we're not going anywhere.

We need to be able to
get mad and fight and...

And know that we'll get through

Whatever we need to get through.

You don't want to adopt betsey.

It is what it is.

As much as I feel for betsey...

We need time.

I know.

But you have to know that...

That I'm fine.

I am fine.

You are. That I'm fine.

I miss dell.



So pete and violet aren't
going to adopt beey.

That's good... For betsey

And for everyone.

Dell used to make me crazy.

But the thing is, he was there...

For maya.

He died taking care of my child.

Sam, no one expected
you to take betsey,

Including me.

No, but you still want to know

About us...

And if--

I don't need to know.

Not now.


* I am the one *

I- I need to ask if anyone here

Is willing to... Take betsey.


* the racing heart
of a teenage kid *

Because I can't, and, um...

One of us needs to step up.

* the brightest mind *

* to see, to see *


* you've broken my heart *

* no, no, no, no *

* it's the shame, shame, shame *

* I'm kidding myself
as I'm standing here *

* in the pouring rain *


Don't you want to take care of me?

I love spending time with you.

Where will I go?


I don't know exactly.


Here's what I hope will happen.

I hope that you will
get to go to a home,

A home with a mom and dad

Who have always
wanted a little girl,

A mom and dad of your very own,

Who will love you so much

Because they're gonna
see how special you are.

And that will be better for
you than living with us,

Because your new family...

They have been waiting

St for you.

Doesn't that sound good?

* I'm kidding myself
as I'm standing here *

* in the pouring rain *

* and I wo-wo-wo-won't *

* be the same, same, same *

* I'm kidding myself
as I'm standing here *

* in the pouring rain *



You must be betsey.

My name is gladys.

* you've broken my heart *

* you've broken my heart *

* no, no, no, no *

We did a bad thing here.

You all know it.

We did a bad thing.

* in the pouring rain *

* and I wo-wo-wo-won't *

* be the same, same, same *

* I'm kidding myself
as I'm standing here *

* in the pouring rain *

* no, no, no, no *

* it's the shame, shame, shame *

* I'm kidding myself
as I'm standing here *

* in the pouring rain *