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04x02 - Short Cuts

Posted: 10/17/22 00:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪


We're gonna be late
for work... again.

(Pete) We're newlyweds.
Newlyweds have lots of sex.

We have a reason to be late.

(Cell phone buzzes)
Ignore it.

Maybe it's work.
It's him.

Ignore it!
(Whispers) Okay.

(Buzzing continues)


(Telephone rings)


You've gotta do something.


Violet, do not pick up
that phone.



Can you believe Michael
got kicked off last night?

I mean,
his food looked amazing.
I know, I know.
I thought Sharon would go.

All she talks about is how
she uses organic ingredients.

Well, I thought her cupcakes
looked like poo.

There gonna keep Sharon
as long as they can...

Because she's got
a big rack, right?

Well, did you go online?
No, you gotta see the outtakes.

I mean, she was weeping.
She knows she sucked.

Violet, hi.
Cooper has to go.

I was having
a conversation, Charlotte.

It's what we do,
me and Violet.

I mean,
"American bake-off" discussion

every Tuesday morning.
You know this.

it's "the New York times"
crossword puzzle.

Thursdays it's your plans
for the weekend.

Fridays it's "runway."
Saturdays and sundays,

it's how much
she hates her mother,

then how much
you love your mother.

On mondays, it's margaritas.
We're best friends.
It's our thing.

(Woman) ♪ do my thing
to keep the money paying ♪

♪ only one,
and this is where I'm staying ♪

(Telephone beeps, dials)

Vi, hey.

Sorry about that.

Uh, no, Charlotte had a--

whatever. It's fine.

Um, okay, so who wins
the cookie-off next week?

(Elevator bell dings)


Stop that.
Hmm? What?


Looking at me

like we just did
dirty things to each other.

♪ Oh, oh ♪

But we did just do
dirty things to each other...

This morning.

Okay, Sam.

Look, this elevator
is going to stop,

and people could be
milling around.


That--that's a thing now?

People mill in our--
in our office?
People do mill.





nope. Missed your chance.

(Laughs) Sam.
Too late.

Sorry I was late. I had
a last-minute freak-out

over what to wear.

Well, the bar
for psych consults

is pretty low.

Not when you're the one
on the couch, honey.

It came down to pantsuit
versus pencil skirt.

But with these thighs,
the pantsuit does me no favors.

You look lovely.

Haven't met many women like me,
have you, darlin'?

Not enough. Uh, but I know
that Dr. Wallace has.

Thank you.
You must be Jane Finch.

And you must be the guy
who needs to tell her

she can chop off my penis.


(Charlotte laughs)


You're glaring.

I'm waiting for my patient to
finish her consult with Sheldon.

So the glaring is just--
"American bake-off"?

Oh, I know, right?

I mean, they're baking cakes,
for god sake.

Why does that warrant
a 2-hour conversation?

Look, it's not like we're
saying they can't be friends.
We're just asking 'em
to cut back a little

on the phone calls...
Showing up
at the house unannounced...

Gossipy walks...
Margarita mondays.

We're not asking for much.
So I'll talk to Violet.

And I'll talk to Cooper.

No history of alcohol problems.
No drug use.

And to save time, I promise,
I've never been abused.

You've done this before.

I did the required year
of therapy and then some.

And do you know
what I learned?

All the right answers
to the questions

we ask
gender reassignment candidates.
That what I told my parents

on my 9th birthday
was pretty much right.

My only problem

is that my outsides
don't match my insides.

And you feel like surgery
is the answer?

Dr. Wallace, would I let them
remove my testicles

and carve me
a brand-spankin'-new vag*na

if I wasn't sure?

It's all in there,
you know?

About my, uh,
su1c1de attempt.

I've read it,

but these are just
another doctor's notes,

and I'd rather hear from you
about what happened.

I was a kid, 19,

on my own by then.

Old enough to know for sure
I was in the wrong body,

but too young to have enough
money to do anything about it.

I got frustrated,
then resentful, then depressed.

Wrist cutting
is a violent act

against yourself.

Did you, uh--

hate myself?

I hated my circumstances.

I know who I am,
Dr. Wallace.

I'm a woman inside.

I've put in the time,

and I've scraped together
the money.

And now I want
to be a woman outside.

All I need...

Is your blessing.

Anybody know anything
about this?
No idea.

Well, I came
for the doughnuts.
There aren't any doughnuts.

Well, I've been
terribly misinformed.
Stick around, Sheldon.

Naomi said she wants to discuss
something with all of us.
did we miss anything?

Doughnuts, apparently.


Uh, so, uh, I-I have an idea

that I want
to talk to everyone about.

Um, I, uh, well, okay, uh...

Let me back up.

Last night, uh,
William white died.

Oh, Nai.
I'm sorry.

(All speaking at once)
Don't. Please don't.
I'm fine.

It's been a long time coming,

and we both knew that it
was happening, and I am fine,

and I don't want to discuss it.
(Exhales deeply)

But what I do want to discuss
is this--

I want to merge
oceanside wellness

and pacific wellcare.


I-I mean, wouldn't that be
sort of complicated?

I mean, the--the finances
of it alone are--

no. No, no, no.
It's not an issue.

William left me his foundation
to run... with millions,

many, many millions.

So... we now have
the resources.

We can do some good here.
We--great even.

You know, uh,

you know, b-being a doctor is
supposed to be a noble calling,

but we know that that's not
always the case, you know?

There's only so much money,
and so much time,

and--and the real world

and, uh,
you have to compromise,

but now we don't have to.

Sam--when Sam and I were
first thinking about o.W.G.,

we imagined a practice
where we could really

get to know every single one
of our patients

and spend the time with them
that they need.

And now we can do that. We can
do anything and--and everything.


Sounds good to me.
I have no problem with it.

Will this include
full kitchen access?

Everybody's on both floors
all the time anyway,

so what difference
does it make?

Anything else?


No, no. I-I-I guess not.

How's the pain?
Any better?

My migraine's gone.
I definitely feel more relaxed.

But I think
a big part of that

is that Dr. Freedman's
been watching Zack

for the past hour.

He's a good kid.

Yeah, he is. I love him. Just,
dealing with his autism is...

It's getting worse?

Well, he's getting bigger,

so the fits are sometimes
hard to control.

Sometimes it gets
a little scary.

I-I hate to say that,

you know, that sometimes
I'm afraid of my kid.
You're doing everything
you can for him, Sydney.

It's just important
to remember

to take care of yourself
as well.

Hi, sweetie.

How'd it go?

Great. I think
the new meds are working.

He's much calmer
than he was last week.

I did notice that his eyes

are a little glassy. Has he
been running a fever or...

Okay. Just to be
on the safe side,

I'd like to take some blood
and make sure

it's not an adverse reaction.
Oh, that's not necessary.

We should get going.

Come on, baby.
Well, it's just a precaution.
It's not--

you're already here.
It'll just take a few minutes.

I can't. I just...

Sydney, what's going on?

I stopped giving Zack
your pills.

Uh, may I ask why?

I've been giving him,
uh, the drug

that Dr. Wilder prescribes
for my migraines.

Sydney, that is not
a good idea.

Why? What have you
been giving him?


Before you say anything,

I had no idea Sydney was
giving her pot to Zack.

Wh-why were you giving it
to her in the first place?
It was the only thing that
helped her chronic migraines.

Medicinal marijuana is legal in
the state of California, Cooper,

in case you missed the--
i--okay. Do you have any idea
what it would do

to an autistic 12 year old?
Okay, I know Sydney.
We know Sydney.

She wouldn't do something like
this unless she was desperate.
I've been treating Zack
for over a year.

I know the challenges
she's facing,

but you're talking about a brain
that's still developing,

not to mention the risk of
addiction, increased anxiety--

maybe, but--
maybe? Are you gonna
condone this? Really?

I don't condone anyone
misusing any prescription.

And giving it to her kid?
Of course not. I just--

I understand her dilemma.

Conventional treatments
have failed,

so now she's willing
to try anything.

I've seen the literature,

I know that there is
a small group of doctors

that say that it works
with autistic kids.

Okay. Then maybe it's time

for you to consider
the possibility--
no, what I was gonna say was,

and I have treated kids
older than Zack,

healthy kids, that have ended up
with behavioral problems that--

I mean, there are so many
other therapies out there

that are proven to work better

without the possible
long-term side effects.

Look, I don't like what Sydney
did any more than you do,

but maybe we need to keep
an open mind here.

If marijuana is helping Zack,

we owe it to both of them
to at least talk about it.

Okay, the reason we decided to
keep our relationship a secret

had nothing to do
with Naomi.

Right? It's because we wanted
to give ourselves a chance to--

to see what this...
You know, what we are.

Yeah, but the merger means--
I know. I know
what the merger means.

I mean, god,
she's Naomi, Sam.

She's gonna be here all day.

She's gonna figure out
that we're together.

Which is why
we need to tell her.

Look, we know what we are.
All right?

We work.

As a couple, we work.

There's no reason
to hide this from her.

Maybe we wait
just a little while, though.

I mean, give her a chance
to grieve William.

You know, let her get
her feet back under her?

Do you want me to tell her?
If you're afraid, then I can--

no, I'm not afraid.
I-I just--
wh--you just what?

Fine. I'll...
I'll tell her.

I can tell her.
No, I should.

I'll tell her about us.

When I wrote you
that prescription,

I assumed you would
use it responsibly.
Since when is a mother
helping her child irresponsible?

When it involves giving him
a drug--any drug--

not prescribed for him,

because along with
breaking the law,

you violated my trust.

I knew
you weren't gonna like it.

I just didn't feel like
I had a choice.

You have other options,
anti-hyperactivity meds.

We tried those.
Behavioral therapies.

We gave up on that
two years ago. Come on.

Don't you think
I've tried everything,

read every book?

I'm sorry.
I'm just really tired.

I'm just tired.

And, uh...

I don't know
how to do this anymore.

I don't know how to
get through the day.


We'll come up with
another plan to help Zack.


Soon. I know how difficult
this is for you.

Don't. Don't say that.

Do you have
an autistic child?

Have you ever even thought
what this is like

every single day?

You don't know.
Nobody knows.

I'm a single mother!

My husband left me because
he couldn't handle this.

You have no idea! You have
no idea how difficult this is!

Get out!


I won't give him your pot,
so you can go!


Holá, chica.

Why aren't you in Seattle?

Well, I got to the airport

and remembered
I'd already been there.

So I went to Mexico instead.

The plan was to see Derek
in Seattle.

Yeah, well, plans change.
What'd I miss?

Well, Naomi wants
to merge the practices.

That's cool.

That's not cool?

(Door closes)

Sam and I are a couple.

Go, Addison.

I mean, is he as good in bed
as I think he is?

Because he has big hands.

I mean, he has big,
gifted hands.

Shut up.

Naomi doesn't know.
No one knows.

And I don't want to talk to you
about Sam's... hands.

If I had that man in my bed,

I would be shouting it
from the rooftops.

I'd write a song.
Amelia, it's hard.

Yeah, it's hard.

Amelia, I need you to be
a grown-up here.



You need to tell her...

Because she's
your best friend,

and not telling her...

That's underestimating
your friendship.

What am I gonna say?

How about...
"Here's the deal, Nai.

"I'm banging Sam.

If you promise not to be mad,
I'll buy you a Gucci bag"?

Would--would you ever try
to bribe Derek?
If I thought it would work,


(Exhales deeply)


I'm gonna tell her.

I'll just put it out there,
and... and see what happens.

S-So I woke up in a bed
full of cookie crumbs, right?

With my comparative lit prof
right--right next to me.

And... (Laughs)
The worst part was,

she still gave me a "c"
in the course.

That's nothing.
Sophomore year at college...


I went straight from
an all-night party

to the airport.

I was supposed to go home
and see my family.

I got on the wrong plane.
I ended up in north Dakota.

What, you flew there direct?
I had to change planes.


What's so funny?

He... (Laughs)

Ah, nothing. Nothing, man.

(Deep voice)
You heard the man.

Oh, Cooper told you.

Look, we are--
we are not here to judge.

(Normal voice)
No, but I might want to make

an appointment with you
for a prescription.

I have this ache in my back.


Hey, I was just looking
for you.

We have a little problem.
Is that a polite way
of you asking me

not to shave my legs
with your razor?

Well, I do want that.

But it's about Cooper.

You want to change Cooper?

You and Cooper, actually.

A little less you and Cooper.

N-Now come on, Violet.

He calls every morning.
He checks in after dinner.

So what?
It's only phone calls.
And texts and e-mails,

and he's on our couch
three nights a week watching TV.

Don't he and Charlotte
have cable?
Cooper is my friend.

Yeah, well, that's fine.
Oh, I'm so glad
to get your approval.

I just want to draw
some lines, and so--

no, no, you want to have
some control of my best friend.

A friend I understand.

But a guy who can't decide
what color boxers to wear

without consulting you first?

That I'm having
some trouble with.

You are so wrong.

And besides,
Cooper wears briefs.

Hey, Mr. Pusher man.

Hey, uh, we're in the middle
of a conversation here, Cooper.

Oh, yeah? Is about, uh,
whether to prescribe pot to

an autistic 12 year old? 'Cause
I bet I know what you think.
What are you talking about?

I suggested we discuss it.
It's an adolescent
with developmental issues.

There's no discussion.
Nothing you're doing
is working.

You know what?
C-Can we take this down
a notch?

Okay, would you prescribe
medical marijuana to a patient

if you knew it would treat
their destructive behavior?
A 12-year-old patient,

also knowing that it can
cause long-term problems.
I'm not getting
dragged into this.


Let him go.
It's his problem.

Until he calls,

and I have to spend the rest of
the night on the phone with him.

Hey. There you are.


Um, I, uh, I-I followed up
with Pete about the merger.

And he just keeps saying,

you know, "it sounds good,
sounds good."

So I-I don't know.
I guess that means that it--

sounds good to him?

You know, Charlotte and Cooper
don't seem to care.

And--and Sheldon's more excited
about the fact

that there's a cookie drawer
up here

than a possibility
of a 2-shrink practice.


Did you expect
more resistance?

I don't--i don't know.

I-I guess I've been
so overwhelmed

with everything
that's happened lately,

I-I don't know.

I'm just--
I guess I'm just waiting

to get hit
with something else.


What's wrong?

That's not
a "nothing's wrong" face, Addie.

What's wrong?

No, I, uh...

I-I just wanted
to tell you that...

I'm sorry...

About William.

He was an amazing guy.

Yeah, he was.

You know, there's not
too many of those around.

No, there aren't.

(Knock on door)

So... about Jane Finch.

I know you're experienced
with these types of cases,

and I appreciate it.
I'd like to see her again.

Well, as I understand it,

she's already done
the mandated therapy.

I just need a second
psychiatrist to sign off

to meet the standard of care
(Laughs) Well,
I'm not a rubber stamp.

You really have
a problem here?

Jane cut her wrists,
which on its own

doesn't necessarily
disqualify her,

but the explanation
she gave her first therapist,

she repeated it to me verbatim.
Points off for consistency?

No, for being rehearsed.

She came into my office,
she had all the right answers,

including about
the su1c1de attempt.

And you think
she's hiding something?
I need to know
that she isn't.

Her "up with people" attitude

unless Jane is stable
with a realistic appreciation

not only of who she is
but who she's going to become,

gender reassignment surgery
can do more harm than good.
Now isn't that a lot
to ask of someone

who feels like they're trapped
in the wrong body?

It's like demanding
a sick person get well

before you give 'em
the medication they need.
Look, I'm not saying no.

But this isn't a boob job
or a tummy tuck.

We're looking at a surgery
that is fundamentally

gonna change
who Jane is forever.
A surgery
that she desperately wants,

that she's done everything she's
supposed to to get ready for,

and that's scheduled
for the day after tomorrow.

Surgical team is prepped
and ready to go.

Well, apologies
if my professional judgment

is inconveniencing you, okay?

Is it your professional
judgment, Sheldon?

Or are you just
making this difficult

because I picked Cooper
instead of you?

You should understand
two things.

First, I'm right about Jane.

Second, we can be
good colleagues

without being good friends
or really just friends at all.


I did what Dr. Wilder said.

He told me not to give him
pot anymore, and I didn't.

And I threw out what I had left,
but look at him.

He's worse than before.
This is probably
a reaction to him

coming off the drug
so quickly.
I can't, uh,
I can't do this anymore.

I need to know this plan.
Which plan?

Dr. Wilder, he--he came over
earlier, and he said

that you were gonna
find a way to help us.

No, Zack.

Hey, Zack. Okay, okay.

(Continues screaming)
Zack, come here.

Okay. No one's gonna hurt you,
but you have to take it easy.

I got you.
Please give him the marijuana.
It worked. It helped him.

We'll find another treatment,
No, but that could take weeks
to see results.

I need help now.
We'll get through it.

No, we won't. I won't.
(Zack screams)

Please just give him
the dr*gs.

I'm sorry. I can't do that.


You told me
this skirt worked,

so I know I'm not back here
for any bad news

after my session with that
cute little head shrinker.

Please, no.


Dr. Wallace is concerned

that you told him what
you thought he'd want to hear.

And that makes me crazy?

(Voice breaks)
Then tell me what to do.

Stop pretending
what you're going through

isn't painful and lonely.

(Lazlo bane's "take on me"

I can't do that,

because the one time...

I gave in
and really let myself

think about what my life
has been up to now...

♪ Talking away ♪

So instead i'm...

Faking it till I make it.

♪ I'll say it anyway ♪

And I've almost made it.

You can't fool him, Jane.

I don't want to fool him.

I want him to understand
that the pain...

And the loneliness

are not me.

They're the result
of not being able to be me.

♪ Take on me ♪

Tell him that.

Be honest.

♪ Take me on ♪

♪ I'll be ♪

♪ gone ♪

♪ in a day or two ♪

Hey. I was wondering
where you were.


Yeah, I left work early
so I could, uh, take a run.

That's a long run.
Yeah, I, uh...
Lot to think about.

You're mad.

I'm disappointed.

I was going to tell her.

I was.

Look, there's never gonna be
a right time, Addison.

So either you tell her

Or what?

Are you threatening me?

I'm not...

No, I'm not threatening you.

♪ Take on me ♪

Do you need for us
to be sneaking around?

What--what's that
supposed to--

no, I'm just saying, maybe
you like it all hot and secret

UN-until it blows up.

What, because I had an affair,
then that means that i--

all right, I'm saying,
it's possible...

That cheating...

You know, turns you on.

♪ ...two ♪



I was just--

No, no, stay,

because this conversation
is over.
It's not over.

Okay, I love it here,
and I love both you guys.

So can you not fight?

'Cause it makes it
really awkward for me.



♪ Oh, the things
that you say ♪


♪ Is it life ♪

I'm sorry

that I...

But, Addison...

Either you're ready
to be in this,

really in this...

Or you're not.

♪ You're shying away ♪

I'll tell her.

I will, tomorrow.

♪ Take on ♪

♪ me ♪

(Keys jangle, lock clicks)

♪ Take... ♪

You want one?

Uh, no. I had
a drink with Violet.

Of course you did.

Pete's being an ass.

She needed someone
to talk to.

So naturally,
she thought of you?

Well, yeah.
She had a rough day.

Try telling a patient who waited
her whole life for a surgery

she can't have it.

Sheldon didn't approve
Jane's procedure?

Don't pretend
to care about it now.

Well... that's not fair.

I mean, if you want
to talk about it,

all you gotta do is ask.

Did Violet ask?

Or did you just check in
with her like you always do?

Come on, Charlotte.
We both have friends.

I mean, you have...
You know, Sheldon.

You know Sheldon doesn't want
to be friends anymore,

which would be fine
if I could come home

and know that you'd be here
instead of off with--
okay. You're blowing it
way out of proportion.

No, this...

Would be blowing it
out of proportion.

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ in a day or two ♪

(Door opens)

(Slams door)

♪ Ooh ♪

(Jangles keys)



Oh, Cooper.

No. No.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Charlotte threw a drink
in my face!
(Violet and Pete) Get out.

I'm sorry.
(Pete) Get out!

I'm gone. I'm gone.


(Door closes)

Interrupting our makeup sex?
I Grant you,
that was a little--

It was a little unfortunate.

But he--he's going through
an adjustment period.
No, enough.

Violet, it has got to stop.

I mean, calling
at all hours of the night,

barging in here
whenever he pleases.

I-I'm not asking you
to cut him out. I'm not.

But you gotta set some limits,
and if you don't, I will.

Okay. Well, let's just
get something straight here.

I mean, I-I married you,
but I'm not

just some little wife
you can boss around.

Violet... (Stammers)
Don't get all, like--

don't get all what? Don't get
all "Violet" about this?

He is my best friend.

And you don't get
to order me around

and just expect me
to obey.

I... (Sighs)
You want obedience?

Get a dog.

So tell me
what you want to know?

When you wake up
from this surgery,

what do you think
will be different?

I think...

People will finally see me
the way I see myself.

I'll be able to bond
with women

and flirt with men

instead of feeling
socially homeless.

Maybe one day
I'll even fall in love

and have someone
love me back.

And you think a surgery
can give you all that?

Do you know the expression

"you take yourself
wherever you go"?

I'm not myself,
Dr. Wallace, not yet.

And you think that Dr. King
can help you with that

more than I can?


I knew there was something
between you two.

I just didn't think it was
a competition. (Laughs)

What you've been through
is very painful.

And there's no shame
in that.

But to get past it, to get
comfortable with who you are

and who you want to be, you have
to work through the pain,

not smile through it.

Well, if you're that intent

on making me miserable,
Dr. Wallace,

we can talk about the day

my father kicked me out
of the house

after he caught me trying on
my mother's bra...

Or the first time I went home
with a man and got beaten up

after he found out
what I thought he already knew.

We can talk about
the jobs I haven't gotten

or the friends I've lost.

Just... tell me
what you want to hear.

All of it.

(Voice breaking) You're not
gonna let me have the surgery,

are you?

Not yet.

(Inhales deeply)


Hey, I got your text.

Yeah, um... so I spent
an hour yesterday

wrestling Zack
to the ground.
Oh, is he okay?

Well, pot or no pot, his
emotions are all over the place.

I gave him a sedative
to calm him down

so Sydney could take him home.

But while I am trying to find
a long-term solution,

you're promising her
a quick fix.

Uh, no. What I said was, you
would find a way to help Zack.

Pardon me

for having some confidence
in your medical abilities.
Stop meddling.

Stop barging in.


Give me your key
to the house, Cooper.

(Laughs) Forget it.
Violet gave it to me.

She's the only one
who can ask for it back.

(Laughs) Oh, for god sake.
Would you grow up, Cooper?
Believe me, I'll be sure
to knock next time.

The image of your ass

is permanently
burned into my retinas.

And I'll grow the hell up
when you do.
No. Uh, you grow up first,
and then I will grow up.

No, you grow up first.
No, you grow up first.

Just grow up.
If you grow up,
I'll grow up.

No, grow up first...

I don't know whether
to give them boxing gloves

or a time-out.
Well, I know that Pete
can take a punch.

Well, lately he can't take
anything coming from Cooper.

Yeah, I heard about
the ass incident.
It was not a big deal.

Well, it wasn't your ass.
He cannot tell me
what to do.

My parents did that
to each other, and i--

I hated it.

He's the man you love.
He's asking you to do something

that's very important to him.

That's the thing
about relationships--

even if it's not your ass,
you still have to care.

You either have something
against Jane

or something against me,
because that woman

is damned if she does and damned
if she doesn't with you.
I want to help her.

Then sign off
on me doing the surgery.
You can give her
what she wants, yes,

but not what she needs.
I can change her life

in a way no amount
of jawboning ever will.

You really think so?

A few flicks of a scalpel,
reroute a little plumbing,

and all of the insecurity
and self-loathing

that built up over her whole
lifetime just--just disappears?

At least it's a start.

Why are you
so invested in Jane?

I grew up with a daddy
who told me how sweet I was,

taking care of two little
brothers who still depend on me.

And I became a doctor

because I couldn't imagine
anything better than a job

where, every day,
you got to help people.


But somehow along the way,

I developed a reputation
as being cold and unemotional,

and now I'm the bitch.


you gonna tell me
it's not the case?


I'm not asking you
to cry for me, Sheldon.

I'm just asking you to help me
spare someone more pain.

Jane's had way more
than her share in this life.


You keep showing off
your humanity like that...

We might actually
become friends again.

(Cooper) What happened?
(Zack screaming)

He started again.
He flew into a rage.

He started himself
and hitting me.
Did you give him
anything, Sydney?

I just--
I couldn't handle it anymore.
What'd you give him?

I bought some weed
off the street.
Tox screen positive
for phencyclidine.

What's happening?
What's happening?
The marijuana you gave him
was laced with p.C.P.

(Man) B.P.'S 180 over 120.
He's in hypertensive crisis.

Give him 5 of lorazepam
and start him on a nipride drip.

It looked the same as the stuff
that I got from Dr. Wilder.


Does it look the same now?

(Continues screaming)


Dr. King.

I wanted to thank you

for trying so hard
to get me what I wanted.

Well, isn't that
still what you want?

More than anything.

Then I hope you'll continue
to work with Dr. Wallace.

I know, and I-I understand.
I have work to do.

Will you call me
and let me know how it's going?

Of course.

Because we're just pushing off
our date in the operating room.



It's gonna be okay.

One way or another.

(Man) ♪ I could come across ♪

♪ as easy ♪

♪ I'm sure ♪

♪ oh, but every time ♪

♪ you leave me ♪

♪ I want more ♪

How is he?

Uh, stable.

What the hell
was she thinking?

I don't know.

She almost k*lled him.

♪ ...bring your love ♪

Look, I know this is
on me, too.

I prescribed her the pot
in the first place.

You didn't know
this would happen.

Damn it.


♪ Oh, 'cause there is
no one else ♪

this thing with Violet--

uh, in the future,
I will call first...

Or not call as much,



(Monitor beeps rhythmically)

♪ Bring your love ♪

(Footsteps approach)



Do you remember these?


These are the plans
we had drawn up

for the fourth floor


Back when we thought
we were gonna be so successful

that we needed more space.

Things didn't exactly

turn out the way we planned,
did they?

♪ Pass me by ♪

Well, things aren't bad.

They're just, uh...

They're just different.


♪ I could come across ♪

Why are you here?


I came to see
how you were doing.



Yeah, i'm--I'm fine.

I'm good.

You're sweet. (Laughs)

I'm glad
we're still friends.


Me, too.

♪ ...your love ♪

♪ to me ♪



You okay?

I just got off the phone
with Jane. Something's wrong.

♪ Oh ♪

Hey. I saw a piece
in the "times"

about this new Sushi restaurant
in the Marina.

I thought we could
try it tonight.
Tonight is no good.

you already have plans?

No, you do.
You're flying to Seattle.

Look, stop trying
to fix this, Addison.

You're not my mother.

Of course not.
I'm far too young and pretty.

Derek chose to cut me
out of his life.

And I think that you should
try again anyway.

Look... it's up to you.

Get on the flight, don't get
on the flight, whichever.

But either way,
you can't sit around here

drinking Tequila
and making excuses.

♪ But every time ♪


I'll go, but you might want
to consider

practicing what you preach.

What's that supposed to mean?

Did you tell Naomi yet?

♪ me ♪

No more excuses.

♪ Bring your love ♪

♪ to me ♪

♪ baby, bring your love ♪

♪ to me ♪

Oh, my god!

(Charlotte) Call 9-1-1!

Oh, what did you do?

Ch-check her wrists.
No lacerations.

There's so much blood.

Oh, Sheldon.

She cut it off.

♪ Bring your love ♪

(Police radio chatter)

(Knock on door)
(Cooper) Sydney,

this is officer Clark.

You need to go with him.

You turned me in?

(Pete) I did.

But I thought... I was
just trying to help Zack.

You bought dr*gs of the street
and gave them to your son.

Do you have any idea
how dangerous that is?
What was I supposed to do?

You're gonna need
to come with me, ma'am.
No, wait.

W--just--what about Zack?
Who's gonna take care of him?

Until a judge can assess
your competence as a parent,

he's gonna be placed
with d.C.F.S.

They can accommodate
special needs kids.
No, I'm not leaving him.

Get your damn hands off me!
Stop resisting.

Stop it! What is this?
Is this what you want?

You want to tear me away
from my son?
No, Sydney, you did that
all on your own.

No, I wouldn't--
no, no, no, no.

I'm his mother!
I'm his mother!

I'm his mother!

(Monitor beeping rhythmically)

I'll stay here
till Zack wakes up,

try to explain
what's going on.

You don't
have to hang around.

(Beeping continues)

(Monitor beeping rhythmically)


I'm sorry.

(Beeping continues)

You can still feel better.

Even after all this?
Would you...

I'd be happy to.

(Lowered voice) Careful.

Now your humanity's showing.

Mine was never in doubt.

(Knock on door)

(Lock clicks)

Do you want to come in?

Not really.

(Clears throat)



We need to talk.

No, we don't.

I realize

Pete may have already
changed the locks, but...

Thank you.
I was gonna ask for this.


So Tuesdays and sundays.

Tuesdays and sundays?

Tuesdays and sundays--

those are the nights that
we can watch TV together.

And you can call in the morning
or in the evening,

but maybe not both
on the same day.

I can't get Thursdays?


Thursdays are for Pete...

And for Charlotte.

Charlotte, yeah.

But if they're ever out of town
at the same time...

All bets are off.

(Peasant's "hard times" playing)

(Lock clicks)

(Jangles keys)

♪ Hard times ♪

♪ aren't good times ♪

(Clears throat)

(Drops keys)

♪ But we'll still try ♪

♪ to see them through ♪

♪ and your eyes ♪


♪ Wouldn't meet mine ♪

♪ if we both don't ♪

♪ even try ♪

I was wrong.

♪ Tell me once again ♪

♪ how we shouldn't even care ♪

♪ 'cause I'm just making sure ♪

♪ that there's
nothing really there ♪

♪ you and I once fought ♪

♪ on the same side ♪

♪ of a w*r ♪

(Clicking keyboard keys)

Hey. Uh...

So I've been thinking--

♪ that much more ♪

♪ oh, we just never thought ♪

♪ we just never thought ♪

♪ we just never realized ♪

♪ there wasn't enough time ♪

Wow. What was that for?

♪ My friends ♪


♪ Don't be lost now ♪


♪ 'Cause we're not done yet ♪

♪ not even close ♪

Oh. Hey.

(Laughs) I was just
getting ready to call you.

♪ Every reason ♪

Nai, Sam and I
are together.

♪ To keep our heads up ♪

It's been going on...

For a while now,
and I thought--

w-we thought that
it was time that you knew.

♪ Keeps on movin' ♪

♪ and you better get in line ♪

I didn't mean
for this to happen.

You have to believe me.

Nai, I tried not to fall
for him, but he's...

Well, he's Sam, and I just...

Oh, Nai, I'm so sorry.
I never meant to hurt you.

(Crying) It's not you.
It--it's--it's just--it's,

uh, it's--i just lost William,
you know?

And I-I loved him,
and, um...


♪ those eyes ♪

♪ we just never thought ♪

I'm sorry.
I just hadn't, uh...

I just didn't...

I'm sorry.

What can I do?


♪ There wasn't enough time ♪

Uh, I just--
I just want you and Sam

to back me with this merger,


And you can't ever
talk to me about Sam...

Not ever.


