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04x01 - Take Two

Posted: 10/17/22 00:05
by bunniefuu
I'm getting married.
To whom?

To Charlotte.
You are not marrying her.

If anything
ever happened to me...

What are you even doing here?
You don't have a job,

because you don't want
to talk to your brother,

yet you're giving me advice
on my life?

Deal with your own mess
before you get into mine.

Maya's in labor.
Oh, she's in labor.

Naomi, something has happened
to Maya.

Maya's fine. She's out now,
but she's doing great.

You have a beautiful baby girl.

She's ready...

For you.

She loves you and you love her.

♪ And I want ♪

♪ and you got it ♪

♪ so much ♪

♪ I'm crazy for ♪

♪ your touch ♪

Oh, Charlotte,
I forgot to tell you,

a spring wedding... no go.

My mother reminded me...
allergies. It'll be a conversation.

♪ Your touch ♪

Oh! Pete, we're
gonna wake the baby.

He's a heavy sleeper.
He's not deaf.

As long as we're talking
about your mother,

tell her my pastor
wants to talk to her rabbi

before he agrees to stand
under that circus tent.

It's called a chuppah.

Wait. You were serious about
having your pastor there?



"Ow" bad?
"Ow" good.

So are we, uh...

Done? Oh, yeah.

Are you...

are you...
so good.

We should get ready.

We should get married.


You look tired.


Well, I'm flying back and forth
to see William,

fife quit, and your grandchild

doesn't exactly like to sleep at night,
so... I told you they could stay with me.

Well, Maya's on bed rest,
and she wants to be

in her own bed in her own room.

It's fine. I'm just gonna be tired for a while.
Why don't we get Dink to come over and help out?

Okay, yeah. If I need
my guitar restrung,

I'll be sure and call Dink, but Olivia...
Olivia is his daughter. Maya is his wife.

And it's about time they start
depending on him and not you.

I am not ready for that.
Neither is he, so...

Nai, Dink is...
Dink is a boy.

And this is man's work.



Okay, do not even think...

About smoking this.

One quick one before we g...
since when did you start smoking?

Since Derek took a b*llet
to the chest. Amelia...

No, I am not going to Seattle.
He won't even return my calls.

He does not want to see me.
You're afraid.

Uh, you passed
on a relationship with Sam,

who is basically perfect,
because you were afraid.

I mean, you guys
don't even speak anymore,

so you can save the
therapy talk. Give.


I don't know about the stone.

Gray seemed... elegant.
Is it too dull?

Because I can get them
to do another one.

It's nice.
It is.

You did a great job.
Dell would've liked it.

Yeah, Dell would've liked
that we're all here together

for the unveiling. I can't believe
we're here, we're doing this.

I can't believe Dell is dead.
I know.

Dell is dead. What the hell
is going on with the world?

I was just thinking
the same thing

about William this past week.

I mean, he's dying. How could it
be that William is dying?

How could it be that Maya
got hit by a drunk driver?

My child?

Yeah, well, my brother got shot
by a crazed gunman.

I mean,
the world's a crappy place.

It's a beautiful headstone,

It's beautiful.

Pete and I are getting married.

I know. Maybe I shouldn't
have said anything yet.


I- I thought we could use
some happy news.

You guys..


It just happened
this morning.

Pete suggested it,
and, uh, it seemed right,

so we decided to go for it.

Say something.

Speak words.

Okay, just hold...Yeah,
give... give me a... I need a...

Okay, look. Friend Cooper
wants to give you a big hug.

But objective Cooper...

Think this might be
a little too fast.

Friend Cooper first.


I am so happy for you.
Thank you.

And tell objective Cooper
that it's not like

I need a big floofy white dress
or a wedding march.

All I need is Pete
and the people I love around me,

and I can have that now.
When you say "now," you mean...

this weekend.
Are you serious?

There's no reason to wait.
There are many reasons to wait.

Name one. Well, I mean,
your... your parents

aren't just gonna hop on a plane. That's
random, and I said "people I love."

Okay, how about the fact
that a couple of months ago,

you two were at each other's throats
in a courtroom? We're past that.

How far past?
Far enough.

And tell objective Cooper

that if he keeps annoying me
about this,

I'm not gonna ask friend Cooper
to be my maid of honor.

Take deep breaths, Ryan.

It's difficult.

6 liters of o-2 and hang
dopamine. What's happening to me?

You've developed
a cardiomyopathy

secondary to the dialysis.
You're in heart failure.

These meds should stabilize you
right away.

And my kidneys?
Completely shut down.

Dr. Bennett
already put your name

on the transplant waiting list.

Yeah? I'll be long dead
before some moron

crashes his motorcycle into
a tree, and I get his kidney.

Remember our talk about being
more positive? Screw positive.

I'm an impossible match
with the antibodies from

my previous blood transfusion,
and you know it.

You'd have a better chance with
a kidney from a family member.

I'm not calling him.

A kidney from your brother

would decrease the chance
of rejection by 90%.

I got a better idea.

Save your speech. Dr. Bennett
already told me you tried

to buy your way to the top of
the transplant list last week.

Well, I offered him a new
M.R.I. for the hospital.

And for you?

How about a new sports car?

Where's your sense of humor,
Dr. King?

I see nothing funny
in you dying.

Call your brother

and tell him you need his kidney
to save your life.

All right.

I'll call him.

So... we want it to be
our embryo

carried by a surrogate.

Given Kendra's history with
lupus, that's a good option.

There are a few potential issues.
We've used a surrogate before.

Oh. Uh, it... it says here
that you have no children.

We lost our son.

Oh, I'm sorry.

His name was Max,
and he was 5 months old.

He had just started to sit up.

He would smile

when either one of us
would come into the room.

But just us,
which made us feel like...

And then he was gone.

Please, Dr. Bennett...

Help us.

You want to hear something
incredibly sad? Who says yes to that?

I'm gonna tell you anyway.
This couple I just saw

lost their baby
at 5 months old.

Oh. And they're desperate
to have another one,

and his sperm count is fine,
and given her age

and her ovarian reserve,
I mean...

"Kendra Walker"?

Is her husband named Dave?

Yeah. You know them?

Yeah. I was in the E.R.
when their baby came in.

The father left him in the car,

and he suffocated to death.

Good. Mr. Mason, you're here.

Given the severity
of your brother's condition,

we need to do the transplant as
quickly as possible. Dr. King...

we just need a basic workup,

and we could have you under the
knife in the next 24 hours. Dr. King.

I understand this must be
a lot to take in,

but if you have any questions,

we'd be happy
to talk about them.

What do these tubes do?

The big ones carry the blood
to be filtered,

and the small ones
carry the cardiac meds.

Kevin, do you know
why you're here today?

Yeah, my big brother
needs my help.

Right, Ryan?

That's right, buddy.

Yay. I get to help.

Hey, he's a little slow,
but he's all right.

He can dress himself.
He goes to the store.

He has friends.
Where does he live?

In a kind of, uh,
group home or something.

But you're not sure.
Look, I pay for it.

You know, he's happy

living with other people
just like him, okay?

I don't see him that often.
Well, given his mental state,

I can understand
why you had qualms

asking him to donate a kidney.

I had qualms calling him
because Kevin is needy.

You have to explain everything
a thousand times.

He gets so emotional.
It's just...

It's exhausting.

Now you'll be just sweet enough

that he'll agree to give you a kidney. Well,
that's what you told me to do, Dr. King.

And the truth is,
I won't have to be that sweet.

Kevin idolizes me.

He'll do anything for me.

Dr. Bennett wanted us to talk.

To make sure we're ready
to have another baby.

We get it.

Well, we'd also
like to understand

why you didn't say anything
about how your son died

when you first came in.

People look at you different

when they know.

They judge.

But we're good parents,
and we'd like to be again.

I have no doubt
you could be good parents.

What I'd like to understand
is how you grieved his death.

How we...

How? Uh...

I don't know how.

There is no how.

Like there's a way to grieve.

There's no way. You just...

Kendra took Max to daycare...

Every day.

That morning, she wasn't
feeling well. She had the flu.

So she asked... me
to take Max.

When I get behind the wheel
in the morning,

I always do the same thing...

briefcase on the seat,
coffee in the cup holder,

turn on public radio.

Later, I learned there's
a thing called autopilot.

You do something enough,

you don't even
think about it anymore.

You don't even
notice it anymore.

And that's what I did.

I went into autopilot.

One minute I was
turning on public radio...

And the next,
I was in my office.

The car seat...

They make 'em
so they face backward...

And he was sleeping.

I didn't hear him,
couldn't see him.

I was sitting at my computer,
late for a staff meeting.

It was lunchtime.

And then my...

Screensaver popped up.

Max's face is my screensaver.

And I just... ran.

I ran to the car.

But... it was summer.

It was hot, and...

Kendra, can you tell me
what this has been like for you?

You're asking me
if I hate my husband?


I don't.


Numb or something.

But you've stayed
with your husband,

and you want to have
another child.

Either I try
to start over or...

Or what?

I... don't know.

He has no idea what
his brother's asking him to do,

what it means
to undergo a surgery,

and then the risk
of having only one kidney

with a family history of nephrotic disease.
If Kevin's I.Q. Were 20 points higher,

we wouldn't even
be having this conversation.

We'd be praising him

for putting his family first
and doing the right thing.


I'm not in love with this idea,

but intelligence
has nothing to do with love.

And I think
Kevin understands that.

I think Kevin loves his brother
and feels a responsibility

to help him.
Is it love?

Or is Kevin just so starved
for his brother's attention

after being dumped
into some group home

the minute their parents died
that he'd do anything for him?

Ryan's an ass, Sam.

Maybe, but does that mean he
doesn't have the right to live?


Are you all right?

Hey. Yeah, I'm... fine.

I didn't know how you felt
about Violet and me.

You looked upset,
so I th... I thought...

dead babies.
That's why I look...

Uh, congratulations.

Look, I know how much you wanted
things to work out with Sam.

And I was hoping
they would, too,

especially given me and Violet.

It would've been... nice.

Would've been nice.

If you ever want to talk...

talking to you

about what happened
between me and Sam?

I'd rather
think about dead babies.

But... thank you.

Okay. I don't want this
to sound patronizing,

but you are gonna find
someone great.

You will.

I got your message,
Dr. Bennett.

You said you wanted to see me.

Have a seat, Dink.


What the hell you doing?

Uh, I'm not sure
I understand...

you have a wife and a child,
and you're never around.

Now I understand
it can be difficult

once the excitement
of the birth wears off,

but hey, man, this is... this is
when the real work starts.

I'm not afraid of hard work.
Well, then why aren't you there?

Whenever you're a no-show
for your new family,

Naomi ends up
calling me for help,

and I'm happy to do it,

but quite frankly, I'm getting
tired of covering for you.

Yeah, it's just...

It's just what?

I gotta go.

Yes, the father carries around
almost unbearable guilt,

and, yes, the mother
has compensated

by essentially shutting down emotionally. But
you still think that they should be parents again?

Well, they're struggling to
accept a major tragedy,

but I-I don't think they're
unrealistic about what happened.

They've grieved.
It's been two years, okay?

I'm just not sure what
the marginal benefit would be

to making them wait
to start their lives again.

Stop trying to justify this
to me, okay?

It's your practice, your patients.
They need your help, Addison.

The surrogate has significant
scarring of her uterus

secondary to instrumentation
after a postpartum hemorrhage.

No. I'm not getting involved.
You're the only doctor

in this half of the country
who can help them.

They'll never find
another surrogate.

They'll never be allowed to adopt. How
much do they need to suffer, Addison?

And I'm not baiting you.
I'm really asking.

I'm not sure if that husband
or that wife are ever

gonna be able to heal completely
until they get another chance,

and even then,
there are no guarantees.

But I think they deserve
a shot.

Dr. Bennett said that my kidney
is the right one for Ryan.

How good's the match?
6 out of 6 alleles.

Have a seat, Kevin.

I want to help Ryan.

It's not that simple.

If you get sick the same way
Ryan is, it'll be a problem.

Then Ryan will help me.

I mean, he'll give me
his kidney.

It doesn't work like that.

Ryan can't give you his
kidney. But he would.

I mean, he would do it for me
like I would do it for him.

Brothers help each other.

Right, Dr. Bennett?


They do.

I understand how much
you want to help your brother.

But when was the last time
he did anything for you?

Well, he's really busy.

He's got a job, and I don't.

It's okay
that you don't have a job.

Maybe my job is to help Ryan?

Does the maid of honor
usually make a toast?

Usually right after he helps
bustle the bride's dress.

Hey, you know what?
You can think it's lame,

but it's a big deal.
It's... it's a weird big deal.

She's taking advantage of you.

She's not taking... we have
that kind of relationship.

It's... special.

What's Violet do for you?

She knows me
and why I do what I do.

I can talk to Violet
about anything,

and after I do, I know we're gonna be
okay. Well, I'm glad to hear you and Violet

have this thing together
that makes you so damn happy.

Call me crazy, but I figured
you just decided

you wanted to marry me because I was that person.
We're... we're in the middle of an argument.

Where are you going? I'm
getting ready to help yank the kidney

out of a mentally Ret*rded guy
who doesn't know any better.

I'm a humanitarian.
Didn't you know that?

What are you doing?

I... came up for breakfast.

Did it belong to someone else?

Because you look guilty.

I'm avoiding someone.
Uh, what are you doing here?

I got bored
hanging around Addison's.

I was kind of hoping a patient
would stroke out

or bang their skull
against something

so I'd have a chance to cut open their
head. If it were anyone but you saying that,

I'd be recommending therapy.
So who you hiding from?

Oh, because she picked Cooper?

I'm mad, which is...
Comply reasonable.

Don't you think?

You're the shrink.

We're notoriously bad
at self-analysis,

but every time I see Charlotte,
I wanna... punch a puppy.

She screwed you, Sheldon.

She ditched you for another man. You
don't have to let it go. Well, I-I just...

why hide your feelings?
You work here.

Walk around
with your head held high

and say to hell with Charlotte King.

I'm not a bad guy, Dr. King.

I just...

You know, I spent my whole life

watching my parents
so focused on Kevin.

It was always about him.

I just had... me.

I'm sure
it must have been difficult.

When they died,

I was in the middle
of building a business,

of building a life for myself.

I couldn't take care of him
the way he needs.

We both would've been
worse off.

After a while, I had my life,

he had his.

Think about what he's doing
for you now.

Let's get him prepped.

Or a little hoochie?

It's a little hoochie.

Then there's this one,
which is, um...

Very, very beautiful,

but do you think
I can carry off

a bow at the bust?

Cooper? I can't do
wedding stuff right now.

Okay. Well, I have to put on

one of the dresses
in the next 24 hours,

so when exactly do you want to do
it? Why do I have to do it at all?

Am I... am I talking to,

uh, objective Cooper or friend
Cooper right now?

Friend Cooper would say,
skip the bow.

Objective Cooper would say,

skip the wedding.

Wow. You can't get these guys
on the same page, huh?

I'm working on it.

H- how well do you think
you know Pete?

Um... well, let's see.

We, uh...

We conceived a child together,

and then went through a... okay.
Were you surprised when he proposed?


But it was good surprise.

This time.

Are you really
that worried about me?

And us.

Even after you and pet
get married,

I still want us to be us.

Well, that will never change,


Hey, Addie.
Have you got a second?

Yeah. Walk with me.
Hi, Sam.

Hey, Amelia.

Hello, Addison.


Okay, well, I gotta get back
to the hospital, so...

What exactly went on
between the two of you?

Because that mojo is bad.

You wanted something, Amelia?

Yes. I tried calling Derek.

I called and e-mailed.

He's ignoring me,
so the only way

I can find out how he's doing
is to call my mother,

who lectures me on how
I should call my brother,

which means
I have to get off the phone

before I find out how he's
doing. He's doing fine.

Wait, you've heard from him?

Yes, Amelia. I...

well, that kinda says it all,
doesn't it?

How did it go?


Your new kidney
started working right away.

You're gonna be a bit sore,

but we'll have you
on your feet in no time.

Wh... oh.
What about Kevin? Is he okay?

Well, why don't you
ask him yourself?

Hey. Did it work?
Did I help?

Yeah. It worked.

You saved me, buddy.

I'm never gonna forget it.

I knew I could, Ryan.

I knew it.

It's gonna be different now.
I'm gonna be different.

I'm happy to hear it.

How bad is the scarring?

There's one thing
you can do, right?

Sharon really wants to be our
surrogate. Mr. and Mrs. Walker,

would you mind giving me
a moment alone with Sharon?

You can't fix me, can you?

I'd have to do a hysteroscopy
and resect the scar,

but, yes, I can.

That's... that's great.

But there are risks... bleeding,
a perforation, further injury.

And unless you're intent
on having another child,

there's no reason that you
should take those risks.

I really want to have
a baby for the walkers.

Are you especially close
to them?

We just met.

So are you doing it
for the money? No.

Then may I ask

why you're so interested
in helping them?

Because I know
what they're going through.

I lost a child, too,

the same way.

It's a horror show.

That maybe we could make
a little less horrific.

Why are you so intent on helping these people?
Because I have to believe in starting over.

There's always a possibility.

Look, Addison,
it is a crappy world...

Amelia said that...
but I can't live with that.

With Dell and... and Maya
and William and Derek...

there has to be
a flip side to crappy.

Why won't you help them?

Naomi, could we have
a minute, please?

I was there, Sheldon,
that day in the E.R.

It was unbearable.

The father was destroyed,
the mother lost everything...

her baby and her faith
in her husband.

I mean, how can they
possibly move past that?

And they're both coming from
these terrible places,

moving as fast as they can,

trying to leave
the past behind them

by making this huge commitment,

I was wondering why you were so emotional
about this. Well, I just told you.

No, Addison, I've spent enough
time in the elevator with you

to know that this about more than must
the walkers. No, don't shrink me, Sheldon.

It doesn't require
a lot of shrinking.

People coming from bad places,
jumping into something fast.

N- no, no.

Pete chose Violet,
you chose Sam,

which I realize
that I encouraged.

In any event,
Pete and Violet worked out,

you and Sam didn't.
Now they're getting married,

and... and you're the one
that's in a bad place.

I'm fine.

You will be. But the walkers?
They're fine right now.

Give them a chance, Addison.

I'm good at my job.

Well, I was gonna ask
how everyone's feeling,

but I think the better
question is, who's winning?

We're not exactly there yet.
Ryan's teaching me how to play.

Like this?

Another one?

King me.

You heard the man. King him. Once
we get all better, Ryan and me,

we're gonna play together all the time. You
two are gonna have a regular checkers date?

Yeah, we're gonna play
all the time at Ryan's house.

It's really big.

Yeah. There's a pool.
Sounds like he has big plans

for your future together. He's
getting a little ahead of himself.

Yeah. He must be crazy

to think you'd put yourself
out for him

after what he did for you.


Dr. King, Ryan...

Said that I could drive
his convertible.

Hold on. I didn't say you could
drive the convertible.

No. I said we would go
driving in the convertible.

No. You... you said that I
could drive the convertible. Aah! Oh!

Kevin, sit down.

Sit down!
Aah! Oh!

What did I do? You're
bleeding into your abdomen.

I need some help in here!
I'm sorry. What did I do?

Get him outta here.
What did I do?

Take him back to his room. Go. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What happened?

What did I do? What did I do?

What did I do?!

So I talked to the flower lady,

and, uh, I have to leave a message for
the cake people. I did that last night.

Oh. I'm gonna have to get a mani-pedi later.
I'm gonna have a drink with Sam tonight

and just show up tomorrow.

I guess we have to figure out
what we're doing with Lucas.


Does it ever occur to you

that we're
doing everything backwards?

Baby first, wedding second.
Yeah. I mean, technically,

I've never actually been on a date
with you. I'll take you on a date

if I can make out with you in my car after.
No, I'm serious. You're supposed to date first,

and then that's how you get to
know someone. We know each other.

So you're not worried about
spending forever with me?

Not really. 'Cause we're
just kinda jumping into this.

Look, you can never know
everything about someone,

but about me?

You know enough.


It's gonna be great.

Over here!

Dink. School's over.

W come you're not home
with Maya and Olivia?

We're kind of in the middle of a game
here, bro. Your game's kinda over, bro.


Get lost.

You better get out my face.

Ready. Okay.

Mrs. Bennett is different than
you. She doesn't want me around.

So what? What? Yeah, so
she's always in my face

telling me
I'm doing things wrong.

Then she just tells me
to go home.

All right. Let's play.

It's not that I don't want
to see Maya and Olivia. I do.

I think about them
all the time.

♪ mama, mama, mama ♪

Your ex wife... she's scary.

Well, you think you have to
tell me that?

I love Maya and Olivia.

Sure you do.

Play ball. That's a foul. Come on.

♪ Ooh ♪
♪ he don't always act right ♪

♪ doo, doo, do-do-doo ♪

What was that?

♪ Don't you know... ♪

Get up.

♪ He treats me right ♪
♪ doo, doo, do-do-doo ♪

♪ now loving him ♪

♪ could be so easy ♪

♪ but mama don't like my man ♪


♪ No, she don't like my man ♪

What happened there?

I don't like
being pushed around.

You pushed back.

Get it?

♪ No, she don't like my man ♪


I'm leaving.

Yeah? Where to?

Somewhere nobody knows me,

where I haven't already
screwed things up...

Where you can drink
in the morning

and not feel guilty about it.

Well, when you find
a place like that, tell me.

That would defeat the purpose.

Well, no matter
where you end up,

you should start in Seattle.

we have been through this.

Derek doesn't want to see me.

Go. Do it.
And don't look back.

I can't. Why not? What's the
worst that's gonna happen?

He'll hate me.
He already hates you.

I'm gonna start in Seattle.

What happened?

The kidney hemorrhaged
into your abdomen.

How bad is that?

Well, your body
rejected the kidney.

So what do we do?


That's it?

I'm gonna die?

We can
keep you comfortable here,

but, um... yes.

What the hell
am I supposed to do now?

Tell Kevin.

Try to help him understand
what's happening,

that it's not his fault.


I don't know.
What do you think?

Should we marry daddy?

Thank you.


I know
what you must think of us.

I am... I am terribly sorry
for your loss.

I don't know
if you remember me, but...

you were the one who tried to
save Max that day. I remember.

I couldn't look at him...

My husband...

For the longest time.

And then
I couldn't look at myself.

So then why

would you want to have
another child together?

Because he's the only one

who understands
how desperate I am

and what it feels like
have the world look at you

like... like you're damaged,

maybe beyond repair.

But that's not
how you see yourself.

♪ and I'm just standing here ♪

I know I'm not
the same person I was...

a person
o decorated the nursery

four months before she was due,

or bought baby clothes
in bigger sizes to put away,

or looked forward
to the future.

That me is gone.

But if we had a chance
to have another child...

♪ Waiting ♪

I can start over.

♪ For love to intervene ♪

And I'm scared.

I'll always be scared,
but... but I promise you,

we will love that baby

and we will protect that baby

and never, ever
let anything happen.


I have...

I have all this love to give
and nowhere to put it.


Please just say you believe
in second chances.

♪ Or wasn't this to be? ♪

♪ if I let go ♪

I didn't mean it.

I would never do anything
to hurt Ryan.

What happened
was not your fault.

I touched him, and he got sick.

There's something wrong
inside of Ryan,

part of him
that's not working right.

But then I gave him my kidney,
and it fixed him.

the operations that we do...

Don't make people better.

♪ Save me ♪

♪ 'cause I don't want... ♪

I want to go home, Ryan,

with you.

I can't go home, buddy.

W... no, I mean
once you get better.

I'm not gonna get better.

I'm gonna die.

♪ I'm waiting ♪

You're not old.

You're gonna be fine, Kevin.

♪ For love to intervene ♪

You're gonna go back
to your old life...


Back to your home

and your friends.

I love you, Kevin.

And I appreciate what...

What you did for me.

♪ For love to intervene ♪

Really? You do?
I do.

And when I see mom and dad
up in heaven,

I'm gonna tell 'em
what you did for me.

They're gonna be
so proud of you.

♪ Another train ♪

♪ has left the station ♪

Hi, Bennett.

Aren't you supposed to be
going to a wedding?

Uh, well, yeah. What, did you
think I wasn't gonna be home?

No. Actually, I was hoping
to catch you.

Maya said you were only going
for the ceremony,

but I'm here to tell you to go
for the entire thing, have fun.

Thank you, Dink, but, uh...

no, really, Dr. Bennett.

Uh, I've got it covered.

Maya is my wife,
and Olivia is my baby.


Really, Dr. Bennett,
you should go get dressed.

Nice job.



Is this weird for you at all,

'cause of Violet?


I'm fine with it.

It's weird for me.

Cooper was probably back there
with Violet just now

having some tearful

What? You really think I
should be feeling sorry for you?

You got engaged to another guy
while we were on a date.

And now you're expecting
that we can be friends,

that I can be your confidant
about Cooper and Violet.

No, no. It's not...
It's not happening,

so just...
Find another friend.


I'm gonna help the walkers.

Hey. What's going on?

I'm freaking out.
That's what's going on.

All right. Let's go.

We'll get in the car.
We'll drive.

We don't have to stop till
you say. We can go anywhere.

We... we... we can't do that,

That's not what grown-ups do.

Is Pete who you want?

It j... it just all happened
really fast, you know?

And it... and it's not about
a dress or a ring or a party.

It's forever. At least...
at least it's supposed to be.

And... and you were right.
How do you know?

How do you know how you're gonna
feel about someone for forever?

I was...

could you give us a minute?
Yeah, of course.

♪ Is that the thanks I get ♪

♪ for loving you? ♪

♪ you say you wanna know ♪

♪ where I go when I go ♪

♪ you say
you wanna communicate ♪

♪ but you don't hear
a word I say ♪

♪ is that the thanks I get ♪

♪ for loving you? ♪

♪ now I'm Ted of the looks
you give me ♪

Maybe we should...

♪ And I'm getting tired
of how you forget ♪

go talk to the guests?

Anything else you need to do
for your special friend tonight,

or are you off the clock?

You're an idiot.

I love you,
but... idiot all the time.

I mean, how can you be jealous
of me and Violet?

She's... we're... you...

She's Violet. I'm not
jealous of you and Violet.

I'm jealous of me and you.

You're all up
in Violet's wedding,

and you and I can't even agree
on pastor versus rabbi.

Okay. Pastor and rabbi.

♪ Now faith and trust ♪


There's a storage shed
near the back.

I've never done it
in a room

that smells of compost.

Well, there's a first time
for everything.

♪ Oh, we can make it better ♪

♪ let's put ourselves together ♪


Can I get you a drink?

Why don't I
get us both some coffee?

No. Screw it, Sam.

We're single guys at a wedding.

The only way to make it through
is to drink... a lot.

The cake is not bad.
We got it at Ralph's.

Scotch rocks.


Really am... happy
for you and Violet.


♪ I don't ever
wanna fight again ♪

Something wrong?

It's just...

I've never been
any good at marriage.

♪...In love ♪

♪ oh, we can make it better ♪

♪ we can make it better ♪

♪ oh, we can make it better ♪

♪ oh, we can make it better ♪

♪ oh, we can make it better ♪

You think
they're gonna make it...

Violet and Pete?

♪ Make it better ♪

Do you think the second time
around, people do it better?

I hope so.

♪ We can make it better,
let's put ourselves together ♪

♪ and start it again ♪