02x09 - Queen of Hearts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Once Upon A Time". Aired October 2011 - May 2018.*
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A woman with a troubled past is drawn to a New England town where fairy tales are to be believed.
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02x09 - Queen of Hearts

Post by bunniefuu »

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(Hook, wearing a cloak to disguise himself, walks up the stairs leading to a tower in the Evil Queen’s castle. Along the way, he encounters a guard on the stairs.)

Guard: Halt.

Hook: Food for the prisoner.

Guard: It’s not mealtime. Who are you? Identify yourself, sl*ve!

(Hook easily defeats the guard in a fight.)

Hook: sl*ve? I prefer Captain.

(He takes the keys from the dead guard and continues his way upwards. At the top, he enters a room, where Belle is being held c*ptive.)

Hook: Hi… You must be Belle.

Belle: The Queen sent you, didn’t she? She wants you to k*ll me.

Hook: I’m not here to k*ll you, love. I’m here to rescue you.

(Hook begins to unlock her shackles.)

Belle: Rescue me? Who are you?

Hook: A friend. We haven’t much time. Your father’s life is in danger. He’s being att*cked by the very same monster who stole you away from your family in the first place.

Belle: What, Rumpelstiltskin?

Hook: The Dark One – he must be stopped. You spent more time with him than anyone. There are rumours of a magical w*apon that has the power to k*ll him.

Belle: No, no, no, no. Let… Let me talk to him. He’s not a monster.

Hook: Belle, your father’s life hangs in the balance. I need to know what that w*apon is, and where to find it.

Belle: I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I have no idea how to… How to k*ll Rumpelstiltskin.

Hook: You don’t?

Belle: No. And… And nor would I.

Hook: Hm. Then, I’m afraid I’m not here to rescue you.

(He backhands Belle, rendering her unconscious.)

Hook: So pretty… Yet, so useless.

(Hook raises his arm, preparing to k*ll her with his hook, but is stopped by the Evil Queen. She enters the room and magically removes his hook.)

Evil Queen: No. Not useless. She’s a valuable chess piece.

Hook: Do I look like I’m playing a game of chess? My hook, if you please.

Evil Queen: No.

Hook: The asking was me being a gentleman.

Evil Queen: Is that any way to address a queen? Even a pirate should have better manners than that. Yes… I know who you are… Captain. I know why you came here from Neverland. And I know all about the crocodile you wish to skin.

Hook: Then you also know, that I’ll stop at nothing.

Evil Queen: So dedicated and resourceful. No one has been able to fight their way past my defenses before. She can’t help you k*ll Rumpelstiltskin, Hook. But I can, if you do something for me. Care to join me for a drink?


(The Evil Queen pours out two drinks and hands one to Hook.)

Evil Queen: Things are about to change in this world. Radically. I have plans to enact a curse that will take everyone to a far-off land.

Hook: How will that help me?

Evil Queen: This new realm? It’s a land without magic. Where the Dark One will be stripped of his powers. There, you won’t need any magical w*apon to k*ll him. You can do it with a mere flick of your wrist.

Hook: Tell me what I have to do.

Evil Queen: There’s one person I don’t want following me to this new land. You’re to see to it that doesn’t happen.

Hook: An assassination. Who is it you want me to dispose of?

Evil Queen: My mother.


(In Mr. Gold’s shop, Regina checks on David, who is still under the sleeping curse.)

Mr. Gold: Any change?

Regina: No. He’s not improving. He needs true love’s kiss. He won’t wake up until Mary Margaret comes back.

Mr. Gold: Until? Well, that’s rather optimistic, isn’t it?

Regina: What are you talking about?

Mr. Gold: They’re up against your mother. The only chance Snow and Emma have of defeating her, is with the squid ink.

Regina: Which is why you sent the message through David.

Mr. Gold: Which would be beneficial, if we knew that message were delivered. But alas, given the Prince’s condition, we don’t know. As such, it’s important we take precautions. We have to consider the possibility that, when that portal opens, it won’t be his family that come through. It’ll be Cora.

Regina: And neither one of us wants that.

Mr. Gold: We have to find where they’re coming through, and destroy that portal.

Regina: But whoever came through would die.

Mr. Gold: Exactly. But, I’m confident between the two of us, we can summon up enough magic to complete the task.

Regina: Well, what if we’re wrong? What if that portal opens up, and it’s not my mother? What if Mary Margaret and Emma do defeat Cora, and go through it?

Mr. Gold: Well, I believe in this world, they call that a win-win.

Regina: How exactly is that?

Mr. Gold: If we stop Cora, you are protected from your mother’s wrath. If, on the other hand, we stop Snow and Emma, well… You become the only mother in your son’s life, now don’t you? Look, magic is unpredictable in this world. If something unfortunate were to happen while you were attempting to help… Henry could hardly blame you for that, could he?

Regina: No. I can’t lie to him. I am trying to be a better mother.

Mr. Gold: You won’t be able to be a better anything if Cora comes through. And if she does, she will be a threat to everyone – including your son. So, if you truly want to be a good mother to Henry – to protect him – if you want to be better, prove it.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Present]–

(Mary Margaret and company arrive at Rumpelstilskin’s cell.)

MMB: Rumpelstiltskin’s cell. I haven’t been here since before Regina’s curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the saviour.

Emma: He knew?

MMB: It was prophesized. Come on.

(Inside, they find the cell completely empty.)

Aurora: The squid ink – it’s not here.

MMB: Gold said we would find it.

(They begin to check the crevices of the walls.)

Mulan: Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?

MMB: No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact.

Emma: How’d he keep from going crazy?

(Aurora finds a piece of paper tucked into the wall.)

Aurora: He didn’t.

MMB: What is it?

Emma: Is that a message?

Aurora: Yes. And I think it’s for you.

(Aurora hands Emma the paper.)

Emma: Why would you think… That.

(On the paper, ‘Emma’ is written over and over again, and nothing else.)


(Henry is reading the ‘Snow White’ story to David from his book. Regina enters.)

Regina: I think this time, it’ll happen the other way around.

Henry: You think so?

Regina: I do. Which is why I need you to stay here and watch David for a little while.

Henry: Where are you going?

Regina: Mr. Gold and I need to prepare for Emma and Mary Margaret’s return. Coming through the portal won’t be easy. We need to make sure everything’s in place.

Henry: Really? You’re really going to help them?

Regina: I promised you I was going to do better – to be better. So, yes, I’m going to do everything in my power to see to it they come home safely.

Henry: Wow. You really have changed.

Regina: Be back as soon as I can.


(Regina and Mr. Gold enter the mines. Everyone else has already left.)

Mr. Gold: I’m really glad you, uh, came to your senses.

Regina: Let’s just get this over with.

Mr. Gold: It’s right through here.

(They arrive to where the dwarves had found the diamonds.)

Mr. Gold: Ah, yes. Should suit our purposes, no?

Regina: How much do we need?

Mr. Gold: All of it.

Regina: How are we going to do that?

Mr. Gold: With a little help from a fairy.

(He takes out a wand.)

Mr. Gold: Dead one. Believe me, no one mourns her.

(He waves the wand and magically absorbs the power from the diamonds. The diamonds disappear, and the wand glows with magic.)

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(The Evil Queen waves her hand over Hook’s hook, causing it to glow. She hands it back to him.)

Evil Queen: It’s now… Enchanted. It will enable you to rip out her heart. I believe you’ve seen it done before.

Hook: Yes.

Evil Queen: The enchantment will only allow you to rip out one heart, so make sure you do it right.

Hook: What could she have possibly done to warrant such brutality?

Evil Queen: That’s my business. Yours is to k*ll her, and bring her body back to me.

Hook: Easy enough. When will I set forth on this murderous journey?

Evil Queen: Immediately. But you won’t be going alone.

(She walks over to the sitting area, where there is a blanket covering something large on the chair. She pulls it back, revealing a corpse.)

Evil Queen: You remember Claude?

Hook: Can’t say that I do.

Evil Queen: You k*lled him in the cell block.

Hook: Ah, yes. I didn’t recognize him without my hook in his neck. Forgive me, but isn’t he a bit of dead weight?

Evil Queen: I banished my mother to a far-off land some time ago. You’re going to need a portal to get to her.

(She pulls out the hat box containing Jefferson’s hat.)

Evil Queen: The rules are simple – one goes in, one comes back. Or, in this case, two in, two back. You’ll arrive with Claude, and you’ll return with my mother.

Hook: Now tell me… Which far-off land do I have the pleasure of visiting today?

Evil Queen: Wonderland.

Hook: Happily named, I’m sure. How will I find her?

Evil Queen: Oh, don’t worry. She’ll find you.

(The Evil Queen spins the hat on the floor, creating a purple vortex.)


(In Wonderland, Hook has been captured and is escorted by several guards to the Queen of Hearts and various other citizens of Wonderland. Her face is obscured by a mask.)

Knave of Hearts: Kneel, before the Queen of Hearts.

Hook: Appreciate the warm welcome.

(The Queen of Hearts uses the tube to speak through. The Knave of Hearts relays her message.)

Knave of Hearts: The Queen wants to know why you’ve come to Wonderland.

Hook: I’m in search of someone. In her native land, she goes by Cora.

(The crowd begins to whisper as the use of the name ‘Cora’. The Queen of Hearts removes her mask, and reveals herself to be Cora.)

Cora: In this land, she goes by Your Majesty. Leave us.

(Everyone exits, leaving Cora and Hook alone.)

Cora: Your name, pirate?

Hook: Hook.

Cora: What a clever nickname.

(Hook pulls a pearl necklace out of his pocket and approaches Cora.)

Hook: I come bearing gifts, if you allow me.

Cora: This hat – your portal… If I understand correctly, the same number who travels through, must also return. You arrived with him, but who shall you return with?

Hook: You.

(Hook throws the necklace over his shoulder, and plunges his hand inside her chest. However, nothing happens.)

Hook: What?

Cora: I’m the ‘Queen’ of Hearts. Do you really think I’d be so careless, as to keep my heart where everyone else does? This…

(Cora sticks her hand into Hook’s chest, causing him to grimace in pain.)

Cora: Is how it’s done. Tell me – who did this? Who sent you here to k*ll me? Who?

Hook: Your daughter.

Cora: Regina? She… Wants me dead? You’re now going to tell me everything, and do exactly what I want. Because when you hold a heart, you control it. You have the power.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Present]–

(The group is still scouring the cell in search of the ink. Emma is still looking at the paper.)

Emma: What does this even mean?

MMB: He was obsessed with you, Emma. You were the key to breaking the curse.

Aurora: We’ve looked everywhere. There’s no ink in this cell.

MMB: Well, it has to be. He told David.

Emma: You were in a Netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation.

Mulan: No. She heard right.

MMB: You found it?

(Mulan holds up an empty bottle.)

Mulan: In a manner of speaking. There was ink in the cell.

Emma: Son of a bitch…

(Suddenly, Aurora grabs a rock and throws it against a lever just outside of the cell. The door to the cell falls down, trapping the four of them inside.)

Emma: Aurora, what are you doing?!

(Cora and Hook arrive.)

Cora: Helping me.

(Cora magically summons the compass to her.)

Emma: No!

Cora: No. Don’t waste your energy, dear. Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn’t escape from this cell. Thank you, Aurora. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Emma: Why would you do this?

MMB: How could you?

Cora: Don’t blame her. She was only doing what she was told.

(Cora pulls out Aurora’s heart.)

Emma: You took her heart?

Hook: Actually, I did. It was a gift.

(Cora squeezes the heart, causing Aurora to yell out in pain.)

Cora: Forgive us. We’d love to stay, but Storybrooke awaits.

(The two of them turn to leave, but Emma calls out to Hook.)

Emma: Hook. Wait. Please don’t do this. My son is in Storybrooke. He needs me.

Hook: Perhaps you should’ve considered that, before you abandoned me on that beanstalk.

Emma: You would’ve done the same.

Hook: Actually, no.

Hook: Do you know what this is, Emma?

(He takes out the mummified bean that the giant had on his necklace.)

Emma: The bean that the giant kept.

Hook: Yes, indeed. A pirate always keeps a souvenir of his conquest, but this… Well, this is much more than a mere trinket. This is a symbol. Something that was once magical, full of hope, possibility… Now look at it. Dried up, dead, useless. Much like you. The time for making deals is done, just as I’m done… With you.


(Ruby frantically runs into the mine, where she finds Leroy staring vacantly up at the ceiling where the diamonds once were.)

Ruby: Leroy! What is it? What’s the emergency? Leroy.

Leroy: They’re gone. They’re all gone.


(Henry is still reading by David’s bedside. Ruby, Leroy, and the rest of the dwarves enter.)

Ruby: Where are they? Regina and Gold.

Henry: What’s going on?

Ruby: All the magic has been drained from the mines.

Henry: They stole it?

Leroy: They snuck in after our shift and took everything. Nobody steals from a dwarf!

Doc: Except the Queen.

Happy: …And Rumpelstiltskin.

Henry: If they’re not helping Emma and Mary Margaret that… That means my mom lied to me.

Ruby: I’m sorry, Henry.

Henry: We need to find her. We need to stop them. We need to help Emma and Mary Margaret.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Present]–

(Emma is futilely banging the door of the cell with her sword, while the rest of them watch.)

MMB: We aren’t going to break it down, Emma. It was enchanted to hold Rumpelstiltskin. We don’t have a chance.

Aurora: This is my fault.

Mulan: No, it’s mine. Cora stole your heart because I failed to protect you.

Emma: That’s very sweet, but I believe it’s my fault. I’m the saviour, and I’m not doing much saving, am I?

MMB: We’re going to win this fight, you know. Good always defeats evil.

Emma: You sound like Henry.

MMB: Guess optimism runs in the family.

Emma: I think it skipped a generation.

MMB: You should know better than anybody. You broke the curse.

Emma: What have I done since then? I got us stranded over here, burned down the wardrobe, let Cora get the ash, and now, the compass. The only reason I ever broke the curse, was because it was exactly what Gold wanted me to do. I had nothing to do with it.

MMB: What are you talking about?

Emma: He told you I was the saviour. It was his plan. Once I fulfilled that role, maybe that’s all I was ever meant to do. Everything I’ve ever done… He had it all mapped out before I was even born. I’m not powerful. I’m… I’m not… A saviour. I’m a name on a piece of paper. I’m a pawn, and that’s exactly why we are in here. And Cora’s on her way to Storybrooke.


(Meanwhile, Cora and Hook are traveling through a field.)

Hook: Where are we going?

Cora: Lake Nostos. The legend says its waters hold the power to restore what was once lost. It’ll return magic to what remains of this wardrobe. And then, we’ll be able to cross worlds.

(They arrive at the dried up Lake Nostos.)

Hook: I may be a simple pirate, but… I know one thing – lakes have water.

(Cora waves her hand, and a small vortex magically forms in the middle on the former lake. Suddenly, a geyser of water sh**t up from the ground.)

Cora: After everything we’ve been through, why do you still doubt me?


(In Wonderland, Cora still has her hand in Hook’s chest.)

Hook: I’ve told you all I know. Now have some honour, and k*ll me.

Cora: Honour? For the pirate who snuck into my palace to assassinate me?

Hook: At your daughter’s behest.

Cora: She should’ve come. She should’ve k*lled me herself.

(Cora removes her hand from his chest, but leaves his heart intact.)

Hook: Mercy seems a bit out of character.

Cora: Oh, not mercy, Hook. You’re going to help me. Regina knows my methods better than anyone. If I was controlling you, she’d know. This has to be your choice.

Hook: Why should I?

Cora: Because, my dear, I’m the only one who can give you what you want.

Hook: Is that so?

Cora: This curse my daughter plans to enact? This new land she’s taking everyone to? You won’t remember who you are. So tell me, Captain – how do you expect to k*ll someone, when you can’t even remember him? But, if you do what I say, I’ll make sure you not only k*ll him, but that you remember every single moment.

Hook: Well, what shall you have me do?

Cora: Get me close to my daughter. And then, I’ll rip her heart out.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(Cora and Hook return to the Evil Queen’s castle. Cora lies in a casket and pretends to be dead. Hook brings the Evil Queen in to show her the results.)

Hook: Satisfied?

Evil Queen: Did she put up a fight?

Hook: Nothing I couldn’t handle.

Evil Queen: Thank you. Now leave us. I’d like a moment alone to say goodbye.

(Hook exits.)

Evil Queen: I’m sorry, mother. Without you, I never would’ve become the person I am now. But I had no choice. I had to do this. After you k*lled Daniel, you told me something I’ve never forgotten. Love is weakness. Well, mother, you are my weakness, because I love you. That’s why I couldn’t risk taking you to the new land with me. Your grip on my heart is just too strong. And for what I need to do… I can’t have any weakness.

(She places a rose on top of Cora’s body.)

Evil Queen: Goodbye, mother.

(When the Evil Queen exits the room, Hook emerges from the shadows.)

Hook: What happened? You didn’t k*ll her.

Cora: There’s been a change in plans.

Hook: What would that be?

Cora: My daughter’s curse is coming. We have to protect ourselves.


(The Evil Queen’s curse rips through the Enchanted Forest, the smoke quickly progressing across the land. Cora and Hook watch from a distance as it approaches. Cora strikes the ground with her sceptre, creating a beam of light that sh**t up towards the sky. Eventually, the beam scatters, creating a domed shield around a small section on the land.)

Hook: Wouldn’t it have been easier to reconcile with her before her curse destroys the land?

Cora: Regina doesn’t need me – not now. Not when she thinks she’s about to win. But I still have a place in her heart. And the curse won’t last forever. It will end. In twenty-eight years, there’ll be a saviour. And she’ll break it.

Hook: Twenty-eight years?

Cora: You won’t even notice. You’ll be frozen, like all those in this corner of the land. But, when the curse ends, our quest will resume. And, when it does, Regina will truly have lost everything, and then she’ll need me. That’s when we’ll go to this new land. You’ll get your revenge. And me, I’ll… Help her pick up the pieces.


(Regina and Mr. Gold are walking through the woods towards the ‘wishing well’.)

Regina: You’re certain the portal’s going to open up all the way out here?

Mr. Gold: There. This is where things once lost are returned to us. This is where Cora’s going to come through.

(The two of them look inside. The water below is bubbling.)

Regina: Unless, it’s Mary Margaret and Emma.

Mr. Gold: I highly doubt it.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Present]–

(Emma’s group is still stuck inside the cell. Mary Margaret is analyzing the paper.)

MMB: We are going to get out of here.

Emma: How? By staring at that scroll? It’s not like it’s going to magically open the door for us.

MMB: Yes, it is.

Emma: What?

MMB: When I was a little girl, I used to sneak into Cora’s chamber and watch her practice magic. She had a spell book and, Emma… The spells were in the book.

Emma: Yeah, isn’t that what a spell book is? A book that has spells in it?

MMB: Watch.

(Mary Margaret gently blows on the paper, causing the words to lift off the page.)

Emma: Whoa. Squid ink. Gold wrote the scroll in squid ink!

(Mary Margaret blows the words toward the door of the cell. The inked words magically create an exit.)

MMB: Told you. Good always wins.

Aurora: Wait. I can’t go. You have to tie me up.

Mulan: No. I’m not leaving without you.

Aurora: I can’t be trusted. Not as long as Cora has my heart.

Mulan: Then I will get it back for you.

Aurora: Mulan…

Mulan: I will.

Emma: Mulan. We got to go.

Aurora: Do it.

(Mulan takes a piece of rope, and ties Aurora to what remains of the cell’s bars.)

Aurora: Good luck.

MMB: Thank you. Good luck to you.

(The geyser at Lake Nostos gradually subsides, leaving behind a small lake. Cora takes out the vial of ashes.)

Cora: And now, the ashes. Would you care to do the honours?

(Hook takes the ashes and sprinkles them into the lake. A whirlpool magically forms in the center of the lake.)

Cora: Here we go. We’ll be in Storybrooke soon enough. I really look forward to seeing my daughter.


(Mr. Gold and Regina continue to stare down the well, until they see a change in the water.)

Mr. Gold: It’s time.

Regina: So, what are we waiting for?

(They step away from the well, and Mr. Gold takes out the fairy wand. He holds it up towards the sky and summons a thunderstorm. A clash of green lightning strikes the well, which creates an electric barrier of sorts.)

Mr. Gold: Doesn’t matter who comes through now. No one can survive this.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Present]–

(Cora and Hook stand near the whirlpool. Cora takes out the compass, and holds it out for Hook to grab.)

Cora: I told you I’d deliver you to Rumpelstiltskin. Now don’t let go. Unless, you want to end up someplace that isn’t Storybrooke.

(Hook takes the other side of the compass, and the two of them prepare to jump. However, Emma, Mary Margaret, and Mulan arrive at the scene in time to stop them. Mary Margaret sh**t the compass out of their hands.)

MMB: You’re not going anywhere. This portal’s taking us home. The compass – get it.

Cora: Find it first. I’ll take care of them.

(Cora sh**t a fireball towards the group, but Mulan deflects it with her sword. Emma draws her own sword and starts a fight with Hook over the compass. Cora continues to sh**t fireballs at Mulan, while Mary Margaret attempts to assist by sh**ting arrows from a distance. Cora dodges Mulan by magically disappearing, but the bag containing Aurora’s heart is left behind. It is flung towards the whirlpool, but is caught just in time by Hook before falling in. He tosses the bag to Mulan.)

Hook: I may be a pirate, but I bristle at the thought of a woman losing her heart – unless it’s over me.

(Mulan looks conflicted over what to do. Mary Margaret approaches her.)

MMB: Go!

Mulan: No, but you need the compass!

MMB: And Aurora needs her heart.

(Mulan gives Mary Margaret her sword.)

Mulan: Take it. It deflects her magic.

(Mulan exits the battle. Emma and Hook resume fighting.)

Emma: I had no idea you had such a soft side.

Hook: I don’t. Just like a fair fight.

(They continue to duel.)

Hook: Good form. But not good enough.

(Hook grabs Emma’s leg and manages to flip her onto her back. Meanwhile, Mary Margaret and Cora square off. Hook slowly slides his Hook down Emma’s sword and pins her to the ground.)

Hook: Normally, I prefer to do other more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back. With my life on the line, you’ve left me no choice. A bit of advice? When I jab you with my sword, you’ll feel it. You might want to quit.

(Emma feels for the compass buried in the sand under her back.)

Emma: Why would I do that when I’m winning?

(Emma grabs the compass and holds it up. Hook is momentarily distracted long enough for Emma to push him off of her. They briefly duel, until Emma gets the upper hand.)

Emma: Thanks.

(Emma, with the compass in her fist, pulls back her arm and punches Hook in the face. He collapses to the ground, unconscious.)

Emma: Now let’s go home!


(Mr. Gold and Regina watch the storm brew inside the well. Henry and Ruby arrive.)

Henry: Mom? You’re not helping Emma and Mary Margaret, are you?

Regina: I’m helping you, Henry.

Henry: What are you talking about?

Ruby: You’re going to k*ll them.

(Mr. Gold magically sh**t Ruby back with the wand, knocking her out.)

Mr. Gold: Sorry, dearie.

Henry: Mom, what are you doing?

Regina: We can’t let Cora come through the portal. You have no idea what she would do to us.

Henry: Emma and Mary Margaret are going to defeat her. They’re the ones that are going to come through.

Mr. Gold: Henry, your mother’s right. It’s going to be Cora.

Henry: No. It won’t. Good always defeats evil. You should know that more than anyone.

Regina: What I know, is my mother will destroy everything I love – and that means you. And I can’t let that happen.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Present]–

(Mary Margaret and Cora have still yet to engage in a fight, when Emma charges at Cora with her sword. Cora dodges Emma by magically disappearing.)

MMB: Emma, run!

(The two of them make a break for the whirlpool, but Cora reappears in front of them, blocking their path. She magically throws the two of them backwards onto the ground. Cora then st*lks in Mary Margaret’s direction. Emma attempts to get up, but is thrown back to the ground by Cora.)

MMB: Why do you want to go to Storybrooke?

Cora: Because my daughter needs me. And now, I’m going to give her the one thing she’s always wanted – your heart. Goodbye, Snow.

Emma: No!

(Cora draws back her hand, but Emma pushes Mary Margaret out of the way just before she reaches into her chest. Instead, Cora ends up with her hand inside Emma’s chest.)

MMB: Emma!

Cora: Oh, you foolish girl. Don’t you know? Love is weakness.

(Cora tries to rip out Emma’s heart, but finds she’s unable to draw back her hand.)

Emma: No. It’s strength.

(Suddenly, a burst of white light spreads out from Emma’s body in all directions, causing Cora to disappear.)

Emma: What was that?

MMB: That… Is a great subject for discussion. When we get home.

(Mary Margaret grabs Emma’s arm and the two of them dash towards the whirlpool.)

MMB: Ready?

Emma: Yeah. Let’s go.

(The two of them jump into the whirlpool portal.)


(In the forest, Henry tries to run towards the well, but is restrained by Regina.)

Henry: You can’t! Stop it! You can’t! You’re going to k*ll them! Please! No! They’re going to make it through! We have to turn it off! You’re going to k*ll them!

(Henry manages to break free from Regina’s grasp, but she quickly pulls him back.)

Regina: Henry! What are you doing?

Henry: Emma and Mary Margaret are going to come through. I know it. You said you wanted to change – to be better. This is how. You want me to have faith in you? Have faith in me.

Mr. Gold: Regina.

(Regina approaches the well and extends her arms over the electrical barrier. She uses her magic to absorb the storm into her body, effectively removing the barrier to the portal. The power of the magic throws her back. Despite the threat being removed, no one appears to be coming through the portal.)

Henry: No!

Regina: I’m sorry, Henry. I’m sorry.

(Suddenly, a hand comes out of the well and grabs the edge. Emma pulls herself out, followed by Mary Margaret.)

Henry: Mom?

Emma: Henry!

Henry: Mom!

(Henry rushes to Emma and the two of them hug. Mary Margaret joins in.)

Emma: I missed you!

Henry: I missed you, too.

Emma: I missed you so much.

(When they draw back from the group hug, they see Mr. Gold silently slinking away, Regina on the ground, and Ruby finally coming around.)

MMB: What’s going on? What happened?

Henry: She saved you. She saved both of you.

Emma: Thank you.

Regina: You’re welcome.

Ruby: Are you okay?

(Ruby runs towards Mary Margaret, and the two of them also share a hug.)

MMB: Where’s my husband? I need to find him.

(Ruby and Mary Margaret exit.)

Emma: Um, your mom… She’s, uh… She’s… A piece of work, you know?

Regina: Indeed, I do. Welcome back.

Emma: Thanks.


(Mary Margaret and Ruby enter Mr. Gold’s shop, with Emma and Henry trailing behind. David is still lying unconscious, and the dwarves are still gathered around the bed.)

MMB: David?

(She kisses David, which causes the sleeping curse to be broken. A pulse of magic spreads throughout the room. He wakes up and gasps.)

David: You… You did it.

MMB: Did you ever doubt I would?

(They kiss again.)

David: No. Though, the burning red room did give me pause.


(Emma confronts Mr. Gold alone in the main part of the shop.)

Emma: We need to talk.

Mr. Gold: Yes. I believe apologies are in order.

Emma: No. No apologies necessary. I understand why you wanted to keep Cora out of here.

Mr. Gold: Just remind me never to bet against you in the future, Miss Swan.

Emma: It’s not really a bet when the game is rigged, is it?

Mr. Gold: To what exactly are you referring?

Emma: Your scroll. I saw it in your cell. You wrote my name again, and again, and again.

Mr. Gold: Just wanted to make sure it would stick.

Emma: The ink – it was there all the time. You could’ve gotten out.

Mr. Gold: I was exactly where I wanted to be. You needed to find that, so all this could occur.

Emma: You created the curse, Gold. You made me the saviour. So everything I’ve ever done… It’s exactly what you wanted me to do.

Mr. Gold: I created the curse, dearie, but I didn’t make you. I merely took advantage of what you are – the product of true love. That’s why you’re powerful. And everything you’ve done, you’ve done yourself.

Emma: So you don’t know.

Mr. Gold: Know what?

Emma: Cora… Tried to rip my heart out, but she couldn’t. She was blasted back by something inside me. By… By-

Mr. Gold: By magic. Whatever that was, I didn’t do that. You did.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Present]–

(Mulan has brought the bag containing Aurora’s heart back to the cell. Mulan carefully takes the heart out of the bag. It glows and beats in her hand.)

Aurora: Have you done this before?

Mulan: No.

(Mulan lifts the glowing heart to Aurora’s chest and pushes it inside of her. She briefly stops breathing, but suddenly gasps.)

Aurora: Thank you…

Mulan: What now?

Aurora: Cora told me something. When a wraith consumes a soul, it’s not trapped there forever. It can be reunited with its body.

Mulan: You think we can save Phillip?

Aurora: We can try.

Mulan: Then let’s try.

(Mulan extends her hand to Aurora, and the two of them exit the cell.)


(Cora stares vacantly at the now defunct whirlpool portal. Hook has also regained consciousness.)

Cora: We failed.

Hook: Really, Cora. After all this time, why do you still doubt me?

(Hook holds up the mummified bean.)

Cora: Well, that bean’s petrified. It’s useless.

Hook: But these waters have regenerative properties. Perhaps, it’s time to do some gardening.


(Everyone is still gathered at Mr. Gold’s shop. Henry approaches Regina, who is standing off to the side.)

Henry: I was right. You really have changed.

(Henry wraps his arms around Regina, who cautiously returns the hug.)

Henry: Thank you.

(Emma reenters the room.)

MMB: Emma…

David: Looks like we have some catching up to do.

Emma: You have no idea.

Ruby: How about dinner at Granny’s? On me.

Emma: As long as it’s not Chimera, I’m in. Hey, kid. You hungry?

Henry: Yeah.

(Henry breaks away from Regina and joins Emma. Everyone begins filing out.)

Henry: I’ll see you later.

(As everyone exits, Regina begins to tear up. Eventually, Regina and Mr. Gold are the only two that remain.)

Mr. Gold: Congratulations. You just reunited mother and son. Maybe one day, they’ll even invite you for dinner.


(The reunited group happily walks down the main street of Storybrooke to Granny’s Diner. On the horizon, a large ship is seen drawing near the town. On board are Hook and Cora. Cora is holding a black wilted rose, while Hook inspects the town through a telescope.)

Hook: There it is.

Cora: Storybrooke.

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