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05x12 - Bookbots 3: Fit Fights Fat/Grandpa Bernie Cleans Up

Posted: 10/16/22 11:06
by bunniefuu
♪ She went... and... and... ♪
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say ♪

♪ Now she speaks... ♪

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks ♪

♪ Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks... ♪

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right, but
still that Martha speaks... ♪

Hi, there.

♪ She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique... ♪

Testing, one, two.

♪ Hear her speak ♪

♪ Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates,
elucidates, exaggerates ♪

♪ Indicates and explicates ♪

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ Hyperventilates. ♪

♪ Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. ♪

All righty, g*ng,
listen up.

Today's words are
about fitness.

It means exercising
and being in shape.

So no sitting down
during the show open.

Everyone stand up.

Run in place.

Shouldn't we run, too?

Good idea.

Make sure to listen
for words

like "strength," "vigor,"
"in shape."

Okay, I have to stop.

Also words like "sluggish,"
"out of shape" and "lazy."

Guilty as charged.

And we'll see you
at the end of the show.

So what do you guys
want to do?

I like what
we're doing now.

Hi, guys.

Truman, there's nothing
chasing you.

I know.

Come on!

Run with me.


Running is a good way

to get physically fit.

Right, Skits?

(confused whimper)

Skits doesn't know
what "fit" means.

If you're fit,
you're healthy and strong.



Looks like you aren't so fit.


I've been wasting my life
sitting around.

I wasted a good year and a half
just being a baby,

and I can't get that time back!

When did you start worrying
about being fit?

When I read this.

Hercules was
the strongest guy ever,

and even he had trouble.

So I better get to work.

What if I had to unexpectedly
wrestle a lion?

Or clean giant stables?

If I clean stables, I want to be
strong enough to do it fast.

I have a very sensitive nose.

Any reason to get stronger
and feel better is good,

even if it makes no sense.

I'm in!

I don't want Truman to get
faster than I am.

Let's run!

See you guys later.

A lion is a big cat.

Don't you want to be strong
to defend against cats?

I learned from Hercules
that everybody, even heroes,

must keep in shape.

Wake me up when you're done,

then you can get more exercise
rubbing my belly.


Whoever heard of heroes

Heroes are perfect.

The greatest heroes in this
city's history are The Bookbots,

so I present you with...

(clears throat)

We didn't do the Bookbots'
show opening.

But this is a dream.

Do dreams have openings?

The Bookbots always starts
with the Bookbots show opening.



♪ Bookbots! ♪

Nouns are words for persons,
places, or things.


♪ ♪

(bookbags beeping)


(collar beeping)
Sorry g*ng, gotta go!

Four ordinary kids

and one extraordinary dog

shed their everyday guises
to become...

The Bookbots!

I forgot how much
I like that.

I know!

I don't understand why it's not
a real show yet.

You were saying, Chief?

I was saying the city
has given you an award

for eliminating
all book-based crime.

Does this mean there's no more
crime for us to fight?

That's what it looks like.

The criminals gave up
because you're too good.

We beat crime!

Across town is the only
criminal who hasn't given up.

Doctor O'Mayhem!

I want to plan a new crime,

but I'm tired
of always getting caught.

Everyone's faster than I am.

Those dreaded Bookbots caught me
so many times.

But so did that
retired librarian

and those baby turtles.

Everyone's faster than I am.

I need to get in shape.

"In shape" is the same as "fit."


If you're in shape,
you're strong and healthy

and ready to escape
the Bookbots.


Getting in shape is hard work.

I need an exercise book
to learn how to...

Exercise books!

That's it!

I will mess up
all the exercise manuals

so everyone will be
in worse shape than I am!

Then no one will be fast enough
to catch me!


But first, I'll rest.

Being lazy and sluggish,

Dr. O'Mayhem rested
a long, long time,

during which nothing happened.

Whose turn is it?

I can't remember.

Does it matter?


What time is it?

I don't know.

That means time for a snack!


Not having any crime to fight
sure makes my legs tired.

That's because your belly
is dragging on the floor.

How did that happen?


We're not in shape anymore.

We're out of shape and lazy.

I am not lazy!

What's lazy?

I probably know,

but I don't feel like trying
to think of it.

If you're lazy, you don't want
to do anything.


Like you didn't want to try
to think about what lazy meant.

Oh no, I'm lazy!

I'm a lazy, belly-draggin' dog!


We've been doing nothing
for too long.

We're heroes.

We need to keep fit
and ready for action.


What if we have
to wrestle a lion, or...


...walk up some stairs?

These are all
exercise books.

This looks like a good one:
Exercises to Increase Fitness.



Whoa, just lifting that book
is exercise.

Imagine how good
reading it must be.

After seven full days
of exercise...

How is it possible
exercising every day

has made us weaker?

We're following all
the instructions perfectly.

Hold it.

What's wrong?

Where it used to say
Exercises to Increase Fitness

it now says
Exercises to Decrease Fitness.

How can exercises
decrease fitness?

They can't,

unless a crime has been
committed in that book!

That means...

That means...

Someone give me a hand here?

That means criminals
haven't given up.

Books need us again, Bookbots!

We must race into action!

(grunts and groans)

Okay, let's walk into action.

(grunts and groans)

Timing perfecto, Bookbots.

I was just about
to call you.

Because some villain
has messed up an exercise book?

Sí, how did you know?


We've been working out.

(grunts and groans)

All kinds of exercise books were
changed, including yoga books.

The villain switched something
in yoga books

that caused people
to tie themselves into knots.

Then while they were all tied up
in themselves, he robbed them.

It's Dr. O'Mayhem!

I'd know that cat anywhere.



Let's go get him!

We know we can catch him.

We're much faster...


We used to be faster.

I'm not so sure now.

Wait, it gets worse.

Worse than people tied in knots

while a doctor and his cat
take their sheep?

All of a sudden,
sailors can't tie knots,

so ships aren't tied
to the dock.

Loose ships are dangerous

to boats, water skiers
and baby ducks.

Not baby ducks!




Let's get there
as fast as we can!

(grunts and groans)

Since you're going to the
harbor, take the speedboat.

(grunts and groans)

♪ ♪



I really have to get in shape
if I'm gonna face that bad cat.

The sailors try to make knots
by the book,

but they come out
in strange shapes like that.

I know that shape!

That's upward dog!

People in knots.

Ropes in yoga poses.

O'Mayhem mixed up
"How to Do Yoga" books

with "How to Make Knots" books!

Somehow, we need to tie
these ships to the dock

so baby ducks are safe.

We can't make knots.

A-ha, but we have knots!

They just aren't in ropes.

Knotted people hold the ropes
to the pier perfectly.


You're welcome,
baby ducks!

Those are
the "how to knot knots" books,

and these are
"how to do yoga" books.

Zap 'em back to normal
with the Textinator!


Never realized this thing
was so heavy.

It's not.

Decreasing your fitness
has decreased your strength.

Your strength is
how strong you are.

And if you're weak and sluggish
like we are now,

you hardly have
any strength at all.

Do it before we drop it!

Now switch the words he turned
into opposites:

Exercises to Decrease Fitness

should be
Exercises to Increase Fitness.


We have to catch
the bad guys.

But first I need
to increase my strength

to face that stinky cat.

Ready for a good workout?


(groaning and panting)

♪ ♪


We've got our strength back!

Let's go get him!

And his cat!

Doctor O'Mayhem?

It's the Bookbots.

And we don't have
an appointment!

(evil laughter)

You're too late.

I didn't know it, but holding
your body in a knot for days

really builds strength.

So the knotted people
caught you?

I tried to run away,
but they were too fast.

And fit.

And strong.

They left a note!

"Dear Bookbots,

We got this one, but we're glad
you're always ready for action."

And we always will be
from now on.

I really need to get in shape.

Too bad they got you,

because I was ready to chase you
to the ends of the earth.



Wha... I wasn't scared.

I have Bookbot strength.

No cat is as strong
as a Bookbot.


Huh? Ah!

Big cat!

Something wrong, Martha?

Were you yelling
about a cat?

No, no.

Just having a nap.

You guys look tired
and sluggish.

Did exercising
decrease your strength

instead of increasing it?

That's impossible.

Exercise can't decrease
your strength.

Exercise makes you tired,
but then you get stronger.

Seems weird,
but it works.


I think I'd like
to be stronger.

Let's run.


We just ran.

Maybe tomorrow.

I don't want
to waste time.

I want to be strong
like a Bookbot.

No cat is stronger
than a Bookbot.

Throw it far.

I'll fetch it.

Did you have a nightmare
about cats and Bookbots?

I'll tell you
if you can catch me!


What's going on?

Only one way
to find out.

The faster we run,
the sooner we'll know.

I thought you wanted
to exercise.

I do, but now I feel...

I don't know...

You feel sluggish.


"Sluggish" means slow
or not moving very much.

If you're sluggish,
you have very little energy.

Come here.

This is a slug.

He lives in the grass.

Oh, I know him.

His name's Dylan McInerny.

Hi, Dylan.

Well, a slug
is a perfect example

of something that's

Uh, nope.

Dylan's not sluggish
at all.

Well, I can't
catch him now.

Maybe later.

Or tomorrow.

But you are sluggish.

Or maybe he'll just get tired
and I won't have to do anything.

Barkton has a new water slide!

It takes up two acres,

has ten degree

and I've got two tickets!

Wanna go?

I can't.

I promised to help
Grandpa Bernie

clean all the junk
out of his garage.

Some people have
all the fun!


Uh, you could come with...

Yes! Let's go!

I can't thank you kids enough
for helping me out.

I've collected a lot of stuff
over the years.

Hit me with your
best shot.



TD collects things, too,

I'm an amateur
compared to you.

I'd clean it myself,
but I just don't have the vigor.

Oh, have you looked?

Maybe it just got buried
under some other stuff.

No, if you have vigor,

it means you have
lots of energy.

Well, I have lots of vigor.

I'm ready.

Okay, let's go!

And if you find
anything you like,

feel free to take it home.


Nice try.


This is one thing
I'm not parting with.

This was the first car
I ever bought.

I loved this thing.

Took it everywhere!

I drove it to antique fairs,
swap meets, flea markets,

junk stores,
consignment shops...

And boy, did it have some pep
when I needed it.


We even drove that car
on our honeymoon.

Oh, look!
A yard sale!

Can we go for a ride in it
when we're done?

Oh, only I'm not sure
what became of the keys.


I've got a good idea
where they may be, though.


In here.

Grandpa Bernie's Wonder Jar
of Mystery Keys.


That's a lot of keys.

Some of them I bought.

You bought keys?

Never know when they might
come in handy.

For what?

You know, Helen, you sound
just like your grandmother.

Leave it to me.

Uh, isn't anyone going
to help me clean out the boxes?

Oh, Skits and I will help!





Maybe you guys should go help
someone else.

You could go next door
and see Candy.

What's the point
of just looking at candy?



Candy is the neighbor's dog.

That's her name.

Haven't you met her?


Hey, you want to play "chase me"
with the dog next door?

I don't know about "chase me."

Candy doesn't have
a lot of vigor.

She's an elderly dog.

An elderly dog?

What kind of breed is that?


A breed like me.

If you say someone is elderly,
it just means they're old.

Oh, no problem.

Pops is elderly, too,

and we get along with him
just fine, right Skits?


What did you just
throw away?

Hi there!

I'm Martha
and this is Skits.

We got kicked out
of the garage.

Want to hang out?


Sure, we'd love a tour
of your yard.

Right, Skits?



Oh, a nice shady spot.

I bet that's cool
in the summer.


A groundhog lives there?



We can have your toys?

You don't want them?


Oh, I understand.

If I was achy, I wouldn't want
to play with toys either.

(confused barking)


That just means different parts
of your body hurt

and you feel sore.

Grandpa Bernie gets
achy sometimes.

And sometimes I get achy
if Skits and I play really hard

for a long time.


You feel achy lots of times?

That's awful.



It's dangerous to stand here?



Mighty ketchup-covered

You stood there once

and got hit on the head
by a ball from outer space?

This I gotta hear!



You were just a pup
minding your own business...




It bit you?!

Can you imagine being hit
by a biting space ball?

Can we see it?


You don't remember
what happened to it?



Good idea!

Maybe you buried it!


Well, there's only one way
to find out.

Let's start digging!


Oh, right.

You get achy.

Don't worry, Candy.

We'll dig for you!

Now, any idea where you might
have buried a biting space ball?




Come on, Skits,
let's find it!


Grandpa, what's this?

Oh, that's my new

Giant black-colored CDs.

Ooh, look how big
the art is!

We can't throw that away!

Put that in my pile!

I'll take it to my place
at the dump.


My mom won't let me keep
all my stuff in my room,

so I have my own corner
at the dump!


Is that it?




That was a stuffed toy?

I never would have known.

You did a good job
of chewing that one up.

Where should we look next?

What's this for, Grandpa?

It's called a typewriter.

Back in the day,

that was the only way we kids
could send text messages.

You must have had
really big pockets.


I'd keep it.

Don't listen to TD,

He saves his old
banana peels.


I can't tell you
what it's for,

but some day I'm going to get
a tremendous laugh!

I'm impressed.



That is not a space ball.

But it does look like
one tasty shoe.

I can't find
the other one.



It's my lucky day!

Come to papa!


I don't think Candy's
ever gonna remember

where she buried that ball.


This is a really big yard!

You know what we need?

More paws!

Candy would dig for it herself,
but she gets achy.

Plus she doesn't have
the mobility anymore.

(confused whimpering)

Oh, mobility means you're able
to move around easily.

Like this.

Candy's elderly.

She doesn't have
a lot of mobility

because she gets too stiff.

But we're all youthful.

"Youthful" means young.

We have lots of mobility.

We can dig no problem, right?

(barking in agreement)

I found what I want
to keep.

It's just a chewed-up hat.

I know, but Martha
did the chewing.

I'll trade you a shoe.


Leave no grass undug!

Let's see some youthful vigor!


Grandpa, what's this?

Ah, my first cell phone!

Between that
and a text message machine,

how did you keep your pants
from falling down?


Your pile?


No biting space ball.

Maybe we were wrong
about burying it?



You think you could have
buried the ball

in Grandpa Bernie's yard?


Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go, g*ng!

Is that car
even going to start?

Oh, yeah.

I keep the battery charged and
the engine clean as a whistle.


Okay, g*ng.

Start digging!

A singing bass?

That is a keeper!

Put it in my pile.


I love those little
dippy birds.

You never know when they'll
take another drink.

Wait... wait...

There he goes again!


Did you find the key?

Not yet...


What have you
been doing?

We're trying to find
a biting space ball.

We've dug up everyplace.

Any luck, Candy?


What's that?

Oh, no.


She says she's not sure
she buried the ball.

So where could it be?


Hey, look what I found!

My old fishing rod!

Thought I'd lost it.

Watch out, trout!


You what?


What is it?

She remembers
where she put it!

My car key!

That's it, all right!

Forgot it was on a keychain.

It was in the car
all the time!

Candy, you're a hero!

That key must have poked
your mouth!

That's why you thought
it bit you!

So I guess it wasn't
from outer space after all.

Then where did it come from?


All Candy remembers is
she heard someone saying,

"Watch out, trout!"

Then it hit her.

I know what happened!


I decided to practice casting

before I went
on a fishing trip.

Watch out, trout!

The keychain
must've gotten hooked!



Never went on the trip,

Couldn't find the keys.

Who knew they were
in the back seat all the time?

Candy says she put the ball
in the car

so it would go
far, far away.

Well, it took a while,

but we found them,
didn't we, old girl?


I guess the moral is:
never fish in your yard.


Maybe we better start
cleaning up, g*ng.

This is the life!


Wasn't that a sweet ride?

It sure was.

Hey, Joe!

Some of this stuff is trash

and some of it
is for my collection.

Here's the trash.

Hello, there.

I'd like to talk to you
about the difference

between elderly
and youthful.

When someone is elderly,
they're older.

But when someone is youthful,
that means they're young.

They are full of youth.

Take Jakey...

Very youthful.

They don't come much more
youthful than that.

You're it!

One Mississippi,
Two Mississippi...




They have less mobility.

Just because I'm elderly

doesn't mean I can't act
like I'm youthful.

Ready or not, here I come!

Elderly and youthful.

They have to do with how old you
are, not how old you feel.

Did you catch all today's words
about fitness and mobility?

Here are a few of them again.

"Sluggish" means slow
or not moving very much.

If you're fit,
you're healthy.

If you have vigor,

it means you have
lots of energy.

Mobility means you're able
to move around easily.

That's our show!

See you next time.

(both groaning)

Who knew a vocabulary show
could be so exhausting?

or check out your local library

for the Martha Speaks books.