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05x11 - Martha's Sweater/The Mystery of the Missing Dinosaur

Posted: 10/16/22 11:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Martha wa an average dog. ♪

♪ She went... and... and... ♪
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say ♪

♪ Now she speaks... ♪

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks ♪

♪ Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks... ♪

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right, but
still that Martha speaks... ♪

Hi, there.

♪ She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique... ♪

Testing, one, two.

♪ Hear her speak ♪

♪ Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates,
elucidates, exaggerates ♪

♪ Indicates and explicates ♪

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ Hyperventilates. ♪

♪ Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. ♪

Sure, drop by.g!

It would be great
to see you.

Who's coming over?

Grandma Lucille.

She wants to see Martha.

I didn't do it!

It was an accident!

I'm sorry!

What did I wreck?

You didn't do anything wrong.

She says she has a present
for her grand-dog favorito.

For me?

She says you're going
to love it.


(barks happily)



We missed you!

Where is it?



No, it's for me.

Skits can't eat
my present, can he?

Certainly not.

You hear that?

Grandma says.

(blows raspberry)

You can't eat a sweater.

You can't eat a sw...

A what?

You wrapped a steak
in a sweater?

No, it's a doggie
sweater vest.

My very first
knitting project.

I made it just for you.


Actually, I made it
for Bernie,

but it shrank in the wash.

That's why there's a B
on the front.

B for Bernie.


Yeah, yeah, very funny.

Ha, ha, ha.

Ready to try it on?

Am I ready to try it on?

Well, let me put it
this way...

I have an idea.

Let's go to my room.

You can put it on
and model it for Grandma.

But I...

Martha, come!

Helen, dogs don't
wear sweaters.

Martha, come on,
lots of dogs wear sweaters.

Name one.


He wears sweaters all the time.

And sailor hats
and bows.

Francois doesn't count.

He isn't a dog,
he's an accessory.

Martha, couldn't you just fib
a little and say you like it?

A fib?

Is that like a lie?

Well, a fib is something you say
that isn't exactly true,

usually about
something small.

In other words,
a fib is a lie.

It's a small untruth.

A lie!


Okay, yes, I guess a fib
is a lie.

But a teeny-tiny,
eentsy-weensie, microscopic lie.

A little fib, that's all.

Just so you don't hurt
Grandma's feelings.

(sighs haughtily)

I am sorry, Helen, but this
is a matter of principle.

Why, if I asked you
to tell a lie or steal,

would you do it?


Of course not.

And do we dogs not have

We do.

And the first principle
of being a dog

is that real dogs
do not wear clothes.


I'll give you a hamburger.


How do I look?

Oh, aren't you adorable?


Oh, go ahead, Skits.

Yuck it up.

Just wait.

Come on now, say cheese!



Should we take it out
for a test drive?

"Out" as in outside?

Oh, let's not be hasty.

Just to see how it fits
when you're walking around.

I can do that here.

Walk, walk, walk...

Look at me.

I am walking.

Walk, walk, walk...

Oh, yeah, fits great!

Test drive completed.

I believe dogs
that don't wear clothes

just aren't dignified.


Martha, keep up.

It's not my fault, okay?

It was a present!

Uh, this is where
we usually turn back.

Say, I have an idea!

Let's go downtown

so I can show Martha off
to my friends.

Won't they love to see
how nice a dog can look?

"How nice a dog can look"?

In a sweater?

Martha, be polite.

It itches.


It's like being trapped
inside a yak.

Just a few more minutes.

Two burgers.


Okay, all right,
two burgers.

Now be nice.

That was so

It was worse than bad.

What's worse than bad?


Worst is worse than bad.

This is worse than worst.

You're saying
you loathe it.

No, I don't love it.

No, not "love."


If you loathe something,

you really, really
don't like it.

You know how you hate baths?

You could say that
you loathe taking baths.

I kind of wish it fit me.

Hey, me too.

Just do what I do.

When I get something
I don't like, I regift it.


What's that?

Oh, it's the greatest
thing ever!

When you get something
you really loathe,

you just wrap it up
and give it to someone else.

My abuela gave me this
hideous pink sweater once.


So I just...

Wait-- hideous?

Something that is hideous
looks really ugly.

It was so hideous,
I knew I would never wear it.

So I just regifted it.

But what if the person
finds out?

Why would they find out?

You didn't.

Wait a minute.


This is the sweater?!

And you love it!


And it doesn't
look hideous on you.




Well, I can't give that sweater
to another dog.

Why not?

¿Por que no?

It's the principle
of the thing.

Dogs shouldn't wear clothes.

How are you supposed to dig
and roll and play in the dirt

when you're wearing
a sweater?

I do.

All the time.

Put that down.

I bet you could do
all that in a sweater,

and you'd look
much better doing it.

How much you want to bet?

How much you got?

Two hamburgers.

You're on.

Oh, this is going to be fun.

Come on, Skits.

Let's go be dogs!



(squirrel squeaking)




Breezy, comfortable.

This is not working out
the way I wanted.

And yet the game
is not quite over.

Come on, Skits.

Let's go roll
in something stinky.


Oh, yeah!


Just like new!


Skits, you could use
a bath, though.


I'll have my burgers

The bet isn't over yet.

I know a way to prove
once and for all

that dogs and sweaters
don't mix.



(barks questioningly)

That's right.

If there's one thing that proves
dogs and sweaters don't mix,

it's Bob.



Yes, I remember Bob is mean.


Yes, that's why
I'm going there.

I'm going to run
through Bob's yard.

(barks in surprise)

This sweater won't last a second
if Bob gets his teeth in it.


I know it's scary, Skits,

but if this doesn't work,
it could be bad.

You might end up having
to wear a sweater, too.

(growling and barking)

Go ahead?

All right.

Do you think he's there?


He's there.


I'll just step a little bit
into the yard.

Oh, Bob!

Look at me!

I'm in your yard.

(snoring continues)

Did you hear me, Bob?

It's Martha.

Try and get me!



Here I am!

Know what?

I'm going to take a quick run
across the lawn.

Here goes.

Bob, I'm in your yard!


I'm in your yard!

Maybe Bob's sick or something.

Uh, Bob?


Huh, I don't hear him anymore.


I wonder if we should tell

Poor Bob, he must be...



Oh hey, you're...


Bite the sweater!

Bite the sweater!



Before you know it,
it'll be nothing but threads.

Not only am I free
of that itchy thing,

I'm going to get
four burgers, Skits.

Bernie laughed and laughed

when my sweater shrank
in the wash.


There you are!

Shh! Not so loud!

Lucille's in there.

I know.

She's looking for you.

For me?

Her knitting club wants you
to be on their holiday card.

They do?

In your sweater.

Hey, where is your sweater?



So Bob has it now.

What can I say?

I was just being a dog.

I just don't know
what to tell Grandma.

She's so proud
of that sweater.

Well, tell her it...

Tell her I...


Tell her to wait.

Where are you going?

To get it back.

I'll be back
in a few minutes.

And if not,
it's been nice knowing you.

Skits? You coming?

(barks nervously)


Okay, you go around one side
and give him the bone.

Then when he's chewing on it,
you get the sweater.

(barking with annoyance)

What? Me?

Skits, we're in this

You and me.

Don't forget, I'm giving up
four burgers for this.


Oh, all right.

I guess I got us
into this.


Oh, Bob?

Look what I've got.

A bone!

Just for you.


Are you there?

He's not there.


His chain!

He might be anywhere.

(faint barking)

That's Bob!

It came from inside the house.

You know what this means?

(barking fearfully)


Okay, go ahead.

(doorbell rings)


Is Bob home?

He's watching TV.

Could we speak to him?


Some dogs are here
to see you!

Can't hardly pry him away
from that Mushy Duck.

(nervous groan)


That sweater looks
great on you!

Very dignified,
and "B" for Bob.


I don't know what it is,

but that sweater made
a new dog out of him.

Yeah, great, great.

See, now, the thing is,
I need it back.


You got to understand, Bob.

I made a mistake.

That is, this sweater
was a gift.


And if I don't get it back
to Grandma Lucille,

she won't be able to have
her sweater on the...


Wait a minute.

Great falling table scraps,
that's it!

It's perfect.

"Happy Holidays from the
Wagstaff City Knitting Club!"

That sweater has made Bob
really nice.

So you admit it?

Dogs can wear sweaters.


Some dogs.

Not this one, though!

Le One morning, I receivedd"
an urgent call from my friend,

the great detective.

I hurried over.

I gather that you're absorbed
in your latest mystery.

Doesn't that mean you're paying
attention to something so much

that you don't realize
anything else is going on?


Like if I were playing
a video game

and couldn't pay attention
to anything else

because I was so absorbed in it?



Wow, how did I know that?

Because you're a genius.

Oh, right!


Now, what's this
about a mystery?

It all started...

Wait, look!

A message.

"Dear Mr. Detective.

Can you please solve the case
of the sinkful of dishes?"


As the great detective solved

the case
of the unwashed plates,

he told me
about his latest case.

It started yesterday.

I was on the bus.

Helen's dad was driving.

Hi, TD. Where to?

No place.


Whenever I don't have
anything else to do,

I ride the bus
to the end of the line.

I was absorbed in thought.

I was wondering:
what if buses could fly?

You'd never have
any traffic jams.

Getting out at your stop
wouldn't be a problem.

The only problem would be:
how do you get on a flying bus?

While I was thinking about it,
I saw a sign.


What is it?

Potatoes shaped like
scientists' heads!


But when I got to the box,

there were no potatoes
shaped like scientists.

It was empty.

Except for one thing.

A dinosaur?


But that's not
the weird thing.

The really, really
weird thing is

I lost one just like it
last month.

Really? How?

It was part of an experiment.

(in gruff voice):
You can't do it,
Captain Jack.

I won't let you.

It's not safe.

Aren't you intrigued
by what I might find up there?


When you're intrigued
by something,

it means you wonder
about it.

Like if you got a present.

You might be intrigued
by what was inside.

I'm intrigued, but...

No buts!

I must go!

Besides, TD's dad
won't let me in the house

with this rocket
glued on my back.

Oh, right.

It's space or nothing.

The blast-off went great.

(control beeps)

(rockets exploding)


Only one problem:

my dino went way farther
than I expected.

We've lost him.

But are you sure
it's not the same dinosaur?

Maybe it turned green
in space.

I thought about that,
but there are no marks

where the rockets
were glued on, and...

Wait a minute.


What's that sound?

A note!

"Milk, three packages
hot dogs,

catsup, mustard,
one package buns."

Holy cow!


It's a secret message!


A grocery list?

Huh! Right.

"Grocery list."


You're saying it's not?

That's what they
want you to think.

But who buys three
packages of hot dogs

and only one package
of buns?

Um, someone I'd like to meet.

No, it's way
too many hot dogs.

It has to be some kind
of coded message.

It is?


What probably happened was

some spy left this note
inside the dinosaur

for another spy to find.

The question is: why?

To get groceries?

Hmm, never thought of that.

Spies got to eat.

Hang on! Look!

On the back, there's
something in code.

What does it say?


TD spent the morning
searching code-breaking books

to try to crack the message.

But in the end, the great
detective was stumped.

It's no good!

Those spies are too smart.

Wait a minute.




It smells like books.

And not just any books.

Library books!

Which means this number
isn't a formula after all.

It's one of those numbers
they put on library books.

A call number.

Come on!


point three, point... five-G!

It's here!


What's it say?

Fun and Games
for Boys and Girls.

It looked like a dead end,

but then I had an idea.

Hey, maybe you can find out
who had the book out last.

Good thinking.

They're probably the ones who
left the dinosaur in the box.

But when TD questioned
the librarian,

she told him something
very strange.

This book hasn't been
checked out in over years.


Fun and Games is right.

Someone is playing games
with us.

Someone very clever.

And very, very old.

A note!

What does it say?

"Stinky: Let's rendezvous
at my aunt's house after school.

" Baker Street.


What's it mean?

Good question.

"Rendezvous means
to meet someone.

"If you rendezvous
with someone,

"that means you meet at
a certain time or place,

often secretly."

A rendezvous.

That means...

We've found our spy.

Come on, let's go!

But when we got to the address

where Stinky and Rufus
had their rendezvous...

It's not here!

Well, it has
been years

since anyone
checked out that book.

Maybe the building
got torn down.

No, that's what
they want us to think.

Someone's been tossing us around

like a stone
in a hopscotch game,

just trying to see
which way we'll jump.

Hey, you two!

Need a ride?


Why not?

We've been crushed
by superior forces.

Wait a minute.

What is it?

It's okay, Mr. Lorraine.

We won't be needing
that ride after all.


What did you find?

It was right in front of us.

How could we have
missed it?



The hopscotch game.


What about it?

It goes to !

It does?


One, two, three, four, five,

seven, eight, nine, ten, .

There's no six!

The six is missing.

Yes, it all adds up.

To what?


Trouble with a capital six.

TD felt certain that out there
somewhere was a mind

as brilliant as his own.

But where?


A six!

Excuse me.

Are you Stinky?


You can't be Rufus,

unless Rufus
is your brother.

What are you talking about?

TD, maybe
we should keep looking.

I guess you wouldn't know
anything about potatoes

that look like scientists.


Or a book full
of fun and games.


Or about a dinosaur.

My dinosaur.

I think you know
where it is.

I've been expecting you.


This room looks very familiar.

I believe this is what
you're looking for.

My dinosaur!

I'm sorry to put you
through all those tests,

but I had to be certain
I had the right person.

How did you find it?

It's a very strange story.

I was on my way home
from Spanish lessons

when all of a sudden...


Where did it come from?

It was an absorbing mystery.

He came from the sky,
but he refuses to talk.

It's a fascinating


If something is

that means you think
it's interesting

and you want to know
more about it.

Like if you were playing
a video game

and you couldn't pay attention
to anything else

because you were
too absorbed in it?


Only this is no game.

I contacted the weather bureau

to determine the wind direction
that day.

From that information,

I was able
to approximate the location

from which the flying dinosaur
had blasted off.

From the rocket attached
to the back of the dinosaur,

I concluded that the owner was
someone with a love of science.

That gave me an idea.


I guessed my suspect
would have to travel

along the main route
at some point.


The person
I was looking for

would certainly be intrigued

by potatoes in the shape
of scientists.

I obtained a similar dinosaur.

I would have left
your dinosaur in the box,

but I didn't want it to fall
into the wrong hands.

She knows what she's doing.

I put a note inside.

To most people,
this note would look like

an ordinary shopping list.

But a genius would
immediately recognize

that no one buys that
many hot dogs without buns.

That's what TD said!

Your dog talks.


She doesn't.

Ah, I see.

She's not your dog.

Wow, you're smart!

That's very true.

I put the library call number
on the back of the note,

knowing a brilliant mind
would recognize it

and go straight
to the library.

We followed the book smell.

Fair enough.

I made up the names
Rufus and Stinky

to throw any spies
off the track.

I knew the real owner
wouldn't give up.

Also, I like mysteries.

That seems crazy!

But it makes sense to me.

I'm TD.

And this is Martha.

My name is Cissy.

It's short for Cecilia.

So the great detective
had solved the mystery

and found a mind
equal to his own.

As the afternoon wore on,
they discussed other things.

All you need
are some giant springs.

They would sh**t you up
onto the bus.


Soon, it was time to go home.

You said you like
mysteries, right?


Well, if you ever need help
solving one...

Thank you.

But I work alone.

You solved it!

You got your dino back.


But the great mind
was deep in thought.

Just then...

Stop the bus!

What are you doing?

Leaving a clue.

She's no litterbug.

She'll have to come back
for her box.

And when she does...

She'll find
an intriguing clue?


Come on.

Let's go think up
a really good mystery.

And so the mystery was solved,

and another one was started.

Who can say
how it will all turn out?

Appealing-- if something
is appealing to you,

or check out your local library

for the Martha Speaks books.