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05x09 - The Return of Ralph/Little Bo's Sheep

Posted: 10/16/22 11:04
by bunniefuu
♪ She went... and... and... ♪
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say ♪

♪ Now she speaks... ♪

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks ♪

♪ Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks... ♪

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right, but
still that Martha speaks... ♪

Hi, there.

♪ She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique... ♪

Testing, one, two.

♪ Hear her speak ♪

♪ Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates,
elucidates, exaggerates ♪

♪ Indicates and explicates ♪

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ Hyperventilates. ♪

♪ Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. ♪

A little to the left.

A little to the right.

Don't forget to tell us when
we've reached the steps

so we can pause.

Like my feet?

No, pause means to stop
for a short time.

When you pause,
you stop but know you're going

to start again very soon.

Pausar, when we
pause at the steps,

we'll stop moving so we can
get ready to climb the steps.

What's that?

Oh, wait!

It's a TV.

I didn't realize at first
because it's so small.


Is this a pause?

Are we pausing?

Did we reach the stairs?

Ronald's probably
just stopping to brag

about how their TV is gigantic.

Now, our TV
is colossal.

So big we can tell which
way the grass leans

when Dad watches golf.

The grass is enormous,
and the dirt?


Trust me, the best thing you'll
ever see on TV is huge dirt.

Imagine watching
Courageous Collie Carlo

at three times the actual size.

Hubba hubba.

We are not getting
a colossal TV, Martha.

If you want to see something
huge, look up at the sky.

The sky's nice,
but it's no Collie Carlo.

(distant quacking)

Hey, ducks!

They're returning after flying
south for the winter.

Do you think Ralph
is with them?

Ralph, the injured duck
who took over our TV

and watched that show
over and over?

I hope not.

The last time I saw him
he went home with Ronald.

He didn't stay long.

I remember the day he left
just happened to be the day

The Mushy Duck Show
stopped showing new episodes.

That was no coincidence.

All he wanted was
to watch that show.

Can we end this pause
and start moving again?

My back.

Gotta go, Ronald.

Okay, Dad,
you're almost at the steps.

The duck on the end
kind of looks like Ralph.

(duck humming Mushy Duck theme)

(quacks excitedly)


Skits says Mushy Duck
would look good gigantic.

No gigantic Mushy Duck!

Do you know how long
it took to get

that theme song
out of my head?

It hurts to even
think about it.

Okay, no gigantic
Mushy Duck.

I think we can all
agree on that.


(loud quacking)




Helen, you didn't
close the door!

What is our rule
about closing doors?

Close the door so ducks don't
get in and sit on the couch?


He says he was flying
back from the south,

saw us and wanted to say hi.


And his wing is healed,
so we didn't have

to worry about him.

We didn't worry.

That wing healed
long before you left,

but you kept it a secret
so you could stay

and watch more Mushy Duck,


That duck will not choose
what we watch on TV.

(quacking sullenly)

You can't hide behind
cute ducky eyes.

I know what you're thinking.

Sorry, Ralph.

If she hears the
Mushy Duck theme again,

it might stay in
her head forever.

It's funny that she's
so bothered by it.

I can't even
remember that song.

Sure you can.

It goes...

♪ Dum-de-dum, dum da luck... ♪

♪ Now it's time
for Mushy Duck! ♪

I remember.

♪ Kiss a mole, hug a bee ♪

♪ Won't you like
a friend like me? ♪

(quacking along)

Esa canción!

That song!

It's back in my brain!


I couldn't stop.

It's so catchy.

Anyway, she started it.

You're right.

I won't let that happen again.


I'm sorry, Ralph.

It's not your fault you enjoy
a show that makes my brain hurt.

(door locks)

Like I said,
no gigantic Mushy Duck.

That is why Ralph cannot stay.

He can't stay?

What does "stay" mean?

Isn't "stay" one of the first
things every dog is taught?

Stay, sit, roll over.

I skipped that stuff.

So did Skits.


When you stay somewhere,
you don't move from there.

You don't leave.

Mom doesn't want Ralph
to stay in here

because he might never leave.


And he'd play that show.

And the song would stay
in my head.


I get it.

You don't want the song
to stay in your head

so you can't let Ralph
stay in the house.


I need something to help me
forget it right away.

All right.

Let's all sit down and watch a
nice, relaxing, gigantic show.

(channel changes)

That one.
(channel changes)

No, let's watch that.
(channel changing)

You went past it.

Go back, Danny.
(channel changing)

Go back, Helen.
(channel changing)

Go back, Martha.
(channel changing)

Me? I don't have
the remote.

I don't have it, either.

Neither do I.

I left it on the couch
right there.

Then who is changing
the channels?



Helen-- duck.

That's not the
duck I meant.

How about: Psst, Helen.


How did Ralph
get the remote?



Cover your ears,

Stop him before
he reaches Mushy Duck!



Ralph says he was testing it

to see if this was yours.

It is, so take it.

You must have dropped
it outside, Dad.

Thank you, Ralph.

Ralph isn't such a bad duck.

(door locks)

(quacks dejectedly)


There's nothing like
a colossal nature show.

(tap at window)

(quacking sadly)

Oh, Ralph says he can't hear it

so he'd like to come inside
to watch.

Sorry, Ralph.




Let's pause right now
and promise that none of us

will let Ralph take over the TV.


It only happened last time
because we felt sorry for him.

Well, this time he's healthy,
so it's tough luck, duck.




(latch squeaking)




Ralph, is that you?



You're going to wake
everyone up.

Can you whisper?

Do ducks whisper?

(quacks loudly)


You have to stay out.

(quacking sadly)

It's uncomfortable out there?


I guess you could sleep
against me.

Dogs are comfortable and warm.


And be very, very quiet.


That's right.

Hop right into my chair.

Wait, you passed it.
(TV blaring)

(cries out)

Stop that!

Bad duck!


What is all the noise?

(channels changing)


Martha, did you let him in?

Put him out.

Ralph, you are ordered
to remain outside!


What does "remain" mean?

"Remain" means the same
as "stay."

If someone tells you
to remain somewhere,

that means don't move.


Why did I say remain
instead of stay?

Mom told you to stay out
and you didn't.

I thought a new word
would make you understand.

(TV shuts off)

Ralph, you can't remain
in the house.


He has aches and pains

and just wants to curl up
and watch TV.

We were so nice
to him last time,

why can't we be nice again?


You think about eating a guy
just once and look what happens.

I bet this never happens
to vegetarians.


I know a way to make
Ralph very comfortable

if he'll agree
to remain outside.

And Dad solved everything
while you and Mom were asleep.

(Mushy Duck theme playing)



Don't move!

Remain still!




Is something wrong with Ralph?

I got Ralph to stay out
by giving him a blanket

and the old TV.

Did you give him eggs, too?

Because he has eggs up there.


Where would he get eggs?

Dad, where does any duck
get duck eggs?



(quacking along
to Mushy Duck theme)

I guess Ralph
didn't take

a layover here
just to watch TV.

What's a layover?

Is that something
you make with eggs?

What did she say?

She said,
"What's a layover?"

When you have a layover,
that means you make a stop

in your trip before
you keep going.

Ralph stopped here for a layover

and then he'll
keep flying on.

It'll be a longer layover
than we hoped

because he, um, she is going
to be a mother.

Ralph's having
duck puppies?

So, she took a layover
to lay eggs.


(ducklings chirping)





I'm all for helping new mothers

but this layover
has lasted seven weeks.

Time to fly away, Ralph.


They have their own TV
in the tree house.

Why are they always in here?


Ralph says the kids
like this one better.


I know what I have to do.

Reason for return?

It attracts too many ducks.

I'm sorry.

I thought you said it
attracts too many ducks.


Do you have one that's
guaranteed not to attract ducks?

Uh, no.


Too bad.

We're going for a walk.

Has anyone seen the ducks
since we got rid of the big TV?


They left as soon as
the gigantic TV was gone.



Ronald wasn't kidding about
their TV being colossal.

Do you think the ducks left

because our TV
wasn't big enough?

We'll never know.



(Mushy Duck theme playing)

Don't worry.

He'll leave as soon as this
season of Mushy Duck is over.

Only more weeks!


"Migrate" means to move
from one area or country

to another.

We will now demonstrate
that visually.

Let's say Helen
is one place

and I am another,
far away.

A herd of elephants
will now migrate

from there to here.

We have elephants?


The elephants left.

They're headed west.

I need to show something
that migrates.

Some birds migrate
every year.

They migrate for the winter,
and then they migrate back.

The ducks!

They can show us how
they migrate.

Call the ducks!


Ducks don't migrate in cars.

They only migrate in winter.

Otherwise they drive.

Oh, well, here's a shot
from last winter.

Roll it!

There they go!

They're migrating
to warmer places.

Why do the ducks
get a car

and I have to walk



There's nothing like the smell
of warm blueberry muffins.

Martha, you're not getting any

no matter how persistent
you are.


Am I persistent?

Maybe because I was running
around the yard.

If someone is persistent,

that means they keep doing
something and won't stop.

Martha, recuerda,
you have your own food.

Muffins are for people,
not dogs, remember?

Oh, all right.

I'll just go outside,
chew on an old bone,

possibly starve.


Did I just see that?


Why is there a sheep outside?

Inside our kitchen?

(both scream)



Wow! Who are you?

And what are you doing
in our kitchen?




What's he saying?

He says he lost
a truck full of sheep.

A truck full?


He says it all started
back on the farm.

He's a herding dog.

His job is to make sure
the sheep go

where they're supposed to go.


Once he had all the sheep
loaded up,

they headed out.

Then, after they had gone
a long way...



The truck left without them!


They started walking
after the truck.

They reached a town.

They still couldn't find
their truck...


but they did find
something else...



Don't worry...

What's your name?



Little Bo.

Don't worry, Little Bo.

We'll help you
find your sheep.

(barks with relief)


(Little Bo barking)

That is one persistent sheep.

Okay, thank you.

Well, that's that.

I called the police
and the Animal Patrol,

but there's no report
of a lost herding dog.


Bo says he's not lost.

It's the sheep
who are lost.

Not to mention the truck.

What do we do?

Well, I guess we have to...
(fabric tearing)

Stop that!

No eating the pillows!



We have to get that
sheep out of here.

If we dawdle,

the furniture
will be gone.


Oh, dawdling means
moving slow.

Like when you're
herding sheep,

one sheep might dawdle
behind everybody else.

Or, say it's time
for school,

you might dawdle
in your room, or...

(sheep bleats)


That's my soup!

You should ask before you...


Put that down!

Come back here!

We need to find that truck now!

No dawdling!

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Why doesn't the sheep
go with you?

I am not letting that
creature in with my flowers.

We won't be long.

Just make sure that the sheep
doesn't get into any trouble.

How do I do that?

(glass breaking)

Oh, no.

Oh, no!


I lost my sheep.

Sheep, sheep, where are you?


(door closes)
(sheep bleats)



Oh, sheep!

Where are you?

Come on, little guy!

No more fooling a...



Stop that!


I mean it!

Don't you know
what "halt" means?

Halt means stop!

Halt means don't move!

Halt means...





You halted!

♪ ♪

The flower channel.


Cable has everything.

We couldn't find the sheep.

Mom had to make
her deliveries.

But maybe we can do
another kind of search.


Nothing for
"lost truck of sheep."

How about
"Bo and missing sheep"?

Hmm, nothing.

Try: "Hurry!

"Please collect
your annoying sheep

before he wrecks
our house!"

Today's hour was sponsored

by the National Sheepherder's

Did you hear that?

I think she said "sheep"!

Don't miss today's
sheep-herding contest

at the Wagstaff City

Sheep, prizes,

and many beautiful,
autumn-themed flower displays!

(everyone gasps)

That has to be it!

"Wagstaff City sheep-herding


Look! It's Bo!


That's him, all right!

Only he hates that photo.

It says here "Farmer Fettle
and his famous herding dog,

Little Bo..."

You're famous?

For herding sheep?


"...will defend

their 'Tri-County Region
Champion Sheep-Herder' crown

today at :."

We did it!

We found Bo's sheep!


All we have to do is
get you and your sheep

to the fairgrounds by...




Don't worry, Bo,
we'll get you there easy.

minutes is plenty of...

We'll never make it.

Yes, we will.

Come on, sheep, move!

You heard her!


Hang on.


Wait for me!

♪ ♪


Keep moving!

If we take the road
to the fairgrounds,

it'll take us minutes.

We don't have

We'll have to take
a different route.


A route is a way from
one place to another.

Like the route the truck you
were in took to get to town.

Or the way we're going now.

If we take a more
direct route,

we'll get there faster.


He says, "Lead the way!"

♪ ♪


Helen, wait!



No dawdling, sheep!

Can we come back for him later?


Bo says no.

The main rule of sheep-herding
is you can't lose a sheep,

especially before the
competition even starts.


Thank goodness
he's a fast eater.

Almost there.

We should be right on...


Is that the fairgrounds?


And we have to go
through this huge field

of flowers to get there?



Don't move, sheep!

(barking and howling)

We're doomed.

We'll be lucky to get
through by midnight.

We can't give up!

There must be some way.


How many flowers
can this sheep eat?


That's interesting.

He says a lot.



He says the sight of flowers
just makes the sheep

forget everything.


I've got it!

Wait here!

If he can't see the flowers...

It's worth a try.


It worked!


Come on!

Almost there!

I know my Bo.

He wouldn't just run off.

He had to have a...

(Bo barking)



Little Bo!

You made it!

This is the second
or maybe third

most heart-warming
thing I've ever seen.

I know.


I think you can take off
the blindfold now.

Are we in time?


In exactly two minutes,
Bo will get the chance

to defend his title.


I have extra tickets
if you'd care to watch.


The stands are thatta way.

Ready, Bo?


Good luck!



Do I smell
blueberry muffins?

You are one
persistent dog, Martha,

but you definitely
deserve a treat.

Just one, okay?


Although I think
I deserve two, actually.

Or three... four...
three's good.

What's he doing here?

He's our present!

For helping Bo find his farmer.

Isn't he cute?

Well, we don't need a sheep.

I insist you give him back.

Did you hear me?

When someone insists
that you do something,

that means they really
want you to do it.

For instance, I might insist
that I want a muffin,

and I insist that we
don't need a sheep!

(Martha groans)

He's eating my soup!

Who said you could eat my...


My words!

I'm losing my... (barking)


Oh, well, maybe we'll have
a talking sheep instead.


Martha, wake up.

You're having a bad dream.


A dream?

It was a dream!


Please, Helen,
don't let me eat

blueberry muffins anymore.

They give me bad dreams.

If you insist.



When you restore something,

that means you put it back
the way it was.

For instance, Mom likes
to restore old furniture,

which means she fixes it up.


Just like new!



Also, you can restore something
to its rightful owner.

The way we restored that
pesky sheep to the farmer.


Restoring something...

just means putting things back
the way they were.

Which isn't always
a good thing.

So now you know
what "restore" means.


Not so fast...

Who's going to help me?

Oh, right.

We now restore
your normal programming

while we restore this garden.


They're like fluffy
white chainsaws.

Did you

or check out your local library

for the Martha Speaks books.