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05x03 - The Puppy Tooth Fairy/Martha's Blue Period

Posted: 10/16/22 11:00
by bunniefuu
♪ She went... and... and... ♪
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say ♪

♪ Now she speaks... ♪

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks ♪

♪ Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks... ♪

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right, but
still that Martha speaks... ♪

Hi, there.

♪ She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique... ♪

Testing, one, two.

♪ Hear her speak ♪

♪ Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates,
elucidates, exaggerates ♪

♪ Indicates and explicates ♪

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ Hyperventilates. ♪

♪ Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. ♪

Now, look dejected.

(whimpers sadly)

No, you have to look sad.

Oh. Hello.

We were just working
on today's words.

They're all about feelings.

Words like "moping."


And "determined."




That's ridiculous,
not exhausted.

Watch for them all while
we work on Skits' acting.


Now that's dejected.


(in sing-song):
Red Rover, Red Rover,

send Skits right over.


Watch it!

Don't let him through.

I don't think
I like this game.

Why not?

It seems mean.

If Rover sends Skits over,

people shouldn't hold hands
to keep him out.



Be strong, Milo.

Hang in there.



Way to go, Skits!

Uh-oh, did Skits hurt you?


I have a loose tooth.


What's so great
about a loose tooth?

Are you kidding?


It's like this.

Whenever a kid loses a tooth...

Got it!

TD: He puts it under his pillow...


And the tooth fairy comes.

What a lovely tooth.

The tooth fairy takes the tooth and leaves a present,

like a comic book...

Or a seashell.

Sometimes you even get money.


I am filled
with anticipation.

What's anticipation?

Does being filled with it
make your teeth fall out?


Anticipation is that excited
or nervous feeling you get

when you know something
is about to happen,

but it hasn't happened yet.

Sometimes you
feel anticipation

about something good,
like your birthday.

Or dinner?


But sometimes you
feel anticipation

about something bad.

Like getting a shot
at the vet?

Or finding out your grade
on Mrs. Clusky's pop quiz.



Well, what do you know.


Lily's got a loose tooth, too.

Really? Now we'll
both get presents

from the tooth fairy.

Hey, look.

Milo and Lily.

I wonder what the tooth
fairy brought them.

I got a comic book!

But she didn't leave anything
for Lily at all.



That's awful.


Oh, Lily.

Don't be blue.

It could be worse.

The tooth fairy always gives me
a new toothbrush.


Maybe Lily's present got lost
under her doggie bed.

I looked everywhere.

Maybe the tooth fairy
doesn't like dogs.

Come on, Lily.

We should get home.

Poor Lily.

She looked so sad
and dejected.


I'd love to be dejected.

What's dejected?

Say you're flying a plane.

That's "ejected."

And it's going down,
like this...

(imitates plane engine)

That's "ejected."

And the pilot
pushes a button

and the top
of the plane pops off...


And the seat sh**t
out of the plane

and a parachute...

Did you say

That's "ejected."

We're talking
about dejected.


Because dejected means
you feel sad or unhappy,

and that's how Lily felt.

Not like she was sh**ting
out of an airplane.

Oh, that makes more sense.

I'd feel dejected, too,

if the tooth fairy brought
everyone else presents

but forgot all about me.

Of all the mean,
rotten, low down,

no good fairies
in the world,

the tooth fairy
has to be the worst!

I hope you're happy
with yourself, tooth fairy!

I mean, really.

Making a sweet little puppy sad.

The very idea.

What kind of meany head fairy
doesn't like dogs?

Martha, we don't know

the tooth fairy
doesn't like dogs.

There might have
been a mix-up.

Oh, there was no mix-up.

If there's one thing I can't
stand it's an unfair fairy.

And the tooth fairy is
a fairy who's very unfair.



Not time.


How can you be so sure
the tooth fairy

doesn't like dogs?

Have dogs not teeth?

Do we not chew?

Where are our toothbrushes?

Where are our
comic books?

Where are our
shiny new quarters?


What would you do with
any of that stuff?

You hate when I brush
your teeth, you can't read

and you don't have pockets.

It's the principle.


Too much traffic here.


When did you
lose teeth anyway?

When we were puppies.

Happens to every dog.

I didn't notice
you lost teeth

and I'm with you
all the time.

Maybe the tooth fairy
didn't notice either.


You're supposed to leave
your teeth under your pillow.

Did you?

I don't have a pillow.

Well, then, it was
an honest mistake.

A mistake that shall
be righted.


For I, Martha,

mutt of many talents,

will be the puppy tooth fairy.


I have never seen you
so determined before.

What's determined?

Is that something
tooth fairies do?

When you're determined,
it means you've decided

to do something,
and nobody and nothing

can stop you.

I'm determined,
all right.

And I'm determined
to help you.

You'll need a costume.




Ow... ow...



We've got a few kinks
to work out.

What kind of presents
will the puppy tooth fairy

bring to puppies?

It has to be something
every puppy would like...


How's she going to carry

her wand and
a doggie biscuit?


Skits says he'll be the puppy
tooth fairy assistant.


Yes, you can have wings, too.


The coast is clear.

Let's go.



Give me a push, will you, Skits?

I am determined to get
into this house.

(crashing and clattering)


Guess no one heard us.

(door opens)



(quietly whimpering)


Okay, Skits.

Give me the biscuit.


You ate it?

Now what am I going
to give Lily?

I don't want her
to feel dejected again.

Oh! Lily likes
chewing things.


Bring me that stick.

Thank you.


(scraping and clanging)




Help me out, will you?


(Martha cries out)

This is pitiful.

I'm the worst
puppy tooth fairy ever.

Who would come
in the house

in the middle of
the night with a stick?


The stick is from
the tooth fairy.

She remembered you!

I am mighty proud of us, Skits.

Thanks to us, a little puppy
doesn't feel dejected anymore.


Being a puppy tooth fairy
sure makes a dog tired.


(phone ringing,
Martha cries out)



She did?


The triplets each lost
a tooth, too?

I'm sure the puppy tooth fairy
will visit

Mandarin, Butterscotch
and Streak tonight.


(grunting and grumbling)

How was I supposed to know
Milo would tell everyone

about the puppy tooth fairy?

Luckily, Helen told
Mrs. Clusky's niece

to leave a window open

so the puppy tooth fairy
could get inside.

Skits. Freeze.

One false move and
that thing will go off.

It'll wake the whole house.

I'll do the deliveries.




Okay, let's make
a run for it.

(toy squeaking)


The puppy tooth fairy was here!

We're done.

We won't ever have to play
puppy tooth fairy again.


You're concerned
about me and Skits?


No need to be concerned.

We're just a little tired.



A puppy tooth fairy?

You don't say.


Bob lost a tooth
and is hoping

the puppy tooth fairy
will visit him?

Now that's something
to be concerned about.





You're all set for tonight.


TD called.

He, Milo and Lily went
to help Kazuo walk puppies

at the shelter,
and a bunch of the puppies...

Let me guess, lost teeth?




But she's so pitiful.


Now I'm the puppy tooth fairy
and the kitten tooth fairy.

Where will it end, Skits?


Oh, there you are.

You look exhausted.


I'm not exhausted,
I'm just really tired.

That's what
exhausted means.

That you're really,
really tired.


What did you
want to tell me?

Mrs. Clusky called and said the
triplets have lost more teeth,

and Kazuo said some
of the shelter puppies

have lost more teeth, too.

And someone from the zoo called.

Something about the tiger baby

(gasps, then gulps)

I hope Jeffy never loses
a tooth.


♪ ♪





No pillows.

Where do I put the present?



I'm stuck in a whale.

How will I ever get out of here?

(woman singing)

Puppy tooth fairy!

You're real!


What's that you say,
puppy tooth fairy?

You'll take over from here?

What's this for?

To thank me
for all my hard work?

Thank you, puppy tooth fairy!

Thank you.

But I was happy to help.



Ow, ow.

(phone ringing,
Martha cries out)

Oh, no, it's morning!

I was so exhausted,
I slept through the night.

Those poor animals
didn't get a visit

from the puppy tooth fairy.

That was Kazuo.

He said thanks for dropping off
all those biscuits

for the puppies last night.

It made them so happy.

The zoo said Tiger Baby
loved his present, too.

I didn't...

You must be

Get some sleep.


You don't think...

She's real, Skits.

Puppy tooth fairy
is really real!

Hello, there.

If you are anticipating a visit
from the puppy tooth fairy,

here's how you can help me out.

Always make sure there's a way
for the puppy tooth fairy

to get inside.


Because I'm concerned my wings
will get stuck.

When you're concerned
about something,

that means you feel worried.

Always keep your floor clear
of debris...

(crying out)

(loud thud)

I'm okay.

And always leave out a tasty
treat for the puppy tooth fairy.

(clearing her throat)


Scratch the tasty treat.

I'm concerned about the puppy
tooth fairy's waistline.


You can't blame
a puppy tooth fairy

for trying, can you?


Helen! No! Stop!

You shouldn't do this.

Wait until Mom finds out.

Mom already knows.

She wants me to go.

She does?

Does she know you're
going without me?


Oh... (panting)

Oh, Martha.

Stop worrying.

But Helen.

What if there are
monsters out there?

Or tigers?

It's too dangerous.

You know what's dangerous?

You getting
all under my feet.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I won't do it again.

Please don't leave me.

I won't be at
art camp for long.

Stop looking morose.

I'm sorry I'm
looking more oase.

I'd look less "oase"
if I knew what "oase" meant.

When someone looks morose,
it means they look

really unhappy or sad.

I can't help it.

I get morose when
you're away from me.

Ready to head out?

Why the long face?

I'm a dog.

We have long faces.

If you wanted a short face,
you should've gotten a pug.

Or a Pekinese.

Saying someone has a long face
is another way of saying

they look morose or sad.


Don't go!

Don't cry.

I'll be back tomorrow.


Do you think
I'm overreacting?



MARTHA (howling):
I'll miss you!

I'll miss you, too.

Poor Martha.

She looks so pitiful.

When someone looks pitiful,
Jakey, it means

they look so sad and
unhappy that you feel

really sorry for them.

You are "full of pity or sorrow"
for them.

And Martha is pitiful,
all right.


I know I look
pitiful, Skits.

But I can't stop crying.

I miss Helen so much.



Now Helen's going
to be angry.

All this crying
makes it look

like I had an accident
on the rug.



We have to go
higher, Skits.


I'm going to be
in so much trouble.




You're home.


What are you doing
on the roof?

It was the only dry place
we could find.





Oh, honey, I don't know
how you can get

so sentimental
about Martha.

You've only been
gone ten minutes.

I'm worried about her.

She seemed so dejected.

Why don't you ask TD
to check on her?

Maybe they could play together.

Great idea.

That way she won't sit
around the house

feeling sad and
moping all day.


No problem.

I'll stop by after I pick up
my Halloween costume.

Halloween costume?

It's only April.

It never hurts to plan ahead.

I'll check on her
as soon as I'm done.

Thanks, TD.


Okay, here we are.







Enough of this sentimental

Time to make art.

I want you to free up
your imaginations.

I don't want you to think
of anything except art.

So no talking on cell phones.


I wanted to check on my dog.

Maybe I can text?

"TD, how is Martha?"

(phone chirps)

"Almost there.

Hang on."

I feel so morose, Skits.

I'll never, ever be happy again.




"She's fine.


"Eating the sofa?"

No talking
and no texting.

Only drawing.

My dog ate the sofa,
two chairs and a rug.

Mine does that too
when she's angry.



"Meant to type,
eating something in the sofa.



It's TD.

Boy, am I glad to see you!

I was feeling sort of dejected.

Why are you wearing
a pirate costume?

Why carry it when
I can just put it on

over my clothes?



What are you doing here?

Helen asked me to check on you.

She was worried you were blue.

Nope, I'm still yellow.

Not blue the color.

Blue like the feeling.

When someone is blue,
it means they feel sad.

In that case,
I'm yellow on the outside

and blue on the inside.

Don't be.

Let's play a game
or something.

I'm sort of busy missing Helen.

It'll make the time go quicker.

Well, okay...


Just let me get these boots off.

They're hard to walk in.


I want you to draw the first
thing that pops into your mind.

The sofa.

My dog is eating it.

I'm so angry,
I am going to eat this sofa.


Oh, I'm still angry.

I have to eat that chair, too.



Oh, the complete destruction.

The utter ruin!

It's Dali-esque.

May I be excused,
Mr. VaDinci?

I need to use the restroom.

C'mon, TD.

Pick up.

(phone ringing)

Whose number is that?

Must be calling me by mistake.



This is exhausting.


Maybe I should have
taken off my sneakers

before I put on the boots.

Why didn't you?

I like having
my hands free.


Let me help.


(cries out)

(phone ringing)
Why doesn't he answer?

Maybe Truman can check
on Martha.

(phone ringing)

MILO: Hello?


I meant to call Truman.

You've got the right place.

Truman can't come to the phone
because there's a spider.

Um, okay.

This may sound silly,

but could you
look out the window

and check to see if
my house is still there?

Yes, it's still there.


But it's being att*cked
by pirates.

And Martha is fighting them off.

You are determined to use
the telephone, aren't you?


Forget about
the outside world.

Draw something really fun.

Let yourself be crazy
and really out there.

My house is being
att*cked by pirates

and my dog is
fighting them off.


Oh no you don't,
you rapscallion.

Ha ha!


(cries out)

I am not so morose,
pitiful and incredibly blue

that I cannot protect
the house from pirates.


Take care of
this one, Skits.

I'll get the one
on the roof.

I'm determined to keep
this house safe.




(cries out)


(cries out)


Time to walk the plank,
me hearty.

(cries out)

(loud thud)


I know people get
sentimental about pets,

but do you ever draw
pictures of anything

besides your dogs?



Face it, you guys.

These things are
never coming off.


I blame myself.

I miss Helen too much.

I'm too distracted to tug.

Why don't you go visit her?

She's only over
at Doghead Lake.


Doghead Lake?

Why didn't she say so?

Let's go, Skits!

Why don't you paint something
more relaxing?


A nature scene perhaps.

You like animals.

How about that bird?


Or that squirrel...


This is the problem
with drawing nature:

it never holds still.





There you are.

Oh, it's so good
to see you.


(loud thud)



(clears his throat)

I don't want you
to feel dejected,

but I'm not supposed
to have contact

with the outside world.


How's this?


I'm so glad you're here.

All I was doing
was moping around.


Is that a fancy word
for drawing?

When you mope, it means
you don't do very much

because you are so sad.

Like this.




Oh, I guess I was moping, too.


As a reward for being
such good models,

how would you like
a nice biscuit?

The only reward I need
is being close to Helen.

But as long
as you're offering.

(everyone laughing)

The only reward I need
is being close to Helen.

That was a very sentimental

When you're sentimental
about something,

it means you have really strong
feelings of happiness

or sadness about it.

Some people get sentimental
about old photographs.


Oodgie woodgie,
you were so cute.

Aw... (laughs)

MARTHA: Others are sentimental about gifts that someone gave them...


(classical piano music playing)

MARTHA: Or music...


This is from the juice I drank
before I hit my first homerun.

And this is from the first time
I stubbed my toe.

And other people
are sentimental about...

well, everything.

I'm just a sentimental
kind of guy.

Did you catch all of today's
words about feelings?

Let's watch them again.

Roll it.

When someone looks morose,
it means they look

really unhappy or sad.

Anticipation is that
excited or nervous feeling

you get when you know
something is about to happen,

but it hasn't happened yet.

When you're concerned
about something,

that means you feel worried.

See you next time.


Oh, stop moping.

You're a wonderful actor.


or check out your local library

for the Martha Speaks books.