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04x12 - Wagstaff Races/The Missing Metal Mystery

Posted: 10/16/22 10:54
by bunniefuu
♪ Martha was an average dog ♪

♪ She went... and... and... ♪
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say ♪

♪ Now she speaks... ♪

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks ♪

♪ Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks... ♪

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right, but
still that Martha speaks... ♪

Hi, there.

♪ She's got the voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique... ♪

Testing, one, two.

♪ Hear her speak ♪

♪ Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates,
elucidates, exaggerates ♪

♪ Indicates and explicates ♪

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ Hyperventilates! ♪

♪ Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. ♪

Hi! Today's show is full of
interesting words like "waste,"

"pollution" and "landfill."

Hold it, hold it.

Today is about pollution?

Why not just say,
"Please don't watch our show."

What's wrong with it?

You have to make it sound cool.

Today's show is about a car
that comes out of the swamp!


You try.

Today's show is all
about biodegradable stuff.

Vroom, vroom.

Listen for words like "energy,"
"alternative" and "solar"

and I'll see you
at the end of the show.


Uh, what did you
say this was again?

A solar cooker.

I thought it was
a hotdog cooker.

"Solar" just means it
has to do with the sun.

So, the solar cooker uses
sunlight to heat the hot dogs.

Oh, well, I wish the sun
would hurry up

so Skits and I can eat
the hot dogs.

Try to be patient.

Sometimes alternative energy
takes a little longer to work.

Alternative energy?

means different.

When we use a solar cooker
to cook hot dogs

instead of a stove,
we're using alternative energy.

These look done.

Alternative energy is delicious.

But what's wrong
with regular energy?

Using alternative energy is
better for the environment.

Hey, speaking of alternative

it says here that Wagstaff
City's environmental club

is having a go-cart race.

A race?
What's that got to do with it?

You have to use alternative
energy to power your vehicle.

It's called the "Go Green
Go-Cart Race."

I might enter if I can
find a partner.

I'll be your partner!

That's a great idea.

No one said both team
members had to be human.

So when do we start?

Let's go to the library
and do some research first.

Sounds good.

But before we go, maybe
we should test how well

your solar cooker
can cook a steak.

I don't think so,

but nice try.


Well, it was worth a shot.

Go-carts... go-carts...


What happened to all the books?


Maybe alternative energy.


All gone.

The books are checked out
to a Ronald Boxwood.

Ronald Boxwood?

Yep, every single book.

Ronald Boxwood!

That's what I said.

No, I mean he's right there
in the Steinglass's driveway.

Hey, Ronald!



May I help you?

The librarian said you
checked out all the books

about go-carts and
green technology.

Yeah, I checked out the books.

Why do you care?

Well, Martha and I were thinking
we could borrow some of them

since you can't read
all of them at once.

Who said anything about
reading them?

I checked them out

because I don't want other
people reading them.

And that includes you.

Why would you do
something like that?

Sorry, I can't tell you,
it's top secret.

(drill noises)

Are you entering
the green go-cart race?


Come on, Ronald,
we mustn't waste time.

We have a race to win.

So you are entering
the go-cart race.

Stop spying on me!

It's okay, Martha.

We can do our research
on the Internet.

Okay, I printed off some stuff

and it looks like our best bet
is a solar-powered cart.

Like the hot dog cooker?


The cart will get its
energy from the sun.

All right.

Solar sounds good, especially
if it can also cook hot dogs.

I'll ask Dad about
getting some solar cells.

They soak up sunlight and
use it to generate energy.

Now, all we have to do
is design our go-cart

by making a drawing
of what it will look like.


Good work, Martha.

(alarm blares)

Cat alert!


Cats are so predictable.

Let's cook a hot dog.

We've got our design.

Now all we need to do
is find some parts.

What about the junkyard?

They have parts,
don't they?

Good idea.

We can reuse old parts.

I'll get Dad to take us.

Hey, here's one
you can use.

Good eye, Dad.


Don't tell me you're entering
the green go-cart race, too.

Yep. I teamed up with Alice.



What kind of cart
are you making?

We came up with a great idea
for a wind-powered cart.

Wind creates a lot of energy.

I thought the sun made energy.

So does wind.

Energy is what
makes things go.

Yeah, Martha, the way
food gives you the energy

to do things
like chase squirrels.

And we're going to use wind
energy to win the race.

Check out our design.

Woo! Yeah!

All right!

That's great, TD.

But what if there's no wind
to power your cart?

I've got it covered.

We're going to
build a giant...

We are not building
a giant wind machine!

We're building a giant
wind machine.

I told you we should have
hidden all the good parts.

Don't worry, there is more
than one way to win a race.

(laughs evilly)

Let me have a look.
Hold on!

You mustn't be
so selfish.

Wait a second.

Hi, Ronald,
hi, Reginald.

Stop spying on me!


Hi, Tru...

No time,
have to get home.

Working on a
secret project.

Are you entering
the green go-cart race?

Ooh, she's good.

Martha and I are
entering it, too.

Good luck!

May the best cart win.

Oh, we will.


What is
that smell?

I wish I had time
to explain, but I don't.

To the cart cave!

Where's that?

My garage.

Oh, right--
to the cart cave!

Pond scum.

The perfect alternative energy
source for our go-cart.

The anaerobic activity of the
algae will generate the energy

we need to power our vehicle.


Can't you just see it?



Just as long

as it doesn't scare
too many people.

All right, ladies,
the race is tomorrow.

You'd better get some sleep.

Sounds good to me.

(excited chattering)

Did you notice if the weather
forecast predicted wind?



Why aren't we moving?

It takes a while for
the pond scum to generate

enough energy
for us to move.

(engine sputters to life)


Keep the pond scum coming!


I told you we should have
built a giant wind machine.

Look, they're catching up!

Let me drive.



Oh, no!

I told you: there's more than
one way to win a race.

Start chewing.

Maybe we should have built
a cart that runs on clouds.


Oh, no!

Do you need any help?

No, we've got everything
under control.

Just beat Ronald
and Reginald!

(wind begins gusting)

Here we go.

Finish line, here we come!

(wind dies down)


I think you meant
"starting line."

Evasive maneuver
number two!


You can't do that!

Just did!


I'll get it off!

Looks like bubblegum.

Let's get moving.

Ronald and Reginald
are cheating.

We know.

Hurry, don't let
those cheaters win.

They might as well
give us our trophy now.

Maybe we should just quit.

(powerful wind gusts)




(flashbulb bursts)


Can you tell us
how your cart works?

Well, you see, the fish
generates the energy.

When you generate energy,
that means you make it.

So in this case,
when the fish swims,

it generates the power
we need to run our cart.

Yes, I know what "generate"
means, but how does the fish

make enough energy
to power the cart?

It's a very complicated

Hmm... well, how about
a victory lap

so we can see your cart
in action again?


All right.

I want to drive
this time.

No, I'm driving!

It's not fair!



(yelling, crash)

(crowd gasps)

Gasoline is not
alternative energy.

You're disqualified.

I thought I told you to take
off the lawnmower blades.

If you'd let me drive,
this wouldn't have happened.


Congratulations on
creating a go-cart

that actually runs on
alternative energy.


I'd love to get a photo
with you and your cart.

Say, where is it?

(wind gusting)

Hey, TD.

What are you up to?

Oh, you know,
just converting things.

Converting things?

Yeah, when you convert

that means you change it
into something else.

I converted this water into ice
by putting it in the freezer.

And I converted an old sock
into a puppet.

Hi, Martha!

Oh, and it's still stinky!

And now, to convert this apple
into applesauce using my body.

That seems like
a bad idea.


But maybe I can convert the
bad idea into a good idea.

Nope, still a bad idea.

I guess some things
just can't be converted.

It was in the spring when my
friend TD cracked the mystery

of the missing metal.

We were sitting in the study,
as usual.

The great brain was indulging

in one of his favorite

Look, an alligator!

Playing connect-the-dots
with his freckles.

Aha, jolly good!

We didn't have to wait long
before we had a visitor.

(bell rings)

And a case!

A mystery, you say?

What is it?

It's the baffling story of a boy
who gets an allowance

but whose chores never seem
to get done.


You'll find the first
clue downstairs.

It's a mysterious
pile of recycling

that's been sitting
there for days.

I said I would do it.

Why not do it now?

Martha can watch you draw
on your arm later.


We were planning to do
something exciting.

Helping the environment
is exciting.

You're helping reduce waste.

Reduce waste?

You mean I'm going
to get thinner

from doing all of this work?

Get it?
Do you get it?

"Waste" means garbage,

but it also means your waist.

Do you get it?

Waste, waist?
Get it? Reducing waist?

Get it? Want me
to explain it again?

I get it, I get it,
now get going.

Moms have a very underdeveloped
sense of humor.

Hey, I can look at the trophy
Alice and I got

for winning the race.

Did your mom make you
keep it at the junkyard?

Nah, she said I could
keep it at home,

but I like having all my
good stuff in one place.


Now let's go see my stuff.

I tell ya, there's
no better feeling

than coming to a junkyard

and knowing some of this junk
is yours.


What's the matter?

Where's my trophy?

It's gone!

Nope, haven't seen it.

But have you seen my clipboard?

They stole your
stuff, too?

Stole? Who?

We don't know.

First it was my trophy and
now it's your clipboard.


Now, if you look around I'm
sure you'll find your trophy.

Maybe check behind the...


There was , pounds
of copper here yesterday!

Where did it go?

Someone is stealing stuff.

Don't worry, Joe,
we're on the case.

We'll find out
who's behind this.

How could someone sneak
a ton of copper past Joe?

They probably stole it at night
when Joe wasn't there.

Put your hands up!

Behind you.


Just as I thought--
you robbed your own store.

It's always the last
guy you suspect.

Say, I never thought of that.

That's it!

That's the answer!

Wait, you're saying Joe
robbed his own junkyard?

No, it's worse than that.

(maniacal laugh)

Mine, all mine!

What? You stole your own trophy?

It's always the last
person you suspect.

But why would you steal
your own trophy?

And , pounds of copper?

I must have been sleepwalking.


My Aunt EB does it sometimes.

One time they found her
at the grocery store

and she was sound asleep.

Come on, let's find out
where I stashed it.


Not here.


I don't see , pounds
of copper.

You're right.

So I guess you didn't
take it after all.


Or that's what I want
you to think.


It's obvious we're facing

a devious criminal mastermind,


That's right.


You okay there,
criminal mastermind?

Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.

You put our trophy
in the junkyard?

That's not important.

What's important is did you see
someone walking around with it?

And , pounds
of copper?

He might have
looked like this.

That's your
school picture.

Just answer the
question, please.

Did you see this guy
with a lot of metal?

He might have
looked sleepy.

You put our trophy
in the junkyard?


I didn't think anyone
would take it.

TD, I can't believe you had
anything to do with taking it.

But I think
I know who did.

Why would I want
that stinkin' thing?

I didn't even want
to win that dumb race.

But I know a lot
of people who did.

I'll wager the person who stole
that trophy is in this room.

And the question is
which one of you did it?

I knew it was me.

But where did I hide it?

TD, are you sure
you're the one who took it?

It might have
been someone else.

That's what
I thought.

But let's examine
the possibilities.

Number one: monkey taking
stuff out of the junkyard

to build a tree house.

Does that happen?

I saw it on a TV show.

But I called the zoo.

They said none
of the monkeys has

a ,-pound copper tree house.

Ooh, he's good.

Second possibility: some bad
guys are using the junk

to construct robots to scare
everyone in town.



Do you see any robots?


So that leaves only
one possibility:

I took it while I was

But why would I want ,
pounds of copper?

Oh, lots of reasons.


Well, I'm a little busy now,
but I have something

that'll tell you
all you need to know.


I used to have a group,
the Pollution Players.

We went to schools to explain
how to reduce

the amount of junk in dumps
and landfills.

We made this DVD.

I think you'll
enjoy it.


Hang on there, friend.

What are you doing?

Throwing this unsightly
aluminum on the ground.

I'll tell you what
you're really doing:

you're polluting.


That's right.

When people pollute, that means
they make things dirty

or dangerous to live in.

Pollution can be in the air.

It can be in the water.

It can be on the ground.

Like that big pile of aluminum
you just dropped.

Wow, I feel bad.

What can I do about it?

I'm glad you asked!

Come on,
follow me.

Ooh, it's getting
good now.

Wow, look at all this.

This is the recycling center.

You can take your garbage
to the dump or the landfill,

but recycling is one of the best
ways to stop pollution

in its tracks.

These are the bins for
separating your waste paper,

your glass,
your used cans.

Do I put my aluminum
in there?

No, that goes
in a special area.

Come along.

You see, many metals like
aluminum, copper and iron

are dug out of the ground.

Digging uses lots of energy

and makes lots of dust
and exhaust.

But if you recycle, you not
only reduce the amount of space

used in dumps and landfills,
you save lots of energy.

Wait, what's a landfill?

Is that like where they take
mountains of waste

and put them in a big hole
in the ground

and cover them with dirt?


What's more, many recycling
yards will pay you

for scrap metal
you bring in.

Here, take some money.


I think I'll go
buy a soda pop.

Just make sure it's
in a recyclable can.


Talkin' trash!

I only have one question.


Why wasn't this
in movie theaters?

So, we know that copper and
other metals are valuable.

I must have sold them.

Wow, I am a busy sleepwalker.

You're like a sleeprunner.

Yeah. And we have to make sure
I don't do it again.

Sure, Martha can stay
at your house

if it's all right with her.

HELEN (on phone):
Just give her some
alphabet soup.


We have to keep me from
sleepwalking and going out

and stealing more stuff.

It's up to you.

Don't let me out of this room.

No matter what happens,
you can't let me leave.

Got it?

Do not let me out.

TD, dinnertime!


Excuse me.

Where are you going?
To eat.

Nope, sorry, I can't
let you out.

But this doesn't count.

Sorry, orders are orders.

You're right.

I'm trickier
than I thought.

I'll go ask your mom if
she'll bring your dinner up.

I'll get you yet.


More stuff stolen?

'Fraid so.

Last night someone got
all the aluminum.

That stuff is valuable.


They look like my
footprints, all right.

Well, we were
here yesterday.

Or maybe I was sleepwalking
and snuck past you last night.

Let's see where they lead.

Ha! More footprints.

It looks like I came
by here twice.


Three times!

I was here three times!

Holy guacamole!



I think you better
look at this.


Another junkyard!

Since when does Wagstaff City
need two junkyards?

Look! Is that the copper?

I think so.

And that pile of aluminum
looks awfully familiar.

And look.

Your trophy!

Arrest you?

That's right,
do your duty.

Okay, I'll arrest you
if you tell me one thing.


How did you build a junkyard,

move thousands of pounds
of metals

and still keep your hands
from getting calloused?


I knew you
didn't do it.

Then who did?

This is it.

See, there's my trophy.
(loud crash)

What was that?

Hold it right there!

You're under arrest!

Come on out of there!

Okay, okay,
you got me.

It's you!

The guy in the
recycling video?

Stealing scrap metal just
to make some extra cash?

Let's go.

And so ended the mystery
of the missing metal.

So I guess I didn't
sleepwalk at all.

Too bad.

But from now on I'm keeping
my trophy here, just in case.

Only one question
still remains...

What's that?

Can we watch
that movie again?



We watched it four times!

And it just gets better
and better.

Hey! Check out this song.

♪ Energy-- power on! ♪

♪ Energy-- we need! ♪

♪ Energy-- charge it up! ♪

♪ Energy-- and speed! ♪

♪ It takes energy to move ♪

♪ It takes energy to play ♪

♪ It takes energy to stay awake
in the middle of the day ♪

♪ There's energy in batteries
and also in the sun ♪

♪ There's energy in what you
eat, it makes your motor run. ♪

Your body converts the food
you eat into energy.

Energy is what makes things go.

♪ It takes energy to move,
it takes energy to play ♪

♪ It takes energy to stay awake
in the middle of the day ♪

♪ It takes energy to move,
it takes energy to play ♪

♪ So be sure to charge
your motor ♪

♪ At the start of every day ♪

♪ Energy-- power on! ♪

♪ Energy-- we need! ♪

♪ Energy-- charge it up! ♪

♪ Energy-- and speed! ♪


Did you catch all of the words

to do with alternative energy
and recycling?

Here are some again.

When you convert something,

that means you change it
into something else.

When you generate energy,
that means you make it.

When people pollute,

that means they make things
dirty or dangerous to live in.

See you next time.

When the whole
house caves in!

The house doesn't cave in.

Great way to get them
to tune in again.


♪ Who's that dog? ♪

♪ Who's
that dog? ♪

♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪

That dog is Casey.

My name is Jasper.

My name is Rhea.

And this is Casey.

Casey works for my dad.

My dad's a farmer.

She helps on the farm.


A farm is a place
where people grow food.

She's a farmer's helper
that's a dog.

But I don't think
she gets paid, like,

in dog money or human money.

She'd probably eat
the human money.

She catches mice
and voles and...

And rabbits.

She scares away birds.


Casey is very smart.

Casey learned to not walk
in the beds.

A bed is a area.

It's full of plants.

Sometimes she'll work
and sometimes she'll play.

(kids giggling)

♪ She's that dog... ♪
♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪