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02x22 - Starcrushed (Part 2)

Posted: 10/16/22 09:08
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [party music]

Pretty crazy year, huh? - No more math.

- Trying to find someone to give - me a ride to summer school.

- So, I was, like, "Look, Principal Skeeves, I'll start wearing pants when you start winning gold medals.

" Heh.

Know what I mean? [laughter]

GIRL: Okay, don't move.

Aw, I dropped it again.



[laughter changes to slow-mo creepy ones]

- Hey, Marco, whatcha doin'? - Jackie, can I ask you something? Why are all these people acting like everything's normal? 'Cause everything's normal.

Mm, you should try those.

They're delicious.


You know what? You can have it.

I can't eat.

My gut's ugh.

All blah.

You know what I mean? Is this all 'cause you're embarrassed of your parents? Oh oh oh.

[Disco music]

That's certainly not helping, but no.

Ugh! Everything's just all super weird with Star.

I just want things to be normal.

You're having a Marco moment.

Uh, yeah, I'm having a Marco moment.



All right, well, you can tell me all about it on the way to the kitchen.

I want some more of these little hot dogs.


No! [inhales deeply]

Be classy.

- Hello, friends! - What's up, Star? You having fun? [Laughs]

Oh, yeah.



I just realized, I have to go to the bathroom.

- Oh, uh - You two talk for a sec.

Be right back.

Um [both talking at once]

- Oh, sorry.

- No, please.

You go first.

What did you say? [nervous laughter]

- You look well.

- Oh, thanks.

I brushed my hair.

- Well, great catching up! - Yeah.

See ya around.


[forced laughter]


[both groaning]

Man! Aww.


So, yeah, those are basically all of the reasons why I will be the most reliable non-flaky girlfriend ever.

[phone buzzing]

I gotta go.


- Huh? Hey! - Here are the four lobsters the young lady ordered.



[phone buzzing]


[phone buzzing]

Need a time out.

Something just came up.

- Cool.

Later, Kelly.

- See you next week.


[heavy breathing]

- Whoa, Starfan13, you got here fast.

- I was here the whole time! [chittering, chanting]



ALL: Eww! WOMAN: Welcome to Britta's Tacos.

May I take your order? Time to rise and dine! Uh, who are you? Please don't take my organ.

Queen Moon? What are you doing here? Give me that.

- Where's Glossaryck? - Glossaryck? Um, he's gone.


So now, Marco and I can barely make eye contact because of Roberiot's dumb song.

I mean, Marco actually thinks I have a crush on him.

[hysterical laughter]

Yeah, but like, don't you, though? What?! No! Okay, maybe once.


- But I don't anymore.

- Aww.

I just think he's kinda cute.

I think lots of things are cute.

Puppies are cute, kitties are cute, - tiny peppers are cute - Star, it's cool.

We believe you.

I just want things to go back to normal.

What if they never do, Kelly? What if they never do? Girl, don't freak out.

Maybe you two just need some space.

Like me and Ted, we're on our third break this week.

Come on, Star.

Let's ditch this place, and go to the party the bad kids are having.

I heard it's super dangerous.

Oh! Star, you know what? You love danger.

- That is true.

- Boom, you're in.

Let's go.

What do you mean, he's gone? - What did you do with him? - I didn't do anything.

Glossaryck showed me something in the spell book, and next thing I know, I wake up, and they're gone.

Oh, come on.

You stole the book.

Well, well, well, Glossaryck said the book is mine now.

How's that stealing? And I think we can all agree, Glossaryck comes and goes as he pleases.

- That's true.

- Yeah.

And I suppose it's just a coincidence that you've taken up shelter here in this ancient monster temple.

I'm supposed to know that? This place was empty, so I moved in.

It's cold out there.

- I'm wearing a chip bag, for corn sake.

- What about your wand? You have half my family's crystal embedded in it.

It doesn't even work anymore.

If it's yours, you can have it.

Face it.

You've got nothing on me.

All right, all right, this is getting us nowhere.

- Time for Plan B.

- No.


No, we need to find Glossaryck.

Oh, I I saw your family, Ludo.

My family? Let me tell you about my family.


ALL: Wow! "See me after class.

" See this after class, Mr.


Oh, burning homework! So dangerous.

- Is that legal? - Don't worry.

It's a controlled burn.

This is pretty cool, right? - Janna's having a good time.

- Burn, burn.


Oh, come on, B-Fly, you need to loosen up.


Throw this math quiz into the fire.

Yeah, I don't feel anything.

You guys were so awesome to bring me here, but I just don't think I'm in a party mood.


I'm not like that.

Would you guys stay and have fun with your controlled burn.

I'll see you back at my place.

- Star.

- Huh? - Is that you? - Um yeah.


- Do I know you? - It's me, Oskar.

I got a haircut.

Check it out.

- Oskar? - You're not leaving already, are you? Uh - Oh, yeah.

- He's cute.

- Go for it.

[nervous laughter]

- Hey, what are we staring at? - Oh, nothing.

Just thinking about, uh, stuff.

Marco, it's the end of the year.

We don't have to think about anything! [both laughing]

Let's only think about you, me, and what we're gonna do this summer.

- Now, what am I thinking right now? - Uh Come on, Marco.

Read my mind.

Imagine all the time we'll save if we learn to read each other's minds.

Mmm - You want me to kiss ya? - Um, no.

I just wanted you to feed me pizza nuggets, but hey, good first shot.

Now go get us some pizza nuggets.


Welcome to the world.

Oh, Marco, how are you? - Feelin' pretty great, Dad.

- Oh, that's good.

Hey, where's your partner in crime? Oh, Jackie? I guess we are pretty good partners.

Star, Marco.

I was talking about Star.

- Oh.

- Jackie is no criminal.

Star, however, now she's a criminal.

I haven't heard any explosions - or magic sounds.

Is she okay? - Well, uh things are a bit weird between us right now.

What could be weird? Two teenagers sharing a home.

One boy, one girl Oh.

Oh, no.

Well, if things are weird, it's always good to talk it out.

I feel great talking right now, - and I don't even have a problem.

- Thanks, Dad.

- Now, go.

Get out.

- What? I have to make more pizza nuggets.

- Oh.

- Leave! Oh, and then, and then, and then, when I was, like, five years old, my big brother Chudo was walking me home from the park, and he stopped at this old, burned-down castle, and he said, "Well, looks like the house burned down.

- Guess we've got to live outside now" - That must've been difficult.

But I do know that Dennis misses you.

- He says hello.

- How is he? He's worried about his big brother.

And so am I.

Worried about me? Don't you get it? I lost my army, my kingdom, my clothes.

And look, still standing.

Yes, but for how much longer? You don't look well, Ludo.

Tell me what's going on, and maybe I can help you.

So, I haven't seen you at school in a while.

Yeah, I dropped out, to pursue my music.

Oh, you just gonna play that right now? [synthesized rock music plays]

- You think maybe it'll end up on Mars? - Oh, I don't know.

I mean, Mars is pretty far away.

- What are you saying? - Oh, no, no.

I mean, yeah.

Yeah, maybe.


Maybe it'll end up on Mars.

See, Star, that's what I like most about you.

You always believed in me.

Oh, no, I I always do that wrong.

You know, that fist punchy thingy.

What are you talking about? You can't do it wrong.

Just do what you feel.

Is this okay? Glossaryck? - Glossaryck? - Glossaryck! Glossaryck.

Tell me where he is! [squeaking]

You're a liar! [bleating]

[bleating echoing]

You found Glossaryck? [bleating]

- Blank! - That's not the real book.

[all gasping]

[evil laughter]

- Ludo? - Ludo's not here right now.

But if you'd like, you can leave a message.

You did not wanna do that, little man [all gasp]

That's it.

You can't keep doing that, Chancellor.

Get him! [weak bleating]

Chancellor! No! Hello, Moon.

It's been a while.


Toffee [yells]


Tell Star I'm coming for my finger.

So you just say stuff and magic comes out? Yeah, pretty much.

I've even been creating my own spells.

- Wanna see? - Yeah, I'd be honored.

Okay, I haven't practiced this one too much, so if your body explodes, whoops-a-doopsies! That's a little magic joke for you.


[laughs nervously]



Sparkle kitten fireworks shower! Whoa! It's beautiful.


What wonderful colors.

Hey, what's that? [cats screeching, people yelling]

Oh, geez, I gotta stop making cats.


Seriously, how have we not hung out before? Well, I'm usually pretty busy, fighting monsters and stuff.

Oh, yeah, with your buddy.

What's his name? [snap]


It's always just you and Mango.

- Oh, Marco.

- Yeah.

Where's Mango? Well, Mango's going out with Jackie now, so he'll probably have less time to hang out with me.

Well, I'm not doing anything this summer.

- I'd make a great Mango.

- Oh, uh Yeah.

[siren blaring]

This is the police.

You punks better be having a study group up there.

I've never read a book in my life.


That's it, I'm calling your parents.

Everybody, run for it.

- Whoa.

- Hey, Star.

I had a great time tonight.

I think we could have an awesome summer together.

[nervous laughter]

- Yeah, maybe we could.

- Give me a call.


- Good work, Star.

- Great work.

- That's some fine work.

- You gals stop.

You know, maybe this summer thing won't be that bad.

We're off to a pretty great start already.


I guess there's just one thing to take care of.



All right, Star, let's get awkward.

- Okay, now do me.

- Uh, hey, Marco.

Got a sec? Star? - I have to - We need to talk.

[both chuckle nervously]

Let's go somewhere more quiet.


[inhales deeply]

Marco, I know things have been "different.

" "Definitely different.

" I wanted to talk to you after Song Day, but I feel like we've been avoiding each other.

- Oh, I've definitely been avoiding you.

- Yeah, me, too.

I guess I just felt scared that everything would change, and that you didn't wanna be friends anymore, and I miss the way things used to be, - and, and - Star.

I miss the way things used to be, too.

- [gasps]

You do? - Yeah.

You're my best friend.

But but do you have a crush on me? Uh - No.

I don't.

- But the song Marco, you're my friend, and I just wanna have an awesome summer with my friend.

- Friend? - Friend.

Well, maybe let's just forget Song Day ever happened.

What's a Song Day? That sounds like a terrible day.


You know, I think we deserve a couple of months - where we just don't do anything.

- That sounds great.

Star, it's called summer, and it's gonna be great.




- What? How did this get here? - Star! What? Demon! Mom? What what are you doing here? I don't have time to explain, but suffice it to say, we are in danger.

- We must leave for Mewni immediately.

- What? Mom, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No! Yes, I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter.

You sent me here, and I didn't have a choice, and now, you're just telling me to leave? Star, this is different.

Mom, I've learned that I get to make choices here.

- I chose to fix things with Marco.

- Star.

- I'm choosing to have a crush on Oskar, I guess.

- Star.

And apparently, there's this thing called "summer," - where you just don't go to school.

- Star.

So I'm choosing to stay here with - Star! - I'm not changing my mind.

- Star! - What?! Toffee has returned.


No, no, no, no, no.

I'm sorry, Star, but you need to leave.


I need two minutes.

- [shouting]

Marco! - Loud.

- Star? - Marco, we need to talk, just one last time.

Is everything okay? You shouted pretty loud.

Everybody's just staring at us.

Yeah, I know.

But some stuff just came up, and I've only got a little time.


Why, we got the entire summer.

Marco, I don't know how to tell you this, - because you're my best friend - Star? and that makes this super weird because - What's wrong? - Because I I I do have a crush on you.

[all gasping]

Who called it? I called it.

- Boom.


I called it.

- I didn't want to admit it, because I know you don't feel the same way, and I thought if I just pretended the feelings weren't there, they'd go away but they haven't.

I have to leave Earth, probably forever, and I couldn't go without telling you the truth.

- Uh I, uh - [crying]

Good-bye! Good-bye, everyone! Star! [panting]

Hey! What do you mean [gasps]

Star? [grunts]