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02x19 - Heinous/All Belts are Off

Posted: 10/16/22 09:06
by bunniefuu
[" I'm from Another Dimension" by Brad Breeck plays]

It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension Gonna get a little weird Gonna have a good time I ain't from 'round here I'm from another woo-hoo Yeh-heah I'm talking rainbows I'm talking puppies Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa Paaa It's gonna get a little weird Gonna get a little wild I ain't from 'round here I'm from another dimension [car door shut, alarm chirps]


[car alarm blares]

HEINOUS: Gemini, the door is jammed.

GEMINI: Are you sure it's not locked? I know what it looks like when it's locked.

Get me out of this car! [grunts]

- Gemini! - Oh.

Oh, coming.


- How is my hair? - Like you just came from the salon.

Filthy lies, but I'll allow it.

Come now, Rasticore.

There's my baby bounty hunter.

You're growing back so fast, yes, you are.

Yes, you are.

Now we are prepared to wreak recrimination on our foes.


Recrim-mim-mim-ination! [saw whirring]

[evil laughter]

Hello? Now are you convinced that parking meters aren't - filled with candy? - Oh.

It's all just a big tease.

How was I supposed to know oh.

Okay, that was not like that before.

Okay, here's the plan.

I'll cover the back door, and on my mark, - you bum rush the front door.

- Got it.

- One - Two Three.


[karate yell]

Huh? - Marco? - You! You! - Get her.

- Narwhal blast.


Yeah! Get him, get him! What did you do to my parents? - Unhand me, you little - Stop! Marco, let go of that poor old woman.


You're mad at us? - We're trying to save you guys.

- We let her in.

You are both being very rude.

Star, put away your magical whale.

It's a Narwhal.

You, too, Marco.

Let Miss Heinous go.

But she's evil.

- Now! - Aahh! This is the princess who ruined my life.

That's right, Princess Marco.

I recognize you.

Even with your super-cute new haircut.

- Uh? - What is going on here? This lady tied me to a chair, and tried to brainwash me.

That's a gross exaggeration.

Your child has terribly wronged me, and I'm not going anywhere until justice is served.


But if she doesn't leave Then how are we gonna have dinner with BOTH: The Morrisons? - Who? - The Morrisons are so cool.

We've been on the wait list to have them over for months.


This dinner needs to be perfect.

We can't mess it up.


That sounds really tough, guys.

You're gonna resolve whatever issue you have with Miss Heinous right now! [evil chuckling]

Here you go.

Thank you, Your Highness.

What exactly is your issue with Marco? Gemini.

Once, I was the headmistress of St.

Olga's, the most esteemed princess school in the multiverse.

It was a wonderful place where delinquent princesses were taught manners and respect.

Until one day, an insolent princess showed up, and inspired all the students to rebel against their elders, who knew better.

Princess Marco left, but the school was never the same.

They made her the face of a revolution, even inspiring merchandise, influencing the next generation of young princesses with her devious ways.

Wait a minute.

You have merchandise? Yeah.

I get a $650 royalty check every month.

As I was saying, my students lost all respect for authority.

Soon, they were cutting classes just to party, even inviting the boys from a neighboring Prince Reform School.

They threw me out.

And now, I live in a car.

BOTH: Oh! - Oh.

- Don't touch me.

And it's all thanks to Princess Marco, and her little sidekick, Princess Butterfly.

Marco, is this all true? Well, yeah, but that place was a prison.

Those princesses were being oppressed.

- They're way happier now.

- And they blew up my bodyguard.

Yeah, we were wondering what that was.

He's my dear, sweet Rasticore.

This is just his arm, but he's part lizard, so his whole body will grow back soon.

And then he'll be a big boy, won't you, sweetie? [kisses]


So how shall we proceed, Miss Heinous? With a punishment commensurate with the crime.

How about we annihilate her and display her skeleton as a warning against any further insurrection? Agreed? Good.

Now, Rasticore, bring me Princess Marco's bones.

- Gemini.

- Oh, yes.

Yes, milady.

[angry growls]

Okay, enough of this.

[karate yell]

Gemini, Rasticore, attack! Get ready to feel the painous, Miss Heinous.

- No, Star.

- Excuse me.

- Is this 4815 Avocado Terrace? - The police! Yes, it is.

You're here just in time.

That lady is trying to destroy me.

And that trollish-looking guy-man-thing is totally helping her.

Uh, just ignore the girl waving a magic wand.

And it's probably a lesser charge, but this severed lizard arm is complicit, too.

Well, that's something, all right.

Now if you'll all stay calm, I'm sure we can clear this up right now.

Okay, I got a call about a car double parked, but, uh, since the wheels of the top car ain't on the ground, that's not my jurisdiction.

What? That's it? You're gonna ignore all the evil going on? Evil.


Evil! Ho-ho, that doesn't look dangerous.

It's one of those animations, right? You mean animatronics.

Listen, kid, once there's a real crime, give me a call.


All right, let the bargaining begin.

I leave if you let me rip out Princess Marco's spine and wear it as a fancy scarf.

Uh Okay, that seems a little extreme.

Honey, we really don't have time for this.

The Morrisons are gonna be here soon, and we haven't ' even picked out the placemats.


Um what if we ground Marco for a week? Or you let me grind her bones into a pulp.


We won't let Marco play video games.

Do you even know how bargaining works? - No meat on Fridays.

- Or even let me disembowel her.

- Maybe he can do the dishes.

- Ah! What if I just apologize? An apology.



An apology will suffice under certain conditions.

[relieved sigh]

Marco, you can't give up that easy.

I'll do anything to get Heinous out of here.

Whatever you want, Miss Heinous.

Just name it.

Why did I say whatever you want? [evil cackling]

It's finally happening.

Let's see what those princesses think of their idol now.

I can't believe our son led a revolution and we didn't even know.

I'm not sure if I should be mad or proud.

Hang on, hang on.

A princess can't go on camera without blush.

Dude, don't do this.

All those princesses, like, really look up to you.

I know.

If I know a thing or two about princesses, it's gonna take a lot more than some dumb video - to break their spirits.

- Oh.


- So how do I look? - Super pretty.

Enough dilly-dallying.

Let's get on with it.

Just be careful.

- Gemini, are you ready yet? - Yes, milady.

And we're rolling.


Uh, hey, princesses of the multiverse.

It's your girl Marco.

- What up? - MOTHER: Psst.


Anyway, last time I was at St.

Olga's school, I said and did some stuff that I shouldn't have.

And that was bad.

And, um, I just wanted to say, um [music]

I just wanted to say that I'm, like, super sorry that I told you guys to resist your oppressors and stuff.

As princesses, we should never think for ourselves, and just, you know, give up on our dreams and our own individuality.

Oh, I mean all this from the bottom of my heart.

And I'm definitely not just saying that because Miss Heinous is threatening me and my family.

- Okay, was that good? - Milady, I have notes.


It's perfect.

Perfect! Miss Heinous, we just want to apologize again - for Marco's behavior.

- Yes.

We hope this can be a fresh start for all of us.


We shall see.

Maybe this will inspire you to take a more active role in your child's life.

FATHER: Good-bye, Miss Heinous.

Safe travels.

Well, this was a real eye-opener.

What else have you been hiding from us? Now is the time to own up to any other inter-dimensional chicanery.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

No chicanery here.

All good.

Nothing to report.

I think we have some responsibility to accept, too.

Maybe we haven't been around enough for the two of them.

We can start fresh tonight.

I say we cancel dinner with the Morrisons, and instead, have a family game night.

[all cheering]

Who needs to hang out with the Morrisons anyway? Look, the Diazes are so cool.

There you are, milady.

Pillow's fluffed just the way you like it.

Sweet dreams, milady.

And sweet dreams to you, too, Princess Marco.

The fairest in the land.

Soon, the multiverse will shiver in fear once I destroy Princess Marco and Princess Butterfly.

With you at my side, Rasticore Why, Rasticore.

You've grown an elbow! You'll be a big boy again soon.

So very soon.

I think Earth is a pretty great place That's saying something 'Cause I've been through outer space I think it suits me, it's just my style I think I'm gonna stay a little while I think that strangers are just friends you haven't met I'm blasting monsters and I never break a sweat I'm really thinking I could call this place home