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03x15 - Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight

Posted: 10/16/22 08:19
by bunniefuu
[Car honks]

[Frogs croaking]

Those newts and toads
are wearing Andrias armor.

How could anyone choose
to be on Andrias's side?

Ugh, those traitors!

Wait a second.
Who's that?

[Both] Huh?

kind soldiers,

I've twisted my wee ankle
and could use some help.

[Gasps] Hey, you okay there
little guy?



[Soldiers scream]

Rebel newts!

Awesome. Let's see
if they'll join us.

[Bandits growl]

Whoa! We're on
the same side!

[Tritonio chuckles]
I'm on no one's "side" but my own!

I know that voice.

I should have known.

Well, well, well,
if it isn't two of my best pupils.

Still have
my family sword, Anne?

Why don't you come over here
and find out?

Charming. Well, we had a
great "ha ha" catching up,

but we're in a hurry.

Lil Louise,
relieve these two of their supplies.


The world
is falling apart,

and you're still
just looking out for yourself.

Mr. Tritonio!

How'd I do?

my little JoJo Potato!

Ooh, and I heard those soldiers say
there's gonna be

an even bigger caravan
passing through the woods

at three o'clock.

Ah, great recon work, JoJo.

But Mr. Tritonio,

how will we get past
the giant, collared beasts

that guard the caravan?

Ugh, not those things again.
They were such a pain last time.

Collared beasties, eh?

[Scoffs] They're easy to take down
once you know the trick.

Ah! So you've dealt
with them before?

What am I saying?
Of course you have!

You are the smartest, bravest pupils
I've ever had!

You're buttering us up
so we'll help you.

And it's working!

Come on, Anne.
Let's help them!

Fine. But only if you promise to join
the Resistance afterwards.

And no backstabbing,

or other such deception.

You wound me, Anne!

Come, my friends.
To the secret hideout!

Wait. Before we go,
what's up with the tights?

Reduces friction.
We run faster.


And we look amazing.

[Merry band] Amazing!

I shouldn't have asked.

[Jig playing]

So, why do they call you
Lil Louise?

You're gigantic!

That's the joke.

[Chews] Eh,
I don't get it.

[Tritonio] And voilà!

We ride away from the caravan,

Wow. You have a real talent
for strategy.

Too bad you're a no-good,
backstabbing scallywag.

You'd be a scallywag too,
if you grew up like me.

I was born a street urchin,
no family, no one to look out for me.


I learned to survive by
joining whatever street crew

I crossed paths with.

But alas,
living on the street

meant loyalty was thin.

[Whispers, indistinct]


- Oh!
- Oh, you okay, little guy?

Hey! What are you doin'?

[Coins jingling]
Get back here!

Wait for me!

[Bandits chuckle]
[jail cell closes]

[Tritonio] When things get bad, it's always
everyone for themselves.

You're telling me,
if push came to shove,

you'd even leave
these guys in the dust?

[Merry band]
Ooh! [Whistling]

It is the law of the streets:
No loyalties, no attachment.

Ah, it is time.

The caravan shall be
passing through in mere minutes.

Let's go!

Hey, slither brains! The
dum-dum convention

is two miles that way.

That is so rude.



Catch us
if you can.


Hey, who's up there?


[Lil Louise] Now let's see
what kinda loot we just scored.

[Cackling] Ha ha, ha ha,
gotcha, gotcha.

[Gasps] It's a sting!


you have to help them!

Farewell, my friends.

No! Dang it.


[Owl hoots]


Tritonio, come on!
We can still save them.

And risk capture

No can do, kids.

The rules of the street,

No attachments.
No regrets.

But what about the Resistance?
You said y...

Oh, come on, Sprig.
You know I was never going to do that.

Sheesh. Okay.

Dios mío!
Look, dude.

If you wanna
abandon your friends,

who you clearly adore,
that's your call.

But it kills me to see you leave
like this.

If you grew up
how I did...

I get that.
We do what we need to do to survive.

But I gotta say, for a "master thief,"
I'm disappointed in you.

- How so?
- You're leaving the best loot

in the world on the table.

someone to count on.

By throwing those things away,
you're only robbing yourself.

Come on, Sprig. We have
a very merry band to save.

Right behind you.

Later, Tritonio.


This way!

There they are.

In the name of the King,

I find you guilty of
disturbing the peace.

To which there is
only one punishment.

Hey, ya metal freaks!
Permission to approach the bench?

[Battle cry]

[all gasp]

[All battle cry]

Order! Order!

There will be
order in my court!

[All] Huh?

Oh, no.

Deploying corporal punishment!



No amnesty for minors!



Justice is half blind!

[All gasp]


[Anne, Sprig]

Mr. Tritonio,
you came back!

But what about
the rules of the streets?

Ha! You think I, Tritonio,
give a fig for rules?

This court holds you
in contempt!

Merry band, to me!

[All] Righto!


Legal systems failing.



[Merry band cheering]

Three cheers for
the greatest newt of them all!

Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!

Toss me higher!
Higher, I say!

Our hero!



Some victory
gruel, senora?

Thanks, Tritonio.
So, what happened to "no loyalties"?

Uh, I just happened
to be passing by,

and my arrow
flew out of my bow!

What are the odds?

Face it, Big T.
It feels good to have someone's back.

[All laughing]
Yeah, maybe.

Listen. Being on your own
may have worked before,

but the fate of Amphibia

rests on whether we
can defeat Andrias.

Yeah! The Rebellion could really

use folks like you on our side.

Sasha keeps saying we need help
with our battle strategy.

And who's better
at strategy than you?

[Scoffs] I know you're
just buttering me up so I'll help you.

Well, I learned
from the best.

I gotta say, uh,

you're not the same girl
I met all those months ago.

All right.
We're in!

Henceforth, the Rebellion
shall be our new crew.


Good news, Sasha!

We just recruited
the top newt strategist.

That's awesome!

Now come follow me,
Hop Pop just found something

really interesting.

Oh, there you are.

So I, uh...

I got lost while looking
for the bathroom

and found this
strange-looking door.

There's no telling
what could be in there.

Trouble is,
we can't figure out how to open it.

There's no knob
or handle.

Just this little,
book-sized slot.


Hop Pop, have you tried
sliding the family tome into it?

The one that had the Calamity Box
drawings inside?

It's worth a shot.
Lemme go get it!

[Gears whirring]


[All gasp]


It says...

It's blank.

Well, this is

Our family sure
was mysterious.

Come on, let's get outta
here and head to the canteen.

I'm starving.

[Owl hoots]

Okay, guys, we need to catch
whatever's been breaking into

our food bins at night.

Yeah, if this keeps up,
we'll be out of food soon.

Dibs on
eating Loggle!

[Chuckles] You'll have to
catch me first! [Laughs]

It's gotta be a critter.

With all the destruction
of natural resources,

the wildlife has been forced
to find food from outside the forests.

Say that last bit
five times fast.

Shh. Do you guys
hear that?

[Wind whistles]

Look! There it is!

- What is it?
- Does it matter?

Whatever it is,
we're taking it down!

- [Soggy Joe] Right!
- [beast growls]

[All] Yeah!

Quick, after it!

This must be
its lair.

Okay, on my cue.

One, two...

Well, bless my bowie knife.
It's a Coastal k*ll-a-moth!

[Gasps] Domino !

- [Toy jingles]
- [Domino meows]

[Purrs, roars]

I haven't seen her
since she flew off months ago.

What should I do?

Should I approach her?

Should I say hello?
Is that too forward?

Say hello?

Anne, that monster
tried to eat us!

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised
if she remembers my flavor.

Don't hold
a grudge, Sprig.

[Robots beeping]



Domino ! No!



[Soggy Joe, Sprig] Whoo!

Will you look at that?
Problem solved.

Up top.

Well, let's
get a move on.

- I have to save her.
- [Soggy Joe, Sprig] What?

Domino and I still
have a connection.

I could feel it.

Anne, she's a vicious animal,
not your buddy.

[Meowing] She's been living in the wild
for months now and...


You hear that?


What the heck are...


Domino has kittens?



[Meows, purrs]



Hey, little cuties.


Well, that settles it.

We're taking these lil babies
back to Wartwood.

Absolutely not!

Well, we can't just
leave these defenseless little kittens

out in the wilderness
on their own.

It's just until
we save their mother.

No way. No how.
Not a million years.

[All meow]

No. Not this time.
Must resist.

I don't think
I've ever seen eyes
this big before.

[kitten meows]

[Kittens meowing]
[Anne sobbing]


Gah! Fine!

But I have a feeling
the rest of camp isn't gonna like this.

[Blows raspberry] Don't be so dramatic.
They're gonna love it.

[Townsfolk] You did what?

What even are
those things?

They're monsters.

They're cute as can be,

and once they've
transformed into adults,

they'll eat us all
for breakfast!

I lost my uncle Magnus
to one of those things.

Found his bones
in a giant pellet.

Read the room, man.
This is a hard no.

Guys, I get your concern,
but their mother is Domino .

She was my baby precious,
and she's been captured

by Andrias's robots.

All you gotta go is watch
these kittens for a couple of hours.

Come on, guys.

Anne has done so much
for all of you.

Can't you just do
this one thing for her?


Ugh, fine!
We'll do it.

But you better hurry back,
young lady!

Yeah, we don't wanna
take care of these little savages

any longer
than we have to.

I'm more of
a dog person, so...


Make it quick!

Thanks, everyone!

I just have to bust her out of
a mountain-top fortress,

so I shouldn't be gone long.

I still think this
is a terrible idea.

What if we save her,
and she tears you to shreds?

Domino would
never hurt me.

I just know.
I feel it in my heart.

[Sighs] All right.

Well, count me in.

Thanks, dude.
Appreciate the help.

I mean, someone's gotta
watch your back when this

goes horribly wrong.

[Anne] We really need
to work on your pep talks.

[All meow]

Wally, you take first watch.
And be careful.

Aye, aye, ma'am. I'll guard
the prisoners with me life.

If you little blighters
know what's good for you,

you won't try anything!

Oh, no. No!
Stay back. Stay back!

Stay back! [Echoes]

Take a look. Another one
of King Andrias's robot bases.

[Sprig] They're using the moths
to generate power.

And look!
Mind-control collars.

[Buzzer rings]

[Powers down]

here's the plan:

We'll wait for the moths
to fall asleep,

and then we sneak in
and free my baby precious.

Anne, there are dozens of moths.
How are you gonna find...

She's right there.

Oh. Huh. Nice.

[Anne] Now come on.
Let's motor.

I'll call you Cali-coco,
and Nutgrass, and Josey-Pie,

and of course, little Wally Jr.!

[Mrs. Croaker]

What's going on
in here?

[Chuckles] Nothing!

I'm just, uh,
passing time with my accordion!


Wally, that...

is the cutest thing
I've ever seen!

Aw, lemme hold one!

- [Meows, purrs]
- [chuckles] Hey, they're friendly.

And this one is a...

...cute little warrior!

Get off me,
you disgusting, little...



You fools!

shield your eyes!

Don't look at 'em!
That's how they get ya!


[Man vocalizing]

"Love looks not
with the eyes, but with the mind,

and therefore is winged Cupid
painted blind."

[Moths snoring]




Shh. Wait there.

Come on,
stupid thing.



Stop right...


Anne, look out! Run!

No, I can't leave her!

[Anne screams]

Anne, get away!

No. She'll remember me.
I know it.

Come on, girl.


Or maybe I'm wrong.



I don't believe this.
She does remember you!

Big win for blind faith.


Domino ,

you didn't forget me.

[Purring] Who's a good girl?
Who's a good girl?

[Sniffles] Wow. This is
the most amazing thing

I've ever seen in my...

[growls] I'm about to get eaten,
aren't I?



Hang on, buddy!

Okay, how do we do this?

Domino ,
up, up and awa...


Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, no!

Ah, nuts.

[Grunts, screams]






Gotcha! Now let's
get outta here!


What's wrong, girl?


You're right.
We can't just leave them here.

I mean,
we could.

Okay, okay.



Looks like we did it.




- [Sprig screams]
- [moths meow]

There is definitely
not enough me to go around!

Sprig, no!



Th... Thanks.

Why did they
listen to her?

No way.

Sprig, Marcy told me
about animals like this.

Domino must be
the alpha moth!

So that means,
if we've tamed Domino...

We've tamed 'em all!

Follow me, everyone!


[Kittens meowing]

Oh, Lenny Long Bottom,
you filled

the spider-sized hole in my heart.

No one's ever gonna
take these babies away from us.

Oh, no! Look!

You stay away from them!

You want 'em,
you gotta get through us!

Hey, everyone! You could
put your weapons down.

They're with us now!

[All] Huh?

With us?

Well, guys, looks like
we just got air calvary!

[All cheering]

[Sprig screams] Okay,
but can we train them not to do that?

Theme song playing...

[Anne laughs]

[Hop Pop] ♪ Whoo-hoo! Baby

[Sprig vocalizes]
[Hop Pop] Whoa!

[Polly screams]
[Anne] ♪ Baby

[Sprig vocalizes]

[Anne vocalizes]

[song ends]