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03x14 - The Root of Evil/The Core and the King

Posted: 10/16/22 08:18
by bunniefuu
Theme music...

[villagers murmuring]

- [baby crying]
- Okay, guys. Listen up.

We are here today to recruit volunteers
to join the Resistance.

Join us today and give Amphibia
a fighting chance.

Are there any perks?

Besides saving your world?

There sure are!

And allow me to tell you
all about 'em.

Oh, frog, no.

This plant was
grown underground

in our very own hydroponics-based
resistance garden.

Join us, and you, too,

can take part in a horticultural

- Oh, no. We're losing 'em.
- Anne, code blue!

Wait a second, everyone.

If you join today,
you could eventually look like this.


- [cheering]
- All right! Sign me up!


Resistance forces detected.

Tracking device activated.

Wowza. Almost half
the caravan signed up.

Here's to another
successful recruitment.



What's wrong,
Hop Pop?

Sometimes I feel like
I'm the only person

who actually appreciates
cultivating nature.

I mean,
farming is cool.

Of course.

Super cool.

I just wish I could be
surrounded by people

who love what I love
for a change.

[wind whistles]

Did we take a wrong turn

I have no idea
where we even are.


[all screaming]

[wind whistles]


What happened? Am I dead?
Where are the kids?

What in the...

Kids, wake up!

Where are we?

And why are
we all wearing dresses?

[all gasp]

[children giggling]

[all murmuring]

What ho, friends.

So you're awake.

Name's Horace.

Welcome to the hidden
village of Garden ton.

Garden ton?

That wasn't
on any map.

We don't like
drawing attention

to our little
slice of paradise.

A place were every frog
is a highly-skilled horticulturist.

Our plants are treated
with the love and respect they deserve.

I don't believe it.

This place is full of frogs
just like me!

Oh, do I sense
a fellow plantophile?

Guess who has two green thumbs and loves
the smell of fertilizer.

This guy!

- Ooh! [Chuckles]
- [all laughing]

Clever, clever.
You do have the thumbs.

A village of horticulturalists?
Now we're talking.

Let's recruit 'em.
I'll take point!

I don't know, HP.

Does the Resistance
really need plant people?

Yeah, the last village
made catapults.

I don't exactly
think horticult...

I'm doing it.

Horace, my friend,
we've got a proposal

and, as head of this town,
I think you're gonna wanna hear it.

Oh, I'm afraid I'm not the head
of this community.

Oh, well,
can you take us to your leader?

But of course.

Follow me
to the greenhouse.

Say, Horace,
have you seen our snail or wagon?

They've been
stored safely.

Now come along.


I'm officially creeped out.

[birds chirping]

Horace, this place
is incredible!

These parsnips
are prodigious!

Ghost orchids?

The balance of heat and humidity
must be perfect!

And this...
this is just a big cucumber!

I'm glad you like it,
but it wasn't always like this.

In fact, the land before you
used to be barren and lifeless.

But then he appeared.

And with his guidance,
we were able to become one with nature.

- [crunching]
- Whoopsie-daisy.


[all sobbing]

[all sobbing, groaning]



Uh, is it insensitive
if I say this feels like an overreaction?

Please, guests,
be careful.

These plants are as much
members of our community

as we are.

My apologies,

Some of us
don't respect nature.

[sobbing, groaning continues]

[distorted chanting]

We have arrived.

You must be the mayor.
Put her there!

[clears throat]
Not a toucher, eh?

That's okay.
Not everyone is.

[clears throat]
Uh, we'd be mighty obliged

if you and your green-
fingered friends joined

our little resistance.

We've got hydroponics
like you wouldn't believe.

Uh, we also have
casual Fridays

and bagel Tuesdays...

Kids, am I
forgettin' anything?

Hey, is this guy
asleep or some...

[all] Oh, my frog!

[distorted cackling]

Well, well, well,

if it isn't
Hopediah Plantar.

Jeremy the Beetle?

No, up here,
you idiot.

It's me,
Apothecary Gary.

Apothecary Gary?



Ha ha! Guess those muscles
were just for show.

I-I don't understand.
You're extinct!

I saw to it myself!

I nearly was,

but thanks to Jeremy here,
I was able to survive

and make my way
out of Wartwood.

Problem was, I was weak

and needed to find a place
to regrow my strength.

It's a harsh world
out there

for a little spore
and his beetle host.

Then I was taken in
by these folks,

and together, we formed a true
symbiotic relationship.

You see, these frogs
wanted my spores

because it made them
better gardeners.

It wasn't mind control.
Not this time, really.

And with this power,
we turned Garden ton into a paradise.

I've never had
willing subjects before.

And let me tell you,
it makes a big difference.

- [growling]
- [screaming]

With Gary's spores,
we can feel

the very needs of the
plants we cultivate.

We're one with nature!
It's perfect harmony.

[all] Perfect harmony.


Well, this has all
been very educational.

Kids, now!

[all screaming]


After them!

We can't
let them escape

and lead others
to Garden ton!

[all groaning]

We need to
find Bessie.



Hang on, girl!

- [Apothecary Gary] Not so fast.
- [all gasp]


You have to admit
this is all pretty cool.

See how versatile
plants can be?

[all] Not the time,
Hop Pop!

Well, Plantars,
are you ready...

- [beeping]
- be fertilizer?

Hold on,
can anyone hear that?

Kind of an obnoxious
beeping sound?

Resistance base located.
Extermination team deployed.

Oh, hey.
When did that get there?

Extermination team?
What the heck is that?


[both scream]
It burns us!

[all screaming]

Our precious
plants! No!

I know a golden opportunity
when I see one.

Come on, guys!

[villagers screaming]

Well, that
worked out.

Yeah, sure did.


You wanna go back
and help them, don't you?

Yes, please.


Don't hurt me.
I'm just a cute little beetle!



You're back?

Yes. Burn!


We'll help too!




[all panting]

Dang, Gary.
That was some incredible coordination.

Thanks. It comes
with the whole hive mind situation.

You and your kids
fight well too.

What can I say? We've
had a lot of practice.

Okay, well,
I think, um...

We're still going to try
and k*ll you guys.

Yeah, let's just go
with that. Attack!

Gary, wait!
I know we've had some bad history.

You tried to enslave
my hometown,

and I violently
m*rder*d you that one time.

- Yes. Yes, you did.
- But your skills

as a botanist and farmer
are undeniable!

[chuckles] Oh, stop.
You're making me blush!

My whole life,
I've been lookin' for folks

who care about farming
as much as I do.

And, well,
here you are!

Won't you join
our Resistance

and help us
take down King Andrias?

Well, I don't know...

Gary, if we don't
do something,

the village
will always be under threat.

That's right!
They know the location of your village now.

That's a good point.

And Garden ton is
so isolated,

I had no idea
how bad it was out there.

Well, Hopediah,
you can count on us!

Let us know when and where to be,
and we will be there.

- I cannot believe this is happening.
- Ditto.

Hey, Gary,
one more thing.

Andrias has been using
these mind-control collars,

and we think they're utilizing spores
similar to yours.

Huh? Then that means
there must be

at least one more
of me out there.

Oh, that's amazing!

And who knows?
Maybe it's a lady mushroom.

That's not a thing.

Yes. [Chuckles]
Well, everyone knows that.

see ya around!

[wind whistling]

[clears throat] So, anyone else lovin'
the feel of these dresses?

- Oh, yeah, absolutely.
- Heck yeah!

- Mm-hmm.
- A guy can really breathe in these.

[distorted chuckle]

As we thought.

This technology
is pathetic.

[clears throat]
Greetings, Marcy!

I mean, the Core.

I mean, Mar-Core?

Okay, what
do I call you?

Hmm. Good question,
big guy.

Uh, why don't you
call us Darcy?


Yeah! You know,
like Dark Marcy.

It's a reference to one of Marcy's
favorite video games.

We searched her memories,
and the name appeals to us.

- So, is Marcy in there? Or...
- No, no, no.

This is her body,
but we got her locked

in a little room up here.

We're the ones
in control.

Although we've inherited
some of her quirks.

Speaking of which,
here are those cupcakes you asked for.

[gasps] Red velvet
with ube frosting.

Marcy's fave!

We can't tell you
how delighted we are

to finally have a body.

Now, then.
Follow us!

We have a very important mission
for you.


[laughs] This thing
needs some calibration.

So we need to purge our system
of some excess data.

Redundant memories,
that sort of thing.

This requires
a full system reboot.

And you're the only one
we trust to...


Maybe we're not the only ones

who need to let go
of old memories.

Nonsense! The past
means nothing to me.

[birds squawking]

[both grunt]

I'm disappointed,

Shouldn't a Newtopian
guard always be aware

of his surroundings?

Shouldn't Amphibia
royalty know

never to put a toad
in a headlock?

[croaks] Ha ha!

Another victory
for Barrel!

Oh, yeah. Leif left
a note for you.

But it's blank, so
I don't know why

she even bothered.

Blank to you

Leif and I came up
with a way

to leave secret messages
for each other.

She's in the garden.
Come on. Let's go!

Hey, Leif!
How's it going?

Shh. I have just
perfected a dance

that mesmerizes
any creature that watches.


[drums beating]


[drums stop]

Uh, what?

Even the strangest
inter dimensional animals love it.

That was weird.
Anyone else just black out?

Classic Leif.

Aw, thanks,

Say, uh,
what ya got there?

Oh, I almost forgot.
Your surprise.

[both] Whoa!

An official
portrait of us.

It looks
just like us.

Whoa, that's
a huge honor.

the occasion?

Dad's appointed
me to lead the next invasion.

Say what?

And I never would have
made it this far without you guys.

Thank you.
I mean it.

Aw, thank you,

Now, what are we standing around for?
We gotta celebrate.

May I suggest running
through the hallways,

screaming at the top
of our lungs?

Sounds good to me.
Let's go!

[both laughing]

Ah, there
you are, Son.

Come with me.
We have much to discuss.

We'll catch up with you later,

Sorry, guys.

Gotta do
prince stuff.

Don't you think
it's time to say goodbye

to those childhood friends
of yours, Son?

What? Why?

Because you're
about to become king.

It won't be long before those two
start asking for favors.

Using you.

No, Leif and Barrel
would never do that.

Our friendship
is true.

Friendship doesn't
last, Son.

Now let me show you
something that does.

Behold, the Core!


It contains the combined memories
of our greatest minds.

your ancestors.

Uh, hello.

[King] With the Core
by your side,

you will need
no friends.

Now, about
your mission.

We'll be invading
a medieval world called Earth.

You must exterminate
the savages there

so that we can
mine their planet for its resources.

What? Wipe out
a whole race?

Doesn't that seem
a little extreme?

Invading other worlds
is expensive,

and we need all the resources
we can get.

For our way of life
to continue,

this kind of work
needs to be done.

The key to
the music box?

But then I'm...
Officially in charge.

Now, make
me proud, Son.

Yes, of course,

- [chuckles]
- [both] Ooh!


And this is where the magic happens.


So it's
already official?

It's not announced yet,
but yeah.

Then I bet you'd get
in big trouble

if anything happened
to this, huh?

Okay, guys, come on.

It's important!




Leif! You okay?
What happened?

I... I saw

Andrias, if you go through
with this mission,

if we continue to use the box,
I think Amphibia is doomed.

[sniffles, sobs]

I... I think the music box
was giving me a warning.

As a gardener,
I know the dangers

of messing with
a fragile ecosystem.

And I believe by interfering with
other dimensions,

we have upset the ecosystem
of the multiverse.

We have to stop
using the box.

[crowd murmuring]

But how
will we invade?


[distorted whispers]

Nonsense! You sound like
those cowardly Olms.

You speak of fate
and warnings,

but the stones are
our sacred birthright.

They are unique
to our world

and proof that only we
are destined to conquer.

Y-Your Majesty...


The expedition
will continue as planned

with the prince

This council
is adjourned.


Thank you for hearing her out,

No. Thank you
for bringing this to our attention.

Now we know
the gardener is a traitor.

Wait! What? No, Father.
She's not a traitor.

She's just worried.

Are you certain?
You've had that key less than a day

and suddenly your friend
wants to dictate

how we use the most powerful object
in the world.

I warned you about this.

It won't be long before I join the Core,

Our people will be
counting on you.

Well, that didn't go great.

Yeah, sorry.

But that's okay.
You're in charge.

You can just decide
not to use the box.

It's not that simple, Leif.

Our society is built
on these expeditions.

Look, I know
it won't be easy,

but we have your back.

See? Together we can use
your power for good.

Look, Leif, maybe you
should just focus on gardening

and leave the ruling to me,



[sighs] Sorry.
That was harsh.

I'm just under a lot of pressure right now,
you know?

For sure.
No, I get it. Friends?

[sighs] Friends.


Any orders for the portal

operation tomorrow,
Your Highness?

Don't ask me.
Andrias is calling the sh*ts tomorrow.

Show them the key, son.

Hmm? Oh, yes.
Of course.

Um... Be right back.



what are you doing?

If you won't stop this,
I will.


- [grunts]
- Wait! No!

[both scream]

[whistles] Huh?

[both grunt]

Hey! What's the ruckus?

Leif has betrayed us.

She would never do that.

I saw it with my own eyes.

Come on! We
gotta find her before

she does something crazy.


[both panting]

She's heading for the armory!
I'll cut her off!

Stop right there, Leif.
Don't make me do this.

Barrel, please trust me.

What I do,
I do for all of us.

Geez, Leif.
I-I don't know.

[grunts] Hey! Get back here!

[both grunting]


You had a chance to stop her.
What happened?

She confused me.
[groans] Come on!


Come on, girl.
Let's get outta here.

- [beeps]
- [thud]

That came from the garden.




[echoing] Leif!

We must find the Olms.
They'll know what to do.

I'm sorry, my friend.
This thing can't stay in Amphibia.

The worst has come
to pass.

The box has left this world.

It is lost
and with it, our legacy.

I promise you I will do
everything in my power to right this wrong.

There is nothing
you can do, Son.

Our way of life is ruined.

- [Core whispering indistinctly]
- Mmm.

I see. According to the Olm prophecy,
the box will return.

When and how is impossible
to calculate,

so we will wait.

We will bury and preserve
our glorious civilization,

until our birthright
has returned to us.

And only then can you begin
to redeem yourself.

That slippery little frog
has ruined everything!

Her and her kind will need
to be kept in line.

And as for you,
you failed me as well.

I'm having you reassigned.

You will travel to the outskirts
and defend the villages.

Now, get out of my sight.

Your Highness.


[rhythmic beeping]

[Leif] We have your back.

Together we can use
your power for good.



All right. You did it!

Gold star for you, bud.

But now that
that's taken care of,

who's ready to finally
start invading Earth?

Ready? After a thousand years,
I've thought of nothing else.

Why, Son, I think I'm almost
proud of you.