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03x11 - Commander Anne/Sprivy

Posted: 10/16/22 08:16
by bunniefuu
[car honks]

[frogs croaking]


What happened
to this place?

Back to Wartwood.

Oh, no!
Not here too!

Even the statue
is gone.


Nice giant centipede?

[growls, roars]

[both screaming]


Now, stay down.

Polly, look out!

Huh? Uh-oh.




[collar powering down]

What the...

Hey, thanks,
whoever you are.

salt my slugs.

It's you four.

Croaker, Wally.
Loggle? Is that you?

Yep. I've been lifting weights
every single day

since you've
been gone.

Who knew I had these kind of gains
in me all along?

- What is going on
- What was that thing?

- Around here?
- Loggle's buff now?

I don't believe it.

You're back.


You're alive!
And in Wartwood?

What's going on?
What happened?

Follow me
and I'll explain.

- Chuck.
- Tulips.


Wait. Our house
is your secret hideout?

Only the basement.

No way! The Plantar
family tunnels.

Come on.

[all] Whoa!

Welcome to
the Resistance.


[swords clinking]


- All right. Let's get you up to speed.
- [all] Whoa!

Marcy has been taken prisoner,
but she's still alive.

Oh, thank goodness.

So, what happened
to the town?

What do you think?
Andrias destroyed it.

let's get you settled.


Attention, Wartwood.

I'd like to introduce
some new recruits.

- Hey!
- Hi, guys!

[all] It's Anne
and the Plantars!


The Plantars here
came back to Amphibia

just in time to help us
kick Andrias right in the big old tail.

[all cheering]

Here. Go find yourselves
a nice cave to inhabit.

[sighs] I sure am gonna miss
the electric toothbrush.

Cheer up,
Hop Pop.

Maybe we can find a cave
with some soft lichen to sleep on.

[Hop Pop groans]

[clears throat]
So, about what happened

before we got zapped to Earth...

Listen, my days
of toxic manipulation are over.

And with Amphibia on fire
and Marcy in trouble,

I thought we could be
on the same side for a change.

We'll work at our own baggage later.

What's with the hat?

The helmet of authority.

Apparently, Wartwood busts this out
during w*r times,

so everyone knows
who's in charge.

Which reminds me...


Wartwood has only
been able to hold out this long

because they were waiting for you,

You stood up for them.
You protected them.

It's time for you
to lead them.

Uh, I don't know.

Amphibia's changed a lot
since I've been gone.

Should I really be
the one doing this?

All in favor of Anne Boonchuy
as your new leader?

- [whistling, cheering]
- [chanting] Anne! Anne! Anne! Anne!

Oh, wow!
This is a huge honor,

and also a lot of pressure.

[all cheering]

Yeah, that's actually
not helping.

[all gasp]

[Sasha] I'm sure you've seen
the mind-control collars

that Andrias has
been using to control the local wildlife.

Well, it turns out
he's making them here.

How do these things
even work?

It utilizes some kind of weird
mushroom enzyme.

Gee! Wonder where
I've heard that before.

I turned you
into zombies one time!

The mission is simple:
Destroy the factory.

If we're successful, it'll make a big dent
in Andrias's army.

All right.
Let's do it.

I'll call us a taxi app.

that's not gonna work.

[grunts] Fine.
I'll guess we'll walk.

Anyone got any
hand sanitizer?

I never noticed
how dirty Amphibia was.

Don't worry, HP.
I got you.

Wow. Earth made you three soft.

Anyway, get some sleep,

We leave at dawn.
You got it.

[Sprig] See you in the morning.
Aye, aye, Captain.

Hey, Grime.

Welcome, Anne.
I mean, uh, Commander.

I know.
Weird, right?

You gave Anne
the helmet?

Yeah. If Anne is here,
I can't be in charge.

It's just
too complicated.

But... But she's never
led an army.

And she has no idea
how much Amphibia has changed

or what we're up against.

I said it's complicated.

Fine. It just would've been nice
to know that I was demoted...



[birds squawking]

Okay, guys. [Grunts, chuckles]

Let's go show Andrias
what we're made of.

Which way, Commander?

Oh! Uh, no idea.

Oh! Didn't you take
a picture of the map?

sh**t. Dang it!
I-I'll go back and grab it.

No need.
Here's the map, Anne,

with all the important
parts labeled.

Oh! Thanks, Sash.

But are you sure
you shouldn't be leading this?

No way. You should
be in charge, not me.


Come on, Anne.
You can do this.

You steered us from Earth
back to Amphibia, didn't you?

Just follow
your Anne-tuition.

Anne-tuition? Cute.

Okay, then.
Here goes nothing!

[gulps, sighs]


[all sobbing]

[all scream]

[all screaming]

[all scream]

[all groaning]

There's the factory.

How do we get across,

Yeah, what's your Anne-tuition
telling ya?


Well, how about
we build a bridge out of ourselves?

I saw it
in a movie once.

All these tiny mice
worked together

to steal some oregano
from a French restaurant.

Uh, you heard the Commander, everyone.
Hop to it.

[all grunting]

[all] Whoa!

All right, everyone,

now lean forward
into the canyon.

Nice. Did you measure
the width of the canyon?

- No, why?
- [all scream]

- [grunts]
- Guys!

Hang on.

Grab on.

[all screaming, grunting]

Anyone else thinks
this is going poorly?

We're usually a bit more coordinated
than this.

Okay. I think
it's clear by now

I shouldn't be leading
this expedition.

Sasha, will you please
just take command

and tell us what to do?

No! You need
to be in charge.

What do you mean?

I'm drowning out here,

Do you want me
to fail?

Is that what this is?

Some kind of new manipulation?

No! I just... I...

We're also usually
a lot quieter than this.

- [hisses]
- [all scream]

Everyone, attack!

What kind of attack?

Just whatever
feels right!


- [hisses]
- Hey, ya!

[screams, grunts]


- [Hop Pop screams]
- What happened?

I got a grass stain
on my pants.

Oh, I have Mrs. B's
stain remover pen.

Soak it in water first.



No! Sasha,
what do we do?

Uh, you're in charge.
Whatever you think is best.

You've got this!

But I don't know
what I'm doing.

just take over!

I... I can't.

Why not?

Because the last time
I was in charge,

I ruined our friendship.


What are you doing?

Putting my faith
in a real commander.



What the heck,


Now how will
we get out?

[creature shrieks]
[Sasha screams]

Frogs of the Resistance,
execute maneuver three.

[all] Hmm.
Maneuver what?


Now, inflate!


[growls, coughs]

Sasha, you did it!

Not yet.
Wally, Croaker, Loggle, mirror punch.

[both scream]


[all cheer]

What's the plan now?

Don't look at me.
You're wearing the helmet.

you're on bridge duty.

Croaker and Wally
are lookouts.

Anne, Plantars,
you know what to do with these.

All right.
Let's mess this place up.

Come on, Anne.
Take the helmet back.

No way. You're clearly
the better commander.

But after everything I did to you,
I don't deserve it.

Sasha, not too long ago
you would've fought to keep the helmet.

The fact that you don't want it now
proves you've changed.

Yeah, maybe.

All in favor of Sasha Way bright
as your new leader?

Oh, yes!
Oh, frog. Please, Sasha.

We need you.

Listen, Anne, even though
I'm calling the sh*ts,

I want you to know
this is a partnership.


[Sasha] All right, you frogs,
back to base.

[both groan]

Looks like this
is our new life now, guys.

[sighs] House guest to Resistance grunt
is a harsh transition.

You can say that again.

[Hop Pop]
Uh-oh, Anne, did you lose a shoe?

[Anne] Oh!
You've gotta be kidding me!

Episode Title: [font color=#FFcf]"Sprivy"[/font]
Aired on: [font color="#ffff"]March , .[/font]

[frogs croaking]

[strains] Aren't
these worthless, sir?

Well, it don't mean
we don't gotta count 'em, To a die.



[both laughing]

A corpse-maker moth.

[clears throat] You're supposed to kiss
when you see one,

otherwise your crops
will be cursed for seven years.

Just to be safe.

Crops are very important.



Whoa! Nice shot.

[bell tolling]

Oop, sounds like
the mission briefing bell.

Come on!

There's no seats left together.

Attention, fellow
freedom fighters.

Will someone give
up their seat for

Sprivy, Wartwood's
cutest couple?


Not this again.

[scoffs] Young love
is the worst.

- No takers, hey?
- Hmm.

Guess we'll just stand
in the back together.

As long as
we're together.

[all groaning, murmuring]

Good morning,

Wait. Is it morning?
It's hard to tell underground.

We've got good news and bad news.

Good news is we've secured
a major shipment of crucial supplies

from a wealthy
pro-Wartwood elite.

[all cheering]

But the bad news is
the only way to Wartwood

is through the mountain pass,

and Andrias has it locked down,
guarded by a giant laser cannon.

Laser cannon stinks.
I like the other news better!

Why does Grime always
get to do the good news?

[Sasha] The cannon is protected
by a force field.

If we can take that out,
we can destroy the w*apon.

There's a robot battalion
protecting both structures.

But every hour, there's
a five-minute window

where the robots change shifts.

That's our chance to strike.

Wait. The robots
change shifts?

Everyone deserves a break,

I'm bringing
two teams of two.

One for
the shield generator,

one to take out the cannon
before the five minutes are up.

Stumpy, Fern, Ivy and Sprig,
follow me.

Looks like
our number's up.

Ha! Of course
they want the two of us.

Yeah, after all,
we're perfectly in sync.

[both laugh]
All right.

Well, that's the
only mission today,

so what do you guys
wanna do?

Can we have
a piñata party?

Don't see why not.

[all cheering]

so the teams are,

Sprig with Stumpy,
and Ivy with Fern.

[both gasp]

Uh... [chuckles]... Sasha,
shouldn't me and Ivy be partners?

He means 'cause we're dating.

Listen, twerp and twerpette,
you're not here to pass notes

and play footsie.

You're here to do a job.
And these pairings are

super important to the mission.

[sobbing] What will
I do without you?

I'll miss you every second.

Good Lord!


This one is for
bashing and smashing.

This one is for slicing and dicing.

Wow. I wish my hands
were scissors.

Working at the salon
would be a breeze.

Aye, lass, but then you'd
never be able to caress a wee baby tadpole.

Or hold hands
with the love of your life!

Seems worth it to me!

I can't believe
we have to split up.

This is the worst thing
that has ever happened to anyone.

There's gotta be
a way to switch,

as long as Sasha
doesn't find out.

[bird shrieking]

All right,
there's our target.

And our supplier is just
on the other side of that pass.

I'll keep watch up here,
and signal him when the cannon is down.


cheer leading muscle memory.

Here's a watch
for each of you.

The shift change is
about to start.

Follow my plan exactly and it should
just be enough.

Okay, team,
move out!

[all grunting]

♪ Delivery for Wartwood
Delivery today ♪

♪ Delivery for Wartwood
Delivery delayed ♪


Oh! Hey, guys.
I forgot.

Sasha gave me this note.

Something about
switching up the teams.

That sounds important,

Let us read it together.

"Dear nerds,

I, Sasha, order you
to switch partners.

Spring should be with Ivy
since they're dating."


Well, it certainly
sounds legit.

Let's switch it up then.
Sasha is a tactical wizard.

Mucking about with her decisions

could have devastating

[whistle blowing]

Shift change.

[both grunt]




Boom! Now, all we've got to wait for
that force field to come down.

Uh, boy.

Don't know why old Stumpy
was picked to go uphill.

This sure is a hard climb.

You doing okay
back there, Fern?

Look, Cutsy, that "cloud"
looks like a cloud. [Chuckles]

Fern, get a move on!


We finally made it.

Now, let's shut down this generator
with no one the wiser.


Oh, dear frog!

[siren blaring]
On your guard, Fern!


Hmm, think the shield
is down yet?

Let's check!

- [electricity crackles]
- [screams]


Huh, it's still up.

Well, we can't expect
Fern and Stumpy to work as good

together as we do.

Good call.

Let's give them
a little extra time.

You wanna work on
our couple's dance routine?

Which one?

[upbeat music playing]

[both panting]

Nailed it!

[sighs] Okay,
only two minutes left.

Let's try this
one more time.

[electricity crackles]


It hurts so much.

You thinking what I'm thinking?
Try the shield again?

No. Stumpy and Fern
are in trouble.

Come on!

Fern, Stumpy!

What happened?

I think it might be a...



Yeah, like,
what he said.


This was not
in the mission briefing!

Holy crab!

[both grunting]

[both gasp, scream]


[all panting]

[all screaming]


Only one minute left
and this mission's a bust!

We're done for!

[all grunting]

Look! That's where the
generator is getting its power.

Fern, if I can keep that thing
busy, can you cut those wires

and shut it down?


Sprig, take Stumpy
to the cannon!

Me and Fern
will get the shield down.

Right! Let's go, Stumpy.
And, Ivy...

...I'll miss you so much.

I'll count every second
until we're back together.

And not just 'cause I have to
for the mission.

Oh, for Pete's sake!
We're going!

No, Ivy!
I miss you already!

I think
that guy likes you.




Looks like you're due
for a cut!


Okay, let's see if
these shields are still up.

I wouldn't recommend that.

- [electricity crackles]
- Oh, yeah.

Your spatula hand
is made out of bone.

That doesn't
conduct electricity.

So that's why
Sasha picked you.

Come on, girls. Come on!

Let's lower them ears!

And done!

Dang! That looks good.

[powering down]

[shield powering down]

It's down!
Go time!

[door squeaks]

Looks like five
ought a do the trick.

Oh, no!

The new shift?
We're too late!

You do your job, Stumpy,

and let me do mine.


That should do it.

Let's get out
of here, kid.


Nice work, guys.
Looks like the mission was a success.

Actually, Sasha...

You and Ivy ignored my orders
and almost beefed the entire mission

because you couldn't spend
five minutes apart?

That is...
surprisingly accurate.

I separated you two because I
needed two of our best commandos

protecting two
of our best specialists,

so they could
do their jobs.

[both] Oh!

Oh, yeah!
Oh, I see.

Yeah, that makes sense.
Yep, we're dumb.

But you still managed
to pull off the mission.

So I'm only sort of furious.

Hey, Sprig. I really like where
our relationship is headed, but...

Maybe we
shouldn't let it dictate

every decision we
make in our lives?

Wait, you guys are dating?

And I'm glad y'all
learned your lessons

and we ain't dead.

Cheerio, my good frogs.

The Ribbiton state is here
to pledge its full support

for your rebellion.

Thanks, Wigbert.
Your supplies are really

going to make a difference.

What the...

Uh, guys.
Does this guy look like Wally to anyone?

Theme song playing...

[Anne laughs]

[Hop Pop] ♪ Whoo-hoo! Baby

[Sprig vocalizes]
[Hop Pop] Whoa!

[Polly screams]
[Anne] ♪ Baby

[Sprig vocalizes]

[Anne vocalizes]

[song ends]