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03x04 - Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs

Posted: 10/16/22 08:12
by bunniefuu
[car honks]

[birds chirping]




- [Mrs. Boonchuy] Anne!
- [gasps]


I'll just hit send real...

[Mrs. Boonchuy] Now!
Yep! Okay, okay!

Lord Frankerton,
may I join you at the window?

[Lord Frankerton] Only if you wish
to torment me.


Someone didn't sleep.

Nope. I spent all night
researching ways to get you guys home.

And possibly the night
before that.

You? Researching?

Who are you
and what have you done with my daughter?

Har! Har!
So, I was thinking,

what if there's a second calamity box
here on Earth?

So I mapped out every thrift store
in a mile radius,

and if we leave right now...

Primthistle Manor
isn't gonna binge itself.

Everyone, quiet.

Lord Frankerton's confessing his love
for Lady Franklin.

My dearest Lady Franklin,

I simply cannot contain
my passion for you any longer.

Oh, Lord Frankerton.

- [Hop Pop] Amazing!
- [Polly gasps] I'm shocked.

And it only took
three seasons.

[sighs] Why does it feel like I'm the only
one trying to find a way back to Amphibia?

we have been trying.

But it's okay to take a day off
to recharge every now and then.

There's no time, you guys.
Come on. Let's get back to research.

Since you seem to enjoy research
so much now,

what if you four spend the day at
the museum and wrote a report?

You have a lot of makeup
schoolwork to do.

[all] Oh! Do we have to?

Yes. I'm also
cleaning the house.

There's slime everywhere.

And I'm not
pointing fingers,

but I need you all
out of the way.

Gross, Anne.


Energy sensor unresponsive.

Will attempt to hack into
the local frequencies.

I'll pick you up at :.
Have fun, but also learn.

[all groan]

[all] Ooh!

Whoa! Looks like you guys used to have
a monster problem too.


Wait. Your people think
the world is round?


I like these guys.
They get it.

See? We can have a fun one off
just like we did in Amphibia.

Anne? Anne?

You gotta take a break
from all of this research.

Don't worry, HP.
I'm fine. I'm fine.

Burning yourself out isn't gonna help us
get home to Amphibia.

- Amphibia.
- Yeah, that's what I said.

No. Look!

Call me crazy,
but that looks like...

[Polly] One of us!
[Anne] I don't believe it.

Could this be the clue
we've been looking for?

- Didn't expect to see frogs in here, eh?
- [screams]

What? Frogs? Huh?

Oh. You're talking
about the pod.

Sure. What'd you think
I was talking about?

Name's Dr. Jan.
I'm a curator here.

And an avid lover
of all things ancient.

Why did she wink at me?

So staring at this pod, eh?
Interesting, isn't it?

The frog here was depicted in
a very unconventional fashion.

Bipedal. Oh!

It must've been
some kind of deity.

Huh. You don't say.

- Maybe it's a frog shaped alien, right?
- From another dimension.


Frog shaped?

[laughs] Sorry, sorry.

I'm really into kryptons.
You know, UFOs and stuff.

Anyway, you got
any other questions?

Do you know anything
about portals to...

Nope, not at all.
Actually, I hate history and museums. Yuck.

Oh, that's too bad.
And kind of insulting.

Well, if you change your mind,
just holler, "Dr. Jan!"

And I'll fly in like
an information superhero.

Uh... Dr. Jan away!

[imitating engine]

Hey! Why did you blow her off?
Maybe she knows something.

What? Come on, dude.
We don't know anything about that lady.

How do you know we can trust her?
Paranoid much?

But that thing's
our first real clue.

We can't just drop it.

What if there's a map
painted on the bottom?

Or a secret code that only shows up
under black light?

Well, if you don't wanna ask that
Dr. Jan for help, what are we gonna do?

Rob the museum?

I still can't believe
we're robbing the museum.

- Shh!
- [Mrs. Boonchuy] Anne?

You guys okay in here?

All good.
Just finishing that report.

Don't believe you,
but okay.

- [snoring]
- Looks like she bought it.

Huh? Where was I?

Oh, yeah. We did
way more dangerous stuff in Amphibia.

At least nothing here's
gonna spit acid at us.

That you know of.

Come on, guys.
If you don't break a few rules for this,

how are we ever
gonna get back?

So, what's the plan?


[clears throat]


Aha! Very into this.


First, we gotta
distract the guards.

Hop Pop?
On it.

So, my question is

how did those bones
get underground in the first place?

Meow! I'm a cat!


[snarls, grunts]

Hey, my shoe!

After that
fabulous cat.

Then, Polly,
you get us inside.


[cat snarling]
Sup, fools?

[Anne] Lastly, Sprig,

you take out
all the cameras.



Target found.


Those guards got
tired of chasing me

and stopped at
a coffee shop.

We got a good

Nicely done.
Now, all we have to do is... is...


Hey, Anne!
Not a good time to nap!

Right! Sorry.
Let's do this thing.

That's a lot of lasers.

- Don't worry.
- [bones cracking] I got this.

[grunts, screams]


Wow! That was easy.

This isn't a movie,

Not everything
has a dramatic twist.


Not you again!


[all screaming]

[all scream]

[Polly] Hey!

Leave them alone!




Eat the rich!

[Frobo squealing]

How're we gonna stop
this thing?

I think I just got an idea.

Hey, can opener,
wanna fight?

I'm all yours!

Let's rumble, robot!



Any last words?

You're history.

[coughs] Anne!

Don't worry, guys.
We got him.



No, you're history.

Put your hands in the...


Alert, alert.
Do not be seen.

No way. A robot?

I'm fine, HP.

Thank frog
no one got hurt.

Oh, no.
Guys, your disguises!

[all grunt]

[gasps] Frog aliens?

[both] What the...

I I can't believe I forgot!

Mitchell, Rodney, this has been
a terrible misunderstanding.

These are performers rehearsing an exciting
historical reenactment of some kind.

We'll clean this
mess up tomorrow.

You two can go home.
I'll take it from here.

Whew! Thank goodness!
I knew it.

Night, Dr. Jan.

Oh, hey, Dr. Jan.

So, there's a perfectly
reasonable explanation for all of this.

And I can't wait
to hear it.

Frog aliens, robots.
Spill it, kid!

This is a dream
come true!

We can't do this
on our own, Anne.

Maybe it's time
we try trusting someone.

Wow! Sound like you've
been through a lot.

I see why you're in such a rush
for answers, but why the heist?

Why didn't you just ask me?

Uh, made sense earlier.

If I'm honest,
I'm sort of running on empty right now.

She hasn't slept
in days.

Well, that's no good.
Here. Look at this.

Back when I was younger
I would stay up for days on a dig.

I couldn't go home knowing
we were so close.

One time I got sloppy
with a dynamite charge

and, well, this was
a triceratops. [chuckles]

[all groan]

What's a triceratops?

I get it.
So what you're saying is

if I keep this up
I may do more harm than good?

I'll make you a deal.

I'll keep your secret
and help you research this artifact

if you go home
and get some sleep.

Deal. Thanks, Dr. Jan.

Real quick. Before we go,
do you have a black light?

I wanna check and see
if this baby has any secret codes on it?

Black light? Go sleep.
Take a day off.

The world will still
be spinning tomorrow.

[Hop Pop] Still not sold on
this spinning globe theory.

Oh, what the heck?

[sighs] No way.

You've got to be kidding me!

Plantars, assemble!


What's up?
Any news?

I got a text from Dr. Jan.

It says, "Come see me
when you've got a moment.

I think I found something."

Which means, the sooner we talk to her,
the sooner we get you home.

[all] Yeah!

- Yahoo!
- [Hop Pop] Sounds good!

[laughs, gasps]

Oh, good. You're here.
Help us finish loading the car.

No problem,
Mrs. Boonchuy.

We'd be glad
to help.

I can't carry much,
but okay.

Okay, but then we gotta
get to the museum.

No way. It's market day
at the Thai temple

and we are all
going to be there.

But, Mom!
It's super important.

So is this.

The Thai community
hasn't seen you since you came back.

And this is the
perfect opportunity.

No "but."

I'll make you a deal.

Just stay for one full hour,
then you can go do whatever.

[sighs] Fine.

Market day? Temple?

It's a monthly all day event
at the Thai temple.

Everyone gathers for food, music,
sport, dance and Thai language school.

It's, uh...

[shutters click]

- [Anne] Hey! I see you!
- [both gasp]

Dezi, Rico!

What was that all about?

Ugh, nosy gossip bloggers
from the school paper

trying to get an exclusive photo
of the "girl who went missing."

Oh! Well,
I got some photos they can use.

Here's you eating spaghetti
when you were two.

- Oh, and here's you when you were...
- [Anne] Dad!

Oh, my gosh! Stop!

Just look at this place.


The style sort of
remind me of Wartwood.

Look, there's
even a statue.

[gasps] No, way!
Is this you?

Yep, I've been coming here
since I was a kid.

It seems cool at first,
but believe me, it gets old quick.


[Mrs. Boonchuy]
You are on sample duty today.

Now stand out in the open
where everyone can see you.

Wait. By everyone
you don't mean...

Anne's here! She is back!

Oh, sh**t!
Here comes the Ba train.

- [woman] Welcome back, young Anne.
- Hi, Ba Med.

[woman ] Where have you been
worrying your parents like that?

Good to see you, Papu.
It was just a little misunderstanding.

They forgot I was
at tennis camp.

- Eh, typical. [clicks tongue]
- You got so skinny.

- Here. Eat something.
- [gulps]

good to see you.

Bye bye!

Hey, what does
this mean?

It's called a wai.
It's how you show respect to your elders.

Super important
in Thai culture.

Make sense to me.
You kids can learn a couple of things here.

Well, we've got
some time to k*ll.

You three are free
to explore, if you want.

Just be careful to keep
those disguises...

[all] Whoo hoo!

Whoo hoo!
Whoa! Look at this!

[Hop Pop, Polly laughs]

Hold on, Dr. Jan.

Just one hour
and I'll be there.

♪ I'm walking like a human ♪


[all laughing]

And if you want to say
it's bedtime, we say...

Speaks Thai...

Very good!
You taken Thai before?

Speaks Thai...

Speaking Thai...[i/]

[all] Ooh. Wow!

Show off.

[whistles] Huh?

Ooh! Excuse me,
what's all this then?

It's Khon dancing.

A performance art where dancers tell
a beautiful drama

of epic scale through intricate movements
and expressive gestures.

Intricate movements? Expressive gestures?
Drama? I'm in!




- [all cheer]
- Whoo hoo! This guy's good.

I love it here!


I wish Anne had told me
about these earlier.

[grunting] Huh?



Oops! Heads up!


[all gasp]

Hey, new guy,
join our team.

we saw him first.

Calm down, everyone.
Plenty of Sprig to go around.

Moo Ping! Come get
your Moo Ping here.

Welcome back, Anne.
Nice to see you again, Anne.

What you got there,

Just returning
a few dishes

some of the community
members lent me.

All right. It must've been
almost an hour by now.

It's only been ten minutes!

That's it.
[chomps, spits]

Sorry, Mom, but I have
more important things to do today

than hand out samples.

Hey, Dr. Jan.
It's me, Anne.

I'm at the Thai temple but I'll be
at the museum in minutes tops.

Deploying drones.

Search and destroy.

Now, all I got to do is collect
those frogs and avoid some parents.


First, a decoy.

I'll give you five bucks

to pretend to be me
for minutes.

I don't see why not.

So you're gonna
write me a check or...

Sprig! Hey, Sprig!

- [all cheering]
- Yes!

Wow! He is really good
at that.

Looks like he's
is having fun too.

Maybe he can give
this one a miss.


Psst! Hop Pop! Psst!

Shh, Anne.
This is silent theater.


Man, those two have really
gotten sucked in.

Speaks Thai...

[all laugh]

What the heck?

I sat through Thai school for years
and can barely string a sentence together.

[both laugh]

It is sort of neat to see all three of
them connecting to Thai culture like this.

I'll just update them
after I see Dr. Jan.

[grunts] Mom?

Anne? You're supposed
to be at the stand.

Oh. Why, yes.
You see...

You were sneaking out
to visit your museum friend, weren't you?


Okay, you got me.
I don't believe this.

You really couldn't
wait one hour?

[groans] Look,
I already said hi to everyone.

Now I have to get
to the museum

so I can get my
interdimensional friends home.

It's super important.

So is this.
We owe so much to this community.

Why do you think
I'm returning all these dishes?

I don't know.
'Cause you had a potluck party?

No, everyone here
cooked us meals

and took care of me and Dad
for all those months you were gone.

Oh, I...
I had no idea.

Wow. I feel like a jerk.

They were worried
about you and us.

The community ran a store
here and sent us the money.

Even helped out
at the restaurant.

And never asked
for anything in return.

That's really cool.

It is pretty cool.

What are those things?

What's going on?

What? Drones? They must be
from the robot.

What robot?

The robot is the name of the gossip
blog those girls from school run.

They must have sent
the drones to take more photos of me.

Just tell everyone
they have to take cover.

I've got this.

[grunts, screams]

[all gasp]

Anne, we heard a blast.
What's going on?

Looks like the robot sent
some scouts after us.

We have to protect the temple
and everyone in it.

- [all] Right!
- [Mrs. Boonchuy] We're right behind you.

Mom, I told you
to tell everyone to take cover!

This is our temple
and our community.

When one of us
is under a threat, we all are.

Yeah, be gone, Saint James
Middle School paparazzi.

[all] Yeah! Yeah!
We've got your back!

All right, everyone!

Speaks Thai...








It's good!

Sample this!


All right, you evil bug bots,
sample this too. [grunts]


[gasps] Anne's dad!

Sprig, kick me!



[all panting]

[all cheering]

Whoo hoo! Yeah!

- [gasps]
- Guys, your disguises. They've fallen off.

[all murmuring]

Uh, everyone,
I can explain.

No, no, no.
No need to know.

If they're your friends...

...then they are
our friends too.

No matter how ugly
they are.


It's funny,
but it still stings.

They're talking
about you too.

Wow! Thanks, you guys.

I don't even know
what to say except...

Speaks Thai...

Oh, that's so polite.

Speaks Thai...

[Mrs. Boonchuy] Man, middle school
equipment is really advanced these days.

Well, hour's up.
You're probably itching to get out of here.

[both laugh]

I... I think I'd like
to stay a bit longer.

I thought you had more
important things to do.


Just kidding.
Just kidding.

[vehicle honks]

Dr. Jan?

Sorry, guys,
this couldn't wait.

It's just too dang exciting.

[Plantars] Ooh!

It's written in some kind
of ancient language.

If only we could read it.

Wait. According to
Marcy's notes it says,

"Seek the mother of alms,
she will guide you to your destiny."

[all gasp]

That do anything
for anyone?

Not especially.
No, sirree.


[theme song playing]

[Anne laughs]

[Hop Pop] ♪ Whoo hoo! Baby ♪

[Sprig vocalizes]
[Hop Pop] Whoa!

[Polly screams]
[Anne] ♪ Baby ♪

[Sprig vocalizes]

[Anne vocalizes]
♪ Ba ba ba baby ♪

[song ends]