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02x09 - Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall

Posted: 10/16/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
[Theme music playing][/font]

[swords clinking]

[thunder rumbling]

[music ends]

[font color=#FFFF]"AMPHIBIA"[/font]
[font color=#FF]Season Episode [/font]
Video release: SEE

[Baskins] There I was, about to
split the case of the century wide open.

The person behind it all
was right behind this chair,

and it was my job to
deliver justice with my fists.

- [Polly, Sprig] Ooh.
- Whoa.

Aren't these old detective films
the greatest?

It's like a normal movie, but no one talks
out loud and everybody loses in the end.

I love it. Just a hard-boiled
guy tryin' to right wrongs,

without any of that fancy color
nonsense getting in the way.

Shouldn't you
be focusing on driving?

- [honking]
- [brakes squealing]

All right, kids. We're here.

[all gasp] An arcade.

- Totally worth it.
- You're the best Pop who ever hopped.

What? No, no, no.
We're going there.

- Boo!
- Aw, Hop Pop.

- [all] Ow.
- Shush, youngsters. Have a little respect.

This is Sal's.
Sal was like a brother to me.

We've been friends since the
old ways were just "the ways."

He was so good
at making sandwiches,

he decided to relocate to
Newtopia to make the "buko dolares."

Oh, kids, how I've dreamed
of those sandwiches.

That lightly toasted bread,
the fresh green lettuce,

the thin yet supple slices
of roast beetle,

and finally... the sauce.

Tangy, zippy,
and just plain amazing.

Oh, lordy!

Wow! Sounds like you need to be alone
with this sandwich, HP.

- [laughs] Zing!
- Hush.

I promised myself
if I ever made it to Newtopia,

I'd swing by for one of those sweet,
sweet sandies.

Now, come on, g*ng,
who's ready to revisit the glory days?

Hop Pop, this seems
really important to you.

The three of us would never want to
get in the way of something so person...

You wanna go to the arcade?

- Yes, please.
- Uh-huh.

Play your newfangled games.

But it's that attitude that's causing
tradition to be left in the dust...

[coughs, sighs]

Guess what, Sal?
It's your old pal Hope...


What the... Wha...
What happened here?

Sal! Sal!


Sal's trademark fedora.

But he never went anywhere
without it.

[thinking] Sal would never
leave his shop unattended.

- Something happened here, something bad.
- [light buzzes]

This was foul play,

and it was my job
to get to the bottom of it.

I just wish I had
some kind of clue.

What's this?


No, sauce.

People were always asking Sal for
his secret recipe. Offered to pay big.

But he said family tradition was
more important than a few copper coins.

[chuckles] My kinda frog,
who made my kind of sauce.

[smacks lips]

Hmm. Newtropolitan Gala,
tonight : p.m.

"Get the sauce"?

Looks like someone
got tired of askin'

and took his recipe by force.

Now all I had to do was
follow the sauce to find Sal.

Follow the sauce. Find Sal.

You don't have to repeat me.

Sorry, sorry. [chuckles]

Man, this is a long line.

Maybe it'll go quickly.

- k*ll me.
- [groans]

[gasps] Did y'all see that?
We just got cut.

Eh, what are ya gonna do?

Are you kidding?
We have to say something.

I don't know, Anne. Isn't it
just better to let this one go?

Yeah, Anne. He's beneath us.

this isn't just about cutting.

This is about justice,
doing the right thing. And...


Was that Hop Pop in a tuxedo?

- Huh.
- Huh.

[jazz music playing]

[chattering, laughing]

Ooh, good heavens.

I haven't had a bite
Since a quarter to three

Now I'm thinking Something's
gonna take A bite outta me...

You guys should buy bug coin.

And then I said,
"That's what boot straps are for." said
You can't have it all

Oh. We don't see many frogs
at the Newtropolitan.

You must be quite wealthy.
What do you do?

I'm a farmer.


Farmerceutical executive.

Nice save.

Canapé? The sauce is to die for.

- [echoes] ...die for...

Sal's sauce,
and not on a sandwich.

He never would have stood
for this.

One thing was for sure,
Sal was in trouble and needed my help.

[clears throat]
Say there, sonny.

Would you mind doing
a gentleman a favor?

Anything, sir.

Hoo boy! Gonna need
another round with extra sauce.

Say, where do we get
that sauce again?

Frog cannot be here. Move.

Why? 'Fraid of what
I might find?



There. Is health violation.

Oh, okay.

So, any chance you could
direct me to your supplier?

There he is! That's the guy
who stole my clothes and my tray.

You're gonna have
to come with me, sir.

Okay, okay.
Don't want any... trouble!

- [Hop Pop] Yah!
- [groans]

Ha! Take that, you...

[chokes, wheezes]

[groans, sighs]

Looks like I hit a dead end.

Without a source on the sauce,
or even an address, I was out of luck.

- Well, that works.
- But I had to hurry.

Whoever was behind this
could be torturing Sal right now.

Brutalizing him.
Maiming him. Tearing him a...

Whoa, whoa. Too graphic.

Sorry, sorry.


Hey, guys, over here.

- [groans]
- Just let it go.

Are you kidding me with this?

You got a problem?

Oh, you think?
You know what you did, cutter.

Pfft. Who's cutting, weirdo?

he was just savin' our spots.

Uh-uh. Nope.
That is not how this works.

That is not how
any of this works.

Doesn't anyone else see
this injustice?

- [woman] Calm down, lady.
- You calm down.

Now, listen up. I'm giving you
little twerps till the count of three

to get to the back of the line,
or I'll...

- Or you'll what?
- Yeah, what?

Oh, ho-ho. News flash, kid.

I'm a monster
from another world.

- I might eat newts for breakfast.
- [all gasp]

[in deep voice]
You wanna find out?

[whimpers, crying]

Oh, no, no, no.
Hey, hey, hey, don't cry.

- Did she thr*aten to eat those kids?
- Someone call security.

I think I just made a mistake.

[siren wailing]


This was bigger
than I could've imagined.

Whoever was behind this turned an old frog's
family legacy into a soulless profit machine.

Uh, can I help you?



I had finally found the sauce,
but where was Sal?

Oi! Who the heck are you?

Uh, who are you?

I'm the blooming floor manager.
And you're trespassing, mate.


He was huge, ugly,
and probably hit like a truck.

Luckily, I knew a thing or two
about fisticuffs myself.

Hold on. Do I?

Huh. Lucky shot.
Wouldn't be so lucky next time.

[both grunting]

[panting, groans]



One thing was for sure, the health
inspector wasn't gonna like this.

But the health inspector
was the least of my concerns.

I wanted answers.

And right before me was
the big cheese who had 'em all.

The jig is up, villain.

Now tell me
what you've done with...

[gasps] Sal?

Hopediah. It's been a long time,
old friend.

So you're behind all this!
Of course.

You kidnapped yourself
to steal your own, uh...

Uh, hang on a sec.

Whoa, whoa. Slow down.
What are you talking about?

I went by the deli.
It was ransacked.

Someone stole your recipe and
sold it off to the highest bidder!

They were spreading your sauce
on fancy food at a swanky gala.

Hopediah, this is my factory.

I sauce all the major events
in Newtopia.

I don't believe it.

The Sal I knew
was a sandwich man,

through and through.

[chuckles] You know,
it was a tough call.

The sandwich biz was dying.

I knew my sauce was a hit,

but nobody wanted it
between slices of bread.

I was nervous at first,
but the change ended up being great for me.

Heck, I even retired
that silly fedora.

Now instead of making
traditional sandwiches for no one,

I make just the sauce
for everyone.

Turns out if you embrace change
instead of clinging to the past,

you get a say
in what the future looks like.

Heck, you can even bring
some of the past along with you.

Thanks, Sal.
You're a good frog.

Sorry for getting
so carried away.

I almost took it too far.

What are you talking about?

Boss, we just found a body
in vat number three.

- What?
- Oh, will you look at the time?

Gotta go. Bye.

Hey, kids.
Play any newfangled games?

- Actually, they banned us for life.
- It was Anne's fault.

Because I was willing
to stand up for what was right.

This whole thing is their fault.

Ma'am, I'm gonna need you
to take a step back.

Oh, yeah, like you're really
gonna tase a kid...


Anyway, I was right,
and that's that.

How 'bout you, Hop Pop?
You enjoy those sandwiches?

[chuckles] Not exactly.

Looks like I had quite a tale
to tell.

Quite a tale, indeed.

- Hop Pop?
- Anyone home?

Oh, crud.
Did I not say that out loud?

I guess that's the funny thing
about narrating.

You're talking,
but you're not talking, you know?

I think Hop Pop's broken.

Kids can you hear me?
Is my mouth moving?

Am I gonna be stuck
like this forever?

Help me, oh, frog!

[frogs croaking]
Episode Part Title: [font color="#ffcf"]"Hopping Mall"[/font]



Whoa. Look at this place.

It's just like the outdoor
mega mall from back home.

Mm-hmm. Sure.

Anyway, since we only have
a couple of days left in the city,

I figured we could spend the
afternoon shopping for souvenirs.

Now get out there
and buy anything you'd like!

- [excited chatter]
- For two coppers or less.

- [grunts]
- What?

- This ain't even enough for a candy bar.
- Yeah, what gives?

Let's just use that sweet
bling-bling from the king-king.

Oh, yeah.
The royal credit card.

Nuh-uh. Kids,
souvenirs are only meaningful

- if you pay for them yourself.
- [all groan]

- You could always try haggling.
- Hag what?

You know, bargain with
shopkeepers till they lower their prices.

You can do that? Oh, these newts
aren't gonna know what hit 'em.

- [Polly laughing]
- Wait, Polly!

Don't actually hit anyone!

Ooh, exciting.

I guess I'd better
get an item for Ivy,

since we are an item.
[laughs, snorts]

Who are you
gonna shop for?

- My mom.
- Your... mom?

I figure if I'm gonna go missing
in a different dimension,

the least I could do
is bring back a gift.

Seems reasonable to me.

Wha... When did you? How did you?

Don't know.
But isn't it perfect for Ivy?

It even whistles
when you swing it.

- [grunts]
- Watch this...



- My pots!
- Sorry, sorry!

Bill the king! Bill the king.


"Massage your tuchus
the right way

with this chair
full of rumble bugs.

Your life will never be
the ding-dang same."

Pfft. How good could it be?

[chair vibrates]

- Oh, my frog!
- [bird squawks]

Now, this is for my mom, okay?
The lady who gave me life.

So we gotta find something
that's one-of-a-kind.

- [sniffs, coughs]
- What does she like?

Antiques, butterflies,
drinking tea...

Okay, well, how about
this box of herbal tea?

- Too ordinary.
- [grunts]

- Giant butterfly taxidermy?
- Too creepy.

This antique vase?

This broken antique vase?

Wait. Look over there.

Whoa. A butterfly teapot?

[Anne] And it was made by
a revered Newtopian artist?

Sprig, it's perfect!

Excuse me,
how much for the teapot?

Sorry, it's not for sale.

What? No, coppers.
No, coppers.

I will pay , coppers.

Anne, you have two coppers.

It's not for sale,
because it's the grand prize

in the market's annual Shopping
Cart Smash and Mash Derby.

If you want the teapot,
you should sign up.

You sure about this? We don't
even know what this competition is.

Sprig, it's the perfect gift,
and this is the only way to get it.

Nothing is gonna stand
in my way.

[Priscilla scoffs]
That's what you think.


Name's Priscilla the Killa.

Champion of the Smash and
Mash Derby years running.

- This is my daughter Pearl.
- Hello.

And that teapot is mine.

[both laugh]

Hey, Mom,
how do you spell "winner"?

Just put your name, sweetie.

Oh, yeah?
Well, I'm Anne,

and I'm gonna destroy you
in this derby thing,

as soon as I figure out
how to play.

- [both laugh]
- This is gonna be easier than I thought.

- See you in the ring, Mop Top.
- [both laugh]

- They seem confident.
- Come on, dude.

We gotta study up on this game.

So, teams of two push carts
around and ram into each other.

If your cart tips over,
you're out.

Other than that, anything goes.
Sounds like my kinda game.


- Is it bad?
- [metal clanging]

What's that noise?

Whoa. Polly?

Oh, hey. Like my new bucket?

[grunts] That's gotta be worth,
like, coppers.

- How'd you...
- Haggling, baby.

Turns out I'm a natural.

All you gotta do is expose
a shopkeeper's weakness,

and then exploit it until they're
on their knees begging for mercy.

[laughs] Oh, look, bows.

Okay, focus.
Let's go win that teapot.

First, we pick our cart,
which should be pretty easy.

- Give me that!
- Get your own cart!

- [screams]
- [Anne] Hmm.



[sniffs, licks]

[smacks lips] Pass.
This one's a C-plus at best.

- [clapping]
- Wow. You're really good at this.

Me, Sasha and Marcy
practically lived at the mall.

So I'm pretty much
a cart whisperer.

Attention all smashers.

The Smash and Mash Derby
is about to begin.

Oh, sh**t. We gotta hurry.

Let's split up
and find a cart already.

- But, Mom...
- Ah, stop worrying, Pearl.

I've been the Derby champ
years running.

There's no way anyone else
is winning that teapot.

That's not
what I'm worried about.

It's your tail. It hasn't
healed from your last derby.

Relax. I can beat
these chumps without it.

- [groans]
- Now, come on. Let's get outta here.

[chuckles] Very interesting.

[cheering, chattering]

- A tail injury?
- Yep.

Don't know how that's gonna help us yet,
but... Whoa! Polly.

Guys, meet Micro-Angelo,
my private chauffeur.


[both] Whoa.

Well, nice chatting with ya,

but I've got more haggling
to do.

Okay, focus.
Let's scope out the competish.

- [growls]
- [both scream]

[both] Tea pot! Tea pot!
Tea pot!

It's okay, dude.
We've got this.

even Hop Pop believes in us.


Actually, I don't know
what's going on there.

Yoo-hoo. Ready to lose?

- [laughs]
- [grunts]

Players, on your marks...

- [engine revving sounds]
- Get ready...

All right, you crazy animals,
smash and mash!

[crowd cheering]



[grunts, screams]





[snarls, groans]

- [crowd cheers]
- He's fine.

[announcer] This is it, ladies and
gentle-newts. Only two carts left.

Come on, Sprig.
We can do this...

[both grunt, scream]

[both groan]

[crowd screams]

Looks like this battle
is too big for the ring.

[Priscilla grunting]

"Page two, using the brakes."

- [both scream]
- [all] Not the baby!

Initiating secret special cart maneuver,
ollie pop.

Ollie what?

- [brakes squealing]
- [both groan]

- [both scream]
- Ah! I gotta use my tail.

It's the only way to not m*rder
that pollywog!

But, Mom, your injury!

Hush. I have no choice.

- [groans]
- Mom!

- [brakes squeals]
- [Polly groans]

I wasn't worried.

- [panting]
- [Anne] Hey, you guys okay?

- Yeah, we're fine.
- [Anne] Okay, good.

Now, Sprig!

[all gasp]



Mop Top wins. Mop Top wins!

- [crowd cheers] Mop Top!
- Uh, can we not make that a thing?

Here you are, ma'am,
just as promised.

My mom is gonna love this.

- Sorry about your staff, dude.
- It's okay.

If it broke this easy,
it wasn't good enough for Ivy.

At least,
that's what I'm telling myself.

Hey, Mop Top.

You won fair and square.

Oh, uh, thanks.

Just make sure you take care
of that thing, okay?

The newt who made it
was special.

- One-of-a-kind.
- One-of-a-kind?

Yeah, the kind who encouraged
you to follow your dreams,

even if they were wacky
and dangerous.

[chuckles] The kind who cut
the crust off your sandwiches

'cause she knew
you didn't like 'em.

That teapot was the last piece
of art she ever made.

So like I said, take care of it.

Was the artist your mom
by any chance?


You know, I was gonna give this
to my mom when I got home,

but I think
she'd want you to have it.

No, I couldn't.

Please, I insist.

N... [sighs] Thank you.
This means so much to us.

You're not half bad,
Mop Top.

Anne. My name's Anne.

- Hey!
- [gasps]

Thank you for being so generous.

Here. I'd be honored
if you gave it to your mom.

I'm no famous artist,
but I made it myself

and it's one-of-a-kind.

Thank you. It's perfect.

- Don't be a stranger, Anne.
- [Pearl] Bye.

Well, now that that's over,
you guys seen Hop Pop?

Oh, heya, kids. Yoo-hoo!

Eh, just packing a small souvenir,
uh, then we can head out.

You got that for two coppers?

I sure did. [chuckles]

Amazing what you can get
for two coppers these days.

[Anne] Hmm.

Okay, fine.
I used the credit card!

I'm so ashamed.

But if you could
just feel this thing, kids.

It's heaven on your rump. Nirvana
on your tush. Bliss on your buttocks.

[Anne, Sprig, Polly] We got it.

I just had the worst dream.

You up, Anne? Anne?

It's so pretty. I'm sure
your mom's gonna love it.

Hmm. Yeah.

What's she like?

My mom?
Um, kind... in her own way.

But strict too.
She wanted me to study more.

Thought I goofed off too much.

We didn't always see eye to eye.

She annoyed me sometimes too.
Like, in the kitchen,

she'd always sing
these goofy Thai love songs,

and, man, was her singing bad.

Woof! That woman
was beyond tone-deaf.

You know,
the funny thing is, right now,

I would give anything
just to hear her singing.

Whoa! Sorry, sorry.
I just, uh, need a moment.


It's cool you know
your mom, though.

Mine passed away when me
and Polly were really young.

I don't even remember
what she looked like really.

Much less
the sound of her voice.

You know,
I've always wondered...

can you miss someone
you never actually knew?

[chuckles] That's silly.
I mean, of course you can't.