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02x06 - Marcy at the Gates

Posted: 10/16/22 08:05
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]
[Sprig] Doo, doo, doo. Newtopia!

Ugh. I can't believe it! It's been a long
journey, but we're finally almost there.

Anne? Huh?

thought you'd be more excited.

I am excited. It's just... we've
been traveling Amphibia for weeks.

I thought there'd be some sign
of Marcy by now. But nothin'.

[Sprig] Maybe that's a good
thing. Your last friend was kind of...

totally evil. Hey!

Look, Sasha and I might be
going through a rough patch,

but that doesn't mean
I don't care about her.

And since she got zapped here with me,
it must mean Marcy did too.

Also, Marcy is completely different
from Sasha. She's harmless.

[video game playing] Boom,
just cleared new game plus.

Heads up!

[grunts] Whoa! Thanks, Anne.

no problem. [whistle blows]

[coach] Marcy, Sasha,
Anne! You lose!


Okay. Sash, Anne.

Dungeon's almost ready. Then we can
finally play some Creatures and Caverns.

yeah! Locker door! Locker door!

Oop! That was close.

One of these days,
she's gonna get herself k*lled.

Ugh! Don't say that [gasps] Wet floor,
wet floor!

man. Where'd I be without you.

Marcy! I did it again,
didn't I?

[Anne] She was super smart.

But super oblivious.


And insanely clumsy.

maybe the clumsiest person alive.

Wow, that must be horrible.

Back home,
we were there to protect her.

But here, she's alone,
and instead of kickballs...

She could get mauled
by an elephant scarab.

Or crushed to death by a heron. Or worse,
flayed alive by a

Not helping.

Guys! Come It's I Not gonna
believe Ah! Just get out here!


[all] Whoa...

There she is, g*ng Newtopia.

If there's a way to get you home,
it's in that city.

Well, then let's get down there.

Whoo hoo! Yeah!

Well, my feet are soaked.

Now this is the life.


what do you think made these holes?

Mmm... Better not
to ask. Come on!

I feel like this is going
to come back later.

We're finally here.
Yo! Anybody home?

You can't come in
here. Newtopia's closed.

[all] Seriously?

Closed? Like closed,
closed? Or like closed for lunch?

The city is closed,
closed to all outsiders.

What the hey hey?
Why? Till when?

Until the barbari ants are gone,
of course. Good luck out there!

[grunting] Stupid handle. Whoa!




I'm okay!

What's a "barbari ant"?

Beats me. We don't
got 'em in the valley.

Psh, they close the whole
city because of a few little ants?


Ah! Big ant! Really big ant!


[all scream]


Nang, nang,
nang! Nang, nang, nang!

One... two... three.

Yay uh! In your face, ant!

[rumbling] Uh,
you guys feel that?

Starting to feel a bit antsy.

What the...

[ants screeching]

Whoa! Huh?

Hop Pop, can I get a crossbow for
my birthday? Please, please, please!

Eh, we'll talk.

[gasps] That's one cool newt.


Been there. Didn't
really stick the landing.

Wait a second.

[coughing] Okay, so,

Newtopian rope can hold an average
human girl for, uh, . seconds.

Maybe I could reinforce the rope with ironspider
silk to increase the tensile strength.



Marcy! Anne!

Oh! Anne? Is that really you?

Marcy! I can't believe it!

You, me, here?

I know! I know! I
missed you so much!

[giggling] Oh, I missed you too!


Look at you.
Look at this outfit.

You're like an Amazon
warrior queen or something.

I know, I know,
right? It's nuts! This is real!

Yeah, very real.

[laughs] Ah, sorry!

Isn't this place wild?
What an adventure.

Aw, man! I've really grown out here,
Anne. Come into my own. Leveled up.

No more clumsy,
klutzy Marcy. Can you believe it?

Your cloak's on fire.

What? Help!

Don't swing it around!

So, Anne, who's your friend?

Note to self: nonflammable cloak,

You guys, meet Marcy!

my gosh. Who are these cuties?

[gasps] Are they your
surrogate frog family?

Did they find you
and take you in?

Oh! I love the
found family trope!

Gosh, this is just like the hero in my
favorite game, Vagabondia Chronicles.

The greatest JRPG of all
time. Have you played it?

Do you wanna play it, borrow it?

Just say the word and
I'll lend you my copy.

Man, it'll change your lives!

Uh, Anne?

Yep, the Plantars took me in.
The one you got there is Hop Pop.

Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh.

As I thought, centimeters!

Yep! All brain.

Judging from the size of your
cranium and flecks of sediment,

you're from Frog Valley, right?

[gasps] You can tell
all that from my head?

Oh, Anne. I'm so jealous you
found a farming community.

I've been studying
Amphibia history,

and farm culture is super
underappreciated in my opinion.

You're the backbone of society
and do not get enough credit for it.

Hub, bub, bub, bub. Hub,
bub, bub, bub... [gasps]

Get off of me!

Thank you, thank you!

Hey, a pollywog! Hi.

Hmm. I'd say those legs
should be coming in in about...

bub, bub, bub,
buh... two months, give or take.

[gasps] Can I get that in writing? Oh,
yeah, absolutely.

[squeals, giggles]

Thank you!

Oh! And hi there.

Wow. I've never seen
a frog your color before.

You're not poisonous, are you?

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

Wait, really?

I literally actually don't know.

I will iodine that later.

So what about you, Mar mar? Have
you been in Newtopia this whole time?

Here and there, but,
uh, mostly here.

I actually warped in
right inside the city walls.

Pretty lucky, right? Like, what are
the odds Oh, oh, okay! Oh, my gosh!

Remember that game I tried to get you
and Sasha to play? Creatures and Caverns?


It turns out newts are
just like Cephalons.

From Shadows of Xel'noth!

I just role played like your typical
artificer/rogue and the next thing I know...

Boom... I'm the chief ranger
of the Newtopian Knight Guard!

[Polly] Uh... Were those words?

So, Marcy,
can you get us into the city?

We tried the gate,
but they won't let us in.

Unfortunately, those gates will stay
closed until the barbari ants are defeated.

we've got a plan. Come on!

Hop Pop. Birthday.
Make it happen.

[Barley] I'm telling you, Branson,
what we need is a direct frontal as*ault.

And I'm telling you, Bartley,
a sneak attack is what's called for.

Yeah, well, you're both wrong.

We need to learn how to
communicate with our ant brethren

and live in sweet,
sweet harmony.

Ludicrous! Yeah, shut up, Blair.

You shut up!

[arguing] 'Sup, triple B?

Ahem. Ah,
Master Marcy. Are you lost?

No, no. They're with me. The Plantars
traveled here all the way from the valley.


Ah, welcome, dirty peasants.

And this is my friend,
Anne Ow.

[laughs] Sorry. Just... still
can't believe you're here.

[giggles] Anne, quit it. All right,
all right. Keep doing what you're doing.

You'll be glad to hear we've
agreed on a battle strategy.

What? We've agreed on nothing!

no worries. I think I got it figured out.

Anne, do you remember when we studied
insect migration patterns in biology class?

Nope. Well,
since the weather warmed up,

those ants have been sending
scouting parties deeper into our territory.

In fact, I predict a full scale
invasion is just around the corner.

The king has asked me to stop them before
they turn Newtopia into a giant anthill.

Wait. You work directly
for the king of Amphibia?

Uh huh. Sprig, behave yourself.

I didn't even know you
guys had a king. Well, duh.

We're not anarchists,
Anne. Speak for yourself.

Okay. Plan is we're gonna sneak behind
enemy lines and drive the ant queen away.

With her gone,
the rest should retreat.

yeah? And how are we doing that?

Check it out!

[gasps] Boom shrooms?

Not quite. These
are stink shrooms!

Oh. Carry on.

They're designed to
release pheromones

that should drive the
queen away instantly.

But we will have to fight our way
through a bloodthirsty hoard of ants.

My interest has been restored.

We'll have to be extra careful.
If one thing goes wrong


[chuckles] Flimsy table.

Uh, Marbles,
this sounds pretty dangerous.

Yeah, why don't you leave the
mission to me and the Plantars?

We did stuff like this
all the time in the valley.

[grunts] To the max!

Ugh. Come on,
Anna Banana. I'll be fine.


I've changed, remember?

Mm hmm. Your
cape's on fire again.


Fire! Fire! Fire!
Somebody do something!

Hold still. There!

Those capes sure are flammable.

trust me. I can handle this.

Now let's get going. Mission,


What's your problem?

Me? Well, to be honest,
my cholesterol's been a little

Not you. Frownzilla over there.

Oh, come on, guys.

Surely you don't trust
this "Marcy" person.

I do. With my life, actually.

I mean, look, Sprig,
she's clearly harmless.


All right, yes,
on the surface she looks harmless,

but do you not remember Sasha?

I try not to. Now that you mention it...

Well, I say we watch
"Marbles" like a pigeon hawk.

That way we can be ready if
she tries to pull anything funny.

You guys with me?

Still no. Can't say I agree,
but you do your thing.

[groans] Fine.
Thanks for nothin'.

You guys coming? What, us?

[chuckles] Of course
not. We're analysts.

We don't do...
[snorts] ...field work.

And what's wrong
with field work?

I'll have you know we farmers
are the backbone of society!



Okay, we should be arriving
there shortly! [screams]

Marcy! Well, down the hatch!

All right, Bessie,
we're about to be betrayed... probably.

If we're not back in three hours,
send for help.


Good girl.

[Marcy grunts]

All right! Let's go.

Hold up. Stay behind me.

Behind, eh?

Just where a maybe backstabber
would wanna be.

Okay, if we can just stay
in this formation. Wait!

This is gonna be a cinch, guys.

Trust me, I know these tunnels
better than anyone [screams]

[chuckles] Thanks.

Okay. Note to self:
Do not step in holes.

Seriously, let us handle this.
You'll be safer in the back.

I gotta say,
I do feel pretty safe back here.

[grunts] [all] Sprig!

Why me? Ow! Why
always me? [screams]

[ants shrieking]

All right, guys. Fight mode!

On it! On it!

Yeah, on it!

Oh, Sprig, good. You survived.

Yeah, I kicked him!

Okay, Marcy, stay close.

[blows raspberry]

Ooh! Nice.

[grunts] Marcy,
what are you doing?

[chuckles] Essence
of Heron's bane.

Just what the doctor ordered.


Steady, steady. [screaming]


Guys, this way! [grunts]

Come on!

Insta vines! Bred 'em myself.

[Polly] Uh, guys?

A little help here.

Whoopsies! [all
gasp] Not the baby!




See? That could've
been on purpose.

It was an honest mistake, Sprig.

Marcy! Oh, sorry, sorry.

But it all turned out okay,

Anyway, isn't vegetation in
Amphibia just the coolest?

You think vegetables are cool?

how'd you like to be adopted?

Hmm. Dude, seriously, chill.

[Hop Pop] Oh, yeah,
I got lots of vegetables back home.

Wait. Shh! Get down!

[growls] It's the queen.

[spits, roars]


at least she's a good mother.

Here's the plan. We're going to
have to plant these around the room.

That way she gets a nose full. They're set
to go off in five minutes, so move quickly.

Also, the queen is nearly blind,
but hears really well.

So be very, very quiet.

[all grunt]

[crackling] [gasps]

Huh? [grunts]

[queen growling]


Anne, what are you doing?

Um, saving you from a giant
rock that was about to crush you?

Well, you didn't have to.

I was about to get out of the way,

you weren't. I have to protect you.

Like I always do.
Just like back home.

But we're not back home, Anne.

And I've been doing
just fine by myself.

Yeah, but, but...



You gotta be kidding me.





Sprig! Sprig!

He's still alive! These bugs take
a while to digest their food. Look!



I can still save him.

No! I'll do it. You
just... stay here.

only I've studied barbari ant biology.

It has to be me.

No, it doesn't! I can handle it.

Ugh! Why won't
you just let me go?

Because I just got you back,

And I don't... [sniffs]

I don't wanna lose you again.

You won't. I promise.


Okay... go. You got this.

See you on the other side.

[ants shrieking]

Who knew these
ants were so bouncy?

I did, 'cause I studied them.

I can't watch.

Dibs on the crossbow.

Come on... Come on...

[Marcy punching, grunting]


[whispers] Trustworthy.

Whoo hoo!

[all cheering] She did it!

[Marcy screams] [screaming] Oh,

I gotcha! I gotcha!

[all grunt]



Uh, not looking forward to
being torn apart right now!

Marcy, any ideas?

Three, two, one... [clucks]

[ants shrieking]



[all coughing]

Huh, you know what? It
actually smells kinda nice.

I mean, it will liquefy your lungs
if you breathe too much of it, so...

Well, time to go!

Hey. Thanks for having my back.

Not that you needed it. You're
right. You really have changed.

[both] Uh, you're on fire again.


Oh, come on!

There wasn't even
any fire this time!

[Marcy grunts] Mission success!

Hey, uh, Marcy?

Sorry for all the
suspicion earlier.

I was wrong about you.
You're no backstabber.

Hey, I'm just glad you're okay.

It's obvious you
mean a lot to Anne.


Nyeh! Dang it, Sprig!


Oh, ha ha.

[bell tolling]

[musical fanfare plays]

Now, come on.

Who's ready to go to Newtopia?

And write up a detailed report!

Yeah! Yeah!

[Sprig] Wait,
what? [Polly] A report? Boo!

Wow. Marcy hasn't just changed,
she's flourished.

I've never seen her so happy.

Always impressive what
people are capable of, isn't it?


A little help, please?

[all] Whoa!

[Anne] Whoa, look at this place!

[Hop Pop] Mighty impressive.

[gasps] I want to
touch everything!

This is like a city, city.

Huh? What's going on?

I didn't do it!

[clears throat]

Well met, Lady Olivia.

The king sends his greetings,

He trusts you have succeeded?

[imitates trumpet fanfare]

Ah, still fresh,
I see. Excellent work.

As expected of the great
Marcy Wu. [snaps fingers]

Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.

I see you have... company.

Lady Olivia... [squeals]

Meet Anne,
one of the friends I was telling you about.

Turns out she got
transported to Frog Valley.

Uh huh. A little town
called Wartwood.

It's a pleasure to meet you,

You too, dude!

Oh, uh, I mean... milady.

Hmm, hmm, hmm. Oh, oh...

And these are the Plantars.

Hey there! 'Sup.

Hello. We can bow
too. Your Highness.

[Polly and Sprig grunt] Oh!

[guard snickers]

Yes, well, uh...

Welcome to Newtopia,
Plantars and Anne.

This is an old city,
but one rich in history and splendor.

Please don't touch
anything that looks important.

Hey, look what I did! [grunts]

I'm okay! Statue's broken.

Do enjoy your stay.

She seems friendly... ish.

are you like a big deal here or something?

Let's just say I have a perfect
record when it comes to missions.

Okay. So, Marcy,
I've got a couple of questions.

How'd you get so smart? What's your
coat made out of? What's in this pouch?

Where'd you get
that wrist thing?

[whispers] What was
Anne like back home?

[clears throat] Kids,
will you help me get the fwagon unloaded?

Let's give Anne and
Marcy some space.

[groans] Fine.
[groans] Buzzkill.

So, you haven't found a way home either,


You know, it's funny.

I've been hoping to
find you for so long,

but now that I
actually found you,

I have no idea what to do next.

[chuckles] I know what you mean.

First things first though.
We have to find Sasha.

Oh! Actually, I did find Sasha.

We, uh... we had a fight.

No... Was it bad?


There were maybe some swords,
minor explosions.

I don't know where she is now. [sighs]

even if we find a way home,

it's pointless without Sasha. So,
what now?

I don't know. Back home,
Sasha always decided the plan.

[chuckles] Yeah. Maybe it's time we
started making our own decisions, huh?

Yeah! I mean,
it's worked out for us so far, right?

Come on, stand up!

Uh... okay.

Come on,
Anne. Let me see that power pose!

[inhales] This good?

Good enough! [clears throat]

I'm Marcy Wu!

And, uh, I'm Anne Boonchuy!

[both] And together,
we're gonna find Sasha

and find a way home!

[grunting, laughing]

Oh, my gosh. Okay, so I wanna know everything
that's happened to you since you got here.

You got any photos? Do I?

Here's me and Domino
. She tried to eat us.

Here's me and Sprig by the lake.
There was a snake that tried to eat us.

Oh, oh! Here's us running
from a giant centipede that

[Marcy] Let me guess.
Tried to eat you?

[Anne gasps] How did you know?

[bell tolling]

The pieces are
starting to fall into place.

It's time for the game to begin.